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Collapse N - Papers of Sir George Treby (1643-1700) and George Treby (c1684-1742) - 1626-1751N - Papers of Sir George Treby (1643-1700) and George Treby (c1684-1742) - 1626-1751
Collapse 1 - Correspondence1 - Correspondence
1049 - Martin Ryder to George Treby at Plympton (W Devon) 4 [Sep] - 1671
1050 - John Elwill to George Treby at the Middle Temple, London: believes that war with France is imminent: seeks Trebys opinion 8 [Dec] - 1676
1051 - Martin Ryder to George Treby MP in London: reports on the assizes; the principal case was the town of Plymouth against R Strode which the town one ... the little man is very much affected ... and I hear is resolved to prosecute you and to follow you close at the heels being already sett out for London. But there is another affair in which he is principal agent that hath occasioned much more discourse about the town and that is the presentment against the mayor of Plympton for not taking the sacrament and oath according to the new act ..." 30 Mar - 1677
1052 - John Tremayne to George Treby in London, consults Treby on a point of law 26 Mar - 1677
1053 - N D to George Treby in London "... I am not so good an astronomer as to know whether the comets tayl point to England or France not if the eclipse shall hav its effect here or in Madagascar, but I am apt to think an honest H of C may make fools of French comets and English eclipses too ..." 13 May - 1677
1054 - Edmund Hals to George Treby in London. Hears that the duke of Ormond intends to visit Oxford, begs Treby to use his influence to get Hals' name on the list of those to be presented 3 Jun - 1677
1055-1057 - Col E Grosvenor to George Treby 21 Aug - 25 Sept - 1677
1058 - William Courtenay from Fowey to George Treby in London; reminds Treby of a promise. "... here is noe claret within oure gates - pity the afflicted ..." - 10 Dec 1677
1059 - Col Grosvenor to George Treby at Plympton: 14 Aug - 1678
1060 - Henry Hatsell from London to George Treby at Plympton; reports on the candidates for Dartmouth at the election - 4 Feb [1679]
1061 - John Elwill to George Treby in London - 11 Mar [1678]
1062-1063 - Arthur Perryman to George Treby in London 12 Apr - 26 Apr - 1678
1064 - P Ventris to George Treby in London; asks the favour of an account of next Thursdays proceedings 21 May - 1678
1065 - James Treby to his brother George in London; his boat has arrived safely off Dover; hopes to see him soon but is fearful of being impressed in the navy - 27 May 1678
1066 - John Hall from Plympton to his brother George: 5 Jul - 1678
1067 - Col Grosvenor to his brother George: 30 Jul - 1678
1068 - Col Grosvenor to his brother George; "... men are shipinge over, both horse and foote, but whome wee are to affright with it, I knowe not. Mutch provissyon for horse and man is (as many say) gon over with a large artillery. Reports are varyous whether Luxenb' have withdrawn and united his blockads or not, but some fanattickly talke that the prince of Br. was to blame that he did not pursue his advantage. Others judge he did enuff to gaine applause and interest amongst the people. Tis still stoutly affirmd that Hide is gon Over (and yt is true) with a prospect of peace ... with the Dutch and Spanyards and roome for the Jermans if they please ..." 17 Aug - 1678
1069 - William Harrington to his brother George at Plympton, comments upon matters between the French and Dutch 17 Aug - 1678
1070 - Henry Hatsell to his brother George; news of the Duke of Monmouths troop of horse in France, comments on the recent Berkshire election; "... Michael Mallet was there and his passion spoke some mad extravagant words viz that the king was a rogue or to such effect, which will confirm people in the opinion of his distraction. However, he is committed to the custody of the Black Rod"; "our soldiers in Flandors dy apace which is supposed to proceed from their intemperate eating of fruit" - 27 Aug 1678
1071 - Col Grosvenor to his brother George: 29 Aug - 1678
1072 - William Harrington to his brother George; long discourse on continental matters; reports an alarming mortality in the army 3 Sep - 1678
1073 - Henry Hatsell to his brother George - 7 Sep 1678
1074 - Henry Hatsell to George Treby at Plympton (co. Devon) it is believed that the king is displeased with Sunderland, "there are several gentlemen come out of France who affirm they saw the D. of Buck. lately there, but he was incognito in a dark periwig .... Michael Mallet is not imprisoned but he will be proceeded against for speaking those irrelevent words of the king. He went to the king and beg'd his pardon but his majesty said he would leav him to the law ..." - 14 Sep 1678
1075 - William Harrington to George Treby; is glad to hear Treby is in health despite the many deaths from sickness 17 Sep - 1678
1076 - John Horseman from Plympton to George Treby in London: "here is at this time mett at old Mr Sparkes, the old squire of Lyneham, Mr Hen Wolcomb, Mr Waddon, Mr Jenkinson with my self, and more expected, of purpose to drincke the old Coll' Token and to wish him and you and all other good and true subjects long life, health, prosperity and safety ..." 1 Nov - 1678
1077 - From Richard Mitchell "a poor captive in Argeir": to his wife in Plymouth. "... the sadness of our condition is beyond the tongue of man to express ... oh how it would make a heart of stone to weep to see the barbarous and inhumane usage of Christians in this place ..." - 14 Jan [1679]
