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Collapse D410 - Vernon family of Sudbury Hall - [13th-19th cent]D410 - Vernon family of Sudbury Hall - [13th-19th cent]
Expand E - Estate management - 1719-1884E - Estate management - 1719-1884
Expand H - Household management - 18th centH - Household management - 18th cent
Expand O - Official records - 1644O - Official records - 1644
Expand P - Maps and plans - 1907P - Maps and plans - 1907
Expand R - Ecclesiastical records - 1369-[18th cent]R - Ecclesiastical records - 1369-[18th cent]
Collapse T - Title deeds - [13th-19th cent]T - Title deeds - [13th-19th cent]
36 - Gift by Richard son of Alfred Pac de Hanley to Robert son of Alfred son of Baldwin of lands in Newland [Marchington, Staffordshire] - [1307-1327]
39 - Gift by Roger de Gardiner of Foyale (Fauld?) to Henry Coco de Hanbury of lands in Houndhill [Marchington, Staffordshire] - 1216-1272
40 - Gift from William Chambers to Thomas his son of messuage with buildings and lands in the fee of Marchington and Houndhill [Staffordshire] - 9 April [1337]
41 - Gift from Petronella de Coke to Henry her son of an acre of meadow in Rowley in the territory of Houndhill [Marchington, Staffordshire] - [1307-1327]
42 - Gift from Petronella, widow of Adam Coke of Cotes, to Henry Coke of Hanbury, her son, of 16 acres of arable land in Marchington [Staffordshire] - [c1300]
54 - Gift from Henry de Houndhill to Henry his son and heir and Orabilie [Orable] dau. of Ralph de Rolleston of one third part of all his lands and tenements of the manor of Houndhill [Marchington, Staffordshire] - [c1250]
169A-B - Two unlisted deeds, found inside volume D410/E/1/12 (formerly D410/VOX/2/169) - [c1300-1600]
351 - Gift by Ralph de Grendon in Gayton to Robert, son and heir of Ralph de Pipe, and Joan his daughter, Ralph's wife, in free marriage, of all his lands and rents in Weston on Trent - 1316
352 - Gift by Ralph de Grendon, knight, Lord of Shenstone, to William son of Geoffrey, son of Richard de Chesterfield of lands in Shenstone - 1309
353 - Gift of Ralph, son of Nichaolas de Marchington, to Ralph de Grendon and John his son of land in Gayton, Staffordshire - 1332
354 - Gift by Petronilla, daughter of Simon le Sage, Lord of Tymmor [?near Lichfield], widow, to Lord William de Vernon of all her mill at Tymmor with appurtenances and lands - [early 14th cent]
355 - Quitclaim by Petronilla, daughter of Simon le Sage, Lord of Tymmor, widow, to Lord William de Vernon and his heirs of Nicholas Fisherman of Tymmor and his goods and chattels and all appurtenances - [early 14th cent]
356 - Gift by Robert, Lord of Grendon, to John Dagenhall of an acre of moor and a half in Harnhurstmor [?Shenstone] - [early 14th cent]
357 - Gift by William, son and heir of Petronilla, daughter of Simon le Sage, Lord of Tymmor, to Lord William de Vernon, all all gifts and grants which his mother Lady Petronilla made to him at Tymmor [unidentified, near Lichfield] - [late 13th cent]
358 - Quitclaim by Petronilla la Sage, Lady of Tymmor, widow, to William de Vernon, of a half a mark of silver annually of one mark which the said William paid for the mill in Tymmor [unidentified, near Lichfield] with appurtenances and the park of Gosholm - [early 14th cent]
359 - Covenant between Lord William de Vernon and Lady Petronilla le Sage, Lady of Tymmor concerning fishing rights near Tymmor Mill - [early 14th cent]
360 - Gift by Roger, son of Roger de Dounes, to Robert de Pipe, knight, and Thomas his son of land in Coton in the Clay - 1294
361 - Gift by Roger son of Roger de Dounes to Robert de Pipe, knight, and Thomas his son of land in Coton in the Clay - 1293
363 - Declaration relating to a messuage in Coton in the Clay - 1296
365 - Gift by John de Swynnerton, seneschal of the Forest of Cannock, to Roger de Bakewell and Walter de Aston of the manor of Hilton and lands in Staffordshire - 1342
471 - Release (reddidisse, remisisse) by Robert de Aldenham of Draycote with assent of Letitia his wife to Robert de Pype his lord and Matilda his wife of a half-acre of land with appurtenances in the vill of Draycote lying in a place called Hertsules - [25 Mar 1295]
472 - Gift by Richard Hert and Nichola his wife to William de Muncworthe and Cecilia his wife of eight and a half selions of land arable with appurtenances in Draycote of which six selions lie in the Holiwallefeld between the Holywalle and the land of Richard? Keis and extends from a way called le Fyldngweye as far as the Rottsiche, and a selion and a half lies between the land of Richard Keis on each side and extends from the land of Letitia Bronn as far as the Fyldyngweye towards the Hayyate and a selion of land lies between the land of Richard Keis on each side and extends from the land of the said Richard as far as “Marlera” (marl-pit) and the land of Richard Keys - [20 Jun 1323]
473 - Gift by Roger Bert of Draicote to ?Thomas Boide and John le Smyth of Bromlegh of a messuage with ? (illegible) and 2½ selions of land and ½ acre meadow with appurtenances in Draycote - [14 Jan 1385]
474 - Quitclaim by William le ?Butiler to Henry de Holinton of 6 acres of land with appurtenances in the territory of Draycot and Morton which he held by gift and feoffment of Roger de Ioxelle [Yoxall], clerk - [late 13th-early 14th cent]
475 - Quitclaim by William son of William Poget of Draycot to William (Fl or S) Pough[ ] of Wylthorp his heirs and assigns of all the lands and tenements with homage, service, rents, wards and reliefs and all appurtenances which Roger P(Fl?)oget of Draycote his uncle once held in the vill and territory of Draycote, Wylthorpp, Breydiston, Ryseley and Brampcote (Draycott, Wilsthorpe, Breaston, Risley, Bramcote) - [early 14th cent]
476 - Power of attorney by Roger Berd to Robert de Pipe to deliver seisin to Henry Colynsone and John de Luyton, chaplains, of a messuage with curtilage, 2½ selions of land and ½ acre of meadow in Draycote - [26 Apr 1392]
477 - Quitclaim by William Davy son and heir of William Davy and Alice his wife, who was daughter and heir of Robert Morton of Draycote under Needwood to Henry Vernon Esq his heirs and assigns of a messuage, curtilage and croft with all appurtenances in the fee of Draycote [Draycott in the Clay] and Marchington - 20 Jul [1461]
478 - Gift by Amabilla (sic) daughter of William le Hunte, widow, to John de Aldenam of two acres of arable land and an acre of meadow in Draycote with a messuage adjacent, which messuage lies between a place (placeam) of Letitia her sister and the highway and an acre and a half of the said land lies in the higher (superior) upper field between the land of William de Jargunvile and the land of the said Letitia in breadth (latitudine) and extending in length from the land of the lord as far as le Rotisiche, and a half acre lies in Blakwarefurlong between the land of the said William and the land of the said Letitia, and extending in length from Saltebrok as far as Le Hunteresty, and the meadow lies between the Oldebrok and the way called le Milneoutlone in length - [28 Jan 1305]
479 - Quitclaim by Anericus Bete son of William Bete to Henry Vernon kt of all those lands and tenements etc which he formerly held by gift and feoffment of William Bete his father in the vill of Morton and Draycowte - 14 Jul [1492]
480 - Lease by William de Pipe of Draycote to Robert de Brougthon (sic) of a part of a house and half a garden and croft adjoining in Draycote which once was of William Jarponyle and an acre of arable land lying between the land of Ralph Molot and the land of John Thorpe: for life of said Robert: annual rent of 3s 8d - [22 Apr 1346]
481 - Gift by John son of Robert le Warde of Draycote to William le Marchal of Draycote and Alice his wife of a house in Draycote and half of a curtiliage next to thehighway and 2 ½ selions of land next to the land of Thomas le Hurne and extends from over the Broc and ?half a rood of meadow in Densey next to the Heye and extending from Draycote as far as Hottlone - [? 8 Dec 1346]
482 - Richard son of Ralph de Lega to William de Dukyleye [?Dukyleth] of all his land of Dukyleye [?Dukyleth] with all appurtenances – for a sum of money – annual rent of 2d - [?mid 13th cent]
483 - Gift by John Tirry (?) of Snelston to Robert Baddeley of Draycote and Alice his wife of a messuage with ten acres of land and meadow in Draycote under Needwood, which he held by gift of Isabel formerly daughter and heir of Thomas Scheperd - [25 Nov 1443]
484 - Letters of attorney – Elionora de Draycote to Thomas de Coton to delivery seisin to Richard Walker of all her lands and tenements in the vill of Draycote - 6 Jan [1401]
485 - Covenant by Richard de Tyckenes rector of the church of Wodechirthe to return to Ranulph de Meyeres of a certain written obligation for a pension of 5 marks per annum which said Ranulph granted to him at Hertunleye Wednesday next after feast of St George 1291 - [c1290s]
486 - Royal writ to John Turton, Ralph Hyde, Humphry Jolye and Edward Vernon to appear at Court at Westminster - 10 Mar [1602]
487-492 - [Numbers not used]
493 - Declaration by Roger de Beketere of Lich[field] to John Benet of Fetherston who is bound to him in £10, that if he or his heirs assigns after his death remain in possession of lands and tenements acquired from the said John and Joan his wife then the said bond for £10 shall be null and void - [25 Sep 1374]
494 - [Number not used]
495 - Gift by John de Grandon to Robert de Lahyde his heirs and assigns of half an acre of land by the king’s measure in the territory of Mulowyt for homage and service, lying in Gerynggeshale and extending in length from the court (curia) of the said Robert as far as the house which Luke de Lawode formerly held next to the road which leads to Hilduleston, with all common rights including moors, marlpits (marleriis) and turbary - [late 13th cent]
496 - Gift by William son of Gilbert de Puteo to Lord Ralph de Dutine (?) and his heirs of all his land in Melewiz [Milwich, Staffordshire] which was of Gilbert his father in exchange for his land next to his mill of Dulune, namely that which Alexander son of Edwyn held with half an acre in addition - [?mid 13th cent]
