Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse D3155 - Wilmot-Horton family of Osmaston and Catton - [late 13th cent]-1985D3155 - Wilmot-Horton family of Osmaston and Catton - [late 13th cent]-1985
Expand C - Correspondence - 1605-1881C - Correspondence - 1605-1881
Expand CROXALL - 'Croxall' Title Deeds - 1343-1508CROXALL - 'Croxall' Title Deeds - 1343-1508
Expand J - Title Deeds - as listed by I. H. Jeayes in 'Derbyshire Charters' - [late 13th cent]-1529J - Title Deeds - as listed by I. H. Jeayes in 'Derbyshire Charters' - [late 13th cent]-1529
Collapse WH - Wilmot-Horton  - 1301-1985WH - Wilmot-Horton - 1301-1985
Expand A - Title Deeds estate and family Papers - 1307-1955A - Title Deeds estate and family Papers - 1307-1955
Expand B - Bound volumes of letters (1st series) "alphabetical sequence" - 1806-1837B - Bound volumes of letters (1st series) "alphabetical sequence" - 1806-1837
Expand C - Bound volumes of letters (2nd series) "Subject Sequence" - 1807-1898C - Bound volumes of letters (2nd series) "Subject Sequence" - 1807-1898
Expand D - Bound volumes of letters (3rd series) - 1676-1838D - Bound volumes of letters (3rd series) - 1676-1838
Collapse E - Loose letters and unsorted miscellaneous papers - [1547]-1898E - Loose letters and unsorted miscellaneous papers - [1547]-1898
F-G - Numbers not used
Expand H - Rentals - 1822-1956H - Rentals - 1822-1956
Expand I - 'Derbyshire Deeds' Series - 1301-1985I - 'Derbyshire Deeds' Series - 1301-1985
Expand J - Barton-under-Needwood manor court papers - [17th cent]-1911J - Barton-under-Needwood manor court papers - [17th cent]-1911
Expand K - Miscellaneous deeds - [17th cent]K - Miscellaneous deeds - [17th cent]