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Collapse D517 - Miller Mundy family of Shipley Hall, Heanor - [16th-20th cent]D517 - Miller Mundy family of Shipley Hall, Heanor - [16th-20th cent]
Expand B - Business records - 1789-1914B - Business records - 1789-1914
Collapse F - Family papers - [early 16th cent]-1982F - Family papers - [early 16th cent]-1982
Expand AEMM - Papers of Alfred Edward Miller Mundy (1849-1920) - 1901AEMM - Papers of Alfred Edward Miller Mundy (1849-1920) - 1901
Expand AMM - Papers of Alfred Miller Mundy (1809-1877)AMM - Papers of Alfred Miller Mundy (1809-1877)
Expand BAR - Papers of the Barton family, Lancashire - 1803-1814BAR - Papers of the Barton family, Lancashire - 1803-1814
Expand BOX - Box-listed family papers - 17th-20th centBOX - Box-listed family papers - 17th-20th cent
Expand CP - Papers of Charles Palmer of Ladbroke Hall, Warwickshire - 1661-1780CP - Papers of Charles Palmer of Ladbroke Hall, Warwickshire - 1661-1780
Expand EM - Papers of Edward Mundy (d.1702) - 1682-1697EM - Papers of Edward Mundy (d.1702) - 1682-1697
Expand EMM1 - Papers of Edward Miller Mundy I (1750-1822)EMM1 - Papers of Edward Miller Mundy I (1750-1822)
Expand EMM2 - Papers of Edward Miller Mundy II (1775-1834)EMM2 - Papers of Edward Miller Mundy II (1775-1834)
Expand EMM3 - Papers of Edward Miller Mundy III (1800-1849)EMM3 - Papers of Edward Miller Mundy III (1800-1849)
Expand FNCM - Papers of Francis Noel Clarke Mundy (1739-1815) - 1811FNCM - Papers of Francis Noel Clarke Mundy (1739-1815) - 1811
Expand GBM - Papers of Godfrey Basil Miller Mundy (1776-)GBM - Papers of Godfrey Basil Miller Mundy (1776-)
Expand GLM - Papers of Georgiana, Lady Middleton (1750-1789) - 1772-1787GLM - Papers of Georgiana, Lady Middleton (1750-1789) - 1772-1787
Expand GM - Papers of George Mundy RN (1777-1861) - 1797-1848GM - Papers of George Mundy RN (1777-1861) - 1797-1848
Expand GMM - Papers of Major Godfrey Edward Miller Mundy (1885-1949)GMM - Papers of Major Godfrey Edward Miller Mundy (1885-1949)
Expand HM - Papers of Hester Margaretta Mundy, later Lady Newdigate (1738-1800) - 1766-1801HM - Papers of Hester Margaretta Mundy, later Lady Newdigate (1738-1800) - 1766-1801
Expand NM - Papers of Nelly Mundy (1739-1813)NM - Papers of Nelly Mundy (1739-1813)
Expand PHO - Photographs - [c1900]-1982PHO - Photographs - [c1900]-1982
Expand WM - Papers of Willoughby Mundy (1807-1834)WM - Papers of Willoughby Mundy (1807-1834)
Collapse Z - Family papers not identifiable to individualsZ - Family papers not identifiable to individuals
Collapse 1 - Poems and literary works1 - Poems and literary works
Collapse 1 - Satirical verse in different hands - [late 17th cent-late 18th cent]1 - Satirical verse in different hands - [late 17th cent-late 18th cent]
1 - Satirical verse entitled "An Encomium upon a Parliamt" concerning William III's fourth parliament of 1698-1699 - [c1699]
2 - Satirical verse entitled "The Doctor and the Devill to the Tune of a wicked old Pees", labelled "Devill & Doc[tor]" - [early 18th cent]
3 - Satirical verse entitled "Jenny's Garland or Tit for Tat written by herself" - [18th cent]
4 - Poem containing enigmatic references to Lockow, [?Locko, Spondon], Jack Palmer, a countenance seen at Lincoln and Mrs Mundy - [mid 18th cent]
5 - Poem/folk song/nursery rhyme entitled "A Song. Dolly & [Sir] Roger" - [18th cent]
6 - "Epitaph by Mr Dobson" for a dog called Lisetta - [18th cent]
7 - Verses labelled "Ilays Screen" and respectively entitled "Hitt or miss Luck is all" and "Wrote on a window at Wetherby" - [mid-18th cent]
8 - Poem labelled "Hanmore & Mead" referring to an empty scroll and including a reference to William Shakespeare - [18th cent]