497 - Gift by Thomas Lord of Milewyz to Robert de Lahyde for homage and service and his faithful counsel and twenty shillings of an acre of arable land towards Geringerhale which is called the Fanaker with a view to living there and building (ad habitandum et ad edificandium) and an acre of waste by the kings measure which is measured out next to his land which Simon de Pyckestoce holds on Blachul and the furze (heath) towards Bicheware to be held by Robert his heirs and assigns except monks, at annual rents of a penny at All Saints as an offering, at Christmas a pound of cumin and at Easter a penny as an offering - [late 13th-early 14th cent]
498 - Gift by Robert de la Hyde to William Lord of Kaverswelle (Caverswall) of an acre towards Geringeshale in the fee of Melewys [Milwich, Staffordshire] which is called the Fenaker lying in width (lat.) between the land of Henry de Hecstall on the one part and the kings highway on the other with houses, curtilages and buildings as is enclosed and ditched, and one other acre of land by kings measure in the same fee which John de Grendon granted to him by charter (incartavit) (see 495) which lies in Geringgeshale and extends in length from the said acre of land to the land of Philip son of Richard super Viridem (sic) next to the way which leads towards Hildeston: rent of a rose - [late 13th-early 14th cent]
499 - Quitclaim by Petronilla late wife of Robert de Melewyz in widowhood to Lord W(illiam) de Cav[er]eswell his heirs and assigns of a virgate of land with appurtenances in the fee of Melewyz of which one moiety Ralph del Hay holds from me in Farthul and in Oldetone and the other moiety William de Crumbel holds which certain virgate the said Lord W[illiam] holds of Thomas her son - [?early 14th cent]
500 - Gift by Henry son of Roger de Kav[er]eswelle to William Lord of Kav[er]eswelle of all his land in Melewyche [Milwich, Staffordshire], namely a fourth part of the land of Hulware with appurtenances in the territory of Melewys: rent of a red rose - [late 13th-early 14th cent]
501 - Gift by William son of Gilbert de Puteo (see also D410/BOX/14/496) to Lord Ralph de Dulv[er]ne and his heirs of all his land of Mulewiz [Milwich, Staffordshire] as per D410/BOX/14/496 - [?mid 13th cent]
502 - Quitclaim by Ralph de la Luccheke to Lord Ralph de Dulvern of a third part of two acres of land in Mulewiz [Milwich, Staffordshire] which Robert Desp[e]nsari[us] once held which is called Bikaccres - [?early 14th cent]
503-504 - [Numbers not used]
505 - Lease by Richard de Praers and Johanna his wife to Avic[ie] one of the daughters and heirs of Thomas de Crue of all their part of Chelm[u]ndeston next to (iuxta) Stoke with all rents, issues, profits and all appurtenances except for a moiety of all the wood of Chelm[un]ndeston and a moiety of the “approvements” [* approvements – approwyamentis – sort of profits from improvements] of the ground on which the wood grows, which the said Avicie granted to them for her part of Gue and Leighton for 6 years from the feast of St Peter in Cathedra 1305 - [?early 14th cent]
506 - Gift by John de Orreby to Adam son of Bricii (Brice) of Stalinto(n) for homage, service and a certain sum of money, of two parcels of his land in the vill. of Churchecopenhall with appurtenances which lie opposite the house of the said Brice between the house of Gilbert de le Shaw and the Wode Wart near the street (stratum) and the other lies near an assart which said Adam held, with liberty to enclose with a hedge and ditch: annual rent of 9d - [late 13th cent]
507 - Gift by Richard de Kav[er]eswelle son of Gilbert de Kav[er]eswelle to Robert Bryd of all his tenement in Cotun next to (iuxta) Melewych (Milwich) which he held by demise of Robert Waleyf - [?early 14th cent]
508-509 - [Numbers not used]
510 - Gift by Roger son of Roger de Donnes to Robert de Pype, Matilda his wife and their heirs of the services(?) of Robert son of Matilda de Coten and Isabel daughter of Peter le Blake of Hanbur[y] who was formerly wife of Roger Agiluy of the same place and their heirs for all the tenements he holds of him in the vill of Coten [Coton in the Clay not by Milwich] - [?late 13th cent]
511 - Lease by Robert de Pype of Draycote to John son of Richard le Bronne of Coton of a messuage with buildings and all other appurtenances in the vill of Coton between the land of Roger Morcok and the land of Henry de Lathom – to be held for the life of the said John, at an annual rent of 18d - [2 Mar 1309]
512 - [Number not used]
513 - Gift by John Corley to William Vernon knight and Margaret his wife of a messuage with appurtenances in Draycote, in exchange for a cottage with appurtenances in Coton - 20 Apr [1439]
514-515 - [Numbers not used]
516-522 - [Numbers not used]
523 - Quitclaim by John Enchell of Horsley, Worcs to John de Swynn[er]ton, Lord of Hulton [Hilton] of a messuage with lands and tenements and all appurtenances which descended to him after the deaths of John Benet and his [Enchell’s] wife Botonye at Fetherston in the fee of Wolverhampton [Staffordshire] - [15 Aug 1388]
524 - Court of William de Everdone. Surrender by Lord Clamens de Hampton of all his land in the fee of Fethurston to the use of Robert son of John Edwyne and Johanna his wife - 30 Dec [1323]
525 - Gift by Robert de Hungerford chaplain to Nicholas son of Ralph de Marchinton and Sibil his wife and B[o]h[a]me their son and the heirs of the body of Bohame of his manor of Gayton [Staffordshire], with all demesnes, lands, rents, woods, meadows, mills, socages, vineyards, pastures, services belonging to the said manor, also a messuage and bovate of land with appurtenances which John Walkyn holds from him for life in Gayton and a parcel of pasture which Adam ate Pirie chaplain holds for life in the same place and two parcels of land which Henry le Hoe holds for life in the same place and two parcels of land and a parcel of meadow which Isolda le Hore holds for life in the same place and a messuage and a bovate of land with appurtenanceswhich Henry Cok holds for life, and after the death of said John, Adam, Henry, Isolda and Henry then to remain to the said Nicholas, Sibil and Bohame and the heirs of said Bohame - [?15 Sep 1346]
526 - Court of William Throlby Prebendary of the Prebend of Fetherston at Wolverhampton, John Botelar of Fetherston and Elizabeth his wife surrendered a parcel of garden in Fetherston between the orchard (?) of Egidius [Giles] de Swynn[er]ton on one part and the garden of said Egidius on the other, and extending from the land of Roger Bovebrok as far as the highway to the use of Margaret who was wife of said Egidius for life and after her decease to remain to heirs and assigns of said Egidius - [25 Apr 1439]
527 - Grant by William de Chattuln [Cheddleton] to Thomas de Kerserval [Caverswall] and his heirs Robert de Parco of Off (?Offley Hay) and his heirs, Geoffrey de Newcastle and his heirs, Hugh de Stanl. [Stanley] and his heirs, William de Cherleton and his heirs, of suit of the court of the Lord Bishop at Eccleshall - [early 14th cent]
528 - Surrender Great Court of John de Stoke, Prebendary of the prebend of Fetherston at Wolverhampton. Surrender by John Enchell of Horsley, Worcestershire and Betone his wife to John Derkyns of Fetherston of a messuage with all lands and appurtenances which John Benett held of the lord at Fetherston for life in the right of his wife Johanna, which after death of said John Benett remains to the use of John Enchell and Betona his wife to the use of Hugh Cook of Hulton and Margarie his wife and their first male child, if no children male or female, then to remain to John de Swynerton his heir and assigns (see D410/BOX/14/523) - [25 Nov 1388]
529 - View of frankpledge and Great Court of John Thynne. Prebendary of the prebend of Featherstone held at Wolverhampton: Surrender by Roger Alyn of Peneryche [Penkridge] and his wife of all the lands and tenements etc they hold in Fetherston, or anywhere within the lordship by right of said Johanna, to the use of Humfry Swynnerton esq; his heirs and assigns for the life of said Johanna - 28 May [1543]
530 - Bond by John Boteler of Fetherstone yeoman to Egidius [Giles] Swynnerton of Hilton and Margaret his wife in 16s 8d - [?1 Apr 1439]
531 - Lease by Margaret formerly wife of Egidius [Giles] Swynnerton deceased to Nicholas Holt of Hilton of a messuage with all lands, meadows, pastures belonging in Fetherston for the life of said Margaret - [29 Sep 1443]
532 - Demise by Lord Ralph of Dulv(er)na [Dilhorne] to Thomas son of Robert de Chettel [Cheadle], chaplain, of half a virgate of land with appurtenances in Fotesbrok [Forsbrook], viz a moiety of all the virgate land which Huric de Stalinton [Stallington] - [? 21 May 1240]
533 - Grant by John son of Andr[ew] in le Mor of Hulton to Margaret daughter of Nicholas Holte of Hulton of an annual rent of 40s arising from all his lands and tenements in Esnygton [Essington], Mollesleye [Mosley] and Fetherston [Featherstone] which he formerly held by gift and feoffment of the said Margaret - [24 Sep 1369]
534 - Gift of Ralph de Dulv[on] [Dilhorne] to William, chaplain, son of Rob[ert] White de Dulv[ern] and whoever he wishes to assign (it to) except (those) of a religious house, of two bovates of land with appurtenances in Dulv[ern] [Dilhorne] which Alde (?) lord of Stant[on] held in the vill of Dulv[ern]: annual rent of 12d. - [mid 13th cent]
535 - Lease for 24 years by Lord Ralph de Dulv[er] [Dilhorne] to John Smith of nine acres of land except for a rood lying between the field of Dulv[er] [Dilhorne] and the field of Adam Galepi [Galpin] with all appurtenances - [?mid 13th cent]
536 - Gift by William, Lord of Kav(er)eswelle [Caverswall] to John son of William de Fertesbroc [Forsbrook] of 9 acres of land with appurtenances in the fee of Dulv[er]ne [Dilhorne] by king’s measure of which 4 acres land and meadow lie near the water of Blythe which Thomas Moreschall of Tene [Tean] held and two acres of land lying on the Leefurlong and two acres of land on the Brucke at the head of Lee and an acre of land lying on the Cleyland which William, son of Ralph, once held - [early 14th cent]
