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Collapse D5236 - Every family of Egginton - [13th cent]-1927D5236 - Every family of Egginton - [13th cent]-1927
Expand 1 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Buckinghamshire1 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Buckinghamshire
Expand 2 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Cheshire2 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Cheshire
Collapse 3 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Egginton, Willington and Hilton3 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Egginton, Willington and Hilton
1 - Inspeximus and confirmation of charter of Amaurice de [G]ace granting To Ralph son of Nicholas all land in Ekingelton and Ambaston with rent from Derby descended from his mother For £100 Witnesses: Sir Stephen de Segrave, Justiciar of England, John son of Philip, Godfrey de Bec, Geoffrey de Bakepuz, Oliver de Santcheverel [Sacheverell] Witnesses to confirmation: Peter Bishop of Winchester, Stephen de Segrave, Justiciar of England, Walter de Clifford', Ralph Gernum, John son of Philip, Geoffrey Dispenser, Geoffrey de Cauz Dated by hand of venerable father Ralph bishop of Chichester Chancellor at Gloucester 5 Jan 18 Hen [III] - [1234]
2 - Copy of D5236/3/1 - [1234]
3 - Grant by Margaret de Grindon widow to Richard son of William of Egginton of part of property in Egginton - [?mid 13th cent]
4 - Lease by Margery de Grindon widow to Richard son of William de Egginton Of lands in Egginton Annual rent: 3s Witnesses: Sir Hugh son of Gerald, Sir John Talbot, Sir Geoffrey de Musters, Sir Henry son of Walkelin, Sir Hugh parson of Egginton, Gilbert of Marston, Hugh his brother and others - [?mid 13th cent]
5 - Grant by Ralph son of Nicholas to Richard son of William de Eginton' of land in Eginton' Annual rent: 6s silver - [c1250-1270]
6 - Quitclaim by Adam son of Robert son of Walklin of Eginton' to Richard his brother chaplain concerning property which Robert had in Eginton' - [c1250-1300]
7 - Lease by Richard son of Humphrey de Egginton to Herbert rector of moiety of Egginton church of land in Egginton - [?1250-1300]
8 - Grant by Thomas [Schyvels] chaplain, John de Duffield of Tutbury junior and [ ] Wade to Alured [Ailred] de Lathbury knight and Ada his wife of all property in Egginton held by feoffment of Alured - [30 Oct 1290]
9 - Quitclaim by Ralph son of Hugh de Gurney of Willington to Sir Robert de Stafford and Gundred his wife of land in Egyntoneholm and Ryeflat - [22 Feb 1297]
10 - Grant by William son of Ermintrude de Egginton to Stephen le Couper of Egginton Of land in Egginton Witnesses: William le Serjaunt, Robert de Morley, John Dawkyn, Robert Ferebrass [Firebrace], Nicholas son of ` .Monday in feast of St Dunstan [19 May] - 1298
11 - Grant by William son of Richard le Sergant of Egginton to Thomas Butcher and Ermintrude his wife living in Egginton of lands in Egginton - [?13th cent]
12 - Quitclaim by Margerie widow of John le Channdeis [Chandos] to Richard son of William of Egginton for property at ? Lappiggohaly in town of Egginton Witnesses: Thomas le Curzon, Hugh le Peynell Fulke (Fulchei) de Ireton knight, Nicholas de Findern, Robert Ferebraz [Firebrace], Gilbert de Mershton; William de Rolinston'clerk, Henry de Willington', Robert son of Wakelin of Egginton, Robert de Cestresyre, William son of Walkelin of Egginton, Nicholas son of [--] and others - [?late 13th cent]
13 - Confimation of gift by John de Chaundoys [Chandos] , with the consent of his wife Margery, to Richard, son of William de Egginton, of all the land of Sappinggehaly and a meadow in Egginton and eleven selions of land [further described with names of former occupiers], all of which was given by his father, John de Chaundoys [Chandos], to Richard [names of witnesses given] - [late 13th cent]
14 - Gift by William son of Richard le Sergaunt to Thomas the Butcher ("carnifici") and Ermentrewe his wife, all of Eginton, of one rood at le Syke in the meadow of Eginton and a selion of arable land in Hachsforthe Halwe in Eginton [witnesses named] - [late 13th cent]
15 - Agreement between Ralph de Lathbury Lord of Egginton and William Byrd and Isolda his wife of Willington that Ralph has leased to William and Isolda 3 rods of meadow in Willington meadow called le Weere - [?early 14th cent]
16 - Grant by Avicia [Avis] daughter of William Wakelin living in Egginton as a widow to Elias Carnificus [Butcher] living in same of lands in Egginton - [?early 14th cent]
17 - Quitclaim by Ralph Pippard, knight, to the Abbot and Convent of Burton on Trent, of a weir ("gurgitem") attached to his land of Egginton next to the bank of Donne, and also an easement of his land next to the Weir [further described], in consideration of 11 marks, dated at Derby 14 April 29 Edw I [1301] - 1301
18 - Grant by Walter de Streton' to John his eldest son and heir of land in Eginton' - [14 Nov] 1301
