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Collapse D3155 - Wilmot-Horton family of Osmaston and Catton - [13th cent]-1955D3155 - Wilmot-Horton family of Osmaston and Catton - [13th cent]-1955
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Expand CROXALL - 'Croxall' Title DeedsCROXALL - 'Croxall' Title Deeds
Collapse J - Title Deeds - as listed by I. H. Jeayes in 'Derbyshire Charters'J - Title Deeds - as listed by I. H. Jeayes in 'Derbyshire Charters'
571 - Gift by Hugh de St Crux [ St Croix] and Isabel his wife to Lord Almaric de St Amand and his heirs of a messuage and a virgate of land in Catton, namely that land which Ivo P[ro] portus held of them in villeinage and the said Ivo with all his following goods (sequela) and all his chattels gives also to Almaric and his heirs 3d annual rent which the same [Almaric] was accustomed to pay to them for diverse tenements - [?1272-1307]
572 - Gift by Thomas son of Lord William formerly of Catton, chaplain, to John Leganter [Legamer according to Jeayes but incorrect] of Catton of 2½ acres of his arable land and ½a of meadow in the liberty of Catton of which one half acre of land abutts on Croxall] between the land of Ralph Lecap[er]e on one part and of Richard Helod on the other, an half acre lies on le Vendikes between the land of Stephen Carectar[ius] on one part, and the land of Robert son of Edith on the other, and extending on the Dederode and one acre on Roweditch next to the land of Amicia [Amy]de Curzon on one part, and the land of Robert son of Edith on the other, and contains 4 selions, and half an acre on Porrunhal between the land of William Geffrey on the one part and the land of Robert le Gedie on the other, and half an acre of meadow lying in Hopemor next to the meadow of Ralph le Mowere on the one part, and of Thomas son of William, chaplain, on the other: annual rent of a halfpenny. Witnesses: William Geffrey, Robert le Glov[er]e, John Helod, Robert Helys [Ellis] and many others. No date? Edward I. - [?1272-1307]
573 - Gift by Thomas son of Robert Geffrei of Catton to Henry son of William Geffrey of Catton of a messuage with curtilage in the vill of Catton, which messuage and curtilage lies on le Grene next to the messuage of Thomas, clerk, and 1½a of arable land in the fields of Catton of which ½a lies on Tonghul between the land of Walter atte Grange and the land of Richard Wildy: another ½a lies in Caustede between the land of Stephen le Carter[ius] and the land of William Geffrey and the other ½a lies next to le Wiyenegrene next to the land of Richard Wildy. Witnesses: John le Glov[er]e de Catton, Walter atte Grange of the same place, William Geffrey of the same place, John Helod of the same place, Henry, clerk and others. Sunday next after the feast of St John the Baptist 2 Edward II [29 Jun 1309]. - 1309
574 - Gift by Agnes widow of Walter Geffrey of Catton to John Helote her son his heirs and assigns of a messuage and three acres of arable land and meadow in Catton, namely that messuage which lies between the messuage which Robert Elies held and the highway, and a croft containing ½a which lies between the croft of Robert Elyes and the messuage of Thomas P[er]sum and a rood of Filuresmedue Furlong between the land of John le Glov[er]e and a rood lying in the Holm between the land of Robert Elyes and her land, and ½a lying in Brocfurlong between the land of Walter de Grangia and the land which Robert Elyes held, and ½a lying on Cooscutehall between her land and the land which Robert Piscator held, and a rood lying next to le Gotacre between her land and the land which Robert Elyes held; and two butts lying at Fernyginde between the land of Thomas P[er]sum and the land of John St--- and ½a of meadow lying in the Brodemedue between the meadow which Robert Elyes held and the meadow which Robert Piscator held. Witnesses: Thomas de Glov[er]e --- G--- (illegible) --- de Grangia, Richard le Cursun, John Brakediche and others. Dated ? Sunday next after [damaged] feast of St John the Baptist ? Edward II [30 Jun 1314]. - 1314
