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Collapse D3580 - Longsdon family of Little Longstone - [14th-20th Cent]D3580 - Longsdon family of Little Longstone - [14th-20th Cent]
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1 - Gift with warranty by Griffin son of Wennuwin of Kevelocke [Gruffud ap Gwenwynwyn of Cyfeiliog in Powys, Prince of Powys] to Mathew son to Thomas clerk of Bauquell [Bakewell] his heirs and assigns, for his homage, of one bovate of land in the vill and territory of Maior Longisdon [Great Longstone], namely that bovate with toft and croft which Thomas, father of the aforesaid Mathew, and his ancestors had once by feoffment of the Lord King, and later by confirmation held of Griffin's father, with appurtenances in vill of Maior Longisdon, and digging of turves and plucking of heath in moor of Longslow and other moors belonging to the vill and the carriage of a sufficient quantity to the house of Mathew and his heirs in Minor Longisdon [Little Longstone], to hold freely in ways, paths, field, meadows, moors, woods, waters and ponds as in other lands, at a yearly rent of 15 pence payable half at the Annunciation of the Blessed Mary in Mar [25 Mar] for all secular services, customs, wards, reliefs, escheats, suit of court and suit of mill, and all other things that could arise. Witnesses: Sir Thomas of Edensor, Sir Adam of Harthill, Lucas of Beeley, Robert of Stanton, Robert son of Ingram of Nottingham, Mathew of Reyndon, Nicholas of Over Haddon, Henry of Hotot, and others. Undated - [mid 13th cent]
1-18 - Medieval deeds
2 - Witnesses include Lucas of Beeley, Robert of Stanton, Robert son of Ingram, and Mathew of Reidon. Undated - [mid 13th cent]
3 - Witnesses include Lucas of Begeley [Beeley], Robert of Stanton and Robert, son of Ingram. Undated - [mid 13th cent]
4 - Sale and quitclaim by Matilda, daughter of Richard son of Levenad, of Longisdon [Longstone] to Mathew of Longstone, son of Thomas clerk of Bakewell, of a toft and croft with 3 acres of land and 1 rod of land in vill and extr' [? clearings] of Parva Longisdon [Little Longstone] together with a certain ditch [fossura] leading from the vill's highway to the marsh meadow next to the toft of her sister Julia, namely that toft which Thomas Scalevig once held from Matilda; for which quitclaim Mathew paid 8 shillings silver. Witnesses: Robert of Stanton, Robert of Calver, Peter of Rowland, Adam son of Peter, Mathew of Reyndon, Robert son of Alexander, Launcelin of Stokes, William del Highlow, Thomas of Offerton, William ?Pymcerna of Bakewell, and others. - [mid 13th cent]
5 - Gift with warranty by Serlo de Mungay [Mountjoy] of Ihildrisleye [Yeldersley] to Mathew son of Thomas of Bauquell [Bakewell] for homage and service, of half a toft which Mathew son of ?Hyzilia of Little Longstone once held in the vill of Little Longstone, adjoining the toft of Mathew of Bakewell on the east, to hold in fee and free inheritance at a yearly rent of 6 pence payable at the Feast of St Martin in Winter [11 Nov] for all services. Witnesses: Sir Richard of Harthill, Luke of Beeley,Adam of Edensor, Robert of Harthill, William of Wormhill, John the clerk and others. Undated. - [mid 13th cent]
6 - Gift and quitclaim with warranty by Serlo son of Ralph de Mountjoy lord of Yeldersley]to Mathew of Little Longstone and his heirs of all manner of ingress and egress between a certain furlong called Coc [The Cock] and a certain toft which belonged to Matilda daughter of Agnes of Little Longstone, which she used, wrongfully having regard to inheritance but with the leave and sufferance of neighbours, and especially of all passages, ways, paths and strayings at the head of the eastern side of Coc furlong, so that they should not be used at any time of the year in the way in which it is common to walk in the fields, meadows and other places where it is necessary to cross and return. The gift and quitclaim are made for the ending of contention and strife and for avoiding doubts that could arise, after the consideration of upright and worthy men making their statement on oath, lest Mathew and his heirs should be damaged by calumny; so that neither Serlo nor his heirs not his men nor any other should claim way, path, or right of way at any time of year; because there is no highway of common ingress into the vill of Little Longstone, or egress by the south over meadows and fields for wagons and carriages for men except the road stretching to the hill by the house of Robert Loterel of Little Longstone Witnesses: Richard of Edensor, Adam of Harthill, Robert of Stanton, William Daniel of Tideswell, Henry Peverel of Hassop, Robert of Calver, Eustace of Mornissale [Monsal Dale] and others. Undated. - [mid 13th cent]
7 - Quitclaim by Adam, son of Richard lord of Edensor to Mathew, son of Thomas, parson of Bakewell, his heirs and assigns of all customs and services owed to Adam, his heirs and assigns for land in the vill and fields of Little Longstone which Mathew bought of Matilda, daughter of Richard, son of Levenad of Little Longstone. Witnesses: Jordan of Snitterton, Thomas of Edensor, Robert of Stanton, Luke of Beeley, Mathew of Reyndon, and others. Undated. - [mid 13th cent]
8 - Gift with warranty by Robert son of Waltheof of Mornissale [Monsal Dale] to Mathew son of Thomas, clerk of Bakewell and his heirs, for homage and service, of a certain furlong called Coc, separated from Robert's demesne to make Mathew a toft in the vill of Little Longstone stretching from the road west of Egiston to the bottom of marsh meadow and to the toft of the child of Agnes of Little Longstone with ditches and appurtenances so that there shall be no passage way or road over the furlong at any time of the year whether open or close, which furlong Mathew's ancestors held of Robert's ancestors without any way, to hold freely with the right to ditch, build, plant in whole or in part, to enclose at any time of year to further his own business, paying yearly for all services, wards, reliefs, escheats, suits etc 8 pence at Christmas. Witnesses: Serlo of Beeley, Robert of Stanton, Robert of Calver; Peter son of Methew, Peter son Robert of William, William of the Peak , Robert Loterel, Robert son of Alexander, and others. Undated. - [mid 13th cent]
9 - Gift and quitclaim by Robert, son of Waltheof of Mornissale [Monsal Dale] to Mathew, son of Thomas of Bakewell dwelling in Little Longstone, and his heirs for homage and service two furlongs of meadow and several of pasture under Longislowe from Robert's demesne, stretching from the part of Oldelowe lying in the fields of Little Longstone, called le Cotemeduszo, with a Misa sheepfold containing ½ acre of land on the hill, together with an acre of arable across the road called Crossevey with appurtenances and free customs, which furlongs Robert's ancestors held separately; and further gift of all lands with appurtenances and curtilages which Mathew holds buys and seeks from free tenants in Robert's fee of Little Longstone, chiefly a curtilage stretching from the head of the upper bridge to the wall of the house in which lives Robert son of Alexander and to a baulk (? or cliff) called Teoffe with appurtenances, paying a yearly rent of 9 pence at the Feast of St Martin for all secular services, customs, exactions, dues, wards, reliefs, escheats, suits, etc except a rent of 3 silver halfpennies. Witnesses: Sir Adam of Harthill, Sir Richard of Edensor, Luke of Beeley, Robert of Stanton, Jordan of Rowsley, Mathew of Reyndon, Peter of Longstone, and others. Undated. - [mid 13th cent]
10 - Certificate of homage and fealty made to William son of Mathew of Little Longstone by Elias son of William of Little Longstone in recognition of his lord's [William's] interchange with his [Elias's] deed of confirmation, together with acknowledgement of due of an annual rent of 7½ pence silver, the ½d of which is part of 13 pence rent due from the land once divided between 3 sisters as their portion, to be paid from year to year by three parts of a certain bovate of land with toft and appurtenances in vill and fields of Little Longstone which parts are held by Richard son of Richard of Edensor] Lettice daughter of Richard son of Levenat of Longstone and his wife Agnes Lowenuta, Henry Clothomer and wife Alice hold another as sisters [did]. Witnesses: Richard le Raggid, Henry of Calver, William le Wyne, Robert of Darley, Nicholas of Wormhill, Robert of Reyndon and others. Undated - [late 13th cent]
11 - Gift and sale by Alice daughter of William of the Peak to Robert son of William Tirri of Longford for homage and service and a certain sum of money, of 1 bovate of land with toft and croft lying along side [propinquare folie] 2 bovates which her father William of the Peak bought, to be held at a yearly rent of 1 penny at Easter for all service except foreign service of the king and services due to the chief lord of the fee, namely 15 pence payable half at the Annunciation of the Blessed Mary in Mar [25 Mar] and half at Michaelmas [29 Sep]. Witnesses: Sir Richard of Harthill, Adam of Stanton, Mathew of Longstone, Adam son of Peter, William son of Elias, William le Winne, Peter de Lasay, Nicholas of Wingfield, Richard de Hervi, John of Bakewell, clerk, and others. Undated. - [late 13th cent]
12 - Quitclaim by John son of Matilda of Parwich to Margery formerly wife of William of Roq's of right in 1 penny rent for 2 messuages 'under le clif'. Given at Parwich, witnesses: Roger de Dale, Robert de Dale, Robert de Gratton, William de Lee, Thomas de Hall]and others. Saturday before Feast of All Saints [28 Oct 1312] - 1312
13 - Agreement indented between Ralph de Mountjoy and John de Hall of Little Longstone agreeing that John held of Ralph 1 messuage, 2 tofts, 1 croft and 4 bovates in Little Longstone and in Brithriche Feld for a service of 3 shillings yearly, and agreeing that John gave Ralph 2 tofts, 1 croft and 16 acres in Brithriche Feld in exchange for 1 messuage, 2 bovates of land and 4 acres pasture taken from the waste in Little Longstone to hold from Ralph as chief lord of fee with other lands at a rent of 3 shillings yearly for sheriff's aid, scutage, frankpledge and all other services as he formerly held messuage, toft, croft, and land by gift of Serlo de Mountjoy. If John should die without issue, remainder successively to his brother Richard, and his sisters, Agnes, Emma, Matilda and Ellen, and their respective issue, then to Ralph of Fairfield and his issue, and finally to Ralph, son of Ralph de Mountjoy and his heirs. Witnesses: Roger Foljambe of Longstone, Stephen of Rowland, John of Brithrithefeld clerk, Geoffrey of the same place, Richard de la Pole, William the clerk, and others. - 1323
14 - Gift by chirograph by Ralph son of Ralph de Mountjoy]of Yhildersley [Yeldersley] to John, son of William de Hall of Little Longstone of messuage, croft 2 bovates of land, one piece of land called Le Hild which Richard Wate once held, and 4 acres of land lying waste in Archurlowe Huryne with appurtenances in Little Longstoneto hold to John and his issue from Ralph and his heirs at 3 shillings 1 penny yearly rent payable half at Feast of Nativity of Blessed John the Baptist, [24 Jun] and half at Feast of St Martin [11 Nov] for all services. Witnesses: Phillip of Strelley, Roger Foljambe of Longstone, Stephen of Rowland, John of Brithrichefeld clerk, Geoffrey of Brithrichefeld, Richard de la Pole, William ? Rotur clerk, and others. Given at Little Longstone Sunday after Feast of St Martin, Bp 17 Edward II [13 Nov 1323] - 1323
15 - Gift by Henry of Longstone to Agnes, his wife of one bovate of land with toft, croft, and 2 houses in vill and fields of Great Longstone inherited from his father to hold to Agnes and her legitimate issue at accustomed services to chief lord of fee - - -. Witnesses: Sir Robert - - -, Mathew of Newstead, Robert Holwys, - - - of Longstone, John Forester, Abel of Ashford and others. Given at Great Longstone Eve of Assumption of Blessed Mary II Henry IV [24 Mar 1410] - 1410
16 - Gift by John Andrew chaplain to John Columbell of Stancliffe, Ralph Leech, William Woderoue [Woodrow] and Robert Woderoue of all lands and tenements held by gift and feoffment of Henry Longstone of Longstone lying in Longstone, Wardlow and Monaal to hold from the chief lord of the fee at accustomed services. Witnesses: John Shacresley, John Noggs, Robert Clementson and others. Given at Longstone Feast of St Mathew and Apostle 6 Henry VI [21 Sep 1427]. - 1427
17 - Deed between 1) Henry of Longstone and 2) John Columbell of Stancliff, parish of Darley Dale,, Rauf Leech, William Woderoue [Woodrow] and Robert Woderoue [Woodrow], who were enfeoffed by John Andrew clerk with all the lands which were once the lands of Henry of Longstone in Longstone, Monsal and Wardlow] witnessing Henry's will that his wife Mold [?Maud]shall have a lawful estate for life in a messuage and land in Great Longstone, and dower in Little Longstone, Wardlow and Monsall on condition that she delivers to William Woodrow the obligation he is bound in, and that the feoffees make a conveyance to Mold [?Maud] of her whole estate including in it a defence to the obligation. Also witnessing Henry's will concerning the estate made to Mold [?Maud] in the form written before the obligation was delivered that the feoffees should convey the remainder of the land of Richard in tail male together with the reversion of Great Longstone and the dower when it falls in; if Richard dies without male issue, remainder to Ellen, Cecily and Joan, daughters of Henry, their heirs and assigns; estate to be conveyed to Richard on condition that he performs his father's ordinance and will; if he acts against it he is to have no estate in the land. Witnesses: John Shacresley, John Noggs, Robert Clementson, and others. Feast of St Mathew 6 Henry VI [21 Sep 1427]. - 1427