19 - Lease for 25 years by Thomas Butcher of Egginton to Ralph de Lathbury Of lands in Egginton with licence to Ralph to cut down trees to repair houses and to hand over plot in good condition to William son of Richard de Egginton Annual rent: ½d payable to William son of Richard de Egginton Witnesses: Robert Ferebres [Firebrace], Ralph de Turnei, William Pannier, Stephen of the Churchyard, Nicholas son of Alexander, Robert Cartwright, John the clerk and others Dated at Egginton Tuesday in feast of St Nicholas 35 Edw I [6 Dec] - [1306]
20 - Grant by John de Chaundos knight to Ralph de Lathebury and Margaret his wife of land [in Egyntone] - [12 Jan 1307]
21 - Grant by Robert de Touk knight to Ralph de Lathbury and Margery his wife Of lands in Egginton Witnesses: Sir John de Chaundos [Chandos], Sir Guy de Meynell,, Sir Ralph de Rolleston, knights, Henry le Borgoilo', William Morel, Robert Ferbraz [Firebrace], William de Longeey clerk and others Dated at Egginton,' Tuesday before feast of Saints Fabian and Sebastian 35 Edw I 17 Jan] - [1307]
22 - Gift from William, son of Richard le Serjaunt of Egginton, to Robert, son of Roger de Egginton, chaplain, of 1 acre 1½ roods of meadow in Marston, (3 roods lying in Lytelmedewe, 2½ roods in Mickelmedewe), for the annual rent of 2¼d, dated at Egginton Tuesday after the Feast of St Martin the Bishop 4 Edw II [17 Nov 1310] - 1310
23 - Final concord between Thomas de Rolleston And William son of William de Egginton Concerning property in Egginton which Matilda formerly wife of William of Egginton'had in dower to revert to William on Matilda's death Fine: £20 silver Dated quindene of St Hilary 8 Edw and month after Easter 10 Edw son of king Edw [Edw 11] - [1315-1317]
24 - Grant by Ermentrude widow of Thomas le flesshewere [Butcher] of Egginton to Sir Robert her firstborn son and Sir William her son, chaplain[s] Of one messuage with buildings and land in town of Egginton Witnesses; Thomas de Rolston, Robert de Lathbury, Sir John Rowe, Sir John Couper, Nicholas le [--], John son of Robert and others Dated at Egginton Sunday next after feast of the purification of the Blessed Mary II Edw III [5 Feb] - [1318]
25 - Lease by Thomas Cocus [Cook] of Eginton to Robert his eldest son Of property in town of Eginton Witnesses: William le Sergant, William le Compter, John le Roch, Robert Caytewayte, Nicholas le Sergant, John Clerk and others Dated at Eginton' Friday before the Feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist [before 24 Jun] - [?1328]
26 - Indenture of lease by Thomas de Rolleston and William Phelip chaplain Of moiety of property held by Maldis le [Serv--] of Egginton Annual rent: 2½ marks and 2d [33s 6d]; also paying annually 3s to Robert de Lathbury 12d to Sir Edwward le Channdes [Chandos], 2s 6d to John de Tymmor Dated at Egginton Monday in Eve of St Michael the Archangel [24 Sep] - 1336
27 - Agreement between Thomas de Rolleston and John Carpenter, relating to the lease of half of a messuage and land formerly held by Matilda le Serjant de Egginton in the vill of Egginton, saving one messuage and half an acre of land to William Cartwright, to be held for life at the annual rent of two and a half marks to John [and rents to other people], with clauses, made at Egginton on Monday the morrow of St Michael the Archangel [30 Sep] 1336 - 1336
28 - Grant by Elizabeth daughter of Thomas de Rolleston To Agnes her sister Of all property at Lapponghalug' in Egginton given by her father Thomas de Rolleston Witnesses: Robert de Lathbury, John de Tymworth, Robert de Findern, Laurence de Rolleston, William de Packington', John de Woodrow chaplain of Egginton Dated at Egginton Sunday in feast of St Edmund the Confessor 11 Edw III [16 Nov] - [1337]
29 - Lease by Thomas de Rolleston to John son of John le [ ] of Egginton Of moiety of lands and meadow of Lappynhalugh in town of Egginton Witnesses: Robert de Lathbury, John de Tymworth, William de Packington and others Dated at Egginton Friday next after feast of St Katherine the virgin 11 Edw III [28 Nov] - [1337]
30 - Grant by Thomas de Rolleston To Elizabeth his daughter Of all land in Lapponghalugh' in Egginton received from William son of William of Egginton by recognisance from king's court Witnesses: Robert de Lathbury, John de Tymworth', Robert de Findern' Laurence de Rolleston, William de Packington' Dated at Egginton Thursday after feast of St Martin in winter 20 Edw III [16 Nov] - [1346]
31 - Deed of return by William Phillop chaplain to Sir Thomas de Rolleston Of land in Lappynghalugh' leased for life from Sir Thomas - [?mid 14th cent]
32 - Lease for life by John son of Thomas de Rolleston to Richard de Mackley rector of moiety of church of Egginton of property in Egginton Annual rent: 13s 4d Witness: John de Tymmor, Robert de Lathbury, John Beron, Hugh Roundel of Marston, William Cartwright and others Dated at Egginton Sunday next after Feast of the Annunciation of Blessed Virgin Mary 24 Edw III [28 Mar] - [1350]