537 - Lease by Lord Ralph de Dulv[er]n [Dillhorne] to Philip Part[er]ch of three acres of land with all appurtenances in Lutlele lying between the land of Adam Galopin and the land of Robert son of Susanne to said Philip his heir and assigns, except monks, for 24 years annual rent of 12d. - [late 13th cent]
538 - Gift by Philip de Deulv[er]ne [Dilhorne] to William Lord of Kav[er]eswelle [Caverswall] of five selions of land in the fee of Dulv[er]ne [Dilhorne] lying together between the pond of the said Lord William on one part of the land which once was of John Pykard on the other. Annual rent of a red rose - [early 14th cent]
539 - Lease by William, Lord of Kav[er]eswall to Henry de Chest?[le]hurst of a parcel of land with appurtenances lying between la Lee and the vill of Dulv[er]ne [Dilhorne] of the land which was of Symon de Fotesbroc [Forsbrook] of which a part extends to la Lee and the remainder to Dulv[er]ne namely two parts of that parcel of land which were of the said Symon - [?late 13th cent]
540 - Gift by William Lord of Kav[er]eswal to Thomas de la Marshale for homage and service of three acres of land with appurtenances in the field of Dulv[er]ne [Dilhorne] lying between the land of Adam Galpin and the land of Robert son of Susan de Dul[er]ne [Dilhorne] and extends from the highway in length as far as Wallescch: annual rent of 12d - [early 14th cent]
541 - Lease (tradidi) by William, chaplain of Dulv[er]ne to William son of Brid of a house with curtilage which Warin, chaplain, held in Dulv[er]ne with half an acre of land of which one head extends to the curtilage and the “p[er]tica” (perch) of which contains 22 feet: for four years annual rent of 6d - [? mid-late 13th cent]
542 - Quitclaim by William, chaplain of Dulv[er]ne to William his son and ”aluminus” (ward or foster-child) of two bovates of land with appurtenances in Dulv[er]ne namely those which Aldred de Stanton once held in the same vill. of Dulv[er]ne: to be held by said William his heirs and assigns except religious houses of Lord Ralph de Dulv[er]ne: annual rent of 12d - [mid 13th cent]
543 - Lease by Lord Ralph de Dulvern to William son of William Hardhendo of Dulvern – at the ascension of the Lord “by cycle of the moon XIII” and “anogre” (short years?) 1247 for 24 years, of three half acres of land in Dulvern of which the perch is 24ft between the “parroc” (parrocus – Park, paddock or enclosure) under the (le) Cressiford and the “paroc” at Rueleford: annual rent of 6d - [?1247]
544 - Gift by Philip Brun of Dulv[er]na and Agnes his wife to Lord Ralph of Dulv[er]na and his heirs of an attachment (atachiametum) of their pond at their land in Brul (abbreviated) and so much of their land which the water has flooded – in exchange for half an acre of land in the field of Luthele which Huric brother of William chaplain, once held - [mid-late 13th cent]
545 - Lease by Lord Ralph Lord of Dulv[er]ne to Adam son of Alexander de ? Roches, ? (R diff. from R in Ralph) Bothes of 21 acres of land to which there is an addition (increments) of another piece of land (p[ar]ticule terra) next to other land for which there is a rent of one penny at farm, namely those which lie between the land of Adam de Withenist and Fulsiche of which one head extends to the house of the said Adam and the remainder towards le Merebroc, and each perch contains 24 feet: for 20 years at an annual rent of 5s 4d - [?late 13th cent]
546 - Quitclaim by John le Bonde to Ralph de Dulv[er]ne and his heirs of two selions of land in Smithefurlong with appurtenances of which one head extends both the west and south and the other head towards the east “in seven parts” (quo septemtionales partes) - [mid-late 13th cent]
547 - Quitclaim by Felicia daughter of Jord[an] de Fotisb[ro]c, widow, to Lord Ralph de Dulv[er]n and his heirs of so much of her land between le Glodelyche and le Grubrul? as his pond water can flood - [?late 13th cent]
548 - Gift by William son of William Hardhevnet of Dulv[er]na to Lord Ralph de Dulv[er]na and his heirs of so much of his land in Dulv[er]n as his fish-pond (aqua vivarium) in Brul can flood ------ in exchange for an acre of land with appurtenances in Fotesbroc which he granted to him (William) in le teleg between the land of William de Warilowe and the land of Hugh de Aula and extends as far as Smalebroc - [mid 13th cent]
549 - Lease by Lord Ralph de Delverne to William son of Richard at the feast St Michael in the year of grace 1250 as far as the end of 22 years of all the land with appurtences which Adam de Rugenhale formerly held, which land is hedged and ditched: with all easemonts, commons housebote and haybote – annual rent of 3s 6d - [13th cent]
550 - Final concord Trinity Term 16 Charles I (day after Trinity) between Edward Littleton, baronet, Henry Townshend esq., and George Harpur gent, plfs; and Edward Vernon knight and Margaret his wife deforciants of the manors of Sudbury and Aston, 40 messuages 20 cottages, a watermill, a windmill, a dovecote, 40 gardens, 30 orchards, 700 acres of land, 200 acres meadow, 400 acres of pasture, 300 acres of wood, 300 acres furze and heath - [1641]
551 - 17th century extract from the Tutbury Coucher, part of the records of the Duchy of Lancaster: Nicholas Mountgomery knight holds the manor of Sudbury along with the advowsons of Cubley, Marston Montgomery etc. - 17th cent
552 - Quitclaim by Simon son of William Clerk of Sudbury to Alan Chamberleyn of Marton of all that tenement with appurtenances which belonged to his father William and also all arable lands, meadows, crofts, pastures etc belonging which he inherited on the death of his father - [12 Jan 1368]
553 - Gift by Thomas Mountgom[er]y son of Nicholas Mountgom[er]y knight sen. lord of Cubley to John Tadyngton, chaplain, and Thomas Butler of Sudbury of all his lands and tenements, meadows, pastures with appurtenances called Mylton Thyng in the fee of Sudbury, which he held by gift and feoffment of Nicholas Mountgom[er]y kt his father and Robert Wase of Macley - [? 1 Nov 1423]
554 - Lease by Sir Edward Vernon of Sudbury knight and Dame Margaret his wife to Thomas Bothome and May his wife of a cottage, farm or tenement with all land etc belonging in Sudbury for the lives of Thomas, the elder and younger, and Mary - 3 Jul 1638
555 - Assignment by John Layton, citizen and merchant taylor of London, to Thomas Vernon of Sudbury gent, in consideration of £42, of a close called New Copy or Harrison’s copy in Sudbury Wood - 1 Jun 1631
556 - Lease by Sir Edward Vernon of Sudbury kt and Dame Margaret his wife to William Allen and William Coates of Sudbury, gents. of a messuage or tenement with houses, edifices, buildings etc., a croft lying at the Backside, close commonly called the Newe Close lying near the Crosfield, 3 acres arable land in the Crosfield, one acre of arable land in the Wyndmiln Field, two leas lying in the Wyndmiln Field, one piece of ground used for meadow in the Wyndmiln Field, and four closes called Stubriddinge, Highfield, Beancroft and Calvercrofte in Mackley - 11 Sep 1636
557 - Assignment of lease by Thomas Alsoppe of Langford, gentleman, to James Robinson of Westboughton, yeoman, of two messuages and tenements in Hillsom[er]shall, late in the tenure of Thomas Whitteringe and John Wright alias Boswell, together with two beast gates in a close or pasture called the More in Hillsom[er]shall which late belonged to Shawe’s tenement (leased by Robert Jackson of Enfield, Middlesex to Edward Banckes of Mackley on 30 October 43 Elizabeth [1601] – interest now vested in Alsope) - 15 Oct 1613
558 - Quitclaim by Agnes once wife of William son of William chaplain, of Dulv[er]ne to William de Kav[er]eswell his heirs and assigns of all the land which came to her by right of dower of the land of her husband William in the vill of Dulv[er]ne - [?mid-late 13th cent]
559 - Lease for 30 years beginning at the feast of St Nicholas “in the year which the cycle of the moon runs through the eleventh year” by William Lord of Kav[er]eswall to Richard son of John de Haselwall of 14 acres of land with appurtenances in the fields of Dulv[er]ne next to le Blakehall in these bounds from the sitch (or syke) called le Gorstilegesiche as far as the way called Rugweie within two ditches, and from Rutindewallesiche as far as the ditch which is divided between Lord Ralph de Cheadle and Lord Ralph de Dulv[er]ne - [? mid-late 13th cent]
560 - Admittance in the Manor Court of Thomas de Marchynton [Marchington] of William Wryde to a pasture called Foxfeld with appurtenances for 22 years at 7s per year - [? 2 Oct 1403]
561 - Gift by Richard Lord of Cav[er]eswell to William de la Blakelegh his clerk of a parcel (placiam) of land with appurtenances in the fee of Dulvern lying in Calchesdon near the Redeway just as is surrounded by a ditch, to the land of Lord Richard p[er]petui (perpetual?) vicar (curate) of the church of Dulvern, namely that which Lord Ralph Basset of Cheadle held there and with the same bounds - [?late 13th cent-early 14th cent]
562 - Lease by Lord William de Kav[er]eswell to William son of Symon de Dulv[er]ne of half a virgate of land with appurtenances in the vill. of Dulv[er]ne namely that which Alexander holds at the will of the lord: for 24 years beginning at the Ascension, 15 Edward I - 1287
563 - Gift by William son of William chaplain, to William Lord of Kav[er]eswall his heirs and assignes for homage and service of two bovates of land with appurtenances in the vill of Dulv[er]ne and with two crofts as is ditched and enclosed and with all buildings - [?late 13th cent-early 14th cent]
564 - Quitclaim by William Hadewod of Dulv[er]ne junior to Lord William de Kav[er]eswall his heirs and assigns of all the land he holds in Dulv[er]ne, with wards, reliefs, escheats and all other liberties which belong to him or his heirs - [?late 13th cent-early 14th cent]
565 - Lease for 20 years by Peter de Careswall knight to Simon Gromile (? or Bromile) of a messuage and half a bovate of land which John Pare once held in Dulv[er]ne - [28 Sep 1360]
566 - Lease for 12 years by Richard Lord of Cav[er]eswell to Henry Mest[er]mon of Dulverne of all the wood growing within the limits of the lands and tenement of the said Henry at Dulv[er]ne Wodehouses - [11 May 1273]
