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Collapse D258 - Gell family of Hopton Hall, Wirksworth  - 1200-1905D258 - Gell family of Hopton Hall, Wirksworth - 1200-1905
Expand 1 - Title deeds including lead ore tithe - 1549-18721 - Title deeds including lead ore tithe - 1549-1872
Expand 2 - Title deeds2 - Title deeds
Expand 3 - Title deeds3 - Title deeds
Expand 4 - Accounts4 - Accounts
Expand 5 - Accounts (D258/1), Philip Gell (1775-1842) (D258/5/2-6)5 - Accounts (D258/1), Philip Gell (1775-1842) (D258/5/2-6)
Expand 6 - Philip Gell (1775-1842)6 - Philip Gell (1775-1842)
Collapse 7 - Various including Medieval deeds (D258/7/1), Ship Money (D258/7/6) and Other Assessments (D258/7/13/19-35, 41-48), Tithes and church property (D258/7/13/49-D258/7/19) and Mining papers (D258/7/20)7 - Various including Medieval deeds (D258/7/1), Ship Money (D258/7/6) and Other Assessments (D258/7/13/19-35, 41-48), Tithes and church property (D258/7/13/49-D258/7/19) and Mining papers (D258/7/20)
Collapse 1 - Medieval deeds including court case 1786 - [1247]-13601 - Medieval deeds including court case 1786 - [1247]-1360
1 - Grant by William de Ferrers, Earl of Derby, to Adam le Wine of all the land which Hamo the clerk held of him at Brassington in the Peak, between Ivonbrook and Herburghal, viz, all the land which is between the lands of Nicholas de Hognaston, in width along the Portway and the gift of Carsington and in length between the Portway and Ivonbrook, and 10 acres of land in Hopton next to the Brassington land, viz, at Ivelesleg, and Nicholas de Unthank and Lewin son of William, at an annual rent of 12s - 1247-1254
2 - Grant by Robert son of Adam le Wyne to Robert son of Ingram of Nottingham of all lands in Brassington in the Peak which his father Adam had, previously held by Hamo the clerk [see 7/1/1] - 1247-1260
3 - Grant by Robert son of Adam le Wyne to Robert son of Ingram de Notingham [Notts], of 60 acres land between Sevenwelles and the road from Wirkwrthe and Bacheswell from the side of Bugrave and next to the land which was Hamo the clerk's, which land was granted to Adam by Robert de Staunchon, knight, subject to an annual rent of 20s. to Sir Robert - 1247-1260
4 - Grant by Robert son of Adam le Wine to Robert son of Ingram de Nothingeham [Notts], of 60 acres of land at Hopton, between Seven welles and the road from Wirksworth to Bacheswelle [Bakewell] from the side of Buchegrave, next to the land which was Hamo the clerk's, subject to an annual rent of ½ mark [3s 4d] to Sir Robert of Stanton - 1247-1260
5 - Charter of Robert le Wine, son of Adam le Wine of Wirksworth, granting to Robert Ingram of Nottingam [Notts], all his land at Bretgriff in the Peak, subject to annual rents of 6d to Robert and 12s to Hugh de Ferrers - 1247-1260
6 - Grant by Joan, widow of Robert le Wine, to William son of Robert Yngram of Notingham [Notts], of all her third share of land at Hunthone [?] left to her for life in will of Robert le Coine, at annual rent of 1 mark [6s 8d] - 1247-1260
