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Collapse D518 - Stanhope family of Elvaston, Earls of Harrington - [c1270]-1962D518 - Stanhope family of Elvaston, Earls of Harrington - [c1270]-1962
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1 - Final concord between William Milward and Robert Whitehall querent and Thomas Stanhope esq and wife Jane deforciant of manors of Elvaston, Ambaston and Thulston, 20 messuages, 10 tofts, 2 water mills, duckhouse, 22 gardens, 300 acres land, 30 acres meadow, 200 acres pasture, 250 acres gorse and furze, 26s rents, fishing in Derwent, view of frankpledge, in Elvaston, Thulston, Ambaston, Alvaston, Boulton, Ockbrook, Spondon, and the rectory of Elvaston. £100 - 1568
2 - Final concord between Thomas Stanhope esq and Laurence Wright gent quers. and Edward Windsor knight deforciant of manors of Elvaston otherwise Aylvaston, and 40 messuages, 40 cottages, 40 tofts, 6 dovecots, 8 gardens, 8 orchards, 2000 acres land, 600 acres meadow, 2000 acres past., 20 acres wood, 2000 acres furze and heath, and 40s rent in Elvaston, Ambaston, Thulston, Alvaston, Spondon, Boulton, Chellaston, Draycott, with free fishing in river Derwent. (Michaelmas Term) - 1573
3 - Exemplification of common recovery by William Mason and William Brownell from Thomas Stanhope and Laurence Wright, of 6 messuages, 2 tofts, 8 gardens, 60 acres land, 80 acres meadow, 40 acres pasture, 80 acres furze and heath, and 2s rents, in Elvaston, Alvaston, Boulton, Thulston, and Chellaston - [1574]
4 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine or recovery by Sir Thomas Stanhope, knight, of Shellford, Nottinghamshire, and his servant Lawrence Wright of Snelston, gent., to William Brownwell and Richard Cooke of manors of Elvaston, Ambaston, Thulston, Ratcliffe-upon-Trent, Stoke-nigh-Newark, and Barton in the Beans with hereditaments also in Alvaston, Boulton and Osmaston, to use of Thomas Stanhope for life, remainders in tail male to son John, 2nd son Edward, 2nd brother Edward, 5th brother Michael 29 Jun - 1582
5-6 - Grant by Thomas Stanhope to trustees of hereditaments in Horsley, Woodhouse, Kilbourne, Spoundon, Stanley, Burroes Ashe [Burrowash], Elvaston, Ambaston, Thurlaston, Cubley, Marson Moungomerys, Snelson or Snelaston, Hilton, Derbyshire, and Stoke Bardolff, Shelfford, Kneeton, Gedlyng, Carleton, Tawton, Ratclyff on Trent, Barton in le Beanes, Nottinghamshire Musden Grange Staffordshire and patronage of Cubley, Marston Moungomery, Church Somersall, and Gedlyng churches, and Midleton or ould Barton parke par Barton, and Morley parke par Barton, and Morley parke par. Duffield, and Southhouse, and Little Hay Granges, to uses declared in indenture (17 Feb 1583/4). Attorney to receive seisin 11 Apr - 1584
7 - Grant by Dame Anne, widow of Sir Michael Stanhope, to son Sir Thomas Stanhope of Shellforde of her life term in the rectories of Okebrucke, Elvaston; Westburrowe, and Rousbie [Rauceby] Lincolnshire, Gedlinge, Carlton, Stokebardolphe, Southmulcham, Burtonroy, and Bulcote, Nottinghamshire, part possessions late-dissolved monastery of Shellforde 13 Dec - 1585
8-9 - Consent to trustee and Edward, 2nd son of Sir Thomas Stanhope deceased, to alteration of uses under indenture (17 Feb 1583/4) of messuage and lands in Derbyshire and Staffordshire (29 Aug 1597); conveyance by John Stanhope of other lands in Burton Joyce, Nottinghamshire, to uses of 1584 indent (1 Feb 1597/8) - [1598]
10 - Deed of John Stanhope assigning life interest in manors of Elvaston, Ambaston, Thulston and Toton (Nottinghamshire0 with lands also in Alvaston, Boulton, and Barton in the Beans (Nottinhamshire), to Katherine Stanhope as marriage jointure (under 1583/4 settlement) - 12 Jan [1598]
