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Collapse D239 - FitzHerbert family of Tissington - [16th-20th cent]D239 - FitzHerbert family of Tissington - [16th-20th cent]
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1 - Exemplification of a recovery by John Zouche, Edward Lyttleton, and Francis Cokayne by Richard Lee their attorney against Thomas Cokayne of the manors of Ashbourne, Great Clifton, Little Clifton, Middleton, and Tissington, with 80 messuages, 30 cottages, 20 tofts, a water mill, 100 gardens, 100 orchards, 1000 acres land, 500 acres meadow, 2000 acres pasture, 100 acres wood, 1000 acres furze and heath, and 40s rent in Ashbourne, Great Clifton, Little Clifton, Middleton, Tissington, Kniveton, Lea, Harthill Park, and Harthill Moor. Michaelmas term Exemplified at the request of John FitzHerbert, 12 February 1630/31 - 1556
1-11 - The Manor
1-466 - Tissington
2 - Mortgage in £600 by Edward Cokayne of Ashbourne esq. to Francis FitzHerbert of the manor of Tissington - 25 May 1597
3-4 - Final concord and counterpart between Francis FitzHerbert plaintiff and Edward Cokayne deforciant of the manor of Tissington, 12 messuages, 6 cottages, 7 tofts, 20 gardens, 20 orchards, 500 acres land, 1000 acres meadow, 1500 acres of pasture, 500 acres heath, 12s rent, and view of frankpledge. Consideration £1400. Dated 12 June - 1597
5 - Release and quitclaim by Edward Cokayne to Francis FitzHerbert of all right, title, etc. in the manor of Tissington. Dated 18 June - 1598
6 - Release by Edward Cokayne to Francis FitzHerbert of the manor of Tissington; consideration, £600 upon mortgage (see D239 M/T 2) and a further £69. Dated 30 July. - 1598
7 - Order of James I to the escheator of Derbyshire to deliver the manor of Tissington (half in fee tail, half in fee simple) to John FitzHerbert, following the inquisition post mortem on Francis FitzHerbert. Dated 19 May - 1622
8 - Exemplification of a recovery by Herbert Bullock against John FitzHerbert of the manor of Tissington, 10 messuages, a water mill, 10 gardens, 200 acres land, 200 acres meadow and 100 acres pasture in Tissington and Fenny Bentley. Dated 10 May - 1624
9 - Surrender by Sir John FitzHerbert of Norbury and Robert Port of Ilam (co. Stafford) to William FitzHerbert of Tissington of the manor of Tissington which had been leased on 7 October 1631 by John FitzHerbert, father of William, to Sir Francis Cooke (deceased), John Bullock (deceased), Sir John FitzHerbert, and Robert Port for 21 years after the death of John FitzHerbert upon trusts. Dated 24 April - 1648
10 - Surrender by Edward Onley of Catesby (co. Northampton) esq. to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of the manors of Tissington and Fenny Bentley which were leased to Onley on 13 May 1648 in trust for the payment of certain debts. Dated 8 September - 1652
11 - Deed to declare the uses of a fine to be levied by William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. and Lady Mary his wife to the Hon. Oliver Cromwell esq., third son of Thomas late Viscount Lecale, commonly called the earl of Ardglass, Richard Congreve of Stretton (co. Stafford) esq., and Francis FitzHerbert of Lincoln's Inn esq., of the manor of Tissington with all appurtenances to the use of William FitzHerbert in fee simple. Dated 1 April - 1656
12 - Bargain and sale with feoffment Charles, Viscount Mansfield (son and heir of the Rt. Hon. Dame Elizabeth, countess of Newcastle, deceased, sole daughter and heir of William Bassett esq.), Henry Cutts of Clare (co. Suffolk) gent., William Clayton of Romeley, gent., Roger Payne of Otterden (co. Kent) gent., and John Hutton of Langley, gent., to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of a field land in Windmill Field containing 16 acres 3 roods 32 perches, now in the tenure of Richard Ensor, Robert Bainbridge, Richard Fletcher, John Goodale, Henry Woodiwis, Thomas Janney, and John Ensor; a close called Old Hall, and 3 beast-grasses in the Shawes. Consideration £185 13s. Dated 13 November Endorsed: any lead ore discovered reserved to the use of Viscount Mansfield and heirs - 1654
12-27 - Miscellaneous
13 - Gift by Katherine Redfern of Tissington, widow, to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of a parcel of land called the Poole Yard in exchange for a little croft. Dated 9 August - 1658
14 - Bargain and sale with feoffment by Francis FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. to William FitzHerbert his brother of a house and yard in Tissington, and certain closes called Highway Closes, Callowbotham, two closes called the Little Highway Closes, Hyrky-cliffe, Chickin-meadow, Torner Cliffe, a close lately enclosed out of Wibnill feild, a close called Barne Flatt adjoining the Rakes, the Meare Butts, and a close in Hungerhill Field called New Close, which lands were settled on Francis by his father, Sir John FitzHerbert of Tissington by indenture of 14 October 1641; consideration: William undertakes to pay Francis's debts amounting to £310 as appears to the attached schedule. Dated 28 April Final concord between William FitzHerbert plaintiff and Francis FitzHerbert deforciant of a messuage, cottage, 2 gardens, 40 acres land, 20 acres meadow, and 40 acres pasture in Tissington. Consideration £120. Dated 19 April - 1663-1668
15 - Lease for 98 years by Roger Newton of Derby gent. to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of a house and backside, a close called the Rakes (tenant Thomas Stubbs), a water corn mill (tenant Thomas Stubbs), and closes called Goslands (tenants Raph Johnson and Raph Toplis), Sharplow (tenant Anthony Alsopp), Barne Flatt and Toplis Close (tenant Francis Tompson), and two enclosed pieces on the east side of Windmill Field, Horse Paddock, Little Barne Flatt behind the orchard, a pasture lately enclosed at the upper end of Darfield containing 65 acres, excepting five beast grasses belonging to Froggatts Farm, and a pasture called Hollington. Rent £100 a year for 21 years and thereafter a pepper corn. Dated 1 November - 1670
16-17 - Lease and release by Thomas Redfearne of Tissington yeoman to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of a cottage in Tissington (tenant William Pearson) and 8 lands in Hungerhill Field and 7 lands in Wibnell Field, amounting in all to 4½ acres. Consideration £38. Dated 18/19 October - 1672
18-19 - Bargain and sale with feoffment, and counterpart, by William FitzHerbert to John Ensor of Tissington yeoman of 4½ acres of land as in D239 M/T 16-17. Consideration £18. - 21 Jan [1673]
20 - Articles of agreement made between William FitzHerbert, lord of the manor of Tissington, and certain freeholders concerning the parting and dividing of certain pastures and town fields. Dated 22 April - 1674
21 - Partition by Joseph Woodhouse of Wolfscote and Robert Dale of Parwich, gents., between William FitzHerbert and John Ensor, Robert Ensor, John Wheeldon sen., John Wheeldon jun., Thomas Daken, Humfrey Manyfold, Thomas Day, William Fletcher, Thomas Hall, and John Goodale, freeholders of the manor of Tissington whereby the freeholders are to have land on the south side of Hollington (74 acres) and the southside of Green Moore (81 acres) as marked out in full satisfaction of all their beastgates on Hollington and Green Moore. Dated 23 July - 1674
22 - Partition by Joseph Woodhouse and Robert Dale between same parties as T 21 of Hungerhill Field, Wibnell Field, Hollington, Green Moore, Rough Moore, Sharplow, and Darfield whereby William FitzHerbert is to have all the land not alloted to the freeholders. Dated 22 October - 1674
23 - Partition by Joseph Woodhouse and Robert Dale between William FitzHerbert, lord of the manor of Tissington, and Thomas Hall, John Ensor, John Wheeldon. Thomas Daken, William Fletcher, John Goodale, Humfrey Manyfould, and Thomas Day, freeholders of the manor, of Upper Meadow, Turnicliffe Meadow, Bent Furnicliffe and the Watering Place or Intake, William FitzHerbert to have all the land not alloted to the freeholders. Dated 26 December - 1674
24 - Mortgage in fee by William FitzHerbert, Francis FitzHerbert, and Anthony FitzHerbert of Tissington to Richard Ensor of Tissington yeoman of a close called Barne Flatts (tenant Richard Redferne). Proviso for repayment within 4 years; consideration £55. Dated 6 April - 1654
25-26 - Lease and release by John Ensor of Tissington yeoman to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of a close called Barne Flatt in consideration of the prior conveyance to Ensor of the Rayle Close otherwise Wet Furlonge, and Smyths Croft with the barn thereon. Dated 8/9 November - 1675
27 - Lease by Sir William Boothby of Ashbourne Hall and John Beresford of Fenny Bentley esq., trustees of William Bott of Fenny Bentley, clerk, and Elizabeth his wife, to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of the Shaws and Middle Meadow, which two closes William has bargained and sold to Boothby and Beresford upon trust to allow William Bott to receive the profits therefrom for a term of 60 years, if Elizabeth Bott lives that long; period of this lease to be 59 years 11 months; rent £20. Dated 26 March - 1677
28 - Lease by William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. to William Froggatt of Middle Mayfield (co. Stafford) yeoman, of a messuage or farm in Tissington now in the tenure of Froggatt for the lives of William Froggatt, Thomas Froggatt, and Aden Froggatt, sons of William, and for a further 15 years, in consideration of the surrender of a former lease with 14 years unexpired and of £180 Pepper corn rent. Dated 7 June - 1656
28-40 - Froggatt's farm
29 - Mortgage for term of 15 years by William Froggatt sen. of Ashbourne yeoman to John Wheeldon of Tissington yeoman of premises as in D239 M/T 28; consideration £130. Proviso for repayment by 6 April 1672. Dated 5 April Endorsed: assignment by Wheeldon to Thomas Orme of Tissington; consideration £65; dated 2 October - 1671; 1679
30 - Assignment of a lease for the remaining term by William Froggatt of Ashbourne yeoman, William Froggatt jun. of Ashbourne gent., and Aden Froggatt of Lichfield (co. Stafford) to Anthony FitzHerbert of Ashbourne gent., reciting the terms of T 28, of their share of a pasture called Darfield (23 acres), which was assigned to William Froggatt upon the partition of Darfield. Consideration £87. Dated 2 October - 1679
31 - Assignment of a lease for the remaining term by William Froggatt and sons (see T 30) to Robert Appleby of Tissington husbandman, reciting terms of T 28, of a messuage, garden, backside and barn. Consideration £4 10s. Dated 16 May - 1680
32 - Assignment of a lease for the remaining term by William Froggatt and sons (see T 30) to Anthony FitzHerbert of Ashbourne gent., reciting terms of T 28, of a close called Little Narlowe. Consideration £55. Dated 10 June - 1680
33 - Mortgage by William Froggatt sen. and William Froggatt jun. to Anthony FitzHerbert of the premises as in D239 M/T 28 for the lives of William jun. and Adam Froggatt, and then for a further 15 years, consideration £40. Proviso for repayment by 19 May next. Dated 20 May 1682 Endorsed: appointment of Henry Hand of Tissington as attorney for William Froggatt sen., 24 May 1682 Appointment of Richard Peters of Ashbourne gent. as attorney for Anthony FitzHerbert, 27 May - 1682
34 - Assignment of lease for the remaining term by William Froggatt sen. and William Froggatt jun. to Anthony FitzHerbert, reciting terms of T 28, of closes known as Somer Lands and Codlowe. Consideration £56 10s. Dated 25 March - 1683
35-36 - Lease and release by William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. to Anthony FitzHerbert of Ashbourne gent. of Froggatt's Farm now in the tenure of William Froggatt (see T 28). Consideration £100. - 10-11 Jan [1684]
37 - Assignment of lease by William Froggatt sen. to Adin Froggatt of closes known as [ ], the Croft, two closes lately taken out of [ ] field, in consideration of a competent portion and of £50 paid by William Froggatt jun., and out of love and affection towards Ellnor wife of William sen. and towards Ann, Mary and Ellnor, daughters of William jun., to hold upon trusts. Dated 2 June - 1685
38 - Release by John Pymme of Derby watchmaker to Jonathan Lee of Chesterfield gent. of all his title to land in Tissington known as Hulland Half, a close called [the Croft], and two closes taken out of Netherfield. - 24 Mar [1697]
39-40 - Lease and release by Jonathan Lee of Chesterfield gent. and Ann his wife (daughter of the late William Froggatt) and John Pymme of the same place watchmaker and Mary his wife and Elnor Froggatt of Chesterfield spinster (both daughters of the late William Froggatt) to John Beresford of Ashbourne, trustee of William FitzHerbert of the Inner Temple esq., of those closes as in D239 M/T 37-38, reciting that they are seised of the said closes during the lifetime of Adin Froggatt and then for a further 15 years. Consideration £100. Dated 11/12 October - 1703
41-42 - Lease and release to lead the uses of a recovery for docking of estates tail to be levied by John Beresford of Fenny Bentley esq. against Charles Bagshaw of Bakewell gent. of a messuage in Tissington with closes known as the Coppie otherwise the Copes, Marshalls Close, the Park and Stubble, and all other estates of William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. (late the estate of Anthony FitzHerbert his father) to the use of William FitzHerbert in fee simple. Dated 10/11 November - 1702
41-45 - Miscellaneous
43 - Exemplification of a recovery by John Beresford against Charles Bagshaw of a messuage, 70 acres land, 20 acres meadow, and 60 acres of pasture in Tissington. Dated 28 November - 1702
44-45 - Lease and release by Frances FitzHerbert of Tissington spinster to William FitzHerbert of Tissington and the Inner Temple esq. of a messuage or a cottage with the adjoining meadow or croft, known as Old Hall (tenant John Mellor). Consideration £35. Dated 19/20 December - 1709
46 - Bargain and sale with feoffment by William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq., Edward Onely of Catesby (co. Northampton) esq., Francis FitzHerbert and Anthony FitzHerbert, gents. (brothers of William) to German Buxton of Brassington yeoman of a moiety of Backemoore (160 acres), and a meadow called Stone Wall within the Towne Meadow (2 acres). Consideration £401. Dated 3 May - 1652
46-56 - Backmoore
47 - Bargain and sale with feoffment by German Buxton of Brassington gent. to Robert Hayward of Carsington gent. of 90 acres of Back Moor with a barn thereon (tenant Henry Hand) and Stone Wall (2 acres) within the Town Meadow, which German Buxton, father of German bought as in D239 M/T 46. Consideration £350. Dated 31 March - 1683
48 - Will of Robert Hayward of Carsington gent. To son, Samuel Hayward, lands called the Backmoore with the barn thereon, and the little meadow therewith in Tissington, with all other lands there not formerly settled. To son Benjamin, the ancient messuage at Carsington together with all other lands purchased of Henry Spencer some 8 years ago, together with other lands in Carsington (details recited), provided that Benjamin pays £300 to Abraham Crumpton of Derby. To sons, Samuel and Benjamin, to be equally divided, his shares in the mines called Milnclose Groves in Wensley, and all soughs and veins of lead ore, etc., for which they shall pay £10 to Anne Hayward, testator's wife, within 3 months of his decease, and £10 similarly to his son, Robert Hayward. To Benjamin, his share in groves called Masson or Gentlewoman's Groves in Matlock or Bonsall; to wife Anne, one half of testator's household goods; to daughters, Elizabeth, Hannah, and Millicent, £5 each for mourning; to Benjamin and Samuel, the remaining household goods, and all personal estate; to daughter Hannah, wife of Nathaniel Scholes, £6 a year for their joint lives; to the ministers that preach at the meeting house in Wirksworth, £6 a year for 8 years or longer if the meetings continue. Samuel and Benjamin appointed executors; Richard Bateman and John Davies, testators sons-in-law, to be overseers, and to receive 20s each for a gold ring. To the minister who preaches the funeral sermon, 20s To every servant, 5s. Dated 28 May Codicil: to wife Anne, four of the best cows and the best chestnut mare; to wife and youngest son Robert equally, all corn in the barn and chamber in Carsington with winter corn growing in the Further Piece Close (5 acres), and the oats sown in the lower ends of the meadow, fice large haystacks in Carsington, and all hay growing, amounting to 100 loads. Dated 30 May - 1701
49-50 - Lease and release by Samuel Hayward of London merchant and Ann Hayward, widow of Robert Hayward and mother of Samuel, to William FitzHerbert of the Inner Temple and of Tissington esq. of land as in D239 M/T 47. Consideration £330. Dated 2/3 July - 1711
51 - Copy lease and release by William Froggatt sen. of Ashbourne yeoman, William Froggatt jun., Thomas Froggatt, and Adin Froggatt, sons of William sen. to Robert Smith and Robert Fletcher of Tissington yeomen of a moiety of those closes known as the Back Moore and the Back of the Moors (tenant Henry Fletcher). Consideration £320. Dated 15/16 August Bond in £640 by William Froggatt and sons to Robert Smith and Robert Fletcher to perform the covenants as above. Dated 16 August - 1671
52 - Release by Thomas Fletcher of Tissington yeoman, son of Robert Fletcher deceased, and Robert Smith of Tissington yeoman to John Port of Ilam (co. Staffordshire) esq., of a half-share of that part of the Back Moore originally purchased from the Froggatts (see T 51). Dated 28 April - 1705
53 - Release by John Port to Thomas Fletcher of land as in D239 M/T 52. Consideration £40. Dated 2 May - 1705
54 - Mortgage for a term of 500 years by Thomas Fletcher of Tissington yeoman to Dorothy Wood jun. of Ashbourne sen. of a housestead with barn, garden, orchard, and croft, lately purchased by Fletcher from Richard Ensor of Ilam clerk, together with a half-share of a moiety of Black Moore. Proviso for repayment by 9 May next. Pepper-corn rent. Consideration £100. Dated 9 May - 1705
55-56 - Lease and release by Robert Fletcher of Tissington yeoman and Thomas Rogers jun. of Tissington yeoman and Hannah his wife, widow of Thomas Fletcher (who was father of Robert), to Baptist Trott of Mappleton esq. and Edward Brock, clerk to Thomas Bagshaw of Bakewell esq. of a half-share of a moiety of the Back Moore, to hold in trust under the terms of a settlement on the marriage of William FitzHerbert of the Inner Temple and of Tissington to Rachel Bagshaw, daughter of Thomas Bagshaw. Consideration £210, part of Rachel's marriage portion of £1000, paid by Thomas Bagshaw. Dated 23/24 June - 1712
57 - Bargain and sale by Catherine Port of Ilam (co. Staffordshire) spinster to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of a house or cottage with garden and croft. Consideration £10. Dated 25 April 1717 - 1717
57-64 - Miscellaneous
58-59 - Lease and release by Ellen Wheeldon of Hanging Hucknall spinster to Edward Brock of Bakewell gent. in trust for William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of a messuage in Tissington near the Town Damm, and two parcels of land called Greenway Ditch and Town Meadow, the latter consisting of 4 acres. Consideration £102 10s paid by William FitzHerbert. Dated 26/27 April - 1717
60-61 - Lease and release by Frances FitzHerbert of Tissington spinster to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of two third-parts of that large piece of pasture ground called North Darfield, a messuage barn etc., and ground called Greway otherwise Greenway Ditches and a messuage etc. with ground called Greway otherwise Greenway Ditch, and two other messuages. Consideration £544 9s 8d. Dated 15/16 May - 1718
62 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine to be levied by John FitzHerbert of Somersall Herbert esq. and Ann his wife, daughter of William FitzHerbert late of Tissington, and William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. to John Beresford of Fenny Bentley esq. to the use of William FitzHerbert in fee simple, of a parcel of land called Back Moor, a messuage and croft (tenant William Mellor), a messuage and croft (tenant Thomas Rogers jun.), a cottage and croft (tenant Robert Toplis), a cottage and backside (tenant Richard Bowler), a messuage, backside, Greenway Ditch and Town Meadow, four beastgates in Fearney Clifse, and a cottage and croft, all in Tissington, and also all those lands in Fenny Bentley lately purchased by William FitzHerbert from Robert Lomas. - 12 Jan [1720]
63-64 - Final concord and counterpart between John Beresford plaintiff and John FitzHerbert and Ann his wife and William FitzHerbert deforciants of three messuages, three cottages, four gardens, four orchards, 20 acres land, 5 acres meadow, 20 acres pasture, and 120 acres moor in Tissington and Fenny Bentley. Consideration £60. - 3 Feb [1720]
65 - Bargain and sale with feoffment by William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq., Edward Onely of Catesby (co. Northampton) and Francis FitzHerbert gent. (brother of William) to Anthony Goodwin of Tissington yeoman of two closes in Tissington called Park Iron and Little Codlow. Consideration £210. - 24 Jan [1652]
65-86 - Park Iron and Little Codlow
66-67 - Mortgage in fee by lease and release by Anthony Goodwyn of Tissington yeoman and Thomas Goodwyn of Haddon husbandman to John Greaves of Whitwell clerk of park Iron and Little Codlow. Consideration £50. Dated 14/15 May - 1675
68 - Receipt from Anthony and Thomas Goodwyn to John Greaves of £50 principal on mortgage. Dated 15 May - 1675
69 - Bargain and sale with feoffment by Anthony Goodwyn sen. of Tissington and Thomas Goodwyn his son to John Greaves of Whitwell clerk of Park Iron and Little Codlow. Consideration £150. Dated 3 July - 1676
70 - Extract from will of John Greaves; to his wife, all lands in Tissington lately purchased from Anthony Goodwin for the term of her natural life provided she continues in his name; if she changes her name, the land to descend to testator's sister, Mary Collinson, who is to inherit it anyway on his wife's death. - 10 Jan [1689]
71-72 - Lease and release by John Collinson of Nottingham ironmonger, Mary his wife (sister and devisee of John Greaves deceased), and John Collinson, their elder son, to Thomas Collinson of Willoughby (co. Nottingham) clerk, their second son, of Park Iron and Little Codlow (tenant Richard Goodwin). Dated 23/24 December - 1700
73 - Settlement upon the marriage of Thomas Collinson of Willoughby (co. Nottingham) clerk and Deborah Farnsworth of Nottingham spinster whereby Collinson conveys Park Iron and Little Codlow to John Wood of Nottingham gent. and John Farnsworth of Pinxton yeoman, to his own use for life, then to Deborah for life, with remainder to their right heirs. Dated 30 December - 1700
74 - Final concord between Richard Parleby plaintiff and Thomas Collinson, Deborah his wife, and George Moore and Ann his wife deforciants of 15 acres land, 10 acres meadow, 10 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Tissington and Denby. Consideration £100. Dated 21 June - 1713
75-76 - Mortgage in fee by lease and release by Thomas Collinson of Willoughby on the Wolds (co. Nottingham) clerk and Deborah his wife to Susannah Cheetam of Nottingham spinster of Park Iron and Little Codlow (tenant Robert Goodwin). Consideration £100. Dated 11/12 September - 1713
77-78 - Mortgage in fee by lease and release by Thomas Collinson of Grimston (co. Leicester) clerk and Deborah his wife and Susannah Cheetam of Nottingham spinster to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of Park Iron and Little Codlow. Consideration £117 10s paid to Susannah and of £62 10s to Collinson - 20-21 Mar [1722]
79-80 - Lease and release by Thomas Collinson and Deborah his wife and William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. to Cornelius Fowler of Castern (co. Stafford) of Park Iron and Little Codlow. Consideration £180 to FitzHerbert and £85 5s paid to Collinson. - 20-21 Mar [1727]
81 - Counterpart of D239 M/T 80
82 - Will of Cornelius Fowler - 1727
83-84 - Lease and release by William Johnson of New Inns, yeoman, Thomas Johnson of Hope (co. Stafford) yeoman, trustees under the will of Cornelius Fowler, William Smith of Castern (co. Stafford) yeoman and Ann his wife (widow of Cornelius Fowler) and Thomas Fowler of Stanhope (co. Stafford) yeoman (son and heir of Cornelius Fowler) to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of Park Iron and Little Codlow (tenant John Hardy). Consideration £300 paid to the Johnsons. Dated 25/26 March - 1734
85-86 - Final concord and counterpart between William FitzHerbert plaintiff and William Johnson, Thomas Johnson, William Smith and Ann his wife deforciants of 15 acres land, 15 acres meadow, 15 acres pasture in Tissington. Consideration £60. Dated 22 June - 1734
87 - Lease by William Froggatt sen. of Ashbourne yeoman to Richard Allen of High Field (co. Stafford) yeoman of a parcel of meadow (5 acres) in a meadow in Tissington called Turnycliffe, for the lives of William Froggatt jun., Thomas Froggatt, and Adin Froggatt, and for 15 years thereafter. Pepper-corn rent. Consideration £20. Dated 17 July - 1675
87-107 - Beastgates in Fernycliff
88 - Release to follow lease by John Buxton of Ashbourne gent. to Hugh Wheeldon of Chesterfield yeoman of five and one-third beastgrasses in a close called Fearnycliffe. Consideration £40. Dated 2 October - 1683
89-90 - Lease and release by John Ensor of Tissington yeoman to Humphry Manifould of Ashbourne yeoman of three and one third beastgates in a common pasture called Fearny Cliffe. Consideration £33 6s 8d. - 3-4 March [1684]
91 - Assignment of a lease by Richard Allen of High Field (co. Stafford) to Anthony FitzHerbert of Ashbourne gent. of a parcel of meadow as in D239 M/T 87, for the remaining term. Consideration £18. Dated 20 October - 1686
92-93 - Lease and release by Joshua Wheldon of Chesterfield distiller of strong waters and Richard Wheldon of the same place, brother of Joshua, William Wallbanke of Tissington husbandman, and Ann his wife, to Thomas Ward of Shirley Lodge and Ann his wife of five and one third beastgates as in D239 M/T 88. Consideration £60. Dated 29/30 March - 1692
94 - Bargain and sale with feoffment by Humfrey Manyfold of Parwich yeoman to Thomas Ward of Shirley yeoman of three beastgates in Tissington in a pasture called Fernicliffe, which were devised to Humfrey by the will of Humfrey Manyfold of Ashbourne deceased. Consideration £40. Dated 1 April - 1699
95-96 - Lease and release by Thomas Johnson of Tissington yeoman and Jane Johnson of Tissington, spinster (his daughter) to Edward Edensor of Tissington yeoman of four beastgates in Fernycliffe. Consideration £60. - 23-24 Mar [1715]
97 - Bargain and sale with feoffment by Thomas Johnson of Tissington yeoman to Frances FitzHerbert of Ilam (co. Staffordshire) spinster, daughter of William FitzHerbert deceased, of 1 acre 1 rood of meadow in Turny Cliffe, adjoining the Blache-brook on the east. Dated 25 March. Consideration £20
98 - Lease and release by Edward Edensor and Thomas Johnson both of Tissington yeomen to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of four beastgates (see T 95-96). Consideration £56 paid to Edensor. Dated 8/9 October - 1716
99 - Mortgage for a term of 1000 years by Thomas Ward of Shirley yeoman (son and heir of Thomas Ward deceased) to Gilbert Cheshire of Derby gent. of five and one-third beast grasses in a common pasture called Ferney Cliffe. Consideration £80; pepper-corn rent. Dated 14 July - 1732
100 - Memorandum of an agreement made between Thomas Ward of Shirley Lodge and William FitzHerbert whereby Ward agrees to sell and convey to FitzHerbert three beastgates in Fernicliffe for £46, the beastgates to be a further security for a sum of £20 lent by William FitzHerbert to Thomas Ward and Joseph Frost of Derby iron-monger. Dated 25 September - 1735
101 - Mortgage for term of 1000 years by Thomas Ward to William FitzHerbert of three beastgates in Fernicliffe. Consideration £20. Dated 31 October - 1735
102 - Further security by Thomas Ward to William Chancy of Derby doctor in physick on eleven and one-quarter beastgates in a common pasture in Tissington called Freeholders Piece. Consideration £60 owing to Chancy. Dated 21 November - 1735
103 - Assignment of mortgage by Gilbert Cheshire, at the direction of Thomas Ward, to Richard Goodwin of Tissington gent. in trust for William FitzHerbert and to attend the inheritance of five and one third beast grasses in Ferney Cliffe (see T 99). Consideration £92 paid by FitzHerbert to Cheshire. Dated 24 June - 1736
104-105 - Lease and release by Thomas Ward and Mary his wife to William FitzHerbert of beastgrasses in D239 M/T 103. Consideration £180 - 1-2 Jul 1736
106 - Assignment of mortgage by William FitzHerbert to Thomas Dod his servant, on the direction of Thomas Ward, of three beastgrasses in Fernicliffe, together with an assignment by William Chancy to John FitzHerbert (second son of William) of a mortgage on eleven and one quarter beastgates in Fernicliffe upon trust for William FitzHerbert and to attend the inheritance. Consideration £20 10s due to FitzHerbert from Ward upon a mortgage (D239 M/T 101) and £67 10s paid to Chancy. Dated 2 July - 1736
107 - Final concord between William FitzHerbert plaintiff and William Ault and Elizabeth his wife, and Thomas Ward and Mary his wife deforciants of a messuage, 20 acres land, 60 acres meadow, 10 acres pasture, 10 acres furze and heath, and common of pasture in Kirk Langley and Tissington. Consideration £60. Dated 11 July - 1736
108 - Lease for possession by Richard FitzHerbert of Somersall Herbert esq. to Brooke Boothby of Ashbourne Hall esq. of a farmhouse in Tissington, formerly called John Johnson's farm and now called Ferneycliffe Farm, with all lands appurtenant, and the following closes: Great Highway Close, Little Highway Close, Fernycliffe, and Colloway Bottom, in trust to permit Richard FitzHerbert to receive the rents. Dated 29 March - 1743
108-115 - Ferneycliffe Farm
109-110 - Lease and release by Richard FitzHerbert to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of premises as in D239 M/T 108. Consideration £1600. Dated 30/31 March - 1743
111-112 - Lease and release by Richard FitzHerbert of Somersall Herbert esq., only son and heir of John FitzHerbert, and William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. to Thomas Gregg of the Inner Temple gent., of a messuage in Tissington now or late in the tenure of John Hardy and the following closes: Knowle Close, Fisley Close, Elden Close, the Over Thickett Close, Nether Thickett Close, the Pingle on the back of the house, the Daymath, the Beane Close, the Pingle before the house; and a messuage now or late in the tenure of Henry Hand and the following closes: the Homestead, the Well Croft, the Over Croft, the New Close (now divided into three), the Highway Close, the Highway Pingle, the Over Field, the Green Moor; and the following closes: the Crakelow; and a messuage now or late in the tenure of John Taylor, together with the Homestead, the Fernycliffe (now divided into seven), the Great Highway Close, the Little Highway Close, the Cowlow Botham, and the Little Ferney Cliffe; and those two messuages now or late in the tenure of William Smith, John Smith, and David Perry, together with the Cracklow (now divided into five), the Long Somerlands, the Round Somerlands, and the Paddocke; and closes called the Barslow Close, Dale Close, a piece of land (3 acres) opposite the house of William FitzHerbert; the Crakelow (2 acres); two messuages now or late in the tenure of Thomas Gold, and the croft at the back of the house, and the Cracklow, to the intent that Gregg may be made a tenant for suffering a common recovery to bar entails upon the following trusts: the messuage and lands occupied by Henry Hand to the use of Richard FitzHerbert in fee simple, and other estates to the use of William FitzHerbert in fee simple. Dated 4/5 October - 1749
113-114 - Counterparts of D239 M/T 111-112
115 - Exemplification of a recovery by William FitzHerbert against Thomas Gregg of 6 messuages, 10 gardens, 100 acres land, 60 acres meadow, and 300 acres of pasture. Dated 25 November - 1749
116 - Mortgage for a term of 1000 years by Richard FitzHerbert of Somersall Herbert esq. to Job Marple of Brassington of a messuage and tenement in Tissington or Fenny Bentley (tenant John Hardy). Consideration £400. Dated 16 March 1754 - 1754
116-121 - Messuage and lands
117-118 - Lease and release by Richard FitzHerbert to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of a dwelling house in Tissington or Fenny Bentley (tenant John Hand) with closes known as Over Thickett, Nether Thickett, Over Pingle, Elden Close, Thisley Close, Nether Pingle, Three Day Math, Bean Close, and Knowl Close (see D239 M/T 111-112). Consideration £800. Dated 6/7 April - 1755
119 - Assignment of a mortgage term in trust and to attend the inheritance by Job Marple, at the direction of Richard FitzHerbert to Brooke Boothby of Stafford esq. in trust for William FitzHerbert of premises as in D239 M/T 116. Consideration £400 paid to Marple. Dated 7 April - 1755
120 - Assignment of mortgage by John Johnson of Winster yeoman at the direction of William FitzHerbert to John Wall of Alfreton gent., reciting the terms of a mortgage by FitzHerbert to Johnson dated 8 April 1755, of premises as in D239 M/T 117-118. Consideration £500 paid by Wall to Johnson. Dated 8 October - 1757
Expand 121 - Assignment of mortgage by John Wall of Wirksworth gent. at the direction of William FitzHerbert, to William Etches of Ashbourne, butcher, of premises as in D239 M/T 117-118. Consideration £500 paid by Etches to Wall. Dated 28 April 1766
Endorsed with the reconveyance of the premises by Etches of FitzHerbert. Dated 25 March 1781. Together with an assignment of the remainder of the term to William Philp Perrin and to attend the inheritance
Endorsed with merger of the term with the inheritance by William Philp Perrin to William FitzHerbert. Dated 10 October 1783 - 1766-1783121 - Assignment of mortgage by John Wall of Wirksworth gent. at the direction of William FitzHerbert, to William Etches of Ashbourne, butcher, of premises as in D239 M/T 117-118. Consideration £500 paid by Etches to Wall. Dated 28 April 1766 Endorsed with the reconveyance of the premises by Etches of FitzHerbert. Dated 25 March 1781. Together with an assignment of the remainder of the term to William Philp Perrin and to attend the inheritance Endorsed with merger of the term with the inheritance by William Philp Perrin to William FitzHerbert. Dated 10 October 1783 - 1766-1783
122 - Bargain and sale with feoffment by Charles Viscount Mansfield (son and heir of Elizabeth countess of Newcastle deceased, who was daughter and heir of William Bassett deceased), Henry Cuts of Clare (Suffolk), William Clayton of Romeley, Roger Payne of Otterden (Kent), and John Hutton of Langley Mill, gentlemen, to Robert Bosterne of Stanshope (co. Stafford) yeoman of a moiety of closes and pastures known as Back More. Consideration £350. Dated 20 October - 1654
122-147 - A moiety of Back Moor
123-124 - Lease and release by William Froggatt sen. of Ashbourne yeomen and William Froggatt jun., Thomas Froggatt, and Adin Froggatt his sons to Robert Smith and Robert Fletcher of Tissington yeomen of a moiety of Back Moor. Consideration £320. Dated 15/16 August - 1671
125 - Final concord between John Buxton, Robert Smyth, Robert Fletcher, and Thomas Mellor plaintiffs and William Froggatt sen., William Froggatt jun., and Mary his wife, Thomas Froggatt, Adin Froggatt, Christopher Creekes and Mary his wife, and Dorothy Jenkinson, deforciants, of 4 messuages, 4 gardens, 40 acres land, 40 acres meadow, and 200 acres of pasture in Ashbourne, Tissington, Clifton, and Compton. Consideration £200. Dated 24 April - 1672
126 - Bargain and sale with feoffment by Robert Smith to William Smith of Tissington, his son and heir, of a moiety of eleven beastgates on a pasture called Hollington and in that part of Green Moor lying next to Hollington with the sheep and horse grasses appurtenant, and a half-part of 20 sheep grasses on Green Moor, together with a moiety of all other his beast gates etc. on Hollington and Green Moor, and his share in a moiety of Back Moor and a moiety of a close called Ambrooke Close with a moiety of the barn there, the last named being in Thorpe. Dated 10 December - 1683
127 - Articles of agreement between Robert Smith of Tissington yeoman and Robert Hayward of Carsington lead merchant whereby Smith agrees to sell to Hayward for £245 a moiety of the Back Moor - 5 Jan [1687]
128-129 - Lease and release by Robert Smith, Hannah his wife, and William Smith, their son, to Robert Hayward of a quarter part of the Back Moor. Consideration £245. - 31 Jan-1 Feb [1687]
130 - Receipt from Robert Smith to Robert Hayward of £245 purchase money in D239 M/T 128-129. Dated 1 February - 1 Feb [1687]
131-132 - Final concord and counterpart between Robert Hayward plaintiff and Robert Smith, Hannah his wife, and William Smith of 100 acres of land, 10 acres meadow, 60 acres pasture, and 100 acres of furze and heath in Tissington. Consideration £120. - 3 Feb [1687]
133-134 - Settlement by way of lease and release on the marriage of Nathaniel Scholes of Salford (co. Lancaster) clerk and Hannah daughter of Robert Hayward whereby Robert Hayward conveys to John Spateman of Road Nook in the parish of Morton, esq. and Benjamin Hayward of Matlock gent (his son), a moiety of closes known as the Back Moor upon trust to the use of Hayward until the marriage, then to Scholes for his life, then to Hannah for her life, with remainder to the heirs of their bodies, and in default of issue to the heirs of Robert Hayward. Dated 1/2 November - 1689
135-136 - Lease and release by Samuel Scholes of Chesterfield apothecary (son and heir of Nathaniel Scholes deceased) to Richard Bateman of Hartington gent. and Benjamin Hayward of Chesterfield gent. of a moiety of the Back Moor, upon trust to the use of Nathaniel Scholes of Wirksworth ironmonger (brother of Samuel) for life with remainder to the heirs of Nathaniel's body, and in default of heirs with remainder to Samuel in tail general. Dated 30/31 May - 1715
137-138 - Lease and release by Nathaniel Scholes of Little Lever in the parish of Bolton (co. Lancaster) to Francis Gregg of Clements Inn esq. and Thomas Parker of New Inn gent. of a moiety of Back Moor to the intent that they may become tenants for suffering a common recovery by Hugh Bateman, mayor of Derby, and Robert Wagstaffe of Derby gent. to the use of Scholes in fee simple - 9/10 Jan [1721]
139 - Exemplification of a recovery by Hugh Bateman and Robert Wagstaffe against Francis Gregg and Thomas Parker of a moiety of 70 acres of pasture in Tissington. Dated 2 May - 1721
140 - Mortgage for a term of 500 years by Nathaniel Scholes to Richard Bateman of Hartington gent. of a moiety of Back Moor. Consideration £100, Dated 29 May Endorsed with further mortgage in £50. Dated 26 March - 1721; 1722
141-142 - Lease and release by Nathaniel Scholes to Richard Bateman of premises as in D239 M/T 140. Consideration £245. Dated 8/9 October - 1722
143 - Articles of agreement between Hugh Bateman of Derby esq. and William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. whereby Bateman will sell to FitzHerbert a moiety of Back Moor for £400. Dated 24 October - 1760
144 - Bargain and sale for a term of 1000 years by Hugh Bateman of Derby esq., devisee in and by the last will and testament of Richard Bateman late of Hartington deceased to Richard Noton of Derby gent. of a moiety of Back Moor, in trust, reciting that it was agreed between Bateman and FitzHerbert that £300, part of the purchase money in D239 M/T 143, should remain in FitzHerbert's hands and be secured on the premises for future payment. Dated 4 February - 1768
145-146 - Lease and release by Hugh Bateman to William FitzHerbert of a moiety of the Back Moor. Consideration £400. Dated 11/12 February - 1768
147 - Assignment of a term in trust and to attend the inheritance by the executors of Richard Noton deceased at the direction of Elizabeth Bateman of Derby spinster, sole executrix of the will of her father Hugh Bateman, to Richard FitzHerbert of Somersall Herbert esq. in trust for William FitzHerbert, of a moiety of the Back Moor. Dated 25 July - 1778
148 - Articles of agreement between William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. and John Wheeldon of Darley and John Wheeldon of Tissington his son, for an exchange of lands in Tissington whereby FitzHerbert will give the Wheeldons three feet of land in Windmill Field for every two feet they gave him in the same field in the part called Wilgrave Fitchons; FitzHerbert is to have a sufficient wain way between the exchanged lands and to maintain a fence as far as his own land goes; the Wheeldons to have a way to their land from a gate to be made at Bentley Field Lane End, and to have the parcel of land before their door. Dated 20 February - 1654
148-164 - New Close and Flackett Botham
149 - Settlement upon the marriage of John Wheeldon jun. of Tissington (son and heir of John Wheeldon sen. of Tissington yeoman) and Anne his wife whereby John Wheeldon sen. and jun. convey to William Wheeldon of Raincliffe yeoman and William Smyth of Tissington yeoman, a messuage (divided into two) with stables, gardens etc., meadows called New Close, Flacket Botham and Greenway Ditch, 4 acres in the Town Meadow, closes called Westbrook and Westbrook Flatt, 6 beast grasses in Hollington, 4 beastgrasses in Fernicliffe Pasture, 4 acres in Wibnell Field, 20 sheepgates in Greenmoore and Backmoore, 56 sheepgates in the Range Lime, 40 sheepgates Fallow Field, 2 horsegates in the common fields, and 1 acre in Turney Cliffe Meadow, upon the following trusts: a cottage with Greenway Ditch and 4 acres in Town Meadow to the use of John Wheeldon sen. in fee simple; the east end of the messuage with a moiety of the stables, gardens, etc., Westbrooke Flatt, Westbrooke Close, and 6 beastgates in Hollington, Sharplow, Rough Moor and Darfield to the use of John Wheeldon sen. for life, then to John jun. in fee simple, and the remaining lands etc. to the use of John Wheeldon jun. Dated 19 May (Copy) - 1671
150-151 - Probate copy of the will of John Wheeldon of Tissington yeoman; to his wife Anne, the reversion of closes known as New Close and Flacket Botham until the lease thereon expires; and to same for life, a messuage and garden etc., Town Meadow Close and Greenway Ditch, with remainder to son Robert; Robert to pay 40s a year for life to testator's son, Hugh; to Robert, a messuage etc. to be entered on Anne's death; to Anne, all personal estate, household goods etc., provided she pays 20s a year to son William; Anne appointed executrix. Dated 10 June; proved 22 September - 1681
152-154 - Lease and release (with counterpart) by John Buxton of Ashbourne gent. to Hugh Wheeldon of Chesterfield yeoman of two closes in Tissington called Flacket Botham and New Close with a barn or cowhouse lately erected on New Close (tenant Anne Wheeldon), saving Anne Wheeldon's interest in the premises for a term of 3 years. Consideration £120. Dated 13/14 July - 1683
155 - Quitclaim by John Wheeldon of Tunstead yeoman to Hugh Wheeldon of Chesterfield yeoman of all his right etc. in two closes as in D239 M/T 152-154 and in five and one-third beast grasses in Fearney Cliffe. - 29 Jan [1684]
156-157 - Lease and release by Richard Wheeldon of Chesterfield barber, and Joshua Wheeldon, elder brother of Richard and son and heir of Hugh Wheeldon deceased to George Bower of Tissington yeoman of lands as in D239 M/T 152-154 (tenant William Wallbanke). Consideration £150. - 23-24 Feb [1694]
158-159 - Copies of the will of George Bower of Tissington yeoman - 23 Feb [1707]
160 - Copy of the will of Mary Bower of Tissington spinster; to kinswoman Jane Goodwin, wife of Humphrey Goodwin, of Callow, all lands on Tissington for life, with remainder to kinsman George Bower son of Thomas Bower; to brother Edward Bower, £20; to kinswoman Mary, daughter of Thomas, testator's brother, £40; to kinsman, Thomas Bower, £80; to Mary Bennitt, daughter of Anne Bennitt of Biggin, £10, and to her sister Martha, £10; to Anne Bennitt, an annuity of 20s., to Thomas Kent and Richard Goodwin both of Tissington, 2 guineas each; to every poor family in Tissington, 1s 6d per house, and to all the outpoor at the funeral, 3d each; to Thomas Bower and his sister Jane Goodwin, and to Mary, daughter of Thomas, the remainder of the personal estate: to the said Anne Bennitt, all the apparel that belonged to her aunt Bower's of Tissington; Thomas Kent and Richard Goodwin appointed executors. Dated 14 February; proved 14 April - 1724
161-162 - Lease and release by George Bower of Ford and Sarah his wife to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of closes known as the two New Closes and the Flacket Botham (8 acres). Consideration £435. Dated 9/10 October - 1778
163-164 - Final concord and counterpart between William FitzHerbert plaintiff and George Bower and Sarah his wife deforciants of two barns, two stables, 2 acres land, 4 acres meadow, and 6 acres pasture in Tissington. Dated 25 November - 1778
165 - Deed of exchange between William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. and John Edensor of Tissington gent. whereby FitzHerbert is to receive a parcel of ground called Upper Town Head (2 acres), 1 rood in Shepherds Charge (now in the tenure of Henry Hand) and a parcel of land known as White Furlong (2 acres; also in tenure of Henry Hand), with the right of a road from Wibnell Lane to Rail Closes in exchange for 2 acres in Upper Croft, Heavy Close Pingle (2 acres), and a part of Wibnell Lane. Dated 5 April - 1779
165-170 - Miscellaneous
166-167 - Deeds of exchange between Sir William FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. and Thomas Edensor, John Edensor, and William Edensor of Tissington, and Edward Edensor of Westbrook in the parish of Tissington gents., whereby FitzHerbert is to receive Green Moor (5 acres 3 roods and 37 perches), seven and a half beastgates (24 acres) in Nether Hollington, Hollington Hedge (4 acres 2 roods 17 perches), Bowslows Close (4 acres 1 rood 7 perches) and a lane descending from the gate of the Town Street to the bottom of Henry Hand's pasture, in exchange for a rent of 6d a year due from the Edensors, the Backside behind the house of Thomas, John, and Edward, Heavy Close (3 acres 1 rood 26 perches), New Closes (5 acres 5 perches), Whitferlong (1 acre 3 roods 28 perches) and New Piece (18 acres). Dated 13 January - 1784
168 - Gift by Thomas Fogg of Tissington butcher to his well beloved children William Greensmith and Martha his wife of Tissington of all goods etc. in Tissington with possession of his house there provided he is allowed to live in it for life. Dated 14 November - 1718
169-170 - Lease and release by Thomas Greensmith of the parish of St George the Martyr (Middlesex) yeoman and Elizabeth his wife to Sir William FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. of a farmhouse with stables etc. (1 rood) now in the tenure of John Greensmith. Dated 28/29 January. Consideration £42 - 1788
171 - Feoffment by Richard Ensor of Ilam (co. Stafford) clerk to Thomas Fletcher of Tissington yeoman of a cottage or housestead with a barn, garden, orchard, and croft, lately purchased by Ensor, with other lands, from Humphrey Manyfould. Consideration £23 10s. Dated 20 January - 1699/1700
171-192 - A messuage and Wibben Hill
172 - Mortgage in £20 for a term of 500 years by Robert Fletcher and Jane his wife to William Critchlow of Hope in the parish of Alstonefield (co. Stafford) yeoman of a messuage inhabited by Fletcher with garden and croft (1 acre). Dated 24 March 1717/18 Endorsed: Receipt by Critchlow from John Goodwin of Musden (co. Stafford) for £27 10s., principal and interest upon the mortgage (see D239 M/T 173-174). Dated 6 June 1724 - [1718]-1724
173-174 - Mortgage in fee by Robert Fletcher to John Goodwin of Musden (co. Stafford) yeoman of premises as in D239 M/T 172. Consideration £10, and of the discharge of the sum due to William Critchlow. Dated 29/30 April - 1724
175-176 - Lease and release by Robert Fletcher sen. of Tissington butcher, Jane his wife, and Samuel Goodwin of Musden Grange (co. Stafford) yeoman, son, heir, and executor of John Goodwin deceased to Robert Fletcher jun of Tissington butcher, son of Robert and Jane of premises as in D239 M/T 172. Consideration £45 paid to Goodwin and of £113 7s, debts of Robert sen. to be paid by Robert jun. Dated 6/7 February - 1754
177 - Mortgage for a term of 500 years by Robert Fletcher jun. to Richard Mellor of Wirksworth apothecary of premises as in D239 M/T 172. Consideration £30. Dated 8 June - 1754
178 - Mortgage for term of 500 years by Robert Fletcher of Wetton (co. Stafford) butcher to Edward Goodwin of Ashbourne gent. of a messuage lately inhabited by Fletcher with a croft. Consideration £20. Dated 26 July Endorsed with additional mortgage in £10. Dated 3 March - 1756; 1757
179 - Mortgage for a term of 500 years by Robert Fletcher jun., late of Tissington butcher to Walter Buxton of Castern (co. Stafford) yeoman of a messuage and croft in Tissington. Consideration £11 15s. Dated 2 March - 1757
180 - Mortgage for term of 500 years by Robert Fletcher of Manchester butcher to Edward Goodwin of Ashbourne gent. of premises as in D239 M/T 179. Consideration £108. Dated 6 January - 1758
181 - Assignment of a mortgage by Walter Buxton of Castern (co. Stafford) yeoman to Robert Mellor of Alsop-en-le Dale gent. of premises as in D239 M/T 179. Consideration £12 18s 6d. Dated 2 March - 1759
182-183 - Lease and release by Robert Fletcher of Manchester butcher, Robert Mellor of Alsop-en-le Dale gent., Richard Mellor of Wirksworth surgeon, and John Goodwin of Uttoxeter (co. Stafford) gent. (administrator of the will of Edward Goodwin deceased) to John Edensor of Tissington yeoman of premises as in D239 M/T 179. Consideration £58 16s paid to Richard Mellor and £21 4s paid to John Goodwin. Dated 22/23 March - 1762
184 - Release by William Buxton of Banktop in the parish of Bradbourne, yeoman, and Elizabeth Buxton widow, daughter and only heir of William by Ann his late wife who was daughter of Edward Edensor deceased, to John Edensor of Tissington yeoman eldest son and heir of the said Edward, of all claims under the will of Edward Edensor. Consideration £25. Dated 1 August - 1779
185-186 - Lease and release by John Edensor of Tissington yeoman and William Edensor his brother of the same place yeoman to Thomas Edensor, son of John, of two messuages in Tissington with closes called Shepherds Yard, Town Head, New Close, Nail Closes, and premises as in D239 M/T 166-167, with all other their estates in Tissington together with an assignment of their personal estate. Consideration: two annuities of £10. Dated 24/25 June - 1785
187-188 - Mortgage in fee by way of lease and release by Thomas Edensor of Throwley in the parish of Ilam (Staffordshire) gent., only son and heir of John Edensor deceased, Maud his wife, Edward Edensor of Washbrook in the parish of Tissington yeoman, brother of the said John, and Mary his wife, to Francis Johnson of Tissington gent. of a messuage and adjoining shop, a croft (1 acre) belonging to the same, and closes known as Heavy Close (3 acres 1 rood 26 perches) and New Piece (18 acres), lately part of Wibnell. Dated 3/4 June. Consideration £600 - 1788
189-190 - Final concord and counterpart between Francis Johnson plaintiff and Thomas Edensor and Maud his wife, Edward Edensor and Mary his wife deforciants of a messuage, cottage, garden, orchard, 10 acres land, 10 acres meadow, and 10 acres pasture in Tissington. Consideration £60. Dated 3 November - 1788
191-192 - Lease and release by Thomas Edensor and Maud his wife, Edward Edensor and Mary his wife, to Sir William FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. of a farmhouse and croft and two closes called Wibbon Hill (18 acres). Dated 4/5 April. Consideration £250 - 1789
193 - Bargain and sale with feoffment by Charles Viscount Mansfield, Henry Cutts of Clare (Suffolk), William Clayton of Romeley, Roger Payne of Otterden (Kent), and John Hutton of Langley, gents., to John Goodale of Tissington husbandman of a farm and lands in Tissington, save for all unenclosed lands in Windmill Field. Consideration £161 16s. Dated 13 November - 1654
193-207 - Messuage and lands
194 - Deed of partition and enclosure of Hungerhill Field, Wibnell Field, Hollington, Green Moore, Rough Moor, Sharplow, and Darfield whereby John Goodale is to have 3 acres 3 roods in Hungerhill Field on Highway Flatt in place of his land in Hungerhill Field and Wibnell Field. Dated 22 October - 1674
195 - Deed of partition and enclosure of Upper Meadow, Turnicliffe Meadow, Bent Fernicliffe, Watering Place, and Intake whereby John Goodale receives a parcel of land in the Waterings or Intake in place of 1 rood 10 perches elsewhere in the same. Dated 26 December - 1674
196-197 - Copy of the will of John Goodale of Tissington yeoman; to wife Ann and eldest son John, all lands, houses etc. and all real and personal estate to Ann for life with £5 for her to dispose of as she pleases, with remainder to John in fee simple, and in default of heirs to son Robert; Ann or John to pay to son William an annuity of £3; to son Robert, £35; to son Thomas, £5; to daughter Ann, £35; to daughter Hellen, 1s; Ann and John appointed executors. Dated 18 October - 1677
198 - Bargain and sale with feoffment by Ann Goodale of Tissington widow of John Goodale, and John Goodale, son and heir of John, to Robert Goodale of Normanton by Derby husbandman, son of John Goodale deceased, of their farm in Tissington. Consideration £20. Dated 21 June - 1681
199 - Bargain and sale with feoffment by Hugh Bateman of Wetton (co. Stafford) and Esther his wife, Henry Cantrell of Wetton yeoman and Ann his wife, John Beard of Elton butcher and Mary his wife, to Robert Goodale of Normanton by Derby yeoman of a messuage in Tissington with the following closes: Greenway Ditch, Highway Flatts, Highway Close, the Pingle, Bilberry bank, Westbrookhead, and the Intake or Watering Place, three and a half beastgates in Hollington and Greenmoore, and two and two-thirds beastgates in Fernicliffe, being of the inheritance of John Goodale deceased, brother of Esther, Ann, and Mary. Consideration £430. Dated 1 May - 1713
200 - Final concord between Robert Goodale plaintiff and Hugh Bateman Hester his wife, Henry Cantrelle and Ann his wife, John Beard and Mary his wife, Gilbert Tressley and Mary his wife deforciants of a messuage, a cottage, 20 acres of land, 5 acres of meadow, 20 acres pasture, and nine beastgates in Tissington and Hollington. Consideration £100. Dated 14 June - 1713
201 - Copy of the will of Robert Goodale of Normanton yeoman; to wife Elizabeth, a house in Normanton for life with remainder to his sons John and Robert; to sons John and Robert, lands etc in Tissington, Chellaston, Littleover, Normanton, and Litchurch; to Elizabeth, John and Robert in equal shares, his personal estate; the three appointed executors. Dated 6 August - 1719
202 - Copy of family settlement between John Goodale and Robert Goodale of Normanton gents. (brothers) and Matthew How, alderman of Derby whereby John and Robert convey to How a moiety of all their lands etc. in Normanton; a close in the parish of St Werburgh, Derby, purchased from Thomas Rivett; closes in Litchurch; Broad Close in Alvaston or Boulton purchased from John Wilkinson; a farm at Chellaston in the tenure of John Swindell and Robert Harrison; closes in Littleover; a farm at Tissington; and a fourth part of a farm in Littleover; to hold in trust to the use of John Goodale for life, and then to allow Robert Goodale to receive the profits etc. for life, and then the share of house and lands at Normanton, Broad Close, and the messuage and lands in Chellaston and Littleover to the use of Elizabeth, daughter of Robert, with remainder to the use of the right heirs of Robert. Dated 3 October - 1757
203 - Copy of the will of Robert Goodale of Normanton by Derby yeoman; to wife Mary, an annuity of £20, and lands in Normanton purchased from John Wilkinson for life with remainder to son John; to son John, residue of real and personal estate. John to be executor. Dated 23 June - 1770
204-205 - Lease and release by John Goodale of Normanton by Derby gent. and Alice his wife to Sir William FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. of a messuage in Tissington inhabited by Francis Milward, with outhouses, crofts etc. and the following closes: Greenway Ditch, Highway Flatt, Highway Close, the Pingle, Bilberrybank, Westbrook Head, and the Intake or Watering Place, with three and a half beastgates on Hollington and Greenmoore, and two and one third beastgates in Fernicliffe. Consideration £1260. Dated 5/6 April - 1790
206-207 - Final concord and counterpart between Sir William FitzHerbert plaintiff and John Goodale and Alice his wife deforciants of a messuage, four barns, a stable, a garden, an orchard, 45 acres of land, and pasture for 7 beasts in Tissington and Hollington. Consideration £60. Dated 18 April - 1790