567 - Lease by William de Caverswell to Roger “perpetual vicar” (curate?) of the church of Dulverne of two acres of land with appurtences in le Lee which William de Blakelegh once held: for 24 years at an annual rent of 14d - [11 Jun 1345]
568 - Grant (no dedi, “concessi et confirmavi”) by Robert son of Huric de Poddemor to William son of William chaplain of Dulv[er]ne of all the land which Huric de Poddemor his father gave to William chaplain his father, with all appurtenances as is contained in a charter between Huric de Poddemore and William, chaplain, of Dulverne - [mid 13th cent]
569 - Quitclaim by Richard de Stanton in [sic] Dulv[er]ne to Richard de Kav[er]eswelle his lord of a certain acre of land in the fee of Dulv[er]ne, half an acre of which lies under Blakenhul and extends in length from (“Brucheto”) the thicket (brushwood) of Henry Mest[er]mon as far as the heath of Blackenhul and in length from the land of Simon son of Thomas and the land of Henry de Pessale, and a halfacre in the field of Lutleye on Henrikeshul with meadow belonging (“ad capita Seyhonn”) at the heads of Seyhonn which extends in length from the meadow of Roger de Kav[er]eswell as far as the heath of Dulv[er]ne and in width between the land of Roger de Kav[er]eswell and the land of Henry de Pessale - [?late 13th cent-early 14th cent]
570 - Quitclaim by Hugh Messarius of Dulverne to lord Richard de Kav[er]eswell his lord his heirs and assigns of five parcels (placiis) of land in the territory of Dulverne lying on the Overe Godelee and on the Nether Godelee with a certain parcel of land next to (near) the Merebrok which is called Knotte Pyngel which he held there by gift and feoffment of Lord Richard de Kav[er]eswell - [15 Aug 1295]
571 - Lease by Lord John de Chetwind Kt and Lady Joan de Cav[er]eswall to William son of Simon de Dulv[er]ne of a parcel of land called the Rederuding in the fee of Dulv[er]ne in those metes (metas) and bounds that Alexander Blat once held - [25 Apr 1329]
572 - Gift by Peter de Careswall knight to William son of Agneti and Phypotam his wife of 22 acres of land with appurtenances in Dulv[er]ne in these bounds, between the Merebrok and the assart of Richard Miller, and Alexander Bothes and the sitch (or syke) which descends from Chestnehurstewall as far as the said Merebrok - [5 Aug 1378]
573 - Lease for 20 years by Peter de Cav[er]eswell, Kt, and Mary his wife to William Smithe of Dulv[er]ne of a messuage with appurtenances in Dulv[er]ne - [5 Nov 1386]
574 - Lease for 20 years by William Lord of Kav[er]iswall to Symon son of Nicholas de Stant[on] of all the land with buildings and all appurtenances which lies between the district or street village (vicus) which is known in English as ?Utloue and the land which Walter de Wakefield once held in the vill. of Dulv[er]n - [? late 13th cent]
575 - Lease for 12 years by Peter de Cav[er]eswall “chmaler” to William de Pessaule of a messuage and all those lands and tenements with appurtenances which Henry Fox once held in Dulv[er]ne Wodesetes - [5 Dec 1372]
576 - Lease by William Lord of Cav[er]eswell to William Messeg[er] of Dulv[er]ne of a messuage and a bovate of land with appurtenances in Dulverne which Roger Albeyn? formerly held in the same vill. and a selion of land in le Lee between the land of Hugh de Aula and the land of Henry son of Walter - [29 Sep] 1344
577 - Lease for 30 years from Ascension Day 9 Edward I by William Lord of Kav[er]eswelle to Philomena daughter of Walter de Aula of Fotesbroc of 5 acres of land by kings measure in Douleye in the fee of Dulv[er]ne lying in length from the land of Roger de Kav[er]eswelle as far as the land of ? the church of Dulv[er]ne and in width between the land of Mylysant de la Creseyforde and the land of Roger de Kav[er]eswelle - [1281]
578 - Quitclaim by Robert de Kav[er]eswell to William Lord of Kav[er]eswell and his heirs of two “p[ar]ticlas” (parcels surely not “perches”) of meadow of which one lies at Brouneswell and the other lies at Willlanesleyeforde - [?mid-late 13th cent]
579 - Lease by William lord of Kav[er]eswall to William son of Thomas [on the other] of a bovate of land with appurtenances in the vill of Kav[er]eswalle namely that which William de Hoke formerly held for a term of 24 years beginning at Ascension Day 38 Henry III - [c1254]
580 - Grant (no dedi) by Robert de Checkeleg to William Lord of Kav[er]eswal and his heirs, so that he can improve all his lands, plains and wastes, reserving to himself and his heirs free common in “La Le” de Kav[er]eswal just as he and his father before him were accustomed to have, also reserving sufficient pasture for the tenements he (Robert) holds of him (William) in Kav[er]eswal, all his assized (assigns? at a fixed rent) lands in the manor of Kav[er]eswal from the year 32 Henry III, and for this concession the said William has given him (Robert) an acre of land with appurtenances in the heath of Tonstal - [c1248]
581 - Gift by Thomas Pakemon of Forsebrok to Henry Chalyner of Dulv[er]ne of a statute (royal) acre of land which he holds by gift of the said Henry in the fee of Cav[er]eswall - [31 May 1401]
582 - Grant by John Coyne of Westu[n] to William Lord of Kav[er]isw[e]ll and his heirs, so that he may raise his pond under the mill of Kav[er]isw[e]ll, of all that land which the water can flood on the heath which lies between his ditch of Westu[n] and his ditch of Kav[er]iswell: for this concession said William gave to him 2 shillings - [? 13th cent]
583 - Lease by Richard Lord of Kav[er]eswalle to William de Felde for 24 years of a messuage which Agnes wife of Simon Aurifaber (Goldsmith) once held of the said Richard, as is enclosed and ditched, along with a path called Honuttloue which way? Is the best to take with carts and wagons into the vill of Kav[er]eswalle?, and which lies between the messuage of Henry son of William? P[ro]potti and the curtilage of a cottage towards the road (way), and said Richard has granted to William 3 acres of land of statute measure of which one lies on Pilatelond next to the land of Thomas? Byfoft and one on Cattechcheyht next to the land of William son of Robert and one on Rowagge in the Hornstonnsslade next to the land of William son of Robert - [25 Mar 1309]
584 - Quitclaim by John Coyne, Lord of Weston-under-Ken[er]m[e]nt(?) to Richard, Lord of Cav[er]reswalle his heirs and assigns of all lands, woods, moors and marshes within his close of part of Cav[e]reswalle along with a parcel (placiam)of moor outside the park from the corner of the park pale as far as the water of Blithe without any reservation - [29 Jun] 1293
585 - Quitclaim by William son of Robert de Kav[er]eswell and his heirs and assigns of the Cokschulemor within the park of Kavereswell of the Prustesmor in the said park, of the Blakemor in the same park, and two acres of land in the same park in le Ast[er]newelle and a parcel of meadow called le Longedole in the great “vivario”? enclosure (for game) in Caldewelle Meadow, of the Oletherepol in the said park and the whole of his park of Kav[er]eswell - [late 13th-early 14th cent]
586 - Small cartulary bound in mediaeval music - [mid 14th cent]
587 - Gift by Simon son of Clement de Wolv[er]neham[p]ton to Lord John de Siyneforton, knight, of a penny annual rent issuing from a messuage which John son of Richard Gerneyse holds in the vill of Wolv[er]nehampton - [30 Sep 1313]
588 - Lease for 60 years by Rt. Hon John de Veer Earl of Oxford to Stephen Kent of Warmyneh[a]m, Cheshire, and Agnes his wife of all his tenement and tack wherein they now inhabit and dwell with all lands pastures meadows and moors to the same belonging - 10 Nov [1543]
589 - Gift by Robert de Stanyford to Robert le Hunte of seven selions of land with the meadow adjacent with appurtenances in Uttokeshath[er] lying in a certain place called le Heye between the land of Robert le Hunte on each side and extending in length from the land of the said Robert le Hunte as far as the land of Thomas de Eyton - [31 Oct 1344]
590 - Agreement between Lord William de Vern[on?] and Lady Pet[ro]nilla le Sage, Lord of Ti[m]mor, namely that the said Pet[ro]nilla and her heirs may fish in the water with nets and baskets between “le Holm of St Ediht” and the mill of Timmor without impediment from the said Lord William de Vern[on] or his heirs outside the bays (bayas) of the pond and mill, and it is known that the said Lord William de Vern[on] and his heirs may fish in the water between the Holm of St Ediht and the said mill without impediment from the Lady Pet[ro]nilla or her heirs with nets and baskets - [?late 13th-mid 14th cent]
591 - Quitclaim by Avicia widow of ?Thomas le Mey of Undirwod in pure widowhood to Agneti son? of Blakemor de Copenhal of all her right of dower in the lands were of her husband Thomas in Underwood with all appurtenances in Underwod with all appurtenances - [?late 13th-early 14th cent]
592 - Surrender by Margaret Wynter, late wife of George Wynter deceasedd, previously wife of Henry Vernon and admittance of John Vernon, son and heir admitted copyhold land (closes and arable land in the fields of Wolverhampton) at Wolverhampton Manor Court - 8 Jan [1593]
593 - Gift by John son of Walter de Kempeley to Adam son of Gerard de Ulnesby of all that land in two parts which his father Walter de Kempley held by the gift and grant of Ralph, Prior, and the convent of Karli (?), namely of five acres of land and a rood and a half which Adam de Mora sold to Adam de Kempeley father of the said Walter, all in vill of Ulnesby - [late 13th-mid 14th cent]
594 - Gift by Robert son of Robert de Soganhal to Roger de Wavete and his heirs for homage and service of all the land he has in Suganhul [“Sugnall] with appurtenances namely the land which Nicholas de Fonte held along with a messuage and appurtenances and the land which Gamel held along with a messuage and all appurtenances and all the land contained within the croft called Breres with all appurtenances and two acres next to “the moss” (mossam) with moss and all the moor near the moss in these bounds from Ridebache in the moor as far as the ditch and then from the ditch as far as the way which is called Kartereswei and then across the moss through the ditch as far as the assart which was of Roger de Ridebache and then through the ditch as far as the assart which was of Richard Caln(v)i, with all appurtenaces, liberties, and commons in the wood, waste etc. - [? 13th cent]
