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D258 - Gell family of Hopton Hall, Wirksworth - 1200-1905
1 - Title deeds including lead ore tithe - 1549-1872
2 - Title deeds
3 - Title deeds
4 - Accounts
5 - Accounts, Philip Gell (1775-1842) (D258/5/2-6)
6 - Philip Gell (1775-1842)
7 - Various including Medieval deeds (D258/7/1), Ship Money (D258/7/6) and Other Assessments (D258/7/13/19-35, 41-48), Tithes and church property (D258/7/13/49-D258/7/19) and Mining papers (D258/7/20)
8 - Correspondence Christian-Gell re lead ore (D258/8/1) and Various papers (D258/8/2-56)
9 - Thomas Gell
10 - Sir John Gell I (1593-1671), Sir John Gell II (1613-1689), Civil War and various
1 - Letter - Bridgett Wylloughby to her daughter, Mrs Elizabeth Gell [wife of Sir John Gell I] - if the weather had not been so bad, she would have sent for her as arranged - 17th cent
2 - Answer of Walter Rawley [Sir Walter Raleigh] to charges against him - copy, c1600 - [c1600]
3 - Manuscript verse - `A Dream in Rhine' - 17th cent
5 - Executorship account of `LC' [a male of Holmesfield], giving details of legacies - 1653
6 - Letter - Thomas Parker at Hopton to Henry Buxton - asks him to sign the enclosed papers and return them. 3 Jan 1665/6 - 3 Jan [1666]
7 - Copy feoffment by George Savage of Eckington, yeomen, to Henry Wigfall of Renishaw, esq., of a close known as Fox Brooke Pingle at Eckington and a close called Townehead Pingle with 6 selions at Eckington - 9 Mar [1649]
10 - Orders of the Committee [of Sequestrations], sitting at Derby re Edward Coke, Mr Sheriff and Samuel Sleigh - 17th cent
11 - `Englands appeale to ye Parliament' re affairs in Europe. (MS Volume) - 17th cent
13 - Letter - Edward Willughbye at Wollaton to his sister, Elizabeth, wife of Sir John Gell I - asks her to godmother to his daughter - the christening will be on Tuesday or Thursday of Whit week. 1 Jun - 17th cent
14 - [Petition of Sir John Gell] - c.1650
15 - Poems [?in the hand of Sir John Gell] - Mid 17th cent
17 - Warrants of Commissioners for putting into execution an Act for raising money by a poll or otherwise [to fund a war against the French] - 17th cent
18 - Verse satire against "ignorant prowde gallants" by John Fag - c.1630
21 - Notes on claims by Mr Carpenter to land in Derbyshire by virtue of a lease of all incroached and concealed land in the Duchy of Lancaster - 17th cent
22 - List of papers lent by Sir John Gell to John Slack - [1676]
23 - Gathering of folios containing (i) Copy articles of agreement between Sir Thomas Brooke to Sir Thomas Burton - in consideration of £1000, Brooke will convey unspecified lands to Burton. 2 Nov 17 Jas.I (ii) Copy articles of agreement between Sir Thomas Burton and Sir Thomas Brooke - whereas Burton has lately purchased of Brooke, a close called Scoborrowe (2000) with 2 adjoining meadows, at Lubenham (Leics.) and the rectory of Foxton (Leics.) for £1900, and whereas Brooke owes £1000 to Dame Elizabeth Denton to secure which Brooke leased the premises in Lubenham to her - Burton is to pay £1000 of the purchase money to Dame Elizabeth and the lease to be assigned to him. May 18 Jas.I (iii) Copy articles of agreement between Dame Elizabeth Denton and Sir Thomas Burton for the assignment of lease as above. May 18 Jas.I - 1619-1620
24 - Despatch from Sir Kenelme Dygbie [Kenelm Digby] regarding naval action against Venetian and French vessels at Scanderon (Iskanderuneh, Turkey) in which he was victorious - 18 Jun 1628
27 - Receipt by Launcelott Rolston of Hucknall Torkard (Notts) esq, for £5 received from George Chaworth of Annesley, (Notts) under the will of Henry Chaworth of Annesley, decd. - 19 Mar [1611]
28 - Drafts of a letter, "to my Lordship" re "my daughter Gell", [written by ?Sacheverill Gell] - 1595
30 - Release and quitclaim by Sir John Gell to Thomas Viscount Fanshawe of all actions, causes etc. 6 May - 1671
31 - Draft indenture between William Sacheverell of Barton (Notts), and Francis Stringer of Sutton upon Lound (Notts) and John Newton of Hatterthorpe (Lincs) for augmenting the provision of Sacheverell's children upon the marriage of Sir John Newton's daughter in the marriage settlement - 1688