11 - Indentures between (1) John Stanhope esq. of Elvaston son and heir of Sir Thomas Stanhope (2) Sir Edward Stanhope of Grays Inn, one of Her Majesty's honourable councell attendant for the north parts, Sir John Stanhope knight, privy councillor and Vice Chamberlain to Her Highness, Edward Stanhope esq D.C.L., master in Chancery, Michael Stanhope esq one of H M privy chamberlains, brothers of (1), (3) trustees, declaring uses of lands in Horsley, Kilburne, and Woodhouse, and Shelford, Stoke Bardolf, Burton Joyce, Bulcott, and Flintham, Nottinghamshire, to John and male heirs with remainders to Thomas Stanhope, John's 3rd brother, Sir Edward, Sir John, Edward, Michael 29 Oct - 1602
12 - Letters of administration to Jane Wotton alias Stanhope, relict of Charles Wotton of Snelford, esq - [1604]
13-14 - Copy (1673) of exemplification (25 Jun 1616) of common recovery by John, Lord Stanhope, Edward Stanhope, Master in Chancery, Michael Stanhope, and Edward Beresford from Robert Purefey and Richard Cope vouching John Stanhope knight, of Morley Park, manors of Elvaston, Ambaston, Thulston and Borrowash, 40 messuage, 30 tofts, 2 water mills, 2 dovecots, 40 gardens, 500 acres land, 100 acres meadow, 400 acres, 20 acres woods, 500 acres gorse, 400s revenue, view of frankpledge in Elvaston, Ambaston, Thurston, Alvaston, Boulton, Borowash, Osmaston, Weston, Belper, Duffield Dale, Stanley, Openwoodgate, Breaston, and free fishing in Derwent. Quitclaim (31 Dec 1610) by Purifey and Coupe to John Stanhope elder, wife Katherine, and 2nd son Sir John Stanhope junior - 1610, 1616
15 - Final concord between John Stanhope knight and Timothy Levynge gent querent and Edward Beresford, John Beresford and wife Helen, John Whitehall and Adam Sellors deforciant, of Fenny Bentley and Birchover manors, with 20 messuages, 10 cottages, 3 tofts, 3 water mills, 2 dovehouses, 30 gardens, 30 orchards, 50 acres of land, 200 acres meadow, 1000 acres pasture 100 acres wood, 200 acres furze and gorse, and 10s rent, in Fenny Bentley, Bircheover, Ashbourne, Oftecote, Underwood, Bradlow, Mapleton, Wynster, Newton, Newton Grange, Parwich, and Alsoppe £800 - 1614
16 - Probate of will (12 Mar) of Sir John Stanhope of Elvaston knight £5 to brother, Earl of Chesterfield; 20s to sister Lady Okehampton; 20s to brother William; 20s to sister Anne Cockayne; 20s to sister Lady Hachenson; 20s to sister Sutton; 20s to sister Lady Mountnorise; £20 to brother John Postumus Stanhope. £10 to poor of Elvaston parish with codicil declaring £1,400 due to daughter Elizabeth; £1000 to son Cromwell; £500 to daughter Anne .. 9 Jun - 1638
17 - Lease and release by John Stanhope esq of Elvaston to trustees, of Manors of Elvaston, Thurlaston and Ambaston and Rectory of Elvaston: Wilne Close, Henthorpe, and Flaxland to John Stanhope and heirs; messuages in Ambaston, New Close, the Raites, Pollard Close, Bellington Close, the Washingstones, to John and wife Dorothy for life; Thulston messuage, Fish Pingles, and Ley Close to John for life, remdr to Dorothy for life; manors, rectory etc to John for life; remainders of all above to trustees to discharge debts and provide portions; remainders to John's son and heir Thomas, John's other sons, John's uncles Byron Stanhope esq. of Derby, and Alexander Stanhope of Inner Temple, and to Sir William Stanhope of Shelford, Nottinghamshire knight 4, 5 Nov - 1691
18 - Marriage settlement of Thomas Stanhope and Jane Wotton; Thomas gives trustees to use of Jane for life as jointure, property in Elvaston, Thulston, Ambaston and Alvaston [field names given]. Recites 1691 settlement, and indentures of this date giving lands in Great Harborough (Warwickshire) to Jane for life as marriage portion 6 Oct - 1705
19-20 - Probate inventory of Hon. Charles Wotton esq at Shelford Manor (1704); administrator's accounts for 1703-5, 1707 - 1704-1707