18 - Cyrograph tripartite demise in tail by Ralph Leche, John Columbell of Stanclyf [Stancliffe] and Robert Woderowe of Wormhill, reciting enfeoffment by Henry of Longesdon [Longstone] of John Andrew, chaplain, with lands and tenements in Little Longesdon, Wardelowe, and Mornesale, his by hereditary descent, with which John later enfeoffed Ralph, John Columbell and Robert. Now Ralph, John Columbell and Robert demise to Richard of Longesdon, son of the said Henry, all the aforesaid lands and tenements to hold to Richard and his male issue at the customary services with remainder to Ellen, Cecily and Joan, daughters of the said Henry, and their male issue, with reversion to the right heirs of Henry. Witnesses: John Schakeresly, John Whyte, Richard Litton and others. Given at Little Longesdon Monday after Pentecost 8 Henry VI [5 Jun 1430]. - 1430
19 - Bond in [? £10] by Philip Shakersley of Lytele Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent., to Robert Longsdon and [? Stephen] Longsdon of Litele Longsdon, gentlemen, for performance of covenants in indenture of 23 Dec. [23] Dec 11 Elizabeth I [1568]. - 1568
19 - Estate of Robert Longsdon
20 - Gift by Andre Longysdon [Longsdon], gent., in consideration of marriage to take place between Stephen Longysdon, his son and heir, and Christabel Grenewood, daughter of John Grenewood and sister of James Grenewood of Grenewoodlee, Yorkshire, to Roland Eyre of Hassop and James Grenewood, of his manor of Longysdon to hold to uses: half now in occupation of Anthony recognised as his demesne to use of Stephen and Christabel and their assigns during their joint lives, then to Stephen and his heirs; and other half of use of Anthony for life without impeachment of waste and after his death to use the Stephen and his heirs. 11 May 13 Elizabeth [1571] - 1571
20-22 - Estate of Anthony Longsdon I 1571-1604
21 - Lease for 21 years by James Kere of Clowewall parish Newland, Gloucestershire, miner, to Edward Morgan of Clownewall, yeoman, for fine of 4 marks [53s 4d], of house called A handsmyth in Clowewall in street called waynlet between messuage of James Kere on south and west, messuage of Robert Fryor on east and way from Clownewall to Newland church on north, at yearly rent of 1d if demanded. 10 Jan 28 Elizabeth [1586] - 1586
22 - Indenture of award made by George Harris, Robert Wood and Richard James yeoman, between 1) Thomas Sellars and Robert Haslam, yeomen, churchwardens of chapel of Great Longsdon, Great [Longstone], and 2) Christopher Jenkins of Great Longsdon, yeomen; reciting disagreements concerning yearly rent charge of 20s on all lands of William, son of Richard Woodward in town and fields of Great Longsdon now in tenure of Christopher Jenkins payable at usual feasts according to deed made on Monday after the Feast of the Annunciation, 30 Edward III [1356] and paid until about 40 years ago, for necessary repair of church and chapel, relief of poor within chapelry, and for mending of highways; reciting further that suits for the recovery of the rent and arrears have been started and continued in consistory court or chapter house at Lichfield and sentence recently given for Thomas and Robert, whereupon the other party appealed. Whereupon to save expense and preserve amity among neighbours and to the end that the rent should not be extinguished the parties with mutual consent and freewill and good liking of most and best sort of inhabitant of chapelry have submitted to arbitration of Raphe Whyte, George Harries, Robert Wood and Richard James with the umpiring of the right honourable William Cavendish, esq. Umpire and arbitrators award first that the parties be and continue loving friends, and that all suits be dropped, and secondly that Christopher, his heirs and assigns, are to be forgiven arrears and the future payment of 20s yearly as long as they pay 13s 4d half at Annunciation [Lady Day] and half at Michaelmas after service in the south porch of chapel; payment to be used by towres [White cliff towers] - on east side of River Wee [Wye] and on west side of the closes of Whiteclyf [Whitecliff] butting on Sharpedge on north and on the Greenside on south 7) and parcel of common called the Nabbes on east side of the Mylndamme [Milldam] in Monsall dale [Mondall dale] 8) It is agreed that the conveyance of these lands to be made by Steven and Anthony Longesden [Longsdon] to Countess of Shrewsbury should not hurt, endamage or impeach the tithe reserved to Steven and Anthony to their other lands not being exchanged 9) Steven and Anthony also give in exchange their right, claim and interest in Little Longesden [Little Longstone] leas (reserving all ways to selves and heirs for ever) and one little close called Longesdendale which was no part of the leas at time of exchange save that it lay on east side of leas and joined it to lordship of Ashover 10) Steven and Anthony are to have for their Leas a parcel of ground called the hyll from the near corner of a close called Broom Bancke eastward against north corner of John Hancock's Hill Close and so down to said corner of same close; and for their common or pasture to have 12 acres lying between said parcel of ground and the highway called Crossway, and also the overwhart close with good assurance and warranty, with right of re-entry into their former estates if disturbed in possession of the new. Memorandum that Broome Bancke and the churchwardens with consent of most and best part of inhabitants for repair of church, relief of poor aged people in chapelry, mending of highways and other like godly and lawful purposes 10 Mar 1603/4 - 1604
23 - Articles touching exchange of lands between Countess of Shrewsbury and Stephen Longesdon [Longsdon] and Anthony Longesdon of Little Longesden [Longstone] and modern copy 1) Stephen and Anthony and heirs and assigns to have right to use of all highways, footpaths and other ways through herbage, common and pasture as formerly 2) Stephen and Anthony and heirs and assigns to have accustomed right to fell trees in woods, underwoods and waters for own use, and right to carry through out common 3) Stephen and Anthony to give in exchange the herbage of pasture for beasts or cattle commonly called beastgates in pasture called Little Longesden hay abutting on Torspytt Spoute on the north and on little brook called Chresbrooke on west and on Horseleas on south 4) and parcel of common called Skrathayre [Scratter] butting on north part of Crosway and on the Hallbreach head on south 5) and parcel of common called Little More butting on --- stone on north, and Ould Close head on south, adjoining Little Longsden hay on west and Ouldersley H--- on backside of Ould Close, butting on the Ould Soe [?Loe] - the north and on the Gospell Bower and Sharpedge on south 6) and parcel of common called White clyff hyll close and parcel of the 12 acres to be exchanged. Steven and Anthony and their heirs are to have free commons for tenscore [200] sheep on Great Longsden More [Great Longstone Moor] with free leave and lawful authority to pass and repass, fetch and drive the sheep by and through the highway from Little Longsden 7) Exchange not to prejudice or hurt any of other lands of Steven and Anthony reserved out of this exchange, or any liberties attached, but they are to have these and the lands from the Countess in as ample a manner as formerly Signed: Chaworthe - [late 16th cent-mid 17th cent]
23-24 - Estate of Stephen Longsdon Ante [before] March 1608-1613
24 - Bond in £20 by Edmund Grenewood of Broughton, Yorkshire, to Anthony Lound of Broughton to permit Anthony to enjoy quiet possession of 2 parcels of land lying on Deavons now or late in possession of Edmund Greenewood and Isabel Cathey, widow, according to a release by Greenewood of 4 Feb last annexed to a lease by Sir Stephen Tempest, Knight, of 28 May 1613. 28 May 1613 - 1613
25 - Articles of agreement between William, Earl of Devonshire, William Viscount Mansfield, Anthony Longston of Longston [Longstone], gent., and John Mellor of Longston, yeoman, all seized of parcel of land in Little Longston called Little Longston Leyes and used undivided, now having divided it parties agree that it shall be used in severalty: That part of east side of Leys to be used by Earl of Devonshire; That part on west to be used by Viscount Mansfield; That part on south west corner to be used by Anthony Longsdon; Residue on north west corner to be used by John Mellor Earl of Devonshire to make and maintain one-third fence between own land and Lord Mansfield's at upper end adjoining common on Ashford and Great Longstone, Mansfield to fence two-thirds, Longsdon and Mellor to fence own portions 13 Oct 1626 - 1626
25-43 - Estate of Anthony Longsdon II 1626-1653
26 - Counterpart lease for 42 years by Anthony Longson [Longsdon] and Robert Longson, his son and heir apparent of Little Longson, gent., to William Boam of Wardlow, husbandman, of messuage with appurtenances, lands, meadows and pastures containing 9 roods [rods], and messuage in precincts, town and townfield of Wardlow; consideration £38 fine and 2s 6d rent payable in equal portions at Pentecost and Feast of Saint Martin the Bishop in Hyeme [11 Nov]. Endorsed with note on 9 roods: 3 on Longe Flatt with buildings on north side of croft, 1 on Benche Dale close with lord's land on west, 1 on Middlehill, 1 in Flaxendale on Cotelands butting on Pigtor, 1 in Great Pigtor, 1 butting to the street of Wardlow, and 1 beastgate in Wardlowhey 17 June 1637 - 1637
27 - Bond in £200 by Thomas Willmott, citizen and salter of London to Anthony Longsdon of Longsdon, gent., and Thomas White of Ashford, yeoman, reciting that Anthony and Thomas White have assigned to Thomas Willmott a lease of a messuage in parish St Katherine's Creechurch, London, of 2 Jun 1637. Willmott to pay yearly rent of £18 and perform covenants of lease 5 Sep 1637 - 1637
28 - Certified copy of revocation by Anthony Longsdon of Little Longson [Little Longstone], gent., of conveyance of 2 Jan 21 James I [1624] to Thomas Eyre of Hassop, esq., William Wright of Great Longson, gent., Francis White of Moniash [Monyash] and Ralph Whilne of Ashford, yeoman, of all his messuages, lands and tenements in Little Longson, Great Longson, Wardlowe [Wardlow], Mornsodale [Monsal dale] and Brushfield to hold to uses set out in deed, with powers of revocation and alteration; now Anthony revokes deed for various reasons but more especially that he may freely lease, sell or bargain lands to raise portions for daughters and younger sons, pay debts, and make necessary provision for self and wife 26 Apr 1637 - 1637
29 - Counterpart lease for 21 years by Anthony Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent., and Robert Longsdon, his son and heir apparent, to Richard Hodgkinson of Great Longsdon, husbandman, of close called New Close between town of Great Longsdon and Little Longsdon in Richard's occupation, to hold from 1 May last. Consideration: £34, and yearly rent of one fat hen at Shrovetide. 5 Jul 17 Charles I [1641] - 1641
30 - True copy of notice by Anthony Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent., reciting that he has had from William Winscombe of Great Longson in exchange one dole of ground in place called Small Medow in town fields of Little Longson, ½ acre, being the land of William, Earl of Newcastle; William to have in exchange one dole of ground in same field butting upon the Earl's land called The New Close, 1½ roods [rods], and 40s on condition that Anthony Longsdon leaves Winscombe a sufficient way to pass and repass with cart, wain or carriage to fetch and drive 21 Feb 1641/2 - 1642
31 - Counterpart lease for 21 years by Anthony Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent., and Robert Longsdon, son and heir apparent, to Robert Craven of Great Longsdon, clerk, of 7 acres 1 rood [rod] with 1 Fore-dole in fields of Great Longsdon: 1 rode in the Belnooles, 1 rode on Middle-furlong, 1 rode in Gildlowbotham, 1 rode on Shorte Bamfurlong, ½ acre on Overthwart Middle Hill, 1 rode on Overthwart Middle Hill, ½ acre on Grisedayle, 1 rode on Oudle-Barre, 1 rode on the Cost-Heads, 1 rode on the Cost-Heads, 1 rode on Ramyel [?Ranhill] between the Walles, ½ acre on long Mamfurlong, 1 rode on the Standhill, 1 rode on the Costlow, ½ acre on Crosse-Flatte, 1 acre on long on long Bamfurlong in the Myres, ½ acre by the Milne Lane end, 1 rode at Croftes' end, 1 rode on the Red-Weeds, 1 rode on Southfurlong, 1 rode in the Pit-dooles, and 1 Fore-dole near the Church Pingle, and 2 grasses or beastgates in Great Longsdon Hay, commons, common of pasture and turbary; to hold from Feast of the Annunciation [Lady Day] last. Consideration £20, and 10s yearly rent payable half at Michaelmas and half at Feast of Annunciation. 20 Jun 18 Charles I [1642] - 1642
32 - Memorandum of lease for 21 years made on 6 Nov 1639 by Anthony Longsdon to Robert Craven, clerk, of 1 close at Churchyard side to hold from 25 Mar next for 1s yearly rent payable at Michaelmas and 1 day shearing at corn harvest by a sufficient labourer, and further memorandum on lease of 20 Jun 1642 to Craven. Undated [? 1639-1642] - [?1639-1642]