33 - Indenture between (i) Richard de Tutbury, Richard de Cheadle and William Andrew, and (ii) William Tutbury of Derby, concerning lands and tenements in Egginton, whereby, if William Tutbury should die, the first party will enfeoff those lands to Emma, widow of Thomas de Tutbury, and after her death, to Thomas de Tutbury and Robert le Spicer of Newark, etc., dated at Derby Saturday on the Feast of St Bartholomew 33 Edw III [24 Aug 1359] - 1359
34 - Letter of attorney of William Tutbury of Derby, appointing Thomas de Tutbury and William de Brailsford to deliver seisin to Richard de Tutbury, Richard de Cheadle and William Andrew of all his lands and tenements in Egginton, dated at Derby Saturday on the Feast of St Bartholomew 33 Edw III [24 Aug 1359] - 1359
35 - Three deeds tied together - 1359-1360
35(i) - Gift by Theobald Trussell, knight, to William Tutteb'y of Derby, of all lands, tenements, rents and services, with fisheries in the vill of Egynton, dated at Egynton Friday in the week of Pentecost 33 Edw III [14 Jun 1359] [in Latin] - 1359
35(ii) - Gift by William de Tutbury of Derby to Richard de Rolleston, of all lands, tenements, rents and services with fisheries in the vill of Egginton, dated at Egginton Saturday after the Feast of St Vincent the Martyr 34 Edw III [29 Jan 1360] - 1360
35(iii) - Letter of attorney of Theobald Trussell, knight, appointing Thomas de Tutbury to deliver seisin to William de Tutbury of Derby, of all lands and tenements in the vill of Egginton, dated at Flore Wednesday before the Feast of Pentecost 33 Edw III [5 Jun 1359] - 1359
36 - Quitclaim from Richard de Tutbury, Richard de Cheadle and William Andrew, chaplains, to Richard de Rolleston, in all land, tenements, rents and services, with fisheries, lately of William de Tutbury in the vill of Egfinton, dated at Tutbury Wednesday after the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul 35 Edw III [27 Jan 1361] - 1361
37 - Grant by William Tutbury of Derby to Richard of Tutbury, Richard of Cheadle, William Andrew, chaplains of all property and fishing rights in town of Egginton - [24 Aug 1359]
38 - Lease by John de Rolleston to William son of Nicholas de Eginton of land in Eginton for an annual rent of 10s - [5 Aug 1368]
39 - Grant by William le Cowper of Egynton' to Henry Row of Egynton' and Thomas Morell' of Scropton, chaplains of property in Egynton' which came to him as inheritance after death of Stephen le Cowper his father - 20 Sep [1369]
40 - Confirmation by William Cade, Thomas de Neuton' and Robert Howen chaplains to Richard son of John de Rolleston of all property in Egynton - [26 Dec 1369]
41 - Grant by William Cade, Thomas Chandos of Neuton', Robert de Howen chaplain to Richard son of John of Rolleston of all property in Egynton' held for life by John son of Robert the chaplain, John Halle, Walter le Potter, William Couper and others by deed of John de Rolleston; after Richard's death to his brother Nicholas - [1 Jan 1370]
42 - Gift by Henry Row of Egynton and Thomas Morrell of Scropton, chaplains, to William le Cowper of Egynton and Matilda his wife, of a piece of land, with buildings and curtilages, and 3 acres of land in le Overholme and the Ryefeld, all in Egynton [further described], dated at Egynton Thursday before the Feast of St John before the Latin Gate 44 Edw III - [3 May 1370]
43 - Final concord between Lord Alured [Ailred] de Solney, knight Thomas de Willington, draper and Joan his wife and John their son Of land in Willington Witnesses: John Fowcher, John Fraunceys of Ticknall, William de Milton, John de Bollowe, Hugh Skynner and others Dated at Willington [Sunday] next after feast of the Purification of Blessed Mary 47 Edw III [7 Feb] - [1373]
44 - Grant by Thomas Skyl rector of Stonistaunton' to Sir Simon de Melburon' and John Halswayne rector of Flatteber'of land in Eginton' given by Robert of Staunton' - [22 Mar 1380]
45 - Grant by Simon de Melburn' parson of Ceston' to Thomas Skyl parson of Stonystaunton' of 20s annual rent in Egynton' and Wylynton' to be paid by Richard de Rolleston' - [22 Jan 1382]
46 - Appointment by Richard de Rolleston' of Henry Hicheson' of Egynton' as attorney to deliver seisin to Robert Poule parson of Swerkeston' and Robert de Walton' chaplain Of all property in Egynton' given by William de Tutbury Dated at Swerkeston 8 Apr 15 Ric II - [1392]
47 - Indenture of lease by Robert Gravener knight and Lady Joan his wife, Lord Alured [Ailred] de Lathbury knight, Peter de Pole del Newark, Richard de Rolleston of Swarkestone,to John del Mulnes junior of Egginton of water mill and land at Egginton - [27 Sep 1394]
48 - Grant by Aluered de Lathbury knight to Thomas Schyngle chaplain, John de Duffeld of Tutebury junior and Thomas Wade Of manor of Egynton and 100s rent from Egynton given by Ermentrude his mother - [28 Sep 1394]
49 - Grant by William atte [Slow] and John de Pykenhill to Robert Fraunceys knight and Isabella his wife of 20s annual rent in Egynton and Wylynton payable by Richard de Rolleston' for one messuage and one virgate of land which Richard holds for life; reversion of property on Richard's death - [4 Nov 1394]