37 - Draft conveyance by Edwarde Waringe of London, gent, and Frances his wife (daughter and heir of Thomas Boydell decd) to Robert, Earle of Salisbury, Lord Treasurer of England, in consideration of £800 .......... [incomplete] - 1608
41 - Order of the Derbyshire Committee for Sequestrations that their solicitors shall give the heads of charges against Sir Edward Coke to his solicitors with copies of the examinations of witnesses - the charge to be heard at Chesterfield at the Talbot Inn on Tuesday next. 13 Aug - 1646
42 - Compotus of John Gell as sheriff of Derbyshire - 1636
43 - Admission in Wirksworth manor court of George Buxton to a parcel of land at Ireton Wood known as Gibriddinge (4 acres) of which his father George Buxton, died seised. Fine 2d. 20 Oct, 17 Jas I - 1619
44 - Evidence in the case of Attorney General, at the relation of Edward Loure, against William Storer and others re the manor of Alderwasley - c.1630
45 - A falconer's bill - 1663
47 - `A true account of all draughts and horses as came the latter beane day, all such draughts as have brought coals for the use of Mr John Gell and all such horses which brought coals for Mr John Gell, by John Gretrax' - 1647
48 - Draft charter of Charles I to the town of Derby - 1639
49 - Copy surrender by Henry Buxton of Bradbourne, with Richard and Henry Buxton, son of German Buxton, decd (executors of the said German) of a close at Ireton Wood called Gibriddinge (4 acres) to the use of John Gell the younger. 18 Oct - 1653
50 - Charge of foot raised at Bakewell, for High Peak Hundred, with lists of names - 7 May 1660
51 - Petition of Sir John Gell to Francis, Lord Guildford, Lord Keeper of the Seal, re land at Winterton (Lincs) - 1684
55 - Bargain and Sale by Valence Sacheverell of Newhall, in Sutton Coldfield (Warwks), esq, to Sir John Gell of Hopton, in consideration of £290, of all woods and underwoods upon closes known as Over Pitties, Colliskar and Leekar at Wirksworth, except all hedgerows and all oak trees or saplings in Colliskar and Leekar. 5 Apr 23 Cha I - 1647
57 - Case paper: Humfrey Cleaton v Dean and Chapter or Lichfield, re tithes at [?Hope] - c.1665
58 - Lead account book, Bakewell area - [c1586]
60 - Fragment of a draft deed concerning Francis Lowe - [17th cent]
64 - Receipt by Dean and Chapter of Lichfield for £23 12s 9d. received by the hand of Thomas Bolte from Thomas Gell, Receiver of Bakewell, Hope and Tideswell - 2 Mar [1565]
65 - Copy examination of Richard Lloyd of the Inner Temple re Sir Edward Bathurst. 6 Oct - 1648
66 - Instructions by W Michell for the payment of his debts after his death. 21 May - 1662
67 - MS. book in French [appears to be on legal matters. Several of the pages are headed "Glous."] - 17th cent
68 - Depositions re Thomas and Faith Wigley (alias Durant) re their marriage in the house of William Lister at Chesterfield `about 20 years ago' - 17th cent
69 - Rental of land belonging to John Gell of Hopton, esq., being all out on lease for 16 years except one farm [in later hand - `given upon the marriage of his son'] - 17th cent
71 - Arraignment of John Williams at the bar of King's Bench re a book entitled "Balaams Asse" written by him - 1619
72 - Copies of letters from [Sir Walter Raleigh] in Guiana to his wife, one dated 1617 - [17th cent]
73 - Answer of John Gell, esq., to the bill of complaint of Sir Alexander Ratcliffe re Ratcliffe's sister (Gell's second wife) - 2 Nov 1652
74 - Information of John Gell against John Ferne - 17 Apr 1608
75 - Draft letter by the justices of Wirksworth Wapentake re the oath of protestation - 21 Mar [1642]
76 - `A certificate of what has been done upon the poll money.' - 1641
77 - Notes `concerning holiness of apparel.' - 17th cent
78 - `Questions re the state of Bohemia and King Ferdinand.' - c.1620
79 - Specimen precepts, warrants etc. to forbid ales and wakes, for peace, etc - c1600
84 - Royal patent appointing Sir John Gell sheriff of Derbyshire. With wax seal. 8 Nov, 24 Cha II - 1672
87 - Honour of Tutbury: fee farm rents - 17th cent