33 - Lease for 21 years by Anthony Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent., and Robert Longsdon, his son and heir-apparent, to Christabel Longsdon, daughter of Anthony, of grounds and closes called the Upper Ryoth, Cocke and Overthwart Close in Little Longsdon, to hold from Michaelmas next after William, son and heir apparent of Robert, reaches age of 18 years at peppercorn rent, as security for payment to her when William is 18 of £100, on receipt of which payment lease becomes void. Lease to be void also if Christabel marries without her father's consent or if she claims legacy left to her by her brother, Thomas, deceased. If she dies unmarried during her father's life, he is to possess the lands for residue of lease 7 Jun 19 Charles I [1643] Endorsed with memorandum of agreement that Christabel is to have 2 cottages in Little Longsdon and 2 gardens adjoining, and Newland close on same terms - 1643
34 - Counterpart lease for 17 years by Anthony Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent., to Thomas Willyamson of Great Longsdon, miner, of close of meadow called Myres Close in Great Longsdon with sufficient hedgebote to mend fences only, to hold from Feast of Annunication [Lady Day] next. Consideration £6, and 6s yearly rent payable in equal portions at Michaelmas and Feast of Annunication 12 Feb 20 Charles I [1644/5] - 1645
35 - Counterpart lease for 21 years by Anthony Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent., to Thomas Heathcott of Great Longsdon, of cottage and garden in Great Longsdon, to hold from 25 Mar next. Consideration £1 1s., and 11s yearly rent payable in equal portions at Michaelmas and Feast of Annunciation [Lady Day], and 3 days shearing to be done by a sufficient labourer at harvest yearly 25 Mar 23 Charles I [1647] - 1647
36 - Counterpart lease for 21 years by Anthony Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent., to John Eyles of Great Longsdon, miner, of cottage in which Eyles lives in Great Longsdon, to hold from 1 May last. Consideration £1, and 6s yearly rent payable by equal portions at Michaelmas and Feast of Annunciation [Lady day], and 2 days shearing to be done by a sufficient labourer at corn harvest yearly 1 Jul 23 Charles I [1647] - 1647
37 - Counterpart lease for 21 years by Anthony Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent., to Thomas Holme of Great Longsdon, miner, of cottage in Great Longsdon and 4 yards long of land at south end of house as many in breadth as house is broad, to hold from Michaelmas next. Consideration £1, 10s yearly rent payable by equal portions at Feast of Annunciation [Lady Day] and Michaelmas, and 2 days shearing by sufficient labourer at corn harvest 9 Jul 23 Charles I, 1647 - 1647
38 - Counterpart lease for 21 years by Anthony Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent., to William Bramall of Great Longson, miner, of cottage and garden to hold from date, of lease. Consideration £1, 15s yearly rent payable by equal portions at Feast of Annunciation [Lady Day] and Michaelmas, and 4 days shearing. 20 Mar 1647/8 - 1648
39 - Lease for 21 years by Anthony Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent., to Thomas Howsonn of Great Longsdon, miner, of cottage in Little Longsdon with garden on south side of house, to hold from 1 May next Consideration 18s., and 12s yearly rent payable by even portions at 1 May and Michaelmas and 2 days shearing by sufficient labourer at harvest. 15 Feb 23 Charles I, 1647/8. Endorsed with memorandum of assignment by Thomas Houson of Little Longson to Robert Johnson of Mornsedal - 1648
40 - Counterpart lease for 80 years or life of Anne Revell [widow of Robert Longsdon] wife of John Revell by Anthony Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent., to John Revell of Whiteley Wood, parish Sheffield, schoolmaster, of 1 bay of barn or lathe in Little Longsdon called Beech Barn in south end of barn already in tenure of John Revell. Consideration divers reasons, and 5s yearly rent payable at Michaelmas 7 Jul 1648 - 1648
41 - Counterpart lease for 22 years by Anthony Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent., to William Raworth of Mornsodayle [Monsal dale], yeoman, in reversion of lease for 22 years made on 22 Jun 9 Charles I [1633] by Anthony Longsdon and son, Robert, to George Raworth, father of William, of close of land, meadow and pasture called Ellize Lee in Mornsodayle. Consideration £18 10s., and 10s yearly rent payable by equal portions at Michaelmas and Lady Day, and 1 rent hen at Christmas if lawfully demanded. 19 Dec 24 Charles I, 1648 - 1648
42 - Counterpart lease for 21 years by Anthony Longsdon of Little Longson [Little Longstone], gent., to John Asley of Great Longson [Great Longstone], mettelman, of cottage, garden, and ladderstead in Great Longson [Great Longstone], to hold from date of lease. Consideration £2 10s and 10s yearly rent payable by equal portions at Michaelmas and Feast Annunciation [Lady Day], and 3 days shearing at harvest by sufficient labourer 30 Nov 1650 - 1650
43 - Gift in fee by Anthony Longson of Longson [Longstone], gent., to grandson, William Longson, son of Robert Longson, gent., in consideration of Anthony's love for William, marriage arranged between William and Hellen Lockwood, daughter of Nicholas Lockewood of Sheffield, hardwareman, and £150 marriage portion paid to William by Nicholas; Anthony gives William all his lands, messuages, etc, in Great Longson. Little Longson, Mornesalldale [Monsal dale], Wardlow, and elsewhere in counties of Derby and York, to hold of chief lord of fee; William covenants to pay Anthony £20 yearly by equal portions at Michaelmas and Feast of Annunciation [Lady Day], and Anthony is to have parlour on north side of hall 17 Aug 1653 Endorsed with note of livery and seisin, and with further note of production in cause brought by Thomas Longson, suing through his guardian, William Greaves in Sep 1675 - 1653
44 - Grant by Anthony Longson to William Longson, his grandson, for natural love and affection, of all his goods and chattels moveable and immovable, quick and dead, and of his credit throughout England. 9 Sep 1653 - 1653
44-52 - Estate of William Longsdon 1653-1658
45 - Remise and quitclaim by Anthony Longson to William Longson, son of Robert Longson, of all his actions real and personal 9 Sep 1653 - 1653
46 - Counterpart lease for 3 lives by William Longson of Little Longson [Little Longstone], gent., to John Hancocke of Little Longson, lead miner, of cottage in Cock Close and garden adjoining, for lives of John Hancocke, Anthony Pidcocke and Thomas Ambleton both of Little Longson, husbandman. Consideration 3s., and 6s yearly rent payable by equal portions at Michaelmas and Feast of Annunciation [Lady Day], and 2 day shearing if lawfully demanded 26 Mar 1654 - 1654
47 - Counterpart lease for 52 years by William Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent., to Ellis Raworth of Mornsaldale [Monsal dale], yeoman, of cottage site and garden at Edgton's head, Bakewell. Consideration: £10, and peppercorn rent 27 Apr 1654 - 1654
48 - Counterpart lease for 1000 years by William Longson of Little Longson [Little Longstone], gent., living in parish of Bakewell and township of Tidswall [Tideswell] to John Turneclye of Little Longson in aforeside township, of cottage and garden in Little Londson about the middle of the street on the north side. Consideration £5 and rent of (sixpence in the yeare and the meaner that the said John doth breed or make) in equal portions at Michaelmas and Feast of Annunciation [Lady Day]. After note of sealing, addition: (Also the abovesaid William Longson shall the first refusing of any of the said premises paying into the said John Turnelly according as another man) 16 Aug 1656 The phrases in round brackets are added in the same hand but written with a different pen and different ink. I suspect it not to be a true record of the transaction. - 1656
49 - Bond of £24 by John Revell of Dongworth [Dungworth, W Riding] school master and William Longson of Little Longson [Little Longstone] to Edward Walkden of Holdworth in chapelry of Bradfield [W Riding], tailor, to pay Walkden £12 14s 2d on 18 Nov 1657 17 Nov 1656 - 1656
50 - Agreement between John Revell of Dongworth in chapelry of Bradfield, Yorkshire, schoolmaster and William Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent., that William shall enjoy all housing and grounds at or near Little Longsdon now in occupation of Edward Eyley as John Revell and Anne, his now wife [mother of William Longsdon], hold of Anthony Longsdon by lease from 2 Mar next for 30 years, if John and Anne live so long together, at yearly rent of £12 payable by equal portions on 25 Mar and 29 Sep, meeting all taxes. John's goods shall stand where they now stand on the premises, and he shall remove them at his will and leisure; he shall also have and use at his pleasure the lodging chamber where his former estate on 6 months written notice to William 28 Feb 1656/7 - 1657
51 - Copy marriage settlement by way of gift by William Longsdon the younger of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone] to Francis White of Monyash and Thomas Berley of Grennil [Greenhill] parish Norton, gent.; in consideration of marriage intended between William Longsdon and Elizabeth Berley daughter of John Birley of Middlewood house, chapel of Bradfield, yeoman, and also in consideration of her portion and to arrange a jointure, William gives Francis White and Thomas Birley all messuages, lands, etc, in Great Longsdon, Little Longsdon, Wardlow and elsewhere to hold to the use of William for life without impeachment of waster, and after his death to use of the heirs of his body and in default of issue to his right heirs. £300 set aside for daughter's marriage portions. All subject to a portion of £20 yearly to Elizabeth if she have children living at William's death, and a portion of £30 yearly if no children are then living. William is free to provide by deed or will for maintenance, preferment and portions of younger children and daughters. William also is competent to execute leases of 21 years. 10 Jun 1657 - 1657
52 - Counterpart lease for 21 years by William Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent., and Garvis Tore of Little Longsdon, husbandman, of 2 cottages and 1 little house adjoining with 1 little yard, now commonly called the Butts houses, butting on the north side on the highway between Great and Little Longsdon, to hold from Feast of Annunciation [Lady Day] of £1 payable in equal portions at Feast of Annunciation [Lady Day] and Michaelmas 21 Mar 1658 - 1658
53 - Part articles of agreement [between Elizabeth Longsdon] of Middlewood House in Chapelry of Bradfield] and Bernard White of L[ongstone] merchant [leasing to Bernard] all that mansion house in Little Long[stone] which ...... White now inhabits [with] gardens, tofts, closes [lands etc to the same] dwelling house now belonging, [Bernard to hold] from 15 ...... 1661 for term ...... at yearly rent of £43 [payable to] Elizabeth and her assigns ...... Bernard [? also to] pay and discharge all chief rents, taxes and assessments not exceeding the rate which was paid to the army all that time or two years before. Bernard is not to plow any premises lying below the mansion house without first obtaining Elizabeth's consent; nor to plow above one third of premises above mansion house without like consent; is to keep housing in tenantable repair, and collect and father cottage rents yearly for Elizabeth, having the shearing allowed him for his pains; provided that John Revell or Anne his wife should at any time enter and enjoy houses, grounds and beast gates which they hold by demise of Mr Anthony Longson, Bernard having £12 yearly abated for the same. 1661 - 1661
53-58 - Estate of Thomas Longsdon I 1658-1684
54 - Chronologically D3580/T54, which concerns unidentified property, which presumably came at a later date into Longsdon ownership, should come at this point. For text see earlier in list. - 1700
54 - Final concord between Ralph Darbyshire & Francis Hodgkinson, plaintiffs, and Joseph Hewitt [Howitt?] & Dorothy his Wife, William Tattersall & Anna his wife, George Mellor, Jonathan Wigfall & Emmett [Emmotta?] his wife, defendants, concerning 2 messuages, 8 cottages, 15 acres of land, 8 of meadow, 15 of pasture, 4 beastgates in Great Longstone and Little Longstone. £100. Octave of St. Hilary, 11 William III [1700] - [1700]
54-73 - Estate of Thomas Longsdon II 1684-1750
55 - Lease for 21 years by Thomas Longsdon of Bramley, Yorkshire; gent; to Jonus Crosgill of Great Longsdon, [Great Longstone] of cottage in Great Longsdon and 13 acres ploughing land in Great Longsdon field and 2 beastgates in Great Longsdon Middle Hay from 25 March last, at yearly rent of £7 payable by even portions at Michaelmas and Feast of Annunciation [Lady Day.] 12 Nov 31 Charles II 1679 - 1679
56 - Draft lease for 7 years by Thomas Longsdon of Bramley, Yorkshire gent; to Bernard White of Little Longsdon, [Little Longstone] of capital messuage in Little Longsdon in which Bernard lives with all closes in Little Longsdon now in his occupation, and Caudahill [Cauldwell Hill] close late in occupation of Jonas Crosgill, to hold from 25 March last at yearly rent of £40 payable in equal portions at Michaelmas and Feast of Annunciation [Lady Day]. Bernard is to repair house, buildings and fences, and not to plow demesne below house and south of town of Little Longsdon on pain of payment of 40s. per acre so ploughed. 31 Charles II 1679 - 1679
57 - Counterpart lease by Thomas Longsdon of Bramley, Yorkshire gent, and Thomas Wall of Little Longsdon, [Little Longstone] miner, of cottage and garden in Little Longedon and cottage adjoining, for 21 years from Feast of Annunciation [Lady Day] last, at yearly rent of 12s. payable in equal portions at Michaelmas and Feast of Annunciation, and 2 days shearing at harvest 6 Dec 32 Charles II [1680] - 1680