208 - Copy of the will of Richard Finney of Ashford gent.; to wife Margaret and to John Beach of Tideswell in trust, all freehold and copyhold estates in Ashford, to discharge debts, legacies etc; to daughters Elizabeth and Margaret Finney equally, the residue of his estates, subject to dower for wife Margaret for life; if either daughter dies without issue, her share is to go to the other, but if both die without issue, the estates are to descend to James son ofThomas Longsdon of Little Longstone gent. and William son of John Beach in equal shares; to Thomas and Fanny, children of Thomas and Jane Finney of Ashford, £100 each; to William, son of John and Mary Peploe of Bednall (co. Stafford), £200; to George and Ann, children of George and Martha Brownhill of Bakewell, £100 each; the residue of ready money and personal estate to wife Margaret until his youngest daughter is 21, then to be divided equally between wife and two daughters. Margaret and John Beach to be executors. Dated 2 July - 1754
208-215 - The Shaw
209 - Attested copy of a lease and release to bar entails by Margaret Finney of Ashford spinster to Robert Want of London gent. of a moiety of a messuage at Tissington (tenant William Wright), Well Croft (1 acre 1 rood 1 perch), Meadow Croft (4 acres 25 perches) Barn Croft and Orchard (3 acres 1 rood 14 perches) with the barn thereon (tenant Thomas Fletcher), the Shaw (9 acres 2 roods 26½ perches) in the tenure of John Milward, and lands (details given) in Fenny Bentley and Stoney Middleton, to the end that Want may be a tenant for suffering a recovery by William Bullock of Ashford, doctor, to the use of Margaret Finney. Dated 26/27 January - 1774
210 - Attested copy of an exemplification of a common recovery by William Bullock against Robert Want of a moiety of ten messuages, three tofts, 120 acres land, 60 acres meadow, 60 acres pasture in Tissington, Fenny Bentley, and Stoney Middleton. Dated 12 February - 1774
211-212 - Attested copy of lease and release by Joseph Denman of Bakewell doctor and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and devisee of Richard Finney deceased to Edward Wilmot of the Middle Temple esq. of a moiety of premises as in D239 M/T 209, so that Wilmot may be a tenant for suffering a recovery by Anthony Lax Maynard of Chesterfield upon the following trusts: the Shaw and other lands at Tissington and Fenny Bentley to the use of Maynard in trust for Denman; and the estates at Stoney Middleton to the use of Denman and his wife, with remainder to Elizabeth. Dated 11/12 May - 1791
213 - Attested copy of an exemplification of a common recovery by Anthony Lax Maynard against Edward Wilmot of ten messuages, three tofts, 160 acres land, 70 acres meadow, 70 acres pasture in Tissington, Fenny Bentley, and Stoney Middleton. Dated 6 June - 1791
214-215 - Lease and release by Joseph Denman and Anthony Lax Maynard (trustee) to Sir William FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. of a close at Tissington called The Shaw (9 acres 2 roods 26½ perches). Consideration £400. Dated 9/10 June - 1791
216 - Bargain and sale with feoffment by William Osborne of Burton-on-Trent gent., eldest son of William Osborne of Sutton-on-the Hill deceased, to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. of a cottage and garden in Tissington (tenant John Allsopp) adjoining two small cottages of Sir Henry's, with power of attorney to Richard Holland of Tissington farmer to deliver seisin. Consideration £20. Dated 5 April - 1806
216-220 - Miscellaneous
217-218 - Deed of partition by way of lease and release between Sir Henry FitzHerbert, William Osborne of Burton-on-Trent, gent., Elizabeth Webster of Derby spinster, Martha Ensor of Stapenhill widow, George Ensor of Stapenhill farmer, William Ensor of Tissington schoolmaster, Francis Roe of Bakewell gent., Alice Roe of Bakewell spinster, Thomas Roe sen. of the Strand (co. Middx.), mercer, and Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne gent. Whereby Sir Henry receives allotment no. 1 (26 acres 3 roods 3 perches) in place of eleven and a half beastgates. Dated 15/16 March - 1810
219-220 - Counterparts of D239/T217-218
221-222 - Attested copy of settlement by way of lease and release on the marriage of William Osborne of Upper Thurvaston gent. and Dorothy, daughter and sole heir of John Ensor of Tissington yeoman whereby John Ensor and Elizabeth his wife convey to Richard Ensor of Ilam (co. Stafford) clerk and Richard Ensor of Warslow (co. Stafford) gent., son and heir of the said Richard, two closes known as West Brooke Flatt and West Brooke Close, together with the Intake, Green Waye Ditch, and eight and a half beast gates upon Hollington and Green Moore, upon the following trusts: to the use of John Ensor for life, then to William and Dorothy for their lives, with remainder to the heirs of their bodies, and for want of such issue, to the right heirs of Dorothy. Dated 29/30 September - 1710
221-230 - Hollington Pasture
223-224 - Attested copy of a lease and release by William Osborne sen. of Sutton-on-the Hill gent., eldest son and heir of William Osborne of Nether Thurvaston deceased, and devisee for life under the will of Henry Norton of Etwall deceased, Elizabeth his wife, and William Osborne jun. of Burton-on-Trent, their eldest son, to William Leeson of Staple Inn gent., of a messuage and garden etc. in Tissington (tenant Edward Edensor) with closes known as Westbrook Flatt, Westbrook Close, the Intake and Intake Head, Hollington Edge; ½ acre in the Pingle otherwise Westbrook Head, and eight and a half beastgates in Hollington and Green Moor; and a messuage in Tissington (tenant William Rogers); a cottage (tenant Isaac Wibberley) and closes called the Croft, Robin Gap, Greenway Ditch, and Green Moor; a cottage in Tansley with land there amounting to 43 acres; to the intent that Leeson may be tenant for suffering a common recovery by George Wood of Burton-on-Trent, baker, upon the following trusts: premises in Tissington to the use of William Osborne; other premises there to the use of William Osborne jun., and lands at Tansley to the use of William Osborne sen., for life, and then to the use of William jun. Dated 31 January/1 February - 1791
225 - Copy of an exemplification of a common recovery by George Wood against William Leeson of four messuages, 20 acres land, 33 acres meadow, 33 acres pasture, pasture for eleven beasts and 62 sheep, and common of pasture in Tissington and Tansley. Dated 12 February - 1791
226 - Copy of the will of William Osborne of Sutton-on-the Hill, gent. Recital of terms of an assignment of goods and chattels and tenant right on a farm at Sutton-on-the Hill to son Charles Osborne (26 March 1800). His son William to pay to brothers Charles and James (also sons of testator), £200 upon trust to invest the same and pay the interest to testator's daughter Anne Kinder for life, free from the control of her husband, and after her death to transfer the £200 to such persons as Anne shall direct by deed or will, and in default of such direction to divide the same between her children. To Charles and James, to be paid by William, £200 upon trust to invest the same for his daughter Rebecca in like manner as above; to daughter Matilda Osborne £200; to son James, £150; to son William, all real estate at Westbrook in the parish of Tissington or elsewhere; to son Charles, all household goods etc, except that which Matilda and Elizabeth, his daughters, shall chose to the value of £10. William, Charles, and James to be executors; William is charged with raising the legacies. Dated 22 January; proved 22 June - 1803
227 - Attested copy of a release by Charles Osborne of Sutton-on-the Hill farmer, James Osborne of Tissington farmer, Matilda Osborne of Etwall spinster, to William Osborne of Burton-on Trent gent. of claims upon an estate at Westbrook in the parish of Tissington devised to William under the will of William Osborne deceased whose terms are recited (see D239 M/T 226). Dated 26 January - 1809
228 - Copy of a final concord between James Osborne plaintiff and William Osborne and Mary Anne his wife deforciants of two messuages, two barns, three stables, two gardens, 10 acres land, 15 acres meadow, 20 acres pasture, pasture for eleven beasts and 62 sheep and common of pasture in Tissington. Consideration £60. Dated 9 February - 1809
229-230 - Lease and release by William Osborne and Mary Anne his wife to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. of a parcel of land (4 acres 1 rood 27 perches), part of Hollington Pasture, being no. 7 in the award of enclosure (D239 M/T 217-218). Consideration £590. Dated 9/10 October - 1811
231 - Attested copy of the probate copy of the will of William Ensor sen. of Stapenhill gent. To sons George and William all his real estate in Tissington, Fenny Bentley, and elsewhere to hold in trust for Martha, wife of testator, for her life, and thereafter to be divided equally between the two of them. Residue of personal estate to Martha for life, and then to George and William. Martha appointed executrix. Dated 13 December 1803. Proved at Lichfield 20 May - 1807
231-239 - Messuages, Proudlows Croft and Ball Close
232 - Attested copy of an assignment of a mortgage by Richard Thompson of Little Ireton, horse dealer, at the direction of Martha Ensor, widow of William Ensor, and George and William Ensor, her sons, to James Osborne of Tissington yeoman of two messuages in Tissington with the following closes: Choole Riddings, West Furlongs, Proudlow Croft, Hungerhill, and Ball Close; with twelve beastgates in Hollington and Green Moor, and fifteen sheep gates in Further Green Moor, all in Tissington and three closes in Fenny Bentley called Bentley Fields, in trust for George and William and to attend the inheritance. Consideration £1250 paid to Thompson by George and William. Dated 4 April - 1809
233-234 - Lease and release by George and William Ensor with the consent of Martha Ensor to John Redfern of Tissington tailor of two messuages with Proudlow Croft otherwise Prossolow otherwise Bradley Croft (2 acres 3 roods 18 perches), and Ball Close (2 acres 1 rood 2 perches). Consideration £720 5s 5d. Dated 5/6 April - 1809
235 - Deed of covenant for production of title deeds. Dated 6 April - 1809
236 - Mortgage by demise for a term of 500 years by John Redfern to John Goodwin Johnson of Bradbourne gent. of premises as in D239 M/T 233-234. Consideration £320. Dated 9 August - 1817
237 - Memorandum of an agreement between John Redfern of Tissington tailor and Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. for the sale to Sir Henry of messuages and lands in Tissington. Consideration £1200. Dated 17 December - 1818
238-239 - Lease and release by John Redfern to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of two messuages in Tissington (tenants William Ensor and Joseph Burton), three messuages and an adjoining butcher's shop, built on a croft near the two said messuages (tenants Thomas Hardy, Elizabeth Redfern, William Allsopp, and Joseph Burton), with Proudlow Croft and Ball Close, with an assignment of a mortgage term in trust by John Goodwin Johnson to John Beresford of Ashbourne gent. in trust for Sir Henry and to attend the inheritance. Consideration £320 paid to Johnson and £880 to Redfern. Dated 5/6 April - 1819
240 - Copy will of Elizabeth Osborne of Willington, spinster; to her cousin, Elizabeth Sale of Willington spinster, £50; to her nephew Daniel Dalrymple of Burton-on-Trent, £100; to the children of her brother, William Osborne jun., £100 to be shared equally; to her brother, William, £5; to the eldest son of William, £5; to her sisters, Anne, Rebecca, and Maud Osborne, £50 each; to brother James Osborne of Tissington, £50, and all that he owes her; to Anne, Rebecca, and Maud, all her share of land at Tissington in equal shares for their lives with remainder of one half to Daniel Dalrymple, and of the other half to the younger children of William Osborne; the residue of her estate to Daniel Dalrymple. No date
240-259 - The Croft and Robin Gap
241 - Bargain and sale with feoffment by Richard Ensor of Ilam (co. Stafford) clerk, Richard Ensor his eldest son, John Ensor of Tissington yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife, and Maud Ensor and Hannah Ensor spinsters, daughters of the said Richard, to William Osborne of Upper Thurvaston gent. of a house at Tissington, and a croft on the backside (4 acres), a cottage and croft, a close called Robin Gapp, and twenty sheepgates in Farr Green Moore. Consideration £340. Date 1 July - 1712
242 - Copy of the will of Anne Osborne of Derby, spinster; to sisters Rebecca and Maud, £50 each; to brother William, £20; to brother Joseph, £50; to nephew Daniel Dalrymple, £100; to cousin Elizabeth Sale of Willington, £5; to nephew William Osborne, £5 when 21; to the children of her brother William (Anne, Rebecca, Matilda, Charles, Elizabeth, and James), £200 to be divided equally, to be paid when 21; to nephew Charles, her godson, £5; to sisters Rebecca and Maud and to brothers William and Joseph, and to nephew Daniel Dalrymple, all her share of lands in Tissington; to sisters Rebecca and Maud, residue of personal estate in equal shares; and Rebecca and Maud are appointed executors. Dated 18 November - 1782
243 - Copy of the will of Matilda Osborne of Westminster spinster. To brother Joseph, all her lands in Tissington for his life with remainder to nephew Charles (son of her brother William); to cousin Dorothy Osborne of Ireland, £70; to sister Rebecca, all household goods etc.; to Joseph Osborne of Derby mercer and Thomas Barker of Derby toyman, her executors, ten guineas each; to sister Rebecca, residue of personal estate for life with remainder to nephew James Osborne; and to nieces, Anne, Rebecca, Elizabeth, and Matilda, £100 each. Dated 22 April - 1783
244 - Copy of the probate copy of the will of Anne Osborne of Derby spinster. To sisters Rebecca and Maud, £50 each; to brother William Osborne, £20; to brother Joseph, £50 etc. as in D239 M/T 242. Dated 18 November 1782. Proved 20 May - 1783
245 - Probate copy of D239 M/T 243. Proved in P.C.C. 17 October - 1784
246 - Copy of the will of Rebecca Osborne of Derby spinster. To brother William, all goods and furniture at his house in Sutton-on-the Hill, and the use for life of her two silver candlesticks with remainder to her nephew William (son of William); to nephew William, her gold watch upon condition that he gives the watch he now wears to his brother James; to brother Joseph, remits all debts and gives legacy of £50; to nephew Daniel Dalrymple of Burton-on-Trent, all her share of lands in Tissington; to the said Daniel, various items of silver etc., to nephew Charles (son of William), a silver cup; the residue of her plate to be divided between her nieces and nephews (children of William); all her clothes to be divided among her nieces, Anne, Matilda, Rebecca, and Elizabeth; a sum of £300 to be divided among her said nieces and nephews; residue of personal estate to brother William and to nephew Daniel Dalrymple subject to payment of debts and funeral expenses. William and Daniel to be executors. Dated 28 January - 1785
247 - Probate copy of the will of Joseph Osborne of Tissington gent. To brother William Osborne of Sutton-on-the Hill gent., all his real estate at Tissington for life with remainder to William, eldest son of William; to nephew Daniel Dalrymple of Burton-on-Trent, £100; to niece and god-daughter Maud (daughter of brother William), £50; residue of personal estate to his nieces and nephews Anne Osborne, Rebecca Bakewell, Maud Osborne, William Osborne, Charles, Elizabeth, and James (children of William); brother William and his friend John Latham of Tissington to be executors. Dated 15 June 1787. Proved at Derby 19 October - 1787
248-249 - Lease and release by Daniel Dalrymple of Burton-on-Trent gent., only child of Thomas Dalrymple of Dublin deceased by his wife Dorothy nee Osborne deceased, to William Osborne jun. of Ashbourne gent. and Charles Osborne of Sutton-on-the Hill gent., trustee of William, of two seventh shares, half a seventh share, and two-fifths of a seventh share of a messuage in Tissington with the Croft, Robin Gap, Green Way Ditch, and Green Moor. Consideration £410. - 19-20 Oct 1787
250-251 - Lease and release by Anne Osborne of Sutton-on-the Hill spinster, Joseph Bakewell of Upper Thurvaston farmer and Rebecca his wife, Maud Osborne of Sutton-on-the Hill spinster, Charles Osborne of the same place yeoman, Elizabeth Osborne of the same place spinster, and James Osborne of the same place yeoman to William Osborne jun. of Burton-on-Trent gent. of all shares in premises as in D239 M/T 248-249. Considerations £11 13s 4d paid to Ann, and Joseph and Rebecca, Maud, Elizabeth, and James, and £179 13s 4d to Charles (total £238). Dated 8/9 October - 1790
252-253 - Lease and release by William Osborne of Burton-on-Trent gent. and Mary Ann his wife to James Osborne of Tissington farmer and Charles Bakewell of Upper Thurvaston gent. (trustee) of a messuage in Tissington and closes known as the Croft, Robin Gap, and Green Moor. Consideration £1900. Dated 4/5 April - 1811
254-255 - Mortgage in fee by way of lease and release by James Osborne and Charles Bakewell to John Goodwin Johnson of Bradbourne gent. of a messuage, The Croft, and Robin Gap. Consideration £800. Dated 3/4 April - 1817
256 - Further mortgage in £230 as D239 M/T 254-255. Dated 4 April - 1818
257 - Memorandum of an agreement between James Osborne and Sir Henry FitzHerbert for the sale to Sir Henry of premises as in D239 M/T 254-255. Consideration £2100. Dated 17 December - 1818
258-259 - Lease and release by James Osborne and John Goodwin Johnson to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of a dwelling house in Tissington and the Croft (3 acres 2 roods 38 perches) and Robin Gap (9 acres 1 rood 19 perches). Consideration £1030 paid to Johnson and £1070 to Osborne. Dated 5/6 April - 1819
260-261 - Lease and release by George Ensor of Stapenhill farmer and William Ensor of Tissington yeoman, with the consent of Martha Ensor their mother, to Henry Hayward of Tissington gent. and William Fowler of Throwley farmer (trustee) of four closes known as Wall Furlongs otherwise Wet Furlongs or Whit Furlongs or West Furlongs (13 acres 37 perches) in Tissington together with an assignment of the residue of a mortgage term of 500 years by James Osborne of Tissington yeoman to William Tomlinson of Ashbourne farmer in trust for Hayward and to attend the inheritance. Consideration £1098 3s 8d. Dated 10/11 October - 1809
260-271 - Wall Furlongs
262 - Deed of covenant for the production of title deeds. Dated 11 October - 1809
263 - Copy of the probate copy of a will of Henry Hayward of Tissington yeoman. To his son Cornelius, two pieces of land in Thorpe called Hen Ridding and Little Field for the life of Mary, wife of testator, with remainder to sons Cornelius and Henry; to his friends William Fletcher of Tissington and Francis Bagshaw of Newton Grange yeoman, his farm and lands at Thorpe for a term of 500 years upon the following trusts: to the use of his life with remainder to Cornelius and Henry, and upon trust to raise £200 for each of his daughters, and a further £200 to each of his daughters; to his wife, twenty of his best cows, one of his best drawing mares, and such of his household goods as she shall choose; to sons William and Richard, all real estate with tenant right of testator's farm in Tissington, together with the residue of farming stock etc., subject to the payment of the following legacies: to sons John and Charles, £400 each, to sons George and Thomas, £500 each; residue of estate to his wife; his wife and son Cornelius to be executors. Dated 1 January 1811. Proved at Lichfield 13 October - 1812
264 - Mortgage for a term of 500 years by William Hayward of Tissington farmer and Richard Hayward of Ashbourne, mercer (sons and devisees of Henry Hayward deceased) to George Lees of Parwich farmer, Thomas Holland of Parwich yeoman, and John Goodwin Johnson of Bradbourne gent. of closes as in D239 M/T 260-261. Consideration £300 paid by Lees and £100 paid by Holland and Johnson. Dated 17 April - 1813
265 - Mortgage for a term of 1000 years by William Hayward of Tissington yeoman, Richard Hayward of Mayfield yeoman, and Thomas Hayward of Ashbourne mercer, to William Greaves of Mayfield doctor of closes as in D239 M/T 260-261. Consideration £311 due to Greaves as arrears of rent, and of a further £205 19s. Dated 6 October - 1817
266-267 - Lease and release by Richard Hayward to William Hayward and Thomas Wise of Ashbourne gent (trustee) of his moiety of premises as in D239 M/T 260-261. Consideration £450. Dated 6/7 October - 1817
268 - Assignment of a mortgage by George Lees, Thomas Holland, and John Goodwin Johnson, at the direction of William Hayward to Anthony Beresford of Castern (co. Stafford) gent. of premises as in D239 M/T 260-261. Consideration £300 to Lees, and £100 to Holland and Johnson (see D239 M/T 264). Dated 17 November - 1817
269-270 - Lease and release by William Hayward and Thomas Wise to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of the four closes in Tissington known as Wall Furlongs, with the surrender of a mortgage by Anthony Beresford and an assignment of a term in trust and to attend the inheritance by William Tomlinson to John Beresford of Ashbourne gent. Consideration £500 paid to Anthony Beresford and £700 paid to Hayward. Dated 8/9 October - 1819
271 - Surrender of mortgage term by William Greaves to Sir Henry FitzHerbert (see D239 M/T 265). Dated 9 October - 1819
272 - Probate copy of the will of Richard Ensor of Tissington husbandman; to daughter Anne Rogers, a dwelling house, garden, and outbuildings in Tissington for her life with remainder to grand-daughter Sarah Rogers; to the said Sarah, residue of personal estate. Brother George Ensor to be executor. Dated 27 August 1744. Proved at Derby, 17 April - 1745
272-280 - Two Messuages
273-274 - Lease and release by John Rogers sen. of Tissington husbandman and Avis his wife, and Henry Carrington of Fenny Bentley husbandman and Sarah his wife to John Rogers jun. of Tissington labourer, son of John and Avis, of a messuage in Tissington divided into two dwellings, occupied by John Rogers sen. and John Rogers jun., with two gardens. The portion occupied by John sen and Avis is to remain theirs for life. Consideration £8 10s paid to Carrington and his wife. Dated 19/20 November - 1771
275 - Extract from final concord between William Brown plaintiff and John Rogers sen, Avis his wife, Henry Carrington and Sarah his wife, and John Wigley and Mary his wife deforciants of a messuage, two gardens, 2 acres land, 2 acres meadow, and 2 acres pasture in Tissington and Wirksworth. Dated 21 November - 1771
276 - Probate copy of the will of John Rogers of Tissington labourer. To William Fletcher of Tissington, his executor, £50 on trust to defray expenses that he may incur or may be incurred by testator's brother William Rogers concerning a natural child of testator's brother, Ensor Rogers, by Grace Turner of Bradbourne; to sister-in-law Maud Rogers, £5 to the children of his brother Thomas Rogers deceased, £10 to be shared equally; to brother William and his wife Maud, all real estate for their lives, paying to brother Ensor 15s a year, and after their deaths, that part of the house now occupied by William to nephew John Carrington and the part now occupied by the testator himself with half the yard and croft to his brother Ensor Rogers; to niece Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Rogers, a box; to sister-in-law Maud, a coach chair. The residue of his personal estate to the legitimate children of his brother Ensor Rogers and the children of his sister Sarah Carrington deceased, in equal shares. Dated 16 June 1805. Proved at Lichfield, 10 December - 1805
277 - Feoffment by Samuel Bembridge of Hulland farmer and Avis his wife, Anne Rogers of Great Easton (co. Leicester) spinster, John Ridgett of Duffield, framework-knitter, and Elizabeth his wife (daughters and co-heirs of Ensor Rogers deceased) to John Carrington of Offcote, joiner and carpenter, and William Fletcher of Tissington yeoman (trustee) of a cottage at Tissington with yard and garden (tenant Mary Ensor widow); covenant to levy fine to John Langford of Ashbourne yeoman to the use of Carrington. Consideration £26. Dated 24 May - 1823
278 - Copy of a final concord between John Langford plaintiff and Samuel Bembridge and Avice his wife, John Ridgett and Elizabeth his wife, John Goodale, and Frances his wife, and William Harrison and Elizabeth his wife deforciants of five messuages, three cottages, two barns, two stables, and four gardens in Derby, Tissington, and Roston. Consideration £400. Dated 26 May - 1823
278 - Deed to declare the uses of a fine (D239 M/T 727) between Thomas Harris of Worcester esq. and George Harris of Droitwich (co. Worcester) gent. and William Copley of Claines (co. Worcester) gent. and Dorothy his wife whereby Thomas and George stand seised of one fifth part of the manor of Thorpe to the use of William and Dorothy for their lives with remainder to the use of the heirs of their body, and in default of issue to the use of the issue of the body of Dorothy, and in default of such issue to the use of such persons as Dorothy shall direct, and for want of such direction to the right heirs of William. Dated 23 August - 1681
279-280 - Lease and release by John Carrington and Martha his wife to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of two messuages (formerly one) in Tissington. Consideration £220. Dated 4/5 April - 1827
281 - Copy of an agreement between William and Edward Ensor of Tissington yeoman, Thomasin Buxton of Tissington widow William Smith of Holliden in the parish of Thorpe yeoman, and William Osborne of Sutton-on-the Hill yeoman for the partition of Upper Green Moor to be divided into five parts by John Smith of Mapleton husbandman, John Buxton of Kniveton yeoman, and Richard Taylor of Blore (co. Stafford) yeoman. Dated 26 January 1726/27 - [1727]
281-293 - Hollington Pasture
282-283 - Mortgage in fee by way of lease and release by Robert Ensor of Tissington yeoman, son and heir of William Ensor deceased to Samuel Hodgkinson of Kniveton, tailor, and Mary his wife of a parcel of land in Tissington known as Further Green Moore being the portion alloted to William Ensor at the Partion of Further Green Moor. Consideration £100. - 5-6 Mar [1742]
284 - Lease for 99 years by Elizabeth Webster of Derby spinster to Martha Ensor of Stapenhill widow of twelve beastgates in Hollington Pasture. Rent £36. Dated 11 June - 1807
285-286 - Partition and enclosure of Hollington Pasture, as D239 M/T 217-218. Dated 15/16 March - 1810
287 - Attested copy of the probate of the will of William Ensor of Tissington, high constable. To his daughter-in-law Elizabeth Ensor, all household furniture, goods, plate, bonds, and all other personal estate; to the said Elizabeth and his two sons-in-law Thomas Stubbings of Edensor of Tissington and William Edensor of Nottingham, all his real estate in Tissington and Fenny Bentley. Elizabeth and Thomas Phillips to be executors. Dated 1 August 1823. Proved at Uttoxeter 29 October - 1829
288-289 - Attested copies of lease and release to lead the uses of a common recovery by Elizabeth Edensor of Tissington spinster, Thomas Stubbings Edensor of Tissington gent., and William Edensor of Nottingham, lace manufacturer, and Esther his wife to James Bunce of King's Bench Walk, London, gent. of a moiety of a close called Hollington Pasture, and a close called First Green Moor (4 acres 2 roods 23 perches), with Second Green Moor (3 acres 3 roods 38 perches), Little Hungerhills (2 acres), Great Hungerhills (6 acres 2 roods 21 perches), Hungerhill Meadow (2 acres 1 rood 1 perch), Hungerhill Paddock (1 acre 1 rood 17 perches), Choole Riding (13 acres 6 perches) and Choole Riding Meadow (2 acres), to the intent that Bunce may be a tenant for suffering a recovery by William Hulland of Burton-on-Trent mercer upon the following trusts: one third to the use of Elizabeth, one third to the use of Thomas, and one third to the use of William. Dated 23/24 May - 1831
290 - Attested copy of an exemplification of a common recovery by William Hulland against James Bunce of a moiety of 10 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 70 acres of pasture and common of pasture in Tissington. Dated 13 June - 1831
291-292 - Lease and release by Anna Maria Ensor of Stapenhill, widow, Elizabeth Edensor, Thomas Stubbings Edensor, and William Edensor to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of an allotment in Hollington Pasture (33 acres 14 perches), First Green Moor, and Second Green Moor. Consideration £1250 paid to Anna Maria, and £416 13s 4d each to Elizabeth, Thomas, and William. Dated 10/11 October - 1831
293 - Deed of covenant for production of title deeds. Dated 11 October - 1831
294-295 - Settlement by way of lease and release by Robert Ensor of Tissington yeoman to John Blore ofAlstonefield (co. Stafford) and Walter Buxton of Bradbourne, yeomen, of a house in Tissington occupied by Robert and William Edensor, a dwelling house occupied by Sarah Appleby, a dwelling house occupied by John Sellers, closes known as Choole Riddings, Wett Furlongs, Proudlow Croft, and Hungerhill Closes, and twelve beastgates in Hollington and Green Moore, with fifteen sheepgates in Further Green Moor, closes in Fenny Bentley called Bentley Fields, a messuage at Parwich occupied by John Dakeyne, a messuage occupied by John Brownson, and closes at Parwich called Lenslive Croft, Lees Croft, Blech Croft, and the two Winn Yards, with seven and a half beastgates in Hakedow and the Hill, to hold upon the following trusts: to pay an annuity of £12 to Robert for life, and an annuity of 20s to Thomas Ensor his son for the life of Robert; all the above lands to the use of William Ensor, his son, for life of Robert, subject to the above annuities, and after the death of Robert, the messuage occupied by Sarah Appleby to the use of Thomas for life with remainder to William; two beastgates in Hollington to the use of Richard Ensor (son of Robert) for life, with remainder to William; the dwelling house occupied by Sellers with two gardens to the use of Richard; the lands at Fenny Bentley to the use of Blore and Buxton for 5 years with remainder to William; Wett Furlongs and Proudlow Croft to Blore and Buxton for a term of 5 years to raise £5 to be paid to John Ensor (son of Robert) and a further term of 99 years to pay an annuity of £5 to Thomas for life, paying the residue of the profits to William. All other lands to the use of William. Dated 23/24 June - 1715
294-322 - Hungerhills and Choole Riddings
296-297 - Probate copy of the will of William Ensor of Tissington yeoman. To son William, two parcels of land in Parwich for life with power to make a jointure upon a wife for life, and the heirs of their bodies, and for want of issue with remainder to his son Robert; to William, £600 to be paid when aged 25; to son Robert, his real estate in Tissington and Fenny Bentley charged with the payment of so much money as shall be needed to make up the £600, the first part of which is to be raised from one half of the personal estate, to wife Mary, all household goods; to Mary and Robert, residue of personal estate; to Mary, the parlour in the east end of his house for life so long as she remains a widow; his estate to be charged with the payment of eight penny leaves each Christmas to the poor of Tissington under the terms of his father's will. Mary to be executrix. Dated 8 November 1726. Proved at Derby 21 September - 1727
298 - Letters of administration to William Ensor for the estate of his brother Robert Ensor who died intestate. Dated 8 December - 1753
299 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine to be levied by William Ensor of Derby gent., brother and heir at law of Robert Ensor deceased, and Ellen his wife, to John Meynell of Derby surgeon for barring all entails of two messuages at Tissington with closes known as Choole Riddings, Whett Furlongs, Proudlow Croft, Hungerhill and Ball Close, twelve beastgates in Hollington and Green Moor, and fifteen sheepgates in Further Green Moor, three closes in Fenny Bentley called Bentley Fields, and lands in Parwich, to hold to the use of William Ensor for life the beastgates and sheepgates at Tissington, and land in Parwich, then to Ellen for her life, with remainder to their right heirs; the rest of the lands to the use of William in fee simple. Dated 18 May - 1754
300 - Final concord between John Meynell plaintiff and William Ensor and Ellen his wife deforciants of four messuages, three cottages, two tofts, eight barns, six gardens, two orchards, 50 acres land, 50 acres meadow, 50 acres pasture, 50 acres furze and heath, and common of pasture in Tissington, Fenny Bentley, and Parwich. Consideration £160. Dated 27 May - 1754
301-302 - Copy of the probate of the will of William Ensor of Windley gent. To cousin Elizabeth Webster for her life or until marriage, twelve beastgates on Hollington, with remainder to his cousin William Ensor of Burton-on-Trent blacksmith; if Elizabeth should marry she is to have £200 in place of the beastgates; to Isaac Birch and his sister, annuities of £8 for their lives charged upon estates at Alstonefield (co. Stafford) and Monyash; to Thomas Blower and Isaac Blower (nephew of Thomas), the estates in Alstonefield and Monyash in equal shares; to the brothers and sisters of Isaac Blower, £100 each; to Robert Ensor, son of John Ensor, and Robert's wife, an annuity of £20, charged upon the Whitfurlongs and Choole Riddings in Tissington; to the children of William Adsett of Postern, £10 each; to the brother of William Ensor of Burton-on-Trent, £10; to James and Richard, sons of James Ensor of Brailsford, £10 each; to Richard Whitby of Derby, the said William Ensor, and the said William Adsett, £300 upon trust to invest the same and to pay a moiety of the interest towards placing as apprentices the poor children of Alstonefield, and the other moiety towards placing as apprentices the poor children of Tissington; to the said Richard Whitby, William Ensor, and William Adsett, £20 each, together with all real estate at Tissington, Fenny Bentley, and Parwich, with all ready money, securities, household goods, and personal estate on trust to pay all debts and funeral expenses, and then to the use of William Ensor of Burton-on-Trent; the said Richard, William, and William to be executors. Dated 23 September 1777. Proved 14 October. Dated 23 September - 1777
303 - Mortgage for a term of 500 years by William Ensor of Stapenhill gent., devisee in fee of William Ensor deceased, to John Hall of Netherseal yeoman of premises in Tissington and Fenny Bentley as in D239 M/T 299. Consideration £300. Dated 5 April - 1786
304 - Assignment of mortgage by John Hall, at the direction of William Ensor, to William Newton of Burton-on-Trent surgeon and apothecary, and William Wilders of the same place mercer of premises as in D239 M/T 299, D239 M/T 303. Consideration £300, together with a further mortgage of £700. Dated 27 January - 1789
305 - Assignment of mortgage by William Wilders, at the direction of William Ensor, to Richard Thompson of Little Ireton, horse dealer, of premises as in D239 M/T 299. Further mortgage in £450. Consideration £800 (total £1250). Dated 18 February - 1805
306 - Copy of probate of William Ensor sen. of Stapenhill - see D239 M/T 231 - 1807
307 - Assignment of mortgage by Richard Thompson at the direction of Martha Ensor, widow of William, and George and William Ensor her sons to James Osborne of Tissington yeoman of premises as in D239 M/T 299 in trust for George and William and to attend the inheritance. Consideration £1250. Dated 4 April - 1809
308 - Probate copy of the will of George Ensor of Stapenhill gent. To brother, William, all money and interest owed by William; to wife Anna Maria Ensor, his freehold messuage in Stapenhill; his wife to have all personal and household goods etc. subject to payment of debts and funeral expenses; to wife, all real estate in Tissington and Fenny Bentley for life, then to brother William for life, with remainder to such persons as Anna Maria may direct, and for want of such direction to her right heirs, Anna Maria to be executrix. Dated 8 May 1817 Codicil: whereas his brother William has obtained a situation that will bring him a handsome income, the interest upon all money owed him by William at the time of his death is to remain payable, and is to be paid to Anna Maria for life, but the principal sums are not to be payable; if William should lose his situation or become incapacitated, the interest is not to be payable. Dated 9 September 1818 Proved at Lichfield, 20 February - 1819
309 - Extract from probate of the will of James Osborne of Tissington farmer; to James Osborne and William Ensor, personal estate valued at £800. Dated 30 June Copy made 15 March 1837 - 1820
310 - Probate copy of the will of William Ensor of Tissington - see D239 M/T 287 - 1829
311-312 - Lease and release to lead the uses of a common recovery - as D239 M/T 288-289 - 1831
313 - Exemplification of a common recovery - as D239 M/T 290 - 1831
314 - Mortgage for a term of 500 years by Thomas Stubbings Edensor of Tissington gent and Elizabeth Edensor of Tissington spinster to John Fox of Ashbourne gent. of a moiety of Hollington Pasture (33 acres 14 perches), First Green Moor (4 acres 2 roods 23 perches), Second Green Moor (3 acres 3 roods 38 perches) Little Hungerhills (2 acres), Great Hungerhills (6 acres 2 roods 21 perches) Hungerhill Meadow (2 acres 1 rood 1 perch), Hungerhill Paddock (1 acre 1 rood 17 perches), Choole Riding (13 acres 6 perches), and Choole Ridding Meadow (2 acres). Consideration £50. Dated 15 August - 1834
315 - Further mortgage by Thomas Stubbings Edensor to John Fox in £30. Dated 15 May - 1835
316 - Attested copy of the probate of Anna Maria Edensor of Stapenhill widow. To niece Ann, wife of Charles Perks of Sinai Park in the parish of Burton-on-Trent, £1000; to niece Elizabeth, wife of Charles Hill of Burton Extra (co. Stafford), the messuage at Stapenhill in which Anna Maria lives, her messuage occupied by William Warren, her messuage, butcher's shop, etc. occupied by Charles Warren, her messuage, wheelwright's shop, etc occupied by Sarah Saunders, widow, her close known as Fidock Close (2 acres 2 roods 1 perch) and her close called Longe Edge; to her great nieces, Harriet wife of Charles Ryley, Mary wife of Henry Whateley, and Charlotte Ann wife of Henry John Lea (all daughters of Ann Perks), £1500 to be equally divided; to her great niece Rosa Perks, £500 at 21; to great niece Ann Guest, daughter of Elizabeth Hill, £500; to her great nieces Elizabeth Hill and Anna Maria Hill, £500; to Elizabeth wife of John Jennings of Gadsby (co. Leicester), cousin of her late husband, £100; to Ann Ward, widow (sister of Elizabeth Jennings), £100; to Charles Hill and Charles Perks during the life of her nephew John Farmer, son of her late half-sister Mary Farmer, an annual sum not exceeding £20, charged upon her moiety of lands at Tissington upon trust for the maintenance of the said John Farmer; to Elizabeth Hill and Ann Perks, her moiety of lands in Tissington as tenants in common; to Elizabeth and Ann, the residue of her personal estate. Charles Hill and Charles Perks to be executors. Will dated 15 December 1832; proved at Doctor's Common, 8 October - 1835
317 - Further mortgage by Thomas Stubbings Edensor to John Fox in £30. Dated 15 April - 1836
318 - Memorandum of an agreement for sale by Charles Hill of Burton Extra otherwise Bond End (co. Stafford) brewer, and Elizabeth his wife, Charles Perks of Sinai Park in the parish of Burton-on-Trent gent. and Ann his wife, William Edensor of Nottingham lace manufacturer, and Elizabeth Edensor of Tissington spinster to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of closes in Tissington called Little Hungerhill, Great Hungerhill, Hungerhill Paddock, Choole Riddings, and Choole Riddings Meadow. Consideration £2200. Dated 6 February - 1837
319-321 - Lease and release by Charles Hill and Elizabeth his wife, Charles Perks and Ann his wife, Elizabeth Edensor, William Edensor and Esther his wife, Henry Hodson of Burton-on-Trent, gent., and John Fox to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of premises as in D239 M/T 318. Considerations £500 to Charles and Elizabeth Hill, £550 paid to Charles and Ann Perks, £366 13s 4d paid to Elizabeth Edensor, £110 paid to John Fox, and £623 6s 8d paid to William Edensor. Dated 24/25 March - 1837
322 - Assignment of residue of mortgage term in trust and to attend the inheritance by James Osborne of Ashbourne gent. to John Crox jun. of Leek gent. Dated 25 March - 1837
323 - Lease and release by the churchwardens and overseers of Tissington to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of four cottages in Tissington. Consideration £100. Dated 13/14 March - 1839
323-329 - Miscellaneous
324 - Lease and release by William Smith of Tissington cordwainer to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of a cowhouse, coalhole, and pigsty. Consideration £10. Dated 20/21 May - 1839
325 - Exchange between Sir George Crewe of Calke Abbey Bt. and Henry Robert Crewe, vicar of Breadsall, trustees of Ticknall School, and Sir Henry FitzHerbert whereby Sir Henry is to have the Little Hurky Cliffe (2 acres 2 roods and 7 perches) and Big Hurky Cliffe (7 acres 1 rood 1 perch) in Tissington and the school is to have closes at Stanhope in the parish of Alstonefield: Upper Piece (2 acres 2 roods 25 perches), Heaths Close (3 acres 1 rood 2 perches), Sand Field (3 acres 20 perches) and Great Close (6 acres 1 rood 15 perches). Dated 25 March - 1841
326 - Conveyance by Francis Roe of Ashbourne esq. and Fanny Harriet Roe his daughter to Sir Henry FitzHerbert and John Croso of Leek esq. (trustee) of Moor Close (2 acres 23 perches), Middle Moor (2 acres 17 perches), Great Moor (4 acres 3 roods 18 perches), Barn Close (2 acres 2 roods 21 perches) and Near Moor (2 acres 1 rood 13 perches). Consideration £700. Dated 30 July - 1857
327 - Deed of covenant for production of title deeds. Dated 30 July - 1857
328 - Order of the Inclosure Commissioners for the exchange of lands whereby Sir William FitzHerbert gives up the fee simple of a house and land in Fenny Bentley for a life tenancy receiving in return the fee simple of four cottages and gardens, a croft, Bottom o' the Wood, and the Holme (1 acre 1 rood 25 perches) in Tissington in which he had hithert been life tenant. Dated 26 May - 1870
329 - Conveyance by Martha Elizabeth Goodwin Johnson of Callow in the parish of Mapleton, widow of John Goodwin Johnson, the Rev. Henry Buckston of Hope clerk, George Goodwin Buckston of Bayswater (co. Middlesex), John Joseph Wise of Ashbourne gent., and William Wise of Ashbourne gent., devisees for sale under the will of John Goodwin Johnson, and Richard Henry Goodwin of Hinchley Wood in the parish of Mapleton esq. to Sir William FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. of a messuage and 2 roods 36 perches land in Tissington occupied by Anne Beresford Goodwin Johnson, close at Tissington called Whitfurlong, Shaw Closes and cowshed (4 acres 2 roods 25 perches), Long or Round Summerlow (3 acres 6 perches), and Hollington Edge and cowshed (4 acres 17 perches), and a close in Fenny Bentley known as the Pingle (1 acre 2 roods 4 perches) Consideration: a deposit of £248 and a further £2256 2s 1d. Dated 25 March - 1873
330 - Bargain and sale by Francis Fullwood of Middleton [- by - Youlgreave gent. and Thomas Fullwood of Matlock gent. to William Cottrell of Bakewell yeoman of a messuage in Parwich, two cottages in Parwich, and half an oxgang of land. Consideration £100. - 16 Jan [1610]
330-368 - Priest Roods (Tissington) and land in Parwich
331 - Feoffment by Francis and Thomas Fullwood to William Cottrell of premises as in D239 M/T 330. - 10 Mar [1610]
332-333 - Final concord and counterpart between William Cantrell plaintiff and Francis Fulwood, and Thomas Fullwood and Elizabeth his wife deforciants of a messuage, two cottages, three gardens, 20 acres of land, 10 acres meadow, 30 acres of pasture, and common of pasture in Parwich Consideration £60. Dated 10 June - 1610
334 - Bargain and sale by Richard Cottrell of Over Haddon glover to Thomas Gould of Parwich weaver of a moiety of a cottage and an half-oxgang in Parwich. Consideration £55. Dated 13 November - 1628
335 - Copy of the will of Thomas Goold senior of Parwich yeoman, devising to his son Thomas his freehold estate. - 6 Dec 1682
336 - Grant by Thomas Gould sen. of Parwich yeoman to his brother Jonathan Gould of Parwich weaver of a house, garden, and outbuildings, two parcels of land called Sitterlow End, 1 acre in Trunkcliffe, one and a quarter beastgrasses on Hawkslow, half a beastgrass on the Hill, and nine sheepgates on the Upper Piece; in consideration of a maintenance arrangement. Dated 2 November - 1689
337 - Feoffment by Thomas Gould jun. of Parwich yeoman to William Berisford and Robert Dale of Parwich yeoman, trustees, of his house, barn, and garden to the use of Thomas, Mary his wife, and Mary Gould their daughter. - 24 Jan [1699]
338 - Probate of Thomas Gould sen. of Parwich yeoman; to his niece Mary Redfern, all lands in Parwich for her life, with remainder to her son Thomas Redfern. Will dated 10 January 1710/11. Proved 10 April - 1713
339-340 - Agreement between Thomas Rowe and Mary his wife (daughter and sole heiress of Thomas Gould of Parwich deceased, and great niece and heiress at law of Thomas Gould of Parwich deceased), Thomas Gould of Parwich yeoman (son and heir of Jonathan Gould of Parwich deceased), Jonathan Gould (younger son of the said Jonathan), and Francis Redfern of Parwich husbandman - 14 Mar [1720]
341 - Copy of a final concord between Sir Richard Levinge and John Sleigh plaintiffs and Thomas Rowe and Mary his wife, Thomas Gould, Jonathan Gould, Francis Redferne, Robert Hurd and Ann his wife, and James Hurd and Eleanor his wife, deforciants, of two messuages, three tofts, two gardens, 15 acres land, 10 acres meadow, and common of pasture in Ashbourne, Parwich, Offcote and Underwood. Consideration £60. Dated 3 July - 1720
342 - Family settlement by Richard Goodwin of Tissington gent. and Elizabeth his wife upon their sons Joseph Goodwin (eldest son), and Edmund Buxton Goodwin whereby Richard conveys to Joseph closes in Tissington called Priest Roods, and Joseph releases to Richard, Elizabeth, and Edmund all title to estates devised to Elizabeth and Edmund under the will of Thomasin Buxton, mother of Elizabeth, who gave £200 to Joseph and devised all her real estate to Elizabeth for a term of 18 years, with remainder to Edmund. Consideration: Joseph surrenders his claim to the legacy of £200 and pays Richard a further £50. Dated 15 October - 1737
343 - Bargain and sale by Thomas Allsopp of Tissington butcher (son and heir of Robert Allsopp of Tissington butcher deceased) and Martha his wife to Joseph Goodwin of Tissington, son and heir apparent of Richard Goodwin of Tissington of a house, shop, stable, backside, and garden in Tissington, in trust for the said Richard. Consideration £39 1s. Dated 6 May - 1738
344 - Final concord between Joseph James plaintiff and William Rhodes and Ann his wife, Thomas Smith and Mary his wife, and Samuel Alsopp and Mary his wife deforciants of two messuages, two cottages, two barns, a cowhouse, three gardens, an orchard, 5 acres land, 5 acres meadow, 5 acres pasture, one and a half beastgates on Parwich Hill, and common of pasture in Parwich. Consideration £60. Dated 12 April - 1741
345 - Mortgage for a term of 500 years by Samuel Allsopp of Parwich husbandman and Mary his wife, to Mary Bayley of Wensley spinster of a cottage at Parwich with all outbuildings etc. and closes known as the Two Citterlowes and Trunkcliffe, with a half-beastgate on Parwich Hill. Consideration £50. Dated 18 April - 1741
346 - Further mortgage as D239 M/T 345 in £20. Dated 18 April - 1743
347 - Assignment of mortgage as D239 M/T 345 to Robert Dale of Ashbourne grocer. Consideration £100 (£74 7s to Mary Bayley; £25 13s to Samuel and Mary Allsopp). Dated 15 October - 1744
348 - Further security by Samuel Alsopp to Robert Dale sen. of Ashbourne esq. and Robert Dale jun. of Ashbourne gent. (executors of Robert Dale deceased) whereby Alsopp confirms the remainder of the mortgage term to the Dales on payment of £179 1s 6d. Dated 24 June - 1751
349-350 - Lease and release by Samuel Alsopp and Mary his wife to Francis Johnson of Ashbourne gent. of premises as in D239 M/T 345. Consideration £165. Dated 22/23 April - 1754
351 - Final concord between William Tantum and Francis Johnson plaintiffs, and Millicent Bagshaw widow, Robert Whiston and Mary his wife, and Samuel Alsopp and Mary his wife, deforciants, of 5 acres land, 4 acres meadow, 5 acres pasture, pasture for one beast, and common of pasture in Kirk Ireton and Parwich. Consideration £60. Dated 24 May - 1754
352 - Feoffment by Francis Johnson to William Webster of Parwich carpenter of Trunkcliffe and a half-beastgate on the Hill in Parwich. Consideration £49. Dated 7 April - 1766
353 - Mortgage for term of 500 years by William Webster to John Jackson of Parwich of premises as in D239 M/T 352 - 1768-1773
354 - Mortgage for a term of 1000 years by William Webster to George Moore of premises as in D239 M/T 352. Consideration £40. Dated 1 May. See D239 M/T 353 - 1773
355 - Bargain and sale with feoffment by Samuel Fowler of Ballidon husbandman to William Brownson of Parwich shopkeeper of a close in Parwich known as the Froghole (1 acre). Consideration £55. Dated 3 October - 1804
356 - Copy of the probate of Ann Goodwin of Biggin Hall in the parish of Hartington spinster. To sister Margaret, all freehold and copyhold estates for her life, and on her death as follows A third part of a messuage at Hurdlow in the parish of Hartington, and a third part of land at Parsley Hey, to her kinsman Thomas Lomas of Glutton in the parish of Hartington gent. charged with the payment of £600 bequeathed to Peter Pichott Fidler of Biggin Grange and Francis Beresford Champion of Edale gent. upon trust to invest £100 thereof and pay the interest to Margaret widow of Rev. Richard Bentley of Leek fir her life, and thereafter to divide the income among her children; to pay £100 to Margaret Goodwin Hardy of Manchester, if living, or divide the same among her children; to pay the interest of £150 to Mary wife of George Wood late of Cronkstone Grange, for life and thereafter to pay the same to Martha Wood her daughter; to pay £50 to Rev. Matthew Beetham of Sheen (co. Stafford); to pay £50 to Jonas Beetham, son of Matthew; to pay £50 to Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Alice Gould of Crowdicote; and to pay £50 to Thomasine, daughter of the said Richard and Alice A third share of a moiety of a messuage and lands at Fairfield in the parish of Hope to Francis Beresford Champion charged with the payment of £325 bequeathed as above upon trust to pay £50 to the children of Edmund Gould of Pilsbury Grange deceased (Richard Goodwin Gould excepted) who shall be living at the death of Margaret, sister of testator; to pay £50 to Mrs Barbara Ford of Manchester; to pay £25 to Richard Goodwin Gould; to pay £50 to Thomasine Goodwin Greensmith of Thorpe, if alive, or to divide the same between her daughters; to pay £20 to Thomasine Beresford of Castern Hall (co. Stafford) spinster; to pay £50 to Hannah wife of Francis Gould of Manchester; to pay £25 to Mary, daughter of Richard Gould of Crowdicote, farmer; to pay £19 19s to her servant William Wild; to pay £19 19s to her servant George Sims; to pay £10 2s to Joseph Hoskins of Dale Head; and to pay £5 to her sister Sarah Green of Ashford widow. A third part of a messuage and lands at Tideswell to her kinsman Samuel Needham of Rushup, charged with the payment of £300 bequeathed as above upon trust to pay £25 to Hannah wife of Joseph Heathcote and daughter of Edmund Wheeldon deceased, if alive at the death of Margaret, testator's sister, or to divide the same between her children; to invest £50 and to pay the interest to her kinsman Elias Needham of Little Haughton (co. Lancaster) for life, and thereafter to divide the £50 between his children; to pay £50 to Mary wife of Thomas Clay of Stockport, bookseller; to invest £25 and to pay the interest to Elizabeth Gibs wife of John Gibs of Alstonefield (co. Stafford) for her life, and thereafter to divide the principal between her children; to pay £25 to John Wheeldon, son of John Wheeldon deceased, if living, or to his children; to pay £25 to Mary Wheeldon, daughter of John Wheeldon deceased; to pay £25 to Richard Beresford of Nottingham, pawnbroker, if living, or to his children; to pay £25 to Sarah widow of John Benton of Northampton; to pay £25 to Peter Pichott Fidler; to pay £19 19s to Fanny wife of Edmund Goodwin of Biggin; and to pay £5 1s to Alice Woolley of Fenny Bentley A third part of a messuage and lands at Monyash to her kinsman Samuel Needham at Rushup, charged with the payment of £100 bequeathed as above upon trust to pay the same to Elizabeth wife of John Ellis of Parwich, thread manufacturer A third part of a messuage at Tissington and of lands called Priest Roods to Francis Bagshaw of Newton Grange gent. charged with the payment of £250 bequeathed as above upon trust to pay £25 to Robert Needham of Counters Cliff gent.; to pay £25 to Thomasine daughter of Richard Gould of Crowdicote A third part and all other shares in Biggin Hall in the parish of Hartington, and of all fixtures there, with all lands in Biggin and Heathcote to her kinsman Richard Gould of Crowdicote farmer (son of Richard Gould of Pilbury Grange deceased) To John Goodwin Johnson of Fenny Bentley gent., £1; to Rev. Walton Mather Ward, vicar of Hartington, £12 10s to the use and benefit of the poor of Biggin, Heathcote, and Biggin Moor, on trust to invest the same and lay out the interest in 4d loaves to be distributed to the poor on Christmas Eve at Biggin Hall All household goods and personal estate to sister Margaret for life and then to be divided as follows: to kinsman Thomas Lomas of Glutton, the carriage and harness; to Ann Fern Needham, daughter of Elias Needham of Little Haughton, her mahogany chest of drawers; to Marth, daughter of Mary Wood, a gold watch with appendages; to sister Margaret, all her clothes; residue of all her estates to Richard Gould of Crowdicote. Margaret Goodwin, Thomas Lomas, and Rev. Matthew Beetham to be executors. Dated 18 January 1838. Proved at Doctor's Commons, 3 November - 1840
357 - Copy of the will of Anthony Bagshaw of Newton Grange gent. to nephew William Fletcher of Tissington, his two third-shares of a messuage in Tissington and of closes called Priest Roods (devised to his late brother and himself by the wills of Ann and Margaret Goodwin); to his sister Mary Fletcher, £50; to his nephews and nieces, Ann Roe (widow of his nephew Francis Roe), Thomasin Roe, Joseph Roe, Anthony Roe, Mary Fernyhough, Elizabeth Ellis, Ann Roe, Elizabeth Wilde, Mary Fidler, William Fletcher, Anne Fletcher, and Fanny Fletcher, £200 each; to Gervase Chadwick his servant, £5; to his great nephew James Bagshaw Fletcher, his silver tankard; to his great nephew, Anthony Roe, his silver cup; to his sister Mary Fletcher, such of his household goods and furniture as she shall choose. Residue of personal estate to be divided among his nephews and nieces. William Fletcher and Peter Pichott Fidler to be executors, and trustees of all real estates of which he is mortgagee. Dated 5 February - 1843
