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Collapse D4956 - Derby Diocesan Council on Social Responsibility and Affiliated Groups - [20th cent]D4956 - Derby Diocesan Council on Social Responsibility and Affiliated Groups - [20th cent]
Expand 1 - Minutes - 1882-19701 - Minutes - 1882-1970
Expand 2 - Monthly Reports to Committee on Cases - 1911-19582 - Monthly Reports to Committee on Cases - 1911-1958
Expand 3 - Case Books - 1897-19433 - Case Books - 1897-1943
4 - Baby Case Book - 1956-1959
Expand 5 - Reports (printed) - 1906-19585 - Reports (printed) - 1906-1958
6 - Annual report - 1925
Expand 7 - Training School and Free Servants Registry - 1884-19297 - Training School and Free Servants Registry - 1884-1929
Expand 8 - Shelter at 10 Vernon Street, Derby - 1947-19558 - Shelter at 10 Vernon Street, Derby - 1947-1955
9 - Newspaper cuttings - 1910-1916
10 - Letter re patient to be dealt with under the Mental Deficiency Act - 1923
11 - Notes on the history of the Derby and District Association for the Help and Protection of Girls - 1960
12 - Subscriptions Book - 1884-1910
Collapse 13 - Accounts - 1955-196113 - Accounts - 1955-1961
Expand 14 - Council Minutes - 1928-198814 - Council Minutes - 1928-1988
Expand 15 - Executive Committee Minutes - 1942-197815 - Executive Committee Minutes - 1942-1978
16 - Adoption Committee Meetings on Policy - Oct 1962 - Jan 1964
17 - Caretaker Committee minutes - Feb 1974 - Sep 1974
Expand 18 - Annual reports (printed) - 1940-200018 - Annual reports (printed) - 1940-2000
Expand 19 - Policy and Subject Files - 20th cent19 - Policy and Subject Files - 20th cent
20 - Adoption Register - 1962-1963
21 - Parish returns to questionnaire re services and care in the community - 1976
Expand 22 - Financial records - 1964-198522 - Financial records - 1964-1985
Expand 23 - European Working Party - 1989-199123 - European Working Party - 1989-1991
Expand 24 - Miscellaneous - 1930-198524 - Miscellaneous - 1930-1985
Expand 25 - Faith in the City/County Committee - 1987-200325 - Faith in the City/County Committee - 1987-2003
Expand 26 - Records relating to groups supported by the Derby Diocesan Council for Social Responsibility - 1985-200026 - Records relating to groups supported by the Derby Diocesan Council for Social Responsibility - 1985-2000
Expand 27 - Ilkeston and District Association for Moral Welfare - 1920-197027 - Ilkeston and District Association for Moral Welfare - 1920-1970
28 - Number not used
Expand 29 - Ilkeston and District Association for Moral Welfare: reports - 1933-193429 - Ilkeston and District Association for Moral Welfare: reports - 1933-1934
30 - Ilkeston and District Association for Moral Welfare Cash book - 1945-1970
31-32 - Numbers not used
Expand 33 - Derby and South Derbyshire Moral Welfare Association (later South Derbyshire Area): minutes - 1948-197033 - Derby and South Derbyshire Moral Welfare Association (later South Derbyshire Area): minutes - 1948-1970
Expand 34 - Derby and South Derbyshire Moral Welfare Association (later South Derbyshire Area): case committee - 1952-196334 - Derby and South Derbyshire Moral Welfare Association (later South Derbyshire Area): case committee - 1952-1963
35 - not used
Expand 36 - Derby and South Derbyshire Moral Welfare Association: reports - 1950-196736 - Derby and South Derbyshire Moral Welfare Association: reports - 1950-1967
Expand 37 - Derby and South Derbyshire Moral Welfare Association: cash books - 1958-197037 - Derby and South Derbyshire Moral Welfare Association: cash books - 1958-1970
38 - Leaflet describing activities of the Derby Diocesan Council for Social Work - 1966
39 - not used
40 - not used
Expand 41 - Derby Diocesan Council for Social Work Moral Welfare Committee: Northern Area - 1947-197041 - Derby Diocesan Council for Social Work Moral Welfare Committee: Northern Area - 1947-1970
42 - Number not used
Expand 43 - Derby Diocesan Council for Social Work: Moral Welfare Committee (Northern Area) reports - 1955-196743 - Derby Diocesan Council for Social Work: Moral Welfare Committee (Northern Area) reports - 1955-1967
44 - Number not used
45 - Number not used
Expand 46 - Churches’ Association for Social Work: Chesterfield and District - 1956-198946 - Churches’ Association for Social Work: Chesterfield and District - 1956-1989
47 - Notes on the history and activities of the Chesterfield and District Association 1980s - 1980s