575 - Gift by John de Sancto Amando, kt, Lord of Catton in the county of Derby to Henry son of William Geffrey of Catton, for homage and service and £4 which he gave to him, of a messuage and a virgate of land in Catton: annual rent of 7s and suit of court at Catton. Witnesses: Richard Dispensarius, Lord Geoffrey, chaplain, John le Glov[er]e, Walter atte Grange, John Heylot, William Geffrey and many others. Dated Saturday next before the feast of St Margaret the Virgin 11 Edward II [16 Jul 1317]. - 1317
576 - Gift by William son of John le Glover of Catton to Robert de Seale of Elford of 11 acres of arable land and 3 roods of meadow in the fee of Catton of which 3a lie in Brokefurlong in 14 selions there between the land of John son of Geoffrey, chaplain, and the metes and bounds of Coton; one acre lies in the Sichefurlong, one acre lies near Les Blakebuttes, one acre lies near le Claybuttes, ½a lies on la Wallehall, ½a lies on Milnewardesfurlong, one rood lies on Goteacre, one acre lies at Wat[er]galle, one acre lies on Cokshatehil, ½a lies on Fullesmeadow Furlong, one rood in the Le Holm, 3 roods on Ruylond and an acre lies on Ruyelond. Witnesses: William le Curzon of Crok--- [Croxall], --- zon of the same place, John Oky of Catton, John le Glover of the same place, William Waleys of --- and others. Dated Sunday next after the feast of Peter and Paul 1 Edward III [5 Jul 1327]. - 1327
577 - Gift by John Helote, senior, of Catton to Thomas his son of a messuage 3a 1r of arable land and ½a of meadow and 3d annual rent in Catton, namely that issuing from Thomas le P[er]sun and his heirs on Easter Day: which said messuage lies next to the messuage of John Elys and the highway and a croft containing ½a lying between the croft of John Elys and the messuage of Thomas P[er]sum and a rood lies, on Siluresmedue furlong between the land of William le Glovere and the land of John le Glovere and a rood lies in le Holm between the land of John Elys and the land of William le Glovere, and ½a lies on Brokfurlong between the land of Robert Friber and the land of John Elys, and ½a lies on Coksutehull between the land of William le Glovere and the land of Nicholas Piscator, and a rood lies near le Gotaker between the land of William le Glovere and the land of John Elys and two butts lying near Fernusende between the lands of Thomas Persun and the land of John Scot, and a rood lying on Reyeland between the land of Thomas Persun and the land of William le Glovere and ½a lying on Syytenakres between the land of John le Glovere and the land of Henry Geffrey, and ½a lying in the Brodemedue between the meadow of John Elys and the meadow of Nicholas Piscator. Witnesses: John Oky, Richard le Cursun, John son of John le Glovere, John Helot, Henry Geffrey, John Elys, Roger Symenel and others. Dated Saturday next after feast of St Michaels 2 Edward III [1 Oct 1328]. - 1328
579 - Gift by William son of Walter Geffrey of Catton to Thomas son of Nicholas le Fysshere, William son of Henry Geffrey and Robert son of Nicholas le Fysshere of Catton of a messuage with croft adjacent in Catton, which messuage lies between the messuage and land of Hugh le Kyng and the messuage of Mabill le Maister, and the croft lying between the land of Henry Geffrey on one part and the land of Hugh le Kyng on the other, and extending from the Green as far as the wood in length. Witnesses: John Oky of Lyncon, Henry Geffrey, William le Glover, Nicholas le Pyshere, Richard Helot and others. Dated Tuesday next before the feast of St George, 23 Edward III [21 Apr 1349]. - 1349
580 - Gift by John Oky to William le Glovere of ½a of meadow in the fee of Catton lying in the Brodemedeue on the Le Hurstes next to the meadow of William Geffrey on one part and the meadow of Matill[da] daughter of Hugh le Smyth on the other, in exchange for a certain half acre of meadow in Oxmormedewe. Witnesses: John le Glovere, Thomas le Fyshere, William Geffrey, William le Glovere, Richard ? Mark of Croxhal fassone and others. Monday, feast of the Exultation of St Crux 29 Edward III [14 Sep 1355]. - 1355
581 - Gift by Margery Bailey of Catton to Ralph de Hartshorne, Vicar of the church of Croxall, and John Pym of Catton, of all his messuages, lands, tenements, rents and services which he has in Catton except for a cottage with curtilage called the Neweyard in the same vill. Witnesses: William de Curzon, Lord of Croxall, Richard de Rugeley, senior, William Geffrey of Catton, Richard Smith of the same place, John Presttessone [Priestson] of the same place and others. Dated Sunday next after the feast of Purif ication of BVM 1 Henry IV [8 Feb 1400]. - 1400
