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Collapse D517 - Miller Mundy family of Shipley Hall, Heanor - [16th-20th cent]D517 - Miller Mundy family of Shipley Hall, Heanor - [16th-20th cent]
Expand B - Business records - 1789-1914B - Business records - 1789-1914
Collapse F - Family papers - [early 16th cent]-1982F - Family papers - [early 16th cent]-1982
Expand AEMM - Papers of Alfred Edward Miller Mundy (1849-1920) - 1901AEMM - Papers of Alfred Edward Miller Mundy (1849-1920) - 1901
Collapse AMM - Papers of Alfred Miller Mundy (1809-1877)AMM - Papers of Alfred Miller Mundy (1809-1877)
Collapse 1 - Letters to Alfred Miller Mundy1 - Letters to Alfred Miller Mundy
Expand 1 - Letters from Edward Miller Mundy to his brother Alfred Miller Mundy1 - Letters from Edward Miller Mundy to his brother Alfred Miller Mundy
2 - Letters from George Grey, Governor of South Australia, to Alfred Miller Mundy - 1842-1848
Expand 3 - Letters from Maria Wilmot to her brother Alfred Miller Mundy3 - Letters from Maria Wilmot to her brother Alfred Miller Mundy
5 - Letters to Alfred Mundy in Australia from his brother Edward Miller Mundy and sister Maria Wilmot - 1847
6 - Letter from Emma Hall to her brother Alfred Miller Mundy - 1 May 1848
7 - Letter to Alfred Miller Mundy at Chaddesden Hall from his uncle [?George Miller Mundy], congratulating him on returning to England and encouraging him to take possession of his estates and allow his tenants a resident landlord - 1849
8 - George Pickering, Adelaide, South Australia, to Alfred Miller Mundy, Shipley, regarding his experiences since leaving England - 7 Oct 1851
9 - Sarah Mundy to Alfred Miller Mundy, requesting loan of £800, 21 Dec 1852, with reply from Mundy declining to help, 24 Dec, and further letter from Sarah Mundy, suggesting her husband George Mundy provide a bond for the money, 27 Dec - Dec 1852
12 - Letter from [Sir John] Hindmarsh [Governor of Heligoland] enclosing transfers of railway stock totalling £2700, asking the recipient to sign them and send to Coutts bank with authority to pass dividends into Hindmarsh’s account - 14 Feb 1854
a - Letter from Lorenzo Hall at Barton Hall, Lichfield to Alfred Mundy about Edward Miller Mundy's expected death and the succession of the estate - 11 Jan 1849
b - Letter of introduction from Vice-Admiral Sir George Mundy at Dover to his nephew Alfred in Adelaide, Australia, introducing Lieutenant Albermarle Bertie Cader, the son of Captain Cater who served with him on the Hydra - 6 Sep 1848
c - Letter from Vice-Admiral Sir George Mundy to his nephew and wife, Alfred and Jane Mundy with greetings and discussing his poor health and inability to now honour his offer of £50 made three years ago as he can no longer afford it - 2 Jan 1844
d - Letter from Vice-Admiral Sir George Mundy to his nephew Alfred Mundy with news of family and friends - 14 Aug 1843
e - Letter from Vice-Admiral Sir George Mundy to his nephew enclosing a bill of lading and quoting from a newspaper article about the Iris, mentioning the sons of General Mundy - 29 Jan 1844
f - Letter from [signature removed] at 5 Carlton Terrace, London, to Alfred Miller Mundy regarding a sum in the 3 percents whose owner cannot be identified - 7 May 1862
g - Letters from Rear-Admiral Sir John Hindmarsh to his daughter Jane Mundy and his son-in-law Alfred Mundy - 30 Oct 1847
h - Letter from C G Mundy to Alfred Mundy in response to condolences on his brother Frederic's death - 7 Sep 1847
i - George Valentine to Alfred Miller Mundy, requesting financial help - [c1850s]
j - Letter from Sir Henry Wilmot to Alfred Miller Mundy regarding the contract with Mr Crompton - [Feb 1861]
k - Letter from Mary Mitchell to her uncle Alfred Miller Mundy with condolences on the death of Lady Hindmarsh, his mother-in-law - Apr 1859
l - Letter informing Alfred Miller Mundy that the Lt Governor accepts his resignation as visiting magistrate and thanks him for acting with such “zeal and independence”. - 31 Mar 1836
m - Letter from Admiral Sir George Mundy in London to his nephew Alfred Miller Mundy in Australia with congratulations on his new position and giving him £50 - [1839]
