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Collapse D37 - Turbutt family of Ogston - 1357-1971D37 - Turbutt family of Ogston - 1357-1971
Expand 1 - Title deeds - 1711-18831 - Title deeds - 1711-1883
Expand 2 - Enclosure records - 1777-18122 - Enclosure records - 1777-1812
Expand 3 - Stretton Manor - 1655-17513 - Stretton Manor - 1655-1751
Expand 4 - Shirland Manor - 1712-19554 - Shirland Manor - 1712-1955
5 - Copy of plan of Shirland, 16 Nov (5 chains to 1 inch) - 1869
5 - Manorial records: plans
Expand 6 - Surveys and Valuations - 1736-18776 - Surveys and Valuations - 1736-1877
Expand 7 - Rentals - 1772-18347 - Rentals - 1772-1834
Expand 8 - Accounts8 - Accounts
Expand 9 - Land Tax9 - Land Tax
Expand 10 - Estate and Financial Administration10 - Estate and Financial Administration
Expand 11 - Ogston Hall11 - Ogston Hall
Collapse ME - Estate RecordsME - Estate Records
Expand 1 - Surveys and valuations1 - Surveys and valuations
Expand 2 - Ogston rentals - 1817-18272 - Ogston rentals - 1817-1827
Expand 3 - Ogston (estate) rentals, with accounts from 1836 - 1817-19243 - Ogston (estate) rentals, with accounts from 1836 - 1817-1924
Expand 4 - Higham Dairy and Produce Company Limited - 1888-19014 - Higham Dairy and Produce Company Limited - 1888-1901
Expand 5 - Accounts for Higham Dairy Produce Company and Ogston Estates Company, formerly Ogston Estate - 1924-19645 - Accounts for Higham Dairy Produce Company and Ogston Estates Company, formerly Ogston Estate - 1924-1964
Collapse 6 - Rental The Ogston Estates Co., formerly Property belonging to W G Turbutt esq - 1906-19626 - Rental The Ogston Estates Co., formerly Property belonging to W G Turbutt esq - 1906-1962
Expand 7 - Monthly cottage rentals - 1900-19527 - Monthly cottage rentals - 1900-1952
Expand 8 - Allotment rental - [1928]-19538 - Allotment rental - [1928]-1953
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Expand 10 - Volumes comprising copies of returns completed by owner of land under Section 26 of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910, relating to duties on land values - c191010 - Volumes comprising copies of returns completed by owner of land under Section 26 of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910, relating to duties on land values - c1910
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Expand 15 - Cash account books - 1924-197215 - Cash account books - 1924-1972
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29 - Hoppus's Measurer, edited and enlarged by William Richardson ...... London: re measurement of timber, also stone, glass, board etc (printed). Names of Edens and C T Baines in manuscript at front. - ?19th century
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34-35 - Numbers not used
36 - Lease for term of 21 years from 25 March last past by John Revell of Ogston esq to George Fidler of Woolley in the parish of Morton husbandman of a house on Woolley Green and closes called the Far Hagg, part of Ogston Lawne, the Barley Close, and part of the Carr. Rent £9. 14 Apr - 1687
37 - Lease from year to year by John Woodyear of Crookhill in the parish of Conisborough (county York) esq and William Turbutt of Ogston esq to John Walker of Woolley in the parish of Morton farmer of one messuage, the New Lands, the Butterley Stubbing, the Holling Dole, the Tenter Croft, the Fletcher Croft, the Upper Croft, the John Croft, the Near Clay Croft, the Far Clay Croft, the Upper Kirgates, the Bitt, the Bridge Field, the four Hagg Bottoms, the three Lawn Knowles, the Lawns and the Broom Close, lying in Woolley and Brackenfield, containing 45 acres. Rent £25. Tenant to pay an extra £5 an acre rent for every acre of meadow in tillage, and for every acre in excess of half the total quantity put in tillage. 1 Jul - 1771
38 - Bond in £30 by John Smithurst of Brackenfield farmer to John Woodyeare and William Turbutt to support lease to Smithurst of a messuage, the Broom Close, the Little Paddock, the Paddock, the Middle Close, and one acre one rood 11 perches in Page Field, all lying in Brackenfield, containing in all 12 acres 3 roods 17 perches, at a rent of £7 5s. 2 Nov - 1772
39 - Terrier of lands as in D37 M/E38 - circa 1772
