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D518 - Stanhope family of Elvaston, Earls of Harrington - [c1270]-1962
ME - Estate Papers
MF - Family Papers
MM - Manorial Records: Sawley Manor, Derbyshire - 1575-1925
MT - Title deeds
1 - Grant by Ralph atte Brigge of Thurliston [Thulston] to Juliana his daughter, to share equally with her sister Amicia, [Amy] of a toft, and croft which Ralph bought from Robert called `Bayn', and a half bovate of land which Ralph had from Richard de Elvaston, chaplain, in Elvaston and Thulston Rent: 6 pence per annum Witnesses: Peter de Thulston, Walter his son, Robert son of Elias of Thulston; Robert de Bernetoft, Ralph de Billesdon, Walter de Tapton (all of Thulston); Walter de Elvaston, clerk, and others - [c1270]
1-211 - Elvaston, Thulston and Ambaston
2 - Grant by Robert, son of Robert de Thurliston, to William, son of Helye de Thurliston and his heirs, for 56s 2d at Easter for all secular service, and suit of court, of 2½ acres of land in (Thulston): ½ acre on le Brechis; ½ acre under Cattelowe, once part of Roger le Bernetot's land; 1 selion on Rowelowe; 1 selion headed by le Stakes; 1 rood [rod] at le greneweye; 1 rood [rod] on le Hul; 1 rood [rod] at le Stakes [abuttals given] - [c1270]
3 - Amicable settlement following plea in King's Bench between the Prior and convent of Shelford and the Abbot and convent of Parco Stanley [Dale Abbey], Henry, son of Peter de Holeton villager of [Elvaston] Robert de Hynneton, Geoffrey le Sower, Geoffrey Spigurnol, Roger le Hostiler, Andrew atte Asse, Stephen son of Burg' de Alwoldiston [Elvaston], concerning common pasture in Alwoldiston [Elvaston] belonging to 4 bovates held by Shelford. Defendants recognise pasture belonging to 2 bovates in Holme and elsewhere: Shelford quitclaims defendants for other 2 bovates of pasture 23 Apr - 1271
4A - Grant by John Fauvel de Walcote to son William, Cecily his wife, and heirs (reversion to John if they die without heirs) of 2 tofts in Elvaston held by John le Taliour and John de Newton, and 2 bovates once held by Hamund in Elvaston and Thulston, for 1 lb of cumin a year for all service save suit of John's court twice a year. Witnesses: Hubert de Frescheville of Chellaston; Hudde le Gurnay de Boulton: Henry son of Peter de Boulton, William of Thulston, Robert son of Elwes [?Heloise], Ralph of Billesdon, Ralph Atte Brigge, le Bernthoft (all of Thulston) and many others - [c1280]
4B - Gift by Richard Pong of Wilsthorpe to William Parcy of Ambaston of 2 messuages and 2 bovates in Elvaston for 4 shillings per annum Witnesses include: Edmund de Aston; Thomas son of Robert - [c1280]
5 - Perpetual grant by William Smith son of Geoffrey son of Robert de Thurliston to son William of plot of land and buildings in Thulston purchased from Richard de Rowelowe [abuttals given] for 12d silver a year. Witnesses: Thomas clerk of Thulston; Robert le Bernetofte; Roger, clerk of Thulston; Ralph de Billisdon; Thomas de Thulston in Derbyshire; Roger Dodding of Thulston; Robert, clerk, and others 28 Oct - 1283
6 - Quitclaim by Cecily widow of William Fauvel to Robert son of Alice de Thulston, of 2 acres land in Elvasto] and Thulston for 16 shillings silver: ½ acre adjoining le Brechis; ½ acre adjacent le Horedyth; 1½ rood [rod] Godhysacre; 1½ rood [rod], on musseland; land at mere de Aston [abuttals given] - [c1290]
7 - Grant by William le Warde, son of Geoffrey Patingham of Ambaston to Henry son of Bate of Wilne of toft in Gibertpol in Ambaston and meadow and toft which Simon son of Geoffrey held, and 1d silver a year to chief lord and 12d a year to William. Witnesses: Richard le Hemerik, steward of the lordship; Hugh de Hargreve; Thomas at Bridge, Roger, clerk, of Thulston; William "homine Decani" [tithingman] of Thulston; Robert de Bernetoft of Thulston; Lord Geoffrey of Thulston manor in Ockbrook; Gilbert de Ockbrook,; Elias son of William de Ambaston; William Favel de Elvaston, William Fisher of Ambaston and others 11 Nov - 1291
8 - Grant by William Pracy de Ambaston manor in [Elvaston] to Henry Bate of Ambaston and Ivette his wife, and heirs of 1 acre in Aylewaston and Thurluston on Schertebuttes [abuttals given] for 10s silver - [c1295]
9A - Grant by Agnes Hanselyn (or Hauselyn) widow of William son of Robert to son John for 24s for life of Agnes of 2 messuages, croft and 2 bovates, late held by Jn and Alan Pecok in Elvaston. Witnesses: Lord William Fawvel; Thomas de Thurleston, clerk; Martin de Wermundesworth; William Puger; Michael de Breydeston [Breaston]; and others Power of Attorney - 1299
9B - Deed bundle - 1316-1353
10 - Grant by Alice daughter of William Fauvel of Elvaston to her brother of 1 acre, 1 rood in Elvaston and Thulston; 2 roods in Lucardpol in Gothay field, 1½ rood next the Derwent in Milnefeld and 1 rood in Midfeld [abuttals given]. Witnesses: John Suwet, Richard atte Bridge of Thulston; Richard Dode; John de Luyton, clerk,and others 8 Feb - 8 Feb [1317]
11 - Grant by Geoffrey de Bernetoft in Thulston to Alice his wife and heirs of her body, remainder to Geoffrey and his heirs, of half a place with a building on it ½ acre in Westcroft, ½ acre among Belidone hills in Thulston, for 1d silver a year. Witnesses: John son of Siward de Aston; Thomas de Thulston,, clerk; Richard at Bridge of Thulston; Thomas Cheneteyn; Ralph de Billesdon; Thomas de Billesdon, Richard Dode of Ambaston, John Fauvel de Elvaston; William de Thulston., clerk and many others - 23 Jan [1317]
12A - Grant by William son of William Fisher of Ambaston chaplain to Symon Sturmyn de Meleburne (Melbourne] and wife Lucy, and heirs, of 2s annual rent from tenements once held by William le Warde in Amboldeston [Ambaston]. Witnesses: Richard Dode; Elya le Stadhurde; Elya son of William; Thomas Bate; William Bate; and others 24 Sep - 1318
12B - Quitclaim by Symon Stormyn de Melborne to Richard Dode of Ambaston, Thomas de Ambaston, chaplain, Adam de Leycester, Ralf Wyndesor, Roger le Thatcher, Henry le Caver', Alan Franceys de Wylne, William Bate, Thomas Bate, of 2s annual rent from tenement of late William le Warde, which Symon had from William le Fysher, chaplain 15 Jun - 1319
13 - Grant by William le Warde of Ambaston to William son of Henry Wate of Ambaston of 2 roods in Ambasston, 1 rood in le Estfeld on Goselondes [abuttals given]. Witnesses: Thomas Cheneteyn de Thulston; Richard atte Bridge, John Fauvel de Elvaston; Elias le Stodherde of Ambaston; Elias the Fisher of Ambaston and others 31 Oct - 1319
14 - Grant by Henry de Apehay to Robert son of Richard de Tadenham of 5 acres in Elvaston][abuttals given] to be held of Henry and his heirs to Robert and his heirs, with due service to chief lord of fee, saving ½ to Matilda, widow of Richard de Tadenham, for life as dower. Witnesses: Lord de Halloughton, rector of half church of Gedling (Nottinghamshire), Richard, Roger de Lumley of the same; Thomas, clerk; Thomas Cheneteyn; Richard Dode, William son of Robert - c1320?
15 - Grant by John le Parker of Thulston to son Thomas and heirs of plot which John inherited from his father; 10 acres 3½ rood arable, land and 1 acre ? meadow in Thulston and Elvaston- 1 acre in Endalefeld, 4 acres in Elvaston, 1½ acres in [Mill] Field, 3½ acres in Gothay Field, 3 roods abutting Jhykkerusshes, 1 rood [rod] in Overshapecroft, 1 acre meadow in le Blakepolmeduwe, 2 acres ½ ro on le Redyswathes; reversion of 1 acre ½ rood held by Thomas le Ayward for life; 5 acres land in Thulston and Elvaston which Agnes wife of John had from her father John Cheneteyn. Witnesses: John Sweet, Thomas Cheneteyn, Richard at Bridge of Thulston, Lord John Martin of Ambaston; Thomas son of Richard at Bridge, and others - c1320
16 - Grant by John Martin, chaplain, of Amboldeston, to Matilda, formerly wife of Richard Sweynesson of Ambaston, for life, remainder to Thomas, son of Richard, chaplain, and heirs, of messuage, bovate land, and adjoining meadow in Ambaston which Richard Bere lately held in le Thorp; 1½ roods [rods] in Estfeld; reversion of ½ acre in Northlonder held by Henry le Canner for life, [abuttals given]; 2s annual rent granted by Simon Sturmyn of Melburn, in charter to John Martin and Thomas Sweynesson. Witnesses: John Swet de Thurleston; Thomas Cheneteyn; Richard at Bridge; Ralph de Billesdon; Richard Dode; John Fawel; William de Alwaston, clerk, and others 29 Mar - 1323
17 - Quitclaim by John son of William Robert de Wilsthorp to Geoffrey son of [illegible] at cemetery of Ambaston, of 20s rent from tenements which Geoffrey held from John in Elvaston and Thulston. Witnesses: John Martin de Lord of Ambaston, chaplain; John Sweet de Thulston; Thomas Cheneteyn; Richard at Bridge; Ralf de Billesdon; John Fauvel de Elvaston; Richard Dode; and others - 3 Feb [1325]
18 - Grant by Robert de Newton, chaplain, and Agnes Sweet de Aston to Richard de Willoughby and Isabel his wife of messuage and 2 bovates in Ambaldeston [Ambaston] with Geoffrey Balle "serf" lately held in bondage, with the body, offspring and chattels of Geoffrey [No witnesses] 27 Mar - 1326
19 - Quitclaim by Elota widow of Hugh Tyrr to Geoffrey son of Geoffrey de Thurleston of 2½ roods [rods] in Thulston which Geoffrey the son granted by Hugh - 1½ rood [rod] in Walleacre, ½ rood [rod] at le Foulewallus, ½ in Flyntacr', [abuttals given]. Witnesses: John Swet; Thomas Cheneteyn; Ralph de Byllusdon; John Fauvel; William de Alwaston, clerk; and others 4 Apr - 1329
20 - Quitclaim by Lucy widow of Symon Stormyn de Melbourne to Matilda widow of Richard Swinson of dower claim over messuage and bovate and adj meadow in Amboldeston [Ambaston] lately held by Richard Bere, 1½ land in rood [rod] Estfeld, and 2s annual rent from tenement of late William le Warde. Witnesses: John Suwet de Thurleston [Thulston]; Thomas Cheneteyn; Ralph de Billesdon; Laurence de Missendon, John Fauvel, William of Alvaston, clerk, and others 16 Jun - 1329
21 - Grant by Thomas Peyton of Thulston to John le Parker and Agnes his wife of Thulston, of ¼ rood meadow in le Rediswayhus in Elvaston and Thulston [abuttals given] to hold of Thomas and the chief lord of the fee. Witnesses: John Sweet of Thulston; Ralph Billesdon of Thulston; William Nightingale; Thomas Bernetoft; Peter de Tupton in Thulston 20 Jul - 1331
22 - Quitclaim by John son of John Sourdowh [Sourdough] de Wilsthorpe to Geoffrey son of Henry at the churchyard of Ambaston, of 2 messuages and 2 bovates in Elvaston and Thulston, granted to Geoffrey by John son of William Robert of Wilsthorpe. Witnesses: Geoffrey son of Richard at Bridge of Thulston; John son of William Robert of Wilsthorpe; John Fauvel; Henry de Weston, and William de Weston, clerk, of Elvaston, Ralph de Billesdon of Thulston.; Richard son of Richard at Bridge, and others 5 Jun - 1334
23 - Grant by John le Parker of Thulston to Geoffrey son of Geoffrey le Prestesbrother of Thulston, of rent of 12d from John's capital messuage in Thulston. Witnesses: Thomas del Rode, Geoffrey de Ireton, Ralph de Billesdon, Thomas Bernetotft all of Thulston, William de Boulton, clerk and others 18 Dec - 1336
24 - Grant by John le Parker of Thulston to Geoffrey son of Geoffrey the priest's brother, of Thulston of ½ acre land upon le Creches in Thulston. Witnesses: Thomas de Bode, Geoffrey de Ireton, Ralph de Billesdon, Thomas Bernetoft of Thulston; John Fauvel of Elvaston; and others - 4 Mar [1337]
25 - Grant by John le Parker of Thurleston to his son Thomas of his goods and chattels in Thurleston and elsewhere 6 Oct - 1337
26 - Alyne widow of Thomas Cheneteyn of Thulston grants to Thomas, son of John le Parker of Thulston 1 acre 1½ roods in Thulston and Elvaston: 1½ roods on le Kerfurlong, 1 roodon Lyttolmeduofurlong, 2 rood at Lonttarepol, 1 rood in Millfield, [abuttals given]. Witnesses: Geoffrey at Bridge of Thulston; Thomas de Bernetoft, Ralphe de Billesdon, Robert de Bunny, Ralph de Tupton of Elvaston; many others - 8 Feb [1342]