58 - Copy of William Longsdon of Armley, Leeds Yorkshire - 1684
59-60 - Settlement and counterpart by 1) Thomas Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], gent; 2) William Finney, elder, of Little Longsdon, gent., and daughter Elizabeth, and 3) Cornelius Dickens of Great Longsdon, yeoman, and William Finney, younger, of Little Longsdon, yeoman, in consideration of marriage intended by Thomas Longsdon and Elizabeth Finney, of £300 marriage portion paid by William Finney, elder, and of £100 to be paid to Thomas at time of William's death if Elizabeth is still alive; in settlement of dower Thomas enfeoffs Cornelius Dickens and William Finney, younger, with messuages and lands in Little Longsdon, namely 1 messuage with houses, outhouses and all appurtenances, 13 cottages in named tenures, 9 closes on backside of messuage called Backside Dale Close, Brearidale Little Acre, Overthwart Close, Great Hill, Little Hill, Nether Riorth and Upper Riorth, 6 closes on netherside of Little Longsdon, Great Cock and Little Cock, Great Bandlands, and Little Bandlands, Meadow Close and Jonas Close, 5 beastgates and soil proportionable in Little Longsdon Heays and all other messuages of Thomas Longsdon in Little Longsdon, to hold to use of Thomas fully until marriage, then to use of Thomas for life without impeachment of waste, then to use of Elizabeth for life, then to heirs male of Thomas and Elizabeth, then to heirs female of Thomas and Elizabeth, then to right heirs of Thomas 23 Oct 1702 - 1702
61 - Exchange of land by Thomas Wright of Great Longsdon, [Great Longstone] esq., and Thomas Longsdon of Little Longsdon, gent; by which Wright grants to Longsdon Stockclose in Little Longsdon except the Barn and barn site and land between the barn and the Town Street; and Longsdon grants to Wright a parcel of land in Wright's close called Church Crofts, ½ acre in Henbutts Shutt in Great Longsdon, and ½ acre in Barrell Sheath furlong 21 Apr 1716 - 1716
62 - Deeds of Garlick purchase: Mortgage in £9 by way of assignment of lease for 900 years by John Turneley of Little Longston, [Little Longstone] miner, to Robert Clarke of Great Longston, [Great Longstone] yeoman, of cottage and cowhouse in Little Longston. 22 Dec 14 Charles II [1662] - [1662]
63 - Deeds of Garlick purchase: Redemption of Turneley's mortgage by payment of £12 by Turneley to Robert Greene of Warslow, Staffordshire yeoman. administrator of goods of Robert Clarke, dec. 28 Feb 30 Charles II [1678] - [1678]
64 - Deeds of Garlick purchase: Counterpart assignment of lease of 900 years by John Turneley, elder, of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], miner, to Cornelius White of Bakewell, gent; of cottage in Little Longsdon in which Turneley lives, with garden and cowhouse. Consideration £13, peppercorn rent. 29 Sep 36 Charles II [1684] - [1684]
65 - Deeds of Garlick purchase: Assignment by Cornelius White of Buxton, gent; to John Garlick of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone] husbandman of remainder of lease for 900 years. Consideration £5. 6 Jun 10 William III, 1698 - 1698
66 - Deeds of Garlick purchase: Assignment by John Garlick late of Little Longsdon, [Little Longstone] husbandman, and Charles Garlick of Litton, husbandman, to Thomas Longsdon of Little Longsdon, gent., of remainder of term of 900 years. Consideration £5 14 Jul 2 George I, 1716 - 1716
67-68 - Bargain and sale, with bond in £200 of even date, by Adam Ward of Newbiggen hill, parish Sandal Magna, Yorkshire, labourer, and John Knutton of Rockley Hall in Whosperdale, parish Darfield, Yorkshire, butcher, to Thomas Longsdon of Longsdon, [Longstone] gent., of part of messuage in Little Longsdon occupied by Thomas Jackson, north end of barn, crofts, tofts, etc., 1 acre in Backside close, 4 acres on west side of Mackley's close, 1 rood intermixed with lands of Thomas Wright in Smithy fields close, and parcel of land called the Croft with building on it lying towards the botham of Little Longsdon. Consideration £98 18s 6d 28 Nov 1716 - 1716
69 - Bargain and sale by Thomas Longsdon of Little Longston, [Little Longstone] gent., to William Longsdon of Bakewell, mercer, of land in Wardlow: 3 roods on the Long Flatts furlong, 1 rood on Bennidale furlong, 1 rood on Middlehill, 1 rood in Flaxdale, 1 rood in Coatlands abutting Pigtor, 1 rood on Pig tor, 1 rood butting on Wardlow town, and 1 old beast grass in Wardlow town, and 1 old beast grass in Wardlow Hay with proportion of soil (detailed strip locations given). Consideration £60. 2 May 1733 - 1733
70-72 - Lease, release (and copy) by Thomas Longsdon of Little Longston, [Little Longstone] elder, gent., to Thomas Longsdon, his son and heir apparent, of messuages, out buildings, lands etc in Great Longston [Great Longstone] and little Longston, and all other lands and tenements in parish Bakewell free of all dower and other legal claims 25 and 26 Aug 1742 - 1742
73 - Probate, and will of 14 May 1748, of Thomas Longsdon of Little Longston, [Little Longstone] yeoman, leaving 1 guinea each to be paid within 1 year of his death to sons William and John Longsdon, daughter of Mary Longstaf, and grandsons James and John Longsdon if alive at his death; if any die before him legacy to lapse; son Thomas Longsdon residuary legatee and executor. 2 Nov 1750 - 1750
74 - Memorandum of agreement by James Smith of Cheadle, Staffordshire, schoolmaster, to sell to Thomas Longsdon of Little Longston [Little Longstone] for £320 land in Little Longston [Little Longstone]. 15 Oct 1751 - 1751
74-79 - Estate of Thomas Longsdon III 1750-1780
75 - Final concord between Thomas Longsdon, younger, plaintiff, and James Smith and wife Mary, and Richard Needham and wife Mary, deforciants, of 12 acres land and 7 acres pasture, 1 beastgate, and common of turbary in Little Longston [Little Longstone] and Monyash Octave of Trinity 25 George II [1752] - 1752
76 - Release subsequent for lease for possession by Thomas Longsdon of Little Longstone, gent., with concurrence of Mary Wain of Little Longston to Richard Webster the younger of Bakewell, gent., in trust to prevent dower in view of a marriage intended between Thomas and Mary, and by arrangement with James, John and Thomas Longsdon, Thomas' sons by an earlier marriage, releasing all messuages, lands, etc., in Little Longston and Great Longston [Great Longstone] to hold for Thomas Longsdon, his heirs and assigns only 30 Jun 2 George III, 1762 - 1762
77 - Deeds of Finn Lays: Surrender by Joseph Wright in Ashford small court baron of 2 closes in Ashford called Finn Lays, 3 acres, to use of Thomas Holmes. Admission and fealty of Holmes. Endorsed: Mr Longsdon. 4 May 1728 - 1728
78 - Deeds of Finn Lays: Surrender by Thomas Longsdon, elder in Ashford View of Frankpledge and Great Court Baron of William Duke of Devonshire, Alexander Bossley steward of 2 closes called Fin Leys, 4 acres, to use of Thomas Longdson, younger, for life and then to uses of his will, in default of which to use of his right heirs. Admission of Thomas Longsdon, younger on payment of fine of 2s. Fealty 20 Apr 1779 - 1779
79 - Probate, and will of 18 Apr 1780, of Thomas Longsdon, elder of Little Longston, [Little Longstone] gent., leaving annuity of £20 to wife Mary on condition that she renounces dower within 1 year of his death; freehold and copyhold estate in Ashford and freehold estate in Little Longston bought from James Smith of Cheadle except Jackson's pasture to son, John Longsdon, his heirs and assigns; cottage in Little Longston and 2 closes called Mackley and Jackson's pasture, 6½ acres, to son, Anthony Longsdon, his heirs and assigns; £100 to son, Thomas Longsdon, to be paid by James out of real and personal estate; real and personal estate to son James charged with payment of £20 to testator's son David, and £30 each to testator's sons Matthew and Peter; James also to allow Matthew and Peter sufficient meat, drink, washing, lodgings, and clothing as testator's nephew, William Longsdon of Eyam shall think fit; £2 2s to nephew, William Longsdon of Eyam; son, James Longsdon, and nephew, William Longsdon of Eyam, joint executors. 8 Jun 1780 - 1780
80 - Lease for 21 years by John Wright of Great Longstone, esq., to James Longsdon of Little Longstone, gent., of messuage in Little Longstone in occupation of James Beeby together with Smithy field (except parts belonging to Thomas Longsdon of Little Longstone, gent.), the Bitstone (except such parts belonging to Thomas Longsdon), 3 parcels of land called the Leas, Hill Close, Backside, croft on the Backside of the Barn, Three Caldwell Hills, Little Field, New Lands. 5 beast gates in Little Longstone Hay and 1 beastgate in Great Longstone Hay, 65 acres for £80 yearly rent, with further £20 yearly rent for each acre in excess of 10 acres ploughed or sown with corn or grain in last 5 years of lease; tenant to pay taxes, maintain holding and buildings in good repair, and conserve manure 19 Sep 1775 - 1775
80-116 - Estate of James Longsdon I 1775-1822
81 - Release and quitclaim by Mary Longsdon of Little Longstone, widow of Thomas Longsdon, elder, of Little Longstone, gentl, deceased, to James Longsdon of Manchester, gent., eldest son and residuary devisee of Thomas, of her claim to dower in lands left to James, in accordance with the husband's will leaving her an annuity of £20 charged on same land, conditional upon renunciation of dower within 1 year. 3 May 1780 - 1780
82-84 - Marriage settlement by way of lease, and release (with counterpart) in consideration of marriage intended between James Longsdon of Little Longstone, merchant, and Elizabeth Gardom of Bubnell, and monies covenanted to be paid by her father, John Gardom of Bubnell, gent. James Longsdon conveys to Thomas Gardom of Bubnell, gent., and William Longsdon of Eyam, gent, all messuages in Little Longstone to hold in trust to use of James until marriage, then to use of James for life without impeachment of waste, then to trustees to use of annuity of £100 to wife, Elizabeth in lieu of dower then to sons in strict tail male, with remainder to right heirs of James; John Gardom to pay £1500 on day of wedding, and £1500 more on first birthday of first surviving child. 28 Feb and 1 Mar 1785 - 1785
86 - Surrender in Ashford View of Frankpledge Great Court Baron of William, Duke of Devonshire, steward Alexander Bossley, by William Longsdon of Euam [Eyam] of Broom Close, 2 acres 1 rood [rod] 20 perches, Goodwin Sitch 4 acres 2 roods 14 perches (2 acres 11 perches freehold) Cauldwell Hill 3 roods 29 perches, 1 acre 36 perches and 1 acre 1 rood 8 perches to use of James Longsdon for life and then to uses of his will, or in default of will to his right heirs. Admission of James Longsdon on payment of fine of 5s 8d. Fealty. 15 Apr 1788 - 1788
87 - Memorandum of bargain and sale by John Longsdon to his brother, James Longsdon, of 3 closes in manor of Ashford, Wollendale and Shackroads at £60 an acre and Cramroods at £42 an acre, in tenure of Charles Bolsover and continue so until 5 Apr 1791; James to pay by note for £500 at 4% datable from 5 Apr 1790 and remainder on the passing of surrender copyhold in Ashford court, as much of it in good bills of exchange as John wishes 8 Apr 1790 - 1790
88 - Deeds of Goodwin purchase: Exchange between William, Duke of Devonshire and William Goodwin of Longstone, farmer; Goodwin conveying to Duke 2 doles of land in Finn Pasture, Ashford, 1 acre 1 rood [rod] 22 perches, and 2 doles in Headstone Head close, Little Longstone, copy hold, 1 acre 2 roods 7 perches and 2 acres 5 perches; Duke conveying to Goodwin closes in Little Longstone, Little field 2 acres, Ridge Flat 2 acres 3 roods 18 perches, and parcel of land at east end of Broad Green 1 acre 29 perches. 28 Sep 1770 - 1770
89 - Deeds of Goodwin purchase: Memorandum of bargain between William Goodwin and James Longsdon, Goodwin selling to James 3 pieces called Field Pingle, Little Field and Broad green, 2 acres at £57. 10s each and rest at £40 an acre; Goodwin to rent land at 4% as long as he continues in his present farm and does not plough James' land. Addendum, 17 Jul, fixing rent at £4 6s. 17 Apr 1790 - 1790
90 - Deeds of Goodwin purchase: Note on acreages of Little Field and Broad Green - 1770-1790
91 - Memorandum of bargain between George Flint and son William Flint, and James Longsdon; Flint selling to James I piece of land in Netherfield in possession of Thomas Gregory, 3 roods [rods], and 3 houses and house steads, 1 copyhold between Mr Coate's barn and Peter Bennet's house, 1 freehold inhabited by Henry Henstock, and 2 freehold uninhabited, and an adjoining bakehouse, for £77. 10s 27 Jan 1791 - 1791
92 - Deeds of Gregory purchase: Surrender in Ashford view of Frank Pledge and Great Court Baron of William Duke of Devonshire, Stewart Alexander Bossley, by James Thornhill of copyhold cottage to use of his eldest son and heir, Thomas Thornhill, subject to dower of third of Martha Thornhill, widow. Admission of Thomas Thornhill on payment of fine of 4d. Fealty, 23 Apr 1782 - 1782
93 - Deeds of Gregory purchase: Memorandum of sale by Thomas Gregory to James Longsdon of copyhold messuage, cottage in possession of Peter Bennett, for £53, surrender to be made at next Great Court Baron for Ashford manor. Further memorandum that cottage bought by Gregory from Thomas Thornhill. 10 Mar 1791 - 1791