40 - Lease from year-to-year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to Edward Fidler of Woolley in the parish of Morton farmer of a messuage, the Croft, the Long Lawn, Lawn Meadow, Carr Meadow, Broom Close, Carr Close, the Two Brett Woods, the Upper Leys, the Dick Stubbing, the Widyeare, the Sough Croft, the Acre, 2 acres 1 rood 18 perches in the Bridge Field, the Holly Field, and the Intack, all lying at Woolley. Rent £22 6s. Tenant not to convert to tillage more than one-third of the meadow under penalty of an extra rent of £5 an acre so tilled. 2 Nov - 1772
41 - Lease from year to year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to Thomas Knowles of Brackenfield farmer of a messuage, House Close, Calf Croft, Little Close, Rushy Piece, the two Chapell Moors, the Briddy Flatt, the Croft, the Upper Close, Broad Close, the Ellers, the Long Close, and the Wood Close, all lying at Brackenfield and containing about 32 acres. Rent £20. 2 Nov - 1772
42 - Lease from year to year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to William Wright of Woolley in the parish of Morton farmer of a messuage, the Croft, the New Lant, the Stubbing, the Three Land Shed, the Sough Croft, the Other Croft, the Nether Field, the Acre, and the Holy Field, all lying at or near Woolley. Rent £17. 7 Nov - 1772
43 - Lease from year to year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to William Wright of Woolley - as in D37 M/E42, but at a rent of £14 5s. 2 Nov - 1772
44-45 - Lease and counterpart by William Turbutt of Ogston Hall esq to Job Else of Woolley Moor in the parish of Morton labourer and George Else, son of Job, of one parcel of land on Woolley Moor called Waterhouses Patch adjoining the river Amber on the north east, containing one acre one rood, to hold for term of 60 years and for life if they live so long. Rent 14s. Timber and mineral rights reserved. 23 May - 1778
46 - Counterpart lease from year to year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to John Wragg of Brackenfield farmer of a messuage, Rough Close, Round Meadow, Coat Close, Great Moor Piece, Little Moor Piece, the Long Close Land, Long Close, the Spring Wood Land, the other Long Close, Broad Close, the Lane, the Croft, Back Croft, and the Orchard, all lying in Brackenfield and containing 34 acres 2 roods 9 perches. Rent £17. 23 Mar - 1784
47 - Bond in £30 by Joseph Knowles of Brackenfield farmer to Woodyeare and Turbutt for the tenancy of a farm [in Brackenfield]. - 1785
48-57 - Bonds to support tenancy agreements - 1791-1798
58-59 - Tenancy agreement made between William Gladwin Turbutt and Henry Morley of Brackenfield of the Skeggerley farm (about 22 acres) lying in Brackenfield and Wessington. Rent £50. 24 Mar - 1894
60 - Lease for term of 17 years from St John Baptist last by Thomas Asleley of Patishull (county Stafford) esq to Thomas Symson of Stretton husbandman and Agnes his wife of a messuage in Stretton and all land appurtenant. Rent 40s. 8 Sep - 1552
61-62 - Lease by John Revell, son and heir of John Revell late of Ogston esq deceased, to William Symson, son of John Symson of Stretton, of one messuage and tenement in Stretton. 10-14 Dec - 1577
63 - Lease by John Revell, son and heir of John Revell late of Ogston esq to Francis Harryes late of Hallam (county York) yeoman deceased, of a messuage and tenement in Stretton - 16 Feb [1578]
64 - Assignment of lease by Christopher Elliott of South Normanton yeoman and Isabel his wife to William Revell of Ogston esq of a house, croft, and two closes called Butt Dykes. Recital of will of Edward Revell late of Ogston (19 April 1642) devising premises to Elliott to hold for term of his life of his wife at a rent of 12d. Consideration £50. 4 Oct - 1658
65 - Bond in £40 by John Brightmore of Woolley Moor in the parish of North Wingfield husbandman to Thomas Holland of Ford in the same parish gent to quit possession of tenancy at Woolley Moor. 6 Dec - 1747
66 - Bond in £100 by James Bennett of Danes Moor in the parish of North Wingfield farmer and William Wilson of Stretton farmer to John Woodyeare of Crookhill in the parish of Conisborough (county York) esq and William Turbutt of Ogston esq to support Bennet's tenancy of a farm at Danes Moor. 16 Mar - 1771