27 - Grant by John le Parker of Thulston to son Thomas le Parker of reversion of 3 acres 1 rood land and 1 acre meadow 1 acre upon Pesclondes, 1 rood upon Stokkylondes, ½ acre at Wylnamwey, ½ acre next Gumsbrygwey, 1 rood upon Gumsbuttus, 1 rood upon Walacre, and 1 acre meadow, held by William atte Brugge for life. Witnesses: Thomas de Rode; Geoffrey at Bridge; Geoffrey de Ireton; Thomas Bernetoft; Thomas Wynde; Thomas Wynde; Thomas le Sower of Ambaston 22 Dec - 1342
28 - Grant by Ralph, son of late Thomas de Billesdon of Thurleston to Lord Robert le taillour de Macworth, chaplain, of 2/3 acre meadow in Thurleston and Aillwaston [Elvaston] which Ralph had as gift from uncle, Lord Robert de Billesdon; 2/3 of messuage with 9 acres, 3 roods [rods] lands in Stockylondes, Burche Forch, le mulnefeld, Milnedich, Beliden field, le Shalkes, Lecchepolhurst, belidenmorsyde, Beliden, le Wyndemulne, Cockesdich, Fluccimarlepit, Catlouwe, Suddych, Breriforlonged, Grenewayened, Fenny flate. Witnesses: Thomas de Rode, Geoffrey atte brigg', Geoffrey de Ireton, Ralph de Billesdon, Thomas Bernetoft, Robert de Boney, all of Thulston, and others 9 Apr - 1343
29 - Grant by Nicholas son of Margaret of Elvaston to Lord Robert le Taillour of Mackworth, chaplain, and heirs of ½ acre land in Littelmeadowe in Elvaston and Thulston. Witnesses: Ralph de Tupton, Hugo Fauvell, of Elvaston; Thomas le Sower, Richard le Sower, John le Sower, of Ambaston .8 Jun - 1346
30 - Grant by William son of Hugh Tyrr' de Alwaston to Geoffrey le taillour de Thurleston of 1 rood [rod] on Hardforshull in Thurl. [abuttals given]. Witnesses: Geoffrey atte Brigge, William his brother; Ralph de Billesdon, Thomas Bernetoft, of Thurl.; William le clerc of Alwaston; Ralph de Tupton; and many others 25 Jun - 1346
31 - Grant by Alice, daughter of Roger clerk of Thulston, to Richard de Derley and heirs, of messuage and bovate in Thulston descended from her brother Thomas. Witnesses: Geoffrey atte Brugge and Richard his brother, Ralph de Byllesdon, and others 2 Oct - 1349
32 - Grant by Alice, daughter of Roger, clerk of Thurleston, Richard de Derley of messuage and 15 acres land in Thulston - parcels in Gothayfelt, Milnefelt, Belidonfelt, Endalefelt, le Innomes, Greneweyefelt and Wyntmilnefelt [abuttals given]. Witnesses: Geoffrey atte Brigge and Richard his brother, Ralph de Hilesdon, Ralph de Tupton de Thurleston; Thomas le Sower of Ambaston; and others 2 Oct - 1349
33 - Grant in tail by Richard le Sower of Ambaston to his brother Thomas and Joan wife of Thomas of: 2 parts of a messuage, 9 acres, 3½ roods land and 2 parts of a messuage, 9 acres, 3½ roods and 2 parts of 1 acre of meadow in Thulston and Elvaston, which Thomas Daukyn used to hold, with 1 acre, 1½ roods late held by Thomas le Parker and ½ acre once of Nicholas son of Margaret de Elvaston, all of which Richard had from Robert le Taylleur of Mackworth, chaplain. Witnesses: Geoffrey atte Bridge, Ralph de Billesdon, Geoffrey de Billesdon, Geoffrey de Bernetoft, Robert Gylle, Robert de Bunny, all of Thulston. 16 Oct - 1351
34 - Grant by Robert son of Peter de Thurleston to Thomas son of Robert, brother of Robert son of Peter, of messuage late of Thomas le hayward, and 7 roods [rods] land in Thulston. Witnesses: Geoffrey attebrugge of Thulston; Ralph de Ayllesdon, John Parker de Ayllesdon; Richard Dode de Ayleweston; Thomas le mareschall of Chelaston; Thomas le Sower de Thulston and others 20 Aug - 1362
35 - Grant by Richard, son of Robert de Thurleston, and wife Emma, to Robert, son of Robert son of Peter, de Thulston of messuage late of Thomas le Hayward and 7 roods [rods] land in Thurleston. Witnesses: Geoffrey attebrigge, Ralph de Billesdon, John Parker, Richard Dode, Thomas le Marchall de Chelaston, Thomas le Sower, and others 20 Aug - 1362
36 - Grant by Richard de Wilughby, knight, to John le Webster de Thulston and Alice his wife, for the life of Elizabeth widow of Richard de Wilughby the elder, and in perpetuity if John and Alice survive Elizabeth, for 9s a year, of messuage and 14 acres land in Thurleston. Witnesses: Geoffrey at Brugg', John le Parker, William son of Peter, Thomas le Sower, Ralph de Billesden and others 2 Sep - 1363
37 - Grant by Alice daughter of Roger le Spencer of Elvaston to Geoffrey son of Emma le Spencer of Alice's lands in Ambaston and Elvaston] Witnesses: Thomas Sweet, Geoffrey at Bridge, Richard le Sower of Ambaston, Roger son of Richard of Ambaston. Richard Dode of Elvaston, and others 30 May - 1366
38 - Quitclaim by Alice to Geoffrey and heirs of lands in Ambaston and Elvaston which Alice inherited after the death of Geoffrey son of Richard le Spencer. Witnesses: Geoffrey atte Bridge, John le Sower, Richard Sower, Richard Dode, and others 7 Jun - 1366
39 - Quitclaim by Geoffrey Attebrigge to Robert Tabbe de Ockbrook and his heirs of messuage, tofts and crofts and virgate of land in Elvaston and Thulston which Robert had by feoffment from William de Wakebridge and Lord Geoffrey de Chaddesden. Witnesses: Hugh de Muschamp de Stanton; Robert Sacheverell de Boulton; Thomas Sweet de Thulston, Richard Attebrigge de Elvaston; Thomas Schymming and others 24 Jun - 1366
40 - Quitclaim by (1) John son of Robert de Thulston, chaplain, and his brother Robert, to (2) John son of John le Parker of Thulston and Matilda his wife, of lands Thulston, Elvaston, Chellaston, Aston and Ambaston; granted by (2) to (1) and then given by (1) to (2) 4 Oct - 1366
41 - Grant by Robert Tabbe de Ockbrook to Ralph de Kniveton of Thulston of messuage, toft and croft, virgate of land in Elvaston and Thulston, granted to Robert by Lord Geoffrey de Chaddesden, rector of Long Whatton [Leicestershire] and William de Wakebridge, paying 40s a year to Geoffrey Attebrigge for his life. Witnesses: Thomas Sweet, John Parker, Ralph de Billesdon, William Pouse all of Thulston; John Spencer de Elvaston; and others, 7 Jul - 1367
42 - Grant by John Cheneton of Thurleston and wife Beatrice of 6s 8d a year from all their lands in Thulston to Richard de Brygge of Alwaston. Witnesses: Ralph de Byleston, Thomas le sower, William Pouse, and others 1 Apr - 1368
43 - Grant by Geoffrey Spencer of Elvaston to Lord William Gos, chaplain, and Hugh Marshall, both of Risley, of lands in Elvaston and Ambaston given by Alice daughter of Roger Spencer. Witnesses: John le Sower and brother Richard, Roger son of Richard Sweynson, John Wincoe of Ambaston; Geoffrey de Kniveton, Richard Dode of Elvaston 18 Oct - 1368
44 - Ralph de Byllesdon of Thurleston grants to Thomas le Sower, senior, for life, remainders to Thomas's daughters Agnes and Matilda, and his right heirs: moiety of messuage and bovate in Thurleston and Ayllwaston [Thulston and Elvaston] which Ralph had from Thomas Fraunceys of Osmundeston [Osmaston]; moiety of messuage next Galionplace, with land in Milnefeld in the midtefeld, in le Soudus, upon le Ferny in Westulfield, in Schepecroft, Westelandes, on le hdwyt, le Kerfurlong, next Lyttelmedowe, on merefurlong, Walleacre, Averforlong, Schortforlong, Roulowe, Cattelowe, Hendale, Le Heth, Bulcroft, Belydon, Chanon marleputt, Cockesdyche, le Schalkes, in le Heymedowe. Witnesses: John Cheneteyn, Thomas son of Robert, Robert Gylle of Thulston Richard Dode, Geoffrey Balle of Aylewaston, Thomas Marchall of Chelaston, and others - 1 Feb [1369]
45 - Grant by William Goos de Risley, chaplain, and Hugh Marshal of Risley, to Margaret, widow of Geoffrey Spencer of Elvaston, and heirs, of 1 acre in Ambaston and Elvston given them by Geoffrey. Witnesses: John Cheneteyn, Ralph de Billesdon, Richard Dode, Richard and John Sower 21 May - 1369
46 - Grant by Thomas Sower of Thulston to son Thomas and Joan his wife and heirs of their body of messuage, 20 acres land, and meadow [field names given] in Thulston. Witnesses: Thomas de Burton, perpetual vicar of Elvaston church, William de Hampton of Thulston, Thomas son of Robert of Thulston, Richard and John Sower of Ambaston, and others 18 Jun - 1370
47 - Grant by Matilda Steven of Thulston to William, son of Alice wife of Roger Tayllour, and heirs, of messuage and curtilage in Thurleston [abuttals given]. Witnesses: William Perkynsone, William Pouse, William de Thurvaston of Thulston, Geoffrey Warde and Roger Saylle of Thulston, and others 22 Jun - 1370
48 - Quitclaim by William Fauvel of Elvaston to John, son of Robert de Thulston, chaplain, of lands which John holds of Ralph de Tupton. Witnesses: Geoffrey Halle of Elvaston, Richard Dode, Thomas Sower, Thomas son of Robert of Thulston, William son of Peter of Thulston - [1373]
49 - Grant by Richard, son of Robert de Thurleston and Emma, his wife, to Thomas, son of Robert de Thurleston and Cecilia his wife, of 1 messuage and 7 roods [rods] in Thulston once held by Thomas le Hayward and Geoffrey son of Robert. Witnesses: William son of Peter de Thulston; Thomas le Sower, the younger; Geoffrey Ball, John Penneson, and others 6 Jun - 1376
50 - Grant by Roger Tayllour de Thulston of all his Thurleston property to son William, daughter Cecilia and John Pa..e of Newbold. Witnesses: Thomas Sower, Gilbert son of Peter Thulston; Thomas Cower the younger; Richard Bernetoft, Thulston and others 20 Aug - 1380
51 - Grant by Thomas de Birton of Stapleford]and Margaret his wife to William Marshall, chaplain, and Roger de Breaston his brother, of all land in Ambaston and Elvaston granted by William Goos, chaplain, and Hugh Marshall, of Risley, paying 5s 8d a year to Thomas and Margaret for their lives. Witnesses: Robert Sower of Ambaston, John de Wilne of Ambaston, John Fisher 24 Jun - 1386
52 - Quitclaim by Emma, widow of Richard son of Robert de Thulston, to Thomas son of Robert de Thulston, Cecily wife of Thomas, and heirs, of 7 roods in Thulston and Elvaston - ½ acre in le Brechez, 3 roods at le Clyf, 1½ roods at le Foulewalle and le Flynt marrelepit, 1 rood [upon Banlondes. Witnesses: Geoffrey Balle, Thomas Sower, Richard de Bernetoft, Adam Parker, Thomas Smyth - 4 Mar [1386]
53 - Gift by John de Brathewell, vicar of Elvaston, and John de Bunny, chaplain, to Thomas son of Robert de Thulston, and his wife Cecily, of all the lands in Elvaston, Thulston and Aston which they lately had from Thomas. Witnesses: John in le Lore senior and junior, Thomas Smyth, Adam Parker, Geoffrey Balle and other 22 Oct - 1389
53B - Gift by Geoffrey Warde of Thurleston to Richard de Bernetofe of Thurleston of rent from 2 acre 1½ roods [rods] of land (2d a year) [field names given] - 13 Mar [1390]
54 - Gift by John son of William de Wilne of all his land in Thulston, Elvaston and Aston upon Trent to Peter de Melbourne, Lord Robert de Burly, clerk, Thomas Barze, Lord Richard Barze clerk, and Hugh Coton. Witnesses: Thomas Hopkinson, Thomas Sower junior, William Boneyman, Richard Bernetoft and others - 12 Mar [1391]
55 - Quitclaim by Peter de Melbourne, Thomas Barze and Hugh de Coton to Robert de Burley and Richard Barze, clerks, of property given them by John son of William de Wilne in Thulston, Elvaston and Chellaston 8 May - 1391
56 - Gift by Robert de Burley and Richard Bars, clerks, to John Daprichcourt knight, John Boney chaplain, and Thomas de Stanton of property in Thurleston, Ailwaston [Elvaston] Chelaston, [Chellaston] and Ambaston, given by John son of William de Wylne. Witnesses: Thomas Hopkynson, Geoffrey Balle, Thomas Sower, Robert Sower, Richard Barnetoft and others 20 May - 1391
57 - Gift by Alured [Ailred] de Lathbury, knight, to John Daprisshcourt [Dabridgecourt] knight, and heirs, of lands, rents and serfs which Ermentrude mother of Alured held for life in Ambaston and Thulston - 12 Sep 1394
58 - Gift by Thomas son of Robert de Thurleston to John Knogge and Robert Weste of Marton, of place and 11½ acres land and meadow in the fields of Alwaston which Thomas had of John Orpud of Derby, and also 6 acres in the fields of Thurleston [field names given]. Witnesses: John le Lore, Adam Parker, Thomas Sower, Geoffrey Balle, Richard Bernetofte and others 2 Nov - 1398