7 - Grant by Cecily, daughter and heir of Hugh de Ferrers to the canons of Stanley Park, of all the land which William son of Robert Ingram of Nottingham gave to them in Brassington, Carsington and Hopton in the Peak viz. all the land which Hamo the clerk held between Ivonbrook and Herbureghalle between the land of Nicholas de Hognaston, along the Portway as far as the Grift [Griffe] of Carsington and between the Portway and Ivonbrook, 10 acres land at Hopton measuring 20 feet per perch, next to the land of Brassington, viz. at Iveglesleg, with the homage of John de Aldwark, and an annual rent of 12d which her father quitclaimed to the said canons, issuing from lands at Brassington which were given to the canons by William le Burguynnun [Burgunun, Bourguignon] and William son of Joseph Witnesses: Sir Thomas de Ferrers her uncle, Master Hubert rector of Higham, Sir Robert rector of Stowe, Simon de Cotes, Hugh de Merchamp, Roger de Chouk, Richard de Weston, Walter de Morley, Simon de Clifton Dated at Pentecost 44 Hen III [23 May] Fragmented seal sewn into cloth bag - 1260
8i - Grant by William de Ferrers, Earl of Derby to Nigel son of Ralph de Prestwood of 40 acres land at Brassington between Hereburgehalle and Ivonbrook with pasture for 100 sheep and 3 cows - 1247-1254
8ii - Wrapper for document, probably dating from 1786 case - 1786
9 - Charter of William de Ferrers, Earl of Derby, granting to William de Grindon 40 acres land in Brassington lying between Motlawe and the highway to the mill of the monks of Ivonbrook with pasture for 8 oxen, 2 cows and 100 ewes - 1247-1254
10 - Inspection and confirmation at request of canons by Robert de Ferrers, son and heir of William de Ferrers, once Earl of Derby, of the charter of Cecily de Ferrers - 1260-1279
11 - Confirmation by Henry, Duke of Lancaster, Earl of Derby, Lincoln and Leicester, of a quitclaim by Robert de Ferrers, Earl of Derby, to Dale Abbey of all his claim to their lands in Brassington, Hopton and Carsington in le Peak which had been given to them by Cecily, daughter and heir of Hugh de Ferrers Witnesses: Sir Hugh de Meynell, Sir Walter de Montgomery, Robert de Twyford, knights, John Cokayn, seneschal of the Duke for his lands of Trent and Robert Fraunceis seneschal of the honour of Tutbury - 1360
12 - Quitclaim, dating from before 1260, by Hugh de Ferrers to the canons of Stanley Park, of a rent of 12d. which they owe to him for lands in Brassington known as Hunyanck - [early 13th cent]
13 - Charter of Hugh de Ferrers, dating from before 1260, granting to the canons of Stanley Park, all the land which William le Burguinun held in Brassington viz 40 acres next to the land which Joseph the clerk once held beyond the road to the west with pasture for 8 oxen, 2 cows and 100 ewes, and also the land at Brassington which William, Earl Ferrers, gave to Joseph the clerk and which the canons had of the gift of William son of Joseph with pasture for 200 sheep, subject to an annual rent of 12d - [early 13th cent]
14 - Writ of aid by Robert de Ferrers, son and heir of William de Ferrers, formerly Earl of Derby, for the canons of Stanley Park - [30 Apr 1263]
15 - Number not used
16 - Grant, dating from before 1260, by Thomas de Edensor to William le Burgulun [Bourguignon} of a rent of 5 shillings which William pays for land he had of Serlo de Grindon and now holds of Thomas at a rent of 2 shillings - [early 13th cent]
17 - Charter, dating from before 1260, of Thomas de Edensor, granting to the canons of Stanley Park, an annual rent of 2 shillings which they used to pay him for land in Brassington - [early 13th cent]
18 - Confirmation, dating from before 1260, by Thomas de Edensor, knight, of a gift by his tenant William, son of William le Burguignon, to the Premonstratensian Canons of Stanley Park, of 40 acres of arable in Brassington subject to an annual rent of 2s or an unmewed sparrowhawk - [early 13th cent]