67 - Agreement made between William Wilson of Stretton and William Turbutt of Ogston whereby Wilson takes over the tenancy of a cottage and lands heretofore in the tenure of Elizabeth Barker, grand-daughter of Wilson. 25 Nov - 1771
68 - Bond in £30 by James Brailsford of Stretton, farmer to Woodyeare and Turbutt to support tenancy of a farm at Stretton. 2 Nov 1772 - 1772
69 - Lease from year to year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to William Wilson of Stretton farmer of a messuage and closes called the Above Gate, the Cow Close, the Brown Croft, the Round Close, the Yew Tree Close, the Nether Yew Tree Close, the other Brown Croft, the Cross Flatt, the Frank Greave, the Crofts, Foulgham Croft, Sough Close, Wiggin Yard, the Nether Sidness, the Brook Flatt, Barn Close, Wren Park, the Green Signess alias Broom Close, the Upper Sidnes, the Upper Nook, and the Upper Wood Close, all lying at Stretton and containing 113 acres 2 roods. Rent £60. 2 Nov - 1772
70-71 - Lease and counterpart by Woodyeare and Turbutt to William Wilson of a messuage and farm containing 48 acres 2 roods lying at Stretton. Rent £32 12s 6d. To hold from year to year. 2 Nov - 1772
72 - Lease from year to year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to Richard Johnson of Stretton farmer of a messuage and farm (47 acres) at Stretton. Rent £27. 2 Nov - 1772
73 - Lease from year to year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to John Rhodes of Stretton farmer of a messuage and farm at Stretton (48 acres 2 roods). Rent £45. 1 May - 1777
74-81 - Bonds to support tenancy agreements - 1784-1803
82 - Lease for term of 100 years by John Revel of Ogston esq to Joseph Holmes of the city of London brewer of a messuage in Higham (tenant Elizabeth Holmes, mother of Joseph) together with all appurtenances. Rent £20. Term to run during lives of Joseph, wife Frances and son Joseph. 27 May - 1689
83 - Counterpart of a lease for term of 21 years from 25 March next by John Revell of Ogston esq to William Shaw of Kirkby-in-Ashfield (county Nottingham) husbandman of a messuage, garden, orchard and backside, the three Barn Closes, a close called Long Stubbin, the Slackclose, Netherclose, Green Meadow, and the Buttfeild, and ten lands in Higham Field, all which contain about 24 acres. Timber and mineral rights reserved. Rent £9 10s. 16 Dec - 1689
84 - Counterpart of a lease for term of 21 years by William Woodyeare of Crookhill in the parish of Conisborough (county York) esq and Dame Catherine his wife, and Richard Turbutt of Doncaster esq to Obadiah Boot of Higham gent of a messuage at Higham and 70 acres of land. Timber and mineral rights reserved. Rent £40. 27 Feb 1732 - [1733]
85 - Counterpart of a lease for 21 years by Woodyeare and Turbutt to Thomas Tagg of Higham of a messuage in Higham and 24 acres 2 roods 18 perches of land. Timber and mineral rights reserved. Rent £13. 4 Apr - 1746
86 - Arbitration award between Lydia Woodward and Ann Wragg and John Woodyeare and William Turbutt concerning tenancy agreement in Higham. 21 May - 1770
87 - Lease from year to year by John Woodyeare and William Turbutt to James Bennett of Danes Moore in the parish of North Wingfield farmer of a messuage, the Croft, Middle Close, Over Close, the Rushes, the Clearhouse, the Ridings, the Above Gate, the Calf Flatt, the Rushy Meadow, the Sidness, the Over Littlewood, the Middle Litttlewood, and the Nether Middlewood, containing in all about 56 acres. Rent £32. 16 Mar - 1771
88 - Lease from year to year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to John Stones of Shirland farmer of a messuage, Upper Croft, Nether Croft, the Other Upper Croft, the Mean Close, the Fenny Field, the Broad Roods, the Long Lands, and the Birkyn Style, one acre and 16 perches in Jonathan Green's croft, 2 acres 1 rood in the Church Lands, and one rood 24 perches in the North Field, lying at or near Shirland. Rent £13 12s. 2 Nov - 1772
89 - Counterpart of D37 M/E88
90 - Lease from year to year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to George Turner of a messuage and 21 acres of land at Higham. Rent £12. 2 Nov - 1772