59 - Quitclaim by Lord William Marshall, chaplain, to William Marshall of Breaston and Ellen his wife of all lands in Ambaston and Elvaston]granted by Thomas de Burton of Stapleford and wife Margaret. Witnesses: Thomas Poutrell of Breaston; John Husse and Thomas Tulle of Breaston, Thomas Marshall of Risley; and many others 12 Nov - 1404
60 - Grant by Geoffrey Warde of Elvaston to John Doubriggecourt, knight, and heirs, of messuage and garden in Thulston [abuttals given]. Witnesses: Thomas Hopkinson, Thomas Sower, John Warde, John Tomlinson, Richard Bernetoft, and others 7 Sep - 1409
61 - Grant by Richard Bulhow of Eyton and Alice his wife, to Thomas son of Robert de Thulston and Matilda his wife, of 1 acre in Ayllewaston - 2 roods [rods] in le Belydenfeld, ½ acre in le Milnefeld [abuttals given]. Witnesses: John son of Thomas; Thomas Sower; Robert Sower; and others 28 Aug - 1410
62 - Grant by William Oakerthorpe and Richard Spenser to John Daubriggecourt, knight, and John de Brinsley, clerk, of land in Thulston and Elvaston given by Richard Berntoft of Thulston. Witnesses: Robert Sower, Thomas Sower, Thomas Hopkinson, John Tomlinson, and others 7 May - 1411
63 - Grant by Thomas Sawer of Thulston and wife Joan to John son of Hugh de Aston, Geoffrey Ball, clerk, and Richard del Moore of Thulston, of 2 messuages, 30 acres land, 2 acres meadow in Thulston and Elvaston [abuttals given]. Witnesses: Thomas son of Robert, John son of Thomas, John son of Peter and others 22 Oct - 1416
63B - Quitclaim by Geoffrey Ball of Elvaston and Richard del More of Thulston to Thomas Sower of Thulston and his wife Joam, of 2 messuages and 30 acres of land, and a messuage lately given by Thomas to Geoffrey and Richard 14 Jul - 1419
64 - Grant by Geoffrey Ball, clerk, and Richard Moore of Thulston to Thomas Sawer of Thulston and Joan his wife for life, remainder to John Alcok of Thulston and wife Alice, and heirs, of 2 messuages, 28 acres land 2 acres meadow granted by Sawer to Ball and Moore. Witnesses: Thomas Robertson, John Thomasson, John Peresson, and others 25 May - 1420
65 - Quitclaim by Matilda wife of Richard de Marston of Nottingham to Edmund Duttun, parson, of Aston on Trent, of lands which Matilda had in fee from Thomas Sawr of Thulston in Ambaston and Thulston 31 Aug - 1424
66A - Grant by John Alcok and wife Alice to Henry Grey and John Savcheverell, esqs., of reversion of property. Witnesses: John Tomlynson, John Perkynson, Thomas Hechecok of Thulston, John Warde, John Lete of Aylewaston, and others - 10 Feb [1427]
66B - Quitclaim by Thomas Sower of Thurleston (Thulston) to Henry Grey and John Sacheverell, esq., of all his property in Thurleston (Thulston) and Ayleweston [Elvaston] 2 Jun - 1427
67 - Grant by Edmund Dutton, parson of Aston on Trent, to William Derby, vicar of Aylewaston [Elvaston] Robert Peeke, chaplain, and Robert Winter, and heirs, of lands which Dutton was given by Matilda, widow of Richard Marston of Nottingham. Witnesses: Robert Smalley, John Wilne, John Balle, Richd Sawer, William Jonson, and others 20 Aug - 1430
68 - Gift by Robert Smalley of Elvaston of all lands, rents etc. in Elvaston, Thurlston, Barrow upon Trent, Spondon, Chaddesden, Breadsall, Kirk Hallam Smalley, and Denby, to son John and legitimate heirs, with remainders to daughter Joan, Lord Henry de Gray and male heirs, Robert's right heirs. Witnesses: Henry Bothe, John Sacheverell, esq.; Thomas Shardlow, William del Hay of Boulton, Richard Ford, Thomas Spencer, William Spencer of Elvston, , and many others 28 Sep - 1434
69 - Grant by Geoffrey Kniveton of Nottingham to W, del Heye of Boulton and Emma his wife, and legitimate heirs, of messuage in Aylewaston [Elvaston] [abuttals given]. Witnesses: Robert Smalley of Elvaston; John Perkins of Elvaston John Tomlynson of Thulston and many others 28 Jun - 1436
70 - Grant and quitclaimed by Thomas Smyth of Broydston [Breaston] and wife Agnes to Alice Ward, son William and his wife Alice, of messuage and 7 acres in Ambaston. Witnesses: Richard Sawer, John Huchous, John Ball, and others. Power of attorney to deliver seisin 24, 26 Jun - 1441
71-72 - Not used
73-74 - Grant by John Sacheverell, esq., to Robert Clyfton and Nicholas Fitzherbert, esq., of land in Aylewaston [Elvaston] given by John Allcok to Sacheverell and Henry de Gray esq., Witnesses: John Gresley, knight; Ralph Shirley, Thomas Blount, John Bothe, John Pole, esq. Power attorney for seisin 1 Aug - 1456
75 - Indenture of agreement between (1) Geoffrey Crossley and Richard Cowper, proxies and wardens of church of Elvaston,John Smalley, Robert Potter, John Stapleford, John Spencer, William Spencer, gents, parishioners of Elvaston, and (2) John Wilne, Thomas Parkinson, John Prior, John Smith, John Marten, proxies and wardens of church of Elvaston, Richard Smetheley, Richard Robertson, Thomas Sower of Ambaston, Robert Parkinson of Thulston, parishioners of Elvaston. (1) and (2) have had in common from time immemorial a place in a toft and croft in East end of Thulston, from Hugh de Hargrave. Now the place is given to (2) for unspecified money to (1) - 1 Feb [1475]
76 - Grant by Richard Stafford of Aylvaston to David Owen, knight, Andrew Wyndesore and John Wyndesor esq., and Thomas Huntt of Ashover and John Hunt, gents., for life, remainder to heirs of Edward Blount of 1 acre, 2 roods [rods] in Thurleston - 1 rood [rod] in le Inhaunnys, 1 rood [rod] at Derby Wey 7 Sep - 1498
77 - Grant by Robert Jankinson of Thulston to Henry Pymme and wife Agnes, and heirs, of messuage and land in Thulston - ½ acre Whitedykehadeland, Shalke furlong ½ acre, Bellydenes ½ acre, Othehalnethornes 1½ roods [rods], Mere furlong/Galtre furlong 1½ roods [rods], Lytelmedowe ½ acre, Highmedowe 3 roods [rods], Rouelcross 1½ roods [rods], Coppydgreve and Hermethouse ½ acre, le Toftes 1 rood [rod], Chetelmedow 2 selions, toft. Witnesses: John Ireton, Nicholas Kniveton, Thomas Tykell, and others 21 Sep - 1498
78 - Quitclaim by William Tumlenson of Chaleston [Chellaston], son and heir of Thomas Tumlenson alias Jhenkenson, late of Chaleston, to William's son John Tumlenson of Thurleston, of all lands in Chaleston [Chellaston], Elvaston, Thurleston, Alwaston, and Etwall 30 Nov - 1504
79 - Bargain and sale by Thomas Sowre of Ambaston, yeoman, to Christopher Eyre of Weston on Trent, of cottage, 10½ acres land and 2 acres meadow in Ambaston - Wylne Felde, Bellyngton Felde and Pollande Felde 10 Aug - 1546
80 - Sale by Richard Soure of Normanton of Soare (Nottinghamshire), baker, to Henry Werden of Derby, yeoman, of Larkyn or Loorkyn close, 4 acres meadow, parcel meadow called Lorkyn ley, 8 acres arable land, in Ambaston, Elvaston, Thurlston and 3d rent from lands in Aston on Trent, for £31 6s 8d - 14 Mar [1564]
81-82 - Bargain and sale, with preparatory agreement by Edmunde Eyre of Little Hodsocke (Nottinghamshire) gent. to Thomas Stanhope of Shellford (Nottinghamshire) esq. and Lawrence Wrighte of Sneleston, gent., for £170, of messuage and land in Ambaston, Elvaston, Thurleston, Alvaston, and Boulton 14, 15 Sep - 1573
83 - Final concord between Thomas Stanhope and Lawrence Wright querent, and Edmund Eyre gent. and wife Elizabeth deforciant, of 4 messuages, 2 cottages, 2 tofts, 8 gardens, 60 acres land, 20 acres meadow, 40 acres pasture, 40 acres furze, 2s rent, in Elvaston, Alvaston, Ambaston, Thulston, Boulton, and Chellaston. £40 - 1573
84-85 - Bargain and sale by Nicholas Bentley of Elvaston, gent., to Thomas Stanhope of Shellford (Nottinghamshire) esq., of 2 messuages and lands in Ambaston and Elvaston. Power of attorney to receive seisin 16 Oct - 1573
86 - Copy covenant leading uses of a trust between Christopher Bentley of Thulston, yeoman, and Edward Edmonson, Edward Bentley of Hungry Bentley, gents., Edward Turner of Derby, mercer, whereby Bentley to convey Thulston and Ambaston property to trustees to the use of Bentley for life, remainders to wife Margaret for life and their issue 18 Dec - 1573
87 - Final concord between Thomas Stanhope knight, querent, and Nicholas Bentley and wife Amicia [Amy] deforciant, of 3 messuages, 2 cottages, 2 tofts, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 140 acres land, 20 acres meadow, 40 acres pasture, 2s rent, in Elvaston, Thulston, and Alvaston. 130 marks 25 Oct - 1575
88 - Assignment by Henry Sacheverell of Hopwell, esq., to Sir Thomas Stanhope, knight, of Shelleford Nottinghamshire of lease, for life of John Sacheverell, to Henry Sacheverell (letters patent 18 Jan 1576) of lands, forfeited to Crown by John, in Thurlston and Elvaston [Two copies] 23 Sep - 1578
90 - Sale by John Bickerton of Crofte (Leicestershire) gent. to Richard Wendesley of Wendesley, esq., of messuage, adjacent close and 2 acres land, in the occupation of Robert Smethlye, churchwarden of Elvaston. Recites gift to Bickerton by Robert Stoughton of Shordiche (Middlesex), boucher (16 Jul 1570) and by Nicasius Veteswerte, esq., and Bartholomew Brockesbie, gent., who had grant by letters patent. [Property part of manor of East Greenwich (Kent)] 18 Sep - 1587
91 - Conveyance of above property by Richard Wendesley of Melbourne John Bickerton of Derby to John Stanhope of Elvaston 28 Jun - 1588
92 - Gift by Roger Hurte of Steynson [Stenson] yeoman to John Potter, son of William Potter of Quarndon, yeoman, of Larkyn or Lartyn close, Ambaston, 4 animal pastures in Ambaston common pasture, 4 acres meadow, 8 acres arable in Ambaston and Thurlston, 3d annual rent from lands in Aston upon Trent 25 Jul - 1589
93-94 - Grant by Thomas Fowke and John Potter of Ochbrooke, yeoman to Sir John Stanhope of Elvaston, knight of Larking lands in Elvaston, Thurlston and Ambaston, being Larking close (2 acres), 3 acres meadow, 4 beast pastures and 4 acres land, in exchange for Stanhope's moiety of their messuages in Ockbrook, and moiety of: the Mather crofts (3), 5 arable lands (1 acre), building adjoining Greene lane, Parke medowe, borowe close (3 roods [rods]), 9 acres in Ockbrook fields. Articles of agreement for above 6 Apr, 4 Sep - 1605
95 - Article of exchange between John Stanhope knight and Christopher Bently whereby Stanhope assures to Bently tenement and lands in Thurlaston and Bently covenants to convey tenement and lands in Ambaston to Stanhope [field names given] 6 Apr - 1605
96-97 - Final concord between John Stanhope, querent, and Christopher Bentley and son Edward, deforciant, of messuage, garden, orchard ... land, 10 acres meadow, 10 acres pasture in Elvaston and Ambaston. £60. (Hilary Term) - 1605
98 - Enclosure agreement between Sir John Stanhope of Elvaston and Christopher Bentley of Thurlaston, gent., and son Edward allowing each to enclose lands in manor and parish of Elvaston despite mutual interests in each other's lands, but reserving rents due to Stanhope 20 Sep - 1605
99 - Final concord between John Stanhope, knight, querent, and Henry Sacheverell, esq., deforciant, of messuage, cottage, 30 acres land, 6 acres meadow, 10 acres pasture, 40 acres heath, in Elvaston, Ambston, and Thurlaston. £60. Easter - 1613
100 - Bargain and sale by William Twigge of London, gent to Thomas Levinge of Sturson, gent., and Timothy Leving, Inner Temple, gent., of 2 cottages in Thurlaston [Thulston]. Recites letters patent (26 Jul 1618) to Jacob' Orchterlony, knight, and Richard Garnard, citizen and clothworker of London, and deed (5 Aug 1618) between Ouchterlony and Curnard, and William Twigge 15 Aug - 1618
101-102 - Final concord between John Stanhope, knight, querent, and John Richardson and wife Francis, deforciant, of 1 messuage, 50 acres land, 10 acres meadow, 30 acres past in Ambaston £100. (Easter Term) - 1621
103-104 - Final concord between John Stanhope, knight, querent, and John Richardson, deforciant, of 3½ acres land in Elvaston and Thurleston. £60 - 1621
105 - Bargain and sale by John Kendall of Belton (Leicestershire) yeoman, and Sir John Stanhope of 1 rood [rod] in Wylnefeild, in the flatt at Coxson's willowes, in Amberston, for 4 marks 7 Apr - 1622