358 - Copy of the probate of Margaret Goodwin of Biggin Hall in the parish of Hartington spinster. To Peter Pichott Fidler of Biggin Grange and Francis Beresford Champion of Edale gents., £600 to be charged on her third share of a messuage and lands at Hurdlow and of lands in Parsley Hay, upon trusts mentioned below; to her kinsman, Thomas Lomas of Glutton gent. her third share of the said estates at Hurdlow and Parsley Hay, charged as above; to Fidler and Champion, £330 charged upon her third share of a moiety of a messuage and lands at Fairfield in the parish of Hope upon the trusts mentioned below; the said share of lands at Fairfield to Francis Beresford Champion, charged as above; to Fidler and Champion, £275 charged upon her third share of a moiety of a messuage and lands at Tideswell upon trusts mentioned below, and charged with an annuity of £4 to Daniel Wild of Sparrow Pit, labourer; to kinsman, Samuel Needham of Rushup gent., the said share of estates at Tideswell, charged as above; to Fidler and Champion £112 10s charged upon her third part of a moiety of a messuage and lands in Monyash upon trusts mentioned below and charged with an annuity of £4 to the said Daniel Wild; to the said Samuel Needham, the said share of estates at Monyash charged as above; to Fidler and Champion, £180 charged on her third share of a messuage in Tissington and closes called Priest Roods, and of another messuage in Tissington upon trusts mentioned below; to Anthony Bagshaw of Newton Grange gent., the said share of estates in Tissington; Fidler and Champion to stand possessed of the said sums totalling £1497 10s upon the following trusts: to pay Hannah, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Heathcote, Mary Wood, widow of George Wood of Cronksden Grange, and Martha Napier, daughter of the said Mary Wood, £40 each; to pay Rev. Matthew Beetham of Sheen (co. Stafford), Thomasin Goodwin Greensmith, wife of Thomas Greensmith of Thorpe, and Mary wife of Thomas Clay of Stockport, £50 each; to pay Richard Goodwin Gould, son of Edmund Gould deceased, Sarah Benton widow, John Wheeldon son of John Wheeldon of Haslin House deceased, Mary Wheeldon his sister, Richard Beresford of Nottingham gent., and Robert Needham of Counters Cliff near Buxton, £25 each; to pay her servant Ann Goodwin, £130 1s; to pay the children of Edmund Gould deceased (except Richard Goodwin Gould), £50 to be equally divided; to pay Elizabeth Cox her servant, Mary wife of William Redfern of Hartington, and George Sims her servant, £19 19s each; to pay Ann wife of John Sims sen., and John Slater of Biggin Moor, £5 1s each; to pay Margaret Goodwin Hardy of Manchester spinster, and Elizabeth wife of John Ellis of Parwich, £100 each; to pay the children of Hannah Heathcote deceased (except Hannah, £25 in equal shares; to pay Thomasin, Ann, and Mary Roe, children of Ellen Roe of Parwich, deceased, £30 in equal shares; to pay the children of Elizabeth Gibbs deceased, widow of John Gibbs of Alstonefield (co. Stafford), £25 in equal shares; to Fanny wife of Edmund Goodwin of Biggin, £100; to pay Thomasin Beresford of Castern Hall (co. Stafford) and Robert Doxey Goodwin jun. of Ashbourne surgeon, £10 each; to pay Sarah Green, £5; to invest £50 and pay the interest to Elias Needham of Little Orton for life, and after his death to divide the £50 between his children; to pay £360 towards the discharge of her debts, funeral expenses and any outstanding debts of her sister, Sarah Green, to pay Fidler £12 10s To Margaret Townsend of Waterfall (co. Stafford) spinster, her gold watch and appendages; to Sarah Benton her best suit of clothes; to servant Ann Goodwin and Frances wife of Edmund Goodwin, the remainder of her clothes in equal shares, but Ann to have her choice; to Martha Napier, her best bed; to Samuel Needham, the printed bed with mahogany posts; to Ann Goodwin, various named items of furniture; to Elizabeth daughter of Edward Goodwin, furniture; to William Wild, items of furniture; to George Sims her servant, the same; to Elizabeth Cox her servant, Elizabeth Ellis, Martha wife of John Sims jun., Rev. William Townsend, Joseph Lees, Mrs Fletcher of Tissington, Mrs Wilde (nee Fletcher), Miss Anne Fletcher, Miss Frances Fletcher, Mrs Fidler, sundry items of furniture and pieces of silver; to Thomas Lomas, a carriage and harness; to Ann wife of John Sims sen., £5; to nephew Richard Gould of Crowdicote, residue of personal estate. Anthony Bagshaw and Thomas Bentley of Glutton to be executors. Dated 7 November 1841 Proved in Doctors Commons. 17 August - 1844
359 - Release by Peter Pichott Fidler of Biggin Grange in the parish of Hartington gent., and Francis Beresford Champion of Edale gent. to Anthony Bagshaw, reciting D239 M/T 356 and D239 M/T 358, of premises in Tissington devised under the wills of Ann and Margaret Goodwin. Consideration £430. Dated 23 May - 1846
360 - Mortgage in fee by William Fletcher of Tissington gent. to John Waterfall of Pasture Tops in the parish of Fenny Bentley farmer of a messuage and closes known as Priest Roods (11 acres) in the tenure of John Hardy, and a messuage etc. in the tenure of John Redfern, all in Tissington. Consideration £500. Dated 7 February - 1852
361 - Conveyance by Mary Brownson of Parwich widow to John Goodwin Johnson of Callow in the parish of Mapleton esq. of a close in Parwich called Froghole (1 acre). Consideration £80. Dated 18 June - 1853
362 - Further mortgage in £100 as D239 M/T 360. Dated 8 July - 1854
363 - Conveyance by William Fletcher and John Waterfall to Frances Fayrer of Ashbourne widow of a messuage and closes known as Priest Roods in Tissington. Consideration £600 paid to Waterfall, and £200 paid to Fletcher. Dated 9 May - 1855
364 - Grant by Frances Fayrer to Robert Fayrer of Ashbourne gent., her son, of an annual rent charge of £100 charged upon premises as in D239 M/T 363. Dated 29 October
365-366 - Two receipts attached to D239 M/T 364 - 1866-1868
367 - Conveyance by Martha Elizabeth Goodwin Johnson of Callow in the parish of Mapleton widow, and the Rev. Henry Buckston of Hope clerk, George Goodwin Buckston of Bayswater (co. Middlesex) esq., John Joseph Wise of Ashbourne gent, and William Wise of Ashbourne gent. (devisees for sale under the will of John Goodwin Johnson) to Frances Fayrer of two closes at Parwich known as Sittalow and Sitterlow Bottom (1 acre 14 perches), and a close called Froghole (1 acre 14 perches) now laid to Sitterlow Bottom. Dated 25 March. Recital of mortgage by Johnson to John Joseph Wise (1866). Consideration £426 14s 6d to John Joseph Wise - 1873
368 - Conveyance by Frances Fayrer and Rev. Robert Fayrer of Ashbourne clerk to Sir William FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt of a messuage at Tissington with closes known as Priest Roods (11 acres 32 perches) and two closes at Parwich known as Sitterlow and Sitterlow Bottom (4 acres 1 rood 34 perches) and a close called Froghole (1 acre 14 perches). Consideration £1650. Dated 29 September - 1874
369 - Conveyance by George Finney of Thorpe farmer and Hannah Finney of Thorpe widow to Sir William FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. of three closes in Tissington known as Green Moors (7 acres 2 roods 25 perches). Consideration £505. Dated 4 May - 1878
369-371 - Miscellaneous
370 - Conveyance by Martha Elizabeth Goodwin Johnson of Callow in the parish of Mapleton widow and Rev. Henry Buckston of Hope clerk, George Goodwin Buckston of Bayswater (co. Middlesex) esq., John Joseph Wise and William Wise of Ashbourne gents., and Richard Henry Goodwin Johnson of Hinckley Wood in the parish of Mapleton to Richard Finney of Thorpe gent of a parcel of land in Tissington part of Hollington Pasture (15 acres 1 rood 22 perches) and three closes known as Green Moors (see D239 M/T 369). Consideration £1452 in addition to a deposit of £160 10s. Dated 25 March - 1873
371 - Conveyance by Edith Williamson of Ashbourne widow, William Charge Booth of Catterick (co. York) esq., Edmund Harrison of Tadcaster (co. York) estate agent, and Robert Harrison of Tynemouth (co. Northumberland) gent., executors and trustees under the will of William Edward Williamson, to Sir William FitzHerbert of a parcel of land in Hollington Pasture (15 acres 3 roods 36 perches), being no. 288 on OS sheet XXXV111 - 5. Consideration £637 12s. Dated 28 September - 1889
372 - Attested copy of a release by John Goodwin Johnson sen. of Fenny Bentley gent., brother and devisee for life of Richard Goodwin, and John Goodwin Johnson jun. of Fenny Bentley, gent., his only son and heir, with the consent of Elizabeth Goodwin of Tissington spinster and devisee for life of Richard Goodwin to Thomas Wise of Ashbourne gent., reciting the will of Richard Goodwin dated 20 September 1813 which devised a messuage and lands in Tissington to his sister Elizabeth for her life with an annuity of £120 charged upon his lands at Newton Grange, closes at Parwich, and land in Bentley; annuities to his sisters Ann Goodwin and Mary Gould and his nephew John Gould (all now deceased) charged upon his farm and lands in Tissington known as Westbrook, closes in Parwich; and subject to the above life estate and the annuities, devised the above lands to Robert Dale and William Webster upon trust to the use of his brother John Goodwin Johnson for life, with remainder to the sons of the body of the said John, severally and in succession; now John Goodwin Johnson sen. and John Goodwin Johnson jun. are desirous of enlarging the estate tail to which John jun. is entitled in remainder expectant upon the decease of Elizabeth Goodwin and John sen., and they convey and release to Thomas Wise a messuage and croft in Tissington in the tenure of Elizabeth Goodwin, closes at Newton Grange with a messuage and buildings lately erected thereon, a parcel of land in Fenny Bentley called the Pingle, closes in Parwich, a farm in Tissington known as Westbrook otherwise Wash Brook, and other lands in Tissington and Parwich upon the following trusts: the Pingle at Fenny Bentley to the use of John Goodwin Johnson jun. in fee simple; the rest of the lands to the use of such persons as John sen. and John jun. shall direct, and in default of such direction to the use of John Goodwin Johnson sen. for his life with remainder to John jun. free from estate tail. Dated 24 April - 1835
372-378 - Washbrook
373 - Mortgage by Rev. Henry Buckston of Hope clerk and George Goodwin Buckston of Bayswater (co. Middlesex) to Samuel Needham of Rushup in the parish of Chapel-en-le Frith esq. of a messuage and lands in Tissington called Washbrook (21 acres) and the monies to arise from the sale thereof under the will of John Goodwin Johnson. Mortgage £1000. Dated 1 March - 1875
374 - Reconveyance by Samuel Needham to Rev. Henry Buckston of premises as in D239 M/T 373. Consideration £2300. Dated 6 May - 1884
375 - Conveyance by Rev. Henry Buckston to Charles Etches of Broad Close Farm, Ashbourne, farmer, of premises as in D239 M/T 373. Consideration £2030. Dated 30 July - 1884
376 - Mortgage in £1000 by Charles Etches to William Wise of Ashbourne and Gilbert Gould of Pilsbury gents. of premises as in D239 M/T 373. Dated 28 October Endorsed with an assignment by William Wise to Charles Pichott Finney of Sheen (co. Stafford) farmer, William Mountford Finney of Onecote Grange (co. Stafford) farmer, and Thomas Finney of Biggin Grange farmer. Consideration - the Finneys have become entitled to the principal. Dated 8 June - 1888; 1895
377 - Mortgage in £525 by Charles Etches of Cow Close Farm, Ballidon, farmer, to Joseph Henry Cooke of Ashbourne gent. of a close at Clifton and premises in Tissington as D239 M/T 373 subject to a prior mortgage. Dated 24 December - 1894
378 - Conveyance by Charles Etches of Royston Grange farmer with Charles Pichott Finney, William Mountford Finney, Thomas Finney, and Joseph Henry Cooke his mortgagees to the Rev. Sir Richard FitzHerbert of Nettleworth Manor (co. Nottingham) and Tissington Hall Bt. of Westbrook farm. Consideration £1000 to the Finneys, £525 to Cook and £175 to Etches. Dated 26 March - 1900
379 - Grant by Rev. Henry Buckston, George Goodwin Buckston, John Joseph Wise, and William Wise, trustees for sale under the will of the late John Goodwin Johnson, to George Phillips of Throwley in the parish of Ilam (co. Stafford) farmer, of a tithe rentcharge of £13 19s 4d in place of tithes of hay payable from the following closes in Tissington owned by Sir William FitzHerbert: Green Moor, Hollington Pasture, Barn Flatt, Middle Barn Flatt, Barn Flatt and Barn, Hall Croft Way, Hall Barn Flatt, Barn Flatt, kitchen garden and pond, croft and stable, Narlow, Backfield Barn, Backfield, Milward Croft, Lomas Piece, Little Darfields, and osier bed. Consideration £355. Dated 29 September - 1874
379-380 - Tithe rentcharge
380 - Conveyance by Rev. John Edward Phillips of Hucknall Torkard (co. Nottingham) clerk to Rev. Sir Richard FitzHerbert of the tithe rent charge as in D239 M/T 379. Consideration £201. Dated 9 May - 1903
381 - Bargain and sale with feoffment by William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq., Francis FitzHerbert, and Anthony FitzHerbert, his younger brothers, to Christopher Ball of Woodeaves yeoman, and Nicholas Ball his son and heir of a messuage called Woodeaves now inhabited by Christopher with lands called Wood Eaves, Bond Wood with meadow adjoining, a little meadow called Darbley, and a little close called Little Lees, in Ashbourne, Tissington, and Fenny Bentley. Consideration £260. Dated 20 December - 1652
381-456 - Woodeaves
382-383 - Mortgage in fee by way of lease and release by Nicholas Ball sen. of Woodeaves yeoman, Elizabeth his wife, and Nicholas Ball jun. his son and heir apparent, to Francis Garratt of Weston Underwood gent. of a messuage called Woodeaves, and all other their lands in Tissington except the tithes of Meadow Lees. Consideration £600. Dated 26/27 April - 1692
384 - Receipt in £600 mortgage principal from Nicholas Ball sen. and jun. to Francis Garratt. Dated 27 April - 1692
385-386 - Final concord and counterpart between Francis Garratt plaintiff and Nicholas Ball sen., Elizabeth his wife, and Nicholas Ball jun. deforciants of a messuage, a cottage, two gardens, two orchards, 30 acres land, 30 acres meadow, 40 acres of pasture, and common of pasture in Tissington. Consideration £100. Dated 1 May - 1692
387 - Release by Nicholas Ball sen. and Nicholas Ball jun. to Francis Garratt of their right to the equity of redemption of premises as in D239 M/T 382-383. Consideration £215. Dated 5 April - 1693
388-389 - Lease and release by Francis Garratt to Nicholas Ball jun. of a close in Tissington called Meadow Lees. Consideration 5s. Dated 6/7 April - 1693
390-391 - Lease and release by Nicholas Ball jun. of Rushley (co. Stafford) yeoman to Christopher Ball of Ashbourne butcher of a close called Meadow Lees in the occupation of Nicholas Ball their father. Consideration £20. Dated 4/5 December - 1694
392-393 - Lease and release by Nicholas Ball of Throwley (co. Stafford), Priscilla his wife, and Christopher Ball of Ashbourne butcher and Elizabeth his wife to Thomas Tomkinson jun. of Slate House (co. Stafford) yeoman of a close called Meadow Lees. Consideration £36. Dated 17/18 May - 1695
394-395 - Lease and release by Thomas Tomkinson to Francis Garratt of a close called Meadow Lees. Consideration £70. Dated 2/3 September - 1698
396-397 - Lease and release by Sir Gilbert Clarke of Chilcote, John Port of Ilam (co. Stafford) esq., John Beresford of Fenny Bentley esq., Christopher Ley of Mayfield (co. Stafford) gent., John Hayne of Ashbourne Green, gent., trustees of the will of William FitzHerbert deceased, Anne, Martha, Frances, and Mercy FitzHerbert spinsters and daughters of William FitzHerbert deceased, and William FitzHerbert of the Inner Remple esq., son and heir of Anthony FitzHerbert deceased, to Francis Garratt of Weston Underwood of closes in Tissington called Wood Eves otherwise Gravener Wood, a parcel of land (50 acres) in the tenure of John Port and John Beresford, a parcel of land called New Piece (10 acres), the two Meadow Lees, and Toplis Close (7 acres), save for a parcel of ground called Darfield (½ acre) reputed part of Wood Eves, and ground called the Holme, reputed part of Meadow Lees. Consideration £1450. Dated 6/7 October - 1699
398 - Probate of the will of Francis Garratt of Weston Underwood; to be buried in the chancel of Muggington church, as near his wife and children as possible; to his youngest daughters Jane and Alice Garratt, £300 each out of his real estate to be paid at 18 or marriage; if either die before receiving the legacy, the whole £600 to go to the other, provided she pays £100 to son John; to his son John, £300 out of his personal estate; to daughter Elizabeth Millns, £50; to son William, residue of personal estate; requests his master Sir Nathaniel Curzon to allow William to enjoy possession of the farm in Weston; to son Thomas, a gold ring given to the testator by Sir Nathaniel at the funeral of Sir John Curzon, and his stadel silver watch; to Thomas, his estate at Woodeaves charged with £600 as above; to daughter Jane, a pair of gouldrist buckles; to daughter Alice, 3 guineas; to each executor and their wives, 20s each; his son Thomas, nephews Thomas and John Garratt of Middleton by Youlgreave, and Isaac Hutchinson of Kedleston to be executors. Dated 28 June 1708. Proved at Derby, 29 April - 1709
399-400 - Settlement by way of Isaac and release prior to the marriage of Thomas Garratt of Uttoxeter (co. Stafford) gent., son and heir of Francis Garratt deceased, to Hannah daughter of John Hayne of Uttoxeter gent. whereby Garratt conveys to Hayne and to Thomas Garratt of Middleton by Youlgreave yeoman premises as in D239 M/T 382-383 and D239 M/T 396-97 upon the following trusts: a moiety to the use of Garratt for life, then to Hannah for life, with remainder to the eldest son of their bodies in tail male, and in default of heirs male to the daughters of their bodies and their heirs, as tenants in common, and in default of such heirs to the right heirs of Thomas Garratt a moiety to the use of Garratt for life with remainder to the heirs of the bodies of Thomas and Hannah, in default of issue to the heirs of the body of Thomas, and in default of such issue to the right heirs of Thomas. Consideration £600. Dated 16/17 June - 1710
401-402 - Final concord and counterpart between Robert Holden plaintiff and Thomas Grant deforciant of a moiety of a messuage, 180 acres land, and common of pasture in Tissington. Consideration £100. Dated 14 June/20 October - 1719
403 - Deed to declare the uses of a fine (D239 M/T 401-2) whereby Robert Holden is to stand seised of the premises upon trust for Thomas Garrat for his life, and then upon trust to the use of John Hayne and John his son for a term of 500 years to raise £400 to discharge Garrat's debts, and a further £300 to be paid to Ann and Elizabeth, daughters of Thomas Garrat, then to the use of Francis, his son. Dated 21 October - 1719
404 - Will of Thomas Garratt of Uttoxeter (co. Stafford) gent. To wife Hannah for life, with remainder to son Francis, a moiety of his lands in Tissington; the other moiety upon trusts as in D239 M/T 403. Dated 10 October - 1719
405 - Mortgage for a term of 500 years by John Hayne sen. of Ashbourne and John Hayne jun. of Uttoxeter, gents, to William Locker of Derby gent. of a moiety of premises at Woodeaves. Rental of terms of D239 M/T 399-404. Consideration £400. - 2 Jan [1720]
407 - Assignment by William Cartwright of Nottingham, maltster, and Alice his wife (daughter of Francis Garratt deceased), William Garrat of Nottingham, ironmonger, and John Garratt of Nottingham ironmonger (younger sons of Francis) to William Locker of Derby gent., reciting terms of D239.M/T/398. Consideration £300 paid to William and Alice, as due to Alice under her father's will. - 2 Feb [1725]
408 - Assignment by Henry Woods of Hambley (co. Nottingham) clerk and Sarah his wife, widow and executrix of William Locker deceased, to Anne and Elizabeth Garratt, spinsters, daughters of Thomas Garratt deceased, reciting terms of D239 M/T 407. Consideration £300 (see D239 M/T 403-4). Dated 8 August - 1735
409 - Appointment by Anna and Elixabeth Garratt of the Rev. William Woodcock to receive £300 from Sir John Harpur, bt. Consideration 7 August - 1735
410 - Transfer and appointment by Henry and Sarah Woods to Sir John Harpur of Calke bt. of a moiety of the premises at Woodeaves for the residue of a term of 500 years, together with an assignment by Anna and Elizabeth Garratt. Dated 8 August - 1735
411 - Transfer and assignment by Anne and Elizabeth Garratt of Burton-on-Trent (co. Stafford) spinsters to William Woodcock of the same, clerk, of the £300 charged under the will of Francis Garratt. Dated 27 December - 1735
412 - Assignment by William Woodcock to Sir John Harpur of the sum of £300 (see D239 M/T 411), with covenant by Francis Garratt, only son and heir of Thomas Garratt deceased, John Hurd of London, merchant, Anna his wife, and Elizabeth Garratt spinster, daughters of Thomas Garratt, to levy a fine to Harpur for docking estates tail in the jointure of Hannah Garratt, widow of Thomas, and to secure sums owed by Francis in consideration of £200 paid to Francis; and a lease for a term of 99 years by Hannah to Harpur of a third part of a messuage and a moiety of a close at Woodeaves for better securing the payment of interest to Harpur, as security for the repayment of £1248 by Francis. Dated 4 November - 1736
413 - Assignment of mortgage term by Edward Harpur of Pall Mall (co. Middlesex) esq., administrator of the will of Sir John Harpur deceased, Sir Robert Burdett of Foremark, Bt. and Dame Caroline his wife, widow of Sir Henry Harpur, son of Sir John, to John Every of Waddington (co. Lincoln), clerk, in trust for Francis Garratt of Burton-on-Trent clerk and to attend the inheritance. Considerations: £1332 paid to Sir Robert and Dame Caroline, and a further £222. Dated 11 March - 1754
414 - Release by Hannah Garratt of Burton Extra (co. Stafford) widow to Rev. Francis Garratt her son of a third part of a messuage and of a moiety of lands at Woodeaves. Dated 30 April - 1754
415-416 - Mortgage in fee by Rev. Francis Garratt of Burton-on-Trent to Rev. William Asteley of Repton of a farm and land at Woodeaves, and all other lands of Garratt in Derbyshire. Consideration £2000. Dated 8 January - With settlement by Asteley upon the marriage of his daughter Catherine to John Cave Brown of Stretton-in-the Fields, whereby he conveys the same to George Fletcher of Cubley clerk and Rev. Walter Fletcher of Repton, upon trusts to be declared by Asteley subject to Garratt's equity of redemption. Dated 28 December - 1762; 1763
417 - Assignment by Sir John Every of Egginton Bt. at the request of Francis Garratt, to William Greaves of Ingleby gent. on the nomination of William Asteley, of the residue of several mortgage terms in trust for Asteley, as further security for £2000. Dated 29 November - 1762
418-419 - Lease and release by Rev. George Fletcher of Cubley and Rev. Walter Fletcher of Calke, at the request of John Cave Brown of Stretton en le Field esq. and Elizabeth Thompson of Nottingham widow, sister and devisee of Francis Garratt deceased to John Webster of Derby gent. of a messuage and close at Woodeaves upon trust to convey the same to such persons as Samuel Haslam of Woodeaves gent. may direct, and for want of such direction to the use of Haslam. Consideration £3400 paid by Haslam; with release by Elizabeth Thompson to Webster of her equity of redemption. Consideration £1850 paid by Haslam. Dated 9/10 January - 1774
420 - Assignment by William Greaves on the direction of Revs. George and Walter Fletcher and John Cave Brown to John Harrison of Derby gent. of the residue of several mortgage terms in trust for Samuel Haslam. Dated 10 January - 1774
421-422 - Mortgage in fee by way of lease and release by Samuel Haslam to John Tomlinson of Derby gent., with the consent of John Broadhurst of Newark (co. Nottingham) and Arabella his wife, of a messuage called Wood Eaves with closes called Wood Eaves otherwise Graveners Wood, the two Meadow Lees, and Toplis Close. Consideration £4000, money held in trust under the marriage settlement of Broadhurst. Dated 11/12 January - 1774
423-424 - Assignment of mortgage by way of lease and release by John Tomlinson, at direction of Samuel Haslam and John Webster and with consent of John and Arabella Broadhurst to Rev. John Griffith of Handsworth (co. York). Consideration: £1830 paid to Tomlinson and £570 paid to Haslam. Dated 4/5 April - 1775
425 - Assignment by John Harrison at direction of John Tomlinson and Samuel Haslam to Anthony Lax of Chesterfield gent. in trust for Rev. John Griffith of the residue of two mortgage terms as further security for £2400. Dated 5 April - 1775
426 - Further mortgage in £200 by Samuel Haslam to Rev. John Griffith. Dated 5 October - 1776
427 - Further mortgage for payment of £2795 4s principal and interest now due to Griffith. Dated 5 April - 1781
428 - Lease by Samuel Haslam with consent of Rev. John Griffith to John Cooper of Derby gent., John Matchitt of Derby grocer, and Philip Waterfield of Derby cotton-manufacturer, of two closes at Woodeaves called Bushy Lees and Ouler Carr (7 acres), part of Woodeaves Farm, with power to cut a canal through the same and also through closes called the two Calf Meadows and Brook Close, for conveying water through the same, power to make carriage and foot roads through closes called Bushy Lees, Ouler Carr, the Thorns, the Banks, Cantrell Close, and Grovenor Wood, and to make a foot road over Calf Meadow and the Brook Close into Ouler Carr, and also power to dig and search for stone in the lands of Woodeaves Farm for erecting a cotton mill; lease to run for 42 years at a rent of £20 to be paid to Griffith so long as any money remains owing to him from Haslam upon mortgage, and to be paid to Haslam thereafter; with a covenant by Cooper, Matchitt, and Waterfield to erect a cotton mill on the closes within 12 months, with all proper machinery. Dated 24 June - 1784
429-430 - Lease and release by Samuel Haslam to Isaac Wilkinson of Chesterfield merchant and John Matchitt of Derby grocer to enable Wilkinson and Matchitt to discharge £2824 due to Rev. John Griffith of a messuage etc. called Woodeaves, with closes called the Croft, Paddocks, the Thorns, New Piece, Bushy Lees, Owler Carr, Brook Close, Cantrells Close, Calf Close, the two Calf Meadows, and the Bank (101 acres in all), upon trust to sell the premises and discharge the debt if it is still owed after three years. Dated 28/29 June - 1784
431-432 - Lease and release by Elizabeth Sidney Griffith, Henrietta Griffith, and Anna Maria Griffith of Barnborough Hall (co. York) spinsters, daughters and co-heirs of Rev. John Griffith deceased, Samuel Haslam of Bonsall gent., Isaac Wilkinson, John Matchitt, and Adam Wolley of Matlock gent., and John Smith of Caldon (co. Stafford) yeoman (trustees for the creditors of Haslam) to John Cooper of Ashbourne esq. of premises as in D239 M/T 429-430, with an assignment by Anthony Lax Maynard on the direction of Haslam and the Griffiths to John Bakewell of Castle Donnington (co. Leicester) gent. of the residue of two mortgage terms in trust for Cooper. Considerations: £2907 11s paid to Henrietta Griffith sen., widow of Rev. John Griffith, £905 5s 2d paid to Wolley and Smith, and £387 3s 10d paid to Cooper upon a security. Dated 23/24 June - 1790
433-434 - Mortgage as in fee by John Cooper to Charles Upton of Derby gent. of premises as in D239 M/T 429-30. Consideration £2000. Dated 9/10 October - 1790
435 - Assignment by John Bakewell on direction of John Cooper to James Simpson of Derby gent. of the residue of two mortgage terms in trust for Charles Upton. Dated 10 October - 1790
436-437 - Lease and release by John Cooper of Mayfield esq. to John Borrow of Derby esq. of premises as in D239 M/T 429-30 upon the following trusts: two-thirds to the use of Cooper and one-third to the use of John Matchitt of Woodeaves grocer, the premises having been purchased by Cooper on behalf of Matchitt and himself. Dated 4/5 April - 1794
438-439 - Assignment of mortgage by Charles Upton on the direction of Cooper and Matchitt to Thomas Evans of Derby esq. of premises as in D239 M/T 429-30. Consideration £2000 paid to Upton - £333 6s 8d to Matchitt, and £666 13s 4d to Cooper. Dated 28/29 September Endorsed with an agreement between Thomas Evans of Derby esq., Elizabeth Evans of Darley by Derby, widow of William Evans, and William Strutt Jun. of Derby esq. (executors of William Evans) and Frances Evans (daughter of William Evans) that Frances should take the £3000 secured as above as her share of her father's estate, with an assignment of the mortgage by Thomas to Frances. Dated 1/2 July - 1794; 1812
440-441 - Mortgage in fee by way of lease and release by John Cooper and Susannah his wife, with the consent of John Douglas, Clara and Isabella Cooper, their children, to Joseph Strutt of Derby esq. of two third parts of land as in D239 M/T 429-30. Dated 8/9 April - 1810
442 - Copy of the probate of the will of John Matchitt of Woodeaves cotton manufacturer - 10 Oct 1806-1 Jul 1816
443 - Copy of the probate of John Cooper of Ashbourne esq. To son John Douglas Cooper, £20 as he has already received his portion; to Eliza, wife of John Douglas Cooper, £20; to all of his grandchildren, £10 each; to Joseph Strutt of Derby esq., John Douglas Cooper, and his own wife, all his plate, linen, china, books, pictures, household goods and furniture to be used and enjoyed by testator's wife Susannah during her life, and after her death to sell the same and to merge the money with the rest of his estate. To same people (trustees), his real estate and the residue of his personal estate upon trust to pay Susanna an annuity of £200 for her life, and then to divide the same equally between his younger children Clara, Elizabeth, Isabella, Emma, Charles, and Selina as tenants in common; his executors to succeed to his share of the cotton mill; trustees to be executors. Dated 28 April 1818. Proved at Lichfield 22 January - 1820
444-445 - Mortgage and assignment of mortgage by Frances Evans of Darley Abbey spinster, Clara Elizabeth Cooper, Isabella Cooper, Emma Cooper, Charles Kelly Cooper, and Selina Cooper, children and devisees of John Cooper deceased, to Sarah Upton of Derby widow, with the consent of Susannah Cooper of Bath (widow of John Cooper), Joseph Strutt, and John Douglas Cooper (trustees of the will of John Cooper), and Joseph Strutt as mortgagee of premises as in D239 M/T 429-30. Consideration £3000 paid by Sarah to Frances, and of £1600 paid by Sarah to the children of John Cooper. Dated 6/7 July - 1821
446-447 - Assignment by Sarah Upton to Joseph Strutt, John Douglas Cooper, and Rev. Edward Higginson, minister of the Unitarian Church in Friar Gate, Derby, with release by Sarah to same of premises as in D239 M/T 429-30. Dated 24/25 March - 1823
448-449 - Assignment by Sarah Upton at the request of Rev. John Dalby of Castle Donnington (co. Leicester) and of Charles and Henry Matchitt of Manchester merchants, and the children of John Matchitt deceased to Elizabeth Cheetham of Burnage (co. Lancaster) spinster of a third part of premises at Woodeaves. Dated 6/7 May - 1823
450 - Deed of covenant for production of title deeds. Dated 7 May - 1823
451-452 - Assignment of mortgage by Elizabeth Cheetham to Elizabeth Willson of Normanton spinster, with further mortgage in £2500 by Charles Matchitt et al. to Willson. Dated 2/3 September - 1825
453-454 - Lease and release by John Saint of Derby joiner, and Elizabeth his wife, formerly Elizabeth Willson, Rev. John Dalby, executor of John Matchill deceased, and Charles Matchill et al. to Isabella Cooper, late of Bath, spinster, of a third part of the mill and buildings at Woodeaves and of closes called the Croft, Paddock, Thorns, New Piece, part of Grosvenor Wood, Bushy Lees, Owler Carr, the Brook, Cantrell's Close, Calf Close, the two Calf Meadows, and Bank, containing in all 101 acres 2 roods 32 perches; and a third part of a close at Kniveton called the Holmes (2 acres 3 roods 22 perches), with a fourth and a twelfth part (total one third) of all machinery etc in the mill, and of a security of £500 on the Haddon and Bentley Road, together with an assignment by Thomas Cox of Derby (administrator of the estates of James Simpson deceased) to Daniel Smith of Mayfield (co. Stafford) esq. of the residue of two mortgage terms in trust. Plan and table of reference. Consideration £4600. Dated 30/31 December - 1829
455-456 - Lease and release by Joseph Strutt, John Douglas Cooper and Rev. Edward Higginson (mortgagees), Charles Kelly Cooper of Ashbourne esq., Isabella Cooper and Emma Cooper of Bath, spinsters, surviving younger children and devisees of John Cooper deceased to Jedediah Strutt of Belper esq. of the whole of premises as in D239 M/T 453-4 4 with an assignment by Thomas Cox and Daniel Smith to Anthony Radford Strutt of Makeney esq. of the residue of two mortgage terms. Plan, table of reference, and detailed inventory of machinery etc. in mill. Consideration £11, 403. Dated 7/8 January Endorsed with memorandum of sale by George Henry Strutt to John Harding of the cotton mill, messuages and lands at Woodeaves in the tenure of John Harding, formerly part of Bushy Lees and the whole of Owler Carr. Dated 19 September - 1831; 1859
457 - Mortgage in £900 for a term of 500 years by William FitzHerbert of Tissington to Thomas Gisborne of Derby esq. of a farm in Tissington formerly known as John Johnson's farm, now called Fernycliffe Farm with Great Highway Close, Little Highway Close, the Fernycliffe, and the Colloway Bottom. Dated 4 July 1743 Endorsed: additional mortgage in £700. Dated 1 January 1743/44 - 1743-[1744]
457-463 - Fernycliff Farm
458 - Assignment of mortgage by Gisborne to Rev. William Newton of Ashbourne. Dated 26 March - 1746
459 - Assignment of mortgage in £1200 by Mary Newton widow and executrix of Rev. William Newton to Nicholas Twigg of Bakewell lead merchant. Dated 2 January 1749/50 Endorsed: mortgage surrendered by Twigg. Dated 1/4 April 1752 - [1750]-1752
460-461 - Mortgage in £1200 by way of lease and release by William FitzHerbert to Richard Mellor of Wirksworth surgeon of Ferneycliff Farm. 29/30 September - 1754
462 - Request and authorization by William FitzHerbert to Nicholas Twigg to assign a mortgage term in Ferneycliff Farm to Richard Mellor. Dated 30 September - 1754
463 - Deed for securing an additional advance of £200 by William FitzHerbert from Richard Mellor. Dated 8 October Endorsed: further advance of £100. Dated 8 November - 1756; 1757
464-466 - Mortgage in £3000 for a term of 1000 years by William FitzHerbert esq. to George Buckston of Bradbourne esq. of the manor of Tissington with all appurtenances, Tissington Hall, four houses and crofts, the water corn mills, Barn Flatts, the Barn Yard, Creswell Butts, the Holme Close or intake from the Back or Windmill Field, the Rakes, the Meer Butts, the Paddock, the Hall Croft Way, the Mill Crofts, the Dill Croft, the Wood and the Codlow, the Coaps and Sommerleys, the Little Marlow, the Netherfield, the Croft and Hollands, half the back or Windmill Field, the Great and Little Barn Flatts, Buxton Field or one of the Hall Croft Ways or Watering Place, the Gozlands, Gozlands Lane or Pingle, the Back Moor next Hanson, a moiety of the Middle Back Moor, the North Darfield, and the House Croft and Greway Ditch, in tenure of Widow Goodwin, and the house, backside, and land called Greeway Ditch, in the tenure of Nicholas Redfern. Dated 4 April Endorsed: by settlement on the marriage of William FitzHerbert and Sarah Perrin the manor of Tissington was conveyed in trust to James FitzHerbert esq. and Edward Miller Mundy esq. Buckston now surrenders any claim or title to the trustees. Dated 2 April - 1765; 1791
464-466 - The Manor
467-468 - Lease for 500 years by Johannes Beresford of Stretton-in-the Fields clerk to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of all Beresford's land in Nether Closes recently inundated by the mill dam of the water corn mill lately erected by FitzHerbert in the Goslands together with the water course linking dam and stream together with access for repair etc. Rent 8s. Dated 20 September - 1677
467-468 - Mill dam
467-718 - Fenny Bentley
469 - Mortgage in fee by Roger Wheeldon of Fenny Bentley yeoman and John Wheeldon, his son and heir, to Hugh Wheeldon of Chesterfield yeoman of Barn Close, Holbrookes, the two Holbrooke Pingles, and the Meadowhead in Fenny Bentley. Consideration £105. - 2 Feb [1656]
469-484 - Holbrooke Meadow, Barn Close and Meadow Head
470 - Release and quitclaim by Roger and John Wheeldon to Hugh Wheeldon of all title to estates as in D239 M/T 469. Dated 27 March - 1676
471 - Feoffment by Joshua Wheeldon of Chesterfield distiller and Margaret Wheeldon of Chesterfield widow (mother of Joshua) to William Bott of Fenny Bentley clerk and John Hayne of Ashbourne Green gent. (trustee) of closes as in D239 M/T 469. Consideration £158. - 10 Mar [1691]
472 - Release to follow lease by Robert Ensor of Tissington yeoman and Mary his wife to William Bott and John Hayne of two closes called Holbrooke Meadowes lying on either side of a close of Bott called Holbrooke Meadow. Consideration £50. Dated 20 May - 1698
473 - Release and quitclaim by John Ensor of Compton tanner to William Bott of all title etc. to the two Holbrooke Meadows. Dated 10 April - 1699
474 - Final concord between William Bott, John Hayne sen., John Hayne jun., Isabel Alsopp, and Elizabeth Alsopp plaintiffs and Robert Ensor, Mary his wife, Elizabeth Wright widow, Henry Wright, Katherine Hayne, and Eleanor Wood widow of four messuages, 45 acres of land, and common of pasture in Fenny Bentley, Offcote and Underwood, and Ashbourne. Consideration £120. Dated 14 April - 1700
475 - Copy will of William Bott - 1700
476-477 - Lease and release by Thomas Hammond of Lichfield furrier to William Hammond of Leicester furrier of his moiety of three closes known as Holbrooke Meadow and two adjoining pingles which lands were devised to Thomas and William by William Bott. Consideration £45. Dated 10 July - 1707
478 - Feoffment by William Hammond grandson and devisee of William Bott to Mary Bullock of Ilam (co. Stafford) spinster and grand-daughter of William Bott of land as in D239 M/T 476-7. Consideration £95. Dated 12 June - 1708
479 - Final concord between John Creswell and Robert Franceys plaintiffs and Robert Lomas, Mary his wife, Samuel Wright and Mary his wife of a messuage, three barns, 20 acres land, 20 acres of meadow, 10 acres of pasture, and common of pasture in Snelston, Fenny Bentley, and Glossop. Consideration £200. Dated 24 November - 1711
480 - Mortgage for a term of 500 years by Robert Lomas of Compton tanner and Mary his wife to Thomas Sales of Derby baker of land as in D239 M/T 476-7. Consideration £150. Dated 31 January
481 - Will of Robert Lomas of Compton tanner. Whereas he and Mary his wife have settled three messuages at Compton, a messuage in Stunston and Compton called Shaw Farm, and a farm at Snelston to several particular persons and uses, the said settlement is now confirmed; on the expiration of the said trusts to his brother Thomas Lomas, all the premises at Compton and Sturston provided Thomas pays his brothers and sisters, Henry, John, Mary, and Sarah, £10 each; to wife Mary, the premises at Snelston. Executors to be Cornelius Dale of Flagg, Thomas Lomas (his uncle) and John Lomas of Buntingfield. Memorandum devising to his wife Mary all his lands at Fenny Bentley in trust to sell the same and discharge a debt of £50 to Rowland Okeover. Dated 22 April - 1714
482 - Assignment of mortgage by Ann Sales widow and executrix of Thomas Sales, on the direction of Mary Lomas, widow of Robert Lomas to Baptist Trott of Mapleton esq., of premises as in D239 M/T 476-7, on trust for William FitzHerbert. Consideration £159 6s 9d paid by FitzHerbert to Ann Sales. Dated 31 October - 1719
483-484 - Lease and release by Mary Lomas to William FitzHerbert of three closes called Holbrooke Meadows with two adjoining pingles and closes known as Barn Close and Meadow Head. Consideration £220. Dated 1/2 December. - 1719
485-486 - Lease for 1000 years by Richard Beresford of Ashbourne esq. to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of a parcel of ground in the Stone Pitts (126 yards × 3½ yards) to be used as an access road. Rent 1s. Dated 31 December - 1757
485-487 - Miscellaneous
487 - Deed of exchange between Richard Beresford of Ashbourne esq. and William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. whereby FitzHerbert is to have a parcel in Upper Gores (3 roods) in exchange for 3 roods in Bean Close in Tissington and Fenny Bentley. Dated 5 April - 1771
488 - Copy of a final concord between Robert Ensor and Mary his wife plaintiffs and Thomas Allsop, Mary his wife, Richard Ensor, John Ensor and Dorothy his wife deforciants of three messuages, three cottages, three barns, two crofts, six gardens, three orchards, 40 acres of land, 30 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 40 acres of furze and heath and common of pasture in Parwich, Tissington, and Fenny Bentley. Consideration £200. - 27 Jan [1663]
488-578 - Beresford estates
489 - Feoffment by Robert Ensor of Tissington yeoman and Mary his wife to Samuel Milward of Fenny Bentley yeoman of a close called Pasture Topps otherwise Wrights Pasture, divided in three, subject to a rent of 20s. in lieu of all chief rents. Consideration £100. - 19 Jan [1684]
490 - Release by Elizabeth Millward widow of Samuel Millward to Thomas Millward of Newton Grange nephew and heir of Samuel, in consideration of a release by Thomas to Elizabeth and her brother William Alsopp of a close called Tompkinson's Pasture, of all her title etc. to Pasture Topps. Dated 12 April - 1694
491 - Bargain and sale by Thomas Millward and Mary his wife to John Millward of Heathcote yeoman of Pasture Tops otherwise Wrights Pasture Tops. Consideration £26. Dated 13 April - 1694
492-493 - Mortgage and counterpart for 500 years by John and Thomas Millward to John Hampson of Snelston blacksmith of closes as in D239 M/T 490. Consideration £20. Dated 24 April - 1700
494 - Feoffment by John Millward, Thomas Millward and Mary his wife to John Hopwood of Ashbourne joiner of land as in D239 M/T 490. Consideration £100. Dated 11 November 1702 - 1702
495 - Mortgage in fee by Thomas Barnes of Ashbourne gent. to George Peach of Fenny Bentley farrier of a fourth part of a messuage in Ashbourne and of closes in Fenny Bentley which Thomas inherited under the will of John Hopwood. Consideration £50. Dated 1 June - 1728
496 - Assignment of a mortgage by George Peach to John Allcocke of Thorpe yeoman of premises as in D239 M/T 495. Dated 2 October - 1728
497 - Discharge of mortgage by George Peach to Thomas Barnes. Dated 2 October - 1728
498-499 - Lease and release by Edward Wheatcroft of Wirksworth, Martha his wife, and Thomas Barnes and Hannah his wife to John Allcocke of three fourth-parts of three closes known as Pasture Tops (6 acres), which they had inherited from John Hopwood. Consideration £90. Dated 2 October - 1728
500 - Final concord between John Allcocke plaintiff and Edward Wheatcroft, Martha his wife, Thomas Barnes and Hannah his wife of three fourth parts of a messuage, 2 acres land, 2 acres meadow, 2 acres pasture and common of pasture in Ashbourne and Fenny Bentley. Consideration £60. Dated 9 June - 1729
501-502 - Lease and release by Edward Wheatcroft and Martha his wife to John Alcocke of a fourth part of Pasture Tops. Consideration £30. Dated 6/7 October - 1738
503-504 - Lease and release by John Alcock to George Bott of Basford (co. Nottingham) yeoman of the Pasture Tops. Consideration £140. Dated 10/11 October - 1738
505-506 - Lease and release by George Bott to Gilbert Beresford of Basford (co. Nottingham) of Pasture Tops and Tompkinsons Pasture. Consideration £280. Dated 8/9 July - 1745
507 - Feoffment by William Cope of Fenny Bentley yeoman and John Cope his son and heir to Dorothy James of Fenny Bentley widow of Tompkinsons Pasture (3 acres), part of a tenement in Fenny Bentley purchased from John and Thomas Tomkinson by George Spooner Grandfather of William Cope. Consideration £98. Dated 2 May - 1660
508 - Final concord between Dorothy James and William James plaintiffs and William Cope, John Cope, Ann his wife, William Crowne, Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Rawlins, Frances his wife, Giles Busworth, Alice his wife, and William Fletcher deforciants of a barn, 6 acres of meadow, 8 acres of pasture and common of pasture in Fenny Bentley and Offcote and Underwood. Consideration £60. Dated 20 October - 1660
509-510 - Lease and release by William James of Ashbourne gent. to Samuel Millward of Fenny Bentley yeoman of a close known as Tompkinson's pasture (3 acres). Consideration £85. Dated 13/14 June - 1679
511 - Receipt with D239 M/T 509-10. Dated 14 June - 1679
512 - Mortgage by demise for 50 years by Samuel Millward to William Alsopp of Fenny Bentley yeoman of Tomkinsons Pasture now divided into three. Consideration £60. Dated 25 March - 1691
513 - As D239 M/T 490 - 1694
514 - Final concord between Thomas Hayne, Elizabeth Millward, and William Alsopp plaintiffs and John Sargeant, Joan his wife, Thomas Millward and Mary his wife deforciants of 25 acres of land, 5 acres of meadow, 5 acres of pasture, and common of pasture in Derby and Fenny Bentley. Consideration £60. Dated 2 June - 1695
515 - Probate of William Alsopp of Fenny Bentley yeoman, to Robert Wagstaffe of Ashbourne, 20s; to William Keeling of Snelston, 20s; to Elizabeth Doxey of Clifton, 20s; to Samuel, Mary, and Susannah Smith, all his lands in Fenny Bentley; the same to be executors. Dated 1 December 1697. Proved at Lichfield 28 August - 1699
516 - Bargain and sale by Mary Smith of Fenny Bentley spinster to Samuel Smith of Fenny Bentley yeoman of a moiety of Tomkinsons Pasture. Recital of terms of D239 M/T 515. Consideration £102. Dated 6 December - 1701
517-518 - Lease and release by Samuel Smith to Mary Smith of Heywood spinster of Tomkinsons Pasture. Consideration £90. - 21-22 Jan [1703]
519 - Probate of Mary Smith of Ashbourne; to kinsman Samuel Smith all that land in Fenny Bentley paying £40; to brother Samuel Smith, £5; to sister Ellen Peach, £5; to kinswoman Margaret Peach, £10; to kinsman Joseph Smith, £5; to kinsman Robert Wiberly, £5; to kinswoman, Jane Foster, £5; to kinswoman Ellen Waterfall, £5. Dated 12 October 1727. Proved at Lichfield 19 October - 1731
520-526 - Receipts for legacies under the will of Mary Smith - 1732-1738
527 - Mortgage for 500 years by Samuel Smith to Thomas Boech of Oldbury (co. Warwick) yeoman of Tomkinsons Pasture. Consideration £60. Dated 10 May - 1737
528-529 - Award by Ellen Peach of Ashbourne widow in a dispute between John Wagstaffe of Fenny Bentley yeoman and Samuel Smith of Mapleton yeoman whereby Smith is to have the three closes known as Tompkinsons Pasture, and Wagstaffe and his wife are to convey to Smith all their interest in the premises. - 10 Mar [1738]
530-531 - Lease and release by Samuel Smith, Dorothy his wife, John Wagstaffe and Margaret his wife to George Bott of Basford (co. Nottingham) yeoman of Tompkinsons Pasture. Consideration £140. Dated 26/27 October - 1738
532 - Final concord between George Bott and Ellis Farnsworth plaintiffs and Samuel Smith, Dorothy his wife, John Wagstaffe, Margaret his wife and Thomas Gregson of 5 acres pasture, a third part of 20 acres land, 5 acres meadow, and 20 acres pasture in Fenny Bentley and Shirland. Consideration £60. Dated 9 June - 1740
533 - Will of John Beresford of Ashbourne esq. To Sir Richard Levinge of Parwich Bt., Richard Ardern of Stockport (co. Chester) esq., John Shallcrosse of Shallcross esq., and Edward Beresford of Stockport esq., all his real estate at Fenny Bentley upon trust to hold the same for one year after his death and receive the rents etc., paying the same to his wife, and after the said year, the estates to go to his wife for life in place of dower; to the same trustees, his closes at Newton Grange, and his real estate in Ashbourne, Mapleton, and Sturston upon trust to sell as much as is necessary to pay his debts, to pay £1000 to his daughter Frances at 25 or marriage, and £30 a year until then, and to raise sums of £100 to be paid to his sons Richard and Gilbert, and £200 to his son Edward; the surplus land remaining after the above sale, those lands at Newton Grange not devised, and the reversion of the Fenny Bentley estate upon trust to preserve the contingent remainders, but to permit his eldest son to receive the rents etc. for his life, and after his death, to descend in tail male, with power to eldest sons to make jointures upon their wives not exceeding £10 a year for every £100 of their marriage portion; to son John, all his books, and the cabinet case (but not the contents); to his wife and his brother Edward, residue of household goods, plate and personal estate; these two to be executors. Dated 6 May - 1724
534 - Assignment of mortgage by Joseph Greaves of Ingleby gent. on the direction of Leonard Fosbrooke of Shardlow esq. and D'ewes Coke of Suckley (co. Worcester) esq. to George Bott of Basford (co. Nottingham) yeoman in trust for Gilbert Beresford of Basford gent., reciting mortgage by demise for 500 years (1728) by D'ewes Coke and Frances his wife to Robert Fletcher of Smalley gent. of all their estates at Fenny Bentley, and reciting assignment of mortgage by Fletcher, at the direction of Fosbrooke to Greaves, and assignment of the premises by Coke to Greaves for the better repayment of £2500 to Fosbrooke (1733), and whereas Beresford has contracted with Coke for the absolute purchase of the estates; with assignment of the remainder of the term. - 25 Feb [1735]
535 - Release and disclaimer by Thomas Allestree of Alvaston esq. to John Ward of Queen's College, Cambridge, and William Dancy of Derby of trusts under a settlement by Dewes Coke and Frances his wife - 27 Feb [1735]
536-537 - Lease and release by John Ward and William Chancy and Thomas Allestree to Gilbert Beresford of a moiety of a farm at Fenny Bentley and of closes known as the Holme, Farr Meadow, Pasture Topps, the Dumble, Long Pingle, Round Pingle, and Barn Pingle. Consideration £219. - 27-28 Feb [1735]
538 - Will of John Beresford of Ashbourne esq. To William FitzHerbert of Tissington and his brother Gilbert Beresford of Basford (co. Nottingham), all his real estate at Fenny Bentley upon trust to raise £2000 for the portion of his daughter Judith (£1000) and his two younger sons Francis and William (£500 each); he has not given anything to his son Edward as his brother Gilbert has promised to care for him; wife Frances and eldest son Richard to be executors. Dated 30 January - 1754
539 - Copy will of Judith Beresford of Ashbourne aged 21; to brother Richard £10; to cousin Frances FitzHerbert £40; to Sarah Tompson of Ashbourne widow, £60; residue of her fortune to be divided between her younger brothers Edward, Francis, and William; her uncle Gilbert Beresford to be executor. Dated 26 July. (Proved at Lichfield 19 October 1757) - 1756
540-541 - Lease and release to lead the uses of a recovery by Richard Beresford of Ashbourne, eldest son of John Beresford deceased to Henry Wilmot of Grays Inn gent., of a farm at Fenny Bentley with various closes (137 acres, 3 roods, 14 perches), a farm and lands in the tenure of William Blore (84 acres 33 perches), Overfields (8 acres 1 rood 12 perches), a messuage and closes in the tenure of Thomas Warrington (7 acres 2 roods), a cottage, croft, etc. in the tenure of John Lomas (1 acre 1 rood 24 perches), Bradleys Orchard (2 acres 3 roods 38 perches), a cottage and croft (1 acre 2 perches); Beresfords Close (2 acres 33 perches); annual rents of £2 6s 7 3/4d; a moiety of a cottage and homestead (1 rood 10 perches); three closes in the tenure of William Blore (5 acres 2 roods 20 perches); two closes in the tenure of Thomas Warrington (6 acres 1 rood 17 perches), and closes called Pasture Tops (14 acres 1 rood 14 perches), so that Wilmot may be a tenant for suffering a recovery by Gilbert Beresford of Ashbourne to the use of Richard. Dated 29/30 October - 1756
542 - Exemplification of a common recovery by Gilbert Beresford against Henry Wilmot of four messuages, six gardens, 80 acres land, 80 acres meadow, 160 acres pasture, rents, and a moiety of a messuage, 7 acres land, 10 acres meadow, and 20 acres of pasture in Fenny Bentley. Dated 9 November - 1756
543 - Release by Gilbert Beresford (sole executor of the will of Judith Beresford deceased), Edward Beresford and Francis Beresford (younger sons of John Beresford deceased) to Richard Beresford (eldest son of the said John) of the £1000 charged upon lands in Fenny Bentley under the will of the said John (see D239 M/T 538) in consideration of £1000 under the will of the same. Recital of terms of D239 M/T 533, D239 M/T 538-539. Dated 2 September - 1760
544 - Release by Francis Beresford to Richard Beresford of £500 charged on lands in Fenny Bentley (see D239 M/T 538). Dated 10 August - 1761
545 - Release by William Beresford to Richard Beresford as D239 M/T 544. Dated 2 July - 1763
546-547 - Settlement by way of lease and release whereby Richard Beresford conveys to Hugo Meynell of Bradley esq. and Richard FitzHerbert of Somersall Herbert esq. lands as in D239 M/T 540-1 and all other premises in Fenny Bentley upon trust to the use of Gilbert Beresford of Cheadle (co. Chester) gent. for a term of 1000 years as security for £6000 loaned to Richard Beresford, and upon determination of the trust to the use of Richard for life, with remainder in tail male, and in default of heirs male to the use of Edward Beresford of St John's College, Cambridge, clerk, with remainder in tail male and in default of heirs male to the use of Francis Beresford of Nottingham gent., in similar fashion, and in default etc. to the use of William Beresford of Ashbourne gent., and in default of heirs male, to the right heirs of Richard; with a mortgage by Richard to Gilbert as a further security for £6000 of messuages and lands in Newton Grange (155 acres 3 roods 14 perches) and further closes (62 acres 2 roods 34 perches). Dated 4/5 July - 1763
548 - Counterpart of D239 M/T 547
549-550 - Lease and release to the uses by Gilbert Beresford to Brooke Boothby of Ashbourne Hall esq. and Richard FitzHerbert of a messuage and land at Newton Grange (details given) and closes in Fenny Bentley: Ensor Meadows otherwise Pasture Tops, Tompkinsons Pasture, a moiety of a messuage, and a moiety of closes known as the Holme, Farr Meadow, Pasture Tops, the Dumble, Long Pingle, and Barn Pingle, upon trust to the use of Elizabeth Beresford of Queen St (co. Middlesex), spinster, for life, with remainder to her sons and daughters, and for want of issue to the use of heirs male of John Beresford of Ashbourne deceased. Consideration £12,000, part of the personal estate of William Beresford deceased. Dated 6/7 April - 1767
551-552 - Lease and release to lead the uses of a recovery by Elizabeth Beresford of Queen St (co. Middlesex) spinster, and Richard Beresford of Ashbourne esq., eldest son and heir at law of John Beresford deceased, to Joseph Baldwin of Covent Garden gent. of estates as in D239 M/T 549-550, that Baldwin may be made a tenant for suffering a recovery by James FitzHerbert of Ashbourne gent. to the use of Elizabeth for her life, then to the use of Richard Beresford for his life with remainder to his eldest son in tail male and for want of issue to descend on D239 M/T 546-547. Dated 11/12 May - 1767
553 - Copy of an exemplification of a recovery by James FitzHerbert against Joseph Baldwin of a messuage, two gardens, 100 acres land, 100 acres meadow, 350 acres pasture, and common of pasture, and a moiety of a messuage, two gardens, 10 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, and 22 acres of pasture in Newton Grange and Fenny Bentley. Dated 1 June - 1767
554 - Deed of exchange - as D239 M/T 487 - 1771
555 - Assignment by Richard, Edward, Francis, and William Beresford, executors of Gilbert Beresford, to Joseph Greaves of Aston-on-Trent esq. of the remainder of a term of 1000 years in estates at Fenny Bentley upon trust to attend the uses of a settlement. See D239 M/T 546-547. Dated 27 March - 1776
556 - Copy of a deed of revocation of uses under the marriage settlement of Richard Beresford and Alice his wife, concerning lands at Ashbourne and Newton Grange, with bargain and sale by Richard Beresford sen. and Richard Beresford jun. to Hickman Young to make him a tenant for suffering a recovery of the said and other premises. Dated 16 January - 1789
557 - Deed of covenant by William Strutt sen. of Derby gent. and Walter Evans of Derby gent. to Richard Beresford of Ashbourne esq. for production of title deeds relating to the manor of Newton Grange - 20 Apr 1796
558 - Assignment of a term by Ann Greaves of Lichfield, widow and executrix of Joseph Greaves of Aston-on-Trent, at the direction of Richard Beresford of High Beach (co. Essex), eldest son and heir of Richard Beresford of Ashbourne deceased, to Rev. Richard Lickorish of Brandon (co. Warwick), reciting terms of D239 M/T 546-7, D239 M/T 555-6, for remainder of term. Dated 30 May - 1803
559 - Mortgage by demise for a term of 1000 years by Richard Beresford to Rev. Richard Lickorish of a messuage and farm at Fenny Bentley with closes known as the Homestead, Hall Croft, Croft Green, Oat Croft, the Ashes, the Pasture, Needham Flatts, Over Flatts, Little Wash Brook, Great Wash Brook, the Gores and Stone Pitts, and Mill Grounds (137 acres 3 roods 14 perches), a messuage with Hall Croft, a farm house with closes known as Horse Piece, Round Pingle, Ferny Piece, Goose Hoome, Over Long Croft, the two Long Crofts, and Barley Hoome (73 acres), several fishponds and plantations (8 acres) established by Richard Beresford deceased, and closes called Pasture Tops, Beresford's Close, Tompkinsons Meadows, and Ensor Meadows. (28 acres 11 perches) - 6 Jun 1803
560 - Appointment by Richard Beresford of Trefnanny Hall (co. Montgomery) esq. to Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne gent., his trustee of lands as in D239 M/T 559 upon trust to the use of Beresford in fee simple. Recital of terms of D239 M/T 556. Dated 24 June - 1813
560-561 - Settlement by way of lease and release by Richard Beresford, Anna Eliza his wife, and Richard Goodwin, trustee, to John Goodwin Johnson of Bradbourne gent. of a farmhouse and closes called the Homestead, Hall Croft, Croft Green, Oat Croft, the Ashes, the Pastures, Needham Flatts, Over Flatts, Little Wash Brook, Great Wash Brook, the Gores, Stone Pitts, and Mill Grounds, two messuages erected on Hall Croft, and fishponds and plantations, upon trust to the use of Beresford for his life, then to Anna Eliza for her life with remainder to the heirs of Beresford in fee simple. Dated 29/30 June - 1813