21-23 - Final concord between William Milward and Robert Whitehall querent and Thomas Stanhope and wife Jane deforciant of manors of Elvaston, Thurlaston, Ambaston, 20 messuages, 10 tofts, 2 water mills, dovecot, 20 gardens, 300 acres land, 200 acres pasture 30 acres meadow, 250 acres gorse and furze, 20s rent from Derwent fishing, view of frankpledge in Elvaston, Thurlston, Ambaston, Alvaston, Boulton, Spondon, Okebrook (Michaelmas 1711). Extract of common recovery (Michaelmas 1711) of above by John Severn and Hugh Bourne from Milward and Whitehall. Deed declaring uses to be - Wilne Close, Ambaston field closes, Peccadell close, Henthorpe, Flax-lands to Thomas Stanhope & heirs; property under deeds 25 Sep 1704 and 5 May 1691 to stand according to those trusts; property under (6 Oct 1705) marriage settlement to be to Thomas and his heirs for life to Jane; residue to Thomas for life, remainders tail male then to Charles, William, and Alexander Stanhope and for defect of legitimate heirs to Lieutenant General. James Stanhope (28 Mar 1712) - 1711-1712
24 - Will of Thomas Stanhope allowing wife £300 per annum till death or re-marriage, her jewels and plate, and £500; to brother Lord Harrington, Repton lands recovered from sister in law Mary Thacker, and £3000; other disposable property to Charles Stanhope - [1729]
25-27 - Settlement on marriage of William Stanhope esq. eldest son of William Earl of Harrington and Lady Caroline Fitzroy daughter of Charles, Duke of Grafton: (i) deed leading uses of common recovery of lands of Charles, brother of William, Earl of Harrington, under 1712 settlement (4 Aug 1746); (ii) deed declaring uses of recovery to be to Charles for life with remainders to Earl of Harrington for life, William Stanhope for life, male heirs William and Caroline, male heirs Earl of Harrington, etc - recites lease and release same date limiting lands in Cheshire to William Stanhope and his heirs (trustees include "Christopher Calthorpe") (5, 6 Aug 1746), copy of common recovery, vouchees Charles and William Stanhope esq (Trinity 1747) - 1746-1747
28-29 - Probate (24 Mar) and copy of will (1758) of Charles Stanhope of Elvaston manor of Sawley and other purchased lands and lands at Harborough, Warwickshire, and elsewhere by descent from elder brother - 1760
30-31 - 2 copies of "An Act for rectifying a mistake in the name of one of the trustees in the settlement of the estates of the Right Honourable William, Earl of Harrington" [James Calthorpe, a trustee wrongly called Christopher Calthorpe] - 1770?
32 - Exemplification of common recovery by Edward and Francis Colman esq from William Drewe gent. - 1778
33 - Bargain and sale to create tenant to precipe by William Earl of Harrington and Charles Stanhope, of manor of Gawsworth or Gorseworth; and Bosley or Boseley, Cheshire with manor house and park, 23 farms, Lodge meadow, Water Mill, Horse coppice and garden, cottages, advowson of Gawsworth rectory, 3 messuage, in Gawsworth, and 2 farms in Boseley, and manors of Elvaston, Thurlaston, Ambaston, Sawley, the rectory of Elvaston, and appurtenances - 8 Feb 1779
34 - Exemplification of common recovery by Edward Colman of Derbyshire manors in above deed; extract of recovery - 12 Feb 1779
35 - Marriage settlement of Charles Stanhope, Earl of Harrington and Jane Fleming of Harewood House, York, one of two surviving daughters of Sir John Fleming by Dame Jane Fleming now Jane Lascelles wife of Edward Lascelles of Harewood House - 20 May 1779
36 - Copy deed to create tenant to precipe by Earl of Harrington following further Chancery Order concerning Fleming estate - 1781
37 - Assignment of mortgage on Lady Harriet Stanhope's marriage portion to Charles Upton of Derby (under 1746 marriage settlement) - 1803
38 - Bargain and sale by Earl of Harrington and Charles Stanhope younger to make William Drewe tenant to precipe 17 Apr - 1804
39 - Common recovery by Charles Upton from William Drewe, first vouchee Charles Stanhope the younger - 1804
40 - Bond by Charles Stanhope younger to Thomas Evans of Derby for repayment £6000 at 5% in 6 months 15 Jun - 1804