19 - Grant by John son of John del a Corner of Derby, to Walter de Tansley, living in Carsington, of his tenement at Bretgryff in the fee of Hopton Witnesses: Henry de Hopton, Nicholas de Cromford, William de Carsington, John le Potter of Calllow, William son of Henry de Hopton, Simon son of Henry de Hopton, Henry de Alsop, William son of Bate de Wirkworth and Nicholas de Carsington, chaplain Dated at Bretgryff Monday before St Michael the Archangel [26 Sep] Seal [damaged] in white wax 1" - 1317
20 - Confirmation and quitclaim by Margaret, widow of William le Burguinan to the canons of Stanley Park, of all her claim to 40 acres land in Brassington which lies next to the land which was Joseph the clerk's - [13th cent]
Expand 2 - Various - [1624-1812]2 - Various - [1624-1812]
3 - Particular of the estates of Philip Gell at Hopton. No. on plan, tenant's name and address, extent, value and rent for Middleton, Carsington, Griffe, Hognaston, Kirk Ireton, Callow, Ible, Hopton, Wirksworth and Bonsall - 1807
Expand 4 - Various4 - Various
Expand 5 - Various5 - Various
Expand 6 - Ship Money - 1677-16786 - Ship Money - 1677-1678
Expand 7 - Various7 - Various
Expand 8 - Various8 - Various
9 - Copy charter of Edward VI to found Nuneaton [Warwks] Grammar School - 11 May [1552]
10 - Depositions and draft indenture regarding bankruptcy of William Bradley including references to Kedleston - 1677-1679
11 - Information in Duchy of Lancaster court against John Wigley for inclosing Marten Ashgreen at Wirksworth belonging to the Queen and to Mr Gell - [mid-late 16th cent]
Expand 12 - Various12 - Various
Expand 13 - Various, including assessments (D258/7/13/19-35, 41-48) and Tithes and church property (D258/7/13/49-62)13 - Various, including assessments (D258/7/13/19-35, 41-48) and Tithes and church property (D258/7/13/49-62)
14 - `The boke of the tythe': rents 1 May - 2 & 3 Philip and Mary - 1553-1556
Expand 15 - Tithes and church property15 - Tithes and church property
16 - Objections to the election of burgesses for Cirencester [Glos] - 17th cent
17 - Draft indenture between John Curzon of Kedleston and Francis Leake, son and heir of Francis Lord Daynecourt and Nicholas Leake esq, to provide annuity of £100 in payment for £1000 loan - 1641
18 - Copy petition to Sir Thomas Witherington, Speaker of the Commons, by excluded Members of Parliament including names [?signatories] - c 1650
Expand 19 - Tithes and church property19 - Tithes and church property
Expand 20 - Mining Papers20 - Mining Papers
Expand 20 - Mining Papers20 - Mining Papers
Expand 8 - Correspondence Christian-Gell re lead ore (D258/8/1) and Various papers (D258/8/2-56)8 - Correspondence Christian-Gell re lead ore (D258/8/1) and Various papers (D258/8/2-56)
Expand 9 - Thomas Gell9 - Thomas Gell
Expand 10 - Sir John Gell I (1593-1671), Sir John Gell II (1613-1689), Civil War and various10 - Sir John Gell I (1593-1671), Sir John Gell II (1613-1689), Civil War and various
Expand 11 - Various, 18th - early 19th century11 - Various, 18th - early 19th century
Expand 12 - Various, 17th century12 - Various, 17th century
Expand 13 - Title deeds and other papers13 - Title deeds and other papers
Expand 14 - Various, 18th-19th century14 - Various, 18th-19th century