n - Letter from Rear-Admiral George Mundy at Boodles [gentleman's club, London] to his nephew Alfred Mundy enclosing the memoirs of a friend - 1 Jul 1834
o - Letter from Rear-Admiral Sir John Hindmarsh in Heligoland to his son-in-law Alfred Mundy discussing family news and political affairs in South Australia - 27 Dec 1845
p - Letter from I Pocklington [...?] in Netherton near Maryport, Cumberland, to Alfred Mundy in Adelaide, Australia [crossed] - 29 Jan 1849
q - Letters from Rear-Admiral Sir John Hindmarsh in Heligoland to his daughter Jane and his son-in-law Alfred Miller Mundy congratulating them on their marriage - 17 Nov 1841
r - Letter from Edward Miller Mundy III at Chaddesden to his brother Alfred in Port Philip [Australia] with news of family and friends - 13 Jun 1839
s - Letter from Bishop Augustus Short in Kensington, Adelaide, Australia to [Alfred Mundy] condoling on the death of his child [Edward Miller Mundy who died on 19 Feb 1849 aged 9 months] and suggesting arrangements for the burial - 20 Feb 1849
u - Letter from Edward Miller Mundy III at Chaddesden to his brother Alfred in Van Diemen's Land [Tasmania] regarding his share of his parents' marriage settlement and family news - 30 Aug 1835
v - Letter of introduction from Vice-Admiral Sir George Mundy in London to his nephew Alfred in Adelaide, Australia, introducing Mrs Boyd who has been deserted by her husband, a baker who lived near George Mundy's residence - 12 Nov 1848
w - Letter from Maria [Phipps, née Miller Mundy (1842-1902), wife of diplomat Constantine Phipps], Lisbon, to her father Alfred Miller Mundy, regarding the death of her mother, Jane Mundy [née Hindmarsh] - [1874]
x - Letter from George Grey at Government House, Auckland, New Zealand to Mrs Jane Mundy reporting his arrival there with her husband and giving general news - 24 Nov [1845-1848]
z - Blackwood to Mundy, returning his Heligoland paper - 1852
Expand 2 - Journals of Alfred Miller Mundy2 - Journals of Alfred Miller Mundy
Expand 3 - Children of Alfred Miller Mundy3 - Children of Alfred Miller Mundy
4 - Medical prescriptions for Alfred Mundy Esq - 19 Apr 1833
5 - Memorabilia and ephemera
Expand BAR - Papers of the Barton family, Lancashire - 1803-1814BAR - Papers of the Barton family, Lancashire - 1803-1814
Expand BOX - Box-listed family papers - 17th-20th centBOX - Box-listed family papers - 17th-20th cent
Expand CP - Papers of Charles Palmer of Ladbroke Hall, Warwickshire - 1661-1780CP - Papers of Charles Palmer of Ladbroke Hall, Warwickshire - 1661-1780
Expand EM - Papers of Edward Mundy (d.1702) - 1682-1697EM - Papers of Edward Mundy (d.1702) - 1682-1697
Expand EMM1 - Papers of Edward Miller Mundy I (1750-1822)EMM1 - Papers of Edward Miller Mundy I (1750-1822)
Expand EMM2 - Papers of Edward Miller Mundy II (1775-1834)EMM2 - Papers of Edward Miller Mundy II (1775-1834)
Expand EMM3 - Papers of Edward Miller Mundy III (1800-1849)EMM3 - Papers of Edward Miller Mundy III (1800-1849)
Expand FNCM - Papers of Francis Noel Clarke Mundy (1739-1815) - 1811FNCM - Papers of Francis Noel Clarke Mundy (1739-1815) - 1811
Expand GBM - Papers of Godfrey Basil Miller Mundy (1776-)GBM - Papers of Godfrey Basil Miller Mundy (1776-)
Expand GLM - Papers of Georgiana, Lady Middleton (1750-1789) - 1772-1787GLM - Papers of Georgiana, Lady Middleton (1750-1789) - 1772-1787
Expand GM - Papers of George Mundy RN (1777-1861) - 1797-1848GM - Papers of George Mundy RN (1777-1861) - 1797-1848
Expand GMM - Papers of Major Godfrey Edward Miller Mundy (1885-1949)GMM - Papers of Major Godfrey Edward Miller Mundy (1885-1949)
Expand HM - Papers of Hester Margaretta Mundy, later Lady Newdigate (1738-1800) - 1766-1801HM - Papers of Hester Margaretta Mundy, later Lady Newdigate (1738-1800) - 1766-1801
Expand NM - Papers of Nelly Mundy (1739-1813)NM - Papers of Nelly Mundy (1739-1813)
Expand PHO - Photographs - [c1900]-1982PHO - Photographs - [c1900]-1982
Expand WM - Papers of Willoughby Mundy (1807-1834)WM - Papers of Willoughby Mundy (1807-1834)
Expand Z - Family papers not identifiable to individualsZ - Family papers not identifiable to individuals
Expand M - Manorial records - 1805M - Manorial records - 1805
Expand T - Title deeds - 1501-[1920s]T - Title deeds - 1501-[1920s]