50 - Grant by Robert Poule parson of Swarkestone and Robert de Walton chaplain to Richard de Rolleston of Swarkestone of all property, including fishing rights, in Egginton which they have by gift of Richard, for Richard's life, then to William Richard's son; in default to Matilda Richard's wife to support her and her daughters, and after her death to Margery, Agnes, Katherine and Joan for their lives - [2 Jul 1396]
51 - Grant by Robert Poule parson of Swarkestone and Robert of Walton chaplain to Richard de Rolleston of Swarkestone of all property including fish ponds in farm and fields of Egginton' which they held by Richard's feoffment for his life, then to son William; in default of heirs, to Matilda, Richard's wife and their daughters Margery, Agnes, Katherine and Joan - [2 Jul 1396]
52 - Quitclaim by Robert Poule parson of Swerston and Robert de Walton chaplain to William son of Richard de Rolleston of Swerston of all property in Egginton given by Richard Rolleston - [21 Jun 1403]
53 - Indenture confirming lease for 17 years by Thomas Gresley knight, John Curzon of Kedleston to Alured [Ailred]of Lathbury knight Of manor of Egginton given by John de Stanton Annual rent: 8 marks for first 2 years, then 5 marks for 3 years, then 6 marks With manor of Newton Solney also at risk of distraint if rent not paid Dated Thursday after feast of Exaltation of Holy Cross 5 Hen IV[18 Sep] - [1404]
54 - Indenture between John Daubriggecourt, knight, and William de Rolleston of Swerkeston, son of Richard de Rolleston of Swerkeston, whereby, although the said William will have enfeoffed the said John, John de Brynnesley, clerk, and Robert Daubriggecourt in all lands, tenements, rents and services in the vill and fields of Egynton, John concedes that, if William pays 50 marks within 10 years, the said John and Robert will enfeoff the estate back to William, made the morrow of St Nicholas the Bishop 12 Hen IV [7 Dec] - 1410
55 - Appointment by Robert Poule parson of Colwich (lately parson of Swarkeston)e and Robert of Walton, chaplain of John Mylner of Swarkestone and John Warde of Elvaston as attorneys to receive and deliver seisin for property in Egginton(from Richard Rolleston of Swarkestone) to John Danbriggecourt ,knight, John de Brinsley and Robert Danbriggecourt - 12 Apr [1411]
56 - Quitclaim from William de Rolleston, son and heir of Richard de Rolleston of Swerkeston, to John Danbriggecourt, knight, John de Brinnesly, clerk, and Robert Danbriggecourt the elder, of all lands, tenements, rents, etc, which belonged to his grandfather, Richard de Rolleston, in Egginton, which had been given to the said John, John and Robert by Robert Poule, parson of the church of Colwyk', lately parson of the church of Swerkeston, and Robert de Walton, chaplain, 20 Apr 12 Hen IV [1411]
57 - Grant by William de Rolleston of Swerkeston' son of Richard de Rolleston of Swerkeston' to John Danbriggecourt knight, John de Brynnesley clerk, Robert Danbriggecourt senior Of all property in of Egynton' given by Richard de Rolleston his father - [6 Dec 1412]
58 - Appointment by Robert Fraunceys knight and Isabel his wife of Richard Broun of Repton as attorney to deliver seisin in all property Robert had by gift of William AtteoSlow and John de Ticknall in Egginton To Alan Dawson of Repton Dated at EggintonThursday after Easter 4 Hen V [23 Mar] - [1416]
59 - Grant by Robert Fraunceys knight and Isabel his wife to Alan Dawson of Repton of all property in Egginton given by William Attoslow and John de Ticknall - [23 Apr 1416]
60 - Grant by John de Brynnesley, rector of Hoggesthorpe to Henry de Bothe of Norbury esquire, John de Bradley vicar of Duffeld, Thomas Rypley vicar of St Michael Derby, Robert Smalley of Alwaston, Of all property (held by feoffment of Robert Poule parson of Colwyk, lately parson of Swerkeston' and Robert de Walton chaplain) in town of Egynton' Witnesses: John de Fynderne, John Lathbury, John de Bonyngton', Thomas de Makworth', Nicholas de Scheyl esquire and others Dated at Egynton' 10 Nov 5 Hen V - [1417]
61 - Grant by Henry de Bothe of Norbury esquire, John de Bradley vicar of Dufifeld, Thomas Ripley vicar of Derby St Michael and Robert Smalley of Alwaston[?Elvaston/Alvaston] to Henry de Kniveton esquire, John Lathbery esquire, John de Irteon'esquire, Thomas de Bradschaw esquire and William Harrison'parson of Colwich of all property in Egginton given by John de Brinsley parson of Hogsthorpe - [28 Oct 1420]
62 - Appointment by John Lathbury of Egginton of William Lathbury of Newton Solney as attorney to deliver seisin to John Bradbourne esquire, Peter de Pole, Henry de Bothe of Findern, Henry Wychard and John Columbell of Darley in all property in Newton Solney, Heathhouses and Woodhouses and fishing in Trent in Newton Solney which he held together, with his wife Elizabeth now deceased, by final concord from Alured [Ailred] Lathbury and Ala, John's parents, dated 6 Hen, grandfather of present king [Hen IV] [1404-1405] - [16 Aug 1423]
63 - Grant by Henry Robynetsun of Egynton' and Alice his wife to Roger de Harley of Egynton' and Margaret his wife of reversion of property in Egynton - [14 Feb 1428]
