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Collapse D258 - Gell family of Hopton Hall, Wirksworth  - 1200-1905D258 - Gell family of Hopton Hall, Wirksworth - 1200-1905
Expand 1 - Title deeds including lead ore tithe - 1549-18721 - Title deeds including lead ore tithe - 1549-1872
Expand 2 - Title deeds2 - Title deeds
Expand 3 - Title deeds3 - Title deeds
Expand 4 - Accounts4 - Accounts
Expand 5 - Accounts (D258/1), Philip Gell (1775-1842) (D258/5/2-6)5 - Accounts (D258/1), Philip Gell (1775-1842) (D258/5/2-6)
Expand 6 - Philip Gell (1775-1842)6 - Philip Gell (1775-1842)
Expand 7 - Various including Medieval deeds (D258/7/1), Ship Money (D258/7/6) and Other Assessments (D258/7/13/19-35, 41-48), Tithes and church property (D258/7/13/49-D258/7/19) and Mining papers (D258/7/20)7 - Various including Medieval deeds (D258/7/1), Ship Money (D258/7/6) and Other Assessments (D258/7/13/19-35, 41-48), Tithes and church property (D258/7/13/49-D258/7/19) and Mining papers (D258/7/20)
Collapse 8 - Correspondence Christian-Gell re lead ore (D258/8/1) and Various papers (D258/8/2-56)8 - Correspondence Christian-Gell re lead ore (D258/8/1) and Various papers (D258/8/2-56)
Expand 1 - Correspondence: Edward Christian to Sir John Gell II (1613-1689)1 - Correspondence: Edward Christian to Sir John Gell II (1613-1689)
2 - Thomas Stubbinge at Whittington to Sir John Gell - gives particulars of money put out by him on Gell's account - Mrs Pole has sent Mrs Theadocia Gell £4 but wishes it to be kept private. - 28 Feb [1682]
3 - Accounts of bonds - 1674-1681
4 - Typescript copy of The Character of John Packer of Shillingford, father of Katherine, wife of Sir John Gell [II] - 20th cent
5 - Copy lease and release by Sir John Gell to William Sacheverell of Barton (Notts.) and William Eyre of Holme, for the payment of all debts which Gell shall owe at the time of his death, of the manor of Hollands at Wirksworth and Duffield and all his messuages, lands etc. at Wirksworth and Carsington which were not settled by a deed of 1678, also a farm at Winterton (Lincs.) in trust for Sir John and Philip Gell. 15, 16 Aug - 1687
6 - Bargain and sale by Sir John Gell to William Wingfield of Wirksworth, gent, for £16, of a parcel of land (92 yards × 17 ½ yards) which is now walled off and laid to Wingfield's orchard in Wirksworth, at the upper end of Blind Lane (bounds recited). 20 July - 1681
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10 - Volume containing, 1) list of bonds of George Pole of Heage esq deceased 28 May 1674 - bonds listed refer back to 1656 and include some added later, up to 1677 or possibly 1678, 2) list of bonds received 17 Nov 1681 - 1674-1681
11 - Medicinal recipe - purge for the liver - 1653
12 - Bargain and Sale by Samuel Booth of Wirksworth, gent., and Anne Booth, widow, his mother, to Sir John Gell, in consideration of £5, of a messuage at Carsington etc. - 30 Jan [1680]
13 - Tax assessments for building warships - Wirksworth Hundred [incomplete] - 1677
14 - Letter - Robert Coke at Trusley to Mr Ogden at Wirksworth - Billy continues well - his cousin Pole of Radbourne had spoken about disposing of the money left over from the election - thought it might be given to the French Protestants - 16 Feb [1688]
15 - Letter - Peter Foliambe [Foljambe] to John Gell - asks if Gell's father, Sir John, would admit him tenant to the tithes of Hope, as he is much in want of corn Endorsed with estate and household expenses 1710-1718. 28 Dec - 1648
16 - Accounts, memoranda, receipts etc. for servants' wages - 1711-1718