41-44 - Mortgage by Bargain and sale by Earl of Harrington and Charles Stanhope the younger to Edward Colman of Gornhay, Devon, of manors of Elvaston, Thurlaston, Ambaston, and Sawley, Rectory of Elvaston and various leased properties, for £15478 1s 3d and to secure £3525 still owed under mortgage of 4 Jul 1788. Also recites mortgages of 28, 29 Sep, 1787 and 14, 15 Jul 1804 and redemption of Land Tax on Derbyshire estates (18 Apr 1804). Abstract of title 12, 13 May - 1805
45 - Assignment of mortgage of £500 marriage portion of Lady Isabella Stanhope (wife of Charles William, Lord Viscount Molyneux) under 1746 marriage settlement, to Charles Upton - 1806
46 - Appointment of uses of property in common recovery to trustees for 2000 years to raise £10000 mortgage - 1810
47-48 - Appointment by Charles and Jane, Earl and Countess of Harrington, of £825 portion for their 5th son, Hon. Francis Charles Stanhope, under 1779 marriage settlement (Two copies) 28 Nov - 1810
49 - Lease for possession by coheiresses of Edward Colman to executors of Charles, Earl of Harrington of property mortgaged 12, 13 May 1804 1 Mar - 1831
50-52 - Accounts by trustees of Earl of Harrington's estate under settlement of 19, 20 Jul 1804: 1836-9, 1845-50. Trustees' account with bankers, 1843-51 - 1836-1851
53 - Assignment by Charles Wyndham, 7th Earl of Harrington, for dissentailing monies left by will of Charles, Earl of Harrington (1824) to uses of settlement of 19, 20 Jul 1804. Recites barring of entail (6 Mar 1866) - 1868
54 - Lease for 600 years by Sir Philip Stanhope knight, of Bretby to trustees, of manors of Bretbie and Sawley with appurtenances, inherited from grandfather Sir Thomas Stanhope, and manors of Bingham, Whatton, Eastoke, Burton Joyce, Ratcliffe on Trent and Eastwood, and rectory of Ratcliffe on Trent, Nottinghamshire, inherited from John Molineux and property in Bingham, Ratcliffe, Whatton, Eastoke, Burton Joyce, Eastwood, Carcoulson, Scarington, Aslockton, Newton, Tithbie, Wyn'ton, Codgrave Colwicke, Lamcote, Bulcote, Thorpe, Elson and Cottam, according to limitations of Thomas Stanhope's will 3 Dec - 1606
55-56 - Lease for 100 years by Sir John Stanhope, the elder knight, of Elvaston, and Sir Philip Stanhope knight, of Bretbie, son and heir of Sir John, to trustees of hereditaments - 1607
57 - Confirmation of existing and promised leases (scheduled) by John and Philip Stanhope - 1610
58 - Grant by Philip, Earl of Chesterfield, to Henry, Lord Stanhope, his son and heir, of manors of Bingham, Aslockton and Whatton for ever, and of Mawkin Hill Close, New rayled close, Town end close, Moore close, and the Conny Croft, Shelford, Nottinghamshire, for 40 years if Henry lives so long. Recites 3 leases of 1628 14 Jun - 1632
59-60 - Exemplification of common recovery vouching Philip, Earl of Chesterfield (12 Feb) and deed declaring uses of recovery to be to Philip and heirs. Recites deed (12 Jan) creating tenant to precipe of manor of Sawley, messuages in Sawley, Draycott, Little Wilne, Wilsthorpe, Breyston, Hopwell, Little Thrumpton, Sandiacre, Riceleye, rectories of Elvaston, Westborough, Rawceby and Horsley, Lincolnshire, and annunities for certain Lincs parishes 3 Mar 1656/7 - 1657
61 - Copy of settlement on marriage of Philip, Lord Stanhope, eldest son and heir of Phillip, Earl of Chesterfield, and Lady Elizabeth Savile, daughter of George, Lord Marquess of Halifax - [1692]
62-63 - Copies of bargain and sale by Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield, to create tenant to precipe (20 Apr) and of common recovery - 1726
64 - Mortgage by denise for 1000 years by Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield to Charles Allanson and Edward Thompson - 1727
65 - Articles for a family settlement on the marriage of the Earl of Chesterfield's son with Jane Thacker - early 18th century
66-67 - Settlement on view of marriage intended between John, son of Charles Agarde of Oslaston esq. and Florence, daughter of Thomas Hull esq of New Windsor, Berkshire - 1605
