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Collapse D239 - FitzHerbert family of Tissington - [16th-20th cent]D239 - FitzHerbert family of Tissington - [16th-20th cent]
Expand BOX - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: box-listed records - [18th-20th cent]BOX - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: box-listed records - [18th-20th cent]
Expand E - Estate records - 1380-1940E - Estate records - 1380-1940
Expand F - Family recordsF - Family records
Expand M - Manorial records - 1606-1911M - Manorial records - 1606-1911
Collapse O - Public office - 1626-1942O - Public office - 1626-1942
Expand A - LieutenancyA - Lieutenancy
Expand B - ShrievaltyB - Shrievalty
Expand C - Justice of the Peace - Recorder of DerbyC - Justice of the Peace - Recorder of Derby
Expand D - Poor LawD - Poor Law
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Expand F - Honor of TutburyF - Honor of Tutbury
Expand G - Gentleman-UsherG - Gentleman-Usher
Expand H - King's house at NewmarketH - King's house at Newmarket
Expand I - JudiciaryI - Judiciary
Expand J - CustomsJ - Customs
Expand K - MiscellaneousK - Miscellaneous
Expand L - Letters and papers of Alleyne FitzHerbert, Lord St. Helens, diplomat and royal servantL - Letters and papers of Alleyne FitzHerbert, Lord St. Helens, diplomat and royal servant
Expand M - Papers of Lord St. Helens as a member of the royal household and of the Privy CouncilM - Papers of Lord St. Helens as a member of the royal household and of the Privy Council
Collapse N - Papers of Sir George Treby (1643-1700) and George Treby (c1684-1742) - 1626-1751N - Papers of Sir George Treby (1643-1700) and George Treby (c1684-1742) - 1626-1751
Expand 1 - Correspondence1 - Correspondence
Collapse 2 - Miscellaneous2 - Miscellaneous
1312 - Charge to the justices of assize by Sir Thomas Coventry, Lord Keeper and Lord Chancellor - 1626
1313 - Copy of a letter from an officer of the army in Ireland to the Lord Protector concerning his changing the government - 1654
1314 - `My answer to certain objections made by my brother John against some particulars in the account concerning his portion etc drawn up Aug 29 1670' - 1670
1315 - Scheme to regulate the import of cattle and sheep from Ireland - 1677
1316 - Notes and accounts concerning the farm of the excise to George Dashwood and partners for 3 years commencing midsummer 1677 - 1677-1680
1317 - `The summe of the arguments on both sides att the barr of the house of Lords upon the peticion for the honor of Viscount Purbeck, June 5 1678' - 1678
1318 - [Copy] royal warrant addressed to the attorney-general and solicitor-general to prepare a bill assigning the revenues of the Green wax for a term of 31 years to Henry earl of Peterborough and others - 1678
1319 - Bond in £300 by Sir George Treby to William Killingworth of the Middle Temple esq - 24 Feb [1681]
1320 - Cancelled bond in £600 by Henry Treby of Wrangaton (co Devon) and Sir George Treby of the Middle Temple to Agnes Bower of Ugborough (co Devon) widow - 10 Jul 1684
1321 - Extract of a presentment from the commissioners of the customs to the lords of the treasury, on which Sir George Treby was required to comment 10 May - 1689
1322 - Petition of John Speke to the king to enable him to bring a writ of error to reverse his attainder for high treason in 1685. Endorsed with the royal approval - 31 Oct 1689
1322 - Petition of Peter Bettescombe to the king to enable him to bring a writ of error into the court of Kings Bench to reverse the attainder on Christopher Bettescombe executed at Lyme Regis for assisting the duke of Monmouth. Endorsed with the royal approval - 1 Jun 1689
1323 - Order for general pardon to persons convicted of high treason in 1685 and ordered to be transported to the West Indies - 9 Jan [1690]
1324 - An account of fees received for Sir George Treby, attorney-general - 1689
1325 - An account of patents - 1690
1326 - Obituary of Sir Peyton Ventris JCP, died 6 Apr - 1691
1327 - Order in Council to the Attorney-general and solicitor-general to enquire into the powers of admiralty jurisdiction claimed by the magistrates of the city of Bristol - 23 Apr 1691
1328-1329 - Information of Margaret Lane of Exeter against cavaliers Syms and Pike - 1691
1330 - Information of Charles Skilton 14 Aug - 1691
1331 - Statement of financial demands made by ?Mr Derrott against George Treby - 1694
1332 - Memorandum of gold and silver monies coined at the mint in the tower of London. 15 Jul 1697 produced "at the tryall of the Six" - 1697
1333 - Memorandum on Quaker marriage presented by Edward Bourne to Lord Chief Justice Treby, in connection with a case over which Treby was to preside - 1698
1334 - Receipt in £2,000 from the earl of Lichfield and Lord Godolphin to the king - money received in settlement of a claim on the treasury of the court of common pleas 17 Dec - 1698
1335-1346 - War Office papers: minutes of the lords of the committee of council - 1711
1347 - Bill of legal books - [1712]
1348 - Return of all papists convicted with Co York NR - 1716
1349 - Agreement between Elizabeth Dagley of Twickenham (co Middx) widow and Habbakuk [Habakkuk] Pride of the parish of St George the Martyr (co Middx) plasterer concerning a piece of ground in dispute between the two parties - 25 Apr 1751
Expand 3 - Royal Warrants3 - Royal Warrants
Expand 4 - Undated Papers4 - Undated Papers
Expand 5 - Popish Plot Correspondence5 - Popish Plot Correspondence
Expand 6 - Popish Plot Depositions Informations etc6 - Popish Plot Depositions Informations etc
Expand 7 - Popish Plot, Miscellaneous Papers7 - Popish Plot, Miscellaneous Papers
Expand T - Title deedsT - Title deeds
Expand UL - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: unlisted recordsUL - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: unlisted records
Expand Z - MiscellaneousZ - Miscellaneous