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Collapse D3184 - Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Electric Power Company Ltd (1901-1948) and East Midlands Electricity Board (1948-1990) - 1901-1963D3184 - Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Electric Power Company Ltd (1901-1948) and East Midlands Electricity Board (1948-1990) - 1901-1963
Collapse M - Power Company records - 1901-1963M - Power Company records - 1901-1963
Collapse 1 - Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Electric Power Co Ltd - 1901-19631 - Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Electric Power Co Ltd - 1901-1963
Expand 1 - Derby & Notts 1:  Financial Files nos 5-23 - 1935-19401 - Derby & Notts 1: Financial Files nos 5-23 - 1935-1940
Expand 2 - Derby & Notts 6:  Contracts (Special Supply) Correspondence and maps re contracts for electric lines supply - 1941-19482 - Derby & Notts 6: Contracts (Special Supply) Correspondence and maps re contracts for electric lines supply - 1941-1948
Expand 3 - Derby & Notts 7:    Contracts (Electric Lines Supply) - 1942-19473 - Derby & Notts 7: Contracts (Electric Lines Supply) - 1942-1947
Expand 4 - Derby & Notts 8:  Special Contracts - 1937-19434 - Derby & Notts 8: Special Contracts - 1937-1943
Expand 5 - Derby & Notts 9: Special Contracts - 1941-19445 - Derby & Notts 9: Special Contracts - 1941-1944
Expand 6 - Derby & Notts 10: Agreements - 1922-19476 - Derby & Notts 10: Agreements - 1922-1947
Expand 7 - Derby & Notts 13: Agreements Correspondence and agreements of Leicestershire and Warwickshire Electric Power Co - 1914-19317 - Derby & Notts 13: Agreements Correspondence and agreements of Leicestershire and Warwickshire Electric Power Co - 1914-1931
Expand 8 - Derby & Notts 28: Contracts not approved - 1935-19398 - Derby & Notts 28: Contracts not approved - 1935-1939
Collapse 9 - Derby & Notts 32: Miscellaneous - 1938-19459 - Derby & Notts 32: Miscellaneous - 1938-1945
Expand 1 - Contracts - 1938-19451 - Contracts - 1938-1945
2 - Miscellaneous (file 139) Correspondence re supply agreements under Emergency Powers (Defence) Act 1939 Concentraction of Industry Scheme, location of industry (restriction). Statutory Rules and Orders: 1941 no 1100 {Location of Industry (Restriction)}, 1941 no 1101{ Location of Industry - General Licence },1941 no 1277 { General Control of Industry}, 1942 no 2072 { Location of Industry (Restriction)}, 1942 no 2468 { Location of Retain Business - General Licence}. Concentration of Industry Scheme - suspension of electricity supply agreements. Blank supply agreement - 1941-1944
3 - Miscellaneous (file 140) Correspondence on coal price orders, coal stocks, coal contracts - war damage clause 1940, revised coal clause 1941-1942, demurrage re coal wagons 1942. 9th Report from the Select Committee on National Expenditure 1940. Circulated extracts of correspondence re coal for public utilities 1941. The Storage of Coal for Industrial Purposes by R A A Taylor, Fuel Research Station, Dept of Scientific and Industrial Research (pamphlet) [1943]. Statutory Rules and Orders: 1939 no 1557 Coal Prices, 1940 no 270 Coal Supply, 1940 no 628 Coal (Treatment and Use), 1940 no 825 Coal (Records), 1940 no 1062 Retail Coal Prices, 1940 no 1240 Mines and Coal (Records and Information), 1941 no 688 Wholesale Coal Prices, 1941 no 789 Retail Coal Prices, 1941 no 1520 Retail Coal Prices, 1941 no 1570 Coal Mines, 1942 no 945 Coal Supply, 1942 no 1082 Coal (Charges), 1942 no 1315 Coal (Charges), 1942 no 1505 Coal (Charges), 1942 no 1898 Coal (Charges). - 1939-1943
4 - Spondon Power Station security and anti- sabotage arrangements including Notes for guidance of the approved authority in charge of a protected place Nov 1941 (file 141) - 1942