582 - Gift by Ralph de Hartshorne vicar of the church of Croxall and John Pym of Catton to Margery Baylly of Catton for life to all their messuages, lands and tenements, rents and services in Catton which they formerly held by charter by the gift and feoffment of the said Margery after the death of Margery, the remainder to Henry Prest of Catton and Matilda his wife and their legal issue, with reversion to the right heirs of Margery Baylly in default of such issue. Witnesses: William Curzon, Lord of Croxall, William Gardin[er] of Walton, William Gefferey of Catton, John Prestessone of the same place, John Prest of Alrewas and others. Dated Sunday next after the feast of St Valentine 1 Henry IV [15 Feb 1400]. - 1400
583 - Power of attorney by Alianora who was wife of Lord Almarci de St Amando kt to John Cherteseys, Richard Parker and John Yoxhale to take possession of her manors of Saint Elene iuxta Abyndon and Eton iuxta Comenore and a messuage and a carucate of land and £10 rent in Chilton and Eton (Berkshire) and the manor of Dudlicote and Childeston (Oxon) and the manor of Nethirhavene and Hakleston (Wiltshire) and the manors of Southcerneye and Cernewyke in Gloucestershire, and the manor of Catton-on-Trent, Derbyshire, which said manors etc were granted to Alianora and Almarco by fine at the Court of Kings Bench, day after Ascension Day 3 Henry IV, by Henry Ingepenne, William Tuderley and Philip Shepiere. Dated 31 July 3 Henry IV [1402]. - 1402
584 - Quitclaim by John Prustesson of Catton and Matilda his wife to John Hugge of Catton and Matilda his wife of a parcel of land in Caton called the Orchard. Witnesses: John Pymme of Catton, Henry Prust of the same, Thomas Niks of the same and others. Dated Thursday next after the feast of the Annunc BVM 6 Henry IV [26 Mar 1405]. - 1405
585 - Gift by John Prustesson of Catton to John Hugge of Catton and Matilda his wife of a parcel of land called the Orchard in the vill of Catton lying between the tenement of John Prustesson on the one part and the tenement of Thomas Niks on the other and extending in length near the highway as the metes and bounds mark out - 1405
586 - Indenture between parties as WH 584 and 585 - John Hugge, Matilda and their heirs to pay to John Prustesson an annual rent of 8d for the orchard. Witnesses: Henry Prust of Catton, John Pymme of the same, Thomas Niks of the same and others. Dated Monday next after the Invenc of St Crux 6 Henry IV [4 May 1405]. - 1405
587 - Quitclaim by Thomas Peyure, Geoffray Ippelpenne, Henry Durneford, clerk, and Edward Dannvers to Alianore late wife of Almarci de St Amando kt of the manor of Catton-on-Trent. Witnesses: John Hyde, Thomas Abburbery, John Coterov[er], William Coventre, William Dancastre and others. Dated 12 July 6 Henry IV [1405]. - 1405
588 - Power of attorney by Alianora late wife of Almarcus de St Amando kt to William Stokes and Roger de 1a Bache to deliver seisin to Roger Horton and his heirs o the manor of Catton-on-Trent. Dated Thursday next after the feast of St James the Apostle 6 Henry IV [30 Jul 1405]. - 1405
589 - Power of attorney by John de Cumbreford, Joan his wife, Roger Belzetter and Alice his wife to John Ulgathorp to deliver to Robert Ulgathorp seisin of a messuage in Catton as is enclosed with a ?"vinaviuse" and ditch with a dovecote, with all lands and tenements, meadows, pastures, pasturage, and all rights and fisheries in water. Dated the feast of the Trans of St Thomas the Martyr 9 Henry IV [7 Jul 1408]. - 1408
590 - Power of attorney by Roger de Horton to Henry Prust and Thomas Nye to deliver seisin to William son of Roger Starky of Northwich, John Starky son of said William, Geoffrey son of John de Masty of Wyncham, Thomas le Brette, John de Wynyaton of Northwich, John de Hokenhull of Hokenhull, Roger le Cartwryght, chaplain, David de Hule and Richard Ten, of the manor of Catton in Derbyshire. Dated 7 March 10 Henry IV [1409]. - 1409