Expand 15 - 17th Cent Printed Material15 - 17th Cent Printed Material
Expand 16 - Title deeds and other papers16 - Title deeds and other papers
Expand 17 - Quarter Sessions (D258/17/1-9), Business - Canals and railways (D258/17/10), Miscellaneous/Various (D258/17/11-29, 33-44), Correspondence (D258/17/30-31), Philip Gell correspondence including Cromford Canal (D258/17/32, 45)17 - Quarter Sessions (D258/17/1-9), Business - Canals and railways (D258/17/10), Miscellaneous/Various (D258/17/11-29, 33-44), Correspondence (D258/17/30-31), Philip Gell correspondence including Cromford Canal (D258/17/32, 45)
Expand 18 - Manor of Hope (D258/1), Title Deeds (D258/18/2-3, 14-19, 21-34), Ashbourne Lectureship (D258/18/4), Estate papers (D258/18/5-D258/18/7/1-4, 30-38, D258/18/8), Wirksworth School (D258/18/7/5-29), Manors of Hopton, Carsington, Wirksworth, Hognaston, Middleton by Wirksworth and Hulland (D258/18/9-13), Assessments (D258/18/20), Miscellaneous printed items (D258/18/35-38)18 - Manor of Hope (D258/1), Title Deeds (D258/18/2-3, 14-19, 21-34), Ashbourne Lectureship (D258/18/4), Estate papers (D258/18/5-D258/18/7/1-4, 30-38, D258/18/8), Wirksworth School (D258/18/7/5-29), Manors of Hopton, Carsington, Wirksworth, Hognaston, Middleton by Wirksworth and Hulland (D258/18/9-13), Assessments (D258/18/20), Miscellaneous printed items (D258/18/35-38)
Expand 19 - Various (D258/19/1-30, D258/19/31/24-33, D258/19/32-34), Ashbourne lectureship (D258/19/31/1-23)19 - Various (D258/19/1-30, D258/19/31/24-33, D258/19/32-34), Ashbourne lectureship (D258/19/31/1-23)
Expand 20 - Various (D258/20/1-11, 30-66), Title deeds and leases (D258/20/12-29)20 - Various (D258/20/1-11, 30-66), Title deeds and leases (D258/20/12-29)
Expand 21 - Various (D258/21/1-20, D258/21/45/7-8, D258/21/46/1-7), Philip Gell (1723-1795) Correspondence (D258/21/21-24, D258/21/46/8-35), Yorkshire Quarter Sessions (D258/21/25), Estate papers and accounts 18th cent (D258/21/26-D258/21/45/6),Philip Gell (1723-1795) Various (D258/21/47/1-34), Various 16th-19th cent (D258/21/47/35, D258/21/48-66)21 - Various (D258/21/1-20, D258/21/45/7-8, D258/21/46/1-7), Philip Gell (1723-1795) Correspondence (D258/21/21-24, D258/21/46/8-35), Yorkshire Quarter Sessions (D258/21/25), Estate papers and accounts 18th cent (D258/21/26-D258/21/45/6),Philip Gell (1723-1795) Various (D258/21/47/1-34), Various 16th-19th cent (D258/21/47/35, D258/21/48-66)
Expand 22 - Parish Account Books (D258/22/1-3), Various, 16th-19th century (D258/22/4-23)22 - Parish Account Books (D258/22/1-3), Various, 16th-19th century (D258/22/4-23)
Expand 23 - Title Deeds and other papers (D258/23/1-19/5), Correspondence 16th-early 18th cent (D258/23/19/6-26, D258/23/20-22)23 - Title Deeds and other papers (D258/23/1-19/5), Correspondence 16th-early 18th cent (D258/23/19/6-26, D258/23/20-22)
Expand 23 - Title deeds and other papers23 - Title deeds and other papers
Expand 24 - Sir Philip Gell (D258/24/1-5, D258/24/30-47, 49-54), Ashbourne Lectureship (D258/24/6), Various (D258/24/6/27, D258/24/7-8, D258/24/11-29), Wirksworth Hundred Tax Assessments (D258/24/9-10), Fagg v Gell (D258/24/48)24 - Sir Philip Gell (D258/24/1-5, D258/24/30-47, 49-54), Ashbourne Lectureship (D258/24/6), Various (D258/24/6/27, D258/24/7-8, D258/24/11-29), Wirksworth Hundred Tax Assessments (D258/24/9-10), Fagg v Gell (D258/24/48)