9 - Untitled satirical poem, labelled "G – & B – – C – ", being a narrative of an encounter between George II and the devil, Beelzebub, with a reference to the defeat of Charles Edward Stuart - [post-1745]
10 - "Riders Epitaph" - a caustic and critical epitaph to Sir Dudley Ryder (1691-1756), Attorney General then Chief Justice of the King's Bench - [c1756]
11 - "Hugh Goodwin's Elegy upon My Wife: An Elegy upon My Lady Dowman", with commentary - [early 18th cent]
12 - "A riddle" - [18th cent]
13 - A poem entitled "Death and the Cobler: Being a true and full acco't of the late Conference between a Meagre D. and Will Green Cordwainer of St James's, Westminster" - [18th cent]
14 - Satirical verse, labelled "Derby Election", to the tune of The Thief and Cordelier about the election of a Cavendish - [late 17th cent]
15 - Poem about a beautiful young woman with a flair for music and dancing, entitled "Peggy portraid or The real Character" - Jun 1755
16 - An epigram referring to the Broad Bottom ministry - [c1740s-c1750s]
17 - Poem/song by Richard Glover (1712-1785), entitled "Hosiers Ghost", being a narrative supposing the appearance of ghosts following the naval battle of Porot [Puerto] Bello in 1739 - [c1739]
18 - A duet entitled and introduced as "A Sonneretta Being a certain Dialogue Between a certain Married Miss And a certain unmarried Miss upon a late certain Occasion. By way of Duette To be sung or said by the proper Misses And to it's own proper Tune or Tone" - [mid-18th cent]
19 - Fragment of poem about loyalty to a duke - [mid-late 18th cent]
20 - Letter, from Mr Ga- [paper damaged] that appears to be to a Mr Mundy as there is a reference to Mrs Mundy - 26 Mar 1743
21 - A poetic skit addressed "To Sir Hans Sloon from a gentleman whom he had desired to collect rarities for him", discussing the accumulation by Sir Hans Sloane of a vast collection and containing a list of far-fetched impossible rarities - [late 18th cent]
22 - Poem in the form of a devotional prayer, with the title "Verces written by C: M: of W: Aprill 5th 1698 comeing from Badminton", probably transcribed in the mid-18th century - (5 Apr 1698) [mid-18th cent]
23 - Untitled poem praising curiousity and asking for "joyfull news of Nancy", labelled "J: P:" - [mid-18th cent]
2 - Manuscript verses: 'Letters from Tony Bumpkin in Town to his Cousin Kate Containing a Description Of the Amusements, Vices, Fashions, Politics, &c. of the Ton With Tony's Repentance & Adieu to the Gay World Wrote in the Year 73' - [1773]
Expand 2 - Recipes - [1730s]2 - Recipes - [1730s]
3 - Eton College Lists - 1791-1872
4 - Visiting book for the London season - 1810
5 - Almanac volume containing pasted pages of a printed 1842 almanac (e.g. anniversaries of historic events, phases of the moon) and diary entries, some dated 1849. - [1840s]
6 - Short document in Latin from the reign of James I mentioning Thomas Hill, John Oldfeild and others, 4 Jul - [1603-1625]
7 - Admission card for the funeral of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, St Paul’s Cathedral - 18 Nov 1852
8 - Page of diary regarding journey from Shipley to Edinburgh, and tour of Scotland - 1854
9 - [Royal] Humane Society notes on artificial respiration and treatment for drowned persons as well as treatments for intense cold, hanging, suffocation and intoxication - [late 18th cent]
10 - Business card of Wells and Son, saddlers and harness makers, London, with notes on cost of items on reverse - [19th cent]
Expand M - Manorial records - 1805M - Manorial records - 1805
Expand T - Title deeds - 1501-[1920s]T - Title deeds - 1501-[1920s]