106 - Bargain and sale by John Richardson, senior, of Thulston, gent., and John Richardson, junior, to Richard Piggin, elder, of Thulston, yeoman, for £60, of the Flatte Close at Bellitonfoote, in Elvaston High meadow including Fourteene Reddy Swathes, 3 roods [rods] arable in Greeneway field, land in Gotte field, Atrathorne field, Bellytonfeild [abuttals given] 27 Apr - 1623
107 - Bargain and sale by John Richardson of Thulston, gent, Frances Richardson, widow, mother of the said John, Thomas Richardson and Edward, brother of John, to Sir John Stanhope of Elvaston, for £110, of messuage and croft in Thulston, the Innoms close, Ahadlaie, hadlaies close, Longfurlonge, Atrathornefield, Kirkeashefeild, Southefeild, Bellitonfeild, Endow Field 19 Oct - 1637
108-109 - Final concord between John Stanhope, knight, and William Turner and Richard Brooks, gents, querent, and John Richardson and wife Anne, Frances Richardson, widow and Thomas and Edward Richardson, deforciant, of 2 messuages, 2 gardens, 52 acres land, 16 acres meadow, 30 acres past. in Elvaston, Ambaston and Thulston. £120. (Michaelmas Term) - 1637
110 - Lease for possession by Sir John Stanhope to Richard Brooke of Elvaston, yeoman servant to Stanhope, of Wilne Close, Lyndthorpe, The Rayles, Pollards Close and land in Middlefield, Ambaston - 1 Mar [1638]
111 - Deed of exchange between (1) John Richardson of Thulston, gent., and Edward and Thomas, his brothers, and (2) William Turner of Derby, Richard Brookes of Ellvaston, gents, and Richard Piggin of Thulston, yeoman. For consideration of £24 Richardson gives Smalley Crofte, Elvaston, to Turner and Brookes, who give him seven lands, warranted by Piggin - 20 Mar [1638]
112 - Copy deed to declare uses of a common recovery (1640 Hilary) in which Richard Stables of Osmaston, yeoman recovered from William Holland of Elvaston, yeoman, Edward Bentley of Thurlaston, gent., first vouchee, 4 messuages, dovecot, 4 gardens, 100 acres land, 60 acres meadow, 40 acres past., 4 acres wood, 200 acres furze and heath in Thurlaston and Ambaston. To use of Bentley and heirs 20 Jun - 1640
113 - Bargain and sale by Ralph Newman of Allvastone, yeoman, to Nicolas Smedley of Elvaston, yeoman, for £15, of cottage in possession of Henry Smedley father of Nicholas 16 Jun - 1649
114-116 - Conveyance by Edward Potter of Elvaston, yeoman, to William Robinson of Alvaston, tailor, for £40, of Bushie Leas, Elvaston. [2 copies]. Deed declaring above conveyance void if Peter or wife Frances or son James repays £42 to Robinson within 21 years 13 Jun - 1651
117 - Exchange between John Stanhope of Elvaston, esq., and William Soare of Ambaston, yeoman. Soare receives closes in Pollard, Billington and Wilne fields, Ambaston, and Stanhope receives land in these fields and Larkin ley - 16 Feb [1652]
118 - Conveyance by Sarah Allsopp of Boulton, widow, to James Osborne of Elvaston, yeoman, and Edmund Robinson of Derby, locksmith, of Bushie Leas, Elvaston and ½ acre in Shooter's field, Alvaston, to use of Sarah for life, remainder to son Jonathan and heirs 10 Aug - 1658
119 - Quitclaim by John Potter of Dale to John Stanhope of Elvaston ratifying exchange by John Potter of Ockbrooke, grandfather of Potter of Dale, and Thomas Fouke of Ockbrook of Larking Close of 2 acres 3 acres in common meadow, 4 beast pastures, Larkeing lands, 8 acres, with late Sir John Stanhope of Elvaston for his lands in Ockbrook - 28 Feb [1671]
120 - Quitclaim by John Potter of Dale Abbey and Thomas Potter of Okebrooke, yeoman, to John Stanhope of Elvaston, esq., of lands now in the possession of Stanhope sold or exchanged by Thomas Fowke and John Potter to Sir John Stanhope, deceased 15 Oct - 1672
121 - Gift by Christopher Bentley yeoman of Thulston to John Stanhope of Elvaston of close in Innomes close (2 acres) and 5 leas pasture in Sydditch Close, for £47 11 Apr - 1673
122 - Power of attorney by John Curzon of Kedleston, knight, to Edmund Jacques to receive seisin of land in Elvaston from Christopher Bentley of Thulston and Marjery his wife, under deed of same date. Receipt by Bentley of £340 from Curzon 17 Oct - 1673
123 - Lease for possession by William Soare of Ambaston, yeoman, to John Skermore, younger, of Belton, Leicestershire, yeoman, and William Bryan of Shardlow, of messuage, Kyle croft (12 acres), the great Oylands (8 acres), the little Oylands (2 acres), the Nyne Ridges Close (6 acres) Coll haoles Close (8 acres), Duckfourd Close (6 acres), Meadow Nooke Close (6 acres) in Ambaston 24 Apr - 1679
124-125 - Covenant by William Piggen, elder, of Elvaston, yeoman, with Edward Ward of Thulston, gent., and Elias Piggen of Thulston, yeoman, in consideration of marriage between William Piggen, eldest son of William Piggen elder, and Elizabeth, daughter of James Jennings yeoman, of Foston, and of £60 from William to William senior, to stand seised of Smalley Croft with barn, Foofin flatt, Little bostacks, the Hardisses (2 clo.), 3 acres in High Meadow, 3 acres arable in Goty field and Hathorne tree field, 2½ acres land in Bellington field, and ½ acre in Breachfield, to uses: one moiety to William Piggen elder, for life remainder to his wife Sarah for life, remainder to William Piggen younger and legitimate male heirs, remainders to elder William's 2nd, 3rd and 4th sons, John Richard, and Thomas; second moiety to younger William for life, remainder to wife Elizabeth for life, remainders to legitimate heirs and then as first moiety. [Two copies] 25 Mar - 1680
126-129 - Lease and release by John Bentley of Thulston, son of Christopher Bentley, yeoman deceased to John Stanhope of Elvaston and Alexander Stanhope (trustee) of messuage and lands in Thulston [field names, including annexed terrier of lands in Goaty Field] for £153 1s 9d. Bond to keep covenants and receipt. Margery Bentley's release of dower claim for £5 (1685) 26, 27 Sep - 1684
130-131 - Lease and release by John Stanhope of Elvaston, esq., to Edmund son of Edmund Jaques of Elvaston, gent deceased, William son of William Piggin of Elvaston, yeoman, Edward Robbin of Elvaston, yeoman, William son of William Holland of Elvaston, yeoman, Jacob, second son of James Osborne of Elvaston, yeoman, John son of Ellys Piggin of Thulston, yeoman, William Soare of Ambaston, yeoman, William, a son of John Trowell of Ambaston, yeoman, in consideration of £100 from Dame Anne Ellys of Wyham (Lincolnshire), widow, daughter of Sir John Stanhope of Elvaston, deceased, of Endow Flatt, meadow and pasture, in Elvaston, on trust to pay schoolmistress in Elvaston to teach six girls to read and work. Mistress and pupils to be nominated by Alexander Stanhope of Derby for life, then by John Stanhope and heirs, but by minister and churchwardens if no nomination within three weeks 19, 20 Oct - 1684
132-134 - Mortgage by bargain and sale by John Bentley of Thulston, yeoman, to Edward Ward of Thulston, gent, of messuage in the occupation of by Margery Bentley, mother of John, and Joseph Smedley, land including Derby Way Close, the ewleyes, land in Breach field, Bellington Field, Neather Field, Kirkash Field [field names], for £30 at 5% Bond 23, 24 May - 1690
135-140 - Lease and release by John Bentley of Thulston, yeoman, to John Stanhope of Elvaston, esq, for £100, of messuage and land as above. Lease and release by Ward and Bentley to Stanhope of property, Stanhope paying £30 15s to discharge mortgage (23, 24 May 1690). Bond to keep covenants and list of Bentley's lands - 1691
141-142 - Lease and release by Thomas Davy of Elvaston, blacksmith, son of Henry Davy late of Elvaston, blacksmith, to Jacob Osborne of Elvaston, yeoman, of messuage in Elvaston, and lands in Elvaston and Thulston - 24-25 Feb [1704]
143 - Grant by James Steare of Spondon, yeoman, and son John, to Joseph Smedley of Elvaston, husbandman for £2, of 1 selion in gote field. Elvaston [bounds given] 30 Dec - 1704
144-147 - Probate of will of Nicholas Smedley leaving house and lands to Robert son of Thomas Wooly (1704); Two copies of grant by Thomas Woolley elder, of Elvaston, weaver, and son Robert, to John Johnson of Thulstone, yeoman, for £21, of 3 bays of building and a croft in Elvaston (14 Apr 1709); Quitclaim by Johnson to Thomas Woolley (1718) - 1704-1718
148 - Bargain and sale by Isaack Osborne of Allveston, yeoman, to Joseph Smedley, husbandman for 20s., of selion in Gote field, Elvaston [bounds given] - 1706
149 - Copy will of Jacob Osborne of Elvaston, yeoman. Wife Hannah to receive 90 sheep on commons and open fields of Elvaston, all his horses, 12 youngest meat beasts, 8 milked cows, instruments of husbandry, household goods, standing and stored crops; nephew William, eldest son of Jacob's brother William Osborne, clerk, deceased - £100; William's other children - £50 each, William's widow - £20; Josiah Rogerson - 20s. to preach funeral sermon. Receipts for Aston on Trent farm for poor of Elvaston. Cottage and lands in Elvaston to wife Hannah for life with remainder to son Joseph and heirs. Sheepcroft close, Elvaston, to Joseph. Moiety of messuage and lands in Spondon to brother Isaac Osborne after term to raise £100 for Joseph's daughter Sarah. Messuage and lands in Alvaston and Boulton to nephew William son of Isaac Osborne after raising £100 for Mary daughter of Joseph. 50s rentcharge on other Spondon lands to friends John Blood and George Woodward, yeomen of Alvaston, on trust for minister of dissenting protestants in Alvaston, or to another preacher if none in Alvaston; lands themselves divided one-third each to Isaac, Joseph, and sister Mary, wife of John Bennett 30 Aug - 1712
150-151 - Probate of will (5 May 1705) of Anne Piggin of Thulstone, widow, leaving messuage and lands in Thulstone to daughters Sarah Johnson and Rachell Gregg, each half to be divided among their children after their death; Sarah and Rachell each to pay £50 as verbally directed by Anne. Copy (1729) of counsel's opinion (1719) - 1719
152-153 - Lease and release by Robert Johnson of Borrowash, yeoman, wife Sarah and youngest son Francis, chandler, to Joseph, their eldest son, of one third of moiety of Thulston messuage claimed under Anne Piggin's will 14, 15 Apr - 1720
154-155 - Lease and release by William Osborne of Thurvaston. gent., to Margaret Avery of Derby, widow, for £120, of Hen Close (9 acres) in Elvaston, once of James and later Jacob Osborne 18, 19 Sep - 1720
156-157 - Lease and release by John, second son of Robert Johnson of Burrowash, to Robert's eldest son Joseph, yeoman, and wife Sarah, for £35, of third of moiety inherited under Anne Piggin's will - 15-16 Mar [1722]
158-161 - Mortgage by lease and release by Joseph of Burrowash, yeoman to Samuel Robinson of Nottingham, baker, for £120, of moiety of messuage in Thulston in Anne Piggin's will (16, 17 Jan 1722/3). Lease and release of messuage by Johnson and Robinson to Thomas Stanhope of Elvaston, esq., for £120 to Robinson and £367 10s to Johnson (23, 24 Dec 1723) - 1722-1723
162-163 - Lease and release by John Curzon of Kedleston, baronet, to Thomas Stanhope of Elvaston, esq., for £500, of two farms in Elvaston in the occupation of Edward Robins and John Hutchinson 13, 14 Oct - 1724
164 - Probate of will of William Piggin of Elvaston, yeoman; leaving Smalley croft close with barn, orchard and yard to wife Ruth for life, remainder to eldest son William; all other Elvaston property to William charged with £26 each to son Thomas and daughters Sarah and Hannah; one third of personal estate to Ruth, £29 to Thomas, £25 to son John, £19 to Sarah, £14 to Hannah, residue to William 22 Apr - 1729
165 - Release by Joseph Johnson of Nottingham, framework knitter, and John Johnson of Elvaston, yeoman, to Thomas Stanhope of Elvaston, esq, for £22 10s, of 3 bays of building and a close (½ acre) 4 Apr - 1729
