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Collapse D2478 - Litton Vestry and Parish Council - 1806-1924D2478 - Litton Vestry and Parish Council - 1806-1924
Expand PC - Parish Council - 1904-1907PC - Parish Council - 1904-1907
Collapse PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1806-1913PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1806-1913
1 - “Litton General Account Book” containing – 1) Headborough’s accounts 1806-1808. 2) Unspecified accounts 1808-1812 and 1812-1813. 3) Agreement to pay William Bagshaw junior for keeping the Town’s Booth and making assessments 1813. 4) An assessment corrected in the year 1813. 5) Accounts of overseers of the poor 1815-1839. 6) Accounts of overseer of the highways 1820-1823. At rear 7) minutes of vestry meeting, 24 Mar 1819 and of vestry meeting for the appointment of a committee to facilitate the towns business and to inspect the books of the overseer of the poor, 16 Mar 1815, 8) Committee’s attendance record 1815-1817 and n.d. [?1818]. 9) Agreements to attend meetings or pay forfeit 1816-1818. 10) Memorandums relating chiefly to settlement matters 1816-1817, also including a note of agreement between William Newton junior and the principal land occupiers concerning assessment of Newton’s cotton factory towards the poor, 14 Jun 1816, and note about agreements concerning the lands and repair of highways 30 Jan 1819. 11) Committee forfeits 1825-1826. - 1806-1839
2 - Account book with a few pages of accounts at each end. At one end the first page is headed “Casual Accounts” and consists of usually small payments, probably made by the overseer of the poor 1820-1821. At the other end, the first page is headed “money received from Mr John Hawksworth at Different times”. The sums are larger than in the “Casual Accounts” section and include receipts from other sources than Handsworth. Also some payments and a general account of disbursements, 1819-1821, n.d. - 1819-1821
3 - Account book - 1877-1898
4 - Volume, valuation list with supplemental list 1874, approved 1875 - 1874-1875
5 - Volume of valuation lists 1879-1911 with audits 1912, 1913 - 1897-1913
6 - File relating to collection of a special rate - 1922-1923
7 - Register of apprentices (5 entries only) - 1808-1824
Expand PS - Surveyors of the Highways - 1837-1858PS - Surveyors of the Highways - 1837-1858
Expand PV - Vestry - 1748-1874PV - Vestry - 1748-1874