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Collapse D5116 - Taxal and Fernilee Church of England School - [20th cent]D5116 - Taxal and Fernilee Church of England School - [20th cent]
Expand 1 - Log books - 1930-19951 - Log books - 1930-1995
2 - Admission register - Feb 1911-Sep 1960
3 - Punishment book - Jun 1963-Apr 1979
4 - Minute book of managers' meetings - Nov 1978-Jul 1985
5 - Copy of letter concerning the opening of Taxal school - 10 Mar 1848
6 - Derbyshire Education Committee, report on attendance and arrangement of classes - 1942-1943
7 - Newspaper article concerning building of new school building on Macclesfield Road - 27 Aug 1971
8 - Report on size of families of pupils, fathers' occupations, immigrant pupils etc - 1972-1973
9 - Notes concerning building programme - 1973-1979
10 - Plan of school building - 1970s-1980s
11 - School rules and guidelines - 1974-1975
12 - Newspaper article concerning the building of a new school - Aug 1980
Expand 1313
14 - Opening and dedication by the Rt Rev F P Sargeant, Bishop of Stockport - 2 Jul 1986
15 - Letter and notices concerning the closure of Fernilee Infant School - 28 Sep 1986
16 - File of correspondence and certificates concerning school fundraising activities and work experience - 1987-1997
17 - Case study on 'Environmental Education through the National Curriculum' - 1996
Expand 18 - School newspapers  - 1988-199618 - School newspapers - 1988-1996
19 - Newspaper articles about school activities and events - 1985-1998
Collapse 20 - Photographs - 1899-1990s20 - Photographs - 1899-1990s
21 - 'Schools in and around Whaley Bridge': notes prepared by the Local History Group of the Whaley Bridge Amenity Society - 1982