166 - Marriage settlement between (1) William Soare of Ambaston, yeoman, wife Anne, son and heir apparent John (2) Rebecca Lovatt of Draycote, spinster (3) Henry Lovatt of Barrow Ash, [Borrowash] yeoman, Joseph Lovatt of Draycote, yeoman, in consideration of intended marriage of John and Rebecca and £140 portion from Rebecca to John, (1) releasing to (3) messuage, Kilne Crofts (8 acres), Grimsitch or Grimsteads (3 acres), the Meadow Nook (4 acres), the Great Guy Lands (7 acres), to use of William and heirs till the marriage, then to John for life, Rebecca for life, eldest son and male heirs, etc remainder to right heirs of William: cottage. Dovecoate Close to William for life; Anne to have £6 per annum after his death, remainders to John etc as above; Colhead Close (7½ acres) Little Guy lands (2 acres), Nine Ridges (3½ acres) to John for life etc as above. Proviso that John and Rebecca may jointly reappoint uses 29 Jul - 1731
167-170 - Mortgage by demise for 1000 years of two Hardhurst closes (6 acres 30 perches), Fowfin Flatt (2 acres, 2 roods [rods]) Little Bostock (3 roods [rods]) Smalley croft and barn (1 acre, 2 roods [rods] and 20 perches) and lands in Elvaston fields by William Piggin of Elvaston, yeoman to William Turner of Derby, gent. for £140 at 7% (9 May 1729); by Piggin to Charles Stanhope of Elvaston, esq., for £150 (25 Sep 1730); lease and release to make tenant to precipe and declare uses of recovery of lands, for £160 5s in addition to £165 mortgage debt of Piggin to Stanhope, to Stanhope, except for Smalley croft to Piggin widow, mother of William, for life, remaider to Stanhope (7, 8 Sep 1732) - 1729-1732
171-173 - Lease and release by Anne Holmes of Makeney, widow and devisee of Edward Holmes, William Merryman of Thurveston, gent., and wife Elizabeth daughter of Anne, Mary Holmes, spinster, daughter of Anne, to Charles Stanhope of Elvaston, esq., for £61 16s of messuage in Thulston, adjoining croft, Hardhurst close (1½ acres); copy will of Edward Holmes (1734) - 22-23 Jan [1735]
174-175 - Lease and release by Robert Woolley of Elvaston, weaver, to Charles Stanhope for £24 of cottage in Elvaston 16, 17 Sep - 1735
176 - Final concord between Seth Wood, gent., querent, and William Stables and Margaret Stables his wife, John Stables, Joseph Osborne, younger, and wife Anne, deforciant, of messuage, 16 acres land, 27 acres meadow, 37 acres past, in Elvaston, Thurlston, and Windley. (Michaelmas Term) - 1736
177-178 - Covenant to levy fine between (1) William Soare of Ambaston yeoman and son John, Thomas Jowett of Draycote yeoman and wife Elizabeth and (2) Henry Swindell of Tonge (Leicestershire) gent. and John Severne of Elvaston, gent., of messuage, Dovecote Close, Colhead Close, Little Guy lands, Nine Ridges, in Ambaston, and messuage and lands in Draycott property of Jowett (20 Jun); final concord, for £120 - 1736
179-187 - Mortgage by demise for 1000 years by John Soare of Ambaston yeoman, to Charles Stanhope of Elvaston, esq., for £200 at 4%, of Colhead Close, Little Guy lands and Nine ridges, in Ambaston [2 copies] 12 Aug 1736 mortgage by demise for 1000 years by William Soare of Ambaston, yeoman, wife Ann and son John, to Stanhope, for £150 at 4% of Dovecote close (4 acres) and adjng messuage (2 copies and bond, 14 Dec 1739); lease and release of above properties by John Soar to William Turner for £100 (27, 28 Nov 1741), and by Turner to Stanhope for £143/13/11 (14, 15 Jul 1743) - 1736-1743
188-189 - Lease and release by William Barker of Weston upon Trent yeoman, and wife Mary, widow of Jacob Osborne, to Charles Stanhope of Elvaston esq., of two closes, Long Close Pingles adjoining Green Lane in Elvaston and Alvaston. £45 - 3-4 Feb [1737]
190-191 - Will [2 copies] of Thomas Robins of Elvaston, yeoman, leaving lands in Elvaston and Thulston to eldest son Thomas, charged with £100 each to daughter Sarah and Elizabeth; lands in Wilne, Shardlow, and Chellaston to youngest son William charged with £100 to daughter Rachel 24 Oct - 1738
192-193 - Exchange between Charles Stanhope and Thomas Robins; Stanhope gives Robins Short Breaches Flat in Breach Field and land on Elvaston Hill; Robins gives Stanhope ley in weir tail, 10d rent, two nodes in Park Corner in Goty Field, Monsal Nook Flat. Stanhope allows Robins to enclose paying 2s/acres annually in lieu of tithe [2 copies: 25 Sep 1740, 7 Oct 1741] - 1740-1741
194 - Bargain and sale by James Osborne of Alvaston, gent., to Charles Stanhope of Elvaston, esq., of High meadow close, Elvaston [plan attached, bounds given] in consideration of 5s and channel built by Stanhope through his land to drain Osborne's land at upper end of 7 acres close 26 Sep - [1740s]
195 - Bargain and sale by Joseph Osborne of Derby, maltster to Charles Stanhope of reversion of messuage including shops and warehouse and lands in Elvaston and Thulston, for £150, under will (1713) of Joseph Osborne of Elvaston, yeoman deceased 8 Apr - 1743
196-9 - Lease and release by George Osborne and Henry Nuton (trustees under will of Margaret Avery) to Charles Stanhope, of reversion after death of Hannah Newham of New Close, Elvaston, for £160 (15, 16 Jun 1743); further lease and release (8, 9 Jun 1744) of same property - 1743-1744
200-201 - Lease and release by William Smedley of Elvaston, husbandman, eldest son of Frances, second wife of late Joseph Smedley of Elvaston farmer, and by William Smedley of Isleworth, Middlesex, gardener, eldest son of Isaac Smedley late of Isleworth, farmer, who was eldest son of Joseph Smedley, to William, Earl of Harrington, for £35, of Stepping Pingle, Elvaston (2 roods [rods]) allotted by enclosure commissioners 25, 26 Oct - 1768
202-205 - Arbitrators' division of lands between Joseph Osborne the younger, of Spondon and wife Anne, and William Richardson of Elvaston and wife Mary. Award gives Osborne Near Millway Close, part of Lands Side Close, Nether Meadow Close, Nether Meadow, Moor End Close, and half of the Homestead, Elvaston; house and land on Town Street, Thulston; land in Snealfmoor field, Chellaston. Richardson receives Far Millway Close, Elvaston Sands Close, part of Sands side close, Elvaston House End Close, and other moiety of Homestead, Elvaston, Alvaston Close, and two acres of Cow Green, Elvaston. Richardson to pay Osborne £107 for his moiety of the Homestead. Bond to accept arbitration; final concord; lease and release to Osborne according to award - 1769
206-209 - Lease and release by Nicholas Day, grocer, and John Day, grazier and farmer, of Willoughby Waterless (Leicestershire) to Charles, Earl of Harrington, of Woodward's Close, formerly part of Bushy Leas, Elvaston, for £130. Abstract of Jonathan Day's title (1794) and solicitor's letter - 25-26 Nov 1794
210-211 - Bargain and sale by William Richardson of Elvaston gent. of lands awarded him by arbitration and assignments of mortgages to Charles, Earl of Harrington - 9-10 Oct 1800
212 - Gift by Robert, son of Richard de Tottenham, to Richard de Willoughby and wife Isabel, and heirs, of 2 places in Alwaston [Elvaston or Alvaston] which Richard held and ½ of a place held by John Sinclair and wife Matilda as her dower, reverting to Robert after Matilda's death. Witnesses: John Sweet, Thomas Cheneteyn; Richard Attebrygge; John [Fauvell], William son of Robert de Elvastonl [and others] 22 Jul - 1327
212-228 - Alvaston and Boulton
213 - Gift by John Potter of Alvaston, yeoman to son Thomas Potter of tenement in Derby opposite Corn Market, between the tenements of Darley monastery and Richard Walker, and le Towne Close and 8 acres land and meadow in the common fields, in Alvaston 10 Jul - 1535
214-215 - Bargain and sale by Robert Jenkinson alias Tomlinson of Thulston, yeoman to Christopher Eyre of Weston upon Trent, gent., of all Robert's property in Alvaston, Boulton, Chellaston, Thulston, Aston and Elvaston, for 100 marks. Jenkinson's receipt for £43 6s 8d in part payment, 12 Sep 1541. Quitclaim by John son of Robert Jenkinson, 1 Sep 1542 - 1541-1542
216-217 - Grant by Thomas Smalley of Boulton, husbandman., to Christopher Eyre of Weston, gent., of all his lands and rents in Boulton, Alvaston and elsewhere. Quitclaim 3, 4 May - 1542
218 - Gift by George Spencer of Alvaston, husbandman, to Christopher Eyre gent. of 5½ acres in Mere field and Sinfin field, in Alvaston and Boulton [bounds given] 17 May - 1543
219 - Grant by Thomas Potter of Derby, yeoman, to Christopher Eyre of Weston on Trent of 7 acres land and 3 roods meadow in Cokerson feld and Sinfin Field, Alvaston [bounds given] - 28 Jan [1545]
220 - Bargain and sale by George Spencer of Alvaston, yeoman, to Christopher Eyre of Weston of selion in Alvaston fields and 2½ acres land in morefelde, Sinfin Field and Cokerfen felde, Boulton 26 May - 1546
221 - Grant by George Spencer of Alvaston, husbandman to Edmund Eyre, son of Christopher Eyre deceased, gent., of ½ acre land in fields of Boulton and Alvaston [bounds given] 20 Dec - 1555
222 - Quitclaim by John Curzon, esq., son of Sir John Curzon of Kedleston, to Edward Ward of Thulston, gent., for £545, of messuage the Brackings in the occupation of Thomas Sherwin, and Alvaston or Whinyards Close, in Boulton and Alvaston [month, day blank] - 1681
223 - Copy will of Isaac Osborne of Alvaston, yeoman, appointing wife Elizabeth, son William and brother in law William Leaper executors; gives £30 to son Jacob and £10 to William, residue of personal property to sons James and Joseph; messuage and land purchased from John Steare, Wisgreaves (closes), meadow in Alvaston meadow, land in Sinfin field, Moor field, Cockerson field, 2 beast pastures in Alvaston Green, Alvaston to Jacob and heirs, but a remainder to James and Joseph as tenants in common if William [sic] dies without heirs under 21, moieties of reversion of Walker Close, Alvaston and Boulton, to James and Joseph. Codicil (19 Nov 1719) substituting cottage, Gorsty Close, 2 small parcels meadow, beastgate, orchard, purchased from widow Anne Harrison and her sister Mary Roberts, for £20 left to Jacob 25 May - 1716
224-225 - Marriage settlement between Jacob Osborne of Alvaston, yeoman, and wife Mary, daughter of William Pan of Weston, yeoman, and William Pan, conveying messuage in Alvaston and Gorse Close, Long Close Pingle, ½ acre in the Sweet, meadow, past, land in Cockerson, Little and Swynfin fields, to Jacob for life, remainders to Mary for life in lieu dower, legitimate heir of Mary and heirs 25, 26 Apr - 1723
226 - Copy of will of Jacob Osborne of Alvaston, yeoman, confirming marriage settlement of 1727, leaving unsettled land to daughter, to daughters as tenants in common if posthumous daughter; to son charged with payment to daughter if posthumous son - 1727
227 - Final concord between Charles Stanhope and Samuel Sadler, querent, and William Barber and wife Mary, John Sadler and wife Eilzabeth, deforciant, of messuage, 2 acres land, 2 acres meadow, 2 acres past[ure], in Alvaston and Derby. £60 - [1737]
228 - Covenant by Thomas Stanhope of Shelford, Nottinghamshire, knight and his second brother Edward of Nottingham, esq., to levy fine to Robert Newton of Chadesden, gent., and William Browne of Stoke Bardolph, Nottinghamshire, yeoman of manor and soke of Sawley purchased from Edward Gryffyn, to Thomas for life, remainder to wife Margaret for life, remainder to appointed by Thomas's will 13 May - 1586
229 - Power of attorney for Dean and Chapter of Lichfield to deliver seisin of Sawley manor to the Queen. Recites release by Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield [18 Sep 1593] which recited conveyance to Sir Thomas Stanhope and his conveyance to the Queen - 8 Feb [1594]
229-250 - Sawley
230 - Covenant by William Parris of Sawley, yeoman, to surrender his reversion of messuage and 3 acres in Sawley after death of Heughe Lasie and wife Margaret, to Sir Thomas Stanhope of Shelford and son John, for £50 - 22 Oct 1593
231-232 - Grant by Philip, Earl of Chesterfield to Henry Lord Stanhope, of manor and soke of Sawley with lands etc in Sawley, Long Eaton, Wilsthropp, Thrumpton, Hopwell, Reasely, Breason, Draycott, Wylne and Sandiacre, for ever and Shelford land to use of Henry for 40 years if Philip lives - 1632-1635