595 - [Number not used]
596 - Grant by William de Cavereswelle to Richard Hody of all his lands and tenements, meadows and pastures with all appurtenances which Richard de Marton, Adam ?Loe, Thomas Fox, William de Mitteleye, William le Fitzhughe held in the vill of Little Soudleye [Soudley, near Church Stretton, Shropshire] - [5 Aug 1348]
597-598 - [Numbers not used]
599-614 - [Numbers not used]
615 - Assignment by George Vernon of Sudbury Esq. to John Hayne of Ashbourne Green, gent, reciting lease by Princess Catherine, Queen Dowager, and others, to George Vernon of the Hundred of Appletree in the Honour of Tutbury and the rents of assises there etc. for 28 years from 29 September 1691 (dated 15 October 1688), of lease recited above for residue of 28 year term - 21 Nov 1689
616 - Gift by Gilbert Choppecok to William de Jarpunull of Draycote of a messuage with croft adjacent in Newborough [Novo Burgo] containing an acre of land with all appurtenances lying between the burgage of Robert le Deye on one side and a certain way leading to the forest of Needwood on the other - [12 Dec 1316]
617 - Gift by Thomas de Cruwe to Nicholas his son for homage and service of all that land with appurtenances which Roger de Chelmondiston held in the vill of Aston and all that land which appurtenances which ‘Richard son of Dan[ie]l held in the same vill rent of a pair of white gloves and a penny at St John the Baptist - [late 13th-mid 14th cent]
618-619 - [Numbers not used]
620 - Gift by Thomas Broun of Novo Burgo (Newborough) to William de Jarpunnill of a burgage with buildings standing there and three acres of land with appurtenances in Newborough which burgage lies between the burgage formerly of John Muntyng on one side and the burgage formerly of Henry Michel on the other and which three acres of land lie between the land of the said John on one part and the tenement of the said Henry on the other and an acre lies between the land formerly of Robert del Cros on one part and the land of Roger le Gardiner - [22 Apr 1317]
621 - Grant (tradidit, concessit, confirmavit) by William Halughton to Thomas de Cruwe esq of all his land and tenements in le Wodehous in the parish of Burwardesley with appurtenances - [19 Jun 1418]
622 - Gift by Robert Fippen? To John de Mitto (abbreviated) of a burgage in the new town (novo burgo) of Adgaresley lying in the Holewokhull containing three acres of land lying between the land of Robert le Dapur de Cento (abbreviated) on one part and Feyrhurstlone on the other and extending in length from the land of Adam le Cok as far as Feyrhurstloneyate - [?22 Oct 1357]
623 - [Number not used]
624 - Lease by Sir John Mountgomery knight to Nicholas Langforth of Langforth and Elyn his wife of all that his close called 20 acres lying in the park of Langforth in the parish of Langforth: for life of Nicholas and Elyn - 4 Jul [1507]
625 - [Number not used]
626 - Gift by William atte Holte of Hulton manentem at Allerleye to William de Ruycroft of Hulton of a parcel of land which is called the Crodecroft with appurtenances in Hulton - [15 Jun 1368]
627 - Lease from John Mountegom[er]y knight to Thomas Longforde, gent, a close called the 20 acres in the parish of Longford for the life of Elyn his mother - 20 Mar [1506]
628 - Lease by Sir John Montegom[er]ey knight to Thomas Longforde close called Twenty Acres in the parish of Longford beside the park there for the life of Elyn Longford Thomas’ mother - counterpart of D410/BOX/14/627 - 20 Mar [1506]
629 - Gift by Lady Pet[ro]nilla wife of Master Adam Coci of Cotis to John son of William forester of M[er]cintona (Marchington) for his homage and service of two acres of meadow in the territory of Hounel namely in Russileya - [? 13th cent]
630 - Gift by Henry de Honnhul son and heir of Henry de Honnhul to John de Wytacre of an acre of meadow in the field of Honnhul with hedge and ditch adj. which acre of meadow with appurtenances lies in width between his (Henry’s) meadow on one part and the land which Robert le Wasteneis once held on the other part and extending in length from Wetfurlong as far as Wallebuttes - [30 Apr 1300]
631 - [Number not used]
632 - Gift by Robert Alfred of Fetherston to John son of Alvredi of the same vill of all his land with appurtenances which he held in a certain encroachment on the heath of Hulton which abutts at one head on the land of the same Robert and Richard Angevin and at the other head on the way which leads from Schareshull towards Wolvernehampton and all the land which he held with appurtenances in the new lands of Atleloneshande in the same vill - [?late 13th cent]
633 - Gift by Michael Wythur of Longeford to Edith his daughter and Stephen de M[er]cinton of a bovate of land and meadow with toft and croft and other appurtenances in the fee of Longford which bovate of land Richard Wyther his father formerly held in the same vill - [?late 13th cent]
634 - [Number not used]
635 - Manorial Rent Accounts of Roger Aleyn bailiff and collector of rents at Draycott - [30 Sep 1472]
636 - Arbitrators’ award in a dispute between Nicoll Mountegom[er]y esq and Anne wife of John Agard regarding title, claim and possession of certain lands and tenements in Sudbury which the ancestors of the said Nicoll gave to said John and Anne - 11 Aug [1473]
637 - Grant of seisin by Nicholas Mountgom[er]y knight, to Thomas Mountgom[er]y his son of a messuage and three bovates of land and seven acres with appurtenances in Sudbury together called Dictynruddyng, also quit-claim of a feoffment to his son Thomas - [? 15 Sep 1424]
638 - Gift by Thomas Craddock to Roger de Montegom[er]y of an acre of land in the territory of Sudbury in these bounds, a half acre on Dudefurlong between the land of the Rector on one part and the land of John Wele on the other and the other halfacre between the land of John Wele on one part and the land of John Wareyn on the other on the Hul - [8 Feb 1317]
639 - Gift by Thomas Beck Rector of Sudbury and John de Tadyngton, chaplain, to Thomas son of Nicholas Mountegom[er]y., kt of a messuage, three bovates and 7 acres of land with appurtenances in Suddebury together called Dichynrudding which they formerly held by gift and feoffment of Alan Chamberleyn (Chaumbreleyn) - 11 Apr [1418]
640 - Gift by John Stele and John de Tadyngton chaplain, to Alice daughter of Thomas Wate of Maclay of two acres of land which they hold by gift and feoffment of Elizabeth late wife of the said Thomas Wate of which one acre lies next to the highway which leads to the vill. of Sudbury as far as the mill and extends in length as far as the “gate” of Mylneton and the other acre on this side (citra) of the water of Dowue which lies divided in several parcels: to be held for life with reversion to John brother of said Alice, after his death reversion to Margaret his sister, and after her death reversion to Elizabeth their mother and her right heirs - [14 Nov 1401]
641 - Lease for 40 years by Robert Wase to Thomas Montgomery esq., of all his share of Wyldgosfeld and Mydelfeld and his half share of Fulmedow - 1 May [1432]
642 - Grant (with D410/BOX/15/637) of seisin by Nicholas Mountgom[er]y to Thomas Mountgom[er]y his son of all those lands tenements, meadows and pastures with appurtenances which were of Robert Huggeford and Margerie his wife in Sudbury and in Macley and a charter of feoffment - [? 15 Sep 1424]
643 - Grant (no dedi) by William Halyfax of Nottingham Richard Byngham, John Gegge, chaplain, and John Kay, chaplain, to Thomas Mountgomery, esq., and Cecily his wife of all their lands and tenements in Boilston which were of John Notyngham son and heir of William Notyngham of Derby, all their lands and tenements with appurtenances in Sudbury which formerly were of Robert Wase, and all their lands and tenements with appurtenances in Macley and Milneton within the territory of Sudbury which formerly were of John Wase of Sudbury all their lands and tenements with appurtences in Macley lying on the west part of the way which leads from Boilston to Foston Hethe which were formerly of Alice de Chedill daughter and heir of Ralph Macley alias Ralph Kyngeley, all lands and tenements with appurtenances in Sudbury and Macley which were of Robert Huggeford and Margaret his wife and a messuage, 3 bovates and seven acres of land together called Dichynruddyng with appurtenances in Sudbury - 12 Oct [1431]
644 - Counterpart of D410/BOX/15/643 - Grant by William Halyfax [Halifax] of Nottingham Richard Byngham, John Gegge, chaplain, and John Kay, chaplain, to Thomas Mountgomery, esq., and Cecily his wife - 12 Oct [1431]
645 - Gift by Nicholas Mountgom[er]y knight to Thomas Beek parson of the church of Sudbury and Robert Onyley chaplain of all his lands and tenements meadow and pasture with all appurtenances which formerly were of Robert de Huggeford and Marg[er]ie his wife in Sudbury and in Macley - [12 May 1405]
646 - Power of attorney by John de Tadyngton, chaplain, to John Foxlow chaplain to take seisin on his behalf of certain lands and tenements called Mylton Thynke and Rowlonte in the fee of Sudbury and Makley - [4 Nov 1424]
647 - Lease by Simon de Shepoye person of the church of Sudbury and Roger de Murkaston chaplain, Lords of Sudbury, to William del Wodehous of Mackele and Thomas his son by Margaret his wife of 4 acres of waste in their wood of Sudbury - [8 Sep 1341]
648 - Gift by Thomas Beek parson of the church of Sudbury to Thomas Mountgom[er]y son of lord Nicholas Mountgom[er]y of Cubley kt of all his lands and tenements, meadows and pastures with all appurtenances which formerly were of Robert Huggeford and Margerie his wife in Sudbury and in Macley which he held by gift and feoffment of the said Lord Nicholas - [30 Sep 1420]