562 - Assignment by Rev. Richard Lickorish to Thomas Wise of Ashbourne gent. of the residue of two terms of 1000 years upon trust for Richard Beresford to attend the inheritance. Dated 2 October - 1815
563-564 - Mortgage in fee by way of lease and release by Richard Beresford and John Goodwin Johnson to William Peach of Ashbourne gent. of premises as in D239 M/T 560-1 and of a messuage with closes known as Horse Piece, Round Pingle, Fenny Piece, Goose Hoome, New Meadow, Middle Pingle, Barn Close and Knowl, Barn Pingle, Shaw Bank, Bank Close, Over Long Croft and Nether Long Croft (58 acres); revocation of all uses and trusts in D239 M/T 560-1. Consideration £3000. Dated 10/11 October - 1815
565-566 - Declaration by William Peach that only £2500 was advanced on mortgage as in D239 M/T 563-4. Dated 12 October - 1815
567-568 - Mortgage in fee by Richard Beresford and John Goodwin Johnson to Edward Corden of Ashbourne gent. of premises as in D239 M/T 560-1. Consideration £800. Dated 11/12 April - 1817
569 - Demise for a term of 500 years by Richard Beresford and Anna Eliza his wife to John Goodwin Johnson and Thomas Wise of premises as in D239 M/T 560-1 to indemnify them against payment of £600 in which sum they are bound with Beresford to Margaret Smith of Mayfield. Dated 14 February - 1818
570 - Memorandum of an agreement between Richard Beresford of Caernafon esq. and Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. for the sale to FitzHerbert of estates in Fenny Bentley for £21,000; £11,000 to be paid at once and the rest to be secured on mortgage. 11 April - 1821
571-572 - Final concord and counterpart between Richard Arkwright and William Alderson plaintiffs and Richard Beresford and Anna Eliza his wife deforciants of six messuages, six gardens, 70 acres land, 100 acres meadow, 150 acres pasture, 5 acres wood, 5 acres of land covered with water, and common of pasture in Fenny Bentley. Consideration £320. Dated 8 July - 1821
573 - Surrender by John Goodwin Johnson and Thomas Wise to Richard Beresford of the residue of a term of 500 years - see D239 M/T 569. Dated 3 October - 1821
574-575 - Lease and release by Richard Beresford and others to Richard Arkwright of Ashbourne Hall esq. and Rev. William Alderson of Aston (co. York) - 5/6 Oct 1821
576 - Assignment by Thomas Wise to John Beresford of Ashbourne gent. of two terms of 1000 years each in trust to secure the payment of £10,000 and interest to Richard Beresford and subject thereto in trust to attend the inheritance for Sir Henry FitzHerbert. Dated 6 October - 1821
577 - Assignment by Richard Beresford to John Goodwin Johnson of a term of 2000 years in estates at Fenny Bentley for securing the payment of £10,000 with settlement of the said sum on Anna Eliza, wife of Beresford, on his death. Dated 15 October - 1821
578 - Surrender by John Goodwin Johnson to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of estates at Fenny Bentley for the residue of a term of 2000 years, upon payment of £10,000. Dated 11 October - 1828
579 - Bond in £190 by Michael Beresford of Westerham (co. Kent) esq. to Francis FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. to perform the covenants in a bargain and sale by Beresford to FitzHerbert of Great Bentley Field and Little Bentley Field, except three lands in Great Bentley Field. Dated 6 November - 1599
579-596 - Bentley Fields
580 - Bargain and sale by William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq., Edward Onely of Catesby (co. Northampton) esq., and Francis FitzHerbert, brother of William, to Matthew Wright of Tissington yeoman and John Wright son of Raph Wright of Scropton yeoman of a close called Great Bentley Field, containing 32 acres. Consideration £520. - 24 Jan [1652]
581 - Bargain and sale by William FitzHerbert, Edward Onely, and Francis FitzHerbert to John Ensor of Tissington yeoman of a close called Little Bentley Field with thirteen lands or leys in the New Intake by the mill. Consideration £180. - 24 Jan [1652]
582 - Attested copy of a settlement upon the marriage of Robert Ensor, son and heir of John Ensor of Tissington yeoman, and Mary daughter of Thomas Allsopp of Parwich yeoman, whereby Richard Ensor and John Ensor, brothers, convey to Robert and Mary the messuage in Tissington inhabited by Richard and John, with all other Richard's messuages in Tissington, lands in Tissington (details given), the messuage of John Ensor in Fenny Bentley and all other his lands in Fenny Bentley, upon the following trusts: the estates at Fenny Bentley, except the Holbrooke Meadows, to the use of Robert for life, then to Mary for her life, with remainder to the right heirs of Robert, and lands in Tissington to the uses of John and Richard, and Robert. Dated 5 December - 1663
583 - Attested copy of a settlement by Robert Ensor upon his younger sons whereby he conveys to John Blore of Alstonefield (co. Stafford) yeoman and Walter Buxton of Bradbourne yeoman messuages and lands in Tissington (details given), three closes in Fenny Bentley called Bentley Fields, messuages at Parwich with lands there upon the following trusts: to raise an annuity of £20 to be paid to Robert for life, and an annuity of 20s to be paid to Thomas Ensor for the life of Robert; Bentley Fields to Blore and Buxton for 5 years upon trust to raise £5 to be paid to John Ensor, then to the use of William Ensor; other lands to the use of William and Richard Ensor. Consideration, £50 paid by William his eldest son. Dated 23/24 June - 1715
584 - Copy of the probate of William Ensor of Tissington yeoman. To younger son William for life, his two closes at Parwich called the Winniatts with power to make jointure on a wife and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder in default of issue to his son Robert Ensor; to the same William, £600 when 25; to his son Robert, the remainder of his estates in Tissington and Fenny Bentley and Parwich, charged with raising so much money as half testator's personal estate shall fall short of £600; to wife Mary, all his household goods; to Mary and Robert, residue of personal estate; to Mary, the parlour at the east end of his house for life as for as long as she remains unmarried; if she remarries she is to have but 1s; his estate at Tissington to be charged with providing eight 6d loaves each Christmas Eve to the poor of Tissington under the terms of his father's will. Mary to be executrix. Dated 8 November 1726. Proved at Lichfield 21 September. See D239 M/T 296-297 - 1727
585 - Copy of letters of administration to William Ensor for the estate of his brother Robert Ensor of Tissington. Dated 8 December - 1753
586 - Attested copy of a deed to lead the uses of a fine to be levied by William Ensor of Derby grocer, brother and heir of Robert Ensor deceased, and Ellen his wife, to John Meynell of Derby surgeon of two messuages in Tissington with closes called Choole Ridings, Whett Furlongs, Proudlow Croft, Hungerhil and Ball Close with twelve beastgates in Hollington and Green Moor, and fifteen sheepgates in Further Green Moor, three closes in Fenny Bentley called Bentley Fields, a messuage at Parwich and other lands, to extinguish the estates tail and to hold upon the following trusts: the beastgates, sheepgates and the Whinn Yards in Parwich to the use of William for life, then to Ellen for her life with remainder to the right heirs of William, and the remainder to the use of William in fee simple. Dated 18 May - 1754
587 - Copy of a final concord between John Meynell plaintiff and William Ensor and Ellen his wife deforciants of four messuages, three cottages, two tofts, eight barns, six gardens, two orchards, 50 acres land, 50 acres meadow, 50 acres pasture, 50 acres furze and heath, and common of pasture in Parwich, Tissington, and Fenny Bentley. Consideration £160. Dated 24 May - 1754
588 - Copy of the will of William Ensor - see D239 M/T 301-302 - 1777
589 - Attested copy of a mortgage by William Ensor of Stapenhill gent. devisee in fee simple of William Ensor deceased to John Hall of Netherseal gent. of premises in Tissington and Fenny Bentley as in D239 M/T 586. Consideration £300. Dated 5 April - 1786
590 - Attested copy of an assignment of a mortgage by John Hall on the direction of William Ensor, to William Newton of Burton-on-Trent, surgeon and apothecary, and William Wilders of Burton mercer (executors of John Wilson deceased). Consideration £300 and further mortgage in £700. Dated 27 January - 1789
591 - Copy of an assignment by William Wilders to Richard Thompson of Little Ireton, horse dealer; consideration £800; further mortgage in £450. Dated 18 February - 1805
592 - Copy of an assignment in trust by Richard Thompson on the direction of Martha Ensor of Stapenhill, widow of William Ensor deceased, and of George Ensor of Stapenhill farmer, and of William Ensor of Tissington yeoman, sons of William, to James Osborne of Tissington yeoman. Consideration £1250 paid by George and William. Dated 4 April - 1809
593 - Copy of the probate of George Ensor - see D239 M/T 308 - 1819
594-595 - Lease and release by Anna Maria Ensor of Stapenhill widow and William Ensor of Tissington yeoman to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt of three closes in Fenny Bentley known as Bentley Fields (12 acres 2 roods 17 perches). Consideration £1515. Assignment of mortgage term by John Osborn to John Beresford to attend the inheritance. Dated 24/25 March - 1825
596 - Covenant for production of title deeds. Dated 25 March - 1825
597 - Feoffment by Joseph Bowler of Fenny Bentley labourer to James Hardy of Tissington farmer in trust for Sir Henry FitzHerbert of a shop or storehouse, cowhouse, pigsty and necessary house in Fenny Bentley. Plan provided. Consideration £3 10s. Dated 21 April - 1834
597-611 - Messuages
598 - Copy of the probate of Edmund Buxton of Fenny Bentley farmer. To his son John Buxton, all his moiety of closes in Fenny Bentley known as Pasture Tops, the other moiety having already been settled on John, subject to the payment of £100 each to testator's sons William and Richard, and £80 to his son Samuel; to his son William, three messuages in Fenny Bentley; to son John, all interest in a lease of a farm in Tissington held of Richard Jackson; to son William, all household goods, tenant right, and personal estate; William and John to be executors. Dated 16 January 1796. Proved at Lichfield 4 July - 1800
599 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years by William Buxton of Fenny Bentley farmer to John Goodwin of Ashbourne gent. of three dwelling houses in Fenny Bentley. Consideration £50. Dated 19 November - 1803
600 - Copy of the probate of William Buxton of Fenny Bentley farmer. To his wife Mary and his sons Edmund and William, three messuages in Fenny Bentley, with all household furniture and personal estate in equal shares, but if his wife remarries she is to have but 5s., and her share to be divided between his sons; John Buxton of Tissington and James Appleby of Fenny Bentley to be executors. Dated 19 March 1806. Proved at Lichfield 20 June - 1806
601-602 - Lease and release by Edmund Buxton of Fenny Bentley farmer and William Buxton of Fenny Bentley yeoman, sons of William Buxton deceased, to Mary Buxton of Fenny Bentley their mother, of all their share in three messuages. Consideration £100 Assignment of mortgage term by John Goodwin Johnson of Fenny Bentley gent. to John Langford of Ashbourne gent. in trust for Mary Buxton. Dated 10/11 May - 1826
603 - Mortgage by demise for 1000 years by Mary Buxton to Thomas Wise of Ashbourne gent. of three messuages. Consideration £62, the proper money of John Goodwin Johnson. Dated 12 May - 1826
604 - Lease and release by Edmund Buxton of Mayfield (co. Stafford) yeoman to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. of three messuages in Fenny Bentley. Consideration £145: £63 to Thomas Wise and £83 to Buxton. Assignment of terms in trust by Wise and John Langford to Francis Wright of Lancote (co. Nottingham), esq. Dated 2/3 July - 1834
605 - Feoffment to lead the uses of a fine to be levied by Isaac Bowler of Fenny Bentley yeoman to Thomas Hawthorne of Ashbourne gent. of two cottages in Fenny Bentley, upon trust to the use of Bowler. Dated 14 April - 1831
606 - Copy of a final concord between Thomas Hawthorne plaintiff and John Dakin and Hannah his wife, Charles Bradley and Mary his wife, and Isaac Bowler deforciants of four messuages, two cottages, a barn, a stable, three gardens, an orchard, 12 acres land, 12 acres meadow, 12 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Etwall, Matlock, and Fenny Bentley. Dated 19 April - 1831
607 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years by Isaac Bowler to John Goodwin Johnson of Fenny Bentley gent. of two cottages. Consideration £30. Dated 4 May - 1831
608-609 - Articles of agreement between Isaac Bowler and John Cruso jun. of Leek (co. Stafford) gent., on behalf of Sir Henry FitzHerbert, for the sale of all Bowler's real estate in Fenny Bentley for £150. Dated 5 April - 1836
610 - Will of Isaac Bowler of Fenny Bentley labourer; all real and personal estate to wife Hannah, who is to be executrix. Dated 19 April - 1836
611 - Lease and release by Hannah Bowler of Fenny Bentley widow to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of three messuages. Consideration £37 11s paid to John Goodwin Johnson and £112 9s to Hannah. Dated 16/17 May - 1836
612 - Copy of a settlement upon the marriage of John Osborne of Derby esq. and Elizabeth daughter of William Sacheverell of Barton-in-the Beans (co. Nottingham) deceased whereby Osborne conveys to Sir Philip Gell of Hopton Bt., Robert Sacheverell of Barton esq., John Morewood of Alfreton esq., and George Sitwell of Renishaw esq. of a messuage in St Mary's Gate at Derby, messuages in Derby and closes; a farm at Fenny Bentley known as Woodcock Delph; farms at Atlow, Markeaton, Mackworth, and Allestree; and land in Ashbourne, to hold upon the following trusts: to the use of Osborne for his life, and after his death to be held by the trustees for a term of 500 years to raise an annuity of £200 for Elizabeth, and on the determination of the term, to the use of the first son of the bodies of John and Elizabeth with remainder in tail male, and in default of such issue to be held by the trustees for a further term of 400 years, with remainder to the right heirs of Osborne; the term of 500 years is upon trust to raise £2000 to be divided among any younger sons and daughters; the term of 400 years is to raise £3000 for one or more daughters should Osborne die without male issue. Consideration: marriage portion of £2000. Dated 24 August - 1692
612-669 - Woodcock Delph, Pasture Tops and Pasture Tops House
613 - Copy of a settlement upon the marriage of William, son of John Osborne by his wife Elizabeth, and Mary, daughter of John Bainbrigge of Lockington (co. Leicester) deceased whereby John Osborne, Elizabeth and William convey to William Scrimshire of the Inner Temple gent. and Henry Athorpe of the Crown Office, Inner Temple gent., of lands as in D239 M/T 612, together with land in Hulland to the intent that Scrimshire and Athorpe may be tenants for suffering a recovery by William Howes of Kegworth (co. Leicester) gent. upon trusts to the uses of the marriage settlement of John and Elizabeth (D239 M/T 612), and to the uses of William and Mary, and the heirs of their bodies. - 15 Jan [1725]
614 - Extract of an exemplification of a common recovery by William Howe against William Scrimshire and Henry Athorpe of nineteen messuages, a mill, 120 acres land, 60 acres meadow, 270 acres pasture, and common of pasture, in Derby, Fenny Bentley, Atlow, Markeaton, Mackworth, Allestree and Hulland - 1725
615 - Copy of the will of Samuel Bendall of Hopton; to his brother Edward Bendall of London, £1 1s a year for the life of his wife Mary Bendall; and his niece Mary Bendall, daughter of Edward, and his wife Mary to live together and his wife to bring up his niece until she is 21, but if they do not agree to live together, his niece to have £4 a year until she is 21; to his friends Henry Fletcher of Wirksworth innholder, and George Tomlinson of Hopton yeoman, £60 upon trust to purchase lands of £3 annual value or a rent charge of £3 a year, of which 50s a year is to be spent on clothing four children in the hospital or free school lately erected in Carsington by Mrs Temperance Gell; and 10s a year to be laid out in bread to be distributed in 6d loaves on St Thomas' Day to the poor of Hopton and Carsington; the preacher of his funeral sermon to have a golden guinea; to wife Mary, all his real estate for her life subject to the payment of annuities; and after her death, one third to Henry Fletcher in fee simple, one third to testator's brother Edward for his life with remainder to Henry Fletcher; and one third to testator's niece Mary Bendall in fee simple; if his brother Edward shall leave any issue besides Mary, such issue to have £20; to wife Mary, his personal estate; wife to be executrix. Dated 11 September - 1727
616 - Mortgage in fee by Henry Fletcher of Wirksworth innholder and Andrew Wilkinson of Boroughbridge (co. York) esq. of the reversion of a farm known as Pasture Top House with closes known as Upper Meadow, Meadow at the House, Waterings, and Upper Pasture (16 acres) at Fenny Bentley, and land in Wirksworth. Consideration £200. Dated 25 December - 1740
617 - Settlement upon the marriage of Richard, son and heir of Hugh Bateman of Derby esq. and Katherine, daughter of William FitzHerbert of Tissington deceased whereby Hugh and Richard convey to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. and Henry Coape of Duffield esq. premises at Milltown in Ashover, Heathcote, Derby, Hartington, and Wollescote to the use of Richard for his life, then to Katherine for her life, with remainder to the first son of Richard and Katherine in tail male. Marriage portion £2000. Dated 7 June - 1755
618-619 - Lease and release by Nicholas Twigg of Bakewell esq., Brian Hodgson of Buxton gent., and George Goodwin of Monyash gent. to William Greatorex of Fenny Bentley yeoman of two closes in Fenny Bentley known as Pasture Tops (4 acres). Consideration £43 6s 8d to each party. Dated 28/29 September - 1756
620 - Bargain and sale by Andrew Wilkinson, James Wingfield of Wirksworth innholder and Mary his wife (widow and devisee of Henry Fletcher deceased), George Pearson alias Parkin of Wirksworth miner and Dorothy his wife, George Potter of Wirksworth miner and Martha his wife (daughters of the said Henry) to Edmund Buxton of Fenny Bentley yeoman of the reversion of premises as in D239 M/T 616. Consideration £226 3s 6d paid to Wilkinson and £83 16s 6d paid to the other parties together. Dated 13 April - 1757
621 - Copy of the will of Richard Bateman of Derby esq.; he charges his Derbyshire estates with £2000 (see marriage settlement, D239 M/T 617) to be paid to his son Richard after the death of Hugh Bateman, father's testator; to his wife Catherine, an annuity of £50 during the life of the said Hugh, for the education of his son Richard; the interest from the £2000 due from his brother-in-law William FitzHerbert to be paid to Catherine for life, and then the £2000 to go to his son Richard; to eldest son Hugh, all household goods, furniture, plate, pictures etc., to be deemed as heirlooms to go with his mansion house in Derby. Catherine to be sole executrix; father Hugh Bateman and his friend Robert Holden to be trustees. Dated 16 May - 1761
622 - Copy of the will of Joyce Osborne spinster, daughter of John and Elizabeth Osborne of Derby deceased; Mrs Elizabeth Bateman the elder, sister of testator's brother-in-law Hugh Bateman sen., to be sole executrix and to receive £100; all her shares in the manor of Morley with the advowson, and all lands in Morley, Smalley, and Kiddesley, to the use of Hugh Bateman jun., eldest son of her nephew Richard Bateman deceased in tail male, and in default of heirs male, to the use of her godson Richard Bateman, youngest son of her said nephew Richard, in tail male, and in default of heirs male to the right heirs of her mother Elizabeth Osborne deceased; to Hugh Bateman jun., her moiety of a messuage in St Mary's Gate, Derby, and the water corn mill at the lower end of St Mary's Gate; a moiety of a moiety of two messuages in Sadlergate, of a close in Whitecross Field (both in Derby), of a farm at Fenny Bentley, and of lands at Musden Grange (co. Stafford); to her godson Richard Bateman, the other moiety of a moiety; and her moiety of a moiety of a farm called Hall Field and of closes called Over Piece, Nether Piece, New Meadow, Cote Meadow, Brown Lees, and Little Corn Close at Atlow, and of another messuage called Hall Field with Well Meadow, Corn Close, Cliff Meadow, Two Acres, Two Little Holes, and Two Little Meadows at Atlow, and of several messuages and lands at Hough Park; and whereas she is under contract with Wrightson Mundy deceased for the sale of her moiety of a farm at Markeaton and Mackworth with 2½ acres in Whitecross Field, Derby, 3 acres in Darley, a house at Markeaton with an orchard or croft, part of Kings Croft in Markeaton, and messuages and closes in Markeaton, and whereas her nephew Richard Bateman has also contracted for the sale of his moiety to Mundy (total price £2100), and whereas no purchase money has been paid, but Wrightson's son Francis Noel Clarke Mundy has paid interest on it, in case the testator dies before the contract has been completed, her moiety is to go to Henry Coape of Duffield and Francis Plumptree upon trust to fulfill the contract, to receive her share of the purchase money (£1050) and any interest due, upon trust to invest the same and receive the interest to be held on the same trusts as the residue of her personal estate; to Coape and Plumptree, all her messuages and lands at Meynell Langley and Kirk Langley, Mugginton and Duffield upon trust to receive the rents etc. for the benefit of her godson Richard Bateman until he is 21, and then to stand seised of the same to the use of Richard in fee simple; to Coape and Plumptree, £100 each; to Hugh Bateman jun., her little picture set in gold of her grandfather Sacheverell, her little picture of her father Osborne, and £10 for mourning; to her cousin Mrs Wheeler, widow of Rev. Wheeler, £50; to her cousin Mrs Pegg wife of Strelley Pegg, her diamond buckle; to her brother-in-law Hugh Bateman sen., £20 for mourning; to Mrs Bateman, widow of Richard, her best diamond ring; to Frances Bateman, sister of her brother-in-law Hugh, another diamond ring; to her kinsman Edward Osborne of Arnold (co. Nottingham), £10; to John Hope sen. of Derby, £10; to her maid servant, all her mourning clothes; the remainder of her clothes to be disposed of by her executrix; to her manservant, a suit of mourning to be bought by her executrix; to godson Richard Bateman, all her household goods, furniture, plate, linen, watches, books, jewels, rings, and pictures, but Frances and Elizabeth Bateman may have the use of what household goods they want for their lives, the residue of her personal estate to be held in trust for the benefit of her godson Richard, but if he dies without issue before he is 21, then upon trust for the benefit of Hugh Bateman jun., and if he dies without issue before he is 21, then for the benefit of her cousins Miss Dorothy Wilmot and Miss Jane Davison. Dated 8 January - 1768
623-624 - Lease and release by William Thorley of Mapleton yeoman to William Greatorex of Fenny Bentley yeoman of three closes in Fenny Bentley known as Pasture Tops. Consideration £140. Dated 16/17 February - 1768
625 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years by William Greatorex to Thomas Hemsworth of Ashbourne yeoman of two closes known as Pasture Tops (4 acres). Consideration £60. Dated 7 June - 1781
626 - Attested copy of a deed to lead the uses of a recovery whereby Hugh Bateman of Derby esq., eldest son and heir of Richard Bateman deceased, conveys to Thomas Peake of London gent. lands in Derby, Hartington and Ashover, a moiety of a farm in Fenny Bentley, and a fifth part of the manor of Morley, that Peake may be a tenant for suffering a recovery of the premises by William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. Dated 20 August - 1783
627 - Extract of a common recovery by William FitzHerbert against Thomas Peake. Dated Michaelmas term - 1783
628-629 - Copy of a deed to lead the uses of a recovery whereby Richard Bateman of Derby esq. conveys to Rogers Jortin of London gent. of land in Mugginton, Derby, and Fenny Bentley, that Jortin may be made a tenant for suffering a common recovery by Gregory Winrow of Derby gent. Dated 11 January - 1786
630 - Extract of a common recovery by Gregory Winrow against Rogers Jortin. Dated Hilary term - 1786
631 - Attested copy of the settlement upon the marriage of Hugh Bateman of Derby esq. and Temperance daughter of Ann Gisborne of Barton under Needwood (co. Stafford) widow - 31 Jan 1786
632-633 - Settlement by way of lease and release upon the marriage of John son of Edmund Buxton of Fenny Bentley yeoman and Mary daughter of Thomas Fletcher of Tissington whereby Edmund Buxton conveys to Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne gent. and John Edensor of Parwich yeoman of a moiety of a messuage called Pasture Top House and four closes known as Upper Meadow Nether Meadow, the Meadow at the House, the Waterings and Upper Pasture (16 acres) in Fenny Bentley upon trust to the use of John Buxton for his life, then to Mary for her life with remainder to such person or persons as John shall direct, and in default of such direction to the use of the eldest son of the bodies of John and Mary in tail male. Marriage portion of £100. Dated 12/13 April - 1790
634-635 - Copy of lease and release by Sacheverell Pole of Radbourne esq. and John Radford of Smalley esq. of a messuage and closes in Morley. Consideration £7170. Dated 26/27 September - 1796
636 - Copy of a release to follow lease by John Radford to Hugh Bateman of Ilam (co. Stafford) of premises at Morley as in D239 M/T 634-635. Dated 29 September - 1796
637 - Copy of a release by Hugh Bateman of Hartington Hall esq. to Richard Bateman of Derby esq., his brother and trustee of his marriage settlement, of lands in Hartington (details given) upon trust to uses as in D239 M/T 631. Dated 25 March - 1797
638 - Copy of a release by Richard Bateman to Daniel Parker Coke of Derby esq. to remove any idea that Bateman may have consented to his moiety of premises comprised in D239 M/T 631 of an undivided moiety of premises at Fenny Bentley and elsewhere upon trust for Bateman in fee simple. Dated 25 March - 1797
639 - Attested copy of a deed of partition and exchange between Hugh Bateman and the trustees of his marriage settlement of lands including the following closes in Fenny Bentley conveyed by Daniel Parker Coke to Richard Bateman in fee simple the house and homestead, Woody Bank, Little Meadow, Great Meadow, Barn Close, Cote Close, New Meadow, Dumble Close, Long Close, Round Close, Hobriding Close, the wood part of Hobriding, Lime-kiln close and barn, Bushy Close or Piece, Wheat Close, Over Cote Meadow, Carr Meadow, the Wood, Nether Cote Meadow, the lane adjoining the homestead, and Woody Bank at Woodcock Delf. Dated 28 March - 1797
640 - Copy of a certificate by Joseph Outram of Alfreton land surveyor, Benjamin Outram of Butterley Park land surveyor, and Benjamin Chambers of Tibshelf land surveyor, that lands at Hartington conveyed by Hugh Bateman in exchange are of greater value than the moiety of premises at Fenny Bentley, Hall Fields, Atlow, and Hough Park. Dated 28 March - 1797
641 - Attested copy of lease and release by Richard Bateman, with the consent of Hugh Bateman, Thomas Gisborne, and Francis Gisborne to Daniel Parker Coke of a moiety of estates in Fenny Bentley, Atlow, and Musden upon trusts comprised in D239 M/T 631. Dated 29/30 March - 1797
642 - Assignment of a mortgage by Thomas Hemsworth on the direction of William Greatorex to John Buxton of Tissington farmer of premises as in D239 M/T 625 to hold for the residue of a term of 500 years. Consideration £100. Dated 2 May - 1797
643 - Attested copy of a deed of exchange whereby Hugh Bateman conveys to Richard Bateman, Rev. Thomas Gisborne, and Rev. Francis Gisborne, trustees of Hugh's marriage settlement, of lands in Morley upon trusts to uses comprised in D239 M/T 631 in exchange for lands at Milltown in Ashover, and a messuage and farm called Woodcock Delph in Fenny Bentley. Dated 31 May - 1797
644 - Attested copy of a release by Richard Bateman to Daniel Parker Coke of premises in Morley (as in D239 M/T 643) to the uses comprised in Hugh Bateman's marriage settlement. Dated 2 June - 1797
645 - Further mortgage in £100 by William Greatorex to John Buxton upon premises as in D239 M/T 625. Dated 1 May - 1799
646 - Further mortgage in £150 as in D239 M/T 625, D239 M/T 645 (total £350), with mortgage of three closes known as Pasture Tops at Fenny Bentley, for further security. Dated 3 May - 1800
647-648 - Lease and release by William Greatorex to John Buxton, and Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne gent., his trustee, of the equity of redemption of a messuage and five closes comprised in D239 M/T 646. Consideration £450, including £350 owed on mortgage. Dated 19/20 May - 1800
649 - Probate of the will of Edmund Buxton of Fenny Bentley farmer. To his son John Buxton, his moiety of closes in Fenny Bentley called Pasture Tops, the other moiety having been settled on John by his marriage settlement (D239 M/T 632-633), subject to the payment of £100 each to testator's sons William and Richard, and £80 to son Samuel; to son William, three messuages in Fenny Bentley; to son John, all interest and term in a lease of a farm in Tissington made to him by Richard Jackson; to son William, all goods, tenant tenant right of farms in Fenny Bentley, ready money, plate, stock, and personal estate; William and John to be executors. Dated 16 January 1796. Proved at Lichfield 4 July. For copy see D239 M/T 598 - 1800
650-651 - Releases by Samuel and Richard Buxton for legacies received under D239 M/T 649. Dated 8 September - 1800
652 - Release by William Buxton to John Buxton for legacy under D239 M/T 649. Dated 22 September - 1800
653-654 - Lease and release by Hugh Batman to John Buxton of a messuage in Fenny Bentley known as Woodcock Delph and closes known as the house and homestead (1 acre 8 perches), Woody Bank (35 perches), Little Meadow (2 acres 1 rood 20 perches), Great Meadow (3 acres 2 roods 6 perches), Barn Close (1 acre 3 roods 16 perches), Cote Close (1 acre 3 roods 5 perches) New Meadow (2 acres 2 roods 18 perches), Dumble Close 2 acres 1 rood 28 perches), Long Close (2 acres 3 roods 24 perches), Round Close (3 acres 3 perches), Hob Ridding (4 acres 1 rood 22 perches), Woody part of Hob Ridding (36 perches), Wheat Close (3 acres 3 roods 6 perches), Over Cote Meadow (2 acres 36 perches), Carr Meadow (3 acres 1 rood 36 perches), the Wood adjoining (37 perches), Nether Cote Meadow (3 roods 32 perches), the lane adjoining the homestead (1 rood 16 perches), and the woody bank adjoining the lane (22 perches). Consideration £1505. Dated 4/5 April - 1804
655 - Deed of covenant for production of title deeds, with schedule of deeds 1692-1797. Dated 5 April - 1804
656-657 - Mortgage in fee by John Buxton to John Folliott Powell of Sandy Brook in the parish of Ashbourne esq. of premises as in D239 M/T 653-654. Consideration £1500. Dated 16/17 July - 1823
658 - Bond in £1000 by Samuel Buxton of Manchester builder, John Buxton sen. of Fenny Bentley yeoman, and John Buxton jun. of Alsop-en-le Dale yeoman to Mary Yendley of Ashbourne spinster for the repayment of £500 and interest. Dated 30 March - 1832
659 - Declaration by John Buxton sen. that he has deposited the title deeds to his messuage and closes in Fenny Bentley known as Pasture Tops (11 acres) with Mary Yendley as collateral security. Recital of D239 M/T 658 and appointment of the premises to Mary for a term of 500 years. Dated 30 March - 1832
660-661 - Settlement by way of lease and release by John Buxton sen. whereby he conveys to Thomas Smith of Bakewell farmer and William Fletcher jun. of Tissington yeoman, Woodcock Delph Farm (43 acres), Pasture Tops (11 acres), and a moiety of closes known as Pasture Tops (16 acres), with closes in Offcote and Underwood (33 acres), upon trust to sell the same and with the money raised to pay his debts and to invest the remainder to the use of Buxton for life, and then to the use of his son, John Buxton jun. Dated 27/28 August - 1832
662 - Attested copy of settlement of personal estate prior to the marriage of Mary Yendley and John Swindell jun. of Parwich blacksmith. Dated 9 January - 1836
663-665 - Security by John Buxton sen. and John Buxton jun. to Thomas Lomas of Glutton (co. Stafford) gent. for the payment of £200 charged on premises as in D239 M/T 660-1. Dated 12 March - 1833
666 - Lease and release by John Buxton of Alsop-en-le Dale farmer, only son and heir of John Buxton deceased by Mary his wife, and Mary his wife to Thomas Wise of Ashbourne gent. of a moiety of a messuage called Pasture Top House, and of four closes known as Upper Meadow, Nether Meadow, the Meadow at the House, the Waterings and the Upper Pasture in Fenny Bentley in order to defeat the estates tail created by D239 M/T 632-633 and to hold the same in trust for Buxton. Dated 26/27 January - 1838
667 - Copy of the probate of the will of John Buxton sen. of Fenny Bentley yeoman; to his only son John, his executor, all real and personal estates. Dated 8 September 1832. Proved at Lichfield 9 May - 1838
668 - Lease and release by John Buxton, his mortgagees and trustees, to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. of Woodcock Delph Farm, a messuage and five closes known as Pasture Tops, Pasture Top house, and the closes as in D239 M/T 666. Consideration: £1683 10s to John Folliott Powell, £556 13s 7d to Samuel Yendley and Thomas Wise, £218 15s to Thomas Lomas, and £1326 1s 5d paid to Thomas Smith, William Fletcher, and John Buxton (total £3785). Dated 5/6 April - 1839
669 - Covenant for production of title deeds. Dated 6 April - 1839
670-671 - Lease and release by John Gilman of Bromley Hurst in the parish of Abbots Bromley (co. Stafford) yeoman and Mary Cope of Tattenhill (co. Stafford) widow (his mother) to John Buxton of Thorpe yeoman of a messuage, croft, and orchard in Fenny Bentley. Consideration £105. - 16-17 Jan [1729]
670-718 - Miscellaneous
672 - Copy of the will of John Buxton of Thorpe yeoman, to his wife Mary, his messuage in Sparr Lane, Thorpe, with gardens etc., and three closes near Sparr Lane called Long Closes, and two beastgates in Thorpe Over Pasture, to hold for her life, and then to his son Thomas Buxton in fee simple; to son Thomas, Bentley Croft in Fenny Bentley, and closes in Kniveton known as Plow Sitch and the Pingle; to his sons John and Samuel, 1s each; to daughter Dorothy, £150; to his grandson Thomas Buxton, son of his late son Walter, £100 at 21, but if he dies before then the money to be paid to his grandson Henry Buxton, son of Dorothy, at 21; to the said Henry, £50 at 21; to his wife Mary, the use and enjoyment of the farm at Thorpe which he holds on lease from John Stubbs for her life, then to his son Thomas for the residue of the term; to Mary, all household goods and furniture for life with remainder to his son Thomas; to son Thomas, all stock, quick and dead, goods, and other personal estate; Thomas to be executor. Dated 29 October - 1769
673 - Copy of the will of Thomas Buxton of Thorpe yeoman. To his wife, all real and personal estate for her life; to grand-daughters Mary Adams and Margaret Adams, £250 each to be paid within 6 months of his wife's death, but if both die without issue the £500 to be divided between his children Ann Adams, Maude Harding, and Ellen Buxton; to his youngest daughter, Ellen, £300 to be paid within 6 months of wife's death, and all his plate and linen which is left unused and found at his wife's death; his wife to have power to dispose of any of his household goods and furniture to Ellen; to John Barnes of Ashbourne grocer, and John Brittlebank of Ashbourne gent., £500 after his wife's death upon trust to invest the same and to use the interest for the education and upbringing of his five grandchildren, (sons and daughters of his daughter Margaret Barnes); as each grandchild reaches 21, one-fifth of the principal is to be transferred to them; to daughter Maude Harding, £600 upon his wife's death, an addition to her marriage portion on her marriage to Samuel Parker of Birmingham miller: £400 of the £600 is to be limited to uses as set down in her marriage settlement. Wife to be sole executrix. Dated 21 October - 1814
674-675 - Lease and release by Ann Adams of Thorpe widow and Ellen Buxton of Thorpe spinster to Joseph Woolley of Nottingham gent. and John Brittlebank of Ashbourne gent (trustee of Woolley) of a messuage, croft, orchard, etc. known as Bentley Croft (2 acres 1 rood). Recital of D239 M/T 673. Consideration £305. Dated 24/24 March - 1820
676 - Articles of agreement between Joseph Woolley of Shelford (co. Nottingham) gent. and Ralph Woolley of Fenny Bentley yeoman and Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. for the sale to Sir Henry of Bentley Croft now divided in two, subject to the rentfree life estate of Ralph Woolley. Consideration £400. Dated 27 December - 1834
677 - Lease and release by Joseph Woolley of Shelford (co. Nottingham) gent. and John Brittlebank of Ashbourne gent. (trustee) to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of a messuage in Fenny Bentley with a close called Bentley Close. Consideration £400. Dated 19/20 March - 1835
678-679 - Lease and release by Richard Beresford sen. of Ashbourne esq., eldest son and heir at law of John Beresford deceased to Richard Milward of Fenny Bentley husbandman of two messuages and gardens now used as four dwelling houses, and an adjoining croft. Consideration £100. Dated 6/7 April - 1789
680 - Feoffment by Walter Alcock of Quarndon yeoman and Ralph Critchlow of Bradbourne labourer to Richard Milward of Fenny Bentley yeoman of a building used as a cowhouse and pigsty adjoining the churchyard. Consideration 18s. Dated 15 September - 1840
681 - Conveyance by Richard Millward to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of ten messuages in Fenny Bentley, a croft adjoining, and a cottage newly erected on the site of a former cowhouse. Plan. Consideration £600. Dated 25 March - 1845
682-685 - Copies of the will of William Wright sen. of Fenny Bentley yeoman. To his son Samuel Wright, all real and personal estate; to Eliza daughter of his daughter Ann Wright, £5 together with maintenance and a homestead for her when out of place as long as she is single; similar arrangement for Ann for life. Dated 2 November - 1844
686 - Declaration by Samuel Wright of Fenny Bentley labourer, son and devisee of William Wright that his father had permission from the late Mr Beresford to build a house and enclose a small plot of land for which his father never paid rent. Dated 9 May - 1846
687 - Similar declaration by John Waterfall of Fenny Bentley - 1846
688 - Conveyance by Samuel Wright, Eliza Wright of Fenny Bentley spinster, and Ann Wright of Fenny Bentley spinster to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of a messuage near the church and a garden on the opposite side of the road to the rectory. Consideration £150 Dated 26 May - 1846
689 - Conveyance by William Hunt of Bolehill, Wirksworth, gent, to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. of two cottages and gardens (3 perches). Consideration £29 Dated 1 June - 1847
690 - Agreement between John Goodwin Johnson of Fenny Bentley esq. and Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. whereby Johnson releases all his title to a footpath from the Bentley Turnpike Road over lands of Sir Henry called Hinckley Close to and from Big Meadow. Dated 15 June - 1848
691 - Conveyance by the Guardians of the Poor of the Ashbourne Union, Thomas Wright churchwarden, and William Buxton and Michael Beardmore, overseers of Fenny Bentley, to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of a house, butcher's shop, and garden. Consideration £60 Dated 4 August - 1849
692-693 - Lease and release by Richard Beresford of Trefnanny Hall (co. Montgomery) esq. and John Goodwin Johnson of Bradbourne gent. (trustee) to Richard Millward of Fenny Bentley victualler and John Langford of Ashbourne gent., trustee, of Beresford's Close (2 acres 2 roods 19 perches), Dock Close formerly Long Croft (1 acre 1 rood 28 perches), and a plot of land (1 rood 8 perches) adjoining Bean Hill, together with an assignment of the residue of two terms of 1000 years to attend the inheritance. Consideration £500. Dated 6/7 October - 1815
694 - Conveyance by Thomas Waterfall jun. of Fenny Bentley farmer and John Carrington jun. of Sandy Brook joiner (devisees in trust for sale of Richard Milward deceased) to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Beresford's Close, a messuage lately erected thereon, Dock Close, a plot of land adjoining Bean Hill, a messuage called the Gate used as a public house erected on the said plot together with four cottages. Consideration £603. Dated 18 December - 1852
695 - Deed of convenant for the production of title deeds by Rev. Jeremiah Barnes of Leek (co. Stafford) and Samuel Irving of Carlisle to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. and William FitzHerbert of Somersall Hall esq. of Bassett Wood Farm and Cherry Orchard Farm conveyed by Irving and others to John Cruso to the use of Sir Henry for life with remainder to William. Dated 6 April - 1853
696-697 - Order of the Tithe Commissioners for an exchange between Rev. Garton Howard rector of Fenny Bentley and Sir Henry FitzHerbert whereby Sir Henry receives a parcel of glebe called the Pingle (2 acres 25 perches) in exchange for two crofts, two orchards, gardens, a cowhouse and the site of demolished cottages (1 acre 1 rood 30 perches). Plan. Dated 9 August - 1855
698 - Copy of the will of Martha Heath of Fenny Bentley widow; her parcel of land in Fenny Bentley called the Holme to be sold by her executors to meet her debts and funeral expenses; any surplus to be divided among her children Daniel Heath, Alice Heath, and Hannah Morten; to daughter Alice, her house, garden, croft, cowhouse etc.; to son Daniel, another house, outbuildings etc., and a half-share of the house and garden adjoining for his life with remainder to his son Daniel; to daughter Hannah Morten, the other half share of the said house and garden, and all other the house and garden adjoining for her life with remainder to her children in equal shares; all her farming stock, hay, implements, and household furniture to her daughter Alice; James Appleby of Thorpe and Alice Heath to be executors. Dated 4 February - 1824
699 - Conveyance by James Shenton of Stoke-on-Trent brick-maker, Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Martin of Stoke-on-Trent potter, Mary Martin of Penkhull (co. Stafford) spinster, Dorothy Martin of Penkhull spinster, and Ann Martin of Penkhull spinster (all children of Hannah Martin deceased) to James Heath of Fenny Bentley of a messuage and garden in Fenny Bentley, and a moiety of an adjoining messuage and garden. Consideration £25. Dated 1 April - 1843
700 - Conveyance by James Heath of Fenny Bentley and Daniel Heath of Liverpool dairyman to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of a messuage and garden, an adjoining messuage and garden, and a messuage, garden, and cowhouse. Consideration £200. Dated 14 May - 1856
701-702 - Order of the Enclosure Commissioners for an exchange between Rev. Jeremiah Barnes of Leek (co. Stafford) and Sir Henry FitzHerbert whereby receives 1 rood 10 perches in Bottom of Wood in exchange for 32 perches in Long Croft. Dated 28 August - 1856
703 - Release to follow lease by Nicholas Twigg of Holme in the parish of Bakewell esq., Brain Hodgson of Buxton gent., and George Goodwin of Monyash gent. to John Hardy of Brookwood in Tissington yeoman and John Spencer of Ashbourne gent. (trustee) of a messuage in Fenny Bentley and Gillmans Croft (on which the said messuage stands), Kinders Croft (1 rood), and Little Meadow or Dirty Patch (1 acre), Consideration £100. Dated 21 February - 1756
704 - Attested copies of lease and release as D239 M/T 703 - 1756
705-6 - Mortgage (and copy) by demise for 500 years by John Hardy and John Spencer (trustee) to William Etches of Ashbourne butcher of two messuages, and lands as in D239 M/T 703. Consideration £80. Dated 24 February - 1756
707-708 - Copies of the will of John Hardy of Tissington farmer; his real and personal estate to be divided equally between his sons Thomas and Francis. Francis to be sole executor. Dated 10 January - 1776
709-710 - Lease and release by Thomas Hardy of Fenny Bentley labourer and Francis Hardy of Tissington farmer to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of a close called Little Meadow or Dirty Patch (1 acre). Consideration £35. Dated 5/6 January - 1779
711 - Assignment of a term of 500 years by William Etches late of Ashbourne now of Tissington butcher to James FitzHerbert of Ashbourne gent. see D239 M/T 705-706. Dated 6 January - 1779
712-713 - Lease and release by Thomas Hardy of Fenny Bentley yeoman and Francis Hardy of Tissington yeoman to Francis Buxton and Edmund Buxton both of Fenny Bentley farmers of a messuage and stable in Fenny Bentley, Gilmans Croft, Kinders Croft, and another messuage, stable, garden, and croft upon the following trusts: the messuage, stable, and Gilmans Croft to the use of Thomas; the other messuage, stable, garden, and croft, and kinders Croft to the use of Francis. Assignment of residue of term by Etches to John Latham of Tissington gent. Dated 5/6 April - 1779
714 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years by William Hardy of Leicester, eldest son and heir at law of John Hardy of Milton deceased, who was eldest son of Thomas Hardy deceased, to John Goodwin of Ashbourne gent. of a messuage and stable, and Gilman's Croft. consideration £54. Dated 11 September - 1801
715 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years by William Hardy to John Waterfall of Woodeaves, Tissington, farmer, of premises as in D239 M/T 714. Consideration £130. Dated 5 April - 1806
716 - Extract of the probate of William Hardy of Leicester cordwainer. To son William, all his real estate in Fenny Bentley. Dated 20 June 1843. Proved 23 April - 1845
717 - Conveyance by Walter Hardy Higginson of Marcus Hill, Victoria, Australia, to Sir William FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. of three messuages etc. and Gilmans Croft (1 acre 1 rood). Consideration £360 paid to Walter Hardy Higginson, William Higginson and Ann his wife formerly Ann Hardy. Dated 20 April - 1869
718 - Conveyance by the London and North Western Railway Co. to Rev. Richard FitzHerbert of Warsop (co. Nottingham) of two parcels of land in Fenny Bentley (1 rood 16 perches). Consideration £52. Dated 3 August - 1896
719 - Mortgage in fee by Edward Cokayne of Ashbourne esq. to John Myllwarde of Bradley Ash gent. of the manor and lordship of Thorpe. Consideration £300. Dated 21 July - 1599
719-754 - The Manor
719-771 - Thorpe
720 - Bargain and sale by Michael Berisford of Westerham (co. Kent) esq. to John Milward of Bradley Ash, gent., of two messuages or farms in Thorpe. Consideration £170. Dated 7 December - 1599
721 - Bargain and sale by Edward Cokayne of Ashbourne esq. to John Mylwarde of the manor and lordship of Thorpe. Consideration £430. Dated 22 May - 1602
722 - Grant by Edward Cokayne to John Mylwarde as D239 M/T 721. Dated 24 May - 1602
723 - Probate of Mary Milward widow of John Milward of Bradley Ash; to be buried either at Thorpe or Coleshill (co. Warwick); to son John Milward, £1000; to daughter-in-law Ann Milward, half of her plate and household stuff for life; to the said Ann, her best damask gown, damask petticoat, and a petticoat of rich tabby; to John Milward, eldest son of the said John, her sealing ring; to her kinsman Sir Thomas Milward and his wife, 22s each to buy rings; to their son John Milward, 22s; to the poor of Coleshill, £3 if she is buried there; to the poor of Maxstoke (co. Warwicks.), 10s; to John Dawkins sen. of Maxstoke, revocation of an earlier gift of goods now worn out, but gift of 20 marks, to cousin Robert Milward, son of Sir Thomas, £10; to Joseph Whitehall, brother of her daughter-in-law Ann, 40s; to her son John, executor, the residue of her estate. Dated 20 April 1650. Proved in London 1 May - 1652
724 - Feoffment by Roger Wheeldon of Thorpe yeoman to Anthony Mellor of Blore (co. Stafford) yeoman of a messuage or farm in Thorpe, four beast grasses in the Over Pasture, two beast grasses in the Nether Pasture, ten sheepgrasses in Thorpe Cloud, thirty sheepgrasses in the Range, two selions lying as two half-acres in Rush Field, a close called Hugh Hillough adjoining the Nether Pasture; the Long Meadow lying between the Nether Pasture, and the River Dove; Little Meadow lying between the Dove and Cloud Croft, and a meadow called Little Butt Ford lying between Great Butford and Nether Pasture, which premises are known as an oxgang. Consideration £167. Dated 8 November - 1651
725 - Settlement upon the marriage of John eldest son of John Milward of Snitterton esq. and Joyce, daughter of Henry Sacheverell of Barton (co. Nottingham) deceased, whereby John Milward the father and John Milward the son convey to John Gell of Hopton esq., William Sacheverell of Morley esq., Richard Mansfield of West Leake (co. Nottingham) esq., and Humfrey Jenings of Birmingham esq., the manor of Thorpe with all appurtenances and all other real estate in Ballidon, Snitterton, Doveridge, Uttoxeter, Marchington and Hanbury (the last three in co. Stafford) upon trust to uses specified including the manor of Thorpe and all lands in Fenny Bentley and Ashbourne to pay John Milward the son an annuity of £40 for the life of John Milward the father, and subject thereto to the use of John Milward the father for his life then to John Milward the son for his life with remainder to his eldest son in tail male. Marriage portion of £4000. Dated 23 September - 1667
726 - Quitclaim by Richard Sneyde of Edgmond (co. Salop) gent. to John Millward of Snitterton esq. and John Millward his son of all title etc. to the manor of Thorpe. Dated 10 September - 1667
727 - Final concord between Thomas Harris and George Harris plaintiffs and William Copley and Dorothy his wife deforciants of one fifth part of the manor of Thorpe, 38 messuages, two cottages, 42 barns, 40 stables, 38 gardens, eight orchards, 785 acres of land, 330 acres meadow, 735 acres pasture and common of pasture and turbary in Thorpe, Fenny Bentley, Royston, Ballidon, Hartington, Mouldridge, Bradbourne, Middleton by Youlgreave, Doveridge, and Ashbourne, and one fifth part of a moiety of the manor of Snitterton, six messuages, three cottages, six tofts, nine gardens, nine orchards, 40 acres land, 100 acres meadow, 250 acres pasture, 50 acres wood, 200 acres furze and heath, and 20s rent in Snitterton, Matlock, Wensley, and Darley, with tithes of wool, lamb, and lead from 200 acres land, 100 acres meadow, and 200 acres pasture in Ballidon and Bradbourne Consideration £440. Dated 13 May - 1681
729 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine to be acknowledged by Charles Adderley of Westminster esq. and Felicia his wife, daughter and co-heir of John Millward of Snitterton deceased, to Humphrey Jennyngs of Ardington (co.Warwick) esq. and Arden Adderley of Hamms (co. Warwick) esq. of one fifth part of the manor of Thorpe, 38 messuages, two cottages, 42 barns, 40 stables, a water corn mill, 38 gardens, eight orchards, 785 acres land, 330 acres meadow, 735 acres of pasture, and common of pasture and turbury in Thorpe, Fenny Bentley, Royston, Ballidon, Bradbourne, Hartington, Mouldridge, Middleton by Youlgreave, Doveridge and Ashbourne, and one fifth part of the manor of Snitterton etc. (as in D239 M/T 727), and one fifth part of five messuages, five farms, five gardens, a water corn mill, 100 acres land, 60 acres meadow, and 40 acres of pasture in Uttoxeter, Uttoxeter Woodlands, and Marchington (co. Stafford) to the use of Felicia for her life, then to the use of Charles for his life with remainder to the heirs of their bodies and for want of issue to the right heirs of the survivor of them. Dated 15 October - 1685
730 - Final concord as in D239 M/T 729. Consideration £1200. Dated 12 November - 1685
731 - Deed of partition by means of a deed to lead the uses of a fine to be acknowledged by Sir William Boothby of Ashbourne Hall Bt., William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq., Christopher Ley of Mayfield (co. Stafford) gent., William Clarke of Dostropp (co. Northampton) and Ann his wife, late widow of - Auld of London, devisee and trustee of Frances Boothby of Bradley Ash who was son and heir of Frances wife of the said Sir William Boothby, who was sister and co-heir of Henry Milward of Snitterton deceased, son and heir of John Milward, Humfrey Jennens of Erdington (co. Warwick) esq. and Mary his wife, Charles Adderley of Green Mews (co. Middx.) and Felicia his wife (Mary and Felicia being sisters and co-heirs of Henry Milward, and sisters and devisees of Dorothy wife of William Copley), and John Constable of Northcliffe (co. York), son of Elizabeth, late wife of Robert Constable deceased, also sister of Henry Milward, to James Boothby of Bradley Ash, Thomas Tyrer of Birmingham esq., Arden Adderley of Hamms (co. Warwick) esq., and John Fox of Cowley gent., of the manor of Thorpe etc. - 2 Jan [1688]
732 - Final concord as D239 M/T 731 - 9 Feb [1688]
733-34 - Lease and release by John Constable of Cliffe (co. York) esq. to Charles Adderley of St Martin-in-the Fields (co. Middx) esq. of two messuages in Thorpe, Meane Ambrooke, Ambrooke Close, the Ambrooke, Hollow Croft, the Fleetlands and Pingle, and several parcels of land in the Field, a parcel in Meanfield, a parcel in the Fleetlands, another parcel there, nine beastgates in Thorpe Pasture in summer, one and a half horsegrasses and 45 sheepgates in Thorpe Pasture in Winter, and 15 sheepgates in Thorpe Cloud in Winter. Consideration £352. Dated 9/10 April - 1688
735-736 - Lease and release by Charles Jennens of Gopshall (co. Lincoln) esq. to Charles Adderley of Berkeley Street, Westminster esq. of a messuage in Thorpe with the following closes: the Ladles, Leadlowe, the Yard, two crofts, three lands in Rushfield, Cockshutt, Midfurlong, Wallfurlong, Digmore Croft, nine beastgates in Thorpe Pasture in summer, one and a half horsegrasses and 45 sheepgates in Thorpe Pasture in Winter, and fifteen sheepgates in Thorpe Cloud in winter, and a messuage, Overclose, Landsend, Ladles, Redd Croft Pingle, White Layes, Towne Meadow, Hall Riddinge Head, 3 acres 1 rood 20 perces in Loomfurlong otherwise Meane Meadow, six and one-third beastgates in Thorpe Pasture in summer, twenty-one and one third sheepgates in Thorpe Pasture in winter, and four and one third sheepgates in Thorpe Cloud in winter. Consideration £668. Dated 9/10 November - 1696
737 - Deed to lead the uses of a recovery whereby Charles Adderley of Thorpe esq. conveys to William Robinson of New Inn (co. Middlesex) gent. the manor of Thorpe to the end that Robinson may be a tenant for suffering a recovery of the premises by Joseph Scott of Sergeant's Inn gent. to block estate tail and to hold in trust for Adderley. Dated 26 April - 1717
738 - Exemplification of a common recovery by Joseph Scott against William Robinson of the manor of Thorpe, ten messuages, a water mill, ten gardens, 300 acres land, 200 acres meadow, 200 acres pasture, 100 acres wood, 100 acres furze and heath, 100 acres moor, 1s 8d rent, common of pasture, and view of frankpledge in Thorpe and Mapleton, and a fifth part, and a half of a fifth part of four messuages, four gardens, 500 acres land, 200 acres meadow, 300 acres pasture, 200 acres wood, 200 acres furze and heath, and 300 acres moor in Ballidon, Bradbourne, and Doveridge. Dated 3 June - 1717
739 - Grant by Charles Adderley of Hamm (co. Warwick) to Ann Adderley of Blake Hall (co. Stafford) widow and sister of Charles, of two messuages in Thorpe of the yearly value of £66 for a term of 99 years if she shall live so long at a peppercorn rent, with proviso for revocation of the grant should Charles pay her an annuity of £50; in consideration of a release by Ann of her title etc. to and in the manor of Thorpe, and for sum of £5. - 19 Jan [1719]
740 - Transfer by Caesar Colclough of Dilhorne (co. Stafford) esq. and Ann his wife, late widow of Samuel Adderley of Dilhorne deceased, with the consent of Arden Adderley of Lea Marston (co. Warwick), esq., Charles Adderley his son and heir, Ralph Adderley of Coton (co. Stafford) and Walter Chetwynd of Brockton (co. Stafford) esquires, to Blest Colclough of Ellenhall (co. Stafford) esq. of premises as in D239 M/T 739. Dated 9 December - 1723