17 - Indenture between Lancelott Rolston of Watnall, esq., and Sir John Gell of Hopton, one of the executors of George Pole of Heage, decd., re the marriage settlement of Rolston and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of the said George Pole, whereby Rolston conveys messuages at Hucknall Torkard and Watnall Chaworth, to indemnify the estate of Pole against claims by his younger children. - 23 Jan [1679]
18 - Bond in £200 by Samuel Booth of Wirksworth to Hannah Booth of Carsington, spinster, for the payment of £100. 5 Nov - 1679
19 - Letter - Charles White at Belvoir [Leics] to Sir John Gell "for the special service of the Commonwealth" - the enclosed [missing] coming to his hands, he sends it on to Gell - 7 Nov 1657
20 - Letter - Beniamin Albyn to Sir John Gell - has received a letter from Gell's son in Tripoli, giving news of the great hardships of his captivity - Sir John Norborough has gone to Tripoli to make peace so hopes he will be free soon - 22 Feb [1676]
21 - [Philip Gell] at Malta to Gilbert Serle and John Jollife - hopes they have been reimbursed for the money sent to him - he was released on the 5th by the peace concluded by Sir John Narborough and sailed from Tripoli on the 21st - hopes to leave for England in 2 or 3 days. 27 Mar - 1676
22 - Letter - Robert Mower at Chesterfield to his cousin George Poole - gives prices of woods. 14 Feb 1673/4 - 1674
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27 - Notes of book on authority of the High Court and a continuation of the statutes to the last Parliament - 1658
28 - Assessment of Wirksworth Hundred for poll tax place by place, with names of collectors, with directions on procedure - 1678
29 - Letter re political events and the impeachment of Sir William Scrogg - 31 Mar 1681
30 - Letter, apparently concerns money and oysters, refers to a Mr Wooll [?Woolley] - 17th cent
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32 - Inventory of the goods etc of German Poole of Radbourne, esq, remaining in his house at Radbourne and in the custody of Robert Knight of Egginton, by John Harpur, Frances Fytzherbert and L Wright - [17th cent]
33 - Letter - German Poole at Radbourne to ? - thinks they should write to Sir William Smith and Sir Thomas Hooke to pay the money they owe, 4 Jul. Endorsed with account of payments to "Haslam" ?some for building work 1666-1671 - 1671
34 - Copy indenture between John Borrow of Derby and Anthony Alsoppe of Alsop en le Dale re mortgage of land at Alsop. 29 Sep - 1683
35 - Draft instructions to the constable of Hognaston and Carsington, to warn all persons charged with horse and foot to be in readiness with their men, arms, ammunitions etc to appear before the deputy lieutenants at a time and place to be fixed. 5 Sept Endorsed with instructions to the constable of Breadsall re an unlawful, tumultuous assembly and conventicle under colour and pretence of the exercise of religion at Breadsall - 1661
36 - Mrs Gell's accounts - other expenses accounts of shifts worked in lead mines at Raventor, Grey Mare Arse etc - 1656-1657
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38 - Letters patent of William and Mary granting to Sir Philip Gell the office of Receiver of the Honour of Tutbury (reciting grant of Charles I to Thomas Gell, John Gell I and John Gell II, 30 June 1632) 28 Dec - 1689
39 - Request by Samuel Booth at Swanwick to Sir John Gell, to pay £5 to Thomas Bayley, owed to him by Booth upon bond. 12 Apr - 1680
40 - Assignment by Sir John Gell and John Gell his son and heir apparent (executors of Sir John Gell decd) to Thomas Smedley of St Martin's Lane (Middlesex) of a bond in £400 made by James Greene of Stafford (Staffs) gent and Abraham Fowler of Salt (Staffs) to Sir John decd. (21 April last) for the payment of £206. 25 Nov, 23 Cha II - 1671