68 - Pedigree of Agarde of Foston, with arms, by Arthur Agarde - 1612
69-70 - Decree of Court of Duchy Chamber in Agard v May (19 Nov) declaring Henry Agard knight., of Foston, to be clerk of the Market, Coroner, Feodary, and Escheater in the Honor of Tutbury (in Staffordshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Warwickshire) - 1631
71 - Probate of will of Sir Henry Agard - 1635
72-73 - Settlement on marriage of Charles Agard esq. of Croxhall [Croxall] and Lucy daughter of Thomas Brudenell esq of Staunton Wivell, Leicestershire - [1657]
74 - Two Chancery case papers in Agard v Newton et al [and others] - 1657
75 - Release by John Daniell of Darisbury, Cheshire, esq. and Francis Price of Minsterley, Salop, gent, to Charles Agard esq., of Foston - [1658]
76-7 - Further marriage settlement of Charles Agard and Lucy Brudenell - 1658
78 - Copy will of Charles Agard of Foston - [1679]
79 - Deed declaring uses of fine - 1679
80 - Bargain and sale by John Agard esq. to Richard Bate of Foston Hall - 1679
81 - Release by John Agard and trustees to Samuel Newton of Barbados, esq., for £3306, of manor of Kings Bromley, Armitage, Handsacre, and Ridware, with appurts also in Blithbury, Staffordshire reserving Rough Clarke Hayes (26 acres) in Bromley 9 Dec - 1679
82 - Coroner's Inquest at Belper by John Adderley, coroner of the Honor of Tutbury, on the body of Isaac Jebson. Verdict: suicide by drowning in river Derwent at Belper. Goods and chattels to pass to William Stanhope esq by royal grant. Inventory annexed 11 Jun - 1683
83 - Copy confirmation by John Stanhope of Elvaston, wife Dorothy, and Vere and Katherine Agard, of grant by Charles Agard (1 Aug 1677) of office of Bailiff of Honor of Tutbury to John Adderley of Derby, gent 11 Oct - 1684
84 - Grant by John Stanhope, wife Dorothy, Katherine and Vere Agard - [1685]
85-87 - Case papers in John Osborne esq. and other creditors of Charles Agard and son John v Katherine and Vere Agard (in Chancery) - 1688-1698
88-99 - Correspondence: John Adderley, Derby to Katherine Agard, Elvaston - 1696
100-106 - Case papers in Agard v Orme concerning Agard inheritance, including note of heirs at law to Henry Agard - 1695-1700
107-110 - Case papers: Attorney-General of Duchy of Lancaster v John Adderley (1700); Orme v Gregson (1710) - 1700, 1710
111 - Samuel Wilkinson's account to Thomas Stanhope for 6 months profits of estate at Bocton, Kent - 1714
112-143 - File of receipts, 1719-1730; loose receipts - 1704-1784
144 - Allowances for King's Tax to tenants [Sawley] - 1721-1722
145-146 - Personal cash account of receipts and payments - 1722-1728
147-169 - Receipts and bills - 1741-1784
170-184 - Steward's accounts for rents of Elvaston, Sawley, Willstrop [Wilsthorpe], Repton and Heywood - 1780-1785
185 - John Gaunt Lye's account for London property - 1851
186 - Account for work at Elvaston Castle by White, Allom & Co - 1930
187 - Probate inventory of John Stanhope of Elvaston - 1 Sep 1692
188 - Catalogue of books in Elvaston Library (cover is part of lease of property in Ashbourne) - 1726
189 - Probate inventory of Charles, 7th Earl of Harrington, including: Elvaston Castle; Harrington House, Charing Cross; Gawsworth, Cheshire; yacht "Bessie"; Stanhope Lodge - 1881
190 - Probate inventory of Charles, 8th Earl of Harrington, and valuation of contents of: Elvaston Castle; Stanhope Lodge, Cowes; Harrington House, Craig's Court, London - 1917-1920
191 - Inventory of Lady Harrington's personal effects - 1930
192 - List of all clocks included in the inventory of heirlooms (Earl of Harrington's settled estate) - early 20th century
193-203 - Silver - lists and inventories - 1930s
204-244 - Correspondence of F P Hubbard, land agent at Elvaston, with inventories, concerning movement of furniture etc - 1928-1952
245 - Inventory of the heirlooms at Elvaston Castle, and Stanford Hall, Loughborough for trustees of William, 11th Earl of Harrington - 1930
