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Collapse D5200 - Family Papers Melbourne and Ticknall Area - 1606-1924D5200 - Family Papers Melbourne and Ticknall Area - 1606-1924
Expand 1 - Brooks family. This series is mostly concerned with the estate of Thomas Brooks of Melbourne, innkeeper (died 1843), whose daughter Selina married William Fox Banton.  See the next section for Banton family papers - 1811-18701 - Brooks family. This series is mostly concerned with the estate of Thomas Brooks of Melbourne, innkeeper (died 1843), whose daughter Selina married William Fox Banton. See the next section for Banton family papers - 1811-1870
Expand 2 - Brooks family estate accounts - 1811-18452 - Brooks family estate accounts - 1811-1845
Expand 3 - Brooks family estate correspondence - 1837-18443 - Brooks family estate correspondence - 1837-1844
Expand 4 - Brooks family personal papers - 1837-18704 - Brooks family personal papers - 1837-1870
Expand 5 - Banton family – related by marriage to the Brooks family5 - Banton family – related by marriage to the Brooks family
Expand 6 - William Fox Banton (died 1870) - 1847-18706 - William Fox Banton (died 1870) - 1847-1870
Expand 7 - Mary Banton (nee Fox) Wife of George Banton of Derby Hills - 1841-18457 - Mary Banton (nee Fox) Wife of George Banton of Derby Hills - 1841-1845
Expand 8 - Thomas Banton - 1874-18938 - Thomas Banton - 1874-1893
Expand 9 - Samuel Mills (died 1837) - 1838-18639 - Samuel Mills (died 1837) - 1838-1863
Expand 10 - Mary Mills (died 1838) - 1838-183910 - Mary Mills (died 1838) - 1838-1839
Expand 11 - Mrs Mills (died 1850) - 185111 - Mrs Mills (died 1850) - 1851
Collapse 12 - Miscellaneous papers - 1606-192412 - Miscellaneous papers - 1606-1924
1 - Quitclaim of lands at Kelmarsh in Northamptonshire, Maurice Wade of Olney, Buckinghamshire, to George Buswell of Derby(Latin) 9 Aug 4 James [1606] - 1606
2 - Bond for payment of principal and interest, John Ward of Melbourne, yeoman, to Ambrose Beaumont of Melbourne, surgeon7 Dec - 1789
3 - Rough account book for agricultural work, undated but paper watermarked 1814 - 19th cent
4 - Notice of festivities connected with the visit of Lord Palmerston to Melbourne on 28 Aug 1862 (printed) - 1862
5 - Supplement to the Derbyshire Advertiser on the occasion of the opening of the Free Public Library and Museum, Derby 28 Jun - 1879
6 - Poster advertising the Ticknall and Calke Jubilee Festival on 19 and 20 Jul 1887 (printed) - 1887
7 - Order of memorial service for Captain Albert Morton Senior of the 91st Punjabis, Indian Army, at Ticknall Parish Church on 6 Jun 1916 - 1916
8 - Order of burial service for Richard Fynderne Harpur Crewe (1880-1921) interred at Calke Abbey - 1921
9 - Order of burial service for Sir Vauncey Harpur Crewe, baronet (1846-1924), interred at Calke Abbey - 1924
10 - Lyrics to 'A Melbourne Ditty, suited for the times' (political satire), undated - 19th cent
11 - Poster advertising Benjamin Edge, grocer, tea and provision dealer, Potter Street, Melbourne - 19th cent
12 - Draft welcoming letter to the Rt Hon Earl Cowper K.G. on his succeeding to the Melbourne estate, with note in pencil 'signed by about 130 tenants' - 19th cent
13 - Account of 'book debts', unsigned and undated - 19th cent