94 - Deeds of Hodgkinson purchase: Surrender in Ashford View of Frank Pedge and Great Court Baron of William, Duke of Devonshire, Humphrey Hall deputy to Robert Sherrard, esq., steward, by Philip Mather of cottage in Longstone late in possession of James Haberjambe to use of present tenant William Hodskinson. Admission of Hodskinson and fealty. 23 Apr 1741 - 1741
95 - Deeds of Hodgkinson purchase: Surrender in Ashford Small Court Baron of William, Duke of Devonshire, stewart Alexander Bossley, by Joseph Hogkinson of his copyhold messuages to use of a mortgage for 500 years held by Edward Anthony of Bakewell, victually. 8 Jul 1782 - 1782
96 - Deeds of Hodgkinson purchase: Receipt in 3 guineas by Francis Hodgkinson and conveyance to James Longson of one old house stead in Great Longstone with rights of common, handing over old indentures and covenanting willingness of Hodgkinson and son to join in surrender at Longsdon's expense if necessary. 28 May 1792 - 1792
97-100 - Lease and release (with accompanying final concords of All Souls 34 George III [1793]) by Richard Prime of Bucklersbury, London, warehouse man, and wife Jane, to James Longsdon of Little Longstone, gent., reciting descent of tithe from Joseph Prime late of Herthill [Harthill], yeoman, deceased, by will of 1771 to wife Elizabeth for life, then to sons, Francis, now deceased and Richard, reunion of moieties in 1790, now selling for £600 messuage in Monsal Dale, Wardlow and Little Longstone in occupation of Benjamin Skidmore with Ellis Lee 14 acres, Greencroft 3 acres 2 roods [rods], Cress-brook close 1 acre 3 roods, Doe Horseley 2½ acres, and 5 beastgates in Little Longstone Hay. 25 an 26 Nov 1793 - 1793
101 - Tenancy agreement between James Longsdon and Benjamin Skidmore farmer, letting to Skidmore for 1 year to Lady Day next farm now in his possession in Monsal Dale, rent 20 guineas; Skidmore to pay £10 penalty if he breaks or ploughs any land without permission; also Skidmore engages to deliver up premises without trouble or grumbling if Longsdon wants them. 3 Apr 1795 - 1795
102 - Lease for 3 lives by Thomas Ashwood of Great Longstone, surviving trustee of will of Colonel Wright, and Robert Wright of Great Longstone, esq., and trustee John Longsdon of Little Longstone, gent., of messuage in Little Longstone occupied by Joseph Higginbotham and John Warhurst, with Smithy Field, Bitstone, 3 pieces called the Leas, Hill Close, the Backside, Croft on the Backside of the Barn, 3 Cauldwell Hills, Little Field, Newlands, 5 beastgates in Little Longstone Hay and 1 beastgate in Great Longstone Hay, 65 acres in all, reserving timber and minerals, and licence to fell and mine; consideration 10s., and £80 yearly rent; good husbandry and repair clauses; manure to be used on premises - 1796
103 - Deeds of Gregory property: Mortgage for 500 years in £22 at 5% by Thomas Gregory of Little Longstone, labourer, to John Taylor of Great Longstone of messuage in Little Longstone and garden in occupation of Joseph Holme, labourer. 15 May 1775 - 1775
104 - Deeds of Gregory property: Mortgage for 500 years in £25 at lawful interest by Thomas Gregory of Little Longstone, yeoman, to James Longsdon of Little Longstone, gent., of Howson Yard, 2 roods in Little Longstone, 22 Oct 1792. Endorsed in pencil: 29 Dec 1843, note of statement by Hugh Ashton of Great Longstone that Mr Longstone raised gables and converted into 2 houses - 1792 - 1843
105 - Deeds of Gregory property: Gift by Thomas Gregory of Little Longstone to daughter Martha Jackson, wife of John Jackson of Upper Bartlet Street, London, apothecary, for affection and future maintenance, of messuage, garden, furniture, and croft called Shaw's Yard or Hooson Yard, over ½ acre, in Little Longstone. 22 May 1797 - 1797
106 - Deeds of Gregory property: Bargain and sale by Thomas Gregory and Martha Jackson to James Longsdon for £2 and £40 of Shaws Yard or Hooson Yard in Little Longstone acquired by exchange of land with the agent of the Duke of Devonshire. 30 May 1798 - 1798
107 - Deeds of Gregory property: Receipt by Aaron Taylor of Great Longstone to William Smith of London, nephew of Mrs Jackson, for £9 concerning mortgage by Thomas Gregory. Note: receipt is to certify Mr Bower. 11 Jul 1800 - 1800
108 - Deeds of Gregory property: Receipt by J Bower to William Smith through Thomas Gregory of Darley, for £9 in full discharge of all demands and accounts between Bower and late Thomas Gregory of Little Longstone, deceased 22 Apr 1802 - 1802
109 - Deeds of Gregory property: Receipt by Aron Taylor to William Smith through Thomas Gregory of Darley for £9, in full discharge of all demands and accounts between Taylor and late Thomas Gregory of Little Longstone, deceased, 24 Apr 1802 - 1802
110-111 - Lease and release by John Thomas Wright of Exeter, esq., William Henry Wright, esq., his son, James Nicholas Duntze of Washfield, Devon, esq., Hubert Cornish of Exeter, esq., John Quicke of Newton St Cyres, Devon, esq., trustees of settlement, Stephen Melland late of Bakewell now of Stanton, parish Youlgreave, surgeon, his mortgage, Sir Stafford Henry Northcote of Pynes, Devon, baronet, trustee of further use of settlement, and John Barker of Bakewell, esq., his second mortgagee, to James Longsdon of Little Longstone, esq., and William Longsdon of Eyam, his trustee: reciting will of William Wright of Clontarf, Dublin, 1770; mortgage of Wright estates in Foolow and Wardlow to William Bagshaw of Inner Temple, 1770; probate 1771; assignment of mortgage to Stephen Melland, 1783; further mortgage to Emmanuel Barker 1781; marriage settlement of John Thomas Wright, 1784; assignment of second mortgage by William Barker, surgeon, and George Barker, esq., to John Barker (with details of Barker descent), 1801; Wright re-settlement to permit sale to discharge debts, 1804: release now by Wright, trustees and mortgagees, to James Longsdon, for £2,237, of messuage in occupation of Joseph Higginbotham as undertenant to James Longsdon, and old house formerly in occupation of Thomas Tomlinson now a barn with croft adjoining, 10 acres 2 roods [rods] 29 perches in all; closes called the Leys now divided into 6 parts, and small close called New Land on west side of Castlegate Lane, 26 acres 32 perches; and Upper and Lower Stratton closes, 4 acres 2 roods; all at Little Longstone; to hold to such uses as James Longsdon may appoint and in the meantime in trust for use of James Longsdon and his assigns during is life, and after determination of that trust to William Longsdon in trust for James Longsdon and his assigns to bar dower during life of James, and after determination of that estate to James Longsdon, his heirs and assigns. Covenants for inspection of deeds opening with Wright marriage settlement of 1712 1 and 2 Jan 1810 - 1810
112 - Bond of indemnity in £4,474 by J T Wright and W H Wright to James Longsdon 2 Jan 1810 - 1810
113 - Letters of attorney by W H Wright to Messrs Warren and Ellicombe to execute D3580/T110-111 5 Mar 1810 - 1810
114 - Attested copy of lease of 2 Apr 1784 prior to J T Wright's marriage settlement - 1784
116 - Probate, copy will of 21 Aug 1815 of James Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Longstone]: estate in Prince Edward Island equally between sons John and William during joint lives and then to surviver; remaining real and personal estate to son James subject to other legacies; to wife Elizabeth, already provided for in marriage settlement, £300, being amount of legacies from her uncles Alexander Barker and John Barker, with power of disposal at death, in default of disposal legacy to lapse; to John and William £1000 each, to include any monies advanced by testator in life; to daughters Elizabeth and Katherine £1000 each and lawful interest. Time of payment of capital to be left to discretion of executor, George Morewood of City of London, merchant, but delay not to exceed 2 years from death. 20 guineas to George Morewood as token of regard. Sole executor George Morewood. 14 Oct 1817 Codicil adding £500 each to daughters with 5% interest on whole, legacies to be paid within 2 years at discretion of executors. 4 executors, George Morewood, and 3 sons James, John and William Longsdon. 16 Oct 1819. Further codicil after death of second son, John Longsdon, leaving further legacy of £1000 to William to include any capital advanced earlier 28 Sep 1822 - 1822
117 - Lease for 21 years by Dean and Chapter of Lichfield of Robert Wright of Longstone, esq., of moiety of tithes of corn and hay in Little Longstone and tithes of corn and hay in Monsall Dale for yearly rents of £2 6s 8d, being 33s 4d for Little Longstone and 13s 4d for Monsall Dale 26 Sep 1786 - 1786
117-122 - Tithe Estate 1789-1829
118 - licence by Dean and Chapter of Lichfield to Robert Wright to assign lease of 26 Sep 1786 To James Longsdon of Little Longstone, gent 8 May 1789 - 1789
119 - Lease for 21 years by Dean and Chapter of Lichfield to James Longsdon of Little Longstone, gent., in consideration of a competent sum of money of moiety of tithes of corn and hay in Little Longstone and tithes of corn and hay in Monsal Dale for yearly rents of £2 6s 8d., being 33s 4d for Little Longstone and 13s 4d for Monsal Dale 28 Sep 1793 - 1793
120 - Further lease for 21 years by Dean and Chapter of Lichfield to James Longsdon of Little Longstone, of moiety of tithes of corn and hay in Little Longstone and tithes of corn and hay in Monsal Dale for yearly rents of £2 6s 8d being 33s 4d for Little Longstone and 13s 4d for Monsal Dale 26 Sep 1800 - 1800
121 - Lease for 21 years by Dean and Chapter of Lichfield to James Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], [the younger] in consideration of surrender of lease of 2 October 1818 to William Mott of the Close, Lichfield and of a competent sum of money of moiety of tithes of corn and hay in Little Longstone and tithes of corn and hay in Monsal Dale for yearly rents of £2 6s 8d being 33s 4d for Little Longstone and 13s 4d for Monsal Dale 27 Sep 1822 - 1822
122 - Lease for 21 years by Dean and Chapter of Lichfield to Ann Longsdon, widow and other executors of James Longsdon [the younger], in consideration of surrender of lease of 1822, of moiety of tithes of corn and hay of Little Longstone and tithe of corn and hay of Monsal Dale for yearly rents of £2 6s 8d being 33s 4d for Little Longstone and 13s 4d for Monsal Dale 26 Sep 1829 - 1829
123 - Draft conveyance by James Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], devisee in fee of James Longsdon, his late father, deceased, to James Kenworthy, wheelwright, Thomas Wheeldon, blacksmith, Benjamin Shimwell, miner, Francis Oldfield, miner, Francis Staley, labourer, Joseph Brassington, labourer, Joseph Shimwell, labourer, William Rowland, joiner, Robert Carson, labourer, Edward Buxton, younger, miner, Benjamin Shimwell, tailor, Isaac Shimwell, tailor, George Wain, miller, Edward Buxton, elder, miner, Samuel Fantom of Bowers Hall [now Stanton], farmer, George Fantom, farmer, all of Youlgreave, Joseph Shaw of Millfield House, Bakewell, farmer, David Delaney, teacher, and all member of Primitive Methodist Connexion living at Youlgreave or within 1 mile thereof, members on trial excepted, and Stewards of any Circuit in which Youlgreave may be - 1823
123-165 - Estate of James Longsdon II 1822-1829
124-125 - Lease and release to make tenant for common recovery by James Longsdon of Little Longston [Little Longston], gent., eldest son and heir of body of James Longsdon, merchant, deceased by wife Elizabeth, and John Gardom of Bubnell, gent., eldest son and heir of Thomas Gardom of the Cliff House, to Richard Morins of Middle Temple, reciting settlement of 1785 on marriage of James Longsdon and Elizabeth Gardom, death of James Longsdon in 1822, death of trustees, first William Longsdon of Eyam, then Thomas Gardom, intestate, and inclosure of Great Longstone, Little Longstone and Wardlow; conveying messuage in Little Longstone where James now dwells, 4 cottages in Little Longstone, closes called Dale close and plantation 2 acres 8 perches, pasture containing 25 acres exclusive of such parts as purchased from John Thomas Wright and others and now laid thereto, the Riotts 17 acres 3 roods, Briery Dale 6 acres 1 rood [rod] 14 perches, Cock close 6 acres, Barn Lands 4 acres 2 roods 22 perches, the meadow 2 acres 1 rood 18 perches, Jonas close 4 acres 2 roods 6 perches, New Lands 5 acres 4 perches, the Pingle 2 roods 8 perches, the Croft 2 roods; allotments: parcel of land in Little Longstone now know as Chirt Quarry allotment 13 acres 1 rood 22 perches, Matter Allotment 4 acres, 13 acres part of 35 acres 2 perches called the Lime Kiln allotment; and all other messuages and cottages comprised in 1785 settlement or allotted or received in exchange for same 5 & 6 May 1824 - 1824
126 - Exemplification of common recovery under term of release by Alexander Bossley, demandant, against Richard Morins, tenant, and James Longsdon, vouchee Easter term, 5 George IV [1824] - 1824
128-131 - Mortgage [with copy, draft, and schedule of deeds] in £1500 by way of lease and release by James Longsdon of Little Longstone gent., and trustee, Alexander Bossley of Bakewell, gent., to Revd John Browne of Bakewell, of messuage in Little Longstone inhabited by James Longsdon, and Dale Close and plantation 2 acres 8 perches the Pasture 25 acres, Riotts 17 acres 3 roods [rods], Briery Dale 6 acres 1 rood 14 perches, Lower Briery Dale 5 acres 2 roods 11 perches, Newlands 5 acres 4 perches, and the Pingle 2 roods 8 perches; at 4½% interest 10 & 11 Aug 1824 - 1824