91-92 - Lease and counterpart from year to year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to William Sneath of Higham farmer of a messuage, the Croft, the Doby Meadow, Pond Croft, Hall Meadow, Wood Close, Goat Close, Mather Close, Well Close, Sharp Close and Bottom, the Crook-t Lands, Nether Close, the two Mill Fields, the Meadow, and the Matthew Close, containing in all 69 acres 3 roods. Rent £50. 2 Nov - 1772
93 - Lease from year to year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to Edward Turner of Higham farmer of one messuage and 18 acres 3 roods of land in Higham. Rent £13. 2 Nov - 1772
94 - Lease from year to year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to William Boot of Higham farmer of a messuage and the Crofts, the Meadows, Goat Close, Long Close, Crab Tree Close, the Buddicke, the Far Overing Croft, the Pingle, the Near Overing Croft, the Birking Closes, the Stubbings and one acre 3 roods in the Field, and another messuage adjoining to the first, all in Higham. Rent £34 10s. 2 Nov - 1772
95 - Lease from year to year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to Mary Prestwidge of Higham widow of a messuage, the Croft, the Nether Croft, the New Close, the Over Croft, Upper Stubbing, Nether Stubbing, and Little Stubbing, containing 16 acres, and lying in Higham. Rent £25. 2 Nov - 1772
96 - Lease from year to year by Woodyear and Turbutt to Mary Haslam of Higham widow of a messuage and the croft next the house, the Croft, Swift Close, the Meadow, the Sarden, the Mill Holme, the Meadow West Side Water, the Cow Close, the Dam Close, the Great Stubbing, the Upper Close and 2 roods 32 perches in Higham Field. Rent £14 10s. 2 Nov - 1772
97 - Lease from year to year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to Jane Hardy of Higham widow of a messuage and 26 acres of land in Higham. Rent £34. 2 Nov - 1772
98 - Lease from year to year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to Thomas Tagg of Higham farmer of a messuage, the Little Buttfield, the Great Buttfield, the Narr, Little and Middle Barn Closes, the Three Little Stubbings and Meadow Close, the Stack Close, the Little Stubbing, the Nether Little Stubbing, the Grimes Croft, and the Top of Hetter Lane, containing in all 25 acres 3 roods 35 perches, lying in Higham. Rent £18. 2 Nov - 1772
99 - Lease from year to year by Woodyeare and Turbutt to Thomas Siddall of Higham farmer of a messuage and the Croft, the Upper Hillside Close, the Middle Hillside Close, the Gate Close, the Nether Meadow, the Low Hillside Close, the Meadow, the two Gregson Meadows, the Butt Field, Bracken Close, the Bushey Close, the Bushes on the Top, the Lane on the side, and 3 roods 20 perches in the Three Lords Land and 4 acres 2 roods 30 perches in the New Close, all of which contain about 44 acres 2 roods. Rent £30 9s. 2 Nov - 1772
100 - Lease from year to year by John Woodyeare and William Turbutt to John Lenthall of Higham farmer of a messuage and 12 acres of land at Higham. Rent £7. 2 Nov - 1772
101-107 - Bonds to support tenancy agreements - 1772
108 - Lease by William Turbutt to William Bonsall of Ford in the parish of North Wingfield farmer of a cottage and croft at Stretton Hillside in the parish of Shirland to hold during the natural life of William son of the above-named William Bonsall. Rent 25s. 3 Apr - 1773
109 - Lease for term of 21 years by John Woodyeare and William Turbutt to Thomas Osgethorpe of Higham wheelwright and George Prestwidge of Higham joiner of a parcel of land in Shirland on which they will erect a mill. Rent £4 a year for first 7 years; £6 a year thereafter. 2 Apr - 1778
110 - Bond with D37 M/E109, 2 Apr - 1778
111-122 - Bonds to support tenancy agreements - 1791-1792
Expand 123 - Tenancy agreement made between Elizabeth Turbutt and Joseph Fritchly of Higham - farm in Shirland. Rent £57. 6 Apr - 1827123 - Tenancy agreement made between Elizabeth Turbutt and Joseph Fritchly of Higham - farm in Shirland. Rent £57. 6 Apr - 1827
124 - Articles of agreement made between John Halton of South Wingfield gent on behalf of the duke of Shrewsbury and the dowager marchioness of Halifax, and William Ragg and Humphrey Oldfield of North Wingfield and Thomas Clay of Higham - Jan [1708]