41 - Letter - John Cowper at Ripley to Sir John Gell - re a marriage. 19 May - 1680
42 - Surrender in Ireton Wood manor court by Francis Smedley and Elizabeth his wife, of a close of land at Ireton Wood called Sandyway Carr or Bull Meadow (1 ½ acres), to the use of Sir John Gell. 15 Oct - 1684
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45 - Bond in £2,100 by John Gell to Gervase Bennett of Derby, for the payment of £550. [Cancelled] - 24 Mar [1651]
46 - Feoffment by John Gell to Thomas Stone of Carsington of lands in Carsington. 22 Sep, 1 Cha I - 1625
47 - Lease by Thomas Gell, esq., to Agnes Buxton of Ible, widow, in consideration of £20, of a mansion house at Ible with 3 bays and 1 `outcaste' of a barn and 2 ½ oxgangs land at Ible, for 21 years at 10s a year. 22 May, 36 Eliz I - 1594
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49 - Letter - Eliza Fiennes at Castrop to Sir John Gell - understands that he is negotiating for the purchase of land at Winterton (Lincs.) from Mr Proudlove, part of which she has purchased - is willing to give it up for £55. 6 Jun - 1674
50 - Lease by Rauf Gell of Hopton, gent., to Wylliam Hechynson of Carsington, husbandman, of a messuage at Carsington with 6 roods of land now being enclosed, 3 roods lying to the Hudstede, 3 roods shooting on the Ryddyng Syche, 4 roods shooting to the Sckowebrok, 6 roods shooting [?] roods shooting to the Kyng [?] 4 roods shooting upon Sotherysse Brooke, 2 roods shooting to Sotheryse [?] roods shooting upon the same Sootherysse Broke, 4 roods butting upon Stanyforthe Syche, 4 roods shooting [?], 5 roods shooting upon Eyton Hadland, 2 roods shooting off John Gell Hadeland [?] roods lying next to John Ston Hadeland, 2 roods shooting upon Costehyll, 1 rood shooting upon Costehyll, 3 roods [?] Wyres, 1 rood shooting upon Rollesley, 6 roods meadow upon the Bent and 1/5 rood shooting upon Blake Brooke, 1 dole shooting upon Rexflatte and 3 beast grasses in Cowe Pasture, for his life at 33s 4d a year [defective]. - 8 Feb 1549
51 - John Gell to his wife Katherine - religious exhortations - his nephew, Jacke Browne has died of a fever - 19 Mar [1659]
52 - Feoffment by William Anson of Shutborough [Shugborough] Manor (Staffs.), and Isabella his wife, Jennit and Elizabeth Carryer of Wirksworth, spinsters (daughters and co-heirs of Robert Carryer decd.) to William Wingfeeld of Wirksworth, gent., in consideration of £58, of two dwelling houses under one roof with a toft at the south-east end and 3 small gardens at Back Lane in Wirksworth, a barn called Bablake Barne (3 bays) and 2 sheds or outcasts in Coldwell Street at Wirksworth. 28 Sep - 1686
53 - Inventory of the household goods of John Gell, decd, devised to his son Philip Gell and left in his house at Hopton - 14 Mar [1739]
54 - Bargain and sale by Robert Jackson of Hopton, husbandman, to John Hadfeilde his son-in-law, in consideration of £40, of all his goods and household stuff in his house at Hopton and all other his personal estate, after the decease of Robert and Ellen his wife. - 27 Jan [1671]
55 - Order of John Curzon, steward of the manor of Wirksworth re the goods and chattels of John Wagstaffe. 26 Apr - 1682
56 - Part of a letter [from Sir John Gell to his son John?] - encloses a copy of certificate which he will give Mr Brereton, refers to commissioners, further ore, Hunt's rent, payment of rents - c1650
Expand 9 - Thomas Gell9 - Thomas Gell
Expand 10 - Sir John Gell I (1593-1671), Sir John Gell II (1613-1689), Civil War and various10 - Sir John Gell I (1593-1671), Sir John Gell II (1613-1689), Civil War and various