5 - Miscellaneous (file 142) The Control of Machine Tools (Electrical Equipment) Order 1941. Machinery, Plant and Appliances (Control) Order 1942. Correspondence re tools etc 1940-1941. Statutory Rules and Orders: 1941 no 1864 Machine Tools (Electrical Equipment), 1942 no 1 Machinery, Plant and Appliances, 1942 no 1163 Second-hand Plant (Control of Prices), 1942 no 1175 Machinery, Plant and Appliances, 1942 no 1652 Machinery, Plant and Appliances- Licence, 1942 no 1653 Machinery, Plant and Appliances, 1942 no 2360 Machinery, Plant and Appliances- Licence, 1942 no 2487 Machinery, Plant and Appliances, 1942 no 2489 Office Machinery, 1943 no 536 Machinery, Plant and Appliances, 1943 no 1166 Machinery, Plant and Appliances, 1943 no 1353 Electrical Transformers, 1945 no 631 Machinery, Plant and Appliances, 1943 no 1537 Manufactured Articles (Electrical Equipment), 1945 no 631 Machinery, Plant and Appliances. - 1940-1945
6 - Defence (General) Regulations no 55 - contractors' plant including Statutory Rules and Orders 1942 no 57 General Control of Industry (file 143) - 1942
Expand 10 - Derby & Notts 33: Acts and Orders of the Company - 1946-194710 - Derby & Notts 33: Acts and Orders of the Company - 1946-1947
Expand 11 - Journal vouchers and audit papers - 1928-193711 - Journal vouchers and audit papers - 1928-1937
Expand 12 - Derby & Notts 37: Miscellaneous copies of Bill and Acts - 1902-193012 - Derby & Notts 37: Miscellaneous copies of Bill and Acts - 1902-1930
Expand 13 - Derby and Notts 38: Bills and other legal documents - 1920-193213 - Derby and Notts 38: Bills and other legal documents - 1920-1932
Expand 14 - Derby & Notts 46: Contracts - 1944-194814 - Derby & Notts 46: Contracts - 1944-1948
Expand 15 - Derby & Notts 47: Contracts Electric Lines Supply - 1930-193615 - Derby & Notts 47: Contracts Electric Lines Supply - 1930-1936
Expand 16 - Derby & Notts 48: Contracts Electric Lines Supply - 1919-192616 - Derby & Notts 48: Contracts Electric Lines Supply - 1919-1926
Expand 17 - Derby & Notts 49: Contracts (Financial Accounts) - 1932-193817 - Derby & Notts 49: Contracts (Financial Accounts) - 1932-1938
Expand 18 - Derby & Notts 55: Acquisition of non-statutory undertakings - 1937-194418 - Derby & Notts 55: Acquisition of non-statutory undertakings - 1937-1944
Expand 19 - Derby & Notts 56: Acquisition of non-statutory undertakings - 1944-194519 - Derby & Notts 56: Acquisition of non-statutory undertakings - 1944-1945
Expand 20 - Derby & Notts 58: North Derbyshire Electricity (Extension) Special Order - 1932-194520 - Derby & Notts 58: North Derbyshire Electricity (Extension) Special Order - 1932-1945
Expand 21 - Derby & Notts 59: Ilkeston Lighting and Trams - 1915-192321 - Derby & Notts 59: Ilkeston Lighting and Trams - 1915-1923
Expand 22 - Derby & Notts 60: Miscellaneous (mainly lighting orders) - 1906-192722 - Derby & Notts 60: Miscellaneous (mainly lighting orders) - 1906-1927
Expand 23 - Derby & Notts 62: Miscellaneous - 1905-193223 - Derby & Notts 62: Miscellaneous - 1905-1932
Expand 24 - Derby & Notts 74: Agreements with Consumers - 1926-194624 - Derby & Notts 74: Agreements with Consumers - 1926-1946
Expand 25 - Derby & Notts 75: Agreements with Consumers - 1929-194625 - Derby & Notts 75: Agreements with Consumers - 1929-1946
Expand 26 - Derby & Notts: Cost of production 1935-1940, Adjustment of accounts 1935-1940 - 1934-194026 - Derby & Notts: Cost of production 1935-1940, Adjustment of accounts 1935-1940 - 1934-1940
Expand 27 - Derby & Notts: Electricity in North Derbyshire - 1931-193227 - Derby & Notts: Electricity in North Derbyshire - 1931-1932
Expand 28 - Contracts - 1904-194728 - Contracts - 1904-1947
Expand 29 - Contracts - 1901-193029 - Contracts - 1901-1930
Expand 30 - Papers and photographs re compensation case - 1942-194430 - Papers and photographs re compensation case - 1942-1944
Expand 31 - East Midlands Electricity Board Area Board Memos and Circulars - 1948-195531 - East Midlands Electricity Board Area Board Memos and Circulars - 1948-1955
Expand 32 - Summary of district returns - 1961-196332 - Summary of district returns - 1961-1963