649 - Quitclaim by Robert de la Mulneton to William Montegom[er]y his heirs and assigns of a capital messuage called le Mulneto[n] with all houses, structures, gardens and curtilage with all his arable land on each side of the Douve and all his meadow and water mill of Sudbury with all “following goods”, pond and water course and all other appurtenances: also (quitclaim), pannage for 28 pigs in the wood of Sudbury and also pasture for sixty sheep in the pasture of Sudbury and 30 cattle and four mares in the same pasture: with housebote and heybote and [gathering] firewood to burn - [?13th cent]
650 - Gift by Nicholas Montgom[er]y knight to Thomas Beek parson of the church of Sudbury and Robert de Onyley chaplain of a messuage with a dovecote and other buildings a toft lying next to the said messuage on the one part and the lane called le Huntelone on the other part formerly in the tenure of John Richard and John Cartere, and three bovates of land and 3 acres of meadow with all appurtenances in Sudbury which formerly were of Walter Montegom[er]y Esq., also gives and grants to said Thomas and Robert all his lands and tenements, meadows and pastures with all appurtenances which were formerly of Robert de Huggeford and Marg[er]ie his wife in the same vill and in Makleye - [5 May 1405]
651 - Final concord (in the court of the Lord Roger at Nottingham) between William de Montgom[er]y plaintiff [i.e. buyer] and Ralph de Grendon and Matilda [?wife] who claim to have common of pasture in the lands of said William in Sudbury and Cubley - [c1253]
652 - Final concord between Matil[da] who was wife of Walter de Montgomery ‘chivaler’ (knight) plaintiff [i.e. buyer] and Robert de Huggeford and Marg[er]iam his wife deforciants [i.e. vendor] of a moiety of a messuage, 42 acres land, 6 acres meadow and 9 acres pasture with appurtenances in Sudbury - [14 Sep 1374]
653 - Quitclaim by Cecilia who was wife of Thomas Mountgom[er]y to John Curson [Curzon] Esq of all those lands and tenements she once held along with said Thomas by gift and feoffment (see D410/BOX/15/643) of William Halyfax of Notyngham, Richard Byngh[a]m, John Gegge, chaplain, and John Kay chaplain, in Boylleston Sudbury Macley and Mylneton - 30 Dec [1439]
654-655 - Gift by Margaret who was wife of Nicholas Mountgom[er]y knight, senior. John Cursun [Curzon] Esq and Margaret his wife to Thomas Blount, Thomas Greseley, Roger de Aston, John Greseley, kts., Thomas Cursun, Thomas Mountgom[er]y esqs., John Cursun junior and Richard Byngham their heirs and assigns of all their estate in a messuage, 3 bovates of land and 3 acres of meadow with appurtenances in Sudbury which were of Thomas Beke parson of the church of Sudbury - 1 Oct [1426]
656 - Final concord between William Atkinson gent, plaintiff and John Vernon esq. deforciant of the manors of Sudbury, Aston and Rodsley with appurtenances and 100 messuages, a water mill, a windmill, a dovecote, 100 gardens, 60 orchards, 1000 acres land, 500 acres meadow, 1000 acres pasture, 500 acres wood, £5 rent in Sudbury, Aston, Rodsley, Marston Montgomery, Potter Somersal, Woodhouses, Okes, Hill Somersall, Mackley Waldley Doveridge and Hollington - [? 30 Apr 1592]
657 - Settlement between Sir Walter Hevaningham knight of Pipehall, Staffordshire, Erasmus Heveningham of Pipehall, gent, Mary Vernon of Sudbury, widow, Edward Vernon son of said Mary of Sudbury esq., and Margaret his wife, Walter Vernon of the Inner Temple, London Esq., and Mary his wife, and John Harestaffe of Sudbury, gent and William Allen of Sudbury, gent - 13 Feb [1619]
658 - Case paper concerning the manors of Cubley, Sudbury and Aston John Porte knight answer to Henry Vernon esq – desc. as 100 messuages, 40 tofts, 2 mills, 3000 acres land, 500 acres meadow, 2000 acres pasture, 500 acres wood, 300 acres furze and heath, £10 rent in Cubley Sudbury, Aston, Mackley, le Okes, Hill Somersal, Church Somersal, and the advowson of the church of Cubley, Church Somersal and Sudbury - [c1550]
659 - Bargain and sale by Francis Curson of Kedleston esq., and John Curson [Curzon] son and heir apparent to John Vernon of Sudbury esq., in consideration of £1000, all that messuage called Mortons Farm and all other the lands etc of the Cursons in Sudbury, Aston, Mackley, Draycott, Hanbury, West Broughton, Church Broughton, Boylestone and Sapperton - 1 Oct [1581]
660 - Gift by William de Mungom[er]y knight, Hugh de Mungom[er]y, parson of the church of Cubley and William de Mungom[er]y to Walter de Mungom[er]y knight and Matill[da] his wife and their heirs of the manors of Sudbury and Cubley and the advowsons of the churches of Sudbury and Cubley and a messuage and a bovate of land which Robert le Baker holds for life and a messuage, 36 acres of land which John son of Hugh and Joan his wife hold for life and a messuage which Alice daughter of Robert le Wodeward holds for life and a messuage and 20 acres land which Alice late wife of William Frankeleyn holds for life, a messuage and four bovates of land which Walter de Mungom[er]y and Margaret his wife hold for life, a messuage and two bovates of land which Symon son of William le Clerc holds for life in the manor of Sudbury: and a messuage and 9 acres of land which Walter de Merdeley holds for life, a messuage and 6 acres of land which Walter le Smyth and Agnes his wife and Nicholas his son hold for life, a messuage and two bovates of land which William de Weryngton holds for life and a messuage and two bovates of land which William Mathew holds for life a messuage which Agnes late wife of Robert le Soute[r] holds for life, a messuage and 4 bovates of land which Roger atte Mate and Anneys his wife hold for life, a messuage and 3 acres of land which John atte Loue holds for life, a messuage and a bovate of land which Marg[er]ia late wife of Walter son of ? Gene holds for life and a messuage and two bovates of land which John de Som[er]sale chaplain holds for life – all of which remain to the said Walter and Matill[da] - [17 Dec 1350]
661 - Bargain and sale by Walter Vernon of Houndhill, gent, to Nicholas Browne of Snelston Esq. of all those messuages, cottages, lands, tenements etc in the town or fields of Snelston and Roston now or late in the several tenures of Nicholas Browne, Richard Ashton, Robert Todde, Thurstan Hurde, Richard Woodwarde, Thurstane Bullocke, Richard Hill, William Morton and widow Bagnolde - 7 Jul [1578]
662 - Feoffment by Sir Walter Heveningham kt of Pipehall, Erasmus Heveningham of Pipehall gent, Mary Vernon of Sudbury widow, Edward Vernon son of Mary esq., and Margaret his wife to John Harestaffe of Sudbury, gent, and William Allen of Sudbury gent of two messuages with appurtenances in Hillsomersall, sometime in the tenure of Thomas Whittering John Wright alias Boswell and John Everard - 13 Feb [1619]
663 - Final concord (with D410/BOX/15/657 and D410/BOX/15/662) between John Harstaff, gent, and William Allen plaintiffs and Edward Vernon Esq., and Margaret his wife and Mary Vernon widow deforciants of 2 messuages 40 acres land, 10 acres meadow, 40 acres pasture with appurtenances in Hill Somersal and Sudbury - [? 1 Apr 1620]
664 - Quitclaim by Thomas Rawbon of Potter Som[er]sall yeoman to Mary Vernon of Sudbury and Edward Vernon of Sudbury, esq., son and heir apparent of Mary Vernon of part of a small orchard in the parish of Sudbury late in the tenure of John Plymer deceased and that part which lies within a parcel of land called a hemp butt in the parish of Sudbury now in the tenure of Thomas Alt as has been divided by said Thomas and a small garden now in tenure of Thomas Alt and a parcel of land called a hempe butt in tenure of Thomas Alt and Thomas Tunycliffe - 16 Feb [1619]
665-666 - Mortgage (with counterpart) by William Atkinson of Banstead Surrey gent, to Robert Jackson of Enfield gent, in consideration of £665 and £850 paid to Sir Edward Fytton knight for the debts of John Vernon of Sudbury of all those messuages, houses, edifices etc called Hillsom[er]sall, Mackley and Wodley, and all those manors, messuages etc called Marston Montgomery, Pottersom[er]sall and Woodhouses - 25 Aug [1596]
667 - Assignment by William Atkinson of Banstead to Robert Jackson of a statute stable for £3000 by John Vernon to William Anderson 25 July 34 Elizabeth - 26 Aug [1596]
668 - Mortgage in fee by Thomas Barlow of Scropton yeoman to Thomas Rossinton of Scropton, gent, all those four riggs of arable land in the Nooke Field in the manor of Scropton, 1½ a by estimation - 16 Oct 1652
669 - Grant (no dedi) by William de Mungom[er]y to John Tirry and his heirs of a gift and feoffment which William de Grendon made to said John of two bovates of land with appurtenances in Sneleston which John Carrettar held - [13th cent]
670 - Grant, with quitclaim (no dedi) by Walter de Monte Gommery kt to Thomas le Tot[er]re of Cubeleye of ten acres of land which he formerly held by gift and feoffment of the said Thomas in the waste of Snellston - [18 Oct 1313]
671 - Mortgage (with D410/BOX/15/665-7) by William Atkinson of the Inner Temple esq to Robert Jackson of Enfield, Middlesex, gent - 7 Feb [1597]
672 - Assignment of statute staple as per D410/BOX/15/667 - 8 Feb [1597]
673 - Lease for 120 years by William Atkinson of the Inner Temple, London esq and Robert Jackson of Enfield, Middlesex, gent, to Edward Bancke of Mackley, gent of two messuages in Hill Somersall in tenures of Thomas Whittering, John Wright alias Boswell and now in occupation of John Everard together with two beast gates in a pasture called the Moore, Hill Somersall - 30 Oct [1601]
674 - Bargain and sale by Robert Jackson of Enfield esq. to William Atkinson of the Inner Temple - 10 May [1605]
675 - Assignment by John Everard of Hill Somersal, gent, John Everard son and heir apparent and Thomas Everard, youngest son, to Thomas Alsopp of Longford, gent - 28 Sep [1611]
676 - Exemplification of a judgment regarding a debt of 2000 marks to the City of London by Francis Curzon of Kedleston, esq., John Vernon of Sudbury esq., and William Agard of Foston, gent - 5 Mar [1588]
677 - Family settlement by which Edward Madeley the elder of Westbroughton, yeoman, has enfeoffed to John Woodward of Hollington Staffordshire, yeoman and William Madeley of Aston Derbyshire, yeoman all that messuage or tenement in Snelston now in the tenure or occupation of Richard Allen, all his lands, tenements and hereditaments in Marston Montgomery lately purchased of John Fitzherbert and Ralph Gellen all his lands tenements and hereditaments in Marchington, copyhold land in the tenure of Robert Devill, messuage in Snelston to the use of Edward Madeley and Elizabeth his wife for their lives - 8 Nov 1651