89 - "Bookes and friends are better receavd by waight then number" and "Love that observes formality is sealed rather in the braine then in the hart" - short essays, pp 9 and 10 of MS volume [torn out] - 17th cent
90 - Reckoning of Raventor Grove [lead] - 1655
11 - Various, 18th - early 19th century
12 - Various, 17th century
13 - Title deeds and other papers
14 - Various, 18th-19th century
15 - 17th Cent Printed Material
16 - Title deeds and other papers
17 - Quarter Sessions (D258/17/1-9), Business - Canals and railways (D258/17/10), Miscellaneous/Various (D258/17/11-29, 33-44), Correspondence (D258/17/30-31), Philip Gell correspondence including Cromford Canal (D258/17/32, 45)
18 - Manor of Hope (D258/1), Title Deeds (D258/18/2-3, 14-19, 21-34), Ashbourne Lectureship (D258/18/4), Estate papers (D258/18/5-D258/18/7/1-4, 30-38, D258/18/8), Wirksworth School (D258/18/7/5-29), Manors of Hopton, Carsington, Wirksworth, Hognaston, Middleton by Wirksworth and Hulland (D258/18/9-13), Assessments (D258/18/20), Miscellaneous printed items (D258/18/35-38)
19 - Various (D258/19/1-30, D258/19/31/24-33, D258/19/32-34), Ashbourne lectureship (D258/19/31/1-23)
20 - Various (D258/20/1-11, 30-66), Title deeds and leases (D258/20/12-29)
21 - Various (D258/21/1-20, D258/21/45/7-8, D258/21/46/1-7), Philip Gell (1723-1795) Correspondence (D258/21/21-24, D258/21/46/8-35), Yorkshire Quarter Sessions (D258/21/25), Estate papers and accounts 18th cent (D258/21/26-D258/21/45/6),Philip Gell (1723-1795) Various (D258/21/47/1-34), Various 16th-19th cent (D258/21/47/35, D258/21/48-66)
22 - Parish Account Books (D258/22/1-3), Various, 16th-19th century (D258/22/4-23)
23 - Title Deeds and other papers (D258/23/1-19/5), Correspondence 16th-early 18th cent (D258/23/19/6-26, D258/23/20-22)
23 - Title deeds and other papers
24 - Sir Philip Gell (D258/24/1-5, D258/24/30-47, 49-54), Ashbourne Lectureship (D258/24/6), Various (D258/24/6/27, D258/24/7-8, D258/24/11-29), Wirksworth Hundred Tax Assessments (D258/24/9-10), Fagg v Gell (D258/24/48)
25 - Miscellaneous legal, financial and other papers
26 - Title Deeds etc
27 - Title Deeds etc
28 - Title Deeds
30 - Sir John Gell, Thomas Gell
34 - John Gell (1539-1671)
35 - Various accounts, deeds etc
36 - Anthony Gell d. 1584
38 - Correspondence etc
42 - Conserved fragments of estate plan showing fields (numbered) around house called Bank Top - 19th cent
43 - Hopton Receipt Papers
44 - Sir John Gell
46 - Staffordshire estate papers, 19th century - 1834-1879
47 - Unidentified plan showing part of the course of a waterway, marked at points with numbers, and the dates 20 Aug and 22 Aug. Scale not given. Dimensions approx 150cm x 130cm - [19th Cent]
48 - Philip Gell (d 1842), draft deeds, estate and financial papers - 1706-1877
49 - Log book of the Cutter Yacht Albatross from the port of Cowes, Isle of Wight to any port or ports her owner may think proper, wind and weather permitting' [to Scotland] - 18 May-29 Aug 1836
50 - SIR WILLIAM GELL (1777-1836)
51 - Various
52 - Volume of bound letters and other documents - Late 17th-early 19th cent
53 - Printed Pamphlets
54 - Isabella Thornhill - c1850-1870
55 - Pedigrees and other papers
56 - Gell Family Papers Series A-D
57 - Family Papers
63 - Number not used
64 - Boer War (largely Henry [Harry] Anthony Chandos-Pole-Gell) - 1899-1902
65 - Henry [Harry] Anthony Chandos-Pole-Gell (1872-1934) and other material
67 - Masque by William Browne written for the Inner Temple and associated correspondence - 1615-1964
68 - Pedigrees - 19th cent
69 - Plans - 1711-1828
70 - Manor of Holland p Wirksworth and Lands Grant [temp Q Anne] to Philip Gell of Hopton [outsize parchment deed, badly damaged by damp, partly illegible]
71 - Isabella Thornhill, nee Gell (1800-1878): diary - 1863-1875
72 - `Catalogue of the library at Hopton Hall' Arranged by size of volume: folio, quarto, octavo Duodecimo, `sixteens and twenty-fours' Title, edition and date of publication Folio paper vol, in slip case - ?17th cent
73 - Gell of Hopton Hall: family seal dies - late 19th cent
UL - Gell of Hopton Hall: unlisted records
Strutt family of Belper
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