132-133 - Lease and release by William Goodwin of Little Longstone, yeoman, to William Ashton of Little Longstone, yeoman, for £115 of close called Ridge Flatt, 2 acres 3 roods [rods], between lands of Mr Wright and Abraham Broom 2 & 4 Aug 1787 - 1787
134 - Bond of £230 by William Goodwin to William Ashton to guarantee and indemnify Ashton against claims of any child Goodwin may have if he survives his wife, Mary, and remarries 4 Aug 1787 - 1787
135 - Feoffment by William Grafton of Rowland, tailor, of Samuel Grafton of Beeley, stone mason, eldest son of William Grafton, of 2 closes called Ridge Flatts, 3 acres, and an allotment of common under enclosure act, all lately in occupation of George Ashton. Consideration: £10 annuity and natural love and affection. 15 Nov 1821 - 1821
136 - Bond in £100 by Samuel Grafton to William Grafton for performance of covenants in feoffment of even date 15 Nov 1821 - 1821
137 - Attested copy of will of Valentine Ashton of Baslow, yeoman, made 1 Feb 1820, leaving house and old land in Tideswell to tenant, John Gratton; house and common land in Tideswell to niece, Anne Rowland; house, land, etc., in Little Longstone to William Hewett of Rowland; Ridge Flatts in Longstone to William Grafton of Rowland; pecuniary legacies; house and lands in Baslow to wife, Jane Ashton, during widowhood and to her son, Thomas Marples, with complete reversion to Thomas if Jane remarries 20 Jul 1822 - 1822
138-139 - Mortgage [with schedule of deeds] in £70 by way of bargain and sale by Samuel Grafton of Beeley, stone mason, to James Longden of Brookbottom, Hartington Upper Quarter, stone mason, of Ridge Flatts and allotment 20 Jul 1822 - 1822
140 - Lease and release by Samuel Grafton of Beeley, stone mason, William Grafton late of Rowland, now of Bakewell, tailor, James Longden of Brookbottom, Hartington Upper Quarter, stone mason, to James Longsdon of Little Longstone, gent., and William Wager of Great Longstone, gent., of 2 closes, Ridge Flatts, 3 acres, and allotment under enclosure award of 3 roods. Consideration £70 to James Longden in full payment of monies due under mortgage of 20 Jul 1822,£65 to William Grafton and £55 to Samuel Grafton 10 & 11 May 1825 - 1825
141 - Second certified copy of probate copy of will of Valentine Ashton 1829 - 1829
142 - Copy bond in £100 of 13 Nov 1821 by Samuel Grafton of Beeley, tailor, to father William Grafton of Rowland, tailor, security for annuity of £10 to be paid as consideration for feoffment by William of Samuel with Ridge Flats, 3 acres in Little Longstone with allotment formerly part of Little Longstone common 1829 - 1829
143 - Certified copy of letters of administration of 17 Oct 1800 of estate of William Ashton at Bakewell, farmer, deceased, to brother, Valentine Ashton. 23 May 1829 - 1829
144-145 - Letters of administration, and copy, of estate of John Ashton, deceased, reciting mortgage in £60 for 500 years by William Grafton to John Ashton of Rowland, yeoman, of Little Field, 2 acres, in Little Longstone on 4 Aug 1787, mortgage discharged on 7 Jun 1790 but no assignment made of residue of term, letters admon. [of administration] granted to sons, William and Valentine Ashton, both now deed intestate; freehold vested in George Naylor of Sheffield, merchant, John Gardom of Bubnell, gent., William Wager of Great Longstone, gent., and John Harrison of Bakewell, land surveyor, [trustees under will of James Longsdon, the younger] who desire residue of term to be assigned; therefore limited letters of administration granted to their nominee, John Barker of Bakewell, as regards residue of term for purchase by Longsdon] 30 May 1829 - 1829
146 - Affidavit by William Hallowes of Little Longston that he knew William Goodwin for 42 years, that he had no children, that he was living in Little Longstone 42 years ago and then owned a close called Ridge Flatts since divided into 2 closes lately contracted to be sold by trustee under will of Mr James Longsdon to Mr William Longsdon 30 May 1829 - 1829
147 - Affidavit before Master in Chancery by John Longsdon of Little Longsdon that hew knew well William Ashton of Little Longstone and Valentine Ashton of Rowland, that they were brothers, and that Valentine survived William and inherited his property. 8 Jul 1829 - 1829
148-149 - Lease and release by John Hully of Manchester, labourer, eldest son and heir at law of George Hully of Little Longstone deceased to James Longsdon of Little Longstone, esq., and trustee, John Gardom of Bubnell, gent., of messuage or house in Little Longstone with garden, outhouses, etc. Consideration £44. 7 & 8 Mar 1826 - 1826
150 - Memorandum of delivery of possession by William Hulley and Peter Hulley of Little Longstone to James Longsdon of house in Little Longstone lately occupied by father, George Hulley now deceased, on receipt of notice from their brother, John Hulley of Manchester, of sale to James Longsdon 25 Mar 1826 Endorsed with memorandum that house since pulled down - 1826
151 - Lease, determinable by 3 months notice by either side, by James Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone] to William Hulley of Little Longsdon of dwelling house bought from John Hully and Pidcock's Stackyard adjoining, yearly rent 55s. Expense of making good and repairing house to be borne by William Hully. 25 Mar 1826 - 1826
152 - Mortgage in £500 by way of lease for 500 years by James Longsdon of Little Longsdon [Little Longstone], esq., to Robert Hutchinson of Edendor, joiner, Master elect of Edensor Friendly Society, and his successors of 2 closes called Ridge Flatts 3 acres, 3 roods [rods] allotment, and Jonas close and plantation 4½ acres. 11 May 1826 - 1826
153 - Promise by Master and Wardens of Edensor Friendly Society to be accountable to James Longsdon, esq., for £50. 11 May 1826 - 1826
154 - Schedule of deeds entrusted to Edensor Friendly Society - 1826
155 - Probate will of James Longsdon of Little Longstone, esq., £200 to cousin John Gardom of Bubnell; real and personal estate in Little Longstone, Great Longstone and Ashford, parish Bakewell, and in Youlgreave (except such household furniture as wife Ann may wish to keep) to George Naylor of Sheffield, merchant, Charles Oates of Palermo, Sicily, Merchant, John Gardom, William Wager of Great Longstone, gent., and John Harrison of Tideswell, gent., on trust to sell as much as required of real estate excepting capital messuage to meet debts and legacies. Capital, messuage, and outbuildings with fields and premises remaining unsold to be held in trust to pay rents and profits to wife, Ann, for life, she having care, maintenance and education of infant son, Henry John, during minority. Capital messuage and land to Henry John, heirs and assigns, on his majority, subject to payment of issues to wife, Ann for life. If son dies without issue or without having disposed of real property, reversion to testator's brother, William. If wife thinks it desirable whole property is to be sold and residue invested from which income is to be paid to wife. Capital may be advanced at direction of wife for advancement of promotion of son, but not otherwise. After death of wife capital to be transferred to son or to his lawful issue on achieving majority. If son dies without children during Ann's life, then £1000 to Ann, £250 each to Miss Eliza Oates and Miss Caroline Oates, sisters of Ann, £200 to Ann Oates daughter of Charles, £300 to John Gardom, £500 to Peter Longsdon of Manchester, gent., and residue equally between such nephews and nieces and children of cousin, James Longsdon of Manchester, as may be living at testator's death. Requests landlord, Duke of Devonshire, to accept William Wager as tenant to land in Little Longstone and brother in law, Sydney Smithers, as tenant to land at Ashford in consequence of James having spent considerable amount of money on the land Trustees to make proper provision for widow of late servant, Joseph Higginbottom during life Trustees and wife, Ann, executors 10 Mar 1827 - 1826
156 - Papers relative to execution of will of James Longsdon, and preparatory to purchase of land by brother, William Longsdon: Release of legacy of £200 by John Gardom 24 Jan 1828 - 1828
157 - Papers relative to execution of will of James Longsdon, and preparatory to purchase of land by brother, William Longsdon: Disclaimer of trusts by Charles Oates late of Palermo, now of Little Longstone 25 Jun 1828 - 1828
158 - Papers relative to execution of will of James Longsdon, and preparatory to purchase of land by brother, William Longsdon: Renunciation of right to probate by Charles Oates 28 Jun 1828 - 1828
159 - Papers relative to execution of will of James Longsdon, and preparatory to purchase of land by brother, William Longsdon: Release of legacies under will of Thomas Longsdon, deceased, 1780 by Thomas Longsdon of Little Longsdon, gent., David Longsdon of City of London, furrier, and Peter Longsdon of Manchester, dyer 28 Jun 1828 - 1828
160 - Papers relative to execution of will of James Longsdon, and preparatory to purchase of land by brother, William Longsdon: Release of legacies under will of James Longsdon, deceased, 1815 and codicil 1817, by William Longsdon of Charles Town, South Carolina, in North America, gent., at present residing at Longstone, by Sydney Smithers of Ashford gent., and wife Katherine (nee Longsdon) and Elizabeth Longsdon of Ashford, spinster 12 Sep 1828 - 1828
161-162 - Papers relative to execution of will of James Longsdon, and preparatory to purchase of land by brother, William Longsdon: Agreement between 1) George Naylor, John Gardom, William Wager and John Harrison, 2) Ann Longsdon, 3) Sydney and Katherine Smithers and Elizabeth Longsdon, and 4) William Longsdon, for sale to William for £7,990 of messuage and closes: Cowhay, Pidcock's Croft, Gregory Croft, Cock Close, Jackson Yard, The Flash, Lowes Meadow, 2 Swifts New Closes, Barn Lands, Hulley Meadow, The Meadow, The Pasture, Dale Close, Upper and Lower Briery Dales, The Field, Tomlinson's Croft and Jonas Close, in all 79 acres, 2 rods and 12 perches., cottages in 8 tenancies, all in Little Longstone; and 3 pews, Family Pew, Servants' Pew and pew occasionally occupied by Peter Longsdon's family, and all other Longsdon pews but one now occupied by Widow Higginbotham and 2 cottages in Little Longstone to be attached to lands unsold. Katherine Smithers and Elizabeth Longsdon to have £1500 each under father's will out of £7,990. William to retain from purchase money £1000 in lieu of £2000 legacy left by father according to agreement with brother, James, in view of extra debts owing by father at decease, and pay £3990 residue purchase money. William will charge 2 closes, Meadow and Barnlands with £500 mortgage to be paid to Henry John Longsdon if he survives William and attains majority. William to pay 6s per acre for tithe of corn and hay during space of lease 12 Sep 1828 - 1828
163 - Papers relative to execution of will of James Longsdon, and preparatory to purchase of land by brother, William Longsdon: Surrender by Robert Hutchinson of Edensor, joined, and John Vickers of Catton Houses, Edensor, former master elect of Edensor Friendly Society to trustees of will of James Longsdon, deceased, of remainder of term of 500 years under lease of 11 May 1826, on receipt of £500 repayment of mortgage 23 Mar 1829 - 1828
164-165 - Papers relative to execution of will of James Longsdon, and preparatory to purchase of land by brother, William Longsdon: Lease and release by Revd John Browne of Bakewell, clerk to trustees under will of James Longsdon, deceased, of lands mortgaged to him on 10 and 11 Aug 1824 on receipt of £1500, repayment of mortgage 1 Apr 1829 - 1829
166 - Papers relative to the executive of will Of James Longsdon, and preparatory to Purchase of land by brother, William Longsdon: Release of legacies by Mr Sydney Smithers of Ashford & Katherine his Wife, and Miss Elizabeth Longsdon of Ashford to the Trustees under the will Of the late James H. Longsdon Esq., 2 Apr 1829 - 1829
167-168 - Abstract of title to copyhold at Great Longstone 1827 - 1827
167-235 - Estate of William Longsdon 1829-1876
169 - Copy will of Thomas Longsdon 1748 - 1748
170 - Copy will of Thomas Longsdon 1780 - 1780
171 - Copy case for opinion of Common Serjeant with opinion of Thomas Denman, Lincolns Inn, 5 Dec 1827, on difficulties arising from adequacy of legacy receipts by James Longsdon's younger children - 1827
172 - Copy of John Gardom's legacy release 1828 - 1828
173 - Copy of legacy release by Thomas Longsdon, David Longsdon and Peter Longsdon 1828 - 1828
174 - Copy of legacy receipt by William Longsdon, Sydney and Katherine Smithers and Elizabeth Longsdon 1828 - 1828
175 - Abstract of title of devisees in trust of will of James Longsdon for lands at Little Longstone sold to William Longsdon 1828 - 1828
176 - Abstract of title of devisees in trust of will of James Longsdon to premises in Little Longstone purchased from William Goodwin 1828 - 1828
177 - Abstract of title ... to Hulley cottage in Little Longstone 1828 - 1828
178 - Abstract of title ... to property purchased from Colonel J T Wright 1828 - 1828
179 - Abstract of title ... to Ridge Flatt 1829 - 1829
180 - Copy of release by Revd John Browne of lands mortgaged 1829 - 1829
181 - Copy of release of legacies by Sydney Smithers, Katherine Smithers, and Elizabeth Longsdon 1829 - 1829
182 - Copy of surrender of term of 500 years by Robert Hutchinson and John Vickers 1829 - 1829
183 - Copy conveyance to William Longsdon 1829 - 1829
184 - Copy draft conveyance by William Longsdon to James Longsdon of Manchester of the Field 1 acre 1 rood [rod] 24 perches in Little Longstone and piece of land at the west end of the Cock.