741 - Probate of Charles Adderley of Thorpe esq. To Baptist Trott of Mapleton and William Hardestie all his lands in Thorpe upon trust to sell as much as is needfull to meet debts, funeral expenses, legacies etc, and after payment to the use of his cousin Robert Adderley, D. D.; the remainder of his lands to the said Robert; to Mistress Mary Fillingsworth, his housekeeper in Piccadilly, an annuity of £50 charged on all his freehold and copyhold estates; his trustees to pay the said Mary £100 from the first money raised from his estate; to his cousin Ann Adderley, widow of Samuel Adderley, £100 to his trustees, £50 each; to Francis Lawthorpe of Chelsea gent., £50; to Mary lawthorpe, sister of testator, £50; Robert Adderley to be sole executor. Will dated 7 September 1717. Proved 19 March 1730/31 - 19 Mar [1731]
742 - Exoneration by Mary Fillingsworth of the parish of St George Hanover Square (co. Middlesex) to Charles Adderley of Hams Hall (co. Warwick), heir and devisee of Charles Adderley late of Thorpe, of a messuage etc. at Ballindon from the payment of an annuity of £50 as in D239 M/T 741. Dated 27 March - 1732
743 - Lease prior ro release by Blest Colclough of Ellenhall (co. Stafford) gent. to Christopher Horton of Catton esq. of the manor of Thorpe for the purpose of a common recovery. Dated 27 March - 1738
744-745 - Lease and release to lead the uses of a recovery whereby Charles Bowyer Adderley of Hamshall (co. Stafford) esq., son and heir of Bowyer Adderley deceased, and Ralph Adderley of Hamshall, his brother convey to George Boughey of the Inner Temple esq. lands in Doveridge and Ballidon, rents in Ballidon, Lea Hall, Tissington, Atlow, and Bradbourne, common of pasture and tithes in Bradbourne; and the great wastes and commons in Thorpe known as the Cloud (74 acres 3 roods 24 perches), Over Pasture (213 acres 1 rood 39 perches), the Undertown (32 acres 3 roods 22 perches), Hen Riddings (14 acres 1 rood 30 perches) and Millbank (24 acres 7 perches), and closes known as Dakins Croft, Upper and Nether Stones, Ambrock, the Worthings, Mill Meadow, Mill Dam, Hen Riddings Head, and a parcel of land in the Mean Field, 2 messuages and closes known as Over Close, Tarrs Ambroke, Allcocks Ambrock, Two Mean Ambrock, Red Croft Pingle, the Ladle, Land Ends, Hollow Croft, Tarns Fleet Lands, Allcocks Pingle, Allococks Fleet Lands, Stubbs Mill Meadow, Hall Riddinghead, White Leys, a parcel of land in Mean Field, Long Furlong Close, a messuage, a water corn mill, Whet Meadow, Millholme, Sisley Patch, and Kiln Croft, to the intent that Boughey may be a tenant for suffering a recovery by Charles Simpson of Lichfield esq. upon trust to the use of Charles Bowyer Adderley Dated 24/25 May - 1770
746 - Exemplification of a common recovery by Charles Simpson against George Boughey of the manor of Thorpe etc. Dated 28 May - 1770
747-748 - Lease and release to lead the uses of a recovery whereby Charles Bowyer Adderley of Lea Marston (co. Warwick) esq., eldest son and heir of Bowyer Adderley deceased, Ralph Adderley of Coton (co. Stafford) esq., second son of Bowyer Adderley, and Charles Clement Adderley of Coleshill (co. Warwick) esq., eldest son of Ralph, convey to Roger Hall of Great James St., London, gent., a messuage in Thorpe and the following closes: Two Butt Fords, the Pingle, the Cockshead, Far Cliff, Near Cliff, Walk Furlong, White Furlong, Whiteleys, Hall Croft, the Croft, the Digmire, Ball Croft, Miry Croft, Stubbs Croft, Three Worthings, Over Stones the Two Far Stones, the Close before the Door, Three Rush Fields, the Ladles, Ladles Meadow, the Two Horse Pastures, Ladles Head, Rush Field, Over Close in two parts, two other Far Closes, and parcels of land in Main Field; a messuage, Fleet Meadow, Fleet Pingle, Little Hall Ridding, Long Pits, Cloud Croft, Cockshead, White Furlong, Leadhole, Great Hall Ridding, Beardsleys Croft, Five Closes near the House, Chadwicks Croft, Gorse Butts, Lower Stones, Over Stones, Rushfield, the Two Stoney Yates, Over Close in three parts, the three Over Closes, Herncroft, three parcels in Main Field; to the intent that Hall May be a tenant for suffering a recovery by Thomas Stretton of Coleshill (co. Warwick) to the use of Charles Bowyer Adderley. Dated 1/2 May - 1816
749 - Exemplification of a common recovery by Thomas Stretton against Roger Hall of two messuages, six gardens, 250 acres land, 100 acres meadow, 100 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Thorpe. Dated 27 May - 1816
750-751 - Settlement upon the marriage of Ralph Adderley jun. of Hams Hall (co. Warwick), second son of Ralph Adderley of Coton (co. Stafford) and nephew of Charles Bowyer Adderley of Hams Hall, and Rosamund Mills of the Grove near Ashbourne, eldest daughter of William Mills of Barlaston (co. Stafford) deceased. Dated 2/3 July - 1816
752 - Mortgage by Ralph Thomas Adderley of Barlaston Hall (co. Stafford) esq. to John Joseph Wise of Ashbourne gent. of the manor of Thorpe. Consideration £1000. Dated 13 May - 1865
753 - Further mortgage in £500. Dated 22 May - 1866
754 - Deed of covenant for production of title deeds to premises at Thorpe purchased by Sir William FitzHerbert. Dated 25 March - 1869
755 - Conveyance by George Marshall of Ward End (co. Warwick) gent., Henry Marshall of the same, gent., and Samuel Langston Parker of Birmingham, surgeon, to Henry Oakden of Ilam (co. Stafford) farmer of three beastgates at all times of the year in Thorpe Upper Pasture and the sheepgates belonging to the same in winter. Consideration £252. Dated 25 March - 1854
755-756 - Thorpe Upper Pasture
756 - Conveyance by Henry Oakden of Thorpe farmer to Sir William FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. of premises as in D239 M/T 755. Consideration £310. Dated 11 August - 1873
757 - Copy probate of John Mellor of Ballidon yeoman. To Thomas Fletcher of Tissington yeoman and George Taylor of Lea Hall yeoman an annuity of £15 for the maintenance of Mellor's son Richard (who is insane), charged upon his dwelling house at Thorpe and closes known as Big Heweloft, Little Heweloft, the Field, Henriding, Wall Furlong, Bottom Close, New Close Head, and New Close, Leese and Barn Croft, Allcock Croft and Butt Ford, and Townend House and Croft; to Fletcher and Taylor, his house at Spend Lane in Thorpe with the croft adjoining and a beastgate in Thorpe Upper Pasture upon trust to apply the rents etc. for the maintenance and education of his son Thomas until he is 21, and then the same is devised to Thomas; to son John, residue of real and personal estates, charged with payment of legacies: to daughter Ann, £200; to son William, £200; to son Francis, £300; to son Thomas, £200; to daughter Martha, £200. John to be sole executor. Will dated 23 December 1783. Proved at Lichfield 12 April - 1785
757-765 - The Dog and Partridge
758-759 - Lease and release by Thomas Mellor of Bolton en le Moors (co. Lancaster), linen draper, to William Smith of Bent in the parish of Tissington farmer of a messuage, stable, cowhouse, croft and garden at Spendlane in the parish of Thorpe, and a beastgate in Thorpe Upper Pasture. Consideration £300 Dated 8 September - 1798
760-761 - Lease and release by William Smith of Bent, farmer, William Harding of Lea Hall, farmer, and Elizabeth his wife, John Beeston of Muggington farmer and Ann his wife, John Buxton jun. of Basset Wood in the parish of Tissington farmer, and Mary his wife, John Smith of Kniveton farmer and Elizabeth his wife, Frances Smith of Bent spinster, and Thomas Smith of Bent an infant (children of William Smith deceased) to John Goodwin Johnson of Bradbourne gent. of premises as in D239 M/T 758-759 in trust for Samuel Smith of Bent, farmer, their brother, with covenant to levy a fine. Consideration £428 11s 6d Dated 6/7 September - 1816
762 - Abstract of final concord between John Langford plaintiff and William Smith, William Harding and Elizabeth his wife, John Beeston and Ann his wife, John Buxton and Mary his wife, John Smith and Elizabeth his wife, and Frances Smith of a messuage, stable, cowhouse, garden, 2 acres land, 2 acres pasture pasture for one beast and common of pasture in Thorpe - 1816
763 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years by Samuel Smith of Bent farmer to William Harrison of Brailsford farmer, Joseph Harrison of Brailsford farmer, and John Fox of Ashbourne gent., trustees of the marriage settlement of Thomas and Charlotte Winfield, of premises as in D239 M/T 758-759. Consideration £300. Dated 21 October - 1828
764 - Mortgage in fee by William Smith of Stanton (co. Stafford) gent., and Samuel Smith of Marton Hill (co. Stafford) farmer to Thomas Waterfall of Mapleton farmer of two-third parts of the Dog and Partridge Inn with stable, cowhouse, croft, and garden in Spend Lane, Thorpe, and one beastgate in Thorpe Upper Pasture. Consideration £301 owed by William Smith to Waterfall Dated 2 May - 1864
765 - Conveyance by Thomas Waterfall of Mapleton farmer, William Robert Marple of Ashbourne draper, William Wise of Ashbourne, George Benjamin Brownson of Parwich, auctioneer, William Smith of Kniveton farmer, and Joseph Beeston of Muggington farmer to Sir William FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. of land and premises as in D239 M/T 764; plan. Consideration £1010 Dated 25 March Endorsed: all the premises save for the beastgate were conveyed by Rev. Sir Richard FitzHerbert Bt. to James Eadie. Dated 29 September - 1899
766 - Conveyance by Francis Richard Greensmith of Thorpe farmer to Sir William FitzHerbert of five beastgates, and 25 sheepgates. Consideration £600. Dated 25 March - 1879
766-771 - Thorpe Upper and Lower Pastures
767 - Conveyance by Francis Richard Greensmith of Thorpe farmer, Sarah Gibbs of Alstonefield (co. Stafford) spinster, Samuel Needham of Rushop in the parish of Chapel-en-le Frith gent., and John Wise of Ashbourne gent. to William Allsebrook of Burton-on-Trent (co. Stafford) botanist, of a cowgate and five sheepgates in Thorpe Upper Pasture and a sheepgate in Thorpe Cloud. Consideration £100 paid to Needham and Wise, and £150 to Greensmith Dated 24 December - 1875
768 - Conveyance by Robert Walker of Uttoxeter (co. Stafford) plumber, glazier, and painter, Abraham Augustus Flint of Uttoxeter gent. and Sarah Allsebrook of Burton-on-Trent widow to Sir William FitzHerbert of premises as in D239 M/T 767. Consideration £150. Dated 7 January - 1880
769 - Conveyance by George Finney of Thorpe farmer and Hannah Finney of Ashbourne widow to Sir William FitzHerbert of three beastgates in Thorpe Upper Pasture. Consideration £362. Dated 1 April - 1881
770 - Conveyance by Thomas Barber of Liverpool et al. to Sir William FitzHerbert of ten beastgates in Thorpe Lower Pasture. Consideration £1000. Dated 11 April - 1881
771 - Agreement for production of title deeds Dated 17 May - 1881
772 - Act of Parliament for confirming an exchange made by Philip Gell Esq. of certain of the settled estates of Philip Gell esq., deceased, in the county of York, for other estates in the county of Derby. Schedule annexed - 1817
772-778 - The Manor
772-784 - Bradbourne
773-774 - Lease and release by Philip Gell of Hopton esq., and Edward Sacheverell Chandos-Pole of Radbourne esq. to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt., of the manor and lordship of Bradbourne, with messuage, mill, farm, and lands in Bradbourne, Lea Hall, and Kniveton totalling 119 acres 3 roods 35 perches:- Bridge Meadow, Mill Field Meadow, Far Mill Field, part of Mill Hill, three closes called Mill Hill, Mill Field Plantation, Bradbourne mill, Mill Close, the lower part of Great Nether Mill Field, and the lower part of Little Mill Field. Consideration £10,400 paid to Chandos-Pole. Assignment by Rev. John Smith of Aldercar Park to Edward Leigh Pemberton of Whitehall Place (co. Middlesex) esq. of the remainder of a term of 500 years. Dated 24/25 March - 1837
775 - Assignment of the residue of a term of 2000 years by John Cruso sen. of Leek (co. Stafford) esq. to George Abraham Crawley of Whitehall Place (co. Middlesex) esq. in trust for Sir Henry FitzHerbert and to attend the inheritance. Dated 25 March - 1837
776 - Assignment of the residue of a term of 500 years by John Cruso jun. of Leek (co. Stafford) esq. to Edward Leigh Pemberton in trust for Sir Henry FitzHerbert etc. Dated 25 March - 1837
777-778 - Covenants for production of title deeds. Dated 25 March - 1837
779 - Conveyance by the trustees of the Haddon and Bentley Turnpike to Sir William FitzHerbert of the toll house. Consideration £30. Dated 30 January - 1882
779-784 - Miscellaneous
780 - Copy of an agreement between Thomas Buxton of Bradbourne yeoman and John Cooper of Mayfield (co. Stafford) and John Matchitt of Woodeaves in the parish of Tissington, cotton manufacturers whereby Cooper and Matchitt are entitled to maintain the dam erected contiguous to closes which Buxton has contracted to purchase from Philip Gell, which dam crosses Bradbourne Brook; and Cooper and Matchitt will pay £1000, part of the purchase price of the closes; and will erect a wall between Bradbourne Brook and the Nether Horsleys; and will keep in good repair the bridge erected by them over the stream between the Lower Horsleys and the Coppy. Dated 3 February - 1810
781 - Lease and release by Philip Gell of Hopton esq. to Thomas Buxton of closes in Bradbourne and Kniveton known as Upper Horsleys (14 acres 12 perches), Nether Horsleys (14 acres 3 roods 30 perches), Bradbourne Brook (1 acre 1 rood 22 perches), and the copy (7 acres 36 perches) - 24-25 Mar 1818
782-783 - Lease and release by Thomas Buxton to William Statham of Shottle gent. of premises as in D239 M/T 781. Consideration £2600. Dated 24/25 March - 1819
784 - Conveyance by Thomas Newton of Mapleton farmer to Sir William FitzHerbert of Tissington Hall Bt. of closes in Bradbourne and Kniveton called Nether Horsleys (4 acres 2 roods 1 perch) with the barn thereon, Bradbourne Brook and Reservoir (1 acre 19 perches), and the Coppy otherwise Coppice (7 acres 32 perches) - 11 Jan 1894
785 - Exemplification of a recovery by Edward Ferrers gent. against Thomas Eyre and William Angrome gents. of the manors of Bradbourne, Lea, Hough, Fullwood, Hognaston, Coylston, and Corolwes, seventy messuages, twenty tofts, four mills, 6000 acres land, 5000 acres meadow, 9000 acres pasture, 5000 acres wood, 6000 acres heath of £15 rent. Suffered 1594; exemplified 8 July - 1673
785-895 - Lea Hall
786 - Exemplification of a recovery by Thomas Eyre and William Angrome against Edward Ferrers of premises as in D239 M/T 785 - 1673
787 - Articles of agreement between John Ferrers of Tamworth Castle (co. Warwick) esq. and Samuel Swan of Hurdlow gent. whereby Ferrers agrees to sell to Swan the messuage known as Lea Hall with closes (178 acres), Great and Little High Fields, Oxe Close, Clerkes Meadow, Gorsty Close, Broadmeadow, 2 acres 30 perches meadow in Mill Field, and a parcel of meadow on the Kniveton side of the water against Wood Closes. Consideration £3469 18s 4d. Dated 10 September - 1673
788 - Feoffment by John Ferrers to Samuel Swan of the capital messuage known as Lea Hall with all outhouses etc., gardens, yards, and croft, Calver Croft otherwise Kilne Croft, Cow Close, Little Intacke, Near Highfield Meadow, Middle Highfield Meadow, Furthest High Field Meadow, Hemp Stables Meadow, Nearer High Coaps, the three Further High Coapes, Nether Intacke Meadow, the two Corn Closes, the two Wood Closes, the Wood Knowles, the Lea Wood; 32 acres in the Great Mill Field, Little Hook or Hulme, a messuage formerly the brewhouse to Lea Hall, a messuage formerly a barn, two beast houses, Great Highfields, Little High Fields, Hare Edge, Oxclose, the Break out of Oxclose, Gorse Hill, Broad Meadow, Broad Meadow Lane, Little Meadow, Gorsly Hill Meadow, Upper Clarks Meadow, Middle Clarks Meadow, Coat Close otherwise Lowest Clarks Meadow, the Woods, the Pingle, and a pew in the lower end of the choir in Bradbourne church. To be held of the crown; chief rent 20s a year. Consideration £3469 18s 4d. Dated 20 May - 1674
789-790 - Bond and receipt with D239 M/T 788. Dated 20 May - 1674
791 - Bargain and sale by John Ferrers to Samuel Swan as D239 M/T 788. Dated 30 May - 1674
792 - Final concord between Samuel Swanne plaintiff and John Ferrers and Ann his wife deforciants of three messuages, five barns, a stable, three gardens, three orchards, 16 acres land, 50 acres meadow, 160 acres pasture, 10 acres wood, and 10 acres furze and heath in Lea, Tissington, Kniveton, and Bradbourne. Consideration £260. Dated 29 May - 1674
793 - Lease for 21 years by Samuel Swanne of Hurdlow gent. to Walter Buxton of Lea Hall yeoman of the capital messuage called Lea Hall with all out buildings, and closes known as part of the Framing Yard, Calver or Kilne Croft, Low Close, Upper Intack otherwise Little Intack, Nearer Highfield Meadow, Middle Highfield Meadow, Middle Highfield Meadow, Hemp Stables Meadow, High Coupes, Nether Intack Meadow, the two Corn Closes, the Two Wood Closes, Wood Knowles, Lea Wood, 2 acres 30 perches in Mill Field, and the Little Hooke or Holme. Rent £97 a year. Dated 21 October - 1680
794-795 - Copies of the will of Samuel Swann of Hurdlow yeoman - [1684-1685]
796 - Copy of a lease by Samuel Swann of Lea Hall gent. to Matthew Taylor of Gorsty Hill in Bradbourne yeoman of the farm called Gorsty Hill in the manor of Lea Hall with Oxclose, Broad Meadow, Little Meadow, Great Gorsty Hill, Clark Closes, Wheeldon Pingle, and Little Gorsty Hill. For life or 99 years. Rent £58 10s a year. Dated 25 April - 1714
797-798 - Lease and counterpart for 99 years terminable on death by Samuel Swann to Walter Buxton of Bradbourne yeoman and Walter Buxton of Fenny Bentley yeoman, his son, of the farm known as Gorsty Hill living, provided they plough no more than ten acres in any one year. Rent £80. Dated 20 September - 1727
799 - Lease for 99 years terminable on death by Samuel Swan to Robert Dale of Ashbourne grocer and Thomas Dale of Parwich yeoman of Lea Hall Farm. Rent £120 a year and an additional £5 an acre for every acre above 12 acres ploughed in any one year. - 16 Mar [1731]
800-801 - Lease and release to create a tenant to the precipe whereby Edward Swann of Hurdlow gent. and Edward Swann his son and heir convey to George Green of Fleet Street, London, gent. the manor of Lea etc. to the intent that Green may suffer a recovery by Thomas Broome of Congleton (co. Chester) gent. upon trusts: the premises known as Gorsty Hill to the use of Edward sen. in fee simple; the remainder to Edward sen. for life and then to Edward jun. in fee simple. Dated 3/4 April - 1750
802 - Settlement by Edward Swann of Hurdlow gent., second son of Samuel Swan deceased, whereby he charges the manor of Lea Hall with £1200 to be paid to William Armett of Heaton (co. Stafford) esq., and John Wheeldon of Cronksden Grange gent. within three months of his death in trust for his three daughters, Martha wife of Richard Foxlow of Youlgreave, woolstapler; Ellen wife of Ralph Clayton of Disley (co. Chester) gent., and Mary wife of Richard Hawley of Winster gent. Recital of terms of D239 M/T 794-95. Dated 11 September - 1750
803 - Final concord between William Armett and John Wheeldon plaintiffs and Edward Swann deforciant of the manor of Lea etc. Consideration £700. Dated 9 February - 1752
804 - Deed to declare the uses of a fine (D239 M/T 803) levied by Edward Swann to William Armett and John Wheeldon of the manor of Lea Hall upon trust to the use of Edward for life, then to Armett and Wheeldon for a term of 500 years upon trusts as in D239 M/T 802, then to Mary Swann spinster, grand-daughter of Edward for her life with remainder to the first son of her body, and in default of such issue, to the daughter of her body, and in default of such issue, to the daughter of her body, and in default of issue Armett and Wheeldon to stand seised of the premises upon trust to pay one-third of the income therefrom to Martha Foxlow, daughter of Edward, for life, and on her death to stand seised of one-third of the premises in trust for her children in equal shares, and in default of issue to stand seised of the said third in trust for Ellen Clayton and Mary Hawley, daughters of Edward; similar arrangements for Ellen and Mary. Dated 26 June - 1752
805 - Copy of the will of Edward Swann of Hurdlow gent. To be buried at Chelmorton in the same grave as his wife; to every poor person coming to his house on the day of his funeral, 4d; to trustees Armett and Wheeldon, lands in Hurdlow, Chelmorton, and Youlgreave, and all his personal estate upon trust to pay legacies (specified), and then to stand seised of the lands for his grand-daughter Mary (as in D239 M/T 804) with remainder if no issue to the use of his grandson Edward Clayton, eldest son of his daughter Hellen, etc. Dated 5 March - 1757
806 - Articles of agreement between Samuel Swann of Nottingham gent. (only son and heir of Samuel Swann deceased, who was eldest son and heir of Rowland Swann deceased, third son of Samuel Swann of Hurdlow deceased), and Robie Swann of Nottingham gent., Samuel's uncle, reciting D239 M/T 794-5 and D239 M/T 805, and reciting that Armett and Wheeldon have exhibited a bill in Chancery against Samuel Swann and Mary Swann which has been adjourned to allow the validity of recovery suffered by Edward Swann to be tried (see D239 M/T 800-01), and whereas if the recovery is reversed Samuel will become possessed of an estate tail in the manor of Lea Hall but if it is held good he will become possessed of an estate for life in messuages and lands in Hurdlow, Chelmorton, and Youlgreave, and whereas Robie Swann is entitled to the premises as the next person in remainder expectant upon the death of Samuel without male heirs, and whereas, if the recovery, is reversed, Samuel will be able to bar the entail by a recovery, and in view of the expense to which Samuel has been put, they agree that if Samuel shall become possessed of Lea Hall and defeat the entail, he shall pay Robie £400, and if Samuel shall become entitled to the estates at Hurdlow etc. and shall die without issue within the next 5 years, Robie shall pay £400 to Samuel's executors or assigns. Dated 25 November - 1763
807-808 - Lease and release to create a tenant to the precipe by Samuel Swann of Nottingham gent. to Henry Wilmot of Bloomsbury Square (co. Middx.) esq. of the manor of Lea Hall to the intent that John Sherwin of Nottingham esq. may suffer a common recovery against Wilmot to the use of Swann. Dated 1/2 October - 1766
809 - Exemplification of a recovery by John Sherwin against Henry Wilmot of the manor of Lea, four messuages, four gardens, 100 acres land, 60 acres meadow, 300 acres pasture, 50 acres furze and heath, common of pasture, and free fishing in Lea and Bradbourne. Dated 25 November - 1766
810 - Release by Samuel Swan, John Wright and Thomas Wright of Nottingham bankers to Thurston Dale of Lea yeoman of a close in Lea called Great Copes formerly divided into Great and Little copes, and a close called Great Highfield Meadow (total 13 acres 2 roods 1 perch), reserving to Swan the use of a private foot, drift, and bridle road over the Great Copes, reciting a mortgage in £2400 by Swann to the Wrights (1767) of the manor of Lea. Consideration £700 paid to the Wrights in part payment of the mortgage and £470 2s 10d paid to Swan; with assignment of the residue of a term of 500 years by the Wrights to Anthony Bradley of Ashbourne mercer in trust for Dale. Dated 19 April - 1770
811-814 - Lease and release with counterparts by Samuel Swann to Thurston Dale of Far Highfield Meadow and Upper Highfield Meadow (total 16 acres 1 rood 29 perches) with proviso that if Swann shall keep Dale harmless from paying the £10 a year charged upon the Highfield Meadows by the will of Sir John Ferrers (1629) the conveyance shall be void. Dated 18/19 April - 1770
815-816 - Lease for 21 years by Samuel Swann to Thurstan Dale of the messuage at Lea occupied by Dale with closes (total 87 acres 1 rood 22 perches) known as the Hall Yard, a garden, Wood below the house, Orchard, Little Copes, Top of the Hill, Highfield Meadow, Great Copes, Great Cow Close, Little Cow Close, and Little Intake subject to a road for Swann over the Hall Yard, Top of the Hill and Great Copes to Heifers Pasture. Rent £78 10s with £5 an acre extra a year for every acre ploughted. Dated 20 April - 1772
817-818 - Lease and release by Thurston Dale to Samuel Swann of the Great Copes and Nether Highfield Meadow. Consideration £1200. Dated 20/21 April - 1772
819-820 - Sale by the Commissioners of the Land Revenue to Samuel Swan of Basford (co. Nottingham) esq. of an annual rent of 20s due to the Crown from the manor of Lea (see D239 M/T 788). Consideration £24. Dated 5 February - 1788
821-822 - Mortgage in fee by way of lease and release by Samuel Sanders of Basford (co. Nottingham), only son and heir of John Sanders deceased by Sarah his wife, only sister and heir at law of Samuel Swann who died intestate, to Gilbert Malthy of Hoveringham (co. Nottingham) gent. and Richard Dufty of Nottingham and Samuel Parsons of Nottingham Park gents. (trustees of maltby) of the manor of Lea, Great Copes and Nether High Field Meadow. Consideration £3000. Dated 18/19 March - 1831
823-826 - Further mortgages as D239 M/T 821-822 in sums of £1000, £1500, £1000, and £1000, dated 2 July 1831 - 17 May 1836 - 1831-1836
827-828 - Mortgage in fee by way of lease and release by Samuel Sanders to William Harding of Lea Hall gent. of premises as in D239 M/T 821-822. Consideration £2200. Power of sale vested in Harding; Harding to pay firstly the £7500 owed to Gilbert Malthy (D239 M/T 821-826) then to recoup his own capital. Dated 11/12 October - 1837
829-833 - Further mortgages as D239 M/T 827-8 in sums of £500, £500, £200, £1100, and £600. Dated 24 November 1837 - 12 November 1841 - 1837-1841
834 - Release by Samuel Sanders of Nottingham gent. to George Rawson of Nottingham gent, of the manor of Lea for better securing £400 advanced by Rawson on mortgage of 16 acres land in Arnold (co. Nottingham). Dated 3 November - 1842
835 - Further mortgage in £400 as D239 M/T 827-828. Dated 12 December - 1842
836 - Release by Samuel Sanders to John Hancock Hall of Essex Court, Temple, London esq. of the manor of Lea as further security for £2300 advanced on a mortgage of an estate at Basford (co. Nottingham). Dated 31 December - 1842
837 - Conveyance by Samuel Sanders of Sherwood Hill (co. Nottingham) gent., with Richard Dufty, Samuel Parsons, William Harding, George Rawson, and John Hancock Hall (see D239 M/T 821-836) of the manor of Lea to Lawrence Hall of Bramcote Grove (co. Nottingham) esq.: the capital messuage (1 acre 1 rood 11 perches), Long Ox Pasture (5 acres 3 roods 8 perches), Ox Pasture (9 acres 3 roods 34 perches), Round Close (3 acres 3 roods 8 perches), Long Close (4 acres 4 perches), Hayfield (7 acres 2 roods 3 perches), Far Ground Meadow (4 acres 4 perches), Rushy Close (8 acres 6 perches), Nether Pingle (3 acres 2 roods 8 perches), Old Meadow (4 acres 10 perches), Upper Pingle (3 acres 2 roods 26 perches), Hodge Holes (6 acres 34 perches), Clover Close (4 acres 10 perches), Square Close (8 acres 2 roods 2 perches), Cow Pasture (21 acres 30 perches), Court Close (4 acres 1 rood 14 perches), High Field Meadow (8 acres 2 roods 22 perches), Horse Piece (2 acres 1 rood 12 perches), Far High Field (8 acres 2 roods 15 perches), Grass Piece (1 rood 2 perches), the messuage known as Lea Hall (1 acre 2 roods 10 perches), the Paddock (1 acre 3 roods 17 perches), Little Intake (6 acres 2 roods 35 perches), Little Intake (6 acres 2 roods 35 perches), Little Cow Close (5 acres 3 roods 8 perches), Big Meadow (8 acres 1 rood 26 perches), Part of Big Meadow (9 acres 2 rood 34 perches), Heifers Pasture (15 acres 3 roods 32 perches), Thistley Piece (5 acres 17 perches), Lea Wood (19 acres 1 rood 18 perches), Rough Close and Potato Piece (6 acres 1 rood 3 perches), Rye Flatts (2 roods 6 perches), Bridge Piece (7 acres 3 roods 14 perches), Knob Piece (4 acres 13 perches), Wood Eaves Piece (2 acres 3 roods 22 perches), Plantation (1 acre 2 roods 10 perches), Paddock (2 acres 3 roods 5 perches) Wood Eaves Piece (3 acres 3 roods 34 perches), Top of Nether Intake (1 rood 13 perches), and Nether Intake (6 acres 3 roods 33 perches), several small parcels of land (6 acres 2 roods 23 perches) between the brook and the canal (total 316 acres 3 roods 4 perches), a pew in Bradbourne church; the premises being exempt from great and small tithes but subject to the payment of £10 a year to the bailiffs of Tamworth charged on the Highfield Meadow under the will of Sir John Ferrers. Plan and table of reference. Consideration £14950, of which £7620 to Dufty as executor of Gilbert Maltby; £5740 paid to William Harding; and £1590 paid to John Hancock Hall. Dated 12 April - 1845
838 - Conveyance by Thurston Dale of Lea Hall, farmer, grandson of Thurston Dale deceased, to Lawrence-Hall of Far High Field Meadow and Upper High Field Meadow (16 acres 1 rood 29 perches). Dated 17 May - 1845
839 - Mortgage by demise for 1000 years by Lawrence Hall to Robert Barber of Eastwood (co. Nottingham) Builder and Joseph Wright Cade of Breaston surgeon of premises as in D239 M/T 837. Consideration £11,500. Dated 6 September Endorsed with transfer of mortgage by Barber and Cade to Rev. Charles Antill Hall of Denham Rectory (co. Buckingham) and Lawrence Robert Hall of Uxbridge (co. Middx) esq. Dated 30 December - 1845; 1859
840 - Deed of covenant for production of deed by Rev. Charles Antill Hall, Rev. John Wadham of Weston, and Springall Thompson of Lincolns Inn esq. to Sir William FitzHerbert on the purchase of the manor of Lea Hall by Sir William. Dated 11 October - 1872
841 - Copy of a release to follow a lease by Henry Buxton of Middleton-by-Wirksworth blacksmith, Thomas Buxton of the same place blacksmith, and German Buxton of Wirksworth woolcomber (sons of Thomas Buxton of Middleton deceased) to James Ellot of Middleton miner of a messuage in Kniveton together with closes known as the Orchard, the Croft, Nether Hawsteads, Long Rowes, Bent, Horsley Lane Head, Kniveton Hill otherwise Hill Piece, Wigbar Pingle, and two-thirds of a pew in Kniveton church, and a close in Wirksworth called Barn Close - 6 Jul 1736
841-847 - Kniveton
842 - Copy of the will of German Buxton of Wirksworth woolcomber To wife Ann, Solme Close in Wirksworth, a fourth part of the gallery or loft in Wirksworth church, his house in Wirksworth, all his lands at Kirk Ireton, and a seat in the north gallery of Wirksworth church for her life with remainder to nephew Thomas Lomas, only son of testator's niece Hannah, wife of Samuel Lomas; to said Thomas Lomas, all his lands in Kniveton; various monetary bequests to friends and family. Wife and Samuel Lomas to be executors. Dated 22 May - 1765
843-844 - Lease and release by Thomas Lomas of Leicester draper (grand nephew and devisee of German Buxton deceased) and John Mansfield of Leicester banker trustee to John Burrow of Derby esq., of a close in Kniveton called the Holmes (2 acres 3 roods 22 perches) to hold in trust for John Cooper of Sandybrook gent., John Matchett of Derby grocer, and Archibald Douglas of Sandybrook gent. Consideration £210. Dated 4/5 April - 1791
845-846 - Lease and release by William Archibald Douglas of London gent., son and heir of Archibald Douglas deceased, to John Cooper of Church Mayfield (co. Stafford) gent. and Michael Payne of Leicester gent. (trustee) of two third-parts of the Holmes at Kniveton. Consideration £66 13s 4d. Dated 1/2 November - 1796
846-847 - Lease and release by Joseph Strutt of Derby esq. and Edward Fox of Derby gent., trustees of the marriage settlement of Francis Fox of Derby surgeon and Charlotte, daughter of Archibald Douglas, to John Cooper of Mayfield (co. Stafford) gent. and John Matchitt of Derby cotton manufacturer (trustee) of a ninth part of the Holmes. Consideration £33 6s 8d. - 13-14 Nov 1797
848 - Settlement by Henry Bagshawe of the Ridge in Chapel en le Frith gent. upon Thomas Bagshawe his son and heir apparent - 23 Jan [1594]
848-895 - Chapel en le Frith and Atlow
849 - Feoffment by Henry Bagshawe to trustees of premises in D239 M/T 848. - 24 Jan [1594]
850 - Lease by Catherine, queen of England, Denzill Lord Holles (steward to the queen), Philip earl of Chesterfield, William viscount Brouncher (chancellor to the queen), Henry earl of Clarendon (chamberlain to the queen's household), John Henry (treasurer and receiver-general to the queen), and William Montague (attorney general to the queen) to Thomas Eyre of Grays Inn esq. of land in Hope, Bowden Middlecale, Fairfield, Fernilee, Shalcross, and Bowden Chapel, Castleton, Bradwell, Wormhill, Flagg and Chelmorton, Taddington and Priestcliff, and Mellor for 31 years at a pepper corn rent, and for a further 57 years thereafter at a rent of[?] - 15 Feb [1675]
851 - Agreement between Thomas Eyre and Richard Shallcrosse of Shallcross esq., son and heir of John Shallcrosse deceased whereby Eyre agrees to convey to Shallcrosse 100 acres of waste which was granted to John Shallcrosse by Charles I in place of John's claim to the towns of Shallcross and Fernilee, part of the commons of the High Peak, as an ancient manor. Eyre now holds a lease of the lands in question and Richard agrees to his father's submission. Dated 3 May - 1675
852 - Agreement between Thomas Eyre of Rocester (co. Stafford) esq. and Thomas Bagshaw of Bakewell gent. whereby Eyre agrees to convey to Bagshawe the fee simple of his lands in Chapel en le Frith. Dated 15 May - 1695
853-854 - Lease and release by Thomas Eyre to Thomas Bagshaw of waste and commons at Bowden Chapel. Rent £34 5s 6d. - 24-25 Mar [1696]
855-856 - Final concord and counterpart between Thomas Bagshaw plaintiff and Thomas Eyre deforciant of 214 acres moor, 224 acres furze, and 200 acres moss in Chapel en le Frith. Consideration £200. Dated 28 June - 1696
857 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years by Thomas Bagshaw of Clements Inn gent. to John Plumer of Blaxware (co. Hertford) esq. of a capital messuage known as the Mote Farm together with the following closes: the Hall Yards, the two Woods (formerly one), the Calfe Peece, the Tomwoods Meadow, the two Ridge Closes, the Over Jelley Field, the Middle Jelley Field, the Nether Jelley Field, the Long Croft, the Round Croft, the Mill Hill, the Nether Meadow, the Meadow Pleck, and the Pingle; a messuage with the Holes, the Chapel Meadow, the five Harrisons Closes, the New Close, the Fleaks, the Stubb, the Close under the Stubb, the Long Close, the Croft, the Quabbs, and a parcel of meadow, all lying in Atlow. Consideration £800, and for better securing £1030. Dated 2 July - 1697
858-859 - Lease and release by George Bagshaw of Hollinknowle in the parish of Chapel en le Frith yeoman to Gawin Corbin of London merchant of two messuages in Chapel-en-le Frith called Hallsteeds otherwise, Dovehole House with the Great Barn Close, Ratling Buts, Lym'd Close, Little Hallsteeds Head, Great Square Close, Little Square Close, the Dale, Intack, Other Close, and the Close on the back of the house. Consideration £100. Dated 22/23 August - 1700
860 - Lease for 99 years terminable on death of either party by Robert Bagshawe of Hollinknowle yeoman and George his son and heir to Gawen Corbin of a farm in Chapel-en-le Frith called Hollinknowle and a messuage called Marsh Green. Consideration £100. Peppercorn rent. Dated 23 August - 1700
861 - Grant by George Bagshaw to Gawin Corbin of an annuity of £30 charged upon the capital messuage called Hollinknowle and all appurtenant lands for a term of 7 years after George's death, in consideration of £100 to enable George to pay a debt. Dated 23 August - 1700
862-868 - Bonds, covenant, and grant of further annuity (as D239 M/T 861) for further sums advanced by Corbin. Dated 1700-01 - 1700-1701
869 - Feoffment by Robert Bagshaw of Hollinknowle yeoman to Mary Bagshaw his daughter of all that part of the commons or wastes of Chapel en le Frith at Marsh Green, as fenced and marked out, to be held of the king of the honour of Tutbury, subject to an annual rent of 24s to the curate of Chapel en le Frith. Dated 11 April - 1702
870 - Assignment by Robert Wilmot of Duffield esq. and Mary his wife (eldest daughter of Edward Bigland deceased) and Anna Maria Bigland (youngest daughter of Edward Bigland) to Thomas Bagshaw of Bakewell gent. of rents totalling £50 in the manor of the High Peak. Dated 23 December - 1704
871 - Assignment by James Sherrat of Tideswell and John Birds of Elton gentlemen on the direction of Thomas Eyre of Rowtor in the parish of Youlgreave esq. to Edmund Pott of the Inner Temple in trust for Thomas Bagshawe of Bakewell gent. of a parcel of unenclosed land (58 acres 3 roods 10 perches) extending from the corner of the wall on Twichoe Moor over against Martinside Field Nook, along by the wall under Lady Low towards the side of Black Edge, to receive 40 acres immediately and the rest on the expiry of a lease to Adam Bagshaw, and to hold for the residue of terms of 31 and 57 years (see D239 M/T 850). Dated 20 July - 1705
872 - Feoffment by Eyre to Bagshawe of premises in D239 M/T 871. Consideration £40. Dated 20 July - 1705
873 - Grant and confirmation by Thomas Eyre to Thomas Bagshawe of 204 acres 1 perch land in Chapel-en-le Frith (bounds given) with Combes Mosse (420 acres 2 roods 33 perches) previously let to Bagshaw, and also 58 acres 3 roods 10 perches previously conveyed to Bagshaw (see D239 M/T 852-4, 871), together with a quitclaim of £4 5s 10d rent. Consideration £548 13s 4d. Dated 12 April - 1708
874-875 - Settlement by way of lease and release by Thomas Bagshaw of Bakewell gent. to John Shallcrosse of Shallcross of the parish of Hope, and Charles Greaves of Woodhouse in the parish of Youlgreave, esquires, of a capital messuage known as Ridge Hall with all lands etc., new inclosed and improved lands called Brownshill, Shert, Peece of New Ground above the Paddock, Nether Barmes or Barnes, Over Barmes or Barnes, and a large piece of new ground or heath called Combes Moss (410 acres), a dwelling house called Lady Low, with Lady Low, Cawloe, and Twitchoe Moor, a capital messuage called Marsh Hall with all lands and a close called New Field, a messuage at Alston Lee with lands etc., a messuage called Marsh Green, two messuages called Hallsteeds, near Doveholes, and closes called Hallsteeds or Herald Hallstids, all in Chapel en le Frith, with his share of the wastes there, a parcel of enclosed land at Doveholes, part of the Overend in Fairfield, and a capital messuage at Atlow called the Mote or Motehall, with all closes, to hold upon the following trusts: to the use of Thomas Bagshawe for his life, then to the use of John Thornhill of Stanton in the parish of Youlgreave and John Hutchinson of Wirksworth, gentlemen, for a term of 1000 years upon trust to raise a sum not exceeding £2000 to be paid to such person or persons as Thomas may direct, with remainders to Charles Bagshaw, son and heir of Thomas for 99 years, with remainder to Thomas, son of Charles, in tail male, and in default of issue to Benjamin, second son of Charles, in tail male, and in default of issue to Francis Bagshaw, second son of Thomas in tail male, and in default of issue to Stephen Bagshaw, third son of Thomas in tail male; and in default of male issue, one moiety remaindered to Mary Bagshaw, eldest daughter of Thomas, and then in tail male, and in default of male heirs to Rachel Bagshaw youngest daughter of Thomas in tail male, and in default of issue to the right heirs of Thomas, and the other moiety to Rachel, and in default to Mary, etc. Dated 13/14 May - 1709
876-877 - Settlement by way of lease and release by Thomas Bagshaw to Richard Arderne of Harden in the parish of Stockport (co. Chester) and Edward Downes of Prestbury (co. Chester) gentlemen of lands as in D239 M/T 874-875 upon thebfollowing trusts: to the use of Thomas for life, then to the use of John Shallcross of Shallcross, Charles Greaves of Woodhouse, and William FitzHerbert of Derby esquires for a term of 1000 years to raise money from the profits of the Ridgehall estate and other lands to pay to Thomas Bagshaw, grandson of Thomas, an annuity of £25 until he is 12, £35 until he is 15, £70 until he is 18, and £80 until he is 21; remainder to Thomas (grandson) and then remaindered as in D239 M/T 874-875. Dated 18/19 December - 1711
878 - Mutual release by Thomas Eyre to Thomas Bagshaw whereby Bagshaw releases to Eyre all claims to money owed by Eyre and Eyre releases to Bagshaw all claims to money owed by Bagshaw. Consideration £450 paid to Bagshaw. Dated 12 May - 1712
879-882 - Settlement by way of lease and release (with counterparts) by Thomas Bagshaw to Richard Arderne and Edward Downes of lands as in D239 M/T 874-5, revoking D239 M/T 876-7, upon trusts as in D239 M/T 876-7, with alterations in the annuity for Thomas. Dated 1/2 June - 1713
883 - Agreement between freeholders and commoners of Chapel-en-le Frith to enclose lands recently surveyed by Samuel Hutchinson of Carsington gent. with the assistance of Edmund Bulkeley of Aspenshaw in the parish of Glossop yeoman, Grancis Gee of Chinley yeoman and Samuel Fryth of Peak Forest yeoman. Dated 31 March - 1714
884-887 - Settlement by Thomas Bagshaw (lease and release with counterparts) revoking D239 M/T 879-882, to Richard Arderne and Edward Downes of lands as in D239 M/T 874-5, to uses as in D239 M/T 876-7, with alterations in the annuity (£30; £40; £70; and £120). Dated 10/11 December - 1716
888 - Lease by Thomas Bagshaw formerly of Ridgehall in the parish of Chapel-en-le Frith, now of Bakewell esq., to John Shallcross of Shallcross esq. of the residue of Combs Moss, to hold in perpetuity at an annual rent of £8 10s, reserving to Bagshaw pasture for 60 sheep between Lady Day and Michaelmas, and power to dig peat. Dated 11 August - 1720
889-890 - Deed to lead the uses of a recovery to bar estates tail and to raise money to pay off a mortgage under the will of Thomas Bagshaw deceased whereby William FitzHerbert of Derby and Tissington esq., Rachel his wife, daughter and heir of the said Thomas, and William FitzHerbert, their son and heir apparent convey to Foote Gregg of the Six Clerks' Office and Samuel Heathcote of Derby, gentlemen, the Ridge Hall and other estates in Chapel en le Frith and Hope (details given), to the intent that Gregg and Heathcote may be tenants for suffering a recovery of the premises by Brooke Boothby of Ashbourne Hall esq. to the use of William FitzHerbert the son upon trust to pay interest on the mortgage under Bagshaw's will. Dated 11 June - 1739
891 - Mortgage in fee in £3000 by William FitzHerbert jun., eldest son and heir apparent of Rachel FitzHerbert widow to John Gisborne of Derby esq. of the Ridge Hall and other estates in Chapel en le Frith (as in D239 M/T 889-90), a capital messuage at Atlow called the Mote Hall with all lands etc., closes in Tideswell called Hill Croft with a barn, Long Close Head, four closes on the south side of Whitecross Lane, Over Within Flatt, Nether Within Flatt, the Pasture, Pasture Close, two Pingles, Hill Croft otherwise Conygate Close, a fourth part of the manor of Darley, the capital messuage called Cowley Hall (D239 M/T 901) with closes totalling 112 acres, and lands in Winster and Wensley, and all other the estates of Thomas Bagshaw affected by his settlement of 1719. Dated 25 December - 1740
892 - Lease for possession by John Gisborne to William FitzHerbert of a capital messuage at Atlow called the Mote Hall, closes in Tideswell and other lands as in D239 M/T 891. Dated 29 March - 1742
893 - Final concord between Anthony Holmes plaintiff and Rachel FitzHerbert, William FitzHerbert, John FitzHerbert clerk, and James FitzHerbert deforciants of four messuages, eight cottages, ten barns, four stables, 480 acres land, 140 acres meadow, 340 acres pasture, 2s 6d rent in Wensley, Bridgetown, Cowley, Stanton, Darley, Atlow, Tideswell, and Winster, with a fourth part of the manor of Darley. Consideration £900. Dated 20 October - 1744
894 - Release by Richard Arden of Harden in the parish of Stockport (co. Chester) to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. and Bache Thornhill of Stanton in the parish of Youlgreave esq. of a fourth part of the manor of Darley, and lands etc. in Atlow, Tideswell, and Cowley, to which FitzHerbert is entitled by reversion under a settlement by Thomas Bagshaw. Dated 19 September - 1749
895 - Deed of indemnity against incumbrances affecting the moiety of an estate at Fairfield purchased by Selina FitzHerbert from William FitzHerbert. Dated 25 March - 1777
896 - Release by Francis FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. and Thomas Levinge of the same gent., to Francis Fullwood of Middleton (by Wirksworth) and Thomas Fullwood his brother of all their title etc. to lands in Middleton. Dated 1 July - 1600
896-903 - Middleton, Snelston, Chapel en le Frith, Darley, Monyash and Derby
896-927 - Miscellaneous Derbyshire and Staffordshire
897 - Bargain and sale by Sir John FitzHerbert of Tissington to Simon Stone of Snelston husbandman of seven selions of land in Snelston. Consideration £8 19s 4d. - 11 Jan [1640]
898 - Bargain and sale by William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. to Gervase Bennett of Derby of the manor of Snelston with land and meadow appurtenant, 2s 8d rent in Roston, and 56 acres of land in Roston and Snelston. Consideration £936. Dated 20 September - 1647
899 - Release to follow lease for possession by William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. and Anthony FitzHerbert of Ashbourne gent. and Martha his wife to Richard Peacock of Marston Montgomery gent. of all that messuage and land in Rodsley late in the possession of Nathaniel FitzHerbert. Consideration £520 paid to Anthony. Dated 23 April - 1679
900 - Release and quitclaim by Francis Bostock of Harrop (co. Chester) yeoman to Roger Herbert of Nottingham gent. of all title etc. in a messuage or farm at Haylee in the parish of Chapel en le Frith. Dated 6 December - 1715
901 - Lease by Thomas Bagshaw of Bakewell esq. to John Holmes of Cowley Hall in the parish of Darley husbandman of a messuage called Cowley Hall with outbuildings and closes, for a term of 21 years at a rent of £50 a year. Dated 24 November - 1719
902 - Assignment of mortgage in £205 by Henry Carder late of Tissington yeoman to Thomas Middleton of Eyam gent. of a messuage, barn, etc., with the Hallyard and croft, Long Croft, Berry Tree Yard, Calf Croft, Heelow or High Low Furlong Close, Tunsteads Close, in Monyash, containing in all 12 acres, which premises Carder mortgaged to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. in £160 (11/12 November 1736). Dated 23 June - 1739
903 - Lease for possession by the trustees of Nuns Green in Derby to William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. of a parcel of Nuns Green. Dated 29 August - 1768
904 - Feoffment by Thomas Allen of Hinckley (co. Leicester) framework-knitter, John Fowler of Burton-on-Trent gent., and Samuel Stratton of Atherstone (co. Warwick) to Robert Sheffield of Melbourne bricklayer of 628 square yards lying at the end of Blanch Croft. Consideration £23 11s. Dated 25 July - 1783
904-916 - Melbourne
905 - Feoffment by John Fowler and Samuel Stratton to Edward Hollinsworth of Melbourne plumber and glazier of 800 square yards, parcel of Blanch Croft. Consideration £20. Dated 5 April - 1788
906 - Will of Thomas Perkins of Melbourne yeoman. Dated 14 September - 1791
907 - Copy will of Robert Sheffield of Melbourne bricklayer. To daughter Mary, wife of John Pegg of Melbourne grocer, four messuages in Melbourne, a shop and woodyard with a parcel of garden adjoining; to his grandson Robert Smith of Melbourne tailor, two messuages; Mary's estate to be charged with £10 and Robert's with £15 to obtain the discharge of James Smith, testator's grandson, from the marines, or to buy him a stocking frame once he has obtained his discharge. To grandson Robert Pegg, a clock; to daughter Mary, all shirts and linen; to grandson William Pegg, his best hat and a chest; to grandson John Pegg, a great coat. Mary Pegg to be sole executrix. Dated 24 January 1786. Proved at Lichfield 18 April - 1809
908 - Mortgage in £220 by John Pegg of Melbourne grocer and Mary his wife, devisee of Robert Sheffield, to Joseph Hazard of Melbourne farmer of property devised to Mary in D239 M/T 907 Dated 18 April Endorsed: mortgage redeemed 3 May - 1809; 1824
909 - Final concord between Gregory Winrow plaintiff and John Pegg and Mary his wife deforciants of three messuages, three gardens, 2 acres land, 2 acres meadow, 2 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Melbourne. Consideration £100. Dated 19 April - 1809
910 - Mortgage in £60 by William Wilkinson of Melbourne framework knitter and Mary his wife, Ann Perkins of Melbourne spinster, John Cook of Melbourne labourer, and Elizabeth his wife, and Alice Perkins of Melbourne spinster (Mary, Ann, Elizabeth, and Alice being respectively widow and daughters of Thomas Perkins deceased) to the trustees of the Melbourne Arms Friendly Society of a messuage in Melbourne with cottages thereon, which cottages are already the possession of the Society. Dated 4 July - 1810
911-912 - Lease and release by William Wilkinson of Melbourne and Mary his wife, John Pegg jun. and Ann his wife (daughter of Thomas Perkins deceased), etc. to John Pegg sen. of Melbourne tanner of a messuage and garden as in D239 M/T 910. Consideration £80, £60 of which is used to redeem the mortgage. Dated 4/5 July - 1815
913 - Copy of a final concord between Bryan Thomas Balguy gent. plaintiff and William Antill and Jane his wife, William Dutton and Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Wilson and Mary his wife, John Pegg and Ann his wife, and William Berrisford and Alice his wife deforciants of four messuages, four stables, four outhouses, four gardens, four orchards, 10 acres land, 10 acres meadow, and 10 acres of pasture in S ondon, Draycott, and Melbourne - 1828
914 - Mortgage by demise for 1000 years by John Pegg of Melbourne woodturner and John Barber of Derby gent. to William Haslam of Derby farmer of a messuage and garden in Melbourne, and a parcel of land (900 square yards) in Gallows Piece Close. Consideration £100. Dated 22 August - 1828
915 - Assignment of mortgage by William Haslam to Frances Goodale of Normanton spinster. Dated 28 March - 1829
916 - Mortgage by John Pegg and John Barber to John Goodale jun. of Derby gent. of premises in D239 M/T 914-915; the original mortgage having been fully paid. Release by John Moss and wife Frances (nee Goodale) of the residue of the term to be merged into the inheritance. Consideration £70. Dated 24 November - 1841
917 - Attested copy of a conveyance by Sarah Harvey of Garston (co. Stafford) spinster and only surviving child of Rev. John Harvey late of Doveridge who was brother and heir of Thomas Harvey of Couldon (co. Stafford) to Richard Holland of Tissington yeoman and William Smith of Tissington yeoman of two messuages or cottages in Calton Green and the following closes in Calton: Upper Intake, Bentley Croft, Barn Croft, Smiths Croft, and Dale Lands to hold to such uses as Holland shall appoint. Consideration £743 19s. Dated 5 April - 1808
917-927 - Staffordshire
918 - Conveyance by Richard Holland to John Smith of Calton and Thomas Gould of Ashbourne farmer (trustee) of two messuages, the Upper Intake, and tithes of corn and lambs thereon as in D239 M/T 917. Consideration £300. Dated 6 April - 1808
919-920 - Lease and release by John Smith jun. of Calton yeoman, Thomas Gould of Ashbourne mercer (trustee) and John Williams of Worcester (mortgagee) to Nancy Cross of Manchester widow and Thomas Smith of Ashbourne Green gent. of premises as in D239 M/T 918. Consideration £500. Dated 23/24 March - 1814
921 - Copy of the will of Nancy Cross of Calton, widow; to her servant Martha Dawson, £40; to Sarah, Mary, Nancy, and Benjamin, children of her nephew, Thomas Mellor deceased; £20 to be divided among them when 21; to nephews, John, Joseph, and William Mellor, £20 among them, and her lands in Calton. Dated 20 April 1835. Proved at Lichfield 5 May - 1835
922 - Conveyance by Joseph Mellor of Ilam (co. Stafford) yeoman, John Mellor of Calton stonemason, and William Mellor of Calton yeoman, nephews of Nancy Cross deceased to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of a messuage in Calton Green (formerly two), three closes called the Upper Intakes (formerly one; 5 acres 22 perches), and a small plot of land opposite the house with the carthouse and piggery adjoining. Conveyance £420. Dated 29 September - 1835
923 - Deed of covenant for the production of title deeds. Dated 4 February - 1836
924 - Settlement by Hugh Wood of Swanwick (co. Derby) esq. and John Cruso of Leek (co. Stafford) gent, surviving trustees of George Milnes esq. deceased, to George Hubbard of Cheadle (co. Stafford) gent. of Fernihough farm in Endon, Endon Bank farm, and other lands, to hold to the use of Sarah, Ann, and Mary, daughters of Rev. Fernihough Rowley, late of Endon, deceased. Dated 20/21 November - 1810
925 - Exemplification of a common recovery by Thomas Eyre and Thomas Okeover against Thomas Fleetwood baronet of the manors of Calwich, Ellaston[e], Verdon, Wootton, Prestwood and Quicksell [Quixhill] [all Staffordshire], etc. - 12 Feb [1652]
926-927 - Final concord and counterpart between Richard FitzHerbert esq., plaintiff, and Brooke Boothby esq., deforciant, of two messuages, two cottages, 100 acres land, 20 acres meadow, 80 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Cheadle, Cheadle Park, and Dilhorne. Consideration £200. Dated 20 October - 1737
928 - Copy of a grant by Henry Leigh, son of William Leigh of Abinger deceased, to John Leigh his brother whereby Henry stands seised of Highashurst Farm, Highashurst Woods, Stubbs Greene meades, Lower Moores, Lawrence Tenement, Pirrotts Motts, and Barrens in Abinger to the use of John in fee simple. Dated 1 September - 1633
928-944 - High Ashurst (Abinger)
928-1065 - Surrey Estates
929 - Settlement by John Leigh of Abinger gent. on behalf of his daughter Jane Leigh, whereby Leigh enfeoffs Thomas Hussey of London grocer and Peter Hussey of Lincolns Inn gent. with a messuage called High Ashurst and 80 acres land, a messuage and lands, parcel of High Ashurst (24 acres), and a cottage and backside all in Abinger, upon trust to his own use until he shall remarry and thereafter to the use of Jane in tail general, and in default of heirs to the right heirs of John, with the proviso that if he pays Jane £400 within 7 years, the uses to her are to be void. Dated 20 November - 1647
930-931 - Final concord and counterpart between Hugh Spencer plaintiff and John Leigh and Elizabeth his wife, and John Johnson deforciants of two messuages, a cottage, two barns, two stables, two gardens, an orchard, 136 acres land, 8 acres meadow, 20 acres pasture, 130 acres wood, 6 acres moor, in Abinger. Consideration £260. - 9 Feb [1653]
932-933 - Lease and release by John Leigh and Elizabeth his wife, John Johnson of London grocer and Jane his wife to Hugh Spencer of West Wycombe (co. Buckingham) gent. of closes of meadow and pasture (26 acres), Parkhurst Wood, Round Coppice, and Hanger (72 acres), a messuage called High Ashurst with 80 acres land and wood, a messuage and 24 acres land, and the ground lately occupied by a cottage, all in Abinger - 21-22 Feb [1653]
934 - Feoffment by Hugh Spencer to Charles Gataker of Hoggeston (co. Buckingham) clerk, of closes of meadow and pasture (26 acres), Parkhurst Wood, Round Coppice, and Hanger (72 acres), a messuage called High Ashurst with 80 acres land and wood, a messuage and 24 acres land, and the ground lately occupied by a cottage, all in Abinger - 11 Jun 1653
935-936 - Lease and counterpart for 21 years to Hugh Spencer by Charles Gataker of lands in D239 M/T 932-933. Rent £55. Dated 16 November - 1653
937 - Lease by Hugh Spencer to Thomas Feild of Wootton yeoman of premises as in D239 M/T 932-933. For 20 years; rent £55. Dated 12 December - 1654
938-939 - Final concord between Charles Gattaker plaintiff and Hugh Spencer and Jane his wife deforciants of a messuage, 100 acres of land, 40 acres meadow, 100 acres pasture, 20 acres of wood, and comm0on of pasture in Abinger. Consideration £240. Dated 20 October - 1664
940-941 - Lease and release by Thomas Gataker of Hoggeston clerk and Barbara his wife to John Worsfold of Abinger yeoman of lands in D239 M/T 932-933, with a small cottage, orchard, and an acre of ground (under a 900 year lease to John Longhurst) and a cottage and 3 roods land (under 21 year lease to Ann Hooke widow). Consideration £850. - 5-6 Mar [1690]
942 - Unexecuted bond with D239 M/T 940-1 - 6 Mar [1690]
943-944 - Lease and release by William Worsfold of the parish of St Sepulchre (co. Middx) esq. to Benjamin Pope of Camberwell esq. of High Ashurst Farm, comprising 48 acres arable and pasture, 150 acres coppice and wood, and 2 acres furze, upon trust to sell the premises to meet Worsfold's debts. Dated 23/24 January - 1786