125 - Articles of agreement made between Sir Paul Jenkinson of Walton Bart and Richard Turbutt of Ogston esq of the one part, and William Moore of Woolley Mill in the parish of North Wingfield yeoman and Abraham Booth of Dirty Hucknall of the parish of Sutton-in-Ashfield (county Nottingham) husbandman, of the other part whereby Jenkinson and Turbutt grant to Moore and Booth liberty to dig for coal on Higham Hill common in the parish of Shirland, paying a rent of £14 for each acre or part of an acre so dug over; Moore and Booth are to construct and maintain a sough. 16 Mar 1720 - [1721]
126 - Articles of agreement made between William Woodyeare of Crookhill in the parish of Conisborough (county York) esq and Katherine his wife, and Richard Turbutt of Doncaster esq, and William Wragge of Stretton Hall in the parish of North Wingfield yeoman and Thomas Clay junior of Higham yeoman, whereby Wragge and Clay may enter the Clay Cross Close in Stretton to dig for coal for term of 21 years if Katherine lives that long. 7 Mar 1728 - [1729]
127 - Lease for term of 3 years by John Monk Morgan now or late of Durrant Hall in Chesterfield esq and others to William Cupitt of Stretton Hillside in the parish of Shirland collier and John White of Stretton in the parish of North Wingfield collier of that delph or waste ground called Clay Cross Common. Rent £65. 28 Jun - 1729
128 - Articles of co-partnership made between William Wragg of Stretton Hillside in the parish of North Wingfield yeoman, Thomas Clay junior of Higham yeoman, Humphrey Oldham of Holmgate in the parish of North Wingfield yeoman, and Henry Bourne of Spital in the parish of Chesterfield doctor. 2 Apr - 1729
129 - Lease for term of 3 years by Bourne, Oldfield, Wragg, and Clay to William Cupit and John White of the coal pits and delphs in the Clay Cross Close. 13 Apr - 1738
130 - Lease by William Woodyeare and Richard Turbutt to William Cupit and John White colliers of all that coal mine within the Overend Crofts in the parish of Shirland - 21 Jan [1740]
131 - As D37 M/E129. 8 May - 1744
132 - Articles of agreement made between Robert Allisbrook of Hollins in the parish of Crich gent, and Henry Bourne of Spital, Humphrey Oldfield of Holmgate, William Wragg of Stretton, and Thomas Clay of Higham, whereby Allisbrook demises to Bourne and company of all those coalmines or veins underlying lands in the manor of Stretton called Barn Close, the Croft below the House, to hold for as long as marketable coal may be obtained by means of the sough or level carried near the same, paying £45 a year for each acre of land so worked. 2 Apr - 1762
133 - Articles of agreement made between William Wragg of Stretton Hall, and Richard Brunt of Clay Cross, William May, Godfrey Cock, and Charles North, reciting that Wragg has purchased the interest of Bourne, Oldfield and Clay in the coalmines as in D37 M/E132, whereby Wragg now demises to Brunt, May, Cock, and North, the coal mines for term of 3 years. Rent £80 an acre a year. 14 Apr - 1762
134-135 - Articles of agreement made between John Woodyeare and William Turbutt, and Henry Bourne, Mary Oldfield widow, William Wragg, and Thomas Clay, whereby Bourne and company have liberty to dig for coal in lands in Stretton. 25 Jun - 1765
136 - Articles of agreement made between William Wragg, and Richard Brunt, William May, Godfrey Cock, and Charles North, reciting terms of D37 M/E132-133, terms as in D37 M/E133. Rent £70 an acre. 2 Jun. Endorsed with short schedule of mining equipment. - 1766
137 - Articles of agreement made between John Woodyeare and Richard Turbutt, and Oldfield, Bourne, Wragg and Clay whereby Woodyeare and Turbutt lease to Oldfield and company a close called Ridings Close next to Clay Cross Lane in the lordship of Stretton, to dig for coal. Term 9 years. Rent £22 an acre. - [18th cent]
138 - Draft lease for term of 7 years by William Turbutt of Ogston Hall esq to John Birks of Higham maltster and John Mortimer of Higham yeoman of a coalmine in Higham. Rent £75 per acre. 25 Mar - 1796
139 - Lease by Gladwin Turbutt to the Clay Cross Company of coal and ironstone in and under named closes in Egstow and Clay Lane. Rent £100 an acre. With plan. 30 Sep - 1852
140-141 - Notice from Alfred Barnes to Gladwin Turbutt claiming a right in a coalmine in Stretton under the terms of D37 M/E134-135. 24 Nov - 1866