678 - Lease by John Vernon of Sudbury esq., to John Plymer of Potter Somersall, Helen his wife and Richard Plymer their son of all that messuage, tenement, garden edifices etc. in Potter Somersal, fourth part of a close called Gorstie Close, for their lives - 20 Nov [1588]
679 - Lease for 29 years by William Atkinson of the Inner Temple, London, esq., and Robert Jackson of Enfield, Middlesex, gent, and Peter Broughton of London, gent - 30 Oct [1599]
680 - Feoffment by Richard Bate of Westbroughton gent and Anne his wife and Charles Agard of Foston esq to Robert Bate of Westbroughton gent, son and heir apparent of Richard Bate - 25 Jun 1668
681 - Lease by Sir Edward Vernon of Sudbury knight and Dame Margaret his wife to Thomas Bladen of Potter Somersal, husbandman, Henry Bladen his son and Elizabeth Bladen Henry’s wife, all their messuage, farm or tenement with all barns etc belonging in Potter Somersal now in tenure or occupation of Thomas Bladen to hold for lives - 7 Jul 1641
682 - Surrender by Thomas Rathbone, yeoman, Henry Bladen, yeoman and Nicholas Harrison, yeoman, of Potter Somersal, Edward Madeley of Mackley, yeoman, Joan Peise of Churchbroughton widow, John Bladon, yeoman, Henry Upton the elder and Henry Upton the younger of Hill Somersal (who hold several messuages in Hill and Potter Somersall for several terms of freehold the revertion expeciant to George Vernon) to George Vernon of Sudbury esq., all the said messuages and lands, on condition that Vernon pays to them £1000 - 24 Dec 1659
683 - Lease by George Vernon of Sudbury esq., to Francis Lycett of Worston Farm in the parish of St Mary’s, Staffordshire, of his messuage, house and tenement in Hill Somersal formerly in lease to Edward Madely with all barns stables, outhouses etc., croft at the backside of the house, Broomy Close close lying to the lane going to the little field, 6½ beast gates in the Meir Field, two marshes lying by Whilan Moore, one piece of meadow in Broughton Eyes, one other meadow spott shooting upon Stubbins intack, two other lands in the said meadow, one other land in said meadow shooting towards Robinsons Start., one other land shooting up to the Brooke, one half acre in the Broade Meadow, one half acre in the same meadow shooting up to Crowfoot, one half acre in the same meadow shooting up to the Longdale sitch, one half acre in the same meadow going down by the side of the Holt, one half acre shooting down to the Holt, one half acre in the meadow commonly called the Benns, one half in same meadow at the Wet Dooles, one other half acre at the Breath, one other rood in the head of the Breath, two lands in the Little Field, 5 other lands in the same field, three other lands in the same field shooting up to the Marlpit, two other lands in the same field, five other lands in the same field shooting up to the highway, one other land shooting up by Chawner’s intake, four other lands shooting upon John Harnson’s headland, 13 lands in the Ouldfield, one other land in the same field called the Crabb Tree land: for the lives of Frances Lycett, Jane his wife and William his nephew - 5 Jan [1693]
684 - Lease by George Vernon of Sudbury to William Twigg of Hill Somersal, yeoman, in consideration of the surrender of a former lease and in consideration of £51, of all that messuage or tenement in Hill Somersal 2½ acres ploughland in the Little Field, 5 acres ploughland in the Hill Field, 4½ acres ploughland in the Old Field, for the lives of William Twigg and Samuel Johnson and Mary his wife, and Richard Wright and Elizabeth his wife - 10 Nov [1685]
685 - Lease for possession by Richard Bate of West Broughton, gent, and Ann his wife, Robert Bate his son and heir apparent and Mary his wife, Nathaniel Bate second son of Richard Bate, Thomas Bate third son of Richard Bate, Richard Bate fourth son of Richard Bate, John Fitzherbert of Somersal Herbet Esq to George Vernon of Sudbury, of their capital messuage, farm or tenement in West Broughton, and their messuage, farm or tenement in Hill Somersal in tenure of James Platts, their messuage, farm or tenement in Hill Somersal in the occupation of Henry Upton the younger, also their messuage, farm or tenement in Okes Green in the occupation of Thomas Statham - 19 Apr [1670]
686 - Lease by George Vernon of Sudbury Esq. to Nicholas Harrison of Potter Somersal, yeoman, all that messuage or tenement in Potter Somersal in terms of Nicholas Harrison with all lands etc belonging, for the lives of Thomas, John and Ann Harrison his children - 10 Sep 1666
687 - Assignment by Robert Wilmot of Chaddesden, gent, to Sir Edward Vernon knight and Thomas Vernon, gent, of several parcels of ground in Hill Somersall, Cowe Close, piece of ground lying beyond the Brook, Long Close, Hutfalls, the Pooles, Eight Leys, in which he is possessed for the lives of Francis Cockaine, Jane late wife of Francis Bucke - 24 Mar [1631]
688-689 - Feoffment by George Vernon of Sudbury Esq., to John Fitzherbert of Somersal Herbert, Esq. of three closes in Church Somersal 9 acres by estimation and four closes in Church Somersal called the Lees alias Rathbones Lees, 18 acres and upper part of a close in Church Somersal called “The Great Croft” as is divided by meers - 25 Apr [1670]
690 - Assignment by Robert Wilmot of Chaddesden, gent, to Nicholas Boyer alias Bower the elder of Potter Somersal yeoman, of a messuage or tenement in Potter Somersal leased for 120 years by Robert Jackson and William Atkinson to Francis Bucke of Hill Somersal 16 November 43 Elizabeth [1601] - 10 Dec [1612]
691 - Lease for 9 years by Peter Broughton of London, gent, to Thomas Bladon of Potter Somersal, husbandman, of a messuage or tenement and all lands belonging in Potter Somersal - 20 Mar [1615]
692 - Deed to levy a fine by Mary Vernon of Sudbury, widow, Edward Vernon of Sudbury, her son, and Margaret his wife to John Harestaffe and William Allen of Sudbury gents, of two messuages in Hill Somersal and Sudbury - 12 Mar [1619]
693 - Bargain and sale by Robert Jackson the elder of Enfield, Middlesex, gent to Robert Jackson the younger of the Inner Temple, London, gent, son and heir apparent dated 21 July - [c1590s-c1610s]
694 - Arbitrators award – by Thomas Fitzherbert, Doctor of letters, and Thomas Babyngton [Babington] of Dethick - 10 Sep [1510]
695 - Recovery by Reginald Corbet Esq., and Robert Asheburne against Henry Vernon Esq of a moiety of the manors of Merston (?Marston Montgomery), Rodsley, Snelston, Yeldersley, Cubley, Sudbury, Aston and Doveridge with appurtenances and a moiety of 360 messuages, 40 tofts, 2 water mills, a dovecote, 300 gardens, 3300 acres of land 1530 acres of meadow, 2500 acres of pasture, 2000 acres of wood, 6000 acres of furze and heath, a moiety of two fisheries in the Water of Dove and 10s 8d rent in Sudbury, Cubley, Aston, Doveridge, Merston, Rodsley, Okes Hill Somersal, Potter Somersal Overmackley, Yeldersley and Snelston and a moiety of the advowson of the churches of Cubley, Sudbury and Church Somersal - 10 Jul [1549]
696 - Final concord between Robert Cope and Richard Lont plaintiffs and Thomas Barlowe deforciants of 2 messuages, 2 cottages, 50 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow and 40 acres of pasture and common of pasture for all cattle with appurtenances in Scropton and Foston - [19 Nov 1646]
697 - Final concord between Nathaniel Hallowes gent., plaintiff and Edward Vernon knight and Walter Vernon Esq., and Mary his wife deforciants of 2 messuages, 40 acres land, 10 acres meadow, 40 acres pasture and common of pasture for all cattle in Hill Somersal and Sudbury - [c1625]
698 - Agreement for exchange of lands in Scropton between Thomas Rossington of Scropton, gent, Thomas Barlow, senior and Thomas Barlow, junior, of Scropton, yeomen, and George Vernon of Sudbury Esq. - 9 Jun 1669
699 - Lease for 120 years by Robert Jackson of Enfield, Middlesex gent. and William Atkinson of the Inner Temple to Thomas Rabone of Potter Somersal, yeoman, in consideration of £40, of all that messuage, farm or tenement in Potter Somersal now in the tenure of John Rabone, father of Thomas with all lands etc. belonging - 12 Feb [1602]
700 - Exemplification of a writ [de libat in filatiis] regarding a debt of £600 by Francis Curson of Kedleston and John Vernon of Sudbury to Isabel Hampden widow of Edmund Hampden deceased - 27 Oct [1586]
701 - Discharge by Francis Bucke gent, son and heir of Nicholas Bucke of Hill Somersal to William Atkinson of all actions, suits and demands against him by virtue of John Vernon’s intention in 1600 that messuages etc in Hill and Potter Somersal should be assured by Atkinson to Bucke: now Bucke has accepted other satisfaction - 14 Nov 1601
702 - Lease for 20 years by Dame Marget Mountegomery to Nicholas Mountgomery the elder of the Bernhaye with all the profits belonging, reserving the great timber to Dame Marget - 29 Apr [1452]
703 - Quitclaim by James Graves Rector of the parish church of Sudbury to John Mountgomery Esq., of all and singular the manors, lands, tenements etc with all appurtenances which were of Nicholas Mountgomery deceased in Derbyshire and Staffordshire - 6 Jun [1495]
704 - Final concord between George Vernon Esq. plaintiff and John Osbiston and Deborah his wife and Thomas Barlow senior and junior deforciants of 2 messuages, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 16 acres land, 20 acres meadow, 30 acres pasture, 12 acres furze and heath and common of pasture for all cattle with appurtenances in Rodsley, Foston and Scropton - [30 May 1670]
705-706 - Agreement (with counterpart) between Thomas Alsop of Longford, (Lankford) gent, and James Robinson of Westbroughton, yeoman - 16 Oct [1612]
707 - Lease for 21 years by George Venables Lord Vernon to Samuel Lawley of Aston, Sudbury, farmer of a capital messuage, dwelling house or tenement in Sudbury late in occupation of Edward Burton deceased - 24 Jun 1809