945 - Covenant between Edward Alford of Offington (co. Sussex) esq. and Judy his wife and John Hunt sen. yeoman, John Hunt jun., his son and heir, William Sheffield miller, and John Longhurst sawyer, all of Wotton, whereby Alford undertakes to levy a fine for the better assurance of his bargain and sale to the Hunts (16 May 1604) of a messuage, two tenements, and land known as Tanners and Lethiers (140 acres) in Wotton, and of the same made to Sheffield (20 acres) and Longhurst (3 acres 3 roods). - 1 Feb [1605]
945-1003 - Tanhurst (Wotton)
946 - Final concord between John Hunt sen., John Hunt jun., William Sheffield, and John Longhurst plaintiffs, and Edward Alford and Judith his wife deforciants of three messuages, three gardens, three orchards, 80 acres land, 60 acres meadow, 60 acres pasture, 20 acres wood, and common of pasture in Wotton. Consideration £140. - 3 Feb [1605]
947 - Feoffment by William Sheffield of Abinger yeoman to William Spooner of Horsham (co. Sussex) yeoman of a messuage and garden, and land called Tanners and Leithers (20 acres). Consideration £128. Dated 14 June - 1634
948-949 - Final concord and counterpart between William Spooner plaintiff and William Sheffield and Elizabeth his wife deforciants of a messuage, barn, orchard, 10 acres land, 10 pasture, and 2 acres wood in Wotton. Consideration £60. Dated 15 June - 1634
950 - Settlement upon the marriage of William Spooner and Margaret daughter of William Willett of Horsham (co. Sussex) yeoman whereby Spooner conveys to Willett a messuage etc. and lands called Tanners and Leithers (20 acres) upon trust to the use of Margaret for her life with remainder to the heirs male of their bodies, and for want of such issue, to the right heirs of Spooner. Dated 19 May - 1638
951 - Settlement by William Spooner of Wotton yeoman upon Mary his wife whereby he conveys to Richard Edsall yeoman and William Worsfold yeoman, both of Horsham (co. Sussex), a messuage, etc as in D239 M/T 950, with the following: the Hills (8 acres), Smiths Wood Coppice (20 acres), Smiths Field (4 acres), the Lagge and Rough Field (5 acres), Barley Close (7 acres), Upp Barley Field (4 acres), High Coppice (6 acres), Fower Acres (5 acres), Three Acres (4 acres), Rushy Field (4 acres), Three Cornered Field (5 acres), Moore (18 acres), Kitchin Field (4 acres), and the Upp Part of Tanners Wood (8 acres), in Wotton, to hold to the use of William and Mary for their lives, with remainder to the heirs of their bodies and for want of heirs, to the right heirs of William. Dated 23 June - 1663
952-953 - Further settlement by William Spooner of lands as in D239 M/T 951. Dated 3 April - 1666
954-955 - Mortgage in fee by John Budgen of Dorking doctor of Physic, and John Spooner of Wotton yeoman to Morgan Sherlocke of Wotton yeoman of lands etc in Wotton called Tanners and Leithers (150 acres). Dated 5/6 October. Consideration £210 - 1681
956-958 - Lease and release (with counterpart) by John Spooner to Henry Spooner of Wotton yeoman (his son) of two messuages called Tanners and Leithers (150 acres) and all other freehold messuages in Wotton subject to a rent of £20 a year to Mary. wife of Richard Wood of Capel for her life. Dated 9/10 November - 1681
959-960 - Settlement on the marriage of Henry Spooner of Tanners in the parish of Wotton yeoman, and Jane daughter of Thomas Mater of Great Bookham yeoman whereby Spooner conveys to Marter and to Ralph Longhurst lands as in D239 M/T 956-58 to the use of Spooner, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Dated 6/7 April - 1698
960-961 - Lease and release by George Worsfold jun. of Ewhurst yeoman to Henry Spooner of a messuage and six closes of land in Wotton called Winterfields (26 acres). Consideration £201 1s. Dated 21/22 September - 1698
962 - Release by Mary Spooner of Fetcham, widow of John Spooner, to Henry Spooner her son and Jane his wife of all her dower lands in Tanners and Leithers. - 1 Mar [1702]
963-964 - Probate of Henry Spooner of Tanhurst in the parish of Wotton yeoman. To his daughter Mary Spooner, £300; to his wife Jane, his messuage etc. called Tanhurst and Leithers to hold until his son Henry is 21, together with one-quarter of his household goods; to his wife, the residue of his estate until Henry is 21; Jane and Henry to be executors; Thomas Martyr, his brother-in-law, Thomas Martyr jun., George Lee of Wotton, Henry Stone of Hartshurst, and Edmund Mills of Wotton to be overseers, and to have 10s each; his executors and overseers empowered to fell £200-worth of timber and dispose of the same for the benefit of his wife and son. Will dated 4 August 1722; proved 17 September - 1723
965-967 - Lease and release (with counterpart) to bar entails by Francis Charman of Guildford yeoman and Mary his wife (daughter of Henry Spooner deceased) to John Martyr of Guildford gent. of two messuages and lands called Tanhurst and Leithers, and a messuage and closes called Winterfields upon trust to levy a fine on the premises, and to suffer a recovery by Henry Burdox of Clements Inn gent. to the use of such person as Francis and Mary shall direct. Dated 30/31 May - 1740
968 - Final concord between John Martyr plaintiff and Francis Charman and Mary his wife deforciants of three messuages, three barns, three stables, two gardens, five orchards, 90 acres land, 10 acres meadow, 40 acres pasture, 50 acres wood, and an acre of water in Wotton. Consideration £100. Dated 2 June - 1740
969 - Recovery by Henry Burdox as in D239 M/T 965-968. Dated 5 June - 1740
970 - Mortgage by demise for 1000 years by Francis Charman and Mary his wife to the Rev. William Bannaster of Guildford of lands etc. in D239 M/T 965-67. Consideration £400. Dated 31 October - 1740
971-972 - Assignment of mortgage by Rev. William Bannaster and Francis Charman to John Chitty of Hascombe and William Chitty of Shalford, yeomen - 8 Mar [1743]
972-973 - Final concord and counterpart between John Hunt (trustee for John and William Chitty) plaintiff and Francis Charman and Sarah his wife of premises as in D239 M/T 968. Consideration £200. Dated 17 April - 1743
974-975 - Assignment of mortgage by John and William Chitty and Francis Charman and Sarah his wife to John Laker of Wisborough Green (co. Sussex) gent. of premises as in D239 M/T 965-67. Consideration £627 paid to the Chittys and £73 to Charman. - 8 Mar [1744]
976 - Assignment of mortgage by John Laker, Francis Charman and Sarah his wife to Thomas Thomson of Old Southampton Buildings (co. Middx.) of premises as above in trust for John Walsh of Hatton Garden esq., to attend the inheritance of the freehold. Consideration £826 2s paid to Laker. Dated 17 October - 1747
977-978 - Lease and release by Francis Charman, and Sarah his wife, to John Walsh of premises as above. Consideration £600. Dated 20/21 October - 1747
979 - Copy of the probate of Thomas Thomson of Holborn (co. Middx.); to John Walsh, his executor, all his real and personal estate. Will dated 20 November 1756; proved at London 14 December - 1759
980 - Copy of the probate of John Walsh of Hatton Garden esq. To his wife Amy for her life, the whole interest, profits etc. of his real and personal estates; his executors to sell his estate called Tanhurst; after Amys death, his real and personal estates to his nephew John Walsh of Chesterfield St., London, esq. His wife and nephew to be executors. Will dated 5 September 1762; codicil dated 2 January 1765. Will proved in London 6 April - 1765
981-982 - Lease and release by Amy Walsh widow and John Walsh of Chesterfield Street, Mayfair, to John Strange of Marylebone (co. Middx.) esq. of two messuages, 150 acres land called Tanhurst, and a messuage and six closes (26 acres) called Winterfield. Consideration £3720. Dated 27/29 July - 1765
983 - Declaration of trust by George Chandler of Bruton St (co. Middx.) esq., and David Woodmeston of Cheapside, London, stockbroker, to Richard Scrafton esq., heir and executor of Luke Scrafton that Chandler and Woodmeston stand seised of £560 in £3 per cent consols upon trust to indemnify William Philip Perrin of Bloomsbury esq. against any claim of dower made on an estate at Tanhurst by Sarah widow of John Strange. Recital of conveyance by John Strange to Luke Scrafton (1767) and conveyance by Richard Scrafton to Perrin in consideration of £4700, £500 of which has been used to buy the consols, the interest on which will be paid to Scrafton until any claim is made, when the consols will revert to Perrin. Dated 30 September - 1774
984 - Feoffment by John Hunt sen. of Wotton yeoman and John Hunt jun., his son and heir, to Thomas Tydy of Abinger, carpenter, of 12 acres land and pasture in Wotton, parcel of the land called Tanners. Consideration £47. - 20 Mar [1605]
985-986 - Feoffment by Thomas Tydie of Abinger yeoman to Thomas Tydie his younger son, of lands etc. as in D239 M/T 984. Dated 18 October - 1619
987 - Grant by Thomas Tydie jun. of Wotton carpenter to Thomas Tydie sen., his father, of an annuity of 40s charged upon his estate called Tanners. Dated 19 June - 1630
988-989 - Settlement by Thomas Tydie of Wotton carpenter whereby he conveys his estate called Tanners to Richard Margesson of Ockley blacksmith and William Sheffield of Abinger miller to his own use for life, and then to the use of his sons, Thomas and John. Dated 21 June - 1630
990 - Release and quitclaim by Thomas Tydie of Shere, carpenter, to Thomas Tydie of Wotton and John Tydie of Abinger his sons of all right, title etc. in Tanners. Consideration £35. Dated 14 July - 1651
991 - Feoffment by John Tydie of Newdigate husbandman to Thomas Tydie his brother of all his moiety of an estate called Tanners. Consideration £62 10s. Dated 1 May - 1654
992 - Grant by Thomas Tydie of Abinger carpenter to John Tydie his brother of an annuity of 50s. charged upon Tanners. Dated 1 May - 1654
993 - Lease for 1000 years by Thomas Tidy of Wotton carpenter to Richard Wood of Capel yeoman of a close called Lagg, Meade, and Little Field (6 acres), parcel of Tanners. Consideration £80. Dated 26 March - 1672
994 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years by Thomas Tidy to Christopher Wood of Newdigate yeoman of all his messuage and land called Tanners (6 acres) - 6 Mar [1675]
995-996 - Lease and release by George Worsfold of Dorking yeoman and Thomas Nye of Ockley husbandman, executors of Thomas Tidy, and John Tidy of Newdigate, uncle and heir of Thomas, to George Nye of Abinger blacksmith of lands as in D239 M/T 994. Consideration £100.Dated 5/6 December - 1676
997 - Probate of Thomas Tydie of Abinger husbandman; to his brother David, a brass pot, to his sister Jane Tydie, a dozen draper napkins, to his sister Mary Tydie, seven pewter plates; to his executors George Worsfold and Thomas Nye, his estate called Tanners on trust to sell the same and apply the proceeds to the education of his sisters and brother. Will dated 16 August 1676. Proved 7 December - 1676
998 - Mortgage by George Nye to George Worsfold and Thomas Nye of premises as in D239 M/T 995-996 to enable him to discharge the dower of Frances, widow of Thomas Tidy, father of Thomas. Consideration £33. Dated 14 December - 1676
999-1000 - Assignment of mortgage by Christopher Wood to David Worsfold of Ockley yeoman on premises as in D239 M/T 994 in trust for George Nye. Consideration £20 18s paid by George. Dated 15 December - 1676
1001-1002 - Lease and release by George Nye to Henry Rogers of Epsom yeoman of lands etc. as in D239 M/T 994. Consideration £120. - 21-24 Mar [1704]
1003 - Lease for 21 years by Henry Rogers to Daniel Carpenter of Wotton husbandman of lands etc. in D239 M/T 994. Rent £4 17s a year. Timber rights reserved. Dated 25 March - 1727
1004-1005 - Lease and release by William Morgesson of Ockley yeoman to Thomas Chapman alias Lawrence of Ockley husbandman of a messuage and lands called Wintershull Croft (3 acres) in Wotton. Consideration £90 10s. - 12-13 Mar [1691]
1004-1007 - Winterhill (Wotton)
1006-1007 - Lease and release by Thomas Chapman alias Lawrence to Nicholas Long of Wotton husbandman of lands etc. as above. Consideration £105. Dated 27/28 September - 1710
1008 - Enfranchisement by George Evelyn of Wotton esq. lord of the manor of Abinger, of 30 acres of land called Parkhurst of which John Amey of Abinger yeoman is copyhold tenant. Consideration £20. Annual rent 3s. Dated 10 November - 1651
1008-1019 - Parkhurst (Abinger)
1009 - Probate of John Amey of Abinger yeoman. To his son Thomas Amey, all his land called Parkhurst in tail male with remainder to his son William Amey; to said son William, his messuage and lands called Averyes in the parish of Wotton; to his daughter Eleanor Marrell, the unexpired term of his lease for 1000 years of a tenement on Abinger Common; to his daughter Elizabeth Mihell, an annuity of 40s charged on Parkhurst; to his daughter Susan Amey, £100; to his son-in-law, Charles Mihell, 10s; to his grandson Charles Mihell, £10; to his grandson William Mihell, £5; to his son-in-law John Woods, 1s; to his grandson John Woods £5; to his grand-daughter Mary Woods, £5; to his god-daughter Mabel Smith, £5; to the poor of Abinger, 30s; 20s to be spent on bread and beer at his funeral; his sons Thomas and William to be executors. Dated 12 May 1664 - 1664
1010-1011 - Deed to lead the uses of a recovery to bar an entail to be levied by Leonard Childe of Guildford gent. against Thomas Amey of Abinger yeoman of the messuage and lands called Parkhurst (35 acres) to the use of Amey. Dated 10 October - 1688
1012 - Exemplification of a common recovery as D239 M/T 1010-11. Dated 28 November - 1688
1013-1014 - Lease and release by Thomas Amey of Abinger yeoman and John Amey of Wotton, his son and heir, to Thomas Bedingfield of Abinger gent. of a messuage and farm called Parkhurst with 40 acres land. Consideration £213. Dated 17/18 December - 1707
1015-1016 - Final concord and counterpart between Richard Rouzier plaintiff and Thomas Bedingfield and Judith Margaret his wife of premises as in D239 M/T 1010-12. Consideration £60. Dated 23 April - 1721
1017-1018 - Lease and release by Thomas Bedingfield and his wife to Richard Rouzier of the parish of St Martin in the Fields in the county of Middlesex gent. of premises as in D239 M/T 1013-14. Consideration £600. Dated 1/2 May - 1721
1019 - Declaration of trust that the above purchase money of £600 is to be invested in stock in trust for Bedingfield for life and then to Judith Margaret for life in lieu of jointure. Dated 2 May - 1721
1020 - Lease by Richard Hill of Shere esq., Elizabeth his wife, Oliph Leigh of Addington esq., and Jane his wife, to Richard Chasemoore of Ockley, hoop-maker, of land in Abinger, parcel of the demesne land of Burchett (7 acres), 2000 year term; rent 2s 4d a year. Dated 13 October - 1595
1020-1035 - Burketts (Abinger)
1021 - Assignment of D239 M/T 1020 by Richard Chasemoor to Thomas his son. Dated 27 September - 1605
1022 - Bargain and sale by James Stone of Shere blacksmith, Amy his wife, and Cristobel Chasemoor of Slinford (co. Sussex) spinster to Morgan Sherlocke of Abinger yeoman of two annuities both 20s charged on Burkett and bequeathed to Amy and Cristobel by their father Thomas Chasemoor. - 23 Mar [1638]
1023 - Quitclaim confirming D239 M/T 1022. - [1638]
1024 - Extract from the will of Morgan Sherlock of Wotton yeoman; real estate remaindered on his cousin Charles Sherlock jun. of Wandsworth innkeeper
1025-1026 - Copy lease and release to lead the uses of a recovery whereby Charles Sherlock of Wandsworth innkeeper conveys to Henry Barwell of Lyons Inn gent. a messuage and lands in Ewhurst, a messuage in Dorking and land in Abinger, to the intent that Barwell may be tenant for suffering a recovery by John Horton of Lyons Inn gent. to the use of Sherlock for life, then to Sibilla his wife for life as her jointure, with remainder to the heirs of their bodies. Dated 5/6 May - 1701
1027 - Copy of an exemplification of a recovery by John Horton against Henry Barwell of two messuages, two gardens, 22 acres pasture, in Ewhurst, Dorking, and Abinger. Dated 2 June - 1701
1028-1029 - Lease and release by Charles Sherlock of Knightsbridge (co. Middlesex) innkeeper and Sibilla his wife to Edmund Mitchell of Capel yeoman of six small closes (10 acres) with the barn thereon at Abinger. Consideration £115 - 13-14 Jan [1707]
1030 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine to be levied by Charles Sherlock and Sibilla his wife to Edmund Mitchell and William Lee of Dorking bricklayer on premises as in D239 M/T 1028-1029 to the use of Mitchell and a messuage in Dorking to the use of Lee. - 14 Jan [1707]
1031 - Assignment by Charles Sherlock to Richard Bax of Capel, trustee of Edmund Mitchell of the unexpired terms of the lease as in D239 M/T 1020, and reciting a lease for 2000 years by Richard Hill et al. to John Tidy of Abinger husbandman. Dated 28 May - 1707
1032-1033 - Lease and release by Edmund Mitchell of Capel yeoman and John Mitchell his son and heir to Robert Moore of Leatherhead maltster, John Jeater of Dorking maltster, and Thomas Lee of Dorking bricklayer of closes in Abinger (10 acres) with the barn thereon. Consideration £106 1s 6d. - 15-16 Mar [1715]
1034 - Assignment by Mary Bax of Capel, widow of Richard Bax, to Robert Moore et al. of the unexpired leasehold terms as in D239 M/T 1031. - 17 Mar [1715]
1035 - Assignment by Thomas Ireland of Rudgwick (co. Sussex) yeoman, and Thomas Mann of Charlewood farmer, executors of Edward Mitchell, on the direction of John Thayre Widden of Slinford (co. Sussex) yeoman, only son of Mary Widden deceased, wife of Anthony Widden deceased and niece and devisee of John Thayre of Westcott deceased, to Thomas Bunnett of Southwark ironmonger in trust for William Philp Perrin of West Farleigh (co. Kent) and Tanhurst esq. of the unexpired portion of two leasehold terms of 2000 years in premises in Abinger, the land having been sold to Perrin. Dated 17 March - 1801
1036 - Grant by John Longhurst of Ockley yeoman to Richard Myhill of Horsham (co. Sussex) yeoman of an annuity of £6 13s 4d charged upon his messuage and lands called Weekland (60 acres). Consideration £100; proviso that if Longhurst shall pay £100 to the heirs or assigns within 3 years of Myhill's death, the annuity is to be void. Dated 15 July - 1624
1036-1054 - Weeklands (Ockley)
1037 - Assignment of a mortgage by Mary Mitchell of Capel widow and John Longhurst of Ockley yeoman to Shadrack Tayler of Ewhurst clerk on premises as in D239 M/T 1036. Consideration £100 paid to Mary; recital of terms of mortgage by Longhurst to Mary in £100 in 1685. Dated 1 October - 1688
1038-1039 - Assignment of mortgage by Shadrack Tayler to Robert Elliott of Shalford yeoman - 1 Jan [1690]
1040 - Assignment of mortgage by Robert Elliott to Thomas Sharpe of Compton yeoman. Dated 8 October - 1692
1041 - Assignment of mortgage by Robert Elliott and John Longhurst to William Didlesfold of Hascombe yeoman, of a messuage and land called Weeklands (60 acres) mortgaged by Longhurst to Thomas Longhurst in 1675 and assigned to Elliott in 1688. Consideration £100. Dated 8 October - 1692
1042 - Assignment of mortgage as D239 M/T 1040 by Thomas Sharpe to William Didlesfold. Dated 9 October - 1699
1043-1044 - Mortgage in fee by lease and release by Edmund Mitchell of Capel yeoman and John Mitchell his son and heir to William Blundell of Fetcham maltster of the Weeklands late in the tenure of John Longhurst. Consideration £300. Dated 27/28 May - 1709
1045-1046 - Lease and release by Edmund Mitchell and John Mitchell his son and heir to Robert Moor of Leatherhead maltster, John Jeater of Dorking maltster, and Thomas Lee of Dorking bricklayer, executors and devisees of William Blundell, of a messuage and lands called Weekland (80 acres). Consideration £308 10s and a further £361 10s owing on mortgage (D239 M/T 1043-44). - 25-26 Feb [1713]
1047 - Assignment of mortgages as in D239 M/T 1041-42 by William Didlesfold on the direction of Edmund and John Mitchell to George Nye of Dorking tailor in trust for Robert Moor et al. - 27 Feb [1713]
1048-1049 - Lease and release by Edmund and John Mitchell to Robert Moore et al. of the messuage and land called Weeklands (80 acres, and two small messuages with gardens in Ockley with several closes and a barn in Abinger. Consideration £95 and £710 owing upon mortgage. Dated 23/24 September - 1718
1050-1051 - Lease and release by Robert Moor et al. to Hannah Lee of Dorking spinster of premises as in D239 M/T 1048-49. Consideration £815. Dated 22/23 April - 1726
1052-1053 - Lease and release by Hannah Lee to Susanna Lee of Dorking spinster, her sister, of premises as in D239 M/T 1048-49. Consideration £671 3s. Dated 14/15 August - 1728
1054-1055 - Settlement by way of lease and release upon the marriage of John Thayre of Rudgwick (co. Sussex) yeoman and Susanna Lee whereby Thayre conveys to John Blundell of Fetcham yeoman and William Thayre of Rudgwick yeoman a messuage and lands called Weeklands (80 acres) which premises Thayre purchased from Hannah and Susanna Lee, upon trust to his own use for life, then to the use of Susanna Lee, upon trust to his own use for life, then to the use of Susanna for her life, with remainder to the heirs of their bodies - 3-4 Jan [1732]
1056 - Settlement by Mary Millet of Harrow (co. Middx.) widow whereby she conveys to John Danby of London gent. and William Sheppard of London haberdasher a capital messuage and farm called Lith Hall in the parish of Ockley, with lands in Ockley and Wootton upon trust to her own use for life, then to Henry Best of Grays Inn esq, for his life with remainder to Henry Best his son, in tail male, and in default of heirs to Arthur Mauditt of London haberdasher and Robert Orme of London salter for a term of 21 years on trust to raise sums not exceeding £1000 as directed by Mary with remainder to John Greene alias Thorpe of Harrow. - 3 Feb [1665]
1056-1062 - Leith Hill Place (Ockley)
1057-1059 - Lease and release by Edward Goddard of Richmond (co. York) esq., son and heir of Edward Goddard by Katherine, daughter of Henry Best, and Elizabeth his wife, to John Worsfold of Abinger yeoman of a capital messuage called Leith Hill Place with lands in Ockley and Wotton. Consideration £2450. Dated 28/29 March - 1706
1060-1061 - Final concord and counterpart between John Worsfold plaintiff and Edward Goddard and Elizabeth his wife deforciants of a messuage, barn, garden, and orchard, 80 acres land, 70 acres pasture, 60 acres wood, and 60 acres moor in Ockley and Wotton. Consideration £160. Dated 20 May - 1706
1062 - Exemplification of a common recovery by Thomas Lewis against John Worsfold of lands as in D239 M/T 1060-61. Dated 12 June - 1706
1063 - Deed to declare the uses of a fine acknowledged by Charles Atride of Ewhurst yeoman and Ann his wife to Edward Round of Charlewood yeoman of lands in Ewhurst to the use of Round and two closes in Ewhurst to the use of Atride. Dated 18 May - 1644
1063-1065 - Miscellaneous
1064-1065 - Lease and release by Sir Frederick Evelyn of Wotton to George Earl Macartney of ½ acre lately inclosed from the waste of Abinger. Consideration 10s. Dated 9/10 November - 1796
1066-1067 - Mortgage in fee by way of lease and release by Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. to John Mansfield of Wimpole St., esq. et al. of a messuage called Ham in Lenham with 14 acres 2 roods, 27 perches land; a mansion house in West Farleigh (3 acres 4 perches), cottages and gardens (23 perches); dwelling house and garden (1 rood 20 perches), a farm house (2 roods 11 perches); a pond with an islet (1 rood 21 perches), a wood called the Shaw (29 perches), Stoppers House and Meadow (1 acre 1 rood 25 perches); Pigeons Bank (1 acre 2 roods 15 perches); an orchard and filbert ground (3 acres 1 rood 17 perches); the Shaw (1 acre 1 rood); Filbert Land (36 perches); Loveshall Farm (1 rood 15 perches); Feakins Orchard (5 acres 6 perches); a filbert land (2 roods 26 perches); House Field (7 acres 4 perches); Great Bolts (6 acres 1 rood 36 perches); Three Cornered Shaw (3 roods 9 perches); Hunt Street Hop Garden (2 acres 2 roods 32 perches); a wood (3 roods 9 perches); the Bolts (3 acres 1 rood 6 perches); Four Acres (4 acres 1 rood 20 perches); a wood (1 rood 26 perches); the Bath (2 acres 1 rood 2 perches); a pond (2 roods 11 perches); Vicarage Shaw (2 acres 2 roods 6 perches); Vicarage Meadow (15 acres 1 rood 23 perches); woodland (2 roods 15 perches); an orchard (1 acre 12 perches); a public house called the Chequers with garden (3 roods 39 perches); a shrubbery and walks (2 acres 1 rood 16 perches); a chestnut grove (1 acre 1 rood 28 perches); Hot House Meadow (8 acres 1 rood 13 perches); Hop Garden (3 acres 3 roods 36 perches); Nine Acre Orchard (10 acres 7 perches); Chestnut Wood (1 acre 3 roods 36 perches); the Shaw (1 rood 21 perches); Russells Wood (2 acres 2 perches); Little Hop Garden (2 acres 1 rood 9 perches); Arable Field (2 acres 19 perches); Hop Garden (1 acre 3 roods 7 perches); Road Field (3 acres 28 perches); Mulberry Ground (2 acres 2 roods 3 perches); an oasthouse, cottages, and gardens (19 perches); the Hops (1 acre 3 roods 29 perches); a cottage etc. (23 perches); a barnyard and meadow (1 acre 1 rood 19 perches); the Garden (1 acre 1 rood 34 perches); Filbert Orchard (3 acres 22 perches); Green Hop Garden (3 acres 27 perches); two cottages and gardens (1 rood 13 perches); a cottage and garden (1 rood 6 perches); two cottages and a garden (25 perches); Green Field (9 acres 1 rood 8 perches); Coxheath (1 acre 36 perches); Hops and Coxheath (1 acre 10 perches); arable land and meadow (2 acres 1 rood 28 perches); cottages, farm yard, and gardens (1 rood 16 perches); Coulters Plat (1 acre 1 rood 5 perches); a farm at Coxheath (6 acres 3 roods 21 perches); a hop ground (2 roods 30 perches); a farmhouse and orchard (2 roods); an orchard (1 acre 1 rood 28 perches); an orchard and filbert ground (1 acre 13 perches); an orchard and garden (3 roods 19 perches); arable land (9 acres 3 roods 21 perches); two cottages and gardens (1 rood 20 perches); a cottage and garden (39 perches); Taintons Plat (3 roods 1 perch); an orchard (2 roods 8 perches); and small parcels of land (2 acres 3 roods 15 perches) in West Farleigh, East Farleigh, and Yalding; which mortgage was secured on an estate in Surrey which Sir Henry wishes to sell. Consideration £10,000. Dated 21/22 January - 1828
1066-1070 - West Farleigh
1066-1075 - Kent estate
1068 - Assignment of the residue of two terms of 1000 years by Edward Leigh Pemberton at the request of Sir Henry FitzHerbert to William Green in trust for John Mansfield. Dated 7 July - 1828
1069-1070 - Reconveyance by John Mansfield et al. to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of premises as in D239 M/T 1066-67. Consideration £10,000. Dated 17/18 January - 1834
1071 - Release to follow lease by Jane Carney of Reading widow to the Rt. Hon. John, earl of Westmorland of a capital messuage called Adams Well with outbuildings and 40 acres land, and seven other messuages with 20 acres land at West Peckham. Consideration £700. Dated 5 September - 1740
1071-1075 - Miscellaneous
1072 - Exchange between the land commissioners under the enclosure acts 1845-1878, Aretas Akers Douglas of Chilton Park, M.P., and Sir William FitzHerbert of West Farleigh Bt. whereby Sir William is to have Rushmore (6 acres 3 roods 20 perches) and Douglas is to have Lower Briant Meadow, Lower Winder Field, Old Ley and Shaw (8 acres 1 rood 37 perches). Dated 19 February - 1885
1073 - Exchange by the Board of Agriculture between Sir William FitzHerbert and Thomas Grant of Maidstone esq. whereby Sir William is to have Pasture Land (2 acres 2 roods 26 perches) and Grant is to have part of Spratts meadow and Lodge Meadow (2 acres 2 roods 26 perches). Dated 16 June - 1892
1074 - Release by Stephen Amhurst of West Farleigh gent. to the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of West Farleigh of a newly erected messuage and land, part of West Farleigh Green, for use as a poor house. - 3 Mar [1749]
1075 - Assignment of a term of 500 years in the manor of Robertsbridge (co. Sussex) to Samuel and Thomas Crawley in trust for John Sambrooke to attend the inheritance. - 21 Feb [1721]
1076 - Bargain and sale by Nicholas Hamerton of Coates gent. to Elizabeth dowager countess of Rutland of a capital messuage etc. in Warsop; etc. Consideration £200. - 12 Feb [1593]
1076-1110 - The Manor of Warsop
1076-1713 - Warsop
1077 - Quitclaim by Thomas Soreven gent., servant to Roger earl of Rutland, to the said earl of all title etc. in the manor of Warsop reciting a bargain and sale (15 June 1597) by Henry Leek to the earl and Screven. Dated 8 April - 1598
1078 - Grant by George earl of Rutland to Ann daughter of Sir Philip Carye deceased of an annuity of £200 charged on the manor of Warsop on the occasion of Ann's marriage to William Willoughby, second son of William lord Willoughby of Parham. Dated 10 December - 1637
1079 - Lease for possession by George earl of Rutland to Thomas Dowdeswell of Gray's Inn, gent., of the manor of Warsop Dated 19 December - 1637
1080 - Release to follow lease by George earl of Rutland to Henry Pelham of Gray's Inn esq. of the manor of Warsop on trust to the use of the earl for his life, with remainder to William, second son of William lord Willoughby in tail male, and in default of issue to Rutland's heirs male. Recital of D239 M/T 1079. Endorsement stating attornement by Dowdeswell to Pelham. - 1 Jan [1638]
1081 - Final concord between Henry Pelham plaintiff and George earl of Rutland deforciant of two messuages, two cottages, 150 acres arable, 20 acres meadow, 100 acres pasture, 200 acres furze and heath, and common of pasture in Pleasley and Shirebrook. Dated 10 May - 1640
1082-1085 - Lease and release by George earl of Rutland to Henry Pelham of the manor of Warsop, Warsop Park otherwise Pleasley Park, etc. upon trusts as in D239 M/T 1080. Dated 15/16 July - 1640
1086 - Deed of covenant by William Willoughby of Warsop esq. and Ann his wife to levy a fine to Thomas Lowman of St Bride's, London gent. of the manor of Warsop etc. to the use of Lowan for a term of 1000 years and then to the use of William Cherry of Maidenhead (co. Berks) gent. upon trust to suffer a recovery by John Whitfield of Maidenhead gent. to the use of Lowman until the expiry of the term, and then to the use of Willoughby. Dated 24 September - 1653
1087 - Exemplification of a common recovery by John Whitfield against William Cherry of the manor of Warsop, 30 messuages, a water corn mill, 2000 acres land, 200 acres meadow, 500 acres pasture, and 2000 acres furze and heath in Warsop, Soukholme, and Nettleworth. Dated 28 November - 1653
1088 - Reconveyance by Thomas Lowman to William Willoughby of the manor of Warsop. Consideration £2060. Dated 25 March - 1654
1089 - Bargain and sale by Charles Cavendish, viscount Mansfield (son and heir of William earl of Newcastle), Henry Cavendish esq. (brother of Charles), James Whitehead and John Rolleston both of Welbeck gents., and William Clay of Southwell gent. to William Willoughby of Warsop esq. of several messuages and farms in Warsop. Consideration £700. - 2 Feb [1658]
1090 - Mortgage by demise for 99 years by William Willoughby of Hunsdon (co. Huntingdon) to Sir John Cotton of Great Cunnington (co. Huntingdon) and William Watson of Mounton Farley (co. Wilts.) esq. of the manor of Warsop. Consideration £1000. Dated 7 March 1662/3 Endorsed with reconveyance by Cotton to Willoughby. Dated 26 December 1663 - 1663
1091 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years by William Willoughby and George Willoughby, his son and heir, to Robert Butler of Grays Inn esq. and Roger Jackson of London gent. of the manor of Warsop. Consideration £2120. Dated 28 June - 1664
1092 - Copy of the will of William lord Willoughby of Parham. Dated 18 May - 1672
1093 - Assignment of mortgage by Robert Butler and Roger Jackson (see D239 M/T 1091) on the direction of William lord Willoughby to Sir William Ellis. Consideration £800 paid by Willoughby and £1200 by Ellis. Dated 24 May - 1672
1094 - Assignment of mortgage by Sir William Ellis to Roger Jackson Consideration £1200. Dated 25 June - 1675
1095 - Exemplification of a recovery by Robert Harper against John Clerkson and Taylor White of the manor of Warsop etc. as in D239 M/T 1087. Dated 28 November - 1733
1096 - Exemplification of a recovery by William Green against Gilbert Jones of the manors of Warsop and Willoughby etc. Dated 15 May - 1809
1097-1098 - Mortgage by way of lease and release by Henry Gally Knight of Langold esq. to the Rt. Hon. Alleyne Lord St Helens (his uncle) and Edward Miller Mundy of Shipley Hall (co. Derby) esq., of the manor of Warsop. Consideration £16,700 11s 6d. Dated 31 July/1 August 1815 Endorsed with note of further sums raised from sale of Navy 5 per cent Bank Annuities: £2800, £5000, £4000 - 1815-1822
1099-1100 - Declaration by Lord St Helens and Edward Miller Mundy that the mortgage principal as above is the estate of Henry Gally Knight deceased, of which they are surviving executors under his will dated 20 February 1798. Dated 1 August Endorsed with similar declaration concerning £2800 Navy 5 per cent Bank Annuities - 1815; 1820
1101-1102 - Further declaration as D239 M/T 1099-1100 respecting £5000. Dated 23 June - 1821
1103 - Further mortgage in £3100 by Henry Gally Knight to Lord St Helens. Dated 5 May - 1823
1104 - Agreement between Lord St Helens and Henry Gally Knight whereby Lord St Helens surrenders an annuity issuing from an estate in Warsop prior to an exchange of land between Knight and the duke of Portland. Dated 13 February - 1827
1105 - Further mortgage as D239 M/T 1103 in £3375 10s. Dated 12 May - 1832
1106-1107 - Mortgage in £44,355 5s 8d (being £32,176 1s 6d already secured and an additional £12,179 4s 2d) and £2940 New 3½ per cent Bank Annuities (converted from £2800 Navy 5 per cent Annuities) by Henry Gally Knight to Lord St Helens of the manor of Warsop and the following farms: a messuage and garden (18 perches); a messuage and 6 acres 3 roods 1 perch; a messuage and 174 acres 3 roods 27 perches; a messuage and 82 acres 2 roods 38 perches, save for 16 acres 2 roods 14 perches held of the rectory of Warsop; a messuage and 282 acres 2 roods 24 perches; a messuage and 88 acres 1 rood 6 perches; a messuage and 246 acres 3 roods 17 perches; a messuage and 291 acres 2 roods 16 perches; a messuage and 12 acres 2 roods 23 perches; a messuage and 4 acres 1 rood 36 perches; a messuage and 5 acres 19 perches; a messuage and 16 acres 1 rood 14 perches; a messuage and 5 acres 1 rood 9 perches; a messuage and garden (11½ perches); a messuage and 7 acres 1 rood 32 perches; save for 4 acres 1 rood 27 perches held of the rectory of Warsop; a messuage; a messuage and 6 acres 3 roods 11 perches; a messuage and 216 acres 35 roods, save for 181 acres 2 roods held of the rectory of Warsop; a messuage and 355 acres 3 roods 38 perches; a messuage and 6 acres 38 perches; save for 2 acres 37 perches held of the rectory of Warsop; a messuage and garden (12 perches); a messuage and 382 acres 31 perches; 1 rood 3 perches; a messuage and 294 acres 1 rood; a messuage and 115 acres 23 perches save for 17 acres 2 roods 34 perches; held of the rectory of Warsop; a messuage and 42 acres 18 perches save for 7 acres 1 rood 16 perches held of the rectory of Warsop; a messuage and garden (16 perches); a messuage and garden (20 perches); a messuage and 3 acres 3 roods 36 perches; a messuage and garden (14 perches); a messuage and garden (13 perches); a messuage (14 perches); a messuage and 28 acres 2 roods 23 perches; a messuage and 9 acres 3 roods 35 perches; a messuage and 4 acres 2 roods 13 perches; a messuage and 5 acres 16 perches; a messuage and garden; a messuage and 38 acres 31 perches; a messuage and 21 acres 1 rood 22 perches; a messuage and 12 acres; a messuage and 4 acres 3 roods 34½ perches save for 2 acres 29½ perches held of the rectory of Warsop; a messuage and garden (15 perches); a messuage and garden (18 perches); a messuage and 23 acres 1 rood 38 perches; a messuage and 192 acres 2 roods 21 perches save for 66 acres 1 rood 8 perches held of the rectory of Warsop; a messuage and garden (5 perches); a messuage and 475 acres 38 perches save for 11 acres 3 roods 20 perches held of the rectory of Warsop; and for 166 acres 1 rood 8 perches held of Southwell chapter; a messuage and 6 acres 25 perches save for 3 acres 18 perches held of the rectory of Warsop; a messuage and garden (14 perches); a messuage; a messuage (1 rood); a messuage (8 perches); a messuage and 7 acres 2 roods 20 perches; a messuage and 8 acres 34 perches; a messuage and 40 acres 1 rood 10 perches; a messuage and 24 acres 2 roods 32 perches; a messuage and garden (13 perches); a messuage and 1 rood 2 perches in the tenure of Warsop workhouse; a messuage and garden (13 perches); a messuage and 31 perches; a messuage and 8 acres 8 perches; a messuage and 3 acres 3 roods 2 perches; a messuage and 33 acres 1 rood 12 perches; a messuage and 14 acres 2 roods 39 perches; 27 acres 1 rood 27 perches; a messuage and garden (10 perches); a messuage and 143 acres 17 perches save for 63 acres 1 rood 39 perches held of the rectory of Warsop; a messuage and 2 acres 5 perches; a messuage and 2 acres 2 roods 31 perches; a messuage and 337 acres 9 perches save for 87 acres 1 rood 31 perches held of Southwell chapter; a messuage and 6 acres 1 rood 32 perches; a messuage and garden (7 perches); a messuage and 32 acres 1 rood 36 perches; a messuage and 201 acres 3 roods; a messuage and garden (5 perches); a shop and garden (10 perches); a messuage and 10 acres 15 perches; a messuage and garden (10 perches); a messuage and garden (20 perches); a messuage and garden (11½ perches); a messuage and garden (28 perches); a messuage and 105 acres 3 roods 12 perches; a messuage and 27 acres 10 perches; a messuage and 2 acres 2 roods 8 perches; a messuage and garden (9 perches); a messuage; a messuage; a messuage and 25 acres 28 perches; a messuage and 20 acres 13 perches; a messuage and 191 acres 3 roods 29 perches; a messuage and 1 rood 29 perches; 306 acres 3 roods 2 perches of woodland save for 3 roods 10 perches held of the rectory of Warsop. Dated 2/3 August Endorsed with a reconveyance of the mortgage by Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt., nephew, executor, and heir of Lord St Helens deceased, to Granville Harcourt Vernon as trustee of the will of Henry Gally Knight. Dated 17 April - 1833; 1850
1108 - Declaration of trust by Lord St Helens that the sums secured as above are the estate of Henry Gally Knight deceased of which he is sole surviving executor. Dated 3 August - 1833
1109 - Assignment of a term in trust by Sir Henry FitzHerbert at the request of Henry Gally Knight and appointment of Lord St Helens to Edward Leigh Pemberton of Salisbury Squate, London, gent. Dated 3 August - 1833
1110 - Grant by Henry Gally Knight of Firbeck (co. York) esq. to Francis Wright of Lenton (co. Nottingham) esq. of the presentation to the advowson of Warsop, upon trust to present Alleyne FitzHerbert. Consideration £5000 paid by Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington Bt. Dated 23 June - 1841
1111 - Copyhold surrender by William Holt to Thomas Bowet of a messuage, croft, and 4 acres in Butland Close. Fine 3s. Dated 8 October - 1674
1111-1156 - Kerchevall estate
1112-1113 - Lease and release by Richard Tayler of Tuxford yeoman, Elizabeth his wife (sister and heir of George Waynewright deceased), and George Tayler their son, to Robert Clay of Gleadthorpe yeoman of an oxgang of meadow and pasture (50 acres) at Warsop, now divided into six parts, late the inheritance of George Waynewright. Consideration £90. Dated 19/20 September - 1676
1114 - Copyhold surrender by Richard Tayler, Elizabeth his wife, and George Tayler their son to William Clay and Francis Jepson of a messuage in Warsop in trust to fulfil the last will or free disposition of Robert Clay. Fine 6s 8d. Dated 22 September - 1676
1115-1116 - Lease and release by Thomas Willey of Warsop yeoman and Robert Clay of Gleadthorpe common yeoman to Richard Turner of Warsop dyer of an acre of meadow or pasture in Lower Meadow. Consideration £20 16s. Dated 9/10 July - 1677
1117 - Copyhold surrender, Mansfield manor court, by Thomas and Nicholas Willey, and Elizabeth Willey their mother, to Richard Turner of a dole in Lower Meadow. Fine 3d. Dated 7 October - 1679
1118 - Bargain and sale by Richard Barker of Shirebrook (co. Derby) yeoman to Robert Clay of Palterton (co. Derby) yeoman of all his title to Crooked Close and Gate Stile Close which became Barker's following the forfeiture of a mortgage of the premises, together with one rood in Apleton and Cockney Breck, by John Hoult of Warsop to Barker. Consideration £91. - 9 Mar [1682]
1119-1120 - Lease and release by John Hoult of Warsop yeoman to Robert Clay of premises as in D239 M/T 1118. Consideration £91 paid by Clay to Barker, and £34 paid to Hoult. - 9-10 Mar [1682]
1121 - Copyhold surrender by Geoffrey Wass and Maria his wife to Thomas Bowet and Alice his wife of ½ acre in Rigway Field, ½ acre in Little Breck, ½ acre on Hesland Hill in Narr Oak Field, a parcel on Whitefield in Narr Oak Field, 3 roods at the Foresthead in Narr Oak Field, 1 rood on the same, 3 roods in Westcroft, 1 rood at the Foresthead, ½ acre next Moscar, ½ acre in Stonebridge Field next Moscar, and 1 rood next Lymekiln Lane. Mansfield Manor Court. Fine 2s. Dated 20 October - 1685
1122 - Copyhold surrender, Mansfield manor court, by Richard Cooke with Gervase Spakeman and William Gosling his feoffees to Thomas Bowett of ½ acre in Stonebridge Field and ½ acre in White Field. Fine 6d. Dated 17 June - 1697
1123-1124 - Lease and release by Robert Clay of Whitecote in the parish of Chesterfield (co. Derby) yeoman to Robert Clay of Hecksgreave Hall yeoman of premises as in D239 M/T 1118. Consideration £130. - 31 Dec 1701- 1 Jan [1702]
1125-1126 - Lease and release by Robert Clay of Chesterfield and Anne his wife to William Soresby of Chesterfield yeoman of Lime Kiln Close (2 acres) in Stonybridge Field in Warsop, and a parcel of inclosed ground (1 acre) in Ridgway Field. Consideration £30. Dated 2/3 October - 1702
1127 - Quitclaim by William Soresby to Robert Clay, as D239 M/T 1125-26. Dated 10 December - 1707
1128-1129 - Lease and release by Robert Clay of Hecksgreave Hall in the parish of Southwell yeoman to John Clay his son of premises as in D239 M/T 1118 and D239 M/T 1112-13. Dated 6/7 June - 1704
1130-1131 - Lease and release by Elizabeth Turner senior, widow of Richard Turner of Warsop dyer deceased, Ruth Whitehead widow of Richard Whitehead of Scorby (co. Lincoln) husbandman, and John Hollingworth of Lessingham (co. Lincoln) husbandman and Anne his wife, and Elizabeth Turner spinster (Ruth, Anne, and Elizabeth being daughters of Richard Turner) to John Clay of Warsop yeoman of an acre of meadow, or pasture as in D239 M/T 1115-16. Consideration £20. Dated 5/6 October - 1708
1132 - Copyhold admission, Mansfield manor court, of Ruth Whitehead, Ann Hollingworth, and Elizabeth Turner to all lands etc. in Warsop and elsewhere which descended to them on the death of their father. Fine 6s. Dated 5 October; with surrender of a dole of meadow (D239 M/T 1117) to the use of John Clay and Hanna his wife. Fine 2s. Dated 5 October - 1708
1133 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years by John Clay to Joseph Clay of Nottingham gent. of land as in D239 M/T 1112-1113. Consideration £120. Dated 26 September - 1721
1134 - Release by Elizabeth Clay of Warsop spinster to Joseph Clay of all title etc. in a messuage in Warsop, six closes called Dunstanes Closes (44 acres), Cockmore Breck Close (5 acres), Gate Stile Close (10 acres), Crooked Hedge Close (5 acres), Carr Close (2 acres), and 1 rood meadow in Mean Close. Dated 6 June - 1737
1135 - Copyhold surrender by Thomas Clarke and Elizabeth his wife (daughter and co-heir of John Clay deceased) of one-quarter of a messuage near the Nether Cross to Sarah Clay her sister. Fine 1s. Dated 29 April - 1740
1136 - Copy of copyhold admission of Sarah wife of Thomas Silverwood of Little Carlton, Elizabeth wife of Thomas Clarke of Gleadthorpe, and Mary Clay spinster (sisters and coheirs of Hannah Clay spinster, to all messuages, lands etc of the inheritance of Hannah Clay. Fine 1s 2d. With a copy of the surrender by Thomas Silverwood, Sarah his wife, Thomas Clarke and Elizabeth his wife of all their share in a messuage at Nether Cross, Warsop, to the use of Mary Clay. Fine 3s. Dated 7 November - 1748
1137 - Copy of the will of Joseph Clay of Nottingham esq. To his niece Mary Clay of Warsop spinster all his lands at Warsop. Dated 4 February - 1752
1138 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine to be acknowledged by Robert Kerchevall of Little Carlton yeoman and Mary his wife to Richard Holmes of Little Carlton yeoman of land in Warsop as in D239 M/T 1134 of the inheritance of John Clay father of Mary, to the use of Robert and Mary for their lives with remainder to the heirs of their bodies. Dated 12 August - 1757
1139-1140 - Final concord and counterpart between Richard Holmes plaintiff and Robert Kercheval and Mary his wife deforciants of 50 acres land, 2 acres meadow, 40 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Warsop. Consideration £100. Dated 11 June - 1758
1141 - Copy of the will of Daniel Newton of Warsop gent. To his eldest son Richard Newton, £5 only as he has settled a considerable part of his real and personal estate upon him; to his son Daniel Newton, his house etc. in Warsop with Soulkholme Bridge Close, a close (2 acres) between the River Meden and Nether Carr, ½ acre on Hall Meadow Furlong in Stonebridge Field, ½ acre between Butt Lane and the Stinting in Ridgway Field, 3 roods on Whitefield Furlong in Nar Oakfield, ½ acre between the High Road and Bullsick in Far Oakfield, and ½ acre on Black Mire Furlong in West Croft Field; to his son James Newton, his house in Warsop with Carr Lane Close, Sandy Lane Close, Appleton Close, 1½ acres on Limebeck Furlong in Stonebridge Field, ½ acre on Griffin Hedge Furlong in Ridgway Field, ½ acre in Stub Furlong in Narr Oakfield, ½ acre on Forest Head in Far Oakfield, and ½ acre butting on Moscar in Westcroft Field, but without power to make sale thereof; if James wishes to part with his estate he may have £250 in its place, and the land is to descend to testator's son, John Newton; to his daughter, Sarah Newton, £180; to his son-in-law Samuel Herring of Soulkholme, he excuses the £100 Samuel owes him on bond; to his grandchildren, £5 each; the residue of his real and personal estate to his son John Newton who is to be executor. Dated 2 April. Codicil: as his daughter Sarah has died, to son Daniel £100, and to son John £80. Dated 19 November - 1761; 1763
1142 - Feoffment by Nathan Newton of Warsop farmer to John Newton of Warsop farmer of Yard End Close (1 acre) in Warsop. Consideration £29 8s. Dated 2 June - 1766
1143-1144 - Lease and release by John Newton to Mary Kercheval of Balderton widow of Yard Ends Close. Consideration £90. Dated 28/29 April - 1773
1145 - Copy of copyhold surrender by John Newton and Mary his wife to the use of Mary Kerchival of a close near Back Lane called Little Appleton (1 acre). Fine 2d. Dated 30 April - 1773
1146 - Probate of Mary Kerchevall of Balderton widow; to her son Robert in tail general, all her freehold and copyhold estates in Warsop and in default of issue remainder to her sister Silverwood for her life, then to her nephews Benjamin and Joseph Silverwood in equal shares; to her brother-in-law Thomas Clarke of Warsop, Thomas Clarke his son, and Humphrey Clayton of Langworth (co. Lincoln), the trusteeship of her son Robert until he is 21; the trustees to have 3 guineas each; to Thomas Clarke's six sons, £5 each; to his three daughters £10 each, and all her clothes; to the said daughters and to the two Silverwood nephews to be divided equally, her table and bed linen, and all her silver spoons; to her nephew Joseph Silverwood, her silver tankard, and to his brother Benjamin her silver half-pint cup; to her godson George Kerchevall, £5; to her nephews Joseph and Benjamin, the residue of her personal estate. Dated 7 November 1766. Proved at York 10 June - 1775
1147 - Release by Thomas Clarke of Newbell in the parish of Langworth (co. Lincoln) gent., and Joseph Silverwood of Warsop yeoman to Robert Kerchevall of Warsop gent. of all their right etc. to a messuage seven closes at Appleton called First Meadow, Second Meadow, Little Close, Dale Close, Well Close, and Forest Close (50 acres), Copmere Breck Close (5 acres), the two Gate Stile Closes (9 acres), Crooked Close (6 acres) and Carr Close (2 acres). Dated 10 January - 1785
1148-1149 - Final concord and counterpart between Henry Bell plaintiff and Robert Kerchevall deforciant of 80 acres land, 60 acres meadow, 60 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Warsop. Consideration £200. Dated 9 February - 1785
1150-1151 - Lease and release to lead the uses of a fine and recovery to bar entails whereby Robert Kerchevall conveys to Henry Bell the premises as in D239 M/T 1147 (save for the messuage) plus Appleton Close (2 acres) and a rood in Mean Close and covenants to acknowledge a fine to Bell (D239 M/T 1148-49) so that Bell may be a tenant for suffering a recovery by John Browne of Warsop gent. Dated 14/15 March - 1785
1152 - Copy of copyhold admission of Robert Kerchevall to all messuages, lands etc. devised to him by Mary Kerchevall widow, his mother, together with surrender by Kerchevall to John Knight lord of the manor. Dated 13 April - 1785
1153 - Exemplification of a common recovery by John Browne against Henry Bell of premises as in D239 M/T 1148-49. Dated 9 May - 1785
1154-1155 - Lease and release by Robert Kerchevall to John Knight of Langold (co. York) esq. of estates as in D239 M/T 1150-51. Consideration £1400. Dated 19/20 May - 1785
1156 - Copyhold admission (Mansfield manor court) of Robert Kerchevall to all lands etc. in Warsop, late of Mary Kerchevall, together with surrender to John Knight of the Lower Meadow or Carr Close. Dated 31 May - 1785
1157 - Feoffment by John Jepson of Warsop yeoman to Edmund Woodhead of half an oxgang in Warsop. Dated 12 May - 1599
1157-1171 - Wass estate
1158 - Feoffment by Edmund Woodhead of Clowne (co. Derby) yeoman, Edmund Woodhead his son and heir, and Oliver Woodhead, son of Edmund jun. to Ellen Stuffyn of Warsop widow of half a bovate in the fields of Warsop. Dated 16 July - 1624
1159 - Feoffment by Ellen Stuffin to Thomas Parker of Kirk Langley (co. Derby) yeoman of half an oxgang in consideration of Parker paying some of Ellen's debts. Dated 27 April - 1650
1160 - Feoffment by Thomas Parker, Frances his wife, and Ellen Stuffin to Lawrence Bradley of Warsop yeoman of half an oxgang. Consideration £112. Dated 1 November - 1651
1161 - Final concord between Lawrence Bradley, John Seyworth, and Francis Sheppard plaintiffs, and Thomas Parker and Francis his wife, Thomas Cooper and Bridget his wife, Hercules Clay and Elizabeth his wife, and Samuel Holbein and Ann his wife deforciants of three cottages, 30 acres land, 8 acres meadow, 20 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Warsop. Consideration £100. Dated 12 November - 1651
1162 - Lease for 7 years by Henry Wasse sen. of Warsop yeoman to Henry Wasse jun. of Warsop, lime-burner, of 3 roods arable in Stonebridge Field used as a quarry, six doles of meadow at Wry Poole in the same field, 1 acre in Ridgway Field, and 1 rood in Stonebridge Field. Rent 1s. Dated 21 November - 1675
1163 - Bargain and sale by Henry Wasse sen. to Henry Wasse jun. of lands as in D239 M/T 1162, Consideration £16. Dated 26 November - 1675
1164 - Release to follow lease by Lawrence Bradley of Warsop yeoman and Elizabeth his wife to Thomas Wasse of Ollerton blacksmith of half an oxgang save for 1 acre in Rugyfield Close. Consideration £120. - 16 Mar [1697]
1165-1166 - Final concord and counterpart between Thomas Wasse plaintiff and Lawrence Bradley and Elizabeth his wife deforciants of 12 acres land 4 acres meadow, and 4 acres pasture in Warsop. Consideration £100. Dated 13 June - 1697
1167-1168 - Settlement upon the marriage of Thomas Wass of Tuxford blacksmith and Alice Colborne of Ollerton spinster whereby Thomas conveys to John Bage of Ollerton papermaker and Robert Taylor of Boughton yeoman half an oxgang with a third part of Lower Meadow, and a close of meadow (4 acres) adjoining the Carre upon trust to the use of Thomas and Alice. Dated 23/24 September - 1701
1169 - Feoffment by Grace Fothergill of Tuxford widow to Thomas Wass of Warsop blacksmith of Quarry Close (1 acre) and 4½ acres arable. Consideration £39 15s. Dated 19 September - 1706
1170 - Mortgage by Thomas Wass to William Prestwood of Walesby yeoman of lands as in D239 M/T 1169. Consideration £30. Term of 500 years. Dated 24 September - 1706
1171 - Assignment of mortgage by John Prestwood of Sturton Highhouses yeoman, executor of William Prestwood, on the direction of Thomas Wass to William Smith of Lound yeoman, on lands as above. Consideration £33. Dated 24 September - 1714
1172 - Bargain and sale by Francis Turner of Warsop joiner and Margaret his wife to Christopher Snoden of Cuckney gent. of a messuage in Warsop and a croft in discharge of a bond in £100. Dated 2 November - 1681
1172-1177 - Eyre estate
1173-1174 - Lease and release by Christopher Snoden to George Eyre of Warsop of premises as in D239 M/T 1172 - 31 Dec 1682-1 Jan [1683]
1175 - Lease for possession by George Eyre to Richard Tomlinson of Eakring husbandman of premises as in D239 M/T 1172. Dated 25 March - 1704
1176 - Probate of George Eyre of Warsop. To his son John Eyre 10s. To his son Benjamin, 5s; to son George, all real estate and the residue of his personal estate; George to be executor. Will dated 14 March 1708/09. Proved at York, 8 June - 1710
1177 - Feoffment by George Eyre of Warsop framework-knitter and Sarah his wife to Richard Tomlinson of a messuage and croft in Warsop Consideration £30. Dated 18 May - 1713
1178 - Assignment of mortgage by John Neale of Mansfield Woodhouse gent. and Henry Askey of Warsop yeoman to John Thwaites of Cromwell clerk of closes in Warsop called Ridgeway Close, Oakfield Close, Hilltopp Close, 1 acre in Mean Close, Lower Meadow Close, 1½ acres in New Close, two selions in Stonebridge Field, two selions in Nearoak Field, two selions in Farroak Field, five selions in Westcroft Field, two selions at Little Breck, and one selion in Ridgeway Field. Dated 26 June - 1694
1178-1185 - Askey estate
1179 - Assignment of mortgage by Francis Thwaites of Stanford clerk, executor of John Thwaites, and Henry Askey to Elizabeth Linley of Nottingham widow. Dated 28 August - 1705
1180 - Lease prior to release by David Askey of Warsop yeoman to George Rutter of the parish of St Giles in the Fields (co. Middx.), in trust for Thomas Ashton jun., of a messuage and croft in Warsop, 1 rood in Stonebridge Field, ½ acre in Farr Oake Field, 1 rood in Narr Oake Field, ½ acre on Standsfurlong in Ridgeway Field, 1 rood meadow with a house thereon taken out of Pinfold Close; Oakfield Close, Stonebridge Field Close, two selions in Stonebridge Field, two selions in Farr Oakfield, three selions in Narr Oakfield, four selions in West Croft, two selions at Little Breck, two selions in Ridgeway Field, Ridgeway Close, Oakefield Close, Hill Topp Close, 1 acre in Meane Close, two selions in Stonebridge Field, two selions in Narr Oakfield, two selions in Farr Oakfield, five selions in Westcroft Field, two selions in Little Breck, and one selion in Ridgway Field. Dated 1 July - 1715
1181 - Assignment of mortgage by Isabel Linley of Nottingham widow, and Elizabeth her daughter, and David Askey to Samuel Lowe of Southwell esq. - 2 Jan [1716]
1182-1183 - Mortgage in fee by way of lease and release by David Askey to Samuel Lowe of premises as in D239 M/T 1178. Consideration £120. - 2-3 Jan [1716]
1184 - Exemplification of a common recovery by Daniel Lowe against George Rutter (see D239 M/T 1180) of two messuages, two gardens, 35 acres land, 35 acres meadow, 35 acres pasture, 10s rent, and common of pasture in Warsop. Dated 20 June - 1716
1185 - Lease prior to release by Thomas Ashton jun. of East Markham gent. (see D239 M/T 1180) and David Askey to Samuel Lowe of premises as in D239 M/T 1180. Dated 29 October - 1716
1186 - Bargain and sale by William Barker of Mansfield yeoman and Elizabeth his wife to Samuel Herring of Warsop cooper of a cottage and croft in Warsop. Consideration £33. Dated 6 October - 1654
1186-1200 - A cottage and croft
1187 - Bargain and sale by Samuel Herron of Warsop cooper to Richard Richardson of Barnby upon the Moor (co. Nottingham) husbandman of a cottage and croft. Consideration £34. Dated 2 February - 1663
1188 - Bargain and sale by Richard Richardson of Misterton yeoman to Oliver Unwin of Warsop yeoman of a cottage and croft. Consideration £21 10s. Dated 28 May - 1688
1189-1190 - Lease and release by Francis Union of Mansfield Woodhouse labourer to Richard Union of Sutton-in-Ashfield framework-knitter of a cottage and croft, reserving to Francis and his wife Elizabeth a life interest. Dated 26/27 April - 1715
1191-1192 - Lease and release by John Union of Nottingham framework-knitter to John Bettison yeoman and Elizabeth his wife of a cottage and croft. Consideration £29. Dated 6/7 September - 1727
1193-1194 - Lease and release by John Bettison and Elizabeth his wife to Edward Machin of Lynby husbandman of a cottage and croft. Dated 16/17 November. Consideration £24 - 1733