142 - Lease of coal seams beneath glebe by the rector of Shirland to the Blackwell Colliery Company Ltd. 4 Nov - 1926
143-223 - Loose papers: bills, receipts, accounts - [18th-19th cent]
224-225 - Certificate of redemption of land tax on lands in the parishes of Morton, Shirland, and North Wingfield, with schedule of lands - 1800
226-228 - Certificates of registration of contracts for redemption - 1800
229 - Copy certificates - lands in Stretton. Copy made - 1892
230 - Note with D37 M/E229 - 1892
231 - Correspondence on building of Brackenfield Chapel including sketches of windows and detail, list of bells cast by John Taylor and Son, Loughborough, since 1825 [circa 1855] and re consecration and parsonage house - 1853-1857
232 - Correspondence concerning the building of the chapel - 1853-1856
233 - Plans, sketches and elevations for new church in Brackenfield, architect Thomas Hine - c1854-1855
234 - Prospectus for new church including drawing - 1855
235 - Photograph of interior of old Trinity Chapel - circa 1856
236 - Specification for work on boundary walls of church yard - [19th century]
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238 - Correspondence and other papers concerning the transfer of the patronage of Brackenfield Chapel to the Turbutt family - 1864-1865
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241 - Correspondence about building etc of church - Nov 1855-Mar 1860
242 - Bond in £80 by John Revell of Ogston and wife Margaret to Thomas Clay of North Wingfield, yeoman - 20 Aug [1589]
243 - Request to George Revell for loan of £25 to the Crown, 6 Mar 39 Elizabeth - [1597]
244 - Bond by Edward Revell of Ogston to Edward Hunt of Shirland (faded) - 1639
245 - Terriers of land in Wessington - circa 1700
246-253 - Receipts and acknowledgments of land purchased by William Turbutt - 1781-1793
254-268 - Solicitors' bills of the Turbutt family - 1720-1802
269-270 - Numbers not used
271 - Letter from John Rowland to Mr Gladwin at Tupton, 3 May - 1739
272 - Bond in £1000 by William Turbutt to Jonathan Acklam of Wiseton (county Nottingham) and John Cooke of Doncaster, 15 Mar - 1761
273 - Copy mortgage of premises in Doncaster, 27 Dec - 1769
274 - Agreement concerning exchange of land made between William Turbutt and William Revell of Woolley - 1773
275 - Notice from Edward and Francis Parkes to William Turbutt and John Woodyeare that they have delivered over to William Hodgkinson possession of a parcel of land called Roger Lane lying at Hallfieldgate in Shirland - 1776
276-279 - Notes on the size of Revell's Farm at Woolley - 1780
280 - Opinion of counsel on the title of the earl of Thanet to a share of the lordship of Stretton - 1781
281 - Description of parcels of land on Smithy Moor purchased by William Turbutt - 1781
282 - Receipt from Joseph Fidler to William Turbutt - 1782
283 - Draft conveyance by William Hodgkinson of Shirland yeoman to William Turbutt of land on Ainmoor in Shirland. 11 Nov - 1794
284 - Memorandum of an exchange of land at Woolley between William Turbutt and John Woodyear, and John Bunting of Woolley carpenter - 1785
285 - Letter from John Cressy Hall to William Turbutt - 1802
286 - Arbitration award in a dispute between George Prestwidge and Thomas Osgathorp and William Turbutt - 11 Jan 1804
287 - Agreement by Joseph Smith of Higham for sale of land to William Turbutt - 1808
288 - Receipt - 1809
289 - Agreement by John Banks to rent property from William Turbutt - 1813
290 - Letter from Thomas Turner to [William Turbutt] - 1816
291 - Agreement by Joseph Hulte to rent land from Mrs Turbutt - 1820
292 - Case papers associated with proceedings in Chancery to prove the pedigree of William Revell of Woolley Moor died 1819 - circa 1823
293-310 - Loose jottings etc - [18th-19th cent]
311 - Definition of the boundary of the township of Morton by the tithe commissioner - circa 1850
312-349 - Case paper and correspondence in Barnes versus Turbutt - 1861-1865
350 - Letters concerning the letting of The Ford, Sep 1888 and undated - circa 1855
351 - Letter about purchase of rent charge in Brackenfield - 1857
352 - Receipts for payments for shares in the Shirland, Higham and Hallfield Gate Gas Light & Co Ltd - 1870-1871
353 - Correspondence concerning petition to Midland Railway Co for station to serve the Morton-Shirland area - 1886