185-186 - Lease and release by executors of James Longsdon [the younger] to William Longsdon of Charles Town, South Carolina, North America, merchant, and trustee Sydney Smithers of messuage in Little Longstone where James Longsdon lived, barns, stables, cowhouses, yards, gardens and appurtenances, with Dale Close and plantation 2 acres 8 perches, The Pasture with plantations and building 26 acres 3 perches, Briery Dale and plantation 6 acres 1 rood [rod] 14 perches, Lower Briery Dale 5 acres 2 roods 11 perches, Cock close 5 acres 3 roods 4 perches, Barn Lands 4 acres 2 roods 22 perches, The Meadow 2 acres 1 rood 18 perches, Jonas Close 4 acres 2 roods 6 perches, The Pingle 2 roods 8 perches, Tomlinson's Croft 2 roods, Jacksons Yard 2 roods 16 perches, Pidcocks Croft 3 roods 26 perches, Cowhay 5 acres 20 perches, The Flash 2 roods 26 perches, Lower Meadow 3 acres 2 roods 13 perches, Hulleys Meadow 3 acres 1 rood 3 perches, Swifts New Closes 2 acres 2 roods 21 perches and 2 acres 2 roods 34 perches, Gregory Croft 1 rood 30 perches, The Field 1 acre 1 rood 24 perches, in all 79 acres 2 roods 27 perches; 8 cottages in Little Longstone; and 3 pews in Great Longstone Chapel. Consideration £7990 3 & 4 Apr 1829 - 1829
187-188 - Lease and release by executors of James Longsdon [the younger] to William Longsdon of Charles Town, South Carolina, North America, and trustee Sydney Smithers, of 2 closes in Little Longstone, Upper Riotts and plantation, and Lower Riotts, formerly in 1 close 17 acres 3 roods, [rods] Scratter Allotment 4 acres 2 perches, Stone Pit Lees 6 acres 1 rood 22 perches, Stone Pit Lees Top 1 acre 24 perches, Scatter Close 3 acres 31 perches, Upper and Lower Ridge Flatt 3 acres, and allotment 3 roods, with house, outhouses, yards and gardens, etc. Consideration £1900 26 & 27 Aug 1829 - 1829
189 - Appointment by William Longsdon, lately resident at Charles Town, South Carolina, but now of Little Longstone, gent., to Peter Longsdon of Manchester and trustee, John Charge of Chesterfield, for £50, of close called Gregory Croft 1 rood [rod] 3 perches, with covenant against erecting a building which could be converted to a dwelling house with penalty of £500 23 Dec 1829 - 1829
190 - Charge by William Longsdon of Little Longstone, gent., releasing to trustees of James Longsdon Scratter Allotment, Scratter Close, and Upper and Lower Ridge Flatts on 500 years lease at peppercorn rent, to be void if William's executors pay £500 to Henry John Longsdon at end of 12 calendar months after William's death if Henry John is of age, if not then on attaining his majority 17 Oct 1833 Endorsed with note of release by deed poll on 10 Jun 1876 - 1833-1876
191 - Attested copy of lease and release of 25 & 26 Oct 1830 by James Furniss of Great Longstone, labourer, and Martin Furniss of Little Longstone, labourer, to John Thornhill and trustees, reciting that James and Martin are seised in joint tenancy of freehold and copyhold messuages under will of Martin Furniss of Great Longstone, carpenter - (25-26 Oct 1830)
192-196 - Copy extract from will of Martin Furness of Great Longstone 1786, with agreements to sell or let, receipts and covering letter 1833 - 1833
197-198 - Lease and release by Martin Furniss of Little Longstone, labourer, and trustees to William Longsdon of Little Longstone, gent., for £105, of messuage, stable and yard in Little Longstone 29 & 30 May 1833 - 1833
199-200 - Lease and release by Bernard John Wake of Sheffield, gent., and trustee, to William Wager of Great Longstone, gent., and trustee, for £350, of close in Great Longstone 22 acres 3 roods [rods] 8 perches, bounded on north and east by land of Richard Arkwright and on south by second close, Clint Quarry allotment 13 acres 1 rood 22 perches in Little Longstone, Clint Quarry itself bounded on south by Scratter Road 14 & 15 Nov 1828 - 1828
201-202 - Lease and release by William Wager of Great Longstone to William Longsdon of Little Longstone, esq., for £240, of New Close 2 acres 3 roods [rods] 22 perches in Little Longstone 15 & 16 Mar 1837 - 1837
203-204 - Lease and release by William Wager to William Longsdon for £400 of allotment in Great Longstone of 22 acres 3 roods [rods] 8 perches, bounded on north and east by lands of Richard Arkwright, together with Clint Quarry allotment lying on south, itself bounded on south by Scratter Lane 15 & 16 Mar 1837 - 1837
205 - Bond in £240 by William Wager to William Londsdon against claim of dower in New Close by Wager's wife 16 Mar 1837 - 1837
206 - Bond in £240 by William Wager to William Longsdon as warranty of title to New Close bought by Wager from John Thomas Wright 30 Nov 1839 - 1839
207-208 - Lease and release by Matthew Henry Longsdon of William Street, Great Suffolk Street, Surrey, hatter, and George Ekins, gent., of Southwick Bridge Road, Surrey, surviving trustees and executors of David Longsdon, late of South Street Terrace, Rye Lane, Peckham, parish of Camberwell, Surrey, gent., to William Longsdon of Little Longstone, reciting David Longsdon's will charging property in Little Longstone inherited from brother, Anthony Longsdon, with payment of annuity of £100 to wife Sarah and 2 annuities during Sarah's life of £25 each to daughters, Sarah wife of George Ekins, and Mary Longsdon, and providing for sale of property at Sarah's death; now conveying messuage, outbuildings and garden in Little Longstone, 1 rood [rod] 8 perches, for £320 20 & 21 Jun 1837 - 1837
209 - Abstract of tithe opening with will of Thomas Longsdon, elder, gent. leaving messuage and closes to son, Anthony Longsdon, 1780; inquisition into lunacy of Anthony Longsdon late of Manchester, merchant, then residing at Cheetham [Lancashire] without lucid intervals so that he was incapable from Apr 1817 of governing himself or his property, cause unknown, David Longsdon of Southwark, Surrey, carner, eldest brother and heir in law, David and Peter Longsdon of Ardwick, Lancashire, dyer, only brothers of full blood and next of kin - 1837
210 - Release by James Longsdon of Little Longstone gent., to William Longsdon of Little Longstone, esq., for £15, of plot of land, 13 perches, with carthouse in Little Longstone, bought from executors of David Longsdon, sketch plan insert 4 Jan 1842 - 1842
211 - Smith purchase: Deed of gift by Martha Jackson of Edgware Road, Paddington, Middlesex, widow, to William Smith of Stanning Lane, London, hosier, of messuage and small garden in Little Longsdon. Consideration, natural love and affection and 5s 1 Jul 1800 - 1800
212 - Smith purchase: Release by Henry Smith of New Street, Kennington, Surrey, gent., to William Longsdon of Little Longstone, esq., of 2 messuages or cottages formerly one, given by Martha Jackson to William, Smith, in Little Longstone, bounded on north by Chesterfield and Hernstone Lane turnpike road through Little Longstone, with piece of land near cottages being allotment 242 in enclosure award, 24 perches, bounded on north by Swallow Road. Consideration £40. 8 Feb 1849 - 1849
212a - Smith purchase: Extract from inclosure award concerning allotment to William Smith - 1800 - 1904
213 - Smith purchase: Acknowledgement by William Hulley that he is William Longsdon's tenant for house that he lives in, 1844 - 1844
214 - Smith purchase: Statement of account, Henry Smith, esq., of Calcutta [Kolkata, India], debtor to William Longsdon esq., of Longstone (Longsdon acting as agent) - 1846-1847
215 - Smith purchase: Copy of Henry Smith's certificate of birth and baptism in 1803, 1849 - 1849
216-217 - Smith purchase: Letters concerning proposed sale 1849 - 1849
218 - Smith purchase: Memorandum by E M Longsdon that cottages pulled down and now part of Park 1904 - 1904
219 - Bargain and sale by Joseph Barton or Little Longstone, framework knitter, and wife Martha to Martin Furniss of Edensor, carpenter, of dwelling house or cottage of 2 bays of building in Little Longstone and half garden to west Consideration £11 5s 26 Mar 1740 - 1740
220-221 - Lease and release by James Furniss of Great Longstone, labourer, and Martin Furniss of Little Longstone, labourer, to John Thornhill and trustees reciting that James and Martin are seised in joint tenancy of freehold and copyhold messuages under will of Martin Furniss of Great Longstone, carpenter, and now release freehold cottage in Little Longstone and dole of freehold land with copyhold close to hold to separate uses to James and Martin Furniss, with inset sketch plan of premises and proposed division 25 & 26 Oct 1830 - 1830
222-223 - Mortgage in £40 by way of lease and release by James Furniss late of Great Longstone, now of Little Longstone, labourer, and trustees, to Jane Finney of Harley, parish Hartington, spinster, of barn, modern dwelling house or cottage partly new erected and partly made out of old building in which James lives, and dole of freehold land c. rood [rod] in middle of copyhold close belonging to James. 5% interest 21 & 22 Nov 1833 - 1833
224-225 - Release by William Wilson of Little Longstone, farmer, and James Bailey of Churchdole, parish Ashford in the Water, farmer, executors of Mary Bailey formerly of Little Longstone, niece of James Bailey, to William Longsdon of Little Longstone, esq., of cottage, barn, garden, and yard (insert plan) in Little Longstone Consideration £100. 18 Jul 1856. With copy will of 28 Jan 1845 of James Furniss leaving, whole estate to natural daughter, Mary Bailey, his child by Elizabeth Bailey later his wife, subject to payment of 2s weekly for 5 years to Rhoda Bottom, natural child of his daughter, Sarah Bottom - 1856
226 - Conveyance, with insert plan, by Revd Henry John Longsdon of Seacroft near Leeds, clerk, married since 1834, to William Longsdon of Little Longsdon, esq., of 2 cottages with garden, yard and outbuildings, 29 perches, and parcel of land, 8 perches, adjoining, formerly part of close called The Croft, and may leave across the Croft into occupation road westward to turnpike. Consideration £132. Premises bought in 1810 from John Thomas Wright 13 Aug 1857 - 1857
227 - Letter from Henry John Longsdon to William Longsdon acknowledging sale of further 62 yards at south east corner of the Croft to be added to former 29 perches making 31 perches in all. Consideration £1 0s 8d at 4d a yard 30 Aug 1858 - 1858
228 - Conveyance by Revd Henry John Longsdon of Seacroft near Lees, clerk to William Longsdon of Little Longstone, esq., of land in Little Longstone, 1 rood 22 perches, formerly part of the Croft, bounded on south by property sold by Henry John to William in 1857. Consideration £38 15s 27 Apr 1859 - 1859
229-232 - Conveyance by Revd Henry John Longsdon of Seacroft near Leeds, clerk, to William Longsdon of Little Longstone, esq., for £2000, of all lands in Little Longstone late in occupation of William Wager in a ring fence, 28 acres 2 roods [rods] 23 perches, bounded on south by Chesterfield and Hernstone Lane Head turnpike, and in part by lands conveyed by Henry John Longsdon to William Longsdon in 1857 and 1859; which lands are, with 1857 and 1859 purchases and 2 parts of the Leys previously conveyed to William Longsdon and formerly held with the Four Leys closes, hereby conveyed, Leys as now into 6 parts divided; messuage formerly described as messuage in occupation of Joseph Higginbotham undertenant to James Longsdon, 3 roods 32 perches, with Backside Close and Hill Close 10 acres 2 roods 29 perches. Insert plan and schedule of land. 25 Mar 1861. 3 letters on conveyance Feb-May 1861 - 1861
233 - Post obit covenant by William Longsdon of Little Longsdon, esq., to Revd Henry John Longsdon that William's executors will pay Henry John on 26 Mar within 4 years of William's death £2000 with 3½ interest in interval, secured as charge on 28 acres 2 roods [rods] 33 perches held in ring fence by William Wager. 25 Mar 1861. Memorandum of payment of £200 in part payment of capital, 30 Sep 1873. Further memorandum of clearance of charge by Henry John Longsdon by deed poll of 10 Jun 1876 - 1861-1876
234-235 - Conveyance by Francis Shaw of Derby, gent., to William Longsdon of Little Longstone, esq., of Gregory Croft, Little Longstone, 1 rood, 30 perches, reciting that James Longsdon late of Little Longstone Barmaster of High Peak gave real estate to daughter, Selina Ann, wife of Francis Shaw and at her death to her husband. Consideration £80. Schedule of deeds 7 Oct 1874 - 1874
236-237 - Release, and abstract of conveyance, by John Gardom of Tideswell, gent., William Wager of Great Longstone, gent., and John Harrison of Bakewell, gent., surviving trustees of will of James Longsdon, to Henry John Longsdon of Trinity College, Cambridge, gent., of estates remaining unsold: 2 messuages or dwellinghouses with 2 gardens and croft 3 roods [rods] 22 perches, Backside close and land formerly called Hill Close or Finney's Pasture 10 acres 10 roods 29 perches, and closes called the Leys, formerly divided into 6 parts, 2 of which were sold to William Longsdon, and remainder of which now known as Square Leys 6 acres 19 perches, Long Leys 2 acres 37 perches, The Leys or Upper Square Leys 6 acres 1 rood 29 perches, and Plumpton or Upper Middle Leys 2 acres 1 rood, in occupation of William Wager, and also dole of freehold land on South of copyhold close Finn Leys about 1 rood in manor of Ashford, and freehold land on south of copyhold close called Finn Pasture 2 acres 3 roods 19 perches in manor of Ashford, with covenant to transfer copyhold at next convenient manor court - 3 Apr 1847