591 - Gift by Ralph Herteshorn vicar of Croxhale to John Shepherd of Catton and Cecily his wife of a messuage with buildings in Catton lying between the messuage of Thomas Nyks on one part and the More Ende on the other part with an "orto" (?barn) adjacent to the same, a croft called Shortcroft and a half virgate of land and 3 roods of meadow in Upmore Meadow, which he held formerly among other lands and tenements by gift and feoffment of William son of William Fyssher in Catton. Witnesses: John Hopkynson, Henry Preste, Thomas Nykes, John Whytyng, John Hugge and others. Dated feast of St Andrew the Apostle 14 Henry IV [30 Nov 1412]. - 1412
592 - Gift by Falph Herteshorn vicar of the church of Croxhale to Roger Horton, Lord of Catton of a virgate of land with a croft called Longhayrowe and an acre of meadow in Catton, which he formerly held by gift and feoffment of William son of William Fyssher of the vill. Witnesses: John Hopkynson, Henry Preste, Thomas Nyks, John Whytyng, John Hugge and others. Dated feast of St Michael the Archangel 1 Henry V [29 Sep 1413]. - 1413
593 - Gift by William Fyssher of Catton to Richard Hugge of a messuage, 3 acres and a rood of arable land and ½a of meadow and 3d annual rent from Easter Day, which messuage lies between the messuage of Henry Anipe and the high way and the croft containing ½a lies between the croft of Henry Anipe and the messuage of John Hugge and the rood lying on Siluresmeadow Furlong between the land of Richard Gubbe and the land of John Preste and a rood lying in le Holme between the land of Henry Anipe and the land of the heirs of Richard Gubbe, and ½a lies on Brokefurlong between the land of Henry Anipe and the land of the heirs of Robert Smyth, and ½a on Cockshetehull between the land of the heirs of Richard Gubbe and the land of the heirs of Robert Fyssher and a rood lies in Goteacr between the land of Henry Anipe and the land of the heirs of Richard Gubbe, and two butts lying near Ferrysand between the land of John Hugge and the land of the Prior of Repton and the lands of the heirs (of nobody, phrase missed out?), a rood lies on Ruyland between the land of the prior of Repton and the land of the heirs of Richard Gubbe and ½a lies on Sixteen Acres between the land of the heirs of John Glover and the land of Henry Anipe, and ½a of meadow lies in le Brodemedowe between the meadow of Henry Anipe and the meadow of the heirs of Nicholas Piscator. Witnesses: William Irpe, John Preste, John Whythying, John Smyth, Richard Nycke and others. Dated Saturday next after the feast of St George 22 Henry VI [25 Apr 1444]. - 1444
594 - Gift by Margaret widow of Henry Anipe to William Anipe her son of all her lands and tenements, rents and services, which she has inherited after the death of Agnes Geffray her mother within the lordship of territory of Catton: to the use of William and his lawful male issue; if he dies without lawful male issue remainder to John Port of Yoxhale; if he dies without issue then remainder to Henry Vernon Esq son of William Vernon of Harlaston kt, and if he dies without issue then reversion and remainder to William Anipe and his lawful issue; in default of such issue remainder to the Crown. Witnesses: William Vernon kt, Thomas Stanley Esq, John Frannceys of Alrewas and many others. Dated 16 March 35 Henry VI [1457]. - 1457
595 - Gift by John Hugg of Catton to Richard Hugge his son and Margaret his wife of a parcel of land in Catton lying between the land of Richard Niks and Henry Irpe in width and extending in length next to the highway, called the Orchard - [2 Feb 1462]
596 - Indenture witnessing that William --- (tear) and Edmund Sterky of Stretton upon Dunnesmore have delivered to William Bronston, abbot of Burton-on-Trent, a little "cosur" unsealed under the seal of the said William and Edmund with 5 pieces of evidences concerning the manor of Catton, on condition that they deliver them to William and Edmund on request. Dated 2 July 8 Edward IV [1468] - 1468
597 - Gift by Henry Yrpe of Catton to Roger Horton of the same place of a messuage in Catton with croft adjacent and half a virgate of arable land in the same vill and a croft there called Baconescrofte and a parcel of meadow there in Sholesmedowe belonging to the said messuage: annual rent of 28s 4d. Witnesses William Smyth of Catton, John Higge of the same place, Richard Smyth of the same and others. Dated Thursday next after the feast of St Dunstan 4 Henry VII [21 May 1489]. - 1489