Expand 25 - Miscellaneous legal, financial and other papers25 - Miscellaneous legal, financial and other papers
Expand 26 - Title Deeds etc26 - Title Deeds etc
Expand 2727
Expand 28 - Title Deeds28 - Title Deeds
Expand 2929
Expand 3030
Expand 3131
Expand 3232
Expand 3333
Expand 34 - John Gell (1539-1671)34 - John Gell (1539-1671)
Expand 35 - Various accounts, deeds etc35 - Various accounts, deeds etc
Expand 36 - Anthony Gell d. 158436 - Anthony Gell d. 1584
Expand 3737
Expand 38 - Correspondence etc38 - Correspondence etc
Expand 3939
Expand 4040
Expand 4141
42 - Conserved fragments of estate plan showing fields (numbered) around house called Bank Top - 19th cent
Expand 43 - Hopton Receipt Papers43 - Hopton Receipt Papers
Expand 44 - Sir John Gell44 - Sir John Gell
Expand 4545
Expand 46 - Staffordshire estate papers, 19th century - 1834-187946 - Staffordshire estate papers, 19th century - 1834-1879
47 - Unidentified plan showing part of the course of a waterway, marked at points with numbers, and the dates 20 Aug and 22 Aug. Scale not given. Dimensions approx 150cm x 130cm - [19th Cent]
Expand 48 - Philip Gell (d 1842), draft deeds, estate and financial papers - 1706-187748 - Philip Gell (d 1842), draft deeds, estate and financial papers - 1706-1877
49 - Log book of the Cutter Yacht Albatross from the port of Cowes, Isle of Wight to any port or ports her owner may think proper, wind and weather permitting' [to Scotland] - 18 May-29 Aug 1836
Expand 50 - SIR WILLIAM GELL (1777-1836)50 - SIR WILLIAM GELL (1777-1836)
Expand 51 - Various51 - Various
Expand 52 - Volume of bound letters and other documents - Late 17th-early 19th cent52 - Volume of bound letters and other documents - Late 17th-early 19th cent
Expand 53 - Printed Pamphlets53 - Printed Pamphlets
Expand 54 - Isabella Thornhill - c1850-187054 - Isabella Thornhill - c1850-1870
Expand 55 - Pedigrees and other papers55 - Pedigrees and other papers
Expand 56 - Gell Family Papers Series A-D56 - Gell Family Papers Series A-D
Expand 57 - Family Papers57 - Family Papers
Expand 5858
Expand 5959
Expand 6060
Expand 6161
Expand 6262
63 - Number not used
Expand 64 - Boer War (largely Henry [Harry] Anthony Chandos-Pole-Gell) - 1899-190264 - Boer War (largely Henry [Harry] Anthony Chandos-Pole-Gell) - 1899-1902
Expand 65 - Henry [Harry] Anthony Chandos-Pole-Gell (1872-1934) and other material65 - Henry [Harry] Anthony Chandos-Pole-Gell (1872-1934) and other material
Expand 67 - Masque by William Browne written for the Inner Temple and associated correspondence - 1615-196467 - Masque by William Browne written for the Inner Temple and associated correspondence - 1615-1964
Expand 68 - Pedigrees - 19th cent68 - Pedigrees - 19th cent
Expand 69 - Plans - 1711-182869 - Plans - 1711-1828
70 - Manor of Holland p Wirksworth and Lands Grant [temp Q Anne] to Philip Gell of Hopton [outsize parchment deed, badly damaged by damp, partly illegible]
Expand 71 - Isabella Thornhill, nee Gell (1800-1878): diary - 1863-187571 - Isabella Thornhill, nee Gell (1800-1878): diary - 1863-1875
72 - `Catalogue of the library at Hopton Hall' Arranged by size of volume: folio, quarto, octavo Duodecimo, `sixteens and twenty-fours' Title, edition and date of publication Folio paper vol, in slip case - ?17th cent
Expand 73 - Gell of Hopton Hall: family seal dies - late 19th cent73 - Gell of Hopton Hall: family seal dies - late 19th cent
UL - Gell of Hopton Hall: unlisted records