233-234 - Bargain and sale by George Widoson of Nottingham, gent to Philip, Earl of Chesterfield, for £5, of manor of Sawley, to Philip for life, remainders to male heirs of Henry Stanhope, and other Stanhopes and heirs, (9 May). Another bargain and sale with proviso that Widowson may re-enter as tenant to the precipe (29 May) - 1635
235 - Royal letters patent to Philip, Earl of Chesterfield, granting a market at Sawley on Tuesdays, All Saints, and 25 Apr, and fairs on 2 Nov and 26 Apr 20 May - 1680
236-237 - Power of attorney by Jane Parkings of Loughborough, Leicestershire to surrender fourth part of messuage, 4 oxgangs, and Hollowes close, in Long Eaton and Sawley, to Francis Cockayne of London, gent., for £110 (13 Dec 1732). Surrender by attorney to use of Cockayne; surrender by Thomas Taft, wife Katherine and son John, of messuage and cow pasture in Sawley, to use of Samuell Barson and wife Hannah, remainder Thomas son of Hannah (27 Feb 1732/3) - [27 Feb 1733]
238-241 - Lease and release by Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield to Charles Stanhope of Elvaston, esq., of manors of Sawley and Amberston meadow in Elvaston (4 acres), for £11,960 paid to Edward Thompson junior of Marston, Yorkshire., esq., in part discharge of mortgage. Discharge of mortgage, (copy) - 14-15 Mar [1734]
242-244 - Copyhold admittances etc of cottage, orchard, garden and cow pasture in manor of Prebend and Rectory of Sawley Earl of Chesterfield to Charles Stanhope (1737/8); inheritance by William (1760) and Charles (1786), Earls of Harrington - 1738-1786
245 - Surrender by William Harrison and wife Sarah, and Ann Saxton widow, of west end of a croft in Sawley, to use of Robert Shaw of Sawley - 7 May 1791
246 - Sawley Manor and messuages, barn, stable, etc; land in Far Street once Thompson's croft, now Jerrom's croft: conveyance of equity of redemption of mortgage for £300 at 5%, by Robert Shaw younger late of Sawley, now of Clifton, Nottinghamshire, yeoman, to Lewis Taylor of Sawley innkeeper - 1809
247-248 - Manor of Prebend and Rectory of Sawley - piece of land called Dubholme or Woodshrubs (10 acres) and Ozier bed (3 acres); recovery of moiety by Fosbrooke; abstract of Fosbrooke's Title (1653-1802); Fosbrooke family tree - 1814
249 - Covenant by William Simpkin of Sawley, farmer and innkeeper, and wife Ann (formerly Ann Taylor, widow) to surrender to use of William Taylor of Derby, innkeeper and others according to will of Lewis Taylor (14 Jun 1811) 29 Sep - 1821
250 - Duplicate conveyance by Charles Augustus, Earl of Harrington to John Patrick Newton of Long Eaton, estate agent, of land on Wilsthorpe Road, Sawley, for £5778 5s, with plan 24 Jun - 1909
251 - Quitclaim by Edmund Wedewoson of Enderbie, Leics., yeoman to Richard Newton of Spondon, husbandman, of messuage, croft and ½ bovate in Spondon 10 Jun - 1548
251-292 - Spondon and Ockbrook
252-253 - Two quitclaims to Richard Noyet or Nowton of messuage, croft, 2 bovates in Spondon, for £20 [bounds given] - 1549
254 - Feoffment by Richard Noton of Spondon, yeoman, of messuage in Spondon to trustees to use of Richard and wife Margerie for lives, remainder to son John in tail male 26 Oct - 1562
255 - Indentures between Thomas Stanhope of Shelford, Nottinghamshire, esq., Robert Newton of Chedesden and Anthony Bate of Derby. For £32 from Newton Bate gives Stanhope land which Bate had in common with Sir Ingram Clyfforde knight, in Borowash, Spondon or Elvaston, and Bate's own land in Borowashe, and Stanhope must pay £11 to Newton in 1609 or stand seised to his use 27 Mar - 1568
256 - Bargain and sale by George, Earl of Cumberland and his brother Francis Clifford esq. to Robert Newton of Chaddesden gent. and son Thomas of lands in Spondon, Chaddesden, Lockhawe [Locko], Borowashe [Borrowash]; and Twyford, for £660 - 1 Feb [1584]
257-259 - Deed to lead uses of a recovery of Ockbrook from Frederick, Lord Windsor, of manor of Okebrooke and 10s per annum rent: William Hibbert al. Hubbard, elder of Okebrook, husbandman, to have his cottage and 12d rent (1 Apr 1584). Assignment of mortgage by demise for 5000 years (by Hibberde, 1590) from Thomas Richardson of Okebrooke, smith, to Robert Stevenson of Stanley, tailor, for £19 (6 Jul 1602). Assignment by Stevenson of Bethie, tailor to Sir John Stanhope for £18 (21 Jun 1608) - 1584-1608
260-261 - Marriage settlement between John Noton of Spondon, yeoman, Richard his son, John Stansbye of Stansbye Houses parish of Horsley, yeoman, and Gracian Tayler of Spondon yeoman, for marriage intended by Richard and Elizabeth, daughter of John Stansbye, declaring uses of fine to be levied of John Noton's messuage in Spondon: moiety to Elizabeth for life, moiety to Richard in tail male, remainders to his brother John in tail male and Richard and heirs, Richard to maintain father John and give him 40s per annum, or £6 per annum and no maintenance (1 Oct). Fine: Noton to Stonesbye and Taylyer (Michaelmas) - 1594
262-263 - Assignments of lease for 3000 years of moiety of Thomas Fowke's messuage in Ockbrook (1587): by John Baker al Stables of Weston Underwood, yeoman, to brother George Baker al. Stables of Haslewood, yeoman (18 Feb 1603/4), and by George Baker to Sir John Stanhope, for 3170 (1 Apr 1605); Bond to keep covenants - 1604-1605
264-266 - Gift by Richard Noton of Spondon, yeoman, and wife Elizabeth, to Sir John Harpur and son John of messuage in Spondon with deed to create tenants to precipe (20 Oct 1606); common recovery by Harpur of messuage, 33 acres land, 13 ac, 12 acres pasture, 20 acres furze and heath in Spondon (1606/7 Hilary) - 1606-1607
267-268 - Bargain and sale by Christopher Crosse of Spondon, gent., to Richard Noton of Spondon, yeoman, for £15, of Over Goodwins (3 leys pasture) and 1 acre land in field next Derby. Bond - 8 Mar [1617]
269-280 - Piggin charity deeds of land in trust for poor of Elvaston: messuage, Stonebridge meadow close, Megalaughton, Hobson Paddock, meadow closes, Bricksick Close and West-side Close (pasture), 3 leys in a close in Over-goodwins, dole meadow in Synderlands, parcel in St Mary-leys Nooke, 8 acres, 1 rood [rod] land in field towards Derby, 8 acres in field towards Borowash, 11 acres, 3 roods [rods] in Brinkfield, 2 beast pastures in Spondon Waste, all in Spondon. Sale and fine by Richard and Elizabeth Noton to William Boothouse, citizen and clothworker of London, for £280 and £60 (1617). Terrier and power of attorney. Fine (1622 Trinity) for £60 and bargain and sale for £265 by Boothouse to trustees for use of Elvaston poor: Sir John Stanhope; Robert Towneson, vicar of Elvaston; Richard Piggen of Thurleston, yeoman; Ellis Piggen of London, plasterer; William Osborne of Elvaston, yeoman; Thomas Lancashire of Thulston yeoman; Thomas Piggen of London, plasterer; Richard Piggen of Loscoe, yeoman, and son Thomas; William Piggen of Elvaston and son William; John Piggen of Ashton, miller and skinner of London; Ellis, son of Thomas Piggen; William Cox, citizen and dyer of London, and son Henry; Lovingcot Lamball citizen and clothworker of London; John Soar of Ambaston, yeoman; Robert Piggen of Okebrooke, yeoman; Richard Cope of Thulston yeoman (5 Jul 1622) Lease and release by John Soare of Shardlow, yeoman, surviving trustee, to new trustees: John Stanhope, esq.; Arthur Francis, vicar of Elvaston, Edward Robbin, yeoman; William, son of William Holland, yeoman; John, son of Ellys Piggen of Thulston, yeoman; Edmund son of late Edmund Jaques of Elvaston; William Piggen, yeoman, and son William; Jacob, second son of James Osborne, yeoman; John, son of Luke Hutchinson of Thulston; William Cope of Thulston, yeoman; William Soare of Ambaston, yeoman; William Soare of Ambaston, yeoman, William Trowell son of John Trowell of Ambaston, yeoman. 28 Jan 1676/7. Abstract of title, 1617-76 Lease for possession by Luke, son of John Hutchinson (surviving trustee) to William, Earl of Harrington; Charles, Lord Petersham; John Swain, vicar of Elvaston; Jonathan Severn, gent.; William Lancashire, yeoman; James Cope, yeoman; William Soar and John Briggs, yeomen, of Thulston; John son of Luke Hutchinson of Thulston; William, son of John Trowell, of Ambaston (24 Jul 1769). With notes of Elvaston poor lands in Spondon - 1617-1769
281 - Limitation of uses by Sir John Stanhope of Elvaston in Burghe or Borough Ashe [Borrowash] Milles, fishing in River Derwent and two leys next to mill, late part of monastery of Dale, to Sir John and heirs, revoking earlier limitation (1615) to daughter Olyve and legitimate heirs 29 Oct - 1620
282-288 - Copy will of Edward Harrison of Burrowash leaving land to wife for life, then Ockbrook land purchased from Henry Gilbert and 1 acre in Spondon field to daughter Ann wife of Henry Swindell, other Ockbrook land and two cottages to grand-daughter Mary Rowland and legit. heirs, remainder to Ann and legitimate heirs (1727). Copy will of Ann Swindell leaving all real property to son Henry Swindell (1763). Extract from Ockbrook Enclosure Award concerning Swindell's allotments. Lease and release by Rev Henry Swindell of Burrowash, clerk, to Francis Agard of Derby, miller and cornfactor, of 1 acre next mills and canal, and part of Home Croft, Burrowash (1796). Lease and release by Agard to Earl of Harrington, for £250 (1802) - 1727-1802
289-290 - Lease and release by Robert Wilmot of Chaddesden, esq., Edward Wilmot of London, Doctor in Physic, Richard Wilmot of Chaddesden, clerk, Thomas Rowland of Boothby Pagnell, Bedfordshire, gent., and wife Susanna, Elizabeth and Jane Wilmot of Chadsden, spinsters, Thomas Allestree of Alvaston, gent., and John Ward of Hickling, Nottinghamshire, clerk, to Charles Stanhope of Elvaston, esq., for £300, of messuage tenanted by Frances Adams and 2 closes (10 acres) in Borrowash 13, 14 Sep - 1736
291-292 - Exchange by Charles, Earl of Harrington to Thomas Pares of Leicester, gent., of 6 closes - 1789, 1825
293 - Admittance of William Garner by inheritance from William Garner senior to cottage and 2 oxgangs in Draycott, copyhold of Sallow [Sawley] manor, for 11s 10½ d rent and 26s 8d fine, 25 Feb 1651/2 - 1652
293-438 - Draycott
294 - Probate of will (1652) of John Mee of Draycott leaving cottage to wife Anne, 12d to son in law Luke Teabould, residue to Anne 7 Jun - 1654
295-310 - Bargain and sale by Robert Butler of Draycott and Amye his wife of his cottage to trustees to use Robert and Amye for life Remainder to heirs of body, 1654 Admission Robert Butler [son] to copyhold portion, 1657 Mortgage and bond to perform covenants, 1690 Lease and release by Robert and wife Anne to Joseph Houston, Loscoe, yeoman, for £31, 1692; with copyhold surrender and widow Anne's quitclaim, for £5, 1694 Part [draft] sale to Sarah Faulkner of Sandy Acre for £40, 1696 Bonds Lease and release and contract by Joseph Hooton of Sandyacre [Sandiacre], husbandman, to Samuel Porter of Draycoate [Draycott], whitthawer, for £40, 1697 Admittances to copyhold portion of William, son of Samuel Porter, 1708, and of Samuel Porter, 1752 - 1654-1752
311-320 - Lease and release by Thomas James of Draycott, yeoman, to William Hickling of Breedon Lodge, Breedon, Leicestershire, yeoman, of messuage, croft, 6 oxgangs, land in Burrow, Neather and Tinckle fields, with lease and release by Hickling to trustees to uses of family agreement (1709); deed to create tenant to precipe to break entails, and mortgage be demise for 1000 years by Thomas son of William Hickling (1730); assignment (1736) and discharge (1736) of mortgage; lease and release by Thomas to Charles Stanhope for £167 2s of messuage and 6 acres lands [field names] (1737) - 1709-1727
321-323 - Surrender by Thomas Jowett of Pasture Close, Draycott, copyhold of manor of Sawley, to uses of his will, (1766); copy will of Peter Rowley leaving Pasture Close to son Thomas (1785); admittance of Thomas (1700) - 1766-1799
324 - Surrender by John Rossell of his Draycott cottage to use of Thomas Waltham of Draycott, gent., fine £2 2s 11 Apr - 1774