1195-1196 - Lease and release by Edward Machin to William Wood of Warsop yeoman of a cottage and croft - 23-24 Jan [1734]
1197 - Feoffment by William Wood and Sarah his wife to Samuel Barlow of Cuckney forgeman of a cottage and croft in Warsop. Consideration £52 10s - 29 Jan [1740]
1198-1199 - Lease and release by Samuel Barlow and Hannah his wife, and John Bettison of Hucknall Torkard yeoman and Elizabeth his wife to Ralph Knight of Langold (co. York) esq. of a cottage and croft. Consideration £45. Dated 8/9 April - 1747
1200 - Final concord between Ralph Knight plaintiff and Elizabeth Newton widow, Samuel Barlow and Hannah his wife, and John Bettison and Elizabeth his wife deforciants of one messuage, one cottage, two tofts, two barns, two gardens, one orchard, 40 acres land, 20 acres meadow, 20 acres pasture, and common of pasture, in Warsop and Kirby in Ashfield. Consideration £100. Dated 12 July - 1747
1201 - Assignment of mortgage by way of lease and release (release missing) by Daniel Newton of Warsop yeoman and Richard Willy of Warsop butcher to Grace Fothergill of Tuxford widow of a messuage, croft, and one rood of Stone quarry ground, two half-acres in Ridway Field; two half-acres in Stonebridge Field, two half-acres in Oak Field; one selion and one rood in West Croft; and 1½ acres 1 rood in Narr Oak Field. Dated 28 September - 1704
1201-1220 - Hawksley estate
1202 - Release to follow lease by Samuel Smith of West Retford tailor at the request and direction of Richard Willey to George Hutton of Mansfield Woodhouse roper of a messuage and 3 acres in Warsop; recital of terms of a mortgage (19/20 April 1701) by Daniel Newton to Richard Willey, and assignments by Willey to Grace Fothergill (D239 M/T 1201) and by Grace to Samuel Smith (8/9 June 1705) Consideration £59 10s. Dated 27 September Endorsed with a note of an exchange of land between George Hutton and Daniel Newton. Dated 3 April - 1712; 1730
1203 - Deed of exchange between Daniel Newton of Warsop yeoman and Gervase Hutton of Mansfield Woodhouse yeoman and Frances his wife whereby Newton gives Hutton ½ acre in Narr Oak Field on Stubb Furlong for ½ acre on the same furlong in between lands of Newton. Dated 24 April - 1730
1204 - Feoffment by Gervase Hutton to William Wood of Warsop limeburner of a messuage in Warsop and 3 acres. Consideration £84. Dated 7 June - 1733
1205-1206 - Lease and release by Nathan Newton of Warsop yeoman to William Wood of 1 acre in Stonebridge Field on Stanncliff Furlong, and half a close abutting on Standafurlong in Ridgway Field Consideration £42. Dated 29/30 September - 1735
1207 - Bond in £84 with D239 M/T 1205-6
1208-1209 - Lease and release by George Mellar of Mansfield soap boiler to William Wood of Market Warsop yeoman of a moiety of a close as in D239 M/T 1205-6. Consideration £7 7s. Dated 10/11 December - 1735
1210 - Mortgage for 500 years by William Wood of Bothamsall, late of Warsop, husbandman and lime-burner to Francis Peacock of Sookholme husbandman of a messuage and 3 acres, and land as in D239 M/T 1205-6. consideration £80. Dated 22 April - 1741
1211 - Articles of agreement between William Wood sen. and jun., whereby William sen. gives to his son half of all his personal estate (save for one gelding), together with articles of co-partnership in farming. Dated 14 November - 1757
1212 - Gift by William Wood sen. to William Wood jun. of all goods and chattels. Dated 25 June - 1763
1213-1214 - Lease and release by William Wood of Bothamsall butcher, grandson of William Wood deceased late of Warsop, and son of William Wood, to George Walkden of Mansfield gent. in trust for John Hawksley of Warsop flax-dresser, of four messuages in Warsop, 3 acres land, and land as in D239 M/T 1205-6. Consideration £400. Dated 21/22 October - 1800
1215 - Bond with D239/M/T/1213-14
1216 - Mortgage in fee by John Hawksley to Mary Osborne of Nottingham spinster of lands etc. in D239 M/T 1213-14. Consideration £300. Dated 23 October - 1805
1217-1218 - Assignment of mortgage by Mary Osborne to Joseph Alvey of Edwinstowe yeoman. Dated 31 May/1 June - 1805
1219 - Articles of agreement between John Hawksley of Warsop farmer and John Horncastle of Carlton on behalf of Henry Gally Knight whereby Hawksley conveys to Knight two messuages and 6 acres 2 roods land in Warsop, and Gally Knight undertakes, if necessary, to lend Hawksley £800 on mortgage on lands in Little Steeping (co. Lincoln). Hawksley is to rent the land in Warsop at no more than £24 a year until enclosure or until a general advancement in rent. Dated 20 January - 1816
1220 - Mortgage by John Hawksley to Francis Vickers of Elksley gent. and Richard Parsons of Mansfield gent. of premises as in D239 M/T 1213-14, together with lands in Little Steeping (co. Lincoln) subject to a mortgage of the same (22/23 January 1811) for securing £1300 to James Naylor of Pleasley Hill in Mansfield and Joseph Naylor of Shirebrook. Consideration £86. Dated 21 October - 1816
1221 - Feoffment by William Wyld of Nettleworth gent. and William Wyld his son to Elizabeth Bankes of Pleasley widow of a messuage and farm in Warsop. Consideration £240. Dated 27 April - 1654
1221-1232 - Newton and Duckmanton estates
1222-1223 - Mortgage in fee by way of lease and release by William Godbeare of Pleasley Hill in Mansfield gent. and Charles Waine of Sutton-in-Scarsdale gent. of a messuage and farm in Warsop formerly the property of William Wyld. Consideration £100. Dated 6/7 November - 1693
1224 - Articles of agreement between William Godber and Daniel Newton of Warsop yeoman whereby Godber agrees to sell to Newton a messuage and closes containing at least 44 acres. Dated 18 January - 1699/1700
1225-1226 - Lease and release by William Godber to Daniel Newton of a messuage and farm in Warsop. Consideration £241 1s 6d. Dated 17/18 April Endorsed as D239 M/T 1202 - 1700
1227 - Feoffment by Richard Thorpe of Mansfield Woodhouse yeoman and Mary his wife to Anthony Thorpe of Warsop labourer of a messuage and croft, and kilnhouse in the croft; three selions (1½ acres) in Ridgway Field; two selions (1 acre in Stonebridge Field; two selions (1 acre) in Oak Field; three selions (1 acre 1 rood) in West Croft Consideration £80 10s. Dated 2 June - 1663
1228 - Bond in £180 to support D239 M/T 1227. Even date - 1663
1229-1230 - Lease and release by Anthony Thorpe of Warsop gent. and Ann his wife to Daniel Newton of Warsop yeoman of lands etc. as in D239 M/T 1227 together with 1 rood of stone quarry ground. Dated 18/19 December. Consideration £68 - 1700
1231-1232 - Final concord and counterpart between Daniel Newton plaintiff and William Godber and Elizabeth his wife (see D239 M/T 1225-1226) and Anthony Thorpe and Ann his wife deforciants of two messuages, two tofts, 36 acres land, 6 acres meadow, 7 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Warsop. Consideration £100. Dated 6 July - 1701
1233 - Agreement made between William Stuffine of Warsop yeoman and Henry Bestwicke of Warsop yeoman whereby William agrees to maintain Henry and Elizabeth for their lives, having received a gift (30 November 1598) of Henry's goods and chattels, and in consideration of a forthcoming surrender by Henry to William of copyhold lands. Dated 14 December - 1598
1233-1257 - The Fothergill estate (Newton)
1234 - Bond in £100 by William Lowe and Thomas Bawme to Thomas Willie of Sookholm miller to observe the conditions of a feoffment by Lowe to Willie of a messuage, croft, and ½ acre in Warsop. Dated 13 October - 1605
1235 - Quitclaim by Thomas Willie of Sookholm to Robert Willie of Edingley of all right etc. in a messuage in Warsop. - 8 Jan [1632]
1236 - Feoffment by Robert Willie to Ellin Stuffyn of Warsop widow of a messuage, croft, kilnhouse, and ½ acre abutting on the croft Consideration £52. Dated 24 June - 1633
1237 - Bond in £100 to support D239 M/T 1236. Even date - 1633
1238 - Settlement upon the marriage of Bridget daughter of Ellen Stuffin of Warsop widow and Thomas Couper of Eakring yeoman whereby Ellen conveys to Thomas and Bridget premises as in D239 M/T 1236 together with 1 rood of stone quarry land; two selions (1 acre) in Ridgway Furlong; two selions (1 acre) in Stonebridge Field; two selions (1 acre) in Oak Field; ½ acre in West Croft; one selion (1 rood) on the Butts; one selion in the same. Dated 21 October - 1644
1239 - Bond in £200 to support D239 M/T 1238. Even date - 1644
1240 - Feoffment by Thomas Parker of Kirk Langley (co. Derby) and Frances his wife, Thomas Cooper jun. of Eakring yeoman and Bridget his wife, and Ellen Stuffin of Kirk Langley widow to Lawrence Bradley of Warsop yeoman of two messuages and two crofts in Warsop and a close of meadow called Thorney Close (4 acres) Consideration £158. Dated 5 November - 1651
1241 - Bond in £316 to support D239 M/T 1240. Even date - 1651
1242 - Feoffment by William Barker of Mansfield yeoman to Lawrence Bradley sen. and Lawrence Bradley jun. of Warsop of 5¼ acres in West Croft; 1½ acres in the Broome Field; 4½ acres in Oak Field; 8 acres land and 2 acres meadow in Stone Bridge Field; ½ acre in the same; and 6¾ acres in Ridgway Field. Consideration £120. Dated 19 July - 1656
1243 - Feoffment by William Barker to Lawrence Bradley sen. and Lawrence Bradley jun. of the Quarry Close, the Pale Close, Lynbeck Close, Sower Meadow Close, Hill Topp Close; seven selions in Stone Bridge Field; three selions in Ridgway Field; four selions in Oak Field; 1 rood at the Townes End; five selions in the Broome Field; and eight selions in the West Croft; and all other lands of Barker in Warsop save for a messuage and three crofts; a cottage and croft; and 13 acres land lately purchased from Robert Clay. Consideration £540. Dated 31 December - 1659
1244-1245 - Lease and release by Lawrence Bradley sen. to Lawrence Bradley jun. of a messuage and two crofts and a cottage, with 4 roods of land in Stone Bridge Field, with quitclaim of all right etc. in premises as in D239 M/T 1242-1243. Dated 26 August - 1673
1246 - Probate of the will of Lawrence Bradley [jun.] of Warsop yeoman. Dated 1 November 1680. Proved 18 June - 1681
1247-1248 - Mortgage by way of lease and release by Patrick Bradley son and heir of Lawrence Bradley jun. to Thomas Forthergill of Warsop clerk of premises as in D239 M/T 1240, D239 M/T 1242-1243. Consideration £340. Dated 18 September - 1691
1249-1250 - Mortgage by way of lease and release by Patrick Bradley and Ann Bradley widow (his mother) to Thomas Fothergill of a messuage and two crofts, Hill Top Close, the New Close, the Quarry Close, the Pale Close, Sower Meadow Close (see D239 M/T 1243); 10½ acres in Narr Oak Field, 7 acres 1 rood in Ridgway Field and Little Breck, 7 acres 1 rood in Stonebridge Field; 13 acres in West Croft; 12 acres in Farr Oak Field; and Crooke Close (2 acres). Consideration £450. - 2-3 Jan [1693]
1251 - Release to follow lease for possession by Patrick Bradley of Warsop yeoman and Anne Bradley widow (his mother) to Thomas Fothergill of premises as in D239 M/T 1249-1250. Consideration £550. - 15 Mar [1693]
1252 - Redemption of mortgage as in D239 M/T 1249-1250 - 15 Mar [1693]
1253 - Bond to support D239 M/T 1251-1252. - [1693]
1254 - Probate of Lawrence Bradley of Warsop yeoman. Dated 2 November 1697. Will proved 4 January 1697/8 - 4 Jan [1698]
1255 - Feoffment by Grace Fothergill of Warsop widow to Daniel Newton of a messuage, Pale Close, New Close, Thorp Yard End Close, Mansfield Lane Close, Sower Meadow, Yard End Close, 3 roods meadow in Stone Bridge Field, 3 roods in same, 1 acre in West Croft Field, 1 acre in Far Oak Field, 1 acre in Narr Oak Field, and 1 acre in Ridgway Field Consideration £298. Dated 27 March - 1704
1256 - Feoffment by Grace Fothergill to Daniel Newton of the land which Thomas Fothergill lately purchased from Patrick Bradley (see D239 M/T 1251) save for 3½ acres lately sold by Grace to John Thompson, 4½ acres sold to Thomas Wass, and 4 acres lately sold to Daniel Newton, together with 8 acres in Narr Oak Field, and 5 acres in Ridgway Field and Little Breck Consideration £128. Dated 8 November For Fothergill - Wass, see D239 M/T 1169 - 1704
1257 - Final concord between Daniel Newton et al. Plaintiffs and Grace Fothergill et al. deforciants of one messuage, one dovecot, 62 acres land, 12 acres meadow, and 22 acres pasture in Warsop, Tuxford, and Laxton. Consideration £160. Dated 4 June - 1705
1258 - Feoffment by Hercules Clay of Chesterfield tanner to William Tompson of Warsop labourer of a piece of ground containing 20 perches in Stonebrecke Field. Consideration 31s. Dated 11 April - 1636
1258-1313 - Newton estates
1259 - Feoffment by William Tompson of London painter to William Whitehead of Warsop yeoman of a messuage in Warsop. Consideration £20. Dated 5 October - 1664
1260 - Feoffment by Edmund Whitehead of Morton to Morton to Henry Turner of Warsop of a cottage and croft in Warsop. Consideration £20 10s. Dated 26 April - 1678
1261-1262 - Lease and release by George Turner of Skegby husbandman, eldest son and heir of Henry Turner of Warsop deceased to William Rawling of Warsop axsmith of a cottage and croft in Warsop. Consideration £10. Dated 11/12 April - 1718
1263 - Feoffment by William Rolling of Warsop axsmith to Daniel Newton sen. of Warsop yeoman of a cottage and croft. Consideration £20. Dated 2 April - 1720
1264 - Lease and release by Henry Richardson of Mission and Gertrude his wife and John Jordan of Mission gent. and Katherine his wife to Daniel Newton of Warsop yeoman of a messuage and croft in Market Warsop, a cottage and croft; 1 rood meadow in Stone Bridge Field, all which lands are copyhold; two cottages and crofts; Butt Lane Close (3 acres); the two Oak Field Closes (7 acres 2 roods); the Hill Top Close (3 roods); Lime Kiln Lane Close (3 acres); the half Lime Kiln Close (1 acre 2 roods); the Crookey Close (1 acre 2 roods); and 21½ acres in the town fields of Warsop; 3 roods and ½ acre in Stone Bridge Field; 2¾ acres in Little Brecks; 3¼ acres in Narr Oak Field; 1½ acres and 2 short roods in same; 4 acres 3 roods in Farr Oak Field; 4 acres in West Croft; 2 acres 1 rood in Myers Furlong; two doles in Myers meadow; and a little parcel of land in Shelton Croft Consideration £531 10s. Dated 26/27 July - 1720
1265 - Final concord between Daniel Newton plaintiff and John Jordan and Henry Richardson deforciants of one messuage, three cottages, 20 acres land, 10 acres meadow, 12 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Warsop. Consideration £60. - 21 Jan [1721]
1266-1267 - Lease and release by Daniel Newton sen. to Richard Thomlinson of Eakring yeoman of Limekiln Lane Close (3 acres) purchased by Newton from Henry Richardson. Consideration £65. Dated 2 August - 1722
1268-1269 - Lease and release by Richard Tomlinson to Daniel Newton of a messuage, garden, croft, and toftstead, and Lime Kiln Lane Close (3 acres). Consideration £120. - 21-22 Mar [1733]
1270 - Feoffment by Nathan Newton to Daniel Newton his father of Ridgway Field Close (3 acres). Consideration £60. Dated 12 June - 1721
1271 - Feoffment by Daniel Newton to John Ufton of Sookholme husbandman of a cottage and croft late Henry Richardson's (see D239 M/T 1264), and Ridgway Field Close. Consideration £90. Dated 12 June - 1721
1272 - Feoffment by Francis Clayton of Warsop yeoman to John Huffton of Sookholme yeoman of a parcel of land in Warsop on which a cottage once stood. Consideration £8 8s. Dated 14 April - 1724
1273-1274 - Lease and release by Francis Clayton to John Ufton of a croft, barn, Pinfold Close (1 acre); Horn Meadow Pingle (1 acre); ½ acre in Ridgway Field; ½ acre in Narr Oak Field; ½ acre in Farr Oak Field, and ½ acre in same. Consideration £120. Dated 13/14 July - 1726
1275-1276 - Lease and release by William Whitehead of Mansfield gent. to John Ufton of Ridgway Field Close (3½ acres); Sookholme Bridge Close (2½ acres); and 5½ acres land in the fields of Warsop. Consideration £365. Dated 23/24 November - 1732
1277-1278 - Lease and release by John Ufton to Daniel and Nathan Newton of Ridgway Field Close (3½ acres) and Sookholme Bridge Close (2½ acres). Consideration £110. - 2-3 Feb [1737]
1279 - Feoffment by John Ufton and Ann his wife to Nathan Newton of Pin Fold Close (1 acre). Consideration £38. - 6 Feb [1741]
1280-1281 - Lease and release by John Bradley of Swineshead (co Lincoln) yeoman to John Keyworth of Tuxford gent. of a messuage, Nettleworth Close, Ridgy Field Close, Handkerchief Nook, Haw Meadow and Pingle, Sower Meadow, and 25 acres land in Warsop. Consideration £285. Dated 26/27 April - 1716
1282 - Final concord between John Keyworth and Thomas Bowler plaintiffs and John Bradley, William Addy, and Mary his wife deforciants of one messuage, one cottage 30 acres land, 5 acres meadow, 18 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Warsop and Normanton on Trent. Consideration £100. Dated 11 May - 1716
1283 - Feoffment by John Keyworth to Daniel Newton of 1½ acres in Stone Bridge Field; 1 acre on Stantley Furlong; a headland on Moscarr Furlong; the Flattlands (2 acres) in Narr Oak Field; 3 acres in West Croft Field; ½ acre in same, 2 acres in Ridgway Field; one close called Sower Meadow; the two Nettleworth Closes; Handkerchief Nook, Ridgy Field Close; and part of Claver Close. Consideration £257. Dated 10 November - 1716
1284 - Feoffment by John Keyworth to Daniel Newton of two selions on Stubb Furlong in Narr Oak Field. Consideration £5 - 19 Mar [1717]
1285 - Feoffment by Daniel Newton and Deborah his wife to Nathan Newton of lands as in D239 M/T 1283. Consideration £263. - 18 Jan [1721]
1286 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years by Nathan Newton to William Whitehead of 3 acres 3½ roods in Stonebridge Field; 5 acres 1 rood in Near Oakfield; 6¾ acres in Farr Oakfield; three lands and a headland in Stonebridge Field; the Flatt Lands in Nar Oak Field together with 1 acre; three lands in West Croft Field; two lands in Ridgway Field; the Lower Meadow closes, Nettleworth Closes, Handkerchief Nook, Ridgway Field Close, and part of Clover Close. Consideration £252 10s. Dated 25 November - 1732
1287-1288 - Lease and release by Jonathan Wass of Warsop yeoman to William Morley of Norton in the parish of Cuckney blacksmith of a messuage in Warsop with a stone quarry; ½ acre in Narr Oak Field; ½ acre in same; ½ acre in Stone Bridge Field; 1 acre in Ridgway Field; ½ acre in Little Breck; ½ acre in West Croft; 2 roods in Stone Bridge Field. Consideration £63 4s 6d. Dated 27/28 April 1714 - 1714
1289-1290 - Lease and release by William Morley to Daniel Newton of lands as above. Consideration £70. Dated 5/6 August - 1719
1291-1292 - Lease and release by John Jepson of Church Warsop yeoman to Nathan Newton of Church Warsop yeoman of a cottage with a yard or croft adjoining (½ acre); one land (½ acre) on Cottage Doles; and two lands (3 roods) lying on the west side of Cottage Doles Close. Consideration £35. Dated 29/30 April - 1736
1293 - Bond in £70 to support D239 M/T 1291-1292. Even date. - 1736
1294-1295 - Lease and release by Nathan Newton to John Knight of Langold (co. York) esq. of lands as in D239 M/T 1291-92. Consideration £85. Dated 18/19 September - 1771
1296 - Feoffment by Susanna Willey of Warsop widow to Daniel Newton jun. of Warsop yeoman of one rood in Stone Bridge Field. Consideration £4. - 26 Jan [1725]
1297-1298 - Lease and release by John Wass of Warsop gardener to Daniel Newton of Warsop yeoman of a messuage, barn, and 1 rood adjoining: 1 rood on Carr Leys in Stone Bridge Field; 3 roods on Hall Meadow Furlong; ½ acre on Moscarr Furlong; one butt and two doles (½ acre) in Stone Bridge Field; ½ acre on Standay Furlong; 1 rood on Butt Lane Furlong; ½ rood on Little Breck; 1 acre 3 roods in Near Oak Field; 1 rood on Hasland Hill; ½ acre on Griffin Hedge Furlong; 3 acres on Whitefield Furlong; 1 acre on the same; 1 acre on Clay Pitt Furlong; 4½ acres in Far Oak Field; 2 acres in West Croft; 1 rood on Hinging Hill; ½ acre on Church Hill; Thorney Close otherwise Nettleworth Close (4 acres); Rye Pool Pingle (½ acre); Quarry Close (1 acre) and one-third of Sower Meadow Close (1 acre). Consideration £260. - 7-8 Jan [1729]
1299 - Deed of exchange between Gervase Sutton of Mansfield Woodhouse yeoman and Daniel Newton of Warsop yeoman whereby Sutton gives Newton ½ acre on Stubb Furlong in Narr Oak Field in exchange for ½ acre on the same. Dated 24 April - 1730
1300-1301 - Lease and release by William Whitehead of Mansfield gent. to Daniel Newton of Warsop yeoman of a messuage in Warsop, Little Appleton Close (2 acres), Sandy Lane Close (2 acres), Carr Close (1½ acres), a close in Farr Oak Field (1½ acres); seven doles of land in Sower Meadow Close (3½ acres); 3 roods in a close in Sower Meadow; 1 acre 3 roods in Stone Bridge Field; 1½ roods in same; ½ acre in Ridgway Field; and 1 rood in an enclosure of Daniel Newton. Consideration £369. Dated 23/24 November - 1732
1302 - Deed of exchange between Richard Thompson of Warsop yeoman and Nathan Newton of Warsop yeoman whereby Thompson gives Newton ½ acre in Narr Oak Field and ½ acre in Ridgway Field in exchange for 1 acre in Narr Oak Field. Dated 22 May - 1742
1303-1304 - Lease and release by William Whitehead of Mansfield gent. to Nathan Newton of a messuage, Cockmore Breck Close, 1 acre in Shibstile Close; 1½ acres in West Croft Field; 1 acre in Farr Oak Field; 1 acre in Teaming Furlong; ½ acre, 1 rood, and one land in Near Oak Field; ½ acre in Little Breck Field; and ½ acre in Ridgway Field. Consideration £343. Dated 23/24 November - 1732
1305 - Release to follow lease for possession by Francis Turner of Warsop joiner and Curtis Turner of Pleasley (co. Derby) to Robert Clay of Palterton (co. Derby) yeoman of a little close (1 acre) in Ridgway Field. Consideration £16. Dated 2 December - 1681
1306 - Release to follow lease for possession by Elizabeth Willey of Warsop widow and Thomas Willey of Warsop cordwainer, her son, to Robert Clay of Limekiln Close (2 acres) in Stonebridge Field. Consideration £34 10s. Dated 26 March - 1682
1307 - Lease for 900 years by Robert Clay of Whitecote in the parish of Chesterfield yeoman to John Dale of Chesterfield yeoman of closes as in D239 M/T 1305, 1306. Consideration £60. - 10 Mar [1708]
1308 - Assignment of lease as in D239 M/T 1307 by John Dale to Daniel Newton. Dated 23 June - 1711
1309 - Feoffment by John Tompson of Warsop yeoman to Daniel Newton of one land in Ridgway Field, one land in Farr Oak Field, and one land in West Croft Field. Consideration £15. Dated 10 November - 1707
1310 - Mortgage by lease of 991 years by John Seyworth of Pleasley Hill et al. to William Crawford of Papplewick (co. Nottingham) of Butt Lane Breck Close, Appleton Close, Cockmore Breck Close, and Meadowe Close. Consideration £50. - 17 Mar [1680]
1310A - Probate of the will of John Seaworth of Warsop. To sister Mary, wife of Joseph Taylor of Warsop, a messuage, a close in the Sower Meadow, a close called Little Appleton, two closes called the Breck Closes, But Lane Close, Yard End Close, 1 rood in West Croft, together with all other goods etc. Mary to be executor. Will dated 25 September 1722. Proved at York, 1 June - 1730
1311 - Assignment of a term in trust by George Machen of Barlborough (co. Derby) to Daniel Newton of Warsop gent. of Butt Lane Breck Close (2 acres), Appleton Close (2 acres), Cockmerebreck Close (7 acres), and the Meadow Close (2 acres), which premises William Seyworth now deceased mortgaged to Machen (28 April 1715), and which John, son of William, himself deceased, devised to his sister Mary (see D239 M/T 1310). Mary has since died and the property is the right of Joseph Taylor and William his son. Daniel Newton is trustee for Nathan Newton. Dated 17 April - 1741
1312-1313 - Lease and release by Joseph Taylor of Dore yeoman and William his son to Nathan Newton of Warsop yeoman of lands as in D239 M/T 1310-1311. Consideration £101 8s paid to Machen (D239 M/T 1311) and £176 12s paid to Joseph and William. Dated 16/17 April - 1741
1314 - Settlement on marriage of Daniel Newton (the son) and Sarah Heath eldest daughter of Jane Heath of Shirebrook widow whereby Daniel Newton (the father) and Deborah his wife convey to Jonathan Clay of Mansfield gent. and Christopher Snowden of Mansfield Woodhouse butcher premises as in D239 M/T 1225-1226, D239 M/T 1255-1256, and D239 M/T 1309 to hold in trust for Daniel (the son) and Sarah and the heirs of their bodies. Portion £200. Dated 15 August - 1717
1314-1330 - Newton family deeds
1315 - Probate of the will of Daniel Newton of Warsop husbandman. To his wife Deborah an annuity of £8 to be paid out of the lands devised to his son Nathan; Nathan to supply Deborah with two waggon-loads of coal a year, and three stacks of best wheat a year for life; to his wife, all household goods in his house; to his wife an annuity of £10 to be paid by his son Daniel (replacing an earlier arrangement for an annuity of £7); to his son Nathan, Carr Close, Limekiln Lane Close, 3 roods on Carr Leys Furlong in Stone Bridge Field; one butt in the same field; part of Town End Close; 3 roods and ½ acre in Ridgway Field; 1½ acres in Little Breck; 1 acre in Narr Oak Field; 2 acres in Whitefield Furlong; 2 acres in Farr Oak Field; 1½ acres in West Croft Field; ½ acre in Blackmire Furlong; a headland in Far Oak Field; to son Daniel, all other lands, freehold and copyhold; to every poor man and woman in Warsop, one 2d white loaf; to every poor woman, 1s; to every poor man at the discretion of his sons, 1s; to grandson, Samuel Herring, the interest on £50; the principal to be paid to him when 21 or on his marriage; to grandson John Hancock, £30 when 21, provided testator's son-in-law, John Hancock, pay £150 to Samuel Herring according to the will of Samuel Herring deceased. Daniel and Nathan to be executors. Will dated 5 June 1727. Proved at York, 27 April - 1728
1316 - Lease for possession by Daniel Newton to Nathan Newton of Nettleworth close otherwise Thorney Close; 3 roods by Hall Meadow Furlong; ½ acre on Moscarr Furlong; a butt of a rood; ½ acre on Standay Furlong; 1 acre by Griffin Hedge; ½ rood in Little Breck, 1 acre in Stonebridge Field; 5½ acres 1 rood in Near Oak Field; 6½ acres 1 rood in Farr Oak Field. - 8 Jan [1730]
1317 - Feoffment by Nathan Newton and Ann his wife to Daniel Newton his brother of the two Flatt Lands (2 acres) in Near Oak Field, and 1 acre in Ridgway Field. Consideration £20. - 9 Jan [1730]
1318-1319 - Marriage settlement on the marriage of Daniel Newton of Warsop gent. and Mary, late Mary Warsop spinster whereby Daniel conveys to John Warsop of Mainsfield, brother of Mary, Crooked Close (1½ acres) in the shape of an L; Lime Kiln Lane Close (2 acres); the Flat Lands in Near Oak Field (7½ acres); Askew Town End Close (4 acres); a close (3 acres); Soulkholme Bridge Close (2 acres); 1. acres of enclosed land in Far Oak Field; 7 acres in West Croft, to hold in trust to the use of Daniel for his life, then to yield Mary an annuity of £16; and then to the heirs of Daniel. - 20-21 Feb [1750]
1320-1321 - Final concord and counterpart between Nathan Newton plaintiff and Daniel Newton deforciant of a messuage, barn, stable, and garden, 50 acres land, 5 acres meadow, 20 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Warsop. Consideration £100. Dated 8 July - 1753
1322 - Deed to declare the uses of a fine (D239 M/T 1320-21) whereby the following premises are acknowledged to be the property of Daniel Newton: a messuage and croft; Hill Top Close (3 acres 2 roods); Carr Close (1 acre 2 roods); Ridgway Field Close (3 acres) and 34 acres in the town fields; Linbeck Close (2 acres) and 29½ acres in the town fields, formerly the properties of William Godber and Grace Fothergill Dated 1 August - 1753
1323 - Probate of Daniel Newton of Warsop gent. To eldest son Richard, £5 only because of marriage settlement on Richard; to son Daniel, a house, barn, croft, and curtilages in Warsop now in the tenure of William Baily; Sookholme Bridge Close, a close of meadow (2 acres); ½ acre in Hall Meadow Furlong in Stone Bridge Field; ½ acre in Ridgway Field; 3 roods in Narr Oak Field; ½ acre in Far Oak Field; ½ acre in West Croft Field; to son James, a house, Carr Lane Close, Sandy Lane Close, Appleton Close, 1½ acres on Limebeck Furlong; ½ acre in Ridgway Field; ½ acre in Narr Oak Field; ½ acre in Far Oak Field; and ½ acre in West Croft Field; to his wife Mary, an annuity of £16 charged on the remainder of his real estate devised to his son and executor John Newton; to his daughter Sarah, £180; to son-in-law Samuel Herring, £100; to grandson Samuel Herring, £5; to grand-daughter Elizabeth Herring, £10. Dated 2 April 1761. Codicil; as daughter Sarah has died, her £180 is to be divided between Daniel (£100) and John (£80). 19 November 1763; will proved at York, 9 June - 1764
1324-1325 - Lease and release by James Newton of Warsop innkeeper to John Newton of Warsop yeoman of lands devised to James in D239 M/T 1323 (save for Appleton Close). Consideration £200. Dated 6/7 March - 1767
1326-1327 - Lease and release by Nayhan Newton to John Newton of Townend Close (4 acres), and Handkerchief Nook Close (1 rood). Consideration £240. Dated 21/22 May - 1772
1328 - Copy of the will of Nathan Newton of Warsop gent. To his wife Ann, all his real and personal estate; to Henry Davey, £5; to grandsons, John and Henry Davey, £50 each; to son-in-law John Wass, £5; to grandson, Nathan Wass, £50. Ann to be executrix. Will dated 25 October 1759. Proved at York, 26 September - 1774
1329-1330 - Lease and release by Ann Newton of Warsop widow to John Newton gent. of a messuage, a messuage and croft; Long Appleton Close; Stubb Stile Close, Askey Lane Close, Pinfold Croft, 2½ acres in Ridgway Field Close; 4 acres 2 roods in Stone Bridge Field; 6 roods in Ridgway Field; 1 acre ½ rood in Little Breck Field; 4 acres in Near Oak Field; 6 acres 1 rood in Far Oak Field. Consideration £796. Dated 23/24 December - 1774
1331 - Copy will of Daniel Newton - See D239 M/T 1323 - 1764
1331-1354 - Newton deeds
1332 - Mortgage for a term of 500 years by Daniel Newton of Bilsthorpe to Elizabeth Lindley of Skegby widow, of a messuage, shop, barn, stable, outhouses, and croft; ½ acre in Stone Bridge Field; ½ acre in Ridgway Field; 3 roods in Near Oak Field; ½ acre in West Croft Field; ½ acre in Far Oak Field; Carr Close, and Sookholme Bridge Close. Consideration £240. Dated 24 August - 1769
1333 - Copy will of Elizabeth Lindley of Skegby. Dated 19 May - 1767
1334 - Assignment of mortgage by Darcy Burnell of Winkburn esq. sole surviving executor of the will of Elizabeth Lindley to William Marriott of Mansfield grocer. Dated 22 September - 1772
1335 - Copy of the will of Daniel Newton of Mansfield Woodhouse; to daughter Sarah, £10; to wife Elizabeth and to eldest son Daniel, all his personal estate and all lands in Warsop. Dated 18 September - 1773
1336 - Assignment of mortgage by William Marriott to John Knight of Langold esq. Dated 26 January - 1778
1337-1339 - Release by Elizabeth Newton of Warsop, widow of Daniel Newton, and Daniel Newton her son, to John Knight of lands in D239 M/T 1332. Consideration £40 5s there being £219 5s due on account to Knight. Dated 12 March - 1778
1340 - Probate of Nathan Newton, proved 1774. See D239 M/T 1328 - 1774
1341 - Probate of Ann Newton of Warsop widow. To daughter Sarah Jackson, 1s; to grandson Nathan Jackson, £50; to grandson Robert Jackson, £50; to grand-daughter Ann Jackson, £50; to grand-daughter Hannah Jackson, £50; all to be paid when grand children are 21; to grandson John Davey, 1s; to grandson Henry Davy, £100; to grandson Nathan Wass, £150; to Samuel Herring, £50; to Mary Woodshead widow, 1s a week for life; to the poor of Warsop at the discretion of her executor (her nephew John Newton), 1s and a 2d-loaf each; to nephew John Newton; her remaining personal estate; her real estate to her daughter Hannah Bagshaw. Will dated 15 July 1776. Proved at York, 25 February - 1778
1342-1343 - Lease and release by William Bagshaw of Newbold Mill, grandson and devisee of Ann Newton, and son of Hannah Bagshaw deceased, to Thomas Bagshaw of Whaley (co. Derby) miller, John Bagshaw of Newbold Mill farmer; Nathan Bagshaw of Scarcliffe; and Francis Bagshaw of Newbold Mill, miller of a fifth part of a messuage, a croft (½ acre), Cockmere Breck Close (8 acres), the three Carr Closes (3 acres), Limekiln Lane Close (1½ acres), Butt Lane Close (2 acres); and 1 rood land in a close - 19-20 Sep 1799
1344-1345 - Lease and release by John Bagshaw et al. to Francis Featherston of Warsop farmer in trust for John Gally Knight of lands as in D239 M/T 1342-1343. Consideration £460. Dated 16/17 June - 1802
1346 - Deed of covenant for production of title deeds. Dated 5 August - 1802
1347-1348 - Lease and release by Thomas Bagshaw to Henry Gally Knight of a fourth part of premises as in D239 M/T 1342-1343. Consideration £210. Dated 15/16 July - 1814
1349-1350 - Lease and release by John Newton of Warsop gent. to John Duckmanton sen. of Nettleworth yeoman of Little Breck Close (1 acre); 3 roods in Ridgway Field; 2 acres 2 roods in Little Breck, 5 acres 1 rood in Near Oak Field; 5 acres 2 roods in Far Oak Field; 2 acres in West Croft Field and 4 acres in Stone Bridge Field. Consideration £480. Dated 4/5 April - [1780s]
1351 - Mortgage for 1000 years by John Duckmanton sen. to James Walters of East Markham yeoman of premises as above. Consideration £200. Dated 6 April - 1785
1352 - Bond in £400 to support D239 M/T 1351. Even date - 1785
1353 - Assignment of mortgage by James Walters to William Robinson of Warsop farmer and Richard Parsons of Mansfield gent. Dated 27 June - 1816
1354 - Assignment of mortgage by William Robinson and Richard Parsons to John Horncastle in trust for Henry Gally Knight. Dated 13 April - 1821
1355 - Family settlement by James Featherston to the use of himself, his wife Elizabeth, and their children of a cottage and part of a croft adjoining. Dated 30 April - 1705
1355-1375 - Newton copyholds
1356 - Copyhold mortgage in £5 by James Featherston and Elizabeth his wife to John Bowler of Shirebrook (co. Derby) of a cottage. Dated 6 October - 1708
1357 - Copyhold admission of John Featherston to a cottage and croft as son and heir of James. Dated 26 October - 1730
1358 - Copyhold surrender by John Featherston and John Bolar (see D239 M/T 1356) to the use of Robert Smith and Richard Thompson of one cottage and part of a croft in trust to fulfill the last will or free disposition of Daniel Newton of Warsop yeoman. Dated 30 October - 1732
1359 - Copyhold quitclaim by William Whitehead to Robert Smith and Richard Thompson of all copyhold hereditaments in Warsop in trust to fulfill the will of Daniel Newton. Dated 30 October - 1732
1360 - Copyhold surrender by Robert Smith to the use of Richard Thompson and the said Robert of ½ acre lately enclosed by Daniel Newton in Nar Oak Field in trust to fulfill the will of Daniel Newton. Dated 5 April - 1738
1361 - Copyhold surrender by Henry Richardson and Gertrude his wife to the use of Daniel Newton of a messuage and croft, a cottage in But Lane and croft. Fine 5s 4d. Dated 28 April - 1721
1362 - Copyhold surrender by Daniel Newton and Deborah his wife to the use of John Thompson and Thomas Bowet of a messuage and croft in trust to perform the last will of Nathan Newton. Fine 4s. Dated 17 October - 1724
1363 - Copyhold mortgage by John Thompson and Richard Stones of Budby wheelwright to Dickinson Knight of a cottage and croft and 1 acre meadow in Cottage Doles, and ½ acre in 1e Hagg. Dated 21 April - 1725
1364-1365 - Copyhold surrender by William Machon of Grove yeoman of a third part of a messuage and croft to the use of Robert Smith and Richard Thompson in trust to perform the last will of Joseph Taylor. Like surrender by Johanna Abell. Dated 30 October - 1732
1366 - Copyhold mortgage by Joseph Taylor of Dore (co. York) and Mary his wife and Robert Smith and Richard Thompson, feoffees of Joseph, to William Machon of Little Drayton of a messuage and croft. Consideration £84. Dated 30 October - 1732
1367 - Copyhold surrender by William Machon to use of Joseph Taylor of a messuage and croft. Dated 17 April - 1741
1368 - Copyhold surrender by Joseph Taylor and William Taylor, and Robert Smith and Richard Thompson to the use of Thomas Bowett and Robert Smith of a messuage and croft in trust to perform the last will of Nathan Newton. Dated 17 April - 1741
1369 - Copyhold surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by Anthony Thorpe and Ann his wife to the use of Daniel Newton of one selion of land in Ridgway Field. Fine 4d. - 14 Jan [1701]
1370 - Copyhold surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by Richard Cooke, Gervase Spakeman, and William Gosling, feoffees of Cooke, to the use of Gervase and William of a dole of land in Sower Meadow Close to perform the last will or free disposition of Daniel Newton. Fine 4d. Dated 29 April - 1701
1371 - Copyhold admission (Mansfield Court Baron) of Nathan and Daniel Newton, sons and heirs of Alice Newton, to all lands in Warsop which ought to descend to them on Alice's death. Fine 4s. Dated 9 April - 1706
1372 - Lease for 21 years from 2 February next by John Neale of Mansfield Woodhouse esq. to Daniel Newton jun. of Warsop yeoman of a messuage in Warsop with outbuildings, a malthouse and yard, a close (3 roods), Linbeck Close (5 acres), Lime Kiln Close (2 acres), a part of the Rooa close (3 acres); ½ acre and 1½ roods in Stone Bridge Field; ½ acre copyhold in Hall Meadow Furlong in same; 7 acres 1 rood in Nar Oak Field; 4 acres 1 rood in Far Oak Field; 4 acres in West Croft Field; 8 acres ½ rood in Ridgway Field and Little Breck. Timber and Mineral rights reserved. Lessee not to plough land in the closes in the last 5 years of the term under pain of £5 an acre extra rent. Rent £18. Dated 26 November - 1722
1373 - Copyhold lease for 21 years from 2 February last paid by John Neale to Daniel Newton of ½ acre in Stone Bridge Field; ½ acre on Hall Meadow Furlong; 2 acres 2 roods in West Croft Field; 3½ acres in the Oak Field; 3 acres 3 roods in Ridgway Field. Rent £18. Fine 6d. Dated 30 April - 1723
1374 - Copyhold lease for 21 years from 25 March last past by Hannah Clay, widow of John Clay, and Sarah, Hannah, and Mary Clay, her daughters, to the use of Nathan Newton of a messuage, reserving to Hannah the parlour, three chambers, and an orchard. Dated 8 May - 1741
1375 - Copyhold surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by James Wass and Mary his wife, and Daniel Newton, feoffee of James to the use of Richard Whitehouse and Joseph Senior of ½ acre in Ridgway Field in trust to fulfill the last will etc. of Nathan Newton. Fine 2s. Dated 27 April - 1742
1376-1377 - Lease and release by Nathan Jackson of Warsop gent. and Sarah his wife (formerly Sarah Newton) and Ann Newton of Warsop spinster to Henry Gally Knight and Rev. William Alderson (trustee) of a freehold and copyhold estate in Warsop. Schedules attached. Considerations £11, 234 (freehold) and £409 (copyhold). Dated 26/27 September - 1833
1376-1543 - Remaining Newton estate
1378 - Bond in £12,000 to support D239 M/T 1376-1377. Even date - 1833
1379-1380 - Release by Matthew Heath of Shirebrook labourer to Henry Gally Knight of his interest in premises as in D239 M/T 1376-1377 as trustee of John Newton, deceased, father of Sarah and Ann. Even date - 1833
1381 - Release by William Wilson of Mansfield framework-knitter to Henry Gally Knight of his interest in a copyhold estate (as in D239 M/T 1376-1377). Dated 28 September - 1833
1382 - Declaration of trust to support D239 M/T 1376-1377. Even date - 1833
1383-1384 - Feoffment (and copy) by Grace Fothergill of Warsop widow to John Tompson of Warsop baker of Crooke Close (2 acres), Hill Top Close (1½ acres); 1 acre in West Croft Field; ½ acre on Short Butts; 1 acre in Far Oak Field; 1 acre in Ridgway Field; and one headland in Stone Bridge Field. Consideration £7P. Dated 28 March - 1704
1385 - Feoffment by John Keyworth of Tuxford gent. to John Thompson of Warsop yeoman of Haw Meadow; ½ acre in Ridgway Field; 1 rood in same; and 1 acre in Narr Oak Field. Consideration £57. Dated 30 June - 1716
1386 - Copy of will of John Thompson; to daughter Ann Clayton, £80; to son Richard and Richard's wife Sarah, his real estate. Executors Richard Thompson and Sarah - 10 Feb [1726]
1387 - Copy of will of John Browne of Warsop clerk. To wife Ann, all real and personal estate during her life, then to eldest son John the Hill Tophouse homestead and farm (34 acres) with the Swan House and 19 acres; the Tiled House, and two further houses; to second son Francis on Ann's death, a house, two crofts, the two Ridgwayfield Closes, and Hall Meadow Pingle, all which lands were purchased from the duke of Kingston; and the testator's house and two closes purchased from Daniel and Nathan Newton called Ridgwayfield Close and Sookholme Bridge Close, and 8 acres of land purchased from Nathan Newton. Dated 28 August - 1761
1388-1389 - Lease and release by Francis Browne of Warsop surgeon, devisee of the will of Rev. John Browne (D239 M/T 1387) to John Browne of Warsop gent., his brother, of Hall Pingle (1 acre). Consideration £25. Dated 14/15 July - 1788
1390-1391 - Lease and release by John Browne of Sheffield gent., eldest son and heir of John Browne and Ann his wife, both deceased, Ann being grand-daughter of John Thompson, and niece and heir of Richard Thompson, to John Duckmanton of Hill Top Close in Warsop (1½ acres). Consideration £60. Dated 1/2 April - 1793
1392-1393 - Lease and release by John Browne of Sheffield gent. to Henry Reynolds of Warsop publican of Hall Meadow (3 acres), formerly two closes (Haw Meadow and Haw Meadow Pingle), and Crook Close (2½ acres). Consideration £100. Dated 9/10 September - 1796
1394-1395 - Lease and release by Henry Reynolds to Samuel Featherstone of Warsop farmer in trust for John Duckmanton jun. of Warsop farmer of lands as in D239 M/T 1392-1393. Reynolds undertakes to convey copyholds to Duckmanton (Back Yard Close and Butts Close). Consideration £690. Dated 23/24 April - 1797
1396 - Bond in £500 by Henry Reynolds to John Duckmanton to indemnify Duckmanton against any claim of dower in premises as in D239 M/T 1392-1393, by Mary, wife of Henry. Dated 25 April - 1797
1397 - Mortgage in fee by John Duckmanton to Richard Milward of Hexgrove in Southwell gent. of Hall Meadow, Crook Close, a toftstead and croft, Near Ridgway Field Close, Far Ridgway Field Close, Soulkholme Bridge Close, 1 acre in Ridgway Field, 1 acre in Little Breck, 2 acres in Near Oak Field, and 4 acres in Far Oak Field. Consideration £650. Dated 11 May - 1797
1398-1402 - Assignments of mortgage: Richard Milward to John Newton of Sookholme farmer (15 October 1801); Newton to William Sanders of Teversall farmer (27/28 April 1820); Sanders to Henry Gally Knight. (7/8 February 1825) - 1801-1825
1403 - Feoffment by Daniel and Nathan Newton to John Browne of Warsop clerk of 3½ acres in Ridgway Field Close and 2½ acres in Sookholme Bridge Close. Consideration £130. - 25 Feb [1737]
1404 - Lease for possession (release missing) by Nathan Newton to Rev. John Browne of 8 acres of land. Dated 25 March - 1741
1405-1406 - Lease and release by Evelyn duke of Kingston-on-Hull and Thomas Simmonds of Mansfield gent. to Rev. John Browne of a messuage and croft, an ancient toftstead and croft, 3 acres in Ridgway Field Close; Hall Pingle (1 acre), all lately purchased from John Ufton by Simmonds from the duke. Consideration £160. Dated 30/31 March. See D239 M/T 1419 - 1744
1407-1408 - Lease and release by Ann Newton, widow of Nathan, to Francis Browne of Newark surgeon (devisee of the will of Rev. John Browne) of lands as in D239 M/T 1404. Consideration 10s. Dated 1/2 September - 1775
1409-1410 - Lease and release by Francis Browne to John Duckmanton of Nettleworth farmer of a toftstead and croft; 3 acres of meadow or pasture in Near Ridgway Field Close; 3½ acres in Far Ridgway Field Close; 2½ acres in Sookholme Close; and 8 acres in the open fields of Warsop: 1 acre in Ridgway Field; 1 acre in Little Breck; 2 acres in Near Oak Field; 1 acre in Far Oak Field; 1 acre in same; 2½ acres in West Croft Field. Consideration £440. Dated 14/15 July - 1788
1411 - Settlement upon the marriage of Richard Newton, (son of Daniel Newton) and Sarah his wife, who was daughter of Robert Abbott of Ratcliff upon Trent yeoman whereby Daniel Newton conveys to Nathan Newton and Thomas Abbott of Hawksworth yeoman, 3 acres in Stone Bridge Field, Lime Kiln Close (1½ acres), 2½ acres in Ridgway Field; 2½ acres in Little Breck; 3 acres in Near Oak Field; 4 acres in Far Oak Field; 1 acre in Long Teamings; and 7½ acres in West Croft; to hold to the use of Richard, Sarah, and their children. Marriage portion £300. Dated 18 March - 1761
1412 - Final concord between Richard Newton plaintiff and Samuel Herring sen. and Sarah his wife deforciants of 25 acres land, 10 acres meadow, 10 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Warsop. Consideration £60. Dated 25 November - 1782
1413-1414 - Lease and release by Samuel Herring sen. of Sookholme yeoman and Sarah his wife, formerly Sarah Newton wife of the late Richard Newton, who was son and heir of Daniel Newton, to Sarah Newton of Oxton spinster, daughter of Richard Newton and Sarah (now Sarah Herring) of 2 acres in Little Breck now enclosed and called Little Breck Close. Dated 23/24 March - 1785
1415 - Feoffment by Sarah Newton of Oxton spinster to John Duckmanton of Nettleworth farmer of Little Breck Close (2 acres). Dated 25 March - 1785
1416 - Settlement upon the marriage of John Ufton jun. and Anne Snowden spinster, niece of Christopher Snowden of Mansfield Woodhouse yeoman whereby John Ufton sen. of Sookholme yeoman conveys to Christopher Snowden and Gervase Sutton of Mansfield Woodhouse yeoman a cottage in Warsop, a croft adjoining, a dwelling house newly erected and croft, Ridgway Field Close (3 acres), Pinfold Close (1 acre), Stonebridgefield Close (1 acre), ½ acre in Ridgway Field, ½ acre in Nar Oak Field, and 1 acre in Far Oak Field in trust for John Ufton sen. for his life, then to John Ufton jun. and Anne for their lives; and then in tail general etc. Mortgage portion £100. Certain copyhold lands have also been settled on John jun. by Christopher Snowden et al. in consideration of the marriage. Dated 27 November - 1728
1417 - Mortgage for 500 years by John Ufton to Margaret Chappell of Mansfield Woodhouse widow of a tenement and croft in Warsop; Ridgway Field Close, Pinfold Close, Horn Meadow Pingle, and a piece of land on which a cottage once stood. Consideration £130. Dated 18 August - 1737
1418 - Final concord between Margaret Chappell and Nathan Sympson plaintiffs and John Ufton and Ann his wife and Thomas Greaves and Ann his wife deforciants of a messuage, garden, and orchard, 9 acres land, 4 acres meadow, 4 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Warsop and Oxton. Consideration £60. - 20 Jan [1738]
1419 - Lease and release by John Ufton and Ann his wife to Thomas Simmonds of lands as in D239 M/T 1417. Consideration £225, with declaration that the purchase money is paid by the duke of Kingston; upon-Hull and that Simmonds is trustee for same, and with supporting bond. See D239 M/T 1405-1406 - 30-31 Jan [1740]
1419A - Assignment of mortgage by Margaret Chappell to Robert Wilmot of Mansfield gent. in trust for Thomas Simmonds of Edwinstowe gent. - 31 Jan [1740]
1420 - Mortgage in fee by John Ufton of Warsop yeoman to William Sneath of Mansfield yeoman of Pinfold Close. Consideration £20. Dated 26 September - 1740
1421-1422 - Lease and release by Ann Ufton of Mansfield, widow of John Ufton, Joseph Huntington of Mansfield Woodhouse farmer, and Mary his wife, Joseph Marlow of Norton (co. Nottingham) blacksmith and Ann his wife, and Elizabeth Ufton of Mansfield spinster (Mary, Ann and Elizabeth being daughters and co-heirs of John Ufton jun.) to John Duckmanton of Warsop farmer of a messuage and croft. Consideration £100. Dated 14/15 October - 1776
1423 - Final concord between John Duckmanton plaintiff and Joseph Huntington etc. deforciants of a messuage, barn, stable, and garden, and 4 acres land and common of pasture in Warsop. Consideration £60. Dated 21 January - 1777
1424-1425 - Lease and release by Samuel Herring of Sookholme yeoman and Sarah his wife, late wife of Richard Newton of Warsop and daughter of Robert Abott, to Robert Newton of Oxton labourer, son of Richard and Sarah, of 1 acre in Stone Bridge Field, 1 acre in Ridgway Field; ½ acre in Little Breck, 1 acre in Near Oak Field; 1 acre in Far Oak Field in which lands Sarah had a life interest under the terms of D239 M/T 1411. Dated 1/2 July - 1794
1426-1427 - Lease and release by Robert Newton to John Duckmanton of lands as above. Consideration £211. Dated 1/2 August - 1794
1428 - Feoffment by William Wydle of Mansfield gent. to William Wood of Bothomsall yeoman of 1 rood in West Croft in exchange for 1 rood in same. Dated 28 December - 1775
1429 - Attested copy of lease and release by Robert Wood of Worksop maltster to John Foster of Warsop labourer and to William Bradley of Warsop publican (trustee) of a newly erected messuage built on a site acquired by William Wood, father of Robert, with two crofts adjoining, 2 acres in West Croft Field, 3/4 acres in Far Oak Field; 1 acre in Nar Oak Field; and ½ acre in Stone Bridge Field. Consideration £540. Dated 24/25 March - 1808
1430 - Feoffment by John Foster and William Bradley to John Duckmanton and Richard Parsons of Mansfield gent. (trustee) of 2 acres in West Croft Field. Consideration £88 4s. Schedule of deeds, 1716-1808. Dated 28 March - 1808
1431-1432 - Family settlement by John Duckmanton sen. of Warsop farmer whereby he conveys to Samuel Featherstone of Warsop farmer an ancient toftstead and croft, Near Ridgway Field Close (3½ acres); Sookholme Bridge Close (2½ acres); 1 acre in Ridgway Field; 1 acre in Little Breck 2 acres in Near Oak Field; 2 acres in Far Oak Field; and 2 acres in West Croft Field; in trust for John Duckmanton jun. Dated 1/2 May (see D239 M/T 1403-1410) - 1797
1433 - Release by Sarah Herring of Sookholme widow to Robert Newton of Whitwell (co. Derby), son of Sarah by her first marriage to Richard Newton deceased, of 5½ acres of land in Warsop. Recital of terms of D239 M/T 1411. Dated 15 April 1802 - 1802
1434-1435 - Lease and release by Robert Newton to John Duckmanton of 5½ acres of land in Warsop: ½ acre in Stone Bridge Field; 1 acre in Ridgway Field; 2 acres in Near Oak Field; and 2 acres in Far Oak Field. Consideration £203. Dated 16/17 April - 1802
1436-1437 - Family settlement whereby Joseph Duckmanton, eldest son and heir of John Duckmanton deceased, conveys to John Duckmanton (son of John) and Richard Parsons (trustee, see D239 M/T 1430), in order to effect a partition of the lands of the late John Duckmanton in accordance with his expressed intention although he died intestate, a messuage and croft, Little Breck Close; 6 roods in Ridgway Field; 2 acres 2 roods in the Little Breck; 9 roods in Near Oak Field; 2 acres 1 rood on Hasland Hill and 4 roods on Stub Furlong in the same field; 12 roods in West Croft Field; and 4 acres in Stone Bridge Field. Dated 27/28 June - 1809
1438 - Copyhold admission (Mansfield Court Baron) of John Duckmanton of Warsop farmer to all allotments awarded to him under the Warsop inclosure award. Fine 2s. Dated 21 August - 1825
1439 - Copyhold surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by John Duckmanton and Sarah his wife to the use of Henry Gally Knight of a close called Robins Park (1 rood 34 perches), and 5 acres 10 perches lying on Warsop Forest being part of an allotment (the remainder freehold) of 21 acres 3 roods 33 perches awarded to Duckmanton on enclosure. Dated 21 August - 1825
1440-1441 - Lease and release by John Duckmanton of Warsop farmer to Henry Gally Knight of Langold (co. York) esq. of part of Hull Meadow (1 acre 20 perches), Stonebridge Close (1 acre 2 roods 22 perches), Limebeck Close hitherto Sookholme Bridge Close (2 acres 37 perches), Crooked Close (2 acres 1 perch), 2 acres 2 roods 30 perches in Ridgway Field Close; Far Ridgwayfield Close (2 acres 3 roods 19 perches), an allotment on Warsop Forest (21 acres 3 roods 33 perches); 6 acres 3 roods 16 perches in Ridgway Field; 2 acres 2 roods 14 perches in the same; 17 acres 1 rood 22 perches in Near Oak Field; and 3 roods 14 perches in Far Oak Field. Consideration £3945. Dated 22/23 August - 1825
1442 - Covenant for production of title deeds. Dated 23 August - 1825
1443 - Copyhold settlement (Mansfield Court Baron) by Henry Gally Knight of lands as in D239 M/T 1439. Dated 22 May - 1827
1444-1451 - Copyhold surrenders and admissions of a cottage and toft: Maria Butcher to John Greaves (1685), John Graves to Richard Serston (1704); Richard Searston to Richard Mussen (1722); Richard Searston jun. (1722), Joseph Mussen to George Revell (1732); George Revell to Dickenson Knight (1732) mortgage; Revell - Knight (1739) - 1685-1739
1452-1458 - Copyhold surrenders and admissions of a messuage or cottage and croft etc.: William Rawlin to John Peatfield (1706); Peatfield to Dickenson Knight (1726); Henry and John Alrey to same (1724); Dickenson Knight to Ralph Knight (1737); John Eyre to Knight, mortgage (1737-38) - 1706-1738
1459-1460 - Lease and release by John Baynbrigg of Warsop gent. and John Hall of Knaith (co. Lincoln) gent., executors of the will of William lord Willoughby to Thomas Fothergill of Knaith clerk of 2 acres of land in Warsop. Consideration £12. - 1-2 Jan [1674]
1461-1462 - Lease and release by Grace Fothergill of Sutton-on-Trent widow and George Fothergill her son to John Mandeville of Warsop clerk of two barns with three granaries, a coach-house, and foldyard on the west side of the parsonage. Consideration £35. Dated 26/27 March - 1708
1463 - Feoffment by Grace Fothergill to John Mandeville of a dovecot and close (2 acres) near Warsop parsonage. Consideration £40. Dated 26 March - 1710
1464 - Copy of the will of Mary Mandevile of Warsop spinster creating William Willey sole executor and devisee. Dated 22 December - 1735
1465 - Feoffment by William Willey of Ansley yeoman, executor of the will of Mary Mandevile, to Elizabeth Mandevile of Warsop spinster, only sister of Mary of his moiety of premises as in D239 M/T 1461-1463. Consideration £40. Dated 7 April - 1735
1466 - Will of Elizabeth Mandevile creating John Broomhead sole executor and devisee - 13 Jun 1736
1467-1468 - Lease and release by John Bromehead of Mansfield maltster, devisee of the will of Elizabeth Mandevile to Ralph Knight of Langold (co. York) esq. of premises as in D239 M/T 1461-1563. Consideration £200. Dated 28/29 October - 1743
1469 - Mortgage for 500 years by Benjamin Harphan of Alfreton grocer to Samuel Farnsworth of Selston yeoman of a messuage and croft. Consideration £40 - 1 Mar [1734]
1470-1471 - Lease and release by Benjamin Harphan to Edward Thorman of Budby in the parish of Edwinstowe gardener and Martha his wife of a cottage and croft. Consideration £47. Dated 4/5 April - 1735
1472 - Mortgage for 500 years by Edward Thorman of Warsop framesmith and Martha his wife to John Cooper of Sookholme miller of premises as above. Consideration £25. Dated 31 October - 1737
1473 - Final concord between John Jackson plaintiff Edward Thorman et al. deforciants. Dated 12 November - 1737
1474 - Assignment of mortgage by Mary Cooper, widow of John, to Ralph Knight of Langold (co. York) esq. Dated 13 August - 1740
1475-1476 - Lease and release by Edward Thorman to Ralph Knight of a messuage and croft. Consideration £70. Dated 14/15 August - 1740
1477-1485 - Deeds a messuage and croft and land in Ridgway Field, Near Oak Field, Sower Meadow and Stone Bridge Field - 1716-1740
1486 - Copy of a release to follow a lease for possession by Daniel Newton of Warsop yeoman to Sarah Lowe of Mansfield Woodhouse spinster of a cottage and croft and a close called Ridgway Field (3 acres). Consideration £75. Dated 15 September - 1720
1487-1488 - Lease and release by John Dakeyne of Mansfield gent., executor of the will of Sarah Low, to Ralph Knight of Langold (co.York) esq. of a close in Warsop on the south side of Horse Fair Lane. Consideration £52 10s. Dated 1/2 February - 1744
1489-1492 - Bundle relating to a messuage, Broadstone Close and Norman Lane Close: Lease and release: Richard Dossey of Blyth innkeeper and Sarah his wife, niece and heir of Thomas Willey, to Ralph Knight, consideration £120 (28/29 October 1737); final concord and counterpart (21 January 1737/38) - 21 Jan [1738]
1493-1494 - Copyhold surrender by John Balme and Johanna his wife to James Clarke of a cottage and croft, 4 acres land (2 acres in But Lane Breck and 2 acres in Cockmore Breck). Fine 3s. Dated 18 December - 1610
1495 - Copyhold surrender by James Clarke and Elizabeth his wife of premises as above to the use of Henry Sellet. Fine 2s. Dated 1 November - 1613
1496 - Copyhold mortgage by Henry Sylliot and Ann his wife to Richard Templeman of a cottage and croft. Consideration £37 2s. - 3 Feb [1652]
1497 - Copyhold reconveyance(as D239 M/T 1496) by Templeman to Silliet. Dated 1 October - 1653
1498 - Copyhold surrender by Henry Syllyott, Mary his wife, and Isabel Beeley to Richard Lee of premises as in D239 M/T 1493-94. Fine 3s. Dated 14 October - 1656