64 - Grant by Henry Kniveton esquire, John Ireton, Thomas de Bradshaw and William Henreson rector of Colwich to John son of Henry Bothe of all property in Egginton given by Henry Bothe, John Fradley vicar of Duffeld, Thomas Ripley late vicar of Derby St Michael and Robert Smalley, which they held by gift of John de Brinsley late parson of Hogsthorpe - 2 Mar [1428]
65 - Four deeds tied together: - [1429-1461]
65(i) - Appointment of John Hareson' of Hilton as attorney [1449] By Alice daughter of John Fraunceys esquire and wife of Henry son and heir of John Rolleston' esquire To receive seisin in land in Hilton Dated at Hilton' 6 Mar 27 Hen VI - [1449]
65(ii) - Grant by John Bothe son and heir of Henry Bothe to William Vernon esquire, John Lawe clerk, John Spycer, Richard Bron of annual rent of 6 marks from property in Egynton' - 10 May [1429]
65(iii) - Grant by William Vernon' knight to John son of Henry Bothe, William son and heir of the said John Bothe, Henry son and heir of the said William of rents granted in deed above - [7 Jul 1461]
65(iv) - Lease for lives by John Bothe of Derby, Geoffrey de Hulme, Thomas Colcheth' and Richard Culcheth' to Cecilia le Gaunt and Elena her daughter of all property in Egynton' given by John son of Henry Bothe - 12 Sep [1430]
66 - Quitclaim by John Rolleston' to John son of Henry Bothe of all property in Egynton' - 15 Apr [1430]
67 - Grant by Richard Bernard rector of Mackworth and John Lawe clerk to John Lathbury and Elizabeth his wife of manor of Egginton and property there (by feoffment of John Lathbury) for lives of John and Elizabeth, then heirs - 12 Sep [1430]
68 - Quitclaim by Alice Webster of Egynton, widow, to Roger Harley of Egynton and Margaret his wife, of all lands and tenements in the vill and fields of Egynton which Roger had from the gift of Henry, son of Robert de Egynton, lately her husband, dated at Egynton on the Feast of St Augustine of the English 9 Hen VI [26 May 1431] - 1431
69 - Letter of attorney of Nicholas Fitzherbert of Northbury, John Lathbury of Egginton, John Rolleston of Swarkestone and John Saucheverell [Sacheverell] of Aston, esquires, appointing John Wandell and John Clerk, both of Egginton, to receive seisin of Semereplace in the manor of Egginton, and 2 acres of land in Hilton called Semereacres with a parcel of meadow called Wademedowe in Hilton, once the property of Richard de Rolleston, dated at Egginton 4 Feb 14 Hen VI [1436] - 1436
70 - Appointment by Henry Bothe of Arleston esquire and John his eldest son of John Touk and John Clerke as attorneys to deliver to Nicholas Fitzherbert of Norbury, John Lathbury of Egginton, John Rolleston of Swarkestone, John Saucheverell [Sacheverell] of Aston esquire full seisin of the manor of Egginton called Semereplace - 4 Feb [1436]
71 - Grant by Henry de Bothe of Arleston,esquire and John his firstborn son to Nicholas Fitzherbert of Norbury, John Lathbury of Egginton, John Rolleston of Swarkestone, John Saucheverell [Sacheverell]of Aston, esquires of manor and demesne of Eggenton called Semerplace, land in Hilton - 4 Feb [1436]
72 - Quitclaim by John Bishop of Bath and Wells and Chancellor of England to Robert Temple and John Botiller concerning manor of Egynton' - 15 Mar [1439]
73 - Grant by Henry Bradbourne yeoman and William Lathbury to John Lathbury junior and Katherine daughter of Isabel Shatton Of property in Egginton; 6s annual rent from certain lands and tenements which William Rolston holds in Egginton; 5s annual rent from certain lands and tenements which Henry del Gothe holds there; 1 plot of land next to Hatton called Heth Houses Dated 16 Apr 17 Hen VI - [1439]
74 - Quitclaim by Robert Lathbury younger son of Aluered Lathbury knight to John Lathbury, son of John Lathbury his nephew concerning all property in Egynton and Hethhouses given by Henry Bradbury esquire and William Lathbury - 11 Jun [1439]
75 - Indenture of grant by Nicholas Fitzherbert of Norbury, John Lathbury of Egginton, John Rolleston of Swarkestone and John Saucheverell [Sacheverell] of Aston esquire to Henry Bothe esquire of the manor of Egginton called Semerplace and lands for Henry's life, then to his illegitimate son and his male heirs; if none, then to Henry eldest son of John Rolleston and others - 4 May [1446]
76 - Letter of attorney of Nicholas Fitzherbert of Norbury, John Lathbury of Egginton, John Rolleston of Swarkestone and John Saucheverell [Sacheverell] of Aston, appointing William Hill of Egginton and Robert Sharp of Stayneston [Stenson] to deliver seisin to Henry Bothe, esquire, his bastard son Henry, Henry the first born son of the said John Rolleston, Ralph Fitzherbert, William the first born son of Walter Blount, esquire, and Henry the son of Thomas Bothe, knight, of the place called Semerplace in the manor of Egginton, 2 acres of land in Hilton called Semeracres, and a parcel of meadow called Wademedowe in Hilton. Dated at Egginton 4 May 24 Hen VI [1446] - 1446