325-331 - Surrender to Towle (1787) and conditional surrender by heirs of Thomas Towle of Bank Field or Derby Lane Close (3 acres, 2 perches) and copyhold conveyance to Joseph Boswoth, cordwainer; conditional surrender by Bosworth (1825); surrender by elder Joseph Bosworth to younger (1834) an by younger Bosworth to John Harrison Towle of Draycott Hall (1872) - 1787-1872
332-341 - Lease and releases by Thomas Jowett, yr, of Draycott, yeoman, to Thomas Towle of Draycott, yeoman, of 2 messuages, dyer's shop, Cow pasture (21 acres, 3 roods [rods] and 19 perches) now in closes, Lousy Bush Close - formerly part of Oldfield (2 acres), the Homestead and croft (1795-6); copy will of Towle, framework knitter, of Draycott, leaving all to wife Elizabeth for life with remainders to daughters Mary and Elizabeth as tenants in common (1800); copyhold admittances of Towle's widow Elizabeth (1805), daughters (1819), and their surrender to use of Thomas Wilson (1819). Copy will of Thomas Jowett (1804) with instructions to Counsel - 1795-1819
342-345 - Conveyance by John Walthew of Liverpool, mercer and draper, nephew and devisee of Thomas Walthew of Draycott, yeoman, to Edward Smith of Risley, blacksmith, of 2 cottages at West-end of Draycott and 8 leys of enclosed land (4 acres) for £840; surrender to use of Smith of Limestead close., Horse Common, and Park Meadow (5 acres); copy will Smith, leaving real property to trustees to sell (1821); surrender to devisees (1826) - 1805-1826
346-362 - Mortgage of messuage etc. in Draycott with the Homestead (1 acre, 2 roods [rods]) Great Lammas Close (4 acre) Little Lammas ot Jowett's Close (2 acre) and Burton Close (1 acre) by John Jowett of Draycott, farmer (1806); assignments of mortgage and equity of redemption eventually to Joseph Bowmer (1825), including will of John Cleator of Draycote, gent (1820) - 1806-1825
363-364 - Lease and release by Joseph Garton of Draycott, victualler and others to Joseph Bowmer of Draycott, gent, for £350 of cottage and farm buildings converted to 6 dwellings 8, 9 Jun - 1824
365-367 - Surrender by trustees of will of John Cleator of Old fields (3 closes) and brick shed to Joseph Bowmer, for £750, fine £60 18s (1825); covenant and surrender by trustees of Bowmer's will to Michael Thomas Jones of Shardlow, surgeon (1855) - 1825-1855
368-391 - Surrenders and conveyances to Joseph Bower; Bowmer's will (1832) leaving property to wife for life, then to children; conveyance and surrender by children to John Harrison Towle of messuage, the Homestead (1 acre, 2 roods [rods]), Gt Lammas Close, Little Lammas Close, Burton Close, Horse Common, the Limestead Close, cottages, the Bank Field, better known as - capital messuage (3 19 perches) the Lammas land (7 acres, 2 roods [rods] and 5 perches), Burton's Close (1 acre, 2 roods [rods] and 14 perches) Nether Close and Limestead (2 acres, 3 roods [rods] and 16 perches) Park Meadow and Orchard Close (4 acres, 3 roods [rods]) and Bank Field (1 acre, 2 roods [rods] and 14 perches), and associated papers (1855), mortgage by Towle and assignments; papers regarding conveyance and assignment to Earl of Harrington's will trustee - 1828-1890
392-396 - Lease and release of moiety of messuages and "the Homestead and Croft" by Thomas Wilson of Draycott, joiner and wife Mary (nee Coxon) to William Dutton of Draycott, yeoman, and wife Elizabeth (nee Coxon) (1827); Fine (1828); Abstract of title and conveyance by Thomas Dutton to John Harrison Towle of Draycott Hall, cotton spinner (1875) - 1827-1875
397-403 - Will of Thomas Coxon of Draycott, farmer (1874); conveyance of 6 houses in Draycott by a devisee to Samual Smith of Draycott, butcher (1880); mortgage (1882); conveyances to Joseph Smith of Grimsby (Lincolnshire) grocer (1893) of 5 cottages, formerly 6, and to Harrington will trustees (1894) - 1874-1894
404-417 - Conveyance by John Cowlishaw, devisee of Thomas Coxon, of building land near Draycott Hall to John Harrison Towle (1879); conveyance to Harrington will trustees (1894) and associated papers - 1879-1894
418-424 - Conveyances by Anne Astle of Draycott, widow, to Edward Heath Oswald of Kegworth, Leicestershire, plaster manufacturer, of 4 cottages on Derby road inherited from Thomas Coxon, and via trustees in bankruptcy for Oswald to Samuel Gilbert and Robert Towle; trustee's certificate and succession duty account - 1880-1882
425-438 - Copyhold admittance of Sarah Eliza Jones to First Pasture Close, Far Pasture Close and Old Fields (3 closes) under will of Michael Thomas Jones (1878); surrender to Titus Astle (1878) and to Ernest J Hooley of Long Eaton, lace manufacturer (1885); enfranchisement (1888) of First Pasture Close and Old Fields; mortgages of Old Fields, and appointment of bankruptcy trustees for Hooley (1898) - 1878-1898
439 - Bargain and sale by Thomas Garner of Repton yeoman, to John Barton of Repton, skinner, for £140 10s, of 2 lands in Haskey field, 3 lands in West Field, trade of grass in Moore Close, land and trade in Hayfield (2 acres, 3 roods [rods]) - 13 Mar [1652]
439-452 - Repton
440 - Settlement on marriage of Thomas son of John Barton of Repton, fellmonger, with Mary, sister of Edward Coxon of Ambaston, Elvaston, yeoman, of 3 acres land and rood [rod] meadow in lieu of dower remainders to heirs of Thomas, Mary and John - 19 Jan [1670]
441 - Bargain and sale by Thomas Barton of Repton, felmonger, wife Mary and son John, to William Gilbert of Derby, gent., for £47 19s of land [as D518M/T440] 17 May - 1698
442-445 - Release in execution of marriage settlement (1779) of Charles, Earl of Harrington and Jane Fleming conveying Cannon meadow, Brockoe, Revits Tenement, Breaches, Upper Middle and Nether Potlocks, and the Nineteen Lands, discharged of mortgage, to trustees, using funds in Chancery under will of Sir John Fleming. Part of lands to use of Jane and legitimate heirs with remainders to Fleming family - 1780-1782
446-452 - Drafts and abstracts of conveyances by Charles and Jane, Earl and Countess of Harrington of Repton lands: part of Nineteen Lands to Hemworth Newton of Repton, yeoman; 58 acres in Upper Potlock to Samuel Fox of Thurlston Grange; esq.; part of Nineteen Lands, Brocko, messuage and Jonna or Cannon meadow to Samuel Bristowe of Twyford, Nether Potlock to Elizabeth Glover of Findern, widow; with schedule of deeds - 1805
453-456 - Lease and release of moieties of cottages, Gibb Croft, 1 acre land, meadow, 2 beast pastures in Long Eaton, and Hayricks close in Toton, Nottinghamshire, by Thomas Sales of Derby, baker, and Elizabeth Jacques of London, spinster to Charles Jerrome of Breaston, yeoman - 1708-1710
453-497 - Long Eaton
457-473 - Lease and releases by Isaac Borrow of Derby, esq., to various parties, of Long Eaton and other lands (1713); lease and release by above to Charles Jerram of Breaston, gent., and Thomas Hynde of Sawley, gent., of moiety each of farm house, High Close, Crow Orchard, Haycroft Close, Two Davyes Closes, Davyes Yard, Trussell Holme, cottage and 1½ acres in common fields, all in Long Eaton, and farmhouse and oxgangs in fields of Long Eaton and Little Thrumpton, Derbys, (2 copies) (1714); writ and return of examination of Isaac and Honor Borow on find to be levied by Hynde and Herram (1719). - 1713-1719
474-476 - Leaseand release and fine by Thomas Hynd and wife Elizabeth to William Herram the elder of Nottingham,Mercer, of Hynd's moiety in above property. - [1741]
477-479 - Exchange by Isaac and release, Charles Earl of Harrington giving Thomas Hopkins of Long Eaton, Doctor of Physick, Bridge field and allotment (11 acres, 2 roods [rods] and 2 perches) in exchange for Upper Red meadow (12 acres, 2 roods [rods] 20 perches); plans of fields exchanged. Extract from Long Eaton enclosure award (1766). - 1788
480-497 - Mortgages by John Freeth of Bulwell, Notts calico printer; abstracts of title of and conveyance by Daniel and John Freeth to Charles, Earl of Harrington of Far High Leys (1 acre, 2 roods [rods] and 27 perches), Rad meadow, Brick Kiln Close (11 acres, 3 roods [rods] and 30 perches) Rushy Close (10 acres, 6 perches) Fisher Willow (5 acres 3 roods [rods] and 4 perches) High Ground (5 acres, 3 perches) Roe Close (13 acres, 1 rood [rod] and 30 perches) Low Close (10 acres, 36 perches) Far Hay Croft (8 acres), covenant to surrender Low Close (6 acres), in Long Eaton. Copy covenant by Harrington to produce title deeds to other purchasers. - 1608-1620
498-509 - Original and copy will of John White of Derby leaving all to wife Dorothy (1740). Lease and release to create tenant to precipe by Dorothy White of Breaston, widow of John White of Risley, and John youngest son of Dorothy and John, to Henry Wilmot of Grey's Inn, gent., of Avery's Farm (messuage, 4 oxgangs, 9 beastgates), 3 cottages, Under Yards Close, Nar or North meadow, Wood End Close, Turtle Furlong, Turtle Furlong or Hurst Close,a piece in Newdicke, and 8 beastgates, in Breaston. Copy will of Dorothy White, widow of John White, leaving residue to youngest son John White (1743). Certified copy from Recovery Index: John Newton from Wilmot vouching John White, (1750). Copy exemplification of common recovery of some property by Samuel Horrocks from Joseph Allen vouching John White (1762), with deed to create tenant to precipe (1762). Copy lease and release by John White esq. of Breaston to make Joseph Allen tenant to precipe of messuage In Sandiacre, and of messuage, Adams croft, Stand Hill close, Duffield close including Nursery garden, Holmes close, Wett Heath close and meadow, Hanford Spott, Upper Middle and Nether Turtle Furlong closes, the Bottom, and 20 beastgates, in Breaston. Copy exemplification of common recovery by Thomas Fisher from Allen vouching White. (1762) - 1740-1762
498-539 - Breaston
510 - Certified copy of marriage settlement: John White of Breaston and wife Mary bargain and sell to trustees their capital messuage at Breaston with Duffield Close (4 acres, 17 perches) Sun Closes (30 acres, 26 perches) Town End Close (4 acres, 36 perches) and Wood end (8 acres, 30 perches); another mess ten John Dodson with Nether Field Closes (8 acres) Wood End close (1 acre, 2 roods [rods]) the Homestead (1 rood [rod]) Sealy Sick (5 acre 2 roods [rods] and 7 perches), Crofts Closes (4 acres, 6 perches) Under Yards (2 acres, 1 rood [rod] and 7 perches), the Bowling Alley (4 acres, 3 roods [rods] and 30 perches) Pasture closes (24 acres) Hugnall Croft (1 rood [rod], 31 perches) the Birches closes (14 acres) Ryehill Side (1 acre, 1 rood [rod] and 25 perches) and 4 acres, 3 roods [rods] and 27 perches in common fields; messuage in the occupation of John Newton with the two Turtle furlongs (13 acres, 3 perches) Bull pieces (16 acres) one land in Hopwell field (2 roods [rods]) and two in Millhill field (1 acre); Draymhill and Netherfield close (26 acres, 3 roods [rods] and 33 perches) Upper and Nether Turtle Furlongs (21 acres, 1 rood [rod] and 2 perches) in the occupation of John Gregory; messuage Ten. George Flint with small Thorn (8 acres) 3 beast pastures, Folley close (5 acres) and 5 acres in common fields; messuage in the occupation of Joshua Hewitt with Nether Field Closes (14 acres) Under Yards (2 acres) half of North meadow (2 acres, 3 roods [rods] and 28 perches) and 2 roods [rods], 11 perches in common fields; messuage William Flint with two pieces in New Dike (3 acres, 1 rood [rod] and 17 perches) 5 beast patures, the Pudding Close (4 acres, 1 rood [rod] and 32 perches); messuage with the Croft (3 acres, 1 rood [rod] and 6 perches) New Pasture closes (7 acres) 2 acres, 2 roods [rods] and 22 perches in common fields; Oathill close (12 acres, 1 rood [rod] and 13 perches) in the occupation of Robert Carter mess. with Ready Furlongs (3 acres, 1 rood [rod] and 26 perches) the new Inclosure (4 acres) Killingly Croft (2 acres, 5 perches) and 1 rood [rod], 30 perches in common fields in the occupation of John Jackson; messuage in the occupation of Robert Smith with Oathill close (2 acres, 1 rood [rod] and 32 perches) Collin Leas (1 acre, 1 rood [rod] and 8 perches) Roulson's Close (1 acre, 1 rood [rod] and 26 perches) and 4 beast pastures; Robert Jowett's two Turtle Furlong closes (7 acres, 2 roods [rods] and 31 perches); messuage in the occupation of Thomas Roulston and William Hood with moiety of North meadow (2 acres, 3 roods [rods] and 28 perches) Homestead (1 rood [rod], 5 perches) and 2 beast pastures; Under Yards and Powder Willows (6 acre, 32 perches) in the occupation of Edward Jowett; mess ten Charles Randle with croft (1 acre, 2 roods [rods] and 14 perches); William Wilmot's cottage; Robert Kirk's land in millhill field; New Dykes (7 acres, 22 perches) in the occupation of James Lakin; messuage in the occupation of John Newton with Crofts Close (22 acres) Coldwell hill (8 acres) Standhill (5 acres, 16 perches) Middlested and Nether field closes (20 acres) three Turtle Furlongs (12 acres, 19 perches) Botham (7 acres) Bull Piece (5 acres) Holmes (8 acres, 3 roods [rods] and 26 perches) Homestead (2 roods [rods]) 1 acre, 3 roods [rods] and 13 perches in Hopwell field and 3 roods [rods] 9 perches in Millhill field; Widow Shottle's land in ockbrook; Elizabeth Blunstone's messuage in Sandyacre with Holme Close, the Flatts, the Clouds, the Heyworths and lands in common fields, the Westrups, moiety of Flitt Holme, Long More Close, Far meadow, 4 cowgates [abuttals given]. First two properties (in the occupation of White and Dobson) to John for life, remainder Mary for life (jointure) remainder as will of Mary; other properties to John and heirs after Mary's death. 16 Apr - 1765