246-256 - Inventories and related papers concerning items moved from Stanhope Lodge to Elvaston Castle; as well as matters concerning Derby Diocesan Training College's tenancy of the Castle - 1939-1956
257-263 - Numbers not used
264-345 - Correspondence, inventories and papers of heirlooms moved, stored and loaned - 1939-1955
346-414 - Correspondence, container schedules etc. for Earl of Harrington's removal to Ireland - 1947-1950
415-416 - Insurance inventory and valuation - 1951-1952
417-480 - Correspondence relating to the warehousing of the Earl of Harrington's household furniture by Pickfords - 1942-1952
481 - List of Harrington heirlooms to be deleted from 1933/4 valuation and revaluation of more important items for insurance purposes - 1962
482 - Letters from Roger, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, allowing inhabitants of Chaddesden to bury in the cemetery of their Chapel because of the difficulties of getting bodies to the church at Spondon, but reserving funeral offerings to the vicar of Spondon - [1388]
483 - Writ from sheriff of Nottingham to bailiff of liberty of Cawton: Henry Grey to give pledges for attendance at county court to answer Robert ?Ceneris - 1522
484 - Bond in £500 by Thomas Wright of Happesford, Warwickshire, to John Stanhope of Elvaston, to pay £210 to Dame Rebecca Romeny for which Stanhope bound as security - 1613
485 - Power of attorney by Sir John Stanhope of Fenny Bentley to William Osborne yeoman of Elvaston, to pursue Thomas Wright of Snelston (bound in £1000 to Stanhope 7 May 1614) and let his lands - 1615
486 - Power of attorney by Sir John Stanhope of Fenny Bentley to George Jaques of Toton, Nottinghamshire, yeoman to let Stanhope's lands for up to 6 years while Stanhope overseas - 1615
487 - Quit roll for Derbyshire (sheriffdom of Sir John Stanhope's) - 1629-1630
488 - Indulgence from Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield to John Stanhope and wife Mary to eat meat in Lent - [1631]
489-490 - Indulgence from Archbishop of Canterbury allowing John Stanhope and household to eat meat on fast days, paying 13s 4d annually to poor of parish where resident, with royal letters patent confirming this - [1632]
491 - Bond in £20000 by Philip, Earl of Chesterfield and Charles Henry, Lord Wootton to save harmless William Stanhope esq. of Westminster in their joint bond for £10000 to William Lord Alington and Antony Samwell esq - 1669
492 - Plan of ornamental garden with pool (Elvaston ?) - circa 1700
493 - Condition of bond by four parishioners of Elvaston to John Wright, overseer of poor cent for Dale Abbey, to maintain John Stanson a Taylor [tailor] of Elvaston and indemnify Dale Abbey parishioners - early 18th century
494 - Letter: "Madam [Katherine Agard ?] I beg that you would not be to severe on poor Germe's Muse, since ti's the first time, he has favour'd the Town with his Poerty, for fear of frighting him from a second attempt and deprive us of laughing at him, which would be loss not only of some deversion to your self but to your humble servant Eliza Coke" - early 18th century
495 - Draft of Quarndon Enclosure award - 1817
496 - Draft letter patent giving provisional grant of patent rights for 14 years to Gabriel Tiger of Duke's court, Row Street, Middlesex, for a process of making writing paper in such a way that it will be difficult if not impossible to extract any writing from it - 1817
498 - Presentation by commissioners proposing separation of Aston Parish out of Shardlow - early 19th century
499 - Blank proxy appointment for House of Lords, signed and sealed "Denman" [Lord Denman of Dovedale] - circa 1840?
Expand MM - Manorial Records: Sawley Manor, Derbyshire - 1575-1925MM - Manorial Records: Sawley Manor, Derbyshire - 1575-1925
Expand MT - Title deedsMT - Title deeds
Expand MZ - MiscellaneousMZ - Miscellaneous