598 - Gift by Henry Irpe of Catton to John Curzon of Croxall Esq of a messuage and croft adjacent in the vill of Catton, which Henry Routor formerly held and also ½a virgate of land and meadow and a croft belonging in the vill and fields of Catton, which croft lies in length between Dogtone and Upmoremedowe, which said ½ virgate of land Thomas Laneyok formerly held. Witnesses: Thomas Gresley kt. John Stretehay, Edward Alcok, vicar of Croxall, John Dyson, William Shepard and others. Dated feast of St Vincent the Martyr 5 Henry VII [22 Jan 1490]. - 1490
599 - Deed between Margaret, Countess of Richmond mother of the king and Roger Horton of Catton Esq by which Horton grants that his son Roger shall be married to such a gentle woman as her grace or her assigns shall think convenient - 18 Oct [1502]
600 - Gift by Richard Preest of Catton to John Curzon of Croxhall Esq of all his messuages, lands, tenements, pastures, pasturage, rents, reversions in the vill of Catton which descended to him by heredity following the death of Thomas Preest his father. Dated 11 April 24 Henry VII [1509]. - 1509
601 - Gift by Thomas Curzon son and heir of John Curzon of Croxall Esq dec'd to John Horton son and heir apparent of Roger Horton Esq and Anne wife of the said John (sister of Thomas Curzon) of all messuages, lands, meadows, pastures, rents, reversions in Catton - with power of attorney to John Yrpe and Thomas Smyth to deliver seisin. Dated 20 September 8 Henry VIII [1516]. - 1516
602 - Bargain and sale by William Large of Newbold Verdon, Leics, husbandman for 6s 3d paid to him through Thomas Sprott of Asshinbroke, gent to Thomas Sprott his heirs and assigns of a messuage, garden, 2 crofts and ½a virgata of land in Catton formerly in the tenure of John Higes of Catton and which descended to him by heredity after the death of Thomas Large his father, with all charters. Dated 4 September 21 Henry VIII [1529]. - 1529
2538 - Gift by Stephen Gardiner of Walton-on-Trent to John de Findern his heirs and assigns of all his lands and tenements, rents and services in Walton-on-Trent which John son of John Dunston of Walton gave to Thomas Waleys, an acre and a half which he (Gardiner) gave to John Reynold excepted. Witnesses: William Doghhey, rector of the church of Walton, John de Yoxall, William Anipe of Walton, John Reynold, Roger Normanton. Dated Sunday next before feast of the Annunciation of BVM 6 Henry IV [22 Mar 1405]. - 1405
2539(a) - Quitclaim - 1416
2539(b) - Gift by John de Findern to Roger Horton his heirs and assigns of all the lands and tenements rents, woods, pastures, pasturage, fisheries, moors, marshes, mills, water, ponds, ways, paths, homages and services which the said Roger holds by gift and feoffment of him in Walton and Catton. Dated 10 April 4 Henry V [1416]. - 1416
2539(c) - Gift by John de Findern to Roger Horton his heirs and assigns of an annual rent of 10 marks arising annually from his lands and tenements in Derbyshire at the feast of the birth of St John the Baptist - not included in (a) and (b). Dated 12 April 4 Henry V [1416]. - 1416
2540 - Quitclaim by Thomas Griffith Esq. to William Cheyne, Justice, Thomas Henster, Roger Cartwright, Richard Donne, David Huls and Edmund Starky their heirs and assigns of all his lands and tenements rents and services in Walton-on-Trent and Catton - which the said William etc hold by gift and feoffment of Roger Horton. Dated Easter Day 2 Henry IV [3 Apr 1401]. - 1401
2541 - Quitclaim by John Spencer son of Richard Spencer of Burton-on-Trent to William Horton Esq, son and heir of Roger Horton of all those messuages, lands, tenements and meadows in the vills of Walton-on-Trent, Catton and Borowe, Derbyshire, which formerly were of Roger Horton; and also of all other messuages, lands, tenements and meadows in the vills aforesaid which were of Richard Taillor and Agnes his wife now dec'd. Dated Thursday next after feast of the Assump BVM 7 Henry VI [18 Aug 1429]. - 1429
Expand WH - Wilmot-Horton WH - Wilmot-Horton