Expand 11 - Various, 18th - early 19th century11 - Various, 18th - early 19th century
Expand 12 - Various, 17th century12 - Various, 17th century
Expand 13 - Title deeds and other papers13 - Title deeds and other papers
Expand 14 - Various, 18th-19th century14 - Various, 18th-19th century
Expand 15 - 17th Cent Printed Material15 - 17th Cent Printed Material
Expand 16 - Title deeds and other papers16 - Title deeds and other papers
Expand 17 - Quarter Sessions (D258/17/1-9), Business - Canals and railways (D258/17/10), Miscellaneous/Various (D258/17/11-29, 33-44), Correspondence (D258/17/30-31), Philip Gell correspondence including Cromford Canal (D258/17/32, 45)17 - Quarter Sessions (D258/17/1-9), Business - Canals and railways (D258/17/10), Miscellaneous/Various (D258/17/11-29, 33-44), Correspondence (D258/17/30-31), Philip Gell correspondence including Cromford Canal (D258/17/32, 45)
Expand 18 - Manor of Hope (D258/1), Title Deeds (D258/18/2-3, 14-19, 21-34), Ashbourne Lectureship (D258/18/4), Estate papers (D258/18/5-D258/18/7/1-4, 30-38, D258/18/8), Wirksworth School (D258/18/7/5-29), Manors of Hopton, Carsington, Wirksworth, Hognaston, Middleton by Wirksworth and Hulland (D258/18/9-13), Assessments (D258/18/20), Miscellaneous printed items (D258/18/35-38)18 - Manor of Hope (D258/1), Title Deeds (D258/18/2-3, 14-19, 21-34), Ashbourne Lectureship (D258/18/4), Estate papers (D258/18/5-D258/18/7/1-4, 30-38, D258/18/8), Wirksworth School (D258/18/7/5-29), Manors of Hopton, Carsington, Wirksworth, Hognaston, Middleton by Wirksworth and Hulland (D258/18/9-13), Assessments (D258/18/20), Miscellaneous printed items (D258/18/35-38)
Expand 19 - Various (D258/19/1-30, D258/19/31/24-33, D258/19/32-34), Ashbourne lectureship (D258/19/31/1-23)19 - Various (D258/19/1-30, D258/19/31/24-33, D258/19/32-34), Ashbourne lectureship (D258/19/31/1-23)
Expand 20 - Various (D258/20/1-11, 30-66), Title deeds and leases (D258/20/12-29)20 - Various (D258/20/1-11, 30-66), Title deeds and leases (D258/20/12-29)
Expand 21 - Various (D258/21/1-20, D258/21/45/7-8, D258/21/46/1-7), Philip Gell (1723-1795) Correspondence (D258/21/21-24, D258/21/46/8-35), Yorkshire Quarter Sessions (D258/21/25), Estate papers and accounts 18th cent (D258/21/26-D258/21/45/6),Philip Gell (1723-1795) Various (D258/21/47/1-34), Various 16th-19th cent (D258/21/47/35, D258/21/48-66)21 - Various (D258/21/1-20, D258/21/45/7-8, D258/21/46/1-7), Philip Gell (1723-1795) Correspondence (D258/21/21-24, D258/21/46/8-35), Yorkshire Quarter Sessions (D258/21/25), Estate papers and accounts 18th cent (D258/21/26-D258/21/45/6),Philip Gell (1723-1795) Various (D258/21/47/1-34), Various 16th-19th cent (D258/21/47/35, D258/21/48-66)
Expand 22 - Parish Account Books (D258/22/1-3), Various, 16th-19th century (D258/22/4-23)22 - Parish Account Books (D258/22/1-3), Various, 16th-19th century (D258/22/4-23)
Expand 23 - Title Deeds and other papers (D258/23/1-19/5), Correspondence 16th-early 18th cent (D258/23/19/6-26, D258/23/20-22)23 - Title Deeds and other papers (D258/23/1-19/5), Correspondence 16th-early 18th cent (D258/23/19/6-26, D258/23/20-22)
Expand 23 - Title deeds and other papers23 - Title deeds and other papers
Expand 24 - Sir Philip Gell (D258/24/1-5, D258/24/30-47, 49-54), Ashbourne Lectureship (D258/24/6), Various (D258/24/6/27, D258/24/7-8, D258/24/11-29), Wirksworth Hundred Tax Assessments (D258/24/9-10), Fagg v Gell (D258/24/48)24 - Sir Philip Gell (D258/24/1-5, D258/24/30-47, 49-54), Ashbourne Lectureship (D258/24/6), Various (D258/24/6/27, D258/24/7-8, D258/24/11-29), Wirksworth Hundred Tax Assessments (D258/24/9-10), Fagg v Gell (D258/24/48)