77 - Grant by Ralph de la Pole to John Lathbury esquire of land in Egginton' in le Mylneholme which John currently leases at will at annual rent of 2 shillings - [16 Apr 1447]
78 - Grant by Henry Rolleston son and heir apparent of John Rolleston'of Swarkestone esquire to James Earl of Wiltshire knight, John Talbot son and heir apparent of Earl of Shropshire knight, John [Vonmude], Henry Fillongley, Henry Kniveton, Robert Kniveton esquires, William Morten and John Foster of Ashby la Zouch of manor and demesne of Egginton called Semerplace; land in Hilton called Semeracres - 13 Jun [1453]
79 - Letter of attorney of Thomas Culcheth, appointing Henry Punt to deliver seisin to Ralph Pole, a justice of the King, Walter Blount, esquire, Nicholas Fitzherbert, esquire, Nicholas Findern, esquire, Henry de la Pole and Ralph Fitzherbert, of all lands and tenements which he held with John Bothe of Derby, Geoffrey de Hulme and Nicholas Culcheth from the gift of John son of Henry Bothe in Egginton, 1 Sep 32 Hen VI [1453] - 1453
80 - Gift by Margaret de Harley of Egynton to John Rogerson, of a messuage and 3 roods of arable land in Egynton, dated at Egynton Monday before the Feast of St James the Apostle 32 Hen VI [22 Jul] - [1454]
81 - Grant by John Bothe of Erleston' esquire son and heir of Henry Bothe to Henry Rolleston' son of John Rolleston' of Swerkeston' of property in Egynton' called Semerplace with all property which once belonged to Richard Rolleston in Egynton' and Hulton' - 16 Aug [1465]
82 - Gift from Henry Rolleston, son and heir of John Rolleston of Swarkestone, esquire, to Thomas Statham, knight, Henry Vernon, John Curzon, John Bothe, Ralph Saucheverell [Sacheverell], Henry Statham, esquire, Robert Staunton, Nicholas Statham, Thomas Fraunceys, John Bradshawe, William Morten, Thomas Broadhurst of the church of Morley, John Foster and Richard Rolleston, of a messuage in Egginton called Semerplace and all other messuages, lands, etc, which were of the gift of John Bothe, son of Henry Both - 24 Jun [1468]
83 - Quitclaim Nicholas Agard of Newborough (Staffordshire) esquire To William Monnyng [Munning] clerk, William Boylestone, John Agard, Ralph Agard, William Bothe, Henry Bothe, Thomas Rolleston of Rolleston, Roger Rolleston of Swarkestone, Thomas Wherneby, Henry Sheparde, Edmund Wetton Of property in Egginton and Marston Dated in Feast of St Bartholomew the apostle 18 Hen VII [24 Aug] - [1502]
84 - Bond in £40 by Edmund Nevell' of Kyllyngton (Yorkshire) esquire and Thomas Orme of Norton (Leicestershire) yomon to Robert Lee esquire To perform covenants in lease of manor place of Egynton - [29 Sep 1523]
85 - Final concord between Thomas Thorpe, querent, and John Hutchynson and Elizabeth his wife, deforciants, of a messuage, cottage, toft, 2 gardens, an orchard, 4 acres of land, an acre of pasture and 6 acres of turbary in Egginton, in consideration of £40, Octave of Hilary 1 Phi & 2 Mary [20 Jan 1554] - 1554
86 - Grant by John Hutchynson of Buney (Nottinghamshire) husbandman and Elizabeth his wife to Thomas Thorpe of all property in Egynton - 15 Sep [1554]
87 - Quitclaim by Thomas Thorpe de Bonney (Bunny,Nottinghamshire) "husbondman" to Thomas Knyveton de Lambley (Nottinghamshire) esquire for property in Egginton Dated 26 Mar 2 and 3 Philip and Mary - [1556]
88 - Bond in £30 by Thomas Kniveton of Lambley (Nottinghamshire) esquire and Thomas Thorpe of [? er-ey] (Nottinghamshire) husbandman to Thomas Leigh esquire for allowing quiet possession of property in Egginton lately held by Robert Martyn and Thomas Knyght [Mentions Thorpe's son Thomas by Alice his wife, daughter of Robert and Johane Plinner] Date 20 Oct 3 & 4 Philip & Mary
89 - Grant by Thomas Knyveton of Lambley (Nottinghamshire) esquire and Thomas Thorpe of Bunny (Nottinghamshire) husbandman to Thomas Leigh(e) Of property in Egginton Dated 21 Oct 3 & 4 Philip & Mary - [1556]
90 - Bargain and sale from John Rolleston of Swerston [Swarkestone], esq., to Richard Harpur of Chester, esq., of all his messuages, cottages, lands, etc, in Egginton in consideration of 100 marks, 21 Mar 4 & 5 Phil & Mary [1558] - [1558]
91 - Appointment by Richard Harpur of Chester esquire Of Simon Starky as attorney to take seisin from John Rolleston of Swarkestone, esquire Of all property in Egginton Dated 21 Mar Philip and Mary 4 & 5 - [1558]
92 - Gift of land and property in Egginton, for £100, John Rolleston of Swerstone [Swarkestone], Esq, to Rychard Harpur of Chester, Esq 29 Mar - 1558
93 - Lease for life of a messuage and land in the town and fields of Egginton (now in the occupation of Agnes Mylward), Thomas Babington of Cesyngton (Leicestershire), gentleman, and Elenor his wife, to Thomas Cotton of Burnasten (Burnaston), yeoman 20 May - 1562
94 - Final concord between Thomas Leigh esquire and Thomas Babington esquire and Elianor his wife concerning manor of Egginton in le Heath, 20s rents - [1565]
95 - Common recovery by Ralph Leigh gentleman and Simon Starky gentleman against Thomas Leigh esquire concerning manor of Egginton in le heathe, 20s rent in Egginton in le Heathe and Marston - 4 Jun [1565]