236-276 - Estate of Henry John Longsdon, and of Trust Under Will of William Longsdon, 1847-1907
238 - Settlement on marriage of 1) Revd Henry John late of Burnham Deepdale near Lynn, Norfolk, clerk, and 2) Frances Dorothea Lace, between 1, 2 and 3) Frances Dorothea's father, Francis John Lace of Ingthorpe Grange near Skipton, Yorkshire, esq., and trustees, William Crofts of Middle Temple, barrister at law, and John William Lace of University College, Oxford, esq., Francis John Lace assigns £1000 to trustees and Henry John Longsdon assigns life assurance policy with Metropolitan Assurance Office of £999 from 1 Jul 1850 at annual premium of £21. 19s 6d which Henry John pledges himself to keep up. Trustees to hold £1000 to use of Henry John and Frances Dorothea and survivor of them for life with power of appointment jointly or singly by survivor, in default of which to children equally; in default of children £1000 to follow Intestacy Acts to such person as would have succeeded Frances Dorothea if she had died single and intestate. Trustees to hold insurance policy if Henry John survives wife without children to use of his heirs and assigns, but if Frances Dorothea survives, then in trust for her 22 Dec 1851 Endorsed with note of re-investment of £1,000 in mortgage 17 Nov 1862 - 1851-1862
239 - Probate of will of 24 Feb 1874 of William Longsdon of Little Longstone, esq., appointing nephews Revd Henry John Longsdon of Seacroft Parsonage near Leeds, clerk, and Edward Smithers of Little Longstone, gent., and friends John Taylor of Bakewell, solicitor, and Robert Thornhill of Longstone, gent., his executors and trustees, to hold all real estate to which William entitled as trustee or mortgagee subject to respective equities: leaving watch to son Charles James Longsdon of Coleta, Whiteside County, Illinois, N America, agriculturalist; books, pictures, engravings, plate, consumable household stores, furniture and effects to Revd Henry John Longsdon absolutely; residuary personal estate to trustees to sell, but with liberty to continue in any existing investment no matter how hazardous. £1050 to Charles James Longsdon or American railway shares to nominal amount of 10,000 dollars free of English duty at Charles James' direction. Small pecuniary legacies including £10 to be distributed in clothing or furniture before the winter succeeding William's death to the neediest poor inhabitants of Little Longstone. All real estate to trustees for 10 years from Lady Day after death, to use of Henry John Longsdon for life and after his death to use of each successively by seniority of sons of Henry John Longsdon born during William's life, after the death of each such son to use of his sons in tail male, with reversion to daughters of Henry John Longsdon successively in seniority in tail male, in default of which to William's right heirs. Trustees to hold land for 10 years in trust to pay £100 yearly for insurance of house at £1000 and maintenance and improvement of property, and £100 yearly free of death duty to Charles James Longsdon for 10 years or till death or bankruptcy with remainder to Henry John Longsdon or if he is dead as part of his personal, residual estate. Every male tenant for life is empowered to appoint a rentcharge of £75 yearly during life or widowhood for spouse's jointure, but no rentcharge is to take effect until the earlier has ceased, annuity is not exceed £75. Trustees to hold to use of Henry John Longsdon on condition that he releases to other executors a security for £500 and one of 26 Mar 1861 for £2000 within 6 months. If securities not released limitation to Henry John Longsdon for life ceases and subsequent limitations are accelerated, provided that every tenant for life not bearing name or arms of Longsdon shall take them within 2 years of becoming tenant or attaining majority or wife attaining majority; tenants named Longsdon must continue use of the name and arms; failure to comply with conditions ends limitation and accelerates further limitations. Trustees to use accumulating trust fund for purchase of real property to follow settlement to William by Henry John Longsdon in 1861 within 10 years if necessary to raise cash; Henry John free to buy it 28 Mar 1876 Codicil of 26 Feb 1874 empowering trustees and life tenant to sell or exchange any property for acquisition of new property to be settled on same trusts Codicil of 11 Dec 1874 empowering trustees to pay income in 10 year term as Henry John Longsdon's personal residual estate if Henry John is dead Trustees' note of 22 Apr 1903 of mortgage of 13 Apr 1903 by Henry Crofts Longsdon of Thorncroft, Keighley of premises comprised in settlement - 1876 - 1903
240 - Wheatley purchase: Release by James Longsdon of Little Longstone, gent., to John Harrison of Bakewell, gent., and trustee, of parcel of land at Little Longstone on north of turnpike road, 1 rood [rod] 18 perches (inset sketch plan) sold by David Longsdon's executors in 1837 Consideration £37. 1 Mar 1842 - 1842
241 - Wheatley purchase: Conveyance by Jane Barker of Manchester, widow, Samuel Harrison of Stretford, Lancs., yeoman, and trustee Alfred Lloyd Hardman of Manchester, gent., of parcel of land on north side of turnpike road in Little Longstone, 1 rood [rod] 18 perches, to Thomas Edward Wheatley of Manchester, cabinet maker, reciting conveyance to John Harrison 1842, mortgage with other premises in £250 to Jane Barker 1850, conveyed to Samuel Harrison and trustee subject to mortgage 1851. Consideration £45 to Jane Barker, and 10s each to Harrison and trustee 1 Mar 1842 - 1842
242 - Wheatley purchase: Conveyance by Thomas Edward Wheatley of Ledbury, Herefordshire, gent., to Revd Henry John Longsdon of Seacroft, Yorkshire, clerk, Edward Smithers of Little Longstone, esq., John Taylor of Bakewell, solicitor, and Robert Thornhill of Great Longstone, gent., trustees of will of William Longsdon late of Little Longstone, gent., who died 4 Mar 1876, will and codicils proved 28 Mar 1876, of parcel of land at Little Longstone 1 rood [rod] 18 perches (inset plan) Consideration £70 29 Apr 1876 - 1876
243 - Agreement between Revd Henry John Longsdon vicar of Seacroft near Leeds, clerk, and Jasper Wager of Great Longstone, commercial traveller and Andrew Wager of Hartington, farmer, reciting agreement of 12 Sep 1828 between trustees of will of James Longsdon and William Longsdon and others to charge certain recited lands to be purchased by William with £500 to be paid to infant nephew Henry John Longsdon, conveyance of 3 and 4 Apr 1829 and charge of 17 Oct 1833, reciting that Jasper and Andrew Ager are executors of last surviving trustee, William Wager, reciting charge of 26 Mar 1861 of £2000 on other lands purchased from Revd Henry John Longsdon and payment of £200 on account on 30 Sep 1873 and also reciting will of William Longsdon appointing trustees to hold to use of Henry John Longsdon on certain remainders, subject to release and discharge by Henry John Lomgsdon of William Longsdon's estate of 2 separate charges; now Henry John Longsdon with consent of his trustees' representatives releases and discharges William Longsdon's estate of said charges. 10 Jun 1876 - 1876
244 - Appointment by Revd Henry John Longsdon of a jointure, being a rentcharge of £75, to his wife, Frances Dorothea Longsdon, under the trusts of William Longsdon's will 8 Aug 1876 - 1876
245-246 - Lease on yearly basis by Revd H J Longsdon of Seacroft Vicarage, Yorkshire and other trustees to James Orr of Great Longstone of land and tenements specified in schedule, reserving timber, minerals, game, and right to inspect and repair fences; £200 yearly rent. Schedule of fields, altered. Signed plan, scale 1/2500. Heavily annotated 31 Mar 1877 - 1877
247-249 - Counterpart lease on yearly tenancy by Revd H J Longsdon of Keighley Vicarage, Yorkshire and other trustees to Emannuel Hawley of Great Longstone of lands and tenants specified in schedule, reserving timber, minerals, game, and right to inspect and repair fences; £74 yearly rent; Tomlinsons Croft, Lower Square Leys, Long Leys, Plumpton Upper Square Leys, Finney Pasture, Cow House, 28 acres 3 roods [rods] 5 perches. Plan 1 Dec 1877 Letter of 1883 - 1877-1883
250 - Counterpart quarrying lease for 4 years from 18 Feb 1882 by Revd Henry John Longsdon and other trustees to William Millington and Joshua Millington both of Calver, quarrymen, of piece of land in Little Longstone 1 acre 3 roods [rods] 19 perches to quarry chertstone and deposit refuse on second piece of land 5s yearly rent and 2 6d royalty on every ton of chert. In any year in which rents do not amount to £25 lessors may give 3 months notice. Lessees may give 3 months notice to expire on 30 Jun next. Inset plan 18 Feb 1882 - 1882
251 - Counterpart quarrying lease from 5 May last until 25 Mar 1886 by Revd Henry John Longsdon and other trustees to William Millington and Joshua Millington of land adjoining land in lease of 1882. Terms as in 1882 lease except that lessees may give 3 months notice ending 29 Sep next. Inset plan 30 May 1884 - 1884
252 - Warburton purchase: Bargain and sale by Thomas Gregory of Darley, parish clerk, to William Furniss of Little Longstone, yeoman, of messuage in Little Longstone and allotment on the Scratter. Consideration £35. 1 Mar 1822 - 1822
253 - Warburton purchase: Conveyance by Henry Brown of Sheffield, brewer, and wife Sythe, to Arthur Thomas of Sheffield, gent., trustees for Peter Furniss late of Little Longstone; reciting William Furniss' purchase, demolition and rebuilding of messuage with stable, and devise of same to children Sythe and Peter jointly; now Sythe and husband agree to sell to Arthur Thomas for £35 paid by Peter Furniss their moiety, and Peter grants his moiety also to Thomas to hold the whole to the use of Peter 26 Jan 1866 - 1866
254 - Warburton purchase: Mortgage in £100 by Peter Furniss of 36 Clarence Street, Broomhill, Sheffield, labourer, to Thomas Hallows late of Whittington now of Chelford near Congleton, Cheshire, schoolmaster, of messuage in Little Longstone. 5% interest 26 Oct 1869. Endorsed with reconveyance 1 Jan 1878 - 1878
255 - Warburton purchase: Receipt by Thomas Hallows for £102. 10s principal and interest paid by Peter Furniss 25 Oct 1873 - 1873
256 - Warburton purchase: Conveyance by executors of Hannah Warburton deceased to Revd Henry John Longsdon and other trustees of messuage in Little Longstone to hold on trusts expressed in will of William Longsdon. Consideration £121. Inset plan. 27 Sep 1891 - 1891
257-265 - Warburton purchase: Copy wills of William Furniss, 7 Jun 1850, and Peter Furniss, 14 Apr 1881, and other papers 1891
266-267 - Warburton purchase: Abstract of title opening 1866 of trustees under will of Mrs Hannah Warburton, who inherited through her husband, William Warburton, grandfather of Loise, daughter of Peter Furniss by his wife Harriet, nee Warburton; and observations on title 1891
268 - Lease by the year by Revd Henry John Longsdon and other trustees to William Hadfield and Samuel Hadfield, both of Edale, of land at Castleton, formerly part of the Flatts; £55 yearly rent. Plan. 6 Apr 1896 - 1896
269-272 - Conveyance by George Thomas Wright of Longstone Hall, esq., to Revd Henry John Longsdon of Bakewell, clerk, and John Taylor of farmhouse and 4 closes of land in Little Longstone, Flatdale close 2 acres 2 perches, Dale Close 2 acres 2 roods [rods] 34 perches, The Pastures and Mere 1 acre 3 roods 34 perches, and Stackyard 1 rood 6 perches to hold to uses of will of William Longsdon. Consideration £955. Inset plan. 25 Nov 1897. Abstract of title, and covenant to produce deeds. 1897 - 1897
273 - Conveyance by Duke of Devonshire to Revd Henry John Longsdon of Bakewell of 3 closes in Little Longstone, Dunstone Pingle 3 roods 10 [rods] perches, Upper Cowp and Hill Dale Close 1 acre 2 roods 23 perches, and Cowp Close 1 acre 1 rood 21 perches, reserving mineral rights 14 Jul 1898 - 1898
274 - Conveyance by Revd Henry John Longsdon to trustees under will of William Longsdon of property purchased in 7 Dec 1899 - 1899
275 - General release by Revd Henry John Longsdon of fellow trustees, of ten year trust, together with summary schedules of receipt and expenditure 26 May 1886 - 1886
276 - General release of surviving trustee by Henry Crofts Longsdon, tenant for life, and certificate by Ernest Morewood Longsdon, land agent, as adviser to trustees from 1896, with statement of general position in 1886 subsequent changes 21 May 1900 - 1886-1900
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