Expand 25 - Miscellaneous legal, financial and other papers25 - Miscellaneous legal, financial and other papers
Expand 26 - Title Deeds etc26 - Title Deeds etc
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Expand 28 - Title Deeds28 - Title Deeds
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Expand 34 - John Gell (1539-1671)34 - John Gell (1539-1671)
Expand 35 - Various accounts, deeds etc35 - Various accounts, deeds etc
Expand 36 - Anthony Gell d. 158436 - Anthony Gell d. 1584
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Expand 38 - Correspondence etc38 - Correspondence etc
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42 - Conserved fragments of estate plan showing fields (numbered) around house called Bank Top - 19th cent
Expand 43 - Hopton Receipt Papers43 - Hopton Receipt Papers
Expand 44 - Sir John Gell44 - Sir John Gell
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Expand 46 - Staffordshire estate papers, 19th century - 1834-187946 - Staffordshire estate papers, 19th century - 1834-1879
47 - Unidentified plan showing part of the course of a waterway, marked at points with numbers, and the dates 20 Aug and 22 Aug. Scale not given. Dimensions approx 150cm x 130cm - [19th Cent]
Expand 48 - Philip Gell (d 1842), draft deeds, estate and financial papers - 1706-187748 - Philip Gell (d 1842), draft deeds, estate and financial papers - 1706-1877
49 - Log book of the Cutter Yacht Albatross from the port of Cowes, Isle of Wight to any port or ports her owner may think proper, wind and weather permitting' [to Scotland] - 18 May-29 Aug 1836
Expand 50 - SIR WILLIAM GELL (1777-1836)50 - SIR WILLIAM GELL (1777-1836)
Expand 51 - Various51 - Various
Expand 52 - Volume of bound letters and other documents - Late 17th-early 19th cent52 - Volume of bound letters and other documents - Late 17th-early 19th cent
Expand 53 - Printed Pamphlets53 - Printed Pamphlets
Expand 54 - Isabella Thornhill - c1850-187054 - Isabella Thornhill - c1850-1870
Expand 55 - Pedigrees and other papers55 - Pedigrees and other papers
Expand 56 - Gell Family Papers Series A-D56 - Gell Family Papers Series A-D
Expand 57 - Family Papers57 - Family Papers
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63 - Number not used
Expand 64 - Boer War (largely Henry [Harry] Anthony Chandos-Pole-Gell) - 1899-190264 - Boer War (largely Henry [Harry] Anthony Chandos-Pole-Gell) - 1899-1902
Expand 65 - Henry [Harry] Anthony Chandos-Pole-Gell (1872-1934) and other material65 - Henry [Harry] Anthony Chandos-Pole-Gell (1872-1934) and other material
Expand 67 - Masque by William Browne written for the Inner Temple and associated correspondence - 1615-196467 - Masque by William Browne written for the Inner Temple and associated correspondence - 1615-1964
Expand 68 - Pedigrees - 19th cent68 - Pedigrees - 19th cent
Expand 69 - Plans - 1711-182869 - Plans - 1711-1828
70 - Manor of Holland p Wirksworth and Lands Grant [temp Q Anne] to Philip Gell of Hopton [outsize parchment deed, badly damaged by damp, partly illegible]
Expand 71 - Isabella Thornhill, nee Gell (1800-1878): diary - 1863-187571 - Isabella Thornhill, nee Gell (1800-1878): diary - 1863-1875
72 - `Catalogue of the library at Hopton Hall' Arranged by size of volume: folio, quarto, octavo Duodecimo, `sixteens and twenty-fours' Title, edition and date of publication Folio paper vol, in slip case - ?17th cent
Expand 73 - Gell of Hopton Hall: family seal dies - late 19th cent73 - Gell of Hopton Hall: family seal dies - late 19th cent
UL - Gell of Hopton Hall: unlisted records