511 - Copy of probate (1774) of will (1771) of John White of Breaston leaving messuage and 91 acres, 1 rood [rod] and 3 perches in Breaston in the occupation of John Newton and Widow Shottle's messuage in Ockbrook, and farm house and 30 acres, 2 roods [rods] land in Breaston in the occupation of John Newton to Bowyer Leftwich Wynn and wife Mary, John's niece, after life interest of Mary wife of John White, remainder to their children as tenants in common, John White's capital messuage in Breaston and other Breaston lands, widow Blumstome's farm and lands to wife Mary and heirs, etc. - 1774
512 - Settlement on marriage of Richard Topp of Stone, Staffordshire, lieutenant 14th Foot, with Mary Elizabeth Wynn of Stone eldest daughter of Bowyer Leftwich Wynn of Congleton, Cheshire, esq., Mary leases and releases to trustees her third share of Breaston and Ockbrook lands under John White's will, to use of Mary's will, remainder to Richard if no will. Covenant to levy fine. - 22-23 Dec 1791
513-530 - Mortgage by bargain and sale by Bowyer Leftwich Wynn, wife Mary, daughter Harriott and son Bowyer Williamson of 2/3 share property devised by John White (1792); copy will of Bowyer Williamson Wynn leaving all to sister Harriott (1792); assignments of mortgage, 1798, and in 1801 to Francis Newton of Breaston, yeoman; deed creating tenant to precipe for recovery by Thomas Pares of Leicester, esq. Subject to Newton's mortgage (1806); probate (1826) of will (1793) of Francis Newton leaving real estate to brother John after death of wife Hannah; merger of term of 500 years, new mortgage by John Newton and assignment (1826-35); copy will of John Newton (1836) leaving land in Breaston and Draycott [field names] to trustees to sell. - 1792 - 1836
531-535 - Sale by John Newton's trustees to Charles, Earl of Harrington's trustees and discharge of mortgage on First Croft (5 acres, 3 roods [rods] and 6 perches) East Middle Croft (4 acres, 2 roods [rods] and 31 perches) West Croft (4 acres, 1 rood [rod] and 35 perches) Far croft, including (6 acres, 3 roods [rods] and 1 perche) in Breaston (1842) and associated papers - 1841-1842
536-539 - Conveyance to Joshua Burton of Fur Reedy Furlong (including part of slang called Whitwick Lane) (2 acres, 2 roods [rods] and 22 perches) to use of James Boulton of Hinckley, Leicestershire, Primitive Methodist Minister (1885); conveyance by Boulton of Darwen, retired minister, to Frederick Wilson Boulton, solicitor's clerk (1898); conveyance by FW Boulton to Earl of Harrington (1906) - 1885-1906
540 - Quitclaim by Simon son of Geoffrey de Snayth of Derby to Mathew de Ireton de Derby, of arable land in Rowmarsh in Derby between land of Henry de Thulston and land late of Hugh Dobyn, and extending as far as land granted by Richard de Lytherpol of Derby to Mathew, resident in Peversall, and of rent of 4s and 2 heirs from a messuage upon Waldewye, next land of William le Oylier, Witnesses: Thomas de Tutbury and John Hachet junior bailiffs of Derby, Henry de Thulston, John Hachet senior and others with William de Seale. Identical quitclaim by Richard of Geoffrey de Snayth 13 May - 1342
540-545 - Derby
541-542 - Gifts by Richard and John, sons of Geoffrey Snaith of Derby to Mathew de Irteon as above - 26 Feb-13 May [1342]
543-544 - Final concord between John Sharpe, querent, and Robert Faryington and wife Agnes deforciant of 7 acres of land in Derby £20 (Two copies) . (Michaelmas Term) - 1554
545 - Agreement by Thomas Goodwin esq to pay 1d per annum to Alexander Stanhope esq for to right to place joists of each house or stable on wall of Stanhope's mansion house in Derby 30 May - 1715
546-549 - Bargain and sale of manors of Newhall, Stantonward, Hathcote, and Snarkeston Leicestershire, by Katherine Reddishe, Sir Robert Darcy of Dartford, Kent Knight and wife Grace, to make Christopher Darcy esq., brother of Robert and Otes Reddishe, citizen and haberdasher of London, tenants to precipe (4 Nov); Deed to lead uses of the recovery - manors except Snarkeston to Katherine, remainders and other property to Robert and Grace, with schedule of property whose leases to pay rent to Katherine (7 Nov); another declaration of uses to correct conveyancing error - 7 Feb [1618]
546-550 - Newhall etc, South Derbyshire
550 - Covenant by Clement Cooke esq. of Longford and wife Sarah, a daughter of Alexander Reddish late of Newhall, to levy fine of above property to Dame Grace Darcy, widow of Robert and Edward Darcy her son, reciting above deeds. 23 Dec - 1622
551 - Burton School Trust: bargain and sale - 1634
552 - Royal letters patent to Master Henry de Chaddesden, clerk and Geoffrey of Chaddesden parson of Longa Whatton Leicestershire executors of Master Henry de Chaddesden, late archdeacon of Leycestr', confirming messuage in Chaddesden for the chantry warden in chapel of Blessed Mary of Chaddesden (founded by the executors) and two chaplains; sundry lands and rents in Chaddesden, and £10 per annum from prior and convent of Landa, Leicestershire, for maintenance of chantry, also messuage in Briggestrete, London and reversion of messuage in Paternosterstrete, London to the Warden and chaplains, with permission to appoint a fourth chaplain; licence to give advowson of chaplaincies to abbots and covents of Darley and Dale; licence to give land in mortmain. 26 Jul - 1375
552-556 - Miscellaneous - Derbyshire
552B - Quitclaim by John Stoughton of Loughborough and wife Ellen to Thomas Beresford (sic) of Newton Grange County Derby of property late held by Richard Ireton in Ashbourne and Mappleton. - 17 Jun 1445
553 - Hartington: Release by Jane Parkins of Sutton Bonington, Nottinghamshire, one of the aunts and heirs of Stanhope Cotton of Beresford, Staffordshire, and Charles Stanhope of Elvaston (as heir of Alexander Stanhope, surviving Cotton trustee) to Hugh Bateman, son of Hugh Bateman gent. deceased of Derby, for £500, of one quarter of homestead and croft, Haylands or Highlands, the Hough, Upper Short Butts, Nether Short Butts, Dove Flatts, Stinter Back, Burrows, HighFields, Ferny Bottoms, Flatt Lows, Cote Bank, Bank Top, the Tows, High Flatt, in Hartington. - 18 Sep 1736
554 - Aston on Trent: Exemplification of common recovery by Samuel Alston gent. from Samuel Miles gent vouching Thomas Prior, of messuage and 80 acres land in Aston upon Trent. Dated Michaelmas 1815 - 1815
555-556A - Shardlow: Agreement for sale by Leonard Fosbrooke to Earl of Harrington of farm and lands in Shardlow [field names] and associated papers. - 1816-1817
556B - Nottinghamshire Toton: Settlement by Henry Grey of Toton, Nottinghamshire esq., upon the marriage of Richard Sacheverell, son of Henry Savheverell Knight, and Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Grey, giving trustees 4 messuages, 3 cottages, 7 bovates, Sevennobles Ryse and Lyttill medowe (closes), and hossecloth pese (pasture), to maintain Richard and Elizsabeth for 6½ years, then to their use, use of legitimate heirs, remainder to Henry Grey. - 30 Jan [1522]
556B-572 - Out of county (Nottinghamshire, Surrey)
557A - Lease for 21 years by George Bougham esq and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heiress of Henry Grey esq deceased to William Bolles of Felley Nottinghamshire esq., small croft in Adenborough, Nottinghamshire, Geoffrey Kynsay, for 12d per annum. - 18 Apr 1543
557B - Nottinghamshire - Barton in the Beans: Bargain and sale by William Stanhope to John knight of Elvaston, for £650, of land at Barton in the Beans including Adenbor ..., meadowe ground called Boots Steynard, and fishing in river Trent. 24 Nov - 1624
558 - Nottinghamshire - Bulwell: Bargain and sale by John Northall of Clipston, Nottinghamshire, gent. and Thomas Beeston yeoman to Richard Ward of Lenton, Nottinghamshire, yeoman of Bullwell Moore or Rise (29 acres) and fishing with hook and line in river Leen for 12 d per annum. Recites letters patent to Thomas Aston and Henry Harriman (9 May 1633) and their bargain and sale to Northall and Beeston (22 May 1634). 8 Oct - 1636
559-560 - Nottinghamshire - Bulwell: Bargain and sale by William, Lord Byron and Sir William Stanhope of Shelford, Nottinghamshire, Knight to Elizabeth, Lady Byron, mother-in-law of William, Lord Byron, of oak trees in Pale Rowe, Newstead Park, Nottinghamshire, and also woods on Robbin Hill and on Mansfield-Notts road [bounds]. Provisional lease for 99 years by Lord Byron to Lady Byron of Ratchdale [Rochdale] Lancashire tithes and hereditaments to secure £300 per annum and of Bulwell Park, Nottinghamshire and 5 farms and 2 cottages in Hucknall Torkard, Nottinghamshire, to secure £500 per annum, in settlement of debt to Lady Byron charged on estate by William's father Richard, Lord Byron. Both deeds to be void if Rochdale estate disencumbered within 2 months. 29, 30 Aug - 1683
561-563 - Nottinghamshire - Linby: Lease and release by William Stanhope of Linby, Nottinghamshire esq to Robert Burdett of Foremarkand Rowland Cotton of Etwall, esqs of Clarkson's farm, Machin's farm, and farm in the occupation of by William Alcock, John Adin, Richard Strutt, Martin Clarke and Richard Hodson. Draft conveyance, consideration £2437 10s. 2, 3 Jun - 1707
571 - Surrey: Final concord between Alexander Stanhope esq and William Turner gent., querent, and Erasmus Phillips bt and wife Katherine, deforciant, of one quarter of messuage, garden, orchard 100 acres land, 10 acres meadow, 50ac. pasture in Ashteed [Ashtead] and Ebbisham [Epsom], Surrey. £60 (Two copies.). (Trinity Term) - 1681
572 - Warwickshire, Surrey etc: Copy bargain and sale by Leonard Hancock of Chesthurst, Hertfordshire, John Warner of London, goldsmith, and John Digby of London, gent. to Reginald Marriott of St Clement Danes, Middlesex, for £3000 to Hancock and Warner, of fee farm rents in Warwickshire, Surrey, Westmoreland, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire - 1699
573 - Bond George Baker (aka Stables), of Hazelwood, yeoman to John Stanhope of Elvaston, 1 Oct 1605 - 1605
574 - Extract from Sawley Court Baron, regarding William Garner and a cottage and lands in Draycott Annual rent: 11s 10d 25 Feb 1651/2 - [1652]
575 - 19th cent Copy Extract of the will of Thomas Pares, late of Hopwell Hall, dated 13 Oct 1824; proved at Canterbury on 17th May 1825 - (1824-1825)
MZ - Miscellaneous
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