354-363 - Correspondence relating to the title deeds to Walnut Tree Farm, Woolley - 1926
364 - Copy lease by the abbot and convent of Dieulacres to John Brereton of Dieulacres of the whole grange of Bircholt (Byrchholte), and a pasture called the Great Park - 20 Jan [1538]
365 - Lease by Lemuel Gladwin of Tupton Hall gent to Edward Cowlishaw of Marsh Green in the parish of Ashover husbandman of a messuage and farm in Tibshelf. Term 21 years, rent £30 10s. 8 Sep - 1722
366 - Lease for term of 4 years by William Turbutt of Ogston esq to Ann Brinkman of Doncaster widow of a house in Doncaster. 3 Oct - 1767
367 - Lease for term of 7 years by the executors of the will of William Turbutt to William Williams of Nottingham gent of a capital messuage and lands at Arnold (county Nottingham). Rent £60. 1 May - 1838
368 - Correspondence with Taylor & Son, also described as John Taylor & Co, Bellfounders, Loughborough concerning provision of 2 bells etc., with estimate 24 Aug 1859 - Aug 1859-Jul 1860
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370 - Receipt for payment for new organ, Jun - 1865
371 - Note about endowment of chapelry - 1860
372 - Correspondence relating to patronage, with reference to Morton parish living [Brackenfield parish was formed out of Morton parish] and to projected parsonage, Gladwin Turbutt's contributions (actual and intended) to the parish and his wish to own the patronage - Feb 1863-May 1864
373 - Memorandum on history of Morton from 1745 [?late 18th century] - 1745
374 - Letter setting out gross value of, and deductions from, Morton living, Feb 1864 - 1864
375 - Agreement by Thomas Lund for purchase of next presentation to Morton from Gladwin Turbutt and to transfer Brackenfield patronage to Turbutt and re contributions to parsonage, 24 Mar 1864 - 1864
376 - Report on church fabric, with related letters and repair account - 1908
377 - Copy of writ of sequestration to church wardens Gladwin Turbutt and James Fritchley, Jun - 1915
378 - Correspondence concerning the augmentation of the living and the advowson - Jul 1918-Feb 1919
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380 - Papers relating to the proposed union of the benefices of Brackenfield and Wessington - Jan 1922-Nov 1922
381 - Papers relating to the resignation of the incumbent at Brackenfield - Apr 1923-Jul 1923
382 - Letter about mislaid plan of churchyard extension and copy from notes of May 1920 - 1932
383 - Papers about memorial cross erected in churchyard - Dec 1965-Jul 1968
384 - Papers about credence table in memory of the late Colonel R B Turbutt - Feb 1966-Jul 1966
Expand 385 - Brackenfield Church School385 - Brackenfield Church School
Expand 386 - Handley School and Church386 - Handley School and Church
Expand 387 - Clay Cross Secondary School (Tupton Hall)387 - Clay Cross Secondary School (Tupton Hall)
Expand 388 - Institute at Clay Cross388 - Institute at Clay Cross
389 - Copy of lease for 999 years in reversion of an existing lease for 3 lives by Edward Revell or Ogston esq to the Rector of Shirland and others of a piece of land 30 × 8 yards (location given in detail for building a school house (10 Jun 13 Charles [1637] - [18th cent]
389-390 - Shirland and Church
390 - Correspondence relating to repewing of church, need for school house and extension to school, school trust, church roof and screen - Nov 1847-Oct 1848
391 - Correspondence concerning a donation of £100 given towards building a church at Wessington in Feb 1850, by Gladwin Turbutt and to proposal to endow a church there with subscription list - Oct 1855-Oct 1856
391-393 - Wessington Church
392 - Correspondence concerning additional burial ground - Apr 1914-May 1914
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Expand MF - Personal PapersMF - Personal Papers
Expand MH - Holland family recordsMH - Holland family records
Expand MM - Manorial RecordsMM - Manorial Records
Expand MP - Maps and plansMP - Maps and plans
Expand MR - Revell family recordsMR - Revell family records
Expand MT - Title deedsMT - Title deeds
Expand MZ - MiscellaneousMZ - Miscellaneous
Expand UL - Turbutt estate and family papers: unlistedUL - Turbutt estate and family papers: unlisted