96 - Lease from Thomas Legh of Egginton, esq, to his servant William Tomlynson of Egginton, yeoman, in consideration of good service, of a messuage with all houses, lands, etc in Egginton, for the term of 21 years at the annual rent of 24s 6d, 21 Oct 11 Eli I [1569] - 1569
97 - Lease for 33 years by William Rolleston of Rolleston (Staffordshire) esquire to Robert Slighe of Egginton yeoman of messuage in Egginton Annual rent: 21s Dated 20 Sep 14 Eliz I - 1572
98 - Lease for 25 years by Thomas Leighe of Egginton esquire To Raffe Johnson of Egginton yoman Of rectory and lands including tithes in Egginton formerly belonging to monastery of Dale Annual rent: £5 5s 8d Dated 4 Aug 29 Eliz I - [1587]
99 - Lease by Henry Leighe of Egginton, esquire, to William Cantrell of Egginton, carpenter, of a messuage and tenements in Egginton, with parcels of land lying in Potlocke Holme, Hoppinge Hallowe, the Slade, the Heathe Flatt, Brimsell Field, Gladwyns Croft, the Myll Field, the Hall Slages, Fur Ballaunce, and the Bond Meadow in the lordship of Egginton, for the term of 21 years at the annual rent of 10s, 30 Jun 40 Eli I [1598] - 1598
100 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage and lands in Egginton, Henrie Leighe of Egginton, Esq, to Raphe Wilson of Egginton, husbandman 30 Jun - 1598
101 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage and lands in Egginton, Henrie Leighe of Egginton, Esq, to William Tomlinson of Egginton, yeoman 30 Jun - 1598
102 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage and land in Egginton, Henrie Leighe of Egginton, Esq, to William Cantrell of Egginton, carpenter 30 Jun - 1598
103 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage in Egginton, Henrie Leighe of Egginton to Alice Bratte of Egginton, widow 30 Jun 40 Eliz - [1598]
104 - Lease for life and a further 21 years of a messuage and land in Egginton, Henry Leigh of Egginton, Esq, to Symon Presse of Egginton, clerk 1 Nov - 1599
105 - Lease for lives of a messuage and gardens in Egginton, Sir Henrye Leighe of Egginton and Dame Katherin his wife to their servants Thomas Parker and Jane Myles alias Wyddoeson 8 Oct - 1606
106 - Bargain and sale from Sir German Pole, knight, to Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, Walter Hastings of Kirby, Leicestershire, esq., Francis Purefoy of Grays Inn, Middlesex, esq., and Thomas Harvey of Ashby de la Zouch, gent, of 4 messuages and farms, with lands, tenements, etc, in Egginton, in consideration of £400, 8 Dec 8 Jam I [1610] Endorsed with enrolment at Chancery, 9 Dec - [1610]
107 - Lease from Sir Henry Leigh of Egginton, knight, and Dame Katherine his wife, to Thomas Cotton of Egginton, yeoman, of a messuage in Egginton, with buildings, lands, etc, for the term of 21 years after the expiry of a lease with Thomas Cotton, uncle of the said Thomas, which has less than 4 years to expire, for the annual rent of 36s, 1 Jun 12 Jam I - [1614]
108 - Lease from Sir Henry Leigh of Egginton, knight, and Dame Katherine his wife, to William Thomlinson of Egginton, yeoman, of a messuage, with all houses, buildings, lands, etc, for the term of 21 years after the end of the present lease to William Tomlinson, of which 4 years remain, at the annual rent of 24s 6d, 1 Jun 12 Jam 1 - [1614]
109 - Lease from Sir Henry Leigh of Egginton, knight, and Dame Katherine his wife, to John Wilson of Egginton, yeoman, of a messuage, with all houses, buildings, lands, etc, for the term of 21 years after the end of the present lease to Ralph Wilson, deceased, of which 4 years remain, at the annual rent of 24s 8d, 1 Jun 12 Jam I - [1614]
110 - Lease from Sir Henry Leigh of Egginton, knight, and Dame Katherine his wife, to Simon Sleigh of Egginton, yeoman, of a messuage in Egginton, with all houses, gardens, lands, etc., for the term of 21 years at the annual rent of 18s, 20 Sep 16 Jam I [1618] - [1618]
111 - Bargain and sale from Sir Henry Leigh of Egginton, knight, to Gilbert Wakelyn of Egginton, gent, of a messuage on the east side of the churchyard in Egginton, with several closes of land in Egginton containing at least 66 acres [further described], in consideration of £800, 29 Sep 3 Cha I - [1627]
112 - Lease from Sir Henry Legh of Egginton, knight, and Dame Katherine his wife, to their servants Thomas Parker and Jane his wife, in consideration of their service, of a messuage in Egginton, with all houses, buildings, lands, etc, for the term of 70 years at the annual rent of 24s 17 Mar 3 Cha I - [1628]
113 - Grant from John Leigh of the city of London, esq., and Sir Henry Leigh of Egginton, knight, to John Dormer of Coventry, esq., of an annuity or yearly rent of 20 marks [£13 6s 8d] out of the manor of Egginton and lands in Egginton and Marston, during the life of the said John Leigh, in consideration of £80 14 Jun Cha I - [1628]
114 - Lease for lives of a messuage and land in Egginton, Henrye Leighe of Egginton, knight, and Dame Katherin his wife, to Thomas Parker and Jane his wife (their servants) 17 Mar 1628/29 - [1629]
