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Collapse D3187 - Wessington title deedsD3187 - Wessington title deeds
1 - Probate of the will of Jonathan Willott of Heage, farmer, made 24 Dec 1832, proved 9 Oct 1833 - 1833
2 - Probate of the will of Joseph Willott of Heage, farmer, made 17 Jan 1834, proved 9 Apr 1834 - 1834
3 - Receipt of Jonathan Willott for the legacy made to him by his father, as in D3187/1, 7 Jan 1835 - 1835
4 - Deed of partition between George Willott and Jonathan Willott, whereby George receives a messuage and several closes of land in Duffield and £314 8s 9d, and Jonathan receives a moiety of a house and land in Heage, and a third share of 2 messuages and several closes of land in Wessington, 31 Jul 1835 - 1835
5 - Deed of mortgage by lease and release from Jonathan Willott to William Wragg, of an undivided third part of 2 messuages and several closes of land containing 171 acres at Wessington Hay in Wessington, to secure £750 and interest, 22-23 May 1839 - 1839
6 - Deed of further charge from Jonathan Willott to William Wragg, of property as in D3187/5, to secure £450 and interest - 29 Apr 1842
7 - Declaration of Lydia Spencer, concerning the heirship of her brother-in-law George Willott, 12 Apr 1851 - 1851
8 - Deed of reconveyance from William Wragg to Jonathan Willott, of an undivided third part of 2 messuages and several closes of land containing 171 acres at Wessington Hay in Wessington, in consideration of the repayment of £1200 and interest, 4 Aug 1852 - 1852
9-10 - Deed of partition between Gervase Cressy Hall, George Willott and Jonathan Willott, relating to properties in Wessington Hay in the parish of Crich, whereby Gervase is to hold several closes of land containing 63 acres 9 perches, George is to hold a messuage called Foxes House and several closes of land containing 55 acres 15 perches, and Jonathan is to hold a messuage and several closes of land containing 51 acres 2 roods 35 perches, 11 Aug 1852, with copy - 1852
11 - Certificate of the Commissioners for taking the acknowledgments of deeds by married women, relating to the production of title deeds by Phoebe, wife of George Willott, 11 Aug 1852 - 1852
12 - Deed of covenant for the production of title deeds between Gervase Cressy Hall, George Willott and Jonathan Willott, relating to properties as in D3187/9, 13 Aug 1852 - 1852
13 - Deed of mortgage in fee from Jonathan Willott to William Wragg, of a messuage called Foxe's House, a messuage recently built by Willott, and several closes of land containing 41 acres at Wessington Hay in Wessington, to secure £750 and interest, 13 Aug 1852 - 1852
14 - Copy probate will of Jonathan Willott of Stretton in the parish of Shirland, made 3 Jan 1867, proved 8 Apr 1867 - 1867
15 - Abstract of title of the devisee and mortgagee of the late Jonathan Willott to an estate at Wessington Hay (1783-1852) - 1867
16 - Deed of conveyance from William Wragg and others to Luke Cockayne, of a messuage called Foxe's House and several closes of land at Wessington Hay, in consideration of the repayment of £750 and interest (£852 1s 7d in total) as in D3187/13, including plan, 19 Oct 1867 - 1867
17 - Deed of covenant for the production of title deeds between William Wragg and Luke Cockayne, relating to properties as in D3187/16, 19 Oct 1867 - 1867
18 - Declaration of Mary Cockayne, widow, concerning the heirship of the late Luke Cockayne, including several attached registration certificates, 17 Aug 1880 - 1880
19 - Abstract of title of Luke Cockayne to hereditaments at Wessington Hay (1867-1880) - 1882
20 - Deed of mortgage from William Cockayne to Erasmus Ramsden, of a messuage called Foxes House and several closes of land containing 41 acres at Wessington Hay in Wessington, to secure £700 and interest, 5 Apr 1882 - 1882
21 - Deed of transfer of mortgage from Erasmus Ramsden and William Cockayne to Joseph Kitchingman, of property as in D3187/20, in consideration of £737 19s 4d, 18 Nov 1887 - 1887
22 - Deed of conveyance of the equity of redemption from William Cockayne to Joseph Kitchingman, of property as in D3187/20, in consideration of £781 11s 10d, 26 Jun 1891 - 1891