Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse D247 - Brown and Nesbitt of Buxton, solicitors - 1801-1929D247 - Brown and Nesbitt of Buxton, solicitors - 1801-1929
Expand B - Business - 1801-1917B - Business - 1801-1917
Expand EA - Buxton Schools - 1874-1936EA - Buxton Schools - 1874-1936
Expand ES - Sale CataloguesES - Sale Catalogues
Expand F - Family - 1755-1907F - Family - 1755-1907
Expand G - Buxton Protestant Electoral Federation - 1899-1906G - Buxton Protestant Electoral Federation - 1899-1906
Expand O - Office - 1887-1906O - Office - 1887-1906
Expand UL - Brown and Nesbitt: unlisted records - 20th centUL - Brown and Nesbitt: unlisted records - 20th cent
Collapse Z - Miscellaneous - 1861-1928Z - Miscellaneous - 1861-1928