1499 - Copyhold surrender by Richard Lee and Faith his wife of premises as in D239 M/T 1493-94, to the use of William Hoult. Fine 3s. Dated 13 October - 1657
1500 - Copyhold surrender by William Hoult of part of a cottage and the adjoining croft to the use of Richard Lee and Faith his wife for their lives with remainder to Hoult provided he pay Ann Lee, their daughter, an annuity of 30s. Fine 3s. Dated 13 October - 1657
1501 - Copyhold admission of John Smith, son of William Smith and brother of John Smith deceased to a cottage and croft inherited from Ann Smith, daughter of John deceased. Fine 4s 8d. Dated 25 March - 1685
1502 - Copyhold surrender by Margaret Fletcher widow and Henry Wasse and Henry Askey her feoffees to the use of John Fletcher of a cottage and croft in Warsop. Fine 4s 8d. Dated 10 May - 1689
1503 - Copyhold surrender by John Fletcher to his feoffees, Henry Wasse and John Thompson of a cottage and croft. Dated 31 May - 1689
1504 - Copyhold recovery and settlement (Mansfield manor court) by Richard Cooke and Elizabeth his wife to Anthony Denton of Kersall and Elizabeth his wife of Lingbecks Close in Stonebridge Field, ½ acre in same; ½ acre in Ridgway Field, ½ acre in Narr Oak Field, ½ acre in Broome Field. - 14 Mar [1694]
1505-1510 - Copyhold surrenders and admissions: Joel Herring and Ann his wife to Anthony Denton (1703); John Denton, brother of Anthony (1706); John Denton to William his son (1723; 1737):-a cottage and croft - 1703-1737
1511-1513 - Copyhold settlements (Mansfield Court Baron) of lands as in D239 M/T 1504: John Denton - William Denton - [1729]-1737
1514-1522 - Copyhold admissions and surrenders of The Sign of the Swan, a tenement called Butt Lane, and three Stables: John Brown eldest son and heir of Ann Brown (formerly Ann Clayton spinster) to Stephen Dole(1787); Stephen Dole to Elizabeth Briggs, mortgage (1789); Briggs to Dole, reconveyance (1792); Dole to William Bagshaw to Robert Cutts (1792); Cutts to John Duckmanton, mortgage (1793); Duckmanton to Cutts, reconveyance, and Cutts to George Green (1805); Green to John Johnson, mortgage (1805); Green to William Bradley (1808); covenant to surrender, William Wylde to Bradley (1810); Bradley to Wylde (1810) - 1787-1810
1523-1528 - Copyhold admissions and surrenders of Sandy Lane Close (and lands in D239 M/T 1514-1522): William Cutts to lands of Robert Cutts his father (1810); Samuel Featherstone to William Cutts, surrender of mortgage (1810); Cutts to William Bradley (1810); Bradley to William Wylde, Bradley retaining life interest (1810-1811); Bradley to Wylde (1812) - 1810-1812
1529 - Probate of George Unwin of Warsop innkeeper. Dated 1 June; proved 4 November - 1772
1530 - Copyhold admission of George Unwin to all lands devised to him under the will of his father (1529). Fine 5s 8d. Dated 22 April Mortgage by George Unwin to Robert Jackson of Warsop farmer of a messuage in Warsop together with a garden, croft, and outbuildings. Even date - 1782; 1782
1531 - Copyhold admission of Nathan Jackson, eldest son and heir of Robert Jackson deceased, to a messuage etc. now in the possession of Edward Unwin, and all other lands etc. of Edward which were mortgaged to Robert Jackson in 1782, together with an assignment of mortgage by Nathan Jackson, Robert Jackson (joint executors of the will of Robert deceased) and George Unwin to the use of Roger Oldham of Edwinstowe yeoman. Dated 30 August - 1813
1532 - Bond in £1000 by Edwin Unwin to Roger Oldham to observe the conditions of D239 M/T 1531. Dated 31 March - 1813
1533 - Bond in £400 as D239 M/T 1532 for repayment of £200 on mortgage. Dated 19 April - 1815
1534 - Copyhold surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by Henry Reynolds jun. of Warsop butcher and Ann his wife to the use of Henry Gally Knight of a messuage etc. now in the tenure of Edward Unwin. Dated 14 November - 1816
1535 - Copyhold surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) to Edward Unwin of Warsop victualler to Henry Gally Knight of five doles of land in Stone Bridge Field, now fenced about and called Awry Pools. Consideration £25. Dated 24 December - 1816
1536-1543 - Bundle relating to a messuage and croft, a pewin Warsop parish Church and three tenement. Lease and release, John Newton of Warsop gent. to John Osborne of Mansfield Woodhouse, consideration £135 (2/3 April 1789); mortgage Osborne to Henry Thornhill of Mansfield Woodhouse, consideration £120 (4 April 1789); Lease and release, John Osborne of Sutton-in-Ashfield yeoman to David Osborne of Ollerton hairdresser, consideration £155 (24 June 1793); assignment of mortgage, Bache Thornhill of Stanton in the Peak (co. Derby) to Thomas Dodson of Mansfield Woodhouse yeoman (24 June 1793); lease and release, David Osborne to Henry Gally Knight, consideration £460. (4/5 May 1819) - 1789-1819
1544 - Feoffment by John Keyworth of Tuxford gent. to William Featherstone of Warsop yeoman of 4 acres in Farr Oak Field and 1 acre in West Croft Field. Consideration £25. Dated 27 September - 1716
1544-1586 - Featherstone estate
1545 - Copyhold surrender by William Featherstone to Nathan Newton and John Featherstone in trust for Elizabeth wife of William and Mary Harrison (daughter of William and Elizabeth) for their lives of one bay, part of a house in Warsop. Fine 2s. Dated 11 May - 1745
1546 - Probate of the will of William Featherstone of Warsop yeoman. To son William, all dwelling houses in Leeming Lane in Mansfield; to son John, a house and crofts in Warsop, land as in D239 M/T 1544; on John's death, the messuage and crofts to pass to William, and the other land to John's son, John; to grandson John Woodthorpe, son of daughter Ann (now wife of Gervas Bellamy), a blacksmith's shop in Warsop; to grand-daughter Ann Woodthorpe, a stocking frame; to daughter Elizabeth, wife of Robert Sheppard, a house, barn, and croft in Warsop for life, a close and 1 rood in Little Breck; and 1 rood in Nar Oak Field; and then to the use of Elizabeth's three sons; to wife Elizabeth, an annuity of 20s, a bed and bedroom furniture, and other household goods; sons John and William to be executors. Will dated 22 March 1745/46. Proved at York 15 February - 1752
1547 - Copy copyhold admission of Ann Clayton spinster, niece and heir of Richard Thompson, to all lands of which Richard died seised as feoffee of William Featherstone, together with surrender by John Featherstone, son of William, and Ann Clayton, to William Featherstone of a dwelling house in Warsop. Dated 14 April - 1752
1548 - Copyhold surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by Richard and Gervase Spakeman to William Featherstone of 1 rood in Little Breck and 1 rood in Nar Oak Field. Fine 2s. Dated 2 April - 1754
1549 - Copyhold surrender by John Woodthorpe of Gainsborough to the use of John Featherstone of a blacksmith's shop. Dated 10 June - 1771
1550 - Copyhold surrender by William Featherstone, grandson of William Featherstone deceased and Hannah his wife, to the use of John Featherstone jun. of Warsop farmer of a messuage and crofts. Dated 11 May - 1784
1551-1552 - Lease and release by John Newton of Warsop gent, and Matthew Heath of Pleasley (co. Derby) gent, trustee, to John Featherstone jun. of 1 rood in Little Breck, two lands (2 roods 13 perches) in Stone Bridge Field; ½ acre in Near Oak Field, and 1 acre in Far Oak Field Consideration £52. Dated 4/5 April - 1785
1553 - Bond in £20 by Samuel and Sarah Herring of Sookholme to John Featherstone jun. of Warsop to exchange ½ acre in Stone Bridge Field for ½ acre in Near Oak Field. Dated 27 June - 1787
1554-1555 - Lease and release by John Newton to John Featherstone of 2 acres in Little Breck Field. Consideration £60. Dated 13/14 May - 1789
1556 - Copyhold surrender by Francis Featherstone and Hannah his wife to the use of John Featherstone sen. of Warsop farmer of a blacksmith's shop. Fine 6d. Dated 2 June - 1795
1557 - Copy of the will of John Featherstone; to wife Mary, a life interest in all real estate, then to son John. Dated 23 March - 1807
1558 - Mortgage for 500 years by John Featherstone to Paul Boot jun. of Mansfield grocer of lands as in D239 M/T 1544 and copyhold lands: a messuage, a messuage formerly a blacksmith's shop, a dwelling house, and the following closes: Little Breck, Carr Close, a close near Moscar, and 2 roods in Near Oak Field, 2 roods in Stone Bridge Field, 3 roods in Ridgway Field. Consideration £557. Dated 6 February - 1817
1559-1560 - Lease and release by John Featherstone and Mary his wife to Henry Gally Knight of Langold esq. of Far Oak Field Closes and two Little Breck Closes, and a parcel of land in Little Breck. Consideration £450. Dated 15/16 February - 1822
1561-1562 - Final concord and counterpart between Henry Gally Knight plaintiff and John Featherstone and Mary his wife deforciants. Dated 10 February - 1822
1563-1564 - Lease and release by John Featherstone and Mary his wife to John Horncastle and William Chrishop, trustees for Henry Gally Knight of 3 roods 38 perches in Stone Bridge Close, Moscar Close (2 roods 14 perches) and all other freeholds of Featherstone in Warsop. Consideration: £337 6s arrears of rent owed by Featherstone. 20/21 February - 1822
1565 - Bond to support D239 M/T 1563-64. Even date - 1822
1566 - Copyhold admission of John Featherstone to three messuages as in D239 M/T 1558; and mortgage to Mary Smith of Edwinstowe widow. Dated 8 February - 1825
1567 - Declaration of trusts in D239 M/T 1566. Even date - 1825
1568 - Copyhold admission of John Featherstone as D239 M/T 1566. Dated 19 August - 1825
1569 - Copyhold surrender by John Featherstone and Mary his wife of lands as in D239 M/T 1558 to the use of Henry Gally Knight. Dated 19 August - 1825
1570 - Copyhold admission of John Featherstone, only son and devisee of John Featherstone to all the lands of his father in the manor of Warsop. Dated 22 May - 1827
1571 - Copyhold surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by John Featherstone to Henry Gally Knight of 3 roods 6 perches of land, part of an allotment under the enclosure award. Dated 22 May - 1827
1572 - Copyhold admission of Mary Smith of Edwinstowe widow to premises as in D239 M/T 1566, and surrender with John Featherstone to Henry Gally Knight, of Stone Bridge Close (3 roods 38 perches), and a parcel of land measuring 2 acres 3 roods 10 perches. Consideration £210 16s paid to Mary. Dated 22 May - 1827
1573-1574 - Lease and release (copies) by John Newton of Warsop gent. to Henry Reynolds of Warsop gent. of Carr Lane Close, Pinfold Close, and agreement to surrender the following copyholds: messuage, barn, stable, yard and garden. Consideration £270. Dated 18/19 May - 1789
1575 - Attested copy of mortgage for term of 1000 years by George Brummitt, trustee of Henry Reynolds, to John Reynolds of Southwell maltster of property as in D239 M/T 1573-74. Consideration £200. Dated 19 May - 1789
1576 - Copyhold surrender by Elizabeth Cutts widow and William Cutts her son to the use of Henry Reynolds of Butt Lane Close (2½ acres). Consideration £192 3s. Dated 10 April - 1810
1577 - Quitclaim by John Birkin of Edwinstowe baker to Henry Reynolds of Warsop butcher of all right etc in Butt Lane Close. Dated 17 May - 1810
1578 - Attested copy of lease and release by Henry Reynolds sen. of Warsop yeoman to Henry Reynolds jun. his son, butcher of all freeholds in Warsop, together with an assignment of personal estate. Dated 7/8 April - 1817
1579 - Copyhold admission of Edward Brady, son and heir of Thomas Brady by Martha his wife, formerly Martha Bradley spinster, Sarah wife of John Buckland of Tibshelf, formerly Sarah Bradley spinster, and Susannah, wife of Christopher Barker, formerly Susannah Bradley spinster (daughters and heirs of Thomas Bradley) of lands in Mansfield surrendered by Henry Reynolds to Thomas Bradley on mortgage. Dated 29 March - 1826
1580 - Copyhold surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by the parties to D239 M/T 1579 of lands in Mansfield to the use of Henry Reynolds of Warsop butcher. Dated 29 March - 1826
1581 - Attested copy of an assignment of a mortgage term by Richard Milward of Hexgrave gent., administrator of the estate of John Reynolds deceased, at the request of Henry and Thomas Reynolds to George Flower of Mansfield gent. of lands as in D239 M/T 1573-1575. Dated 24 June 1830 - 1830
1582-1583 - Lease and release by Henry Reynolds and Thomas Reynolds both of Warsop butchers, sons and executors of the will of Henry Reynolds senior (will dated 29 November 1827) to Henry Gally Knight and Rev. William Alderson his trustee, of Carr Close, 3 roods in Stone Bridge Field, 1 acre 3 roods 30 perches in Near Oak Field, 1 rood freehold and 3 acres 3 roods 36 perches copyhold on Warsop Forest, 1 acre 14 perches copyhold in Claypit or Moscar Close; 2 acres 3 roods 18 perches copyhold on Moscar Common; 2 parcels of copyhold in Butt Lane Close. Consideration £1000. Dated 25/26 June 1830 - 1830
1584 - Assignment of mortgage term by George Flower to Henry Gally Knight as in D239 M/T 1581. Dated 26 June - 1830
1585 - Deed of covenant for production of title deeds to support D239 M/T 1582-83. Even date - 1830
1586 - Copyhold surrender as in D239 M/T 1582-83. Dated 28 June - 1830
1587-1588 - Lease and release by Thomas Browne of Bentley (co. Derby) esq. and Alice his wife to George Mellar of Mansfield soapmaker of a piece of land (formerly a cottage) and croft adjoining, Dam Close, Cherry Tree Close, Long Appleton, Crabtree Close, 2½ acres enclosed, the three Breck Closes (26 acres), Carr Close, Lime Kiln Close, Clay Pitt Close, 1 acre 1 rood of enclosed ground, 3 acres in Hill Top Close, 7 acres in Far Oak Field, 5 acres 3 roods in West Croft Field, 8½ acres in Narr Oak Field, 2 acres 1½ roods in Little Breck, 3½ acres in Ridgway Field, 5½ acres in Stone Bridge Field, and one little meadow and one dole of land in Ryepool Bottom. Consideration £440. Dated 4/5 August - 1714
1587-1624 - Robinson estate
1589 - Copyhold admission of Thomas Brown esq. to a messuage, croft, and garden, Norman Lane Close, a cottage and croft, and a small parcel of land on which once stood three cottages. Fine 14s. Dated 23 September - 1714
1590 - Copyhold surrender by Thomas Brown to John Thompson; common recovery by David Askey against Thompson, and surrender by Brown, Askey, and Thompson to George Mellar of lands etc. as in D239 M/T 1589. Dated 23 September and 22 December - 1714
1591 - Agreement between Samuel Herring sem. of Sookholme yeoman and Samuel Herring jun. his son whereby Samuel sen. will surrender to the use of Samuel jun. a cottage, barn, and garden in But Lane. Consideration £26 10s. Dated 14 May - 1772
1592 - Copyhold surrender as D239 M/T 1591. Dated 26 May - 1772
1593 - Copy of copyhold surrender by John Newton gent and Mary his wife to the use of John Whiteman of Cross Lanes Close (2 acres). Fine 4d. Dated 30 April - 1773
1594 - Copy of copyhold admission of Daniel Cowley of Ollerton to lands late his father's, and surrender by same and Elizabeth his wife to John Whiteman of two messuages, Lime Kiln Close (1 acre), 3 roods in Stone Bridge Field, 1 rood of meadow or pasture in Mesne Close. Fine 6s. Dated 20 July - 1779
1595 - Copy of copyhold surrender by Charles Plumptre clerk and Mary his wife, only daughter and heir of Joseph Mellar late of Mansfield deceased, to the use of William Beeston of lands as in D239 M/T 1589. Dated 13 May. Common recovery by Edward Unwin against Beeston, and surrender by Plumptre to the use of Thomas Whiteman. Dated 22 June - 1785
1596 - Bond in £200 to support D239 M/T 1595. Dated 22 June - 1785
1597 - Copyhold surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by Stephen Wilkinson of Mansfield gent. to the use of John Browne of those premises which Browne mortgaged to Wilkinson on 10 May 1785. Dated 14 Aeptember - 1790
1598 - Copyhold surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by John Browne and Elizabeth his wife to the use of John Whiteman of Warsop farmer of 25 acres in Warsop. Fine 2s. Dated 14 September - 1790
1599 - Copyhold admission (Mansfield Court Baron) of Thomas Whiteman to all lands devised to him by his father John. Dated 10 October - 1804
1600 - Copyhold admission (Warsop) as D239 M/T 1599. Dated 7 May - 1805
1601 - Copyhold admission of Sarah Whiteman, widow and devisee of Thomas to a dwelling house. Dated 25 April - 1812
1602 - Copyhold admission of Sarah Whiteman to all lands late Thomas's and settlement of same on William Robinson following Sarah's life interest. Dated 25 April - 1812
1603-1604 - Copyhold admission and settlement (Mansfield Court Baron) as D239 M/T 1602. Dated 9 June - 1812
1605 - Agreement between Daniel Herring of Clowne farmer and William Robinson of Warsop farmer whereby Daniel agrees to sell to William for £100 two messuages, (one freehold, one copyhold), late the estate of Samuel Herring brother of Daniel. Dated 8 October - 1818
1606 - Copyhold surrender by Daniel Herring to William Robinson of two messuages (formerly one) and a barn and garden in But Lane. Dated 30 January - 1819
1607 - Copyhold admission of William Robinson sen. to his allotments under the Warsop enclosure award. Dated 19 August - 1825
1608 - Copyhold admission (Mansfield Court Baron) of William Robinson to lands late William Robinson his father. Dated 24 January - 1826
1609 - Copyhold admission (Warsop) as D239 M/T 1608. Dated 12 June - 1834
1610 - Conveyance by William Robinson of Thorpe Salvin (co. York) yeoman to Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington Hall Bt. of a freehold estate in Warsop. Schedule and plan attached. Consideration £1209 10s, part of a total of £2623 15s for combined freehold and copyhold estate. Dated 13 September - 1849
1611-1612 - Copyhold surrenders, with D239 M/T 1610, of lands as in D239 M/T 1589, Limekiln Lane Close (4 acres 2 roods 36 perches), part of Cross Lane Close (1 acre 4 perches), and part of Top Cross Lane Close (1 acre). Dated 14 September - 1849
1613 - Covenant for production of title deeds. Dated 14 September - 1849
1614-1624 - Lease and release, Francis Browne of Warsop surgeon to Nicholas Bettenay of Warsop tailor, consideration £108, (26/27 May 1788); deed of partition of estate of Nicholas Betteney, with final concord (1823); copy probate of William Hays of Heath (co. Derby), husband of Ann, daughter of Nicholas Betteney (10 October 1833), proved 10 April 1834; lease and release, William Hays to Thomas Nuttall, his trustee (17/18 February 1834); conveyance by Nuttall to John Featherstone and John Blythman (11 August 1846); mortgage by Featherstone and Blythman to William Wood of Sookholme gent. (6 June 1850); conveyance by Featherstone Blythman, and Wood to Sir William FitzHerbert of Tissington Hall Bt., consideration £460 (8 January 1868) - 1788-1868
1625 - Surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by John Hethe, attorney of Sir Hardolph Wastneyes Bt., to use of Henry Wasse of a messuage. Fine 4s. Dated 15 June - 1624
1625-1652 - Miscellaneous copyhold
1626 - Surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by Clement Newton et al. to the use of James Newton her son of a messuage. James to pay Clement an annuity of 40s. Fine 2d. Dated 30 July - 1639
1627 - Surrender (Warsop) by Godfrey Swift, Godfrey Watkinson, and Hercules Clay to the use of John Seyworth of a messuage. Dated 13 August - 1650
1628 - Settlement (Mansfield Court Baron) by James Newton of a messuage. Dated 29 November - 1653
1629 - Surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by Samuel Wasse and Ann his wife to the use of Richard Willey of two selions in Oakfield and ½ acre on Hasland Hill. Dated 15 December - 1668
1630 - Settlement (Warsop) by Joseph Chambers of a cottage. Dated 11 October - 1675
1631 - Surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by Elizabeth Wass widow to the use of Francis Wass her son of ½ acre in Ridgway Field. Fine 2d. - 7 Jan [1679]
1632 - As D239 M/T 1631: to her son Henry Wass of 2½ acres and a headland. Fine 6d. Even date - [1679]
1633 - Surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by Richard Willey and Elizabeth his wife to the use of Henry Askey of lands as in D239 M/T 1629. Fine 2s. Dated 24 July - 1679
1634 - Surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by Godfrey Wass to the use of Henry Askey of ½ acre in Meane Close. Fine 2d. Dated 6 July - 1680
1635 - Admission of Benjamin Clay (Warsop) to a messuage and croft and surrender to the use of Henry Askey. Dated 6 April - 1681
1636 - Surrender (Warsop) by Francis Jepson to trustees of Henry Askey of a messuage and croft. Fine 2s 4d. Dated 12 October - 1681
1637 - Admission (Mansfield Court Baron) of David Ascough to all lands late his father's, Henry. Dated 5 October - 1708
1638 - Admission (Warsop) as D239 M/T 1637 (a messuage and croft). Dated 6 October - 1708
1639 - Surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by Richard Cooke and Elizabeth his wife to the use of John Thompson and Gervase Spakeman, trustees and feoffees of all right etc. in lands which they mortgaged to the feoffees of Benjamin Cooke, son of Richard, on 9 June 1675. Fine 1s 8d. Dated 26 October - 1708
1640 - Surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by Benjamin Cooke, John Thompson and Gervase Spakeman to the use of William Cout of 6 acres 1 rood land. Fine 2s. Dated 24 April - 1711
1641 - Mortgage (Warsop) by Maria Thompson widow and John her son to Richard Stones of Budby wheelwright of a cottage and croft. Dated 9 May - 1715
1642 - Common recovery (Warsop) by John Fletcher against John Thompson and Robert Smith to the use of John Clay and Hanna his wife, and surrender to Henry Askey and James Reynolds in trust to execute the will of Isabel Clayton, of a messuage. Dated 6/7 May - 1717
1643 - Testimony of surrender out of court to John Thompson and John Fletcher, trustees for Abraham Revell, of a messuage and croft, by Daniel Newton et al. Fine 8s. Dated 17 May - 1717
1644 - Admission of Henry Richardson, as nephew and heir of David Ascue, of a messuage and croft. Fine 5s 8d. Dated 7 May - 1720
1645 - Admission of Susanna Willey, widow of Richard, to lands of Richard. Fine 8d. Dated 15 May - 1728
1646 - Surrender by John Thompson and Maria his wife to Dickenson Knight, guardian of Ralph Knight infant, of a cottage. Dated 16 May - 1729
1647 - Acknowledgment by Dickenson Knight of surrenders to the use of Ralph Knight, including D239 M/T 1646. Dated 21 September - 1736
1648 - Surrender by Ruth Frith widow and James her son to Ralph Knight of a messuage etc. and croft. Dated 17 October - 1743
1649 - Common recovery by Samuel Herring to the use of Ralph Knight of a messuage, garden, and orchard. Dated 2/23 December - 1760
1650 - Copy of copyhold surrender by Jane Wylde, widow of William Wylde, to John Knight of her dower in a cottage, croft, 3 roods in Cottage Doles, and ½ acre in Cottage Hagg. Dated 9 May - 1787
1651 - Surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by William Wylde gent. and Elizabeth his wife to Henry Gally Knight of three messuages. Consideration £200. Dated 27 May - 1815
1652 - Admission of Eliza Vincent as devisee of her mother Mary Caudwell. - 1899
1653 - Exemplification of a common recovery by William Peace and William Coxe against William Noble of 30 acres land, 2 acres meadow, 2 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Warsop. Dated 28 November - 1600
1653-1658 - Miscellaneous deeds
1654 - Common recovery by Joseph Hayne jun. against Francis Gregg of two messuages, two gardens, 35 acres each of land, meadow and pasture, 10s rent, and common of pasture in Warsop. Dated 28 November - 1713
1655-1656 - Final concord and counterpart between Daniel Newton plaintiff and John Wasse and Elizabeth his wife deforciants of two cottages, 24 acres land, 5 acres meadow, 4 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Warsop. Consideration £60. - 20 Jan [1731]
1657 - Quitclaim by Sir George Savile of Rufford to Ralph Knight esq. of a chief rent of 4s issuing out of lands in Warsop. Consideration £6. Dated 28 October - 1752
1658 - Assignment of mortgage by John Peatfield of Edwinstowe to Henry Gally Knight of Langold (co. York) of Little Appleton Close which Peatfield mortgaged to William Bradley of Warsop yeoman for £70 (29 December 1814), and of which Bradley now requires termination. Dated 8 November - 1821
1659 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine between William Whitehead of Lincoln's Inn gent. and Silvester Petyt of Barnards Inn gent. whereby Whitehead will levy a fine on a freehold estate in Warsop to bar and extinguish all estates tail and to secure £250 on a mortgage term of 1000 years. Dated 12 June - 1716
1659-1661 - Whitehead miscellaneous
1660 - Final concord between Silvester Petyt plaintiff and William Whitehead deforciant of one messuage, one cottage, 50 acres land, 10 acres meadow, 10 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Warsop. Consideration £100. Dated 25 June - 1716
1661 - Assignment of mortgage by Peniston Lamb of Lincoln's Inn gent., executor of Richard Vallance to whom Silvester Petyt assigned the term, to Rev. James Bernard of Selling (co. Kent). Dated 17 October Endorsed with reassignment to Lamb (17 October 1731) and surrender to Whitehead (21 October 1732). - 1723
1662-1663 - Settlement upon the marriage of William Wylde of Nettleworth in the parish of Warsop gent. and Elizabeth daughter of Mary Chappell of Riber in the parish of Matlock (co. Derby), whereby Wylde conveys to John Chappell of Mansfield Woodhouse gent. and John Marsh of Nettleworth gent. the manor of Nettleworth in trust for a term of 500 years. Marriage portion £400. Dated 14/15 April - 1693
1662-1703 - Nettleworth manor
1664-1666 - Common recovery by Wandesford Gyll gent. against Edward Hart gent. of the manor of Nettleworth to the use of William Wylde. 4/5 June and 29 November - 1731
1667-1668 - Mortgage for term of 1000 years by William Wylde of Nettleworth gent. to Penelope Bryan of East Retford widow of the four closes called Nether Storths and six closes called Upper Storths containing in all 75 acres. Consideration £300. - 31 Jan [1732]
1669 - Bond in £600 to support D239 M/T 1667-68. Even date. - [1732]
1670 - Mortgage in £100 for 500 years by William Wylde to John Wright of Mansfield maltster of Thistley Close now divided in three containing in all 21 acres. Dated 24 June - 1735
1671-1672 - Mortgage in fee by William Wylde to William Wenman of Edwinstowe esq. of a toftstead and croft (2 acres), two closes called Littlewood and Swine Yard, now all called Dovecoat Close and Littlewood (11 acres); Upper Storths (36 acres); Pudding Bag Storth (5 acres); Nether Storths (34 acres); Little Blatherwick Close (6 acres); Great Blatherwick Close (11 acres); Great Toothill (13 acres); Little Toothill (5 acres); Long Meadow and Pingle (12 acres); Limekiln Close (18 acres); Crook Close (8 acres); Orchard Piece and Walnut Tree Close (3 acres); Upper Calf Close (4 acres); Great Calf Close (6 acres); Stone Pitt Close(6 acres); Danks Piece (12 acres); Well Yard (1 acre); and Nether Field (5 acres). Consideration £600. Dated 27/28 July - 1739
1673 - Bond in £1200 to support D239 M/T 1671-72. Even date. - 1739
1674 - Assignment of mortgage term as in D239 M/T 1667-68 by William Wenman to Robert Wilmot of Mansfield gent. Dated 31 July - 1739
1675-1679 - Additional mortgages in £700, 800 , and £960 as in D239 M/T 1671-72, 1742-48 - 1742-1748
1680-1682 - Mortgage in £1200 by William Wylde and William Wenman to Ralph Knight of Langold (co. York) of lands as in D239 M/T 1671-72, and Cookes Close, Hillocks Close, Humphreys Croft, Ox Pasture, Rough Pasture, Thistley Close Horse Pasture, Hardys Close, and Hind Carr, containing in all 82½ acres. Dated 18/19 July - 1749
1683 - Bond in £2400 to support D239 M/T 1680-82. Even date - 1749
1684 - Assignment of term in trust for residue of 500 years by Ralph Knight to Samuel Marriott of Mansfield gent. of lands as in D239 M/T 1670. Dated 19 July - 1749
1685 - Deed to incorporate interest into principal in D239 M/T 1680-82. Dated 29 January - 1753
1686 - Further mortgage in £1614 4s 6d (£1368 principal, £246 4s 6d interest) Wylde to Knight. Dated 29 July - 1757
1687 - Deed to incorporate interest in principal (£1614 4s 6d plus £225 19s 8d). Dated 29 January - 1761
1688 - As D239 M/T 1687; £159 15s 10d interest; total £2000. Dated 12 December - 1765
1689-1690 - Lease and release by William Wylde sen. to William Wylde jun. of Mansfield gent., his son, of a messuage etc., the Upper and Nether Storth the Blatherwicks, Hilly Close, Orchard Close, Crooked Close, Middlefield Close, Browns Pingle, and Little Pingle all in Nettleworth, containing in all 100 acres, together with Long Meadow, Little Hind Carr, Hind Carr Wood, Stonepit Close, Spring Wood Close with Spring Wood, the three Thistley Closes, Yew Tree Close, Rough Meadow otherwise Hop Yard, and Rape Meadow all in Sookholme and containing 88 acres. Consideration £2000 paid to Ralph Knight in discharge of mortgage. Dated 13/14 December - 1765
1691-1692 - Mortgage by Ralph Knight, William Wylde sen. and William Wylde jun. to Richard Parsons of Mansfield Woodhouse gent. of lands as in D239 M/T 1680-82, reciting terms of D239 M/T 1685-1690. Consideration £2000. Dated 24/25 March - 1767
1693-1694 - Settlement upon the marriage of William Wylde jun. and Jane daughter of Rev. Gilbert Hall, rector of Kettlethorpe (co. Lincoln) whereby William Wylde sen. and William Wylde jun. and Richard Parsons convey to Rev. Charles Wylde of Bramcote and John Clay of Kettlethorpe gent. the manor of Nettleworth and lands as in D239 M/T 1671-72, 1689-90 to hold in trust to specified uses. Portion £2600 (paying mortgage principal of £2000). Dated 27/28 August - 1771
1695 - Final concord to support D239 M/T 1693-94. Dated 3 November - 1771
1696-1697 - Settlement on the marriage of William Wylde, son of William and Jane and Elizabeth Sutton Edwards, daughter of Rev. John Edwards of Roleston, whereby Jane Wylde widow and William conveys to Rev. Charles Wylde and Rev. John Hall Clay of Barnborough (co. York) lands etc. as in D239 M/T 1693-94, to hold in trust to specified uses. Portion £2000. Dated 16/17 January - 1797
1698 - Lease for 6 years from 25 March next by William Wylde of Southwell esq. to Edward Greaves of Nettleworth esq. of Nettleworth Hall and the Lawn, Horse Pasture, Meadow before the House, Cow Pasture, Bridge Close and 49 acres land. Yearly rent £104. Greaves to have right to hunt, shoot and fish. Dated 29 September - 1797
1699-1700 - Letters of administration of goods etc. of Samuel Marriott late of Mansfield deceased - including remainder of an assignment as in D239 M/T 1684. Dated 24 October - 1817
1701-1702 - Lease and release by William Wylde and Elizabeth his wife, and the trustees of their marriage settlement, to Henry Gally Knight of the manor of Nettleworth and lands and closes containing in all 265 acres 2 roods 38 perches. Consideration £13,000. Dated 9/10 March - 1818
1703 - Assignment of two several terms in trust to John Cruso jun. of Leek gent., trustee for Henry Gally Knight. Recital of terms of D239 M/T 1667-68, D239 M/T 1670-72, D239 M/T 1674, etc. Dated 10 March - 1818
1704-1705 - Attested copy of common recovery, Mansfield Court Baron, by Richard Goulding against Samuel Harvey, and surrender by Goulding et al., attornies of Henry Gally Knight, to the use of William Henry Cavendish Scott, duke of Portland of all copyholds in the manor of Mansfield held by Knight. Dated 21 August & 12 September - 1826
1704-1710 - Exchange of land with Duke of Portland
1706 - Copyhold surrender (Mansfield Court Baron) by Richard Goulding et al. to the use of Henry Gally Knight of copyhold lands. Dated 12 September - 1826
1707-1708 - Lease and release by the duke of Portland to Henry Gally Knight of the manor of Sookholme in exchange for an estate in Mansfield Woodhouse. Schedules of lands. Dated 21/22 June - 1827
1709-1710 - Assignment of the manor of Sookholme in trust for Henry Gally Knight and deed of covenant for production of title deeds - 22 Jun 1827
1711 - Feoffment by William Wardley sen. of Warsop to his son William of a garden. Consideration £5. Dated 12 February. Endorsed with note of feoffment to Henry Gally Knight for £5. Dated 25 March - 1839; 1841
1711-1713 - Miscellaneous
1712-1713 - Surrender by John, and Henry Crooks and Elizabeth Presley, children of Francis Crooks deceased, and Elizabeth Crooks widow to Sir Henry FitzHerbert. Dated 25 May - 1847
1714 - Confirmation by Thomas Eton to John Eton clerk Robert Nevyll, Cuthbert Bevercotes, Edmund Hunt, Robert Hudsen capellanus, and Robert Porter capellanus of one messuage, two tofts, 120 acres land, 16 acres meadow, 22s 4d rent in Kirton and Willoughby which, in Michaelmas term 1515 were recovered against Michael Clerkson gent. and Robert Lawe to the use of William Clerkson to be held in trust by Nevyll et al. Dated 13 December - 1520
1714-1762 - Clerkson family deeds
1714-1835 - Kirton, Willoughby, Walesby, and Boughton
1715-1716 - Marriage settlement by William Clerkson on the marriage of Michael Clerkson, son and heir of William, with Sanche daughter of John Powtrell of West Hallam esq. whereby William agrees to convey to trustees an estate of a clear yearly value of 8 marks. Portion 50 marks. - 12 Jan [1524]
1717 - Conveyance to trustees in accordance with D239 M/T 1715-1716. Dated 1 October - 1524
1718 - Settlement by William Clerkson of Kirton conveying to trustees lands in Kirton, West Retford, Welham, Welham Moorhouse, and Clareborough for the use of William for his life, and then to the use of Michael his son; Michael to make an annual obit for the soul of William and Isabel his wife, and others, and to find a light in Kirton church etc. Dated 28 March - 1526
1719 - Lease for 60 years by John Elton clerk, Robert Nevell, Edmund Hunt, Robert Molyneux, Anthony Molyneux clerk, and Nicholas Powtrell to Michael Clerkson and Cencia his wife of lands in Kirton. Rent a red rose. Dated 3 August - 1533
1720-1721 - Final concord and counterpart between William Davenporte plaintiff and Humphrey Bradborne esq. deforciant of a messuage, 80 acres land, 20 acres meadow, 60 acres pasture, 20 acres wood, and 3s 10d rent in Walesby, Willoughby, and Kirton. Consideration 100 marks. Dated 12 November - 1536
1722 - Grant by Robert Brokylsbee and John Dyon to Michael Clerkson of a grange, farm, and messuage called Boughton Grange, late in the tenure of William Clerkson, and formerly the possession of Blyth Priory, held by Brokylsbee and Dyon under letters patent (20 August 1544). To hold in free socage paying rent of 2s to the Court of Augmentations. Consideration £21. Dated 14 September - 1544
1723 - Probate of Michael Clerkson of Kirton. Dated 2 April 1545. Proved 14 December - 1545
1724 - Copy of an inquisition taken by the escheator of Nottinghamshire on the death of Michael Clerkson. Dated 29 October - 1546
1725 - Grant by Sir William Davenport of Bramhall (co.Chester) and Margaret his wife to Sanche Clerkson widow of land in Walesby, Willoughby, and Kirton. Dated 18 August - 1546
1726 - Release of right of wardship by Martin Hastings esq. over John, son of Michael Clerkson deceased, to Sanche Clerkson widow. Consideration £20. Dated 16 June - 1547
1727-1728 - Final concord and counterpart between Richard Wright plaintiff and Michael Rodes deforciant of a messuage, 40 acres land, 10 acres meadow, and 10 acres pasture in Kirton, Walesby, and Willoughby. Consideration 40 marks. Dated 6 October - 1554
1729 - Copy of settlement on the marriage of John Clarkson and Elizabeth, daughter of John Rodney deceased whereby Sanche Clarkson widow and John agree to convey to trustees an estate of the clear yearly value of £20. Marriage portion 500 marks. Dated 10 October - 1556
1730 - Feoffment by Sanche Clerkson and John Clarkson to Thomas Powtrell of West Hallam esq., executor of the will of John Rodney, Maurice Rodney, and George Clarkson, pursuant to the terms of D239 M/T 1729 of lands in Kirton, Walesby, and Willoughby, and of Boughton Grange. Dated 24 October - 1556
1731-1732 - Final concord and counterpart between George Clarckson and Martin Stringer plaintiffs and John Clarckson and Elizabeth his wife of the manor of Kirton etc. Consideration £100. - 3 Feb [1566]
1733-1734 - Settlement by John Clerkson of Kirton gent. on Michael his son conveying to trustees the manor and lordship of Willoughby and Walesby. Dated 18 June - 1587
1735 - Probate of John Clerkson of Kirton. Dated 15 January. Proved at York 16 April - 1602
1736 - Copy of inquisition on death of John Clarkson. Dated 19 October - 1602
1737 - Arbitration by John Digby of Mansfield Woodhouse, William Moseley of Carberton, Clement Holder of Southwell clerk in a suit in Chancery between George Markham of Ollerton esq., plaintiff, and Michael Clerkson of Kirton gent. et al. deforciants, over Markham's claim to certain chief rents due to him from Clerkson from lands in Boughton and Kirton. Dated 18 August - 1615
1738 - Copy will of Michael Clarkson of Kirton. Dated 8 September - 1615
1739-1740 - Final concord and counterpart between Thomas Williamson and John Clerkson plaintiffs and William Clerkson deforciant of the manor of Willoughby, twelve messuages, twelve cottages, twelve gardens, 500 acres land, 100 acres meadow, 200 acres pasture, 30 acres wood, and common of pasture in Kirton, Walesby, Willoughby, Boughton, and Wellow. Consideration £800. Dated 25 November - 1635
1741 - Settlement on the marriage of William Clerkson and Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Williamson, whereby William conveys to trustees the manors of Kirton, Walesby, and Willoughby to hold to specified uses. Portion £1750. Dated 7 December - 1635
1742 - Probate of Dame Ann South of Mansfield Woodhouse. Dated 19 January 1657/58. Proved at Mansfield manor court, 17 May - 1659
1743-1744 - Settlement on the marriage of John Clerkson and Esther daughter of Sir Ralph Knight - 18 Jan [1671]
1745 - Release by William and John Clerkson to John Bellamy of Workshop gent. to make Bellamy tenant to suffer a common recovery of lands as in D239 M/T 1743-44. - 20 Jan [1671]
1746 - Agreement between William Clerkson and Sir Ralph Knight that William will bring no action for monies due to him from lands as in D239 M/T 1743-44 - 26 Jan [1671]
1747-1749 - Settlement upon marriage (as D239 M/T 1743-44) whereby William and John Clerkson release to Denis Peppar of Workshop gent. and William Linley of Worksop gent. all lands etc. in Kirton, Walesby, Willoughby, and Boughton - 26 Jan [1671]
1750-1751 - Common recovery by Peppar and Linley against John Bellamy of the manor of Willoughby, and lands in Kirton, Walesby, Willoughby, Boughton, and Wellow. Dated 13 February - 1671
1752 - Probate of Judith Clarkson of Kirton spinster. Dated 13 September 1699. Proved at York, 1 June - 1699
1753-1754 - Lease and release by John Clerkson sen. of Kirton esq. and John Clerkson jun. of Grays Inn esq. to James Close of Furnivall's Inn gent. of the manor of Willoughby and lands in Kirton etc. in trust to stand tenant for suffering a common recovery by William Burt of Gray's Inn gent. Dated 25/26 March - 1714
1755 - Common recovery by William Burt against James Close of the manor of Willoughby, 30 messuages, a water-corn mill, 12 gardens, 400 acres land, 100 acres meadow, 200 acres pasture, 40 acres wood, and common of pasture in Kirton, Willoughby, Walesby, Boughton, and Wellow. Dated 10 May - 1714
1756 - Probate of Mary Dennis of Mansfield widow. Dated 29 October 1717. Proved at York. - 7 Mar [1718]
1757 - Probate of Faith Clerkson of St Andrew, Holborn spinster. Dated 15 August 1724; codicils 7 September 1725, 29 October 1725. Proved in P.C.C. 14 February 1725/6 - 14 Feb [1726]
1758 - Surrender by Faith Clerkson of Westminster spinster to Ralph Knight of Langold (co. York) of her life interest in an estate devised to her for life by John Clerkson, and then to Ralph Knight, cousin of John. Consideration: an annuity of £300. Dated 16 May - 1757
1759 - Bond in £4000 to support D239 M/T 1758. Even date - 1757
1760 - Assignment by John Clarkson of Kirton esq. and Jonathan Staniforth of Grays Inn to John Neal of Mansfield Woodhouse gent. to the use of John Knight, John Clarkson, and Richard Taylor of the manor of Firbeck (co. York), conveyed to Knight et al. as trustees of the marriage settlement of Jonathan Staniforth and Christian Knight (29/30 April 1679) The Jonathan Staniforth, party to these presents, is the son of Jonathan by a previous marriage, and has no claim on the estate - 7 Mar [1707]
1761-1762 - Lease and release by Nicholas Strey of Beeston and John Story of Kniveton gent., surviving executor of the will of Charles Dennis of Kirton, to John Clerkson, administrator of goods and chattels of John Clerkson his father, and also administrator of the goods etc. of Mary Dennis widow of the said Charles (see D239 M/T 1756) of messuage in Nottingham in trust for John Storey and John Clerkson. Dated 25/26 December - 1718
1763 - Feoffment by Henry Wright of Egmanton gent. and Eleanor his wife and Richard their son and Susannah his wife to John Digby of Mansfield Woodhouse esq. of a messuage and cottage in Kirton. Consideration £200. Dated 20 October - 1620
1763-1773 - Messuage in Kirton
1764-1765 - Final concord and counterpart between John Digby esq. plaintiff and Henry Wright and Eleanor his wife and Richard Wright and Susanna his wife deforciants of one messuage, one cottage, two tofts, one dovecote, two gardens, two orchards, 40 acres land, 5 acres meadow, 6 acres pasture and common of pasture in Kirton and Laxton. Consideration £100. Dated 3 November - 1620
1766 - Feoffment by Richard Hurste sen. of Walesby yeoman to John Digby of Collyn Rigge Close (4 acres) in Willoughby and 2 acres land. Dated 4 November - 1622
1767 - Feoffment by Richard Hurste jun. to John Digby of a parcel of land in Willoughby in Longe Hagh Hedge Close. Consideration £3 13s 4d. Dated 6 November - 1622
1768 - Feoffment by Robert Hurste of Walesby yeoman to John Digby of all those selions between Collinrigg and Roberts Crofts, and four other selions. Consideration £6 10s. - 11 Jan [1623]
1769 - Feoffment by Richard Hurst sen. and Robert his second son to George Flower of Kirton gent. of a messuage in Walesby and cottage in Willoughby. Consideration £200. - 20 Mar [1630]
1770 - Release by John Digby and George Flower of Hucknall Torkard gent. to William Clerkson of Kirton esq. of premises as in D239 M/T 1769, D239 M/T 1769. Dated 1 October - 1630
1771 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine to be levied between William Clearkson, George Flower, and John Digby of lands in Kirton, Willoughby, Walesby, Boughton, and Wellow to the use of Elizabeth wife of George for her life and thereafter to the use of William. Consideration £330 paid by Clearkson to Flower. Dated 2 October - 1630
1772-1773 - Final concord and counterpart between John Digby plaintiff and William Clearkson, George Flower and Elizabeth his wife deforciants of 12 messuage, 12 cottages, 12 gardens, 200 acres land, 60 acres meadow, 100 acres pasture, 20 acres wood, and common of pasture in Willoughby, Walesby, Kirton, Boughton, and Wellow. Consideration £400 - 2 Jan [1631]
1774 - Copy bargain and sale by Robert Markham of Cotton esq. to William Ingham of Kirton yeoman of all lands etc. in Kirton and 12 acres in Willoughby. Consideration £80. Dated 5 June Copy settlement by William Higham of Kirton yeoman to William Eastwood and Michael Feareven to hold in trust for William a capital messuage in Kirton, a close in the Backlane closes, a cottage, croft, and orchard, in Kirton, a piece of meadow, a second close in Backlane closes, 20 selions on Willoughby Hills, and a toft in Kirton lying next to the rectory. Dated 30 April Endorsed: "the most parte" of these lands were sold by William Ingham jun. to Seth Batchelor of Kirton, 1 April 1615 - 1563-1578
1774-1788 - Yard Close Meadow, Town End Close etc.
1775 - Quitclaim by Robert Cawood of Mansfield, Elizabeth his wife, and Dorothy his daughter to William Ingham of all title to a messuage and 5 acres in Kirton. Dated 4 April - 1581
1776 - Exchange between William Ingham of Kirton yeoman, William and Robert his sons, and Robert Rodes of Woodall (co. York) whereby the Inghams give Rodes a croft and ½ acre in Kirton in exchange for ½ acre meadow. Dated 20 August - 1584
1777 - Bargain and sale by Michael Feyreven of Kirton husbandman and Dorothy his wife and John their son to William Ingham son of half a messuage in Walesby and a close, cottage, a close called Collin Ridge and 10 acres in Willoughby. Dated 11 July - 1599
1778 - Bargain and sale by John Eastwood of Kirton yeoman, Margery his wife, and Robert their son to Robert Ingham of Carcroft (co. York) yeoman of a messuage in Kirton. Dated 4 April - 1600
1779 - Grant by William Ingham of Compton Donden (co. Somerset) gent. to Seth Batchelor of Kirton yeoman of a capital messuage in Kirton, two wongs of arable on Willoughby Hills, and 1½ acres in Kirton Middlefield, and all other lands etc., save for 2 roods meadow. Consideration £220. Dated 8 November - 1614
1780-1781 - Final concord and counterpart between Seth Batchelor plaintiff and William Ingham sen. and Elizabeth his wife, and William Ingham jun. deforciants of a messuage, stable, barn, garden, 40 acres land, three orchards, 14 acres meadow, 8 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Kirton. Consideration £41. Dated 26 April - 1615
1782 - Terrier of lands, lately sold by William Ingham to Seth Batchelor - 1615
1783 - Common recovery by John Simpson against Seth Bachelor of lands as in D239 M/T 1780-1781. Dated 28 November - 1615
1784 - Settlement on the marriage of Thomas Bachelor, son of Seth, and Jane Stanford, daughter of Samuel Stanford of Laxton gent. whereby Seth Bachelor conveys to trustees a messuage etc. in Kirton. - 12 Feb [1639]
1785 - Feoffment by Thomas Bachelor of Elkesley yeoman to William Clarkson of Kirton esq. of one selion (½ acre) in Hawbridge Field in Kirton. Consideration £5. - 22 Mar [1654]
1786 - Feoffment by Jane Bachelor of Edwinstowe widow of Thomas, and Thomas and Samuel their sons, to John Clarkson of Kirton gent. of a messuage in Kirton and a close of meadow called Yard Close Meadowe (3½ acres); a close of meadow called Town End Close (3 acres); 2 acres 2 roods in East Moore Meadow; 2 acres meadow in the Sidelings and Farre Meadow; 33 acres arable in the fields of Kirton and Willoughby; two beastgates in Cunnah pasture; two beast gates in South Carre; 13 roods or pieces of meadow in Goulburne; and two beastgates in Short Wood. Consideration £330. Dated 7 May - 1673
1787-1788 - Final concord and counterpart between John Clerkson plaintiff and Jane Bachelor widow, Thomas bachelor, and Samuel Bachelor and Elizabeth his wife deforciants. Consideration £100. - 3 Feb [1674]
1789 - Conveyance by Thomas Browne to Richard Hurste of two messuages in Walesby. Dated 6 December - 1595
1789-1806 - Hurst property
1790 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine between Thomas Browne of Walesby husbandman and John his wife, and Richard Hurste of Walesby yeoman of three messuages in Walesby. Dated 18 July - 1596
1791 - Final concord between Henry Walker and Richard Hurste and Thomas Hurste plaintiffs and Thomas Browne and Joan his wife, and James Johnson and Gertrude his wife deforciants of two messuages, one cottage, three gardens, two orchards 120 acres land, 12 acres meadow, 12 acres pasture, and 20 acres of Heath in Walesby, Willoughby, Boughton, and Bevercotes. Consideration £100. Dated 6 October - 1597
1792 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March next by Richard Hurst to Richard Knyght of Kirton of a close called Collenrigge. Rent 20s. Dated 30 December - 1601
1793 - Declaration that Richard Hurste has bought from James Gessinge of Whitwell (co. Derby) a messuage and tenement in Walesby. Dated 24 July - 1613
1794-1795 - Lease and release by Thomas Hurst of Nottingham yeoman and Mary his wife to John Clerkson of Kirton esq. of 2 acres in Boughton Consideration £6 10s. Dated 3/4 October - 1698
1796 - Feoffment by Thomas Hurst and Mary his wife to Thomas Rawood of Walesby yeoman of 2 acres 1½ roods in Willoughby. Consideration £51. Dated 3 October - 1698
1797 - As T 796: ½ acres in Walesby. Consideration £12. Dated 20 October - 1698
1798 - Probate of Thomas Rawood of Walesby yeoman. Dated 8 February, proved at York 20 August - 1722
1799-1800 - Lease and release by Thomas Lee sen. of Walesby yeoman and Thomas Lee jun. to Joseph allen of Holborn (co. Middx.) gent. of Cawdell Close (3 acres) and 5½ acres land in Walesby and Willoughby to make Allen a tenant for suffering a common recovery. Dated 11/12 June. The lands were devised to Thomas Lee sen. by Thomas Rawood - 1767
1801 - Common recovery by William Lowther against Joseph Allen. Dated 8 July - 1767
1802-1803 - Lease and release by Thomas Lee sen. and Thomas Lee jun. to William Buttery sen. of Walesby yeoman of land as in D239 M/T 1799-1800. Consideration £200. Dated 13/14 October - 1767
1804 - Mortgage for 500 years by William Buttery to Francis Cole of Nottingham spinster of lands as in D239 M/T 1799-1800. Consideration £150. Dated 14 December - 1767
1805-1806 - Lease and release by William Buttery sen. to Elizabeth Gally of Langold (co. York) of lands as in D239 M/T 1799-1800. Consideration £166 17s 6d paid to Frances Cole, £48 2s 6d paid to Buttery. Dated 13/14 June - 1770
1807 - Feoffment by Robert Ingham of Kirton yeoman to John Stuffyn of Shirebrook (co. Derby) gent. and Robert Somersall of Mansfield gent. of two messuages and a close in Kirton, 1 rood meadow in Golborne; and 5¾ acres and 6 lands, to the intent that they may be tenants for suffering a common recovery by William Clarkson of Mansfield Woodhouse esq. and with the intention of making a lease for 21 years to Robert Ingham at a rent of £3. Consideration £55. Dated 5 May - 1620
1807-1811 - Ingham estate
1808 - Common recovery by William Clarkson plaintiff against John Stuffyn and Robert Somersall of two messuages, 10 acres land, 1 rood meadow and 2 acres pasture in Kirton, Walesby, and Willoughby. Dated 29 May - 1620
1809 - Feoffment by William Ingham of Compton Donden (co. Somerset) to William Clerkson of Mansfield Woodhouse gent. of a messuage and tenement in Willoughby. Consideration £92. Dated 10 May - 1623
1810-1811 - Final concord and counterpart between William Clerkson plaintiff and William Ingham and Elizabeth his wife deforciants of a messuage, garden, orchard, 20 acres land, 6 acres meadow, 13 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Willoughby, Walesby, and Kirton. Consideration £41. Dated 24 May 1624 - 1624
1812-1814 - Grant: Robert Hurst of Walesby husbandman to Robert Rood of Kirton labourer, consideration 53s 4d (10 Sept 1573); Feoffment, Richard Roods of Kirton yeoman to John Lucas of Kirton yeoman, consideration £11 10s (1 Aug 1605); Feoffment by Lucas to William Clarkson, consideration £10. (4 April 1649) - 1573-1649
1812-1824 - Other Clerkson deeds
1815-1816 - Feoffment, Roger Hooton of Boughton yeoman to Anthony Blithe of the same yeoman, consideration £40. (22 March 1633/34); feoffment by Blithe to William Clarkson, consideration £80. (11 November 1662) - 1634-1662
1817-1819 - Feoffment (with final concord and counterpart) by Thomas Eastwood of Kirton yeoman to William Clerkson of 17½ acres and two beastgates in Kirton(schedule of lands). Consideration £53. Dated 10 March & 27 April - [1630s]
1820-1821 - Feoffments by Thomas Eastwood to William Clerkson of a cottage, 7 acres of land, five beastgates, three selions on Greetyfurlong, one land on Coppthorne Furlong, the Meadow Hades, and Snapedale Close. Consideration £90. Dated 24 & 30 July - 1635
1822-1823 - Final concord and counterpart between William Clarkson plaintiff and Thomas Eastwood and Alice his wife and Richard Eastwood deforciants of two cottages, a barn, garden, and orchard, 10 acres land, 3 acres meadow, 2 acres pasture, and common of pasture in Kirton and Shortwood. Consideration £60. Dated 6 October - 1640
1824 - Feoffment by John Fearven of Kirton yeoman and Elizabeth his wife to William Clerkson of Kirton esq. of 2 acres 3 roods land and 1½ roods of meadow. Consideration £6 13s 4d. Dated 27 January - 27 Jan [1637]
1825-1826 - Lease and counterpart for 24 years from 7 January next by William Clerkson of Kirton esq. to James Cam of Willoughby yeoman and Elizabeth his wife of the manor house at Willoughby and all appurtenances Rent £10. Dated 30 December - 1648
1825-1832 - Clerkson leases
1827 - Lease for 60 years by William Clarkson of Kirton esq. to John Lucas of Kirton yeoman and Sarah his wife of a messuage and croft in Kirton and 1½ acres of land in Kirton and Willoughby. Rend 4d. Dated 5 April - 1649
1828 - Lease for 21 years from 11 November next by William Clerkson of Kirton esq. to Roger Truswell of Kirton husbandman of a messuage called the Upper Howse and Taylors Close in Kirton and Willoughby. Rent £25. Dated 16 June - 1651
1829 - Lease for 21 years from 11 November next by William Clarkson to William Liller of Laneham yeoman of Birkits Farm in Kirton and arable lands in Kirton. Rent £20. Dated 20 October - 1652
1830 - Lease for 21 years from 11 November last past by John Clerkson of Kirton esq. to James Cam of Willoughby husbandman and wheelwright of the manor house and farm, and a cottage in Willoughby. Rent £17 15s 4d. Dated 9 July - 1709
1831 - Lease for 21 years by John Clerkson of Grays Inn esq. to Thomas Parkinson of Kirton farmer of a messuage and land (schedule) in Kirton, Willoughby, and Boughton. Rent £45. Dated 10 April - 1731
1832 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March last past by John Clerkson of Kirton esq. to Joseph Hattersey, William Hurst, Thomas Lessiter, and Joseph Wright all of Boughton husbandmen of Boughton warren and the sheepwalk. Rent £16. Dated 31 March - 1733
1833-1834 - Final concord and counterpart between William Ingham plaintiff and William Joyle and Dorothy his wife deforciants of one cottage, toft, garde and orchard, 6 acres land, 3 acres meadow, 3 acres pasture and common of pasture in Kirton. Consideration £40. Dated 26 October - 1581
1833-1835 - Miscellaneous
1835 - Feoffment by John Chappell of Matlock clerk et al. to Robert Chappell of Mansfield Woodhouse gent. of two parcels of waste in Mansfield Woodhouse. Dated 25 April - 1678
1836 - Feoffment by Roger Dawson of Misterton (co. Nottingham) mariner and Sarah his wife, and William Brown of Nether Gate in the Isle of Axholme yeoman and Ann his wife to William Denby of Upper Thorpe in the Isle of Axholme of 3 roods land and 3 roods meadow in Haxey. Consideration £33. Dated 10 July - 1725
1836-1837 - Lincolnshire
1837 - Feoffment by Humphrey Poplewell of Epworth gent. to William Denby of Over Thorpe yeoman of ½ acre in Cray Croft and 1 rood in Good Rood in Haxey. Consideration £23. - 20 Mar [1726]
1838-42 - Miscellaneous copyhold surrenders and admissions - 1789-1805
1838-1842 - Warsop
1843 - Gift and quitclaim by John son of Roger Burd' de Kyrketon' [Kirton] to John Burd' de Mapelbec [Maplebeck, co. Nottingham] of all that meadow in the territory of Kirton given to John by his father lying under Bethneythil. Clause of warranty. Witnesses: Dominus William de Suttun, Dominus Dohn de Kyrveshale, Dominus Robert parson of Alreton', Henry de Carberton', Thomas Grenn' chaplain, etc - [13th cent]
1843-1848 - Kirton, Willoughby, Walesby and Boughton.
1844 - Gift by Robert le Jouene de Kyrketon' to Dominus John Burdum knight a certain `placia' of land in the territory of Kirton and all that `placia called Ston Wong, lying between the land of Kirton church on the west and the land of Sewale de Kyrketon' on the east, and abutting on the road called Sillegate towards the south; clause of warranty. Witnesses: Dominus John, abbot of Rufford. Dominus W. de Stuteuile, Dominus Robert de Sutton'; Magister Gilbert de Eton', John de Kyruessale, William son of Ynomis, Robert Launceleue de Kyrketon', etc - [13th cent]
1845 - Gift by John de Skelton' sen. de Kyrkton to John his son of a messuage in Kirton lying on Goldburnebank with a croft, two selions at the end of the croft, one selion lying in North Field on le Holmes, and one selion in Cunney. Clause of warranty. Witnesses: John Durdon', John de Ossyngton', Robert Detson', John Teke, Richard Yong', etc. Dated at Kirton, Wednesday after the feast of the Trinity, 47 Edward III. [15 June] - 1373
1846 - Gift by Robert Holtby and Alice his wife, and William Clerkson' to Robert Nevyll, William Nevyll, Alexander Nevyll, William Carter, and John Hudson of all lands etc. lying in Cansall' and Norton (co. York). Dated at Norton 12 September 1 Henry VII - 1485
1847 - Lease for term of 60 years by Roger Balk, abbot of Rufford, to William Clerkson and Isabel his wife, and Michael and Leonard their sons, of the abbey's manor in Kirton called Kirton Grange, together with all lands in Kirton, Tuxford, and Walesby. Rent 6 quarters of wheat, 6 quarters of barley. Dated 12 June - 1501
1848 - Deed of sale by Roger Balk, abbot of Rufford, to William Clerkson of all woods and underwoods in the Frere Parke in Tuxford, except for the West border of the park. Dated 24 June 7 Henry VIII - 1515
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