115 - Grant by Ralph son of Hugh de Gurney of Willington to Sir Robert de Stafford and Gundred his wife Of lands in Egynstoneholm and Ryeflat in Egyntone' Witnesses: William de Muschamp, Robert Ferebras [Firebrace], Nicholas de Findern,, William Pickard of Newton, William de Appleby in Repton
116 - Grant by John son of John le [Wrycht'] of Egynton' To his lord [Thomas] of Rolleston' Of all land and meadow in Lappynhalugh' which he holds by lease from the said Thomas
117 - Note of land in Lappiggehaly in Eginton'
118 - King's writ to Sheriff of Derby to command William Phelip chaplain to surrender to Edward de Chaundos [Chandos], 'chevalier '.lands in Egginton; To command John son of John le Carpenter of Egginton to surrender to Edward lands in Egginton (property claimed as inheritance by Edward and by William and John by deed of John de Chaundos, formerly husband of Margery Waukelyn, great grandmother of Edward who is her heir); William and John to be summoned before Justices at York three weeks after Easter if property not handed over Dated at Westminster 7 Mar 20 [no king given]
Expand 4 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Newton Solney and Repton4 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Newton Solney and Repton
Expand 5 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Glossop, Bowden, Hope and Chapel-en-le-Frith area5 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Glossop, Bowden, Hope and Chapel-en-le-Frith area
Expand 6 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: mixed and miscellaneous places6 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: mixed and miscellaneous places
Expand 7 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Cadeby (Leicestershire07 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Cadeby (Leicestershire0
Expand 8 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire8 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire
Expand 9 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places9 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places
Expand 10 - Family settlements, wills and inquisitions post mortem10 - Family settlements, wills and inquisitions post mortem
Expand 11 - Estate administration11 - Estate administration
Expand 12 - Manorial records12 - Manorial records
Expand 13 - Litigation over the Manor of Acton (possibly Acton near Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire)13 - Litigation over the Manor of Acton (possibly Acton near Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire)
Expand 14 - Official deeds and papers14 - Official deeds and papers
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous papers15 - Miscellaneous papers
Expand 16 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Bedfordshire16 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Bedfordshire
Expand 17 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Egginton, Hargate, Hilton and Etwall17 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Egginton, Hargate, Hilton and Etwall
Expand 18 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Newton Solney and Repton18 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Newton Solney and Repton
Expand 19 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire, mixed and miscellaneous places19 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire, mixed and miscellaneous places
Expand 20 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Dorset20 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Dorset
Expand 21 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Leicestershire21 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Leicestershire
Expand 22 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Lincolnshire22 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Lincolnshire
Expand 23 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Oxfordshire23 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Oxfordshire
Expand 24 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire24 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire
Expand 25 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places25 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places
Expand 26 - Family deeds, wills and settlements26 - Family deeds, wills and settlements
Expand 27 - Estate administration27 - Estate administration
Expand 28 - Bonds, accounts and financial papers28 - Bonds, accounts and financial papers
Expand 29 - Bonds and accounts relating to the Renison family29 - Bonds and accounts relating to the Renison family
Expand 30 - Papers relating to investigation of the Every pedigree30 - Papers relating to investigation of the Every pedigree
Expand 31 - Official deeds and papers relating to members of the Every family as Sheriffs of Derbyshire31 - Official deeds and papers relating to members of the Every family as Sheriffs of Derbyshire
Expand 32 - Correspondence and miscellaneous papers32 - Correspondence and miscellaneous papers
Expand UL - Every family of Egginton: unlisted recordsUL - Every family of Egginton: unlisted records