708 - Mortgage by way of lease for 500 years by Thomas Challiner of Marchington and Anne his wife, widow and executrix of the will of John Budworth of Marchington, yeoman, deceased and John Budworth son and heir of John Budworth of Marchington, yeoman, and George Stone of Draycott in the Clay, yeoman to Elizabeth Budworth of Marchington, spinster, one of the younger children of John Budworth of closes in Marchington called the Nooks or Crooks, the Lowfields, the Bothams and pieces of meadow ground 2½ acres in Marchington Meadow, pieces of arable ground in a common field called the Foul Ford Field, ½ acre of arable land in the Stradford Field of Marchington - 30 Jan [1741]
709 - Marriage settlement in consideration of a marriage already had between John Marsh the younger of Great Chell in the parish of Woolstanton, Staffordshire, and Ellen one of the daughters of Thomas Poole of Harding Wood Mill, Woolstanton - 4 May 1726
710 - Feoffment by Francis Fitzherbert of Somersal Herbert, gent, Anne his wife, Robert Fitzherbert father of Francis and Dorothy his wife to Richard Rowe of Parwich yeoman, in consideration of £160, of a toft and an oxgang of land in Parwich now or late in the tenure and occupation of Ralph Taylor - 2 May [1616]
711 - Discharge by James Budworth youngest son of John Budworth of Marchington, yeoman, of his eldest brother John from legacies bequeathed in his father’s will which said John has now paid - 6 Jun 1738
712 - Feoffment by John Fitzherbert of Mansfield Woodhouse Esq., Richard Burbidge the elder of Mansfield, apothecary, and John Farrer of Mansfield apothecary, to Gervas Hutton of Mansfield Woodhouse, yeoman, in consideration of 5 shillings and 8 shillings, of 2 acres 2 roods 11 perches in the fields of Mansfield Woodhouse called Randsdale and Witch Dike Plaine (allotted in the enclosure award) - 14 Dec 1695
713 - Lease for 31 years by Rt Hon Sir William Yong of the parish of St James, Westminster, Baronet and Knight of the Bath and George Venables Vernon of Sudbury Esq., to Edmund Donnellan of Streamstown County Westmeath, Ireland Esq and John Vaudeleur of Dublin, Esq., of all the town and lands of Moyglare 504 acres 2 roods 21 perches town and lands of Bryanstown 217 acres 0 roods 9 perches, Baltimagillen 125 acres 0 roods 3 perches, part of lordship of Moyglove County Meath - 30 Jul 1736
714 - Mortgage in fee by William Atkinson of Inner Temple, London, esq., to Henry Vernon of Grays Inn, esq., for £300 and also in consideration of the assignment to Atkinson of a statute for £500 (by Henry Vernon, John Curson and John Vernon to William Blunt Thomas White and Robert Jackson) of the manor of Geton (Gayton), Staffordshire, and all messuages etc in Gayton and all those messuages, lands tenements etc in Hilton and Norton - 23 Jul [1592]
715 - Covenant between John Vernon of Sudbury, Esq., and Henry Vernon of Grays Inn, Esq., by which John Vernon covenants with Henry Vernon that at the time of the sealing of D410/BOX/15/714, William Atkinson was seised of the manor of Gayton and the messuage etc in Hilton and Norton - 24 Jul [1592]
716 - Assignment of statute staple for £500 by Henry Vernon of Grays Inn to William Blunt, Thomas Wheeler of London and Robert Jackson of London - [1592]
717 - Further covenant by Henry Vernon that if William Atkinson shall within one year pay to Vernon the sum of £300 then the said William and his heirs shall abate the sum of £20 (20 marks if within two years) - 24 Jul [1592]
718 - Feoffment by John Fitzherbert of Mansfield Woodhouse Esq., Richard Burbridge the elder of Mansfield, apothecary, and John Farrer of Mansfield, apothecary, to Gervase Hutton of Mansfield Woodhouse, yeoman, of two parcels of land 10 acres 1 rood 17 perches at Ransdale and Birchdike Plaine in Mansfield Woodhouse fields (allotted to George Lord and Francis Cheetham) - 30 Apr 1695
719 - Feoffment by Francis Gilbert of Marchington Woodland ph.Hanbury, yeoman, to Robert Amery of Marchington corvizer of all those three acres of meadow ground in Marchington Great Meadow at a place called Wardhurst, and two roods of meadow in the Great Meadow in Moore Meadow there - 23 May 1661
720 - Feoffment by William Atkinson of the Inner Temple, London, Esq., and Mary Vernon, widow, late wife of John Vernon of Sudbury, Esq, deceased to Richard Jackson of the city of Lichfield, capper, of all those closes called Myddell More Lake in the fee of Lichfield Pipe within the Barony of Longdon, late in the inheritance of John Vernon - 17 May [1604]
721 - Covenant by George Bowyer of Uttoxeter Staffordshire gent, that if the Hundred of Appletree is recovered by a prior title during the term of its assignment to Richard Fleetwood of Stafford Esq., then Bowyer will repay sum of £200 - 16 Jan [1668]
722 - Surrender by Dorothy Asteburie [Astbury] wife of late William Asteburie of Geyton, Staffordshire, yeoman to John Vernon of Sudbury, Esq., of all her estate in her late husband’s lands and tenements in Geyton in return for an annuity of £4 - 10 May [1598]
723 - Feoffment by Henry Merry of Sutton on the Hill Esq., to Henry Vernon of Houndhill Esq., of all those parcels of meadow ground ½ acre by estimation, part lying in the Brook Field Close and the other part lies in a close called the Newe Intack, and a parcel of ground 1 acre by estimation commonly called Davies Piece - 31 Oct 1653
724 - Inventory of the goods and chattels of William Clowes of Fowley, parish of Wolfington, husbandman, deceased - 6 Mar 1634
725 - Lease for 21 years by George Vernon of Sudbury Esq., to Thomas Maskrie of Marchington [Staffordshire], whitetanner, of that new erected house or houses in Marchington and close called Budworth Hill, parcel of ground called New Meadow, to grind his corn at Draycott Mill - 25 Mar 1667
726 - Assignment by Sir Richard Fleetwood of Callwich, Staffordshire, Baronet, and John Hayne of Ofcott, Ashbourne, gent, to George Vernon of Sudbury Esq., of the Hundred of Appletree, for a certain sum of money for the remainder of the term of years in lease by Vernon to Bowyer (see D410/BOX/2/121) - 20 Mar [1673]
727 - Certificate that the Commissioners of the Land Revenue have contracted to sell to Lord Vernon a yearly rent of 13s 4d payable to the Crown for tithes in Sudbury - 8 Aug 1788
728 - Marriage settlement on the intended marriage of Thomas Wright and Bridgett Charlotte Vernon, daughter of John Vernon by which in consideration of the marriage and an annuity of £200 by Thomas Wright to Bridgett, John Vernon of Clontarfe, Dublin, Esq., to Thomas Wright of Longstone Esq. of the town and lands of Clontarfe in the county of Dublin - 26 Feb ?1749
729 - Feoffment by Wiliam Atkinson of the Inner Temple and Mary Vernon widow of John Vernon of Sudbury to Francis Heathcote of City of Lichfield baker, all that close or pasture divided into two parts called Cowclose or Westones Close in the fee of Lichfield - 30 Nov [1601]
730 - Lease by George Venables Vernon of Sudbury Esq., to Thomas Twigg of Middlewich, Cheshire, labourer, of all that decayed messuage with garden and backside in Middlewich, for the lives of Thomas Twigg, Martha his wife and Charles their son - 26 Mar 1739
731 - Copy lease for 7 years by Henry Scott of Doveridge, gent, (receiver of the rents and profits of the estate of Thomas Wright Esq. an infant) to Thomas Ashwood of Great Longstone, Esq., of all that capital messuage called Longstone Hall, with use of books, plate, china etc close or orchard adjacent and closes called the Backside, the Greenhill, Greenhill Top, Church Croft, Oarmark, Outrake Close, Gildale Tops, Gildale Bottom, 100 sheep gates upon Blackelowe [? Bleaklow] - [1768]
732 - Mortgage by way of release by Henry Marshall of St Mary Hill, Esq., Alderman of City of London, and Charles Poole of London, merchant, to Sarah, Dowager Duchess of Marlborough, at direction of George Venables Vernon, of the manors of Newton Stanthorn, Marston, Witton, Cotton iuxta [near] Cristleton, Stanford and Belgrave, Cheshire - 8 Aug 1738
733-734 - Lease and release by John Fitzherbet of Somersal Herbert Esq. to Thomas Stubbinge of Scropton, yeoman, of a close called New Close 12 acres by estimation in West Broughton between Salters Lane, a close called Battingsley, the Broome Croft and the Broome Croft Pingle - 18-20 Jan [1659]
735 - Feoffment by Edward Madeley of Somersal Heath ph.Doveridge, yeoman, to Thomas Stubbinge of West Broughton, yeoman, of all that close called Battingsley in West Broughton, 4 acres by estimation, with reversion, remainders and deeds - 16 Apr 1659
Collapse BOX - Unlisted boxes of title deeds - [15th-19th cent]BOX - Unlisted boxes of title deeds - [15th-19th cent]
42 - Box 42 Title deeds (unlisted) - [17th-19th cent]
43 - Box 43 Title deeds (unlisted) - 1834
44 - Box 44 Title deeds (unlisted) - 1816-1843
45 - Box 45 Abstracts of title (unlisted) - [19th cent]
46 - Box 46 Title Deeds (unlisted) - 1850
47 - Box 47 Title deeds (unlisted) - [17th-18th cent]
48 - Box 48 Title deeds (unlisted) - [16th-18th cent]
49 - Box 49 Title deeds (unlisted) - [15th-18th cent]
50 - Box 50 Title deeds (unlisted) - [c15th-18th cent]
52 - Box 52 - Manorial records and title deeds - [16th cent-17th cent]
53 - Box 53 Title Deeds (unlisted) - [late 18th-19th cent]
54 - Box 54 Title deeds and legal papers (unlisted) - 1690-1830s
55 - Box 55 Title deeds (unlisted) - [17th-19th cent]
56 - Box 56 Title deeds (unlisted) - [late 18th-19th cent]
57 - Box 57 Title deeds (unlisted) - [18th-19th cent]
58 - Box 58 Title deeds (unlisted) - [19th cent]
59 - Box 59 Title deeds (unlisted) - [19th cent]
60 - Box 60 Title deeds (unlisted) - [18th-19th cent]
61 - Box 61 Title deeds (unlisted) - [19th cent]
62 - Box 62 Title deeds (unlisted) - [18th-19th cent]
63 - Box 63 Title deeds (loose, unlisted) - [18th-19th cent]
64 - Box 64 Title deeds (unlisted) - [18th-19th cent]
65 - Box 65 Title deeds [unlisted] - [19th cent]
66 - Box 66 Title deeds (unlisted) - [18th-19th cent]
67 - Box 67 Title deeds (unlisted) - [19th cent]
68 - Box 68 Title deeds (unlisted) - [19th cent]
69 - Box 69 Title deeds (unlisted) - [18th-early 19th cent]
70 - Box 70 Title deeds (unlisted) - [17th-19th cent]