1078 - Henry Hatsell to George Treby at Salisbury: parliament is dissolved; "Mr F. of Spindlestone will endevor to be your partner at Plympton ... I know him to be an honest gent" - 1 Feb [1679]
1079 - John Pollexfen from London to George Treby at Plympton: provides news of various parliamentary candidates and the seats they contest; a man has been accused of setting fire to the Temple - 4 Feb [1679]
1080 - Col Grosvenor to George Treby - 4 Feb [1679]
1081 - Henry Pollexfen from the Inner Temple to George Treby: "... I heare that there is another discoverer of the plott come in, a papist but not a priest ..." - 7 Feb [1679]
1082 - Henry Hatsell to George Treby. Mr Strode intends to contest Plympton; "we have a report of one Dr Nedham (Dr Needler), a physician of Staffordshire who has made a confession and discovery of the plot"; has heard that the elector of Brandenburg has defeated the Swedes - 8 Feb [1679]
1083 - Col Grosvenor to George Treby: election news - 11 Feb [1679]
1084 - John Pollexfen from London to George Treby at Plympton - 11 Feb [1679]
1085 - Henry Hatsell to George Treby: more election news - 15 Feb [1679]
1086 - William Harrington to George Treby: election news - 20 Feb [1679]
1087 - P Ventris to George Treby - 11 Mar [1679]
1088 - Sir John Trevor from the Inner Temple to George Treby 31 Mar - 1679
1089 - [ ] to Thomas Littleton esq. at London, reports on the Oxford assize circuit, particularly on the arraignment of a popish priest at Gloucester from Worcester 14 Apr - 1679
1090 - John Reepe from Plymouth to George Treby: encloses O 1077 [?] for Treby's perusal 18 Apr - 1679
1091 - Henry Treby to George Treby: if Lord Peters is found guilty and his estate forfeited hopes Treby can use his influence to procure for Henry the Office of rent collector in the Manor of Brent, Devon - "I thinke I may gett something by it" - 26 May 1679
1092 - John Horseman from Plympton to George Treby; has acquainted Reepe with Trebys answer about prisoners in Algiers, reports a serious fire in Honiton, has heard a rumour of Trebys marriage 27 May - 1679
1093 - William Martin to George Treby: 15 Jun - 1679
1094 - Henry Treby to George Treby - 22 Jun 1679
1095 - John Rushworth to George Treby - 11 Jul 1679
1096 - John Richardson to George Treby, election news; reports an accident to Mr Starkey whose right thumb has been blown off - 9 Aug 1679
1097 - John Pollexfen from London to George Treby at Plympton; election news 19 Aug - 1679
1098 - William Harrington to George Treby; more election news - "... one smart answer that was given by a countrey man to a great man who, telling him (at the election in Essex) that he had better been looking after his harvest, he retorted that he had rather trust God with his crop than the Devil with the choice of Parliament men ..." 19 Aug - 1679
1099 - George Bradbury to George Treby; election news 22 Aug - 1679
1100 - George Bradbury to George Treby; reports in detail on the kings illness 26 Aug - 1679
1101 - John Richardson to George Treby at Plympton; the king has recovered 2 Sep - 1679
1102 - William Harrington to George Treby; reports the king's recovery; his illness brought the duke of York scurrying back to England - 2 Sep 1679
1103 - Henry Hatsell to George Treby; London "swarms with pamphlets, every day producing 2 or 3" - 6 Sep 1679
1104 - John Elwill to George Treby - 27 Oct 1679
1105 - Henry Treby to George Treby in London; seeks advice on legal questions - 9 Jan [1680]
1106 - Henry Hatsell to George Treby at Launceston (co. Cornwall) - 13 Mar [1680]
1107 - George Bradbury to George Treby at Exeter; reports the happenings at a Common Hall in London - 29 Jul 1680
1108 - Thomas Stert from London to George Treby - 31 Jul 1680
1109 - John Trenchard from Taunton to George Treby at Exeter; a friend of Trenchard wishes to secure Trebys services as counsel - 2 Aug 1680
1110 - John Pollexfen to George Treby at Plympton - 17 Aug 1680
1111 - Henry Hatsell to George Treby; Mrs Cellier has produced her narrative in which she suggests that the story of the Popish Plot was a frame-up - 4 Sep 1680
1112-1113 - John Pollexfen from London to George Treby - 4-9 Sep 1680
1114 - John Pollexfen from London to George Treby; Mrs Celier has been arrested for her libel - 14 Sep 1680
1115 - Henry Hatsell to George Treby. "This day Mrs Celier stood on the pillory at the Maypole. She was much pelted but not hurt - there was a guard of above 400 men. It is said she had a headpiece and other armor"; she pretended to be in childbirth in prison but was discovered for a sham - 18 Sep 1680
1116 - John Pollexfen to George Treby at Plympton 18 Sep - 1680
1117 - John Ellwill from Exeter to George Treby in London 13 Oct - 1680
1118 - Philo Treby to George Treby; suggests a scheme for "The tacking the revenue of the crowne to the [lawes] established for religion" which by depriving any future popish king of an income, would effectively secure the protestant religion 2 Nov - 1680
1119 - Jo Rolle to George Treby in London - 18 Nov 1680
1120 - Open letter to George Treby from "yor friends in the country who dayly pray for you and are very sensible that their estates, liberty of religion and lives are bound up in this noble house of commons, [and who] are ever astonished at the late proceedings of the house of lords touching the bill of succession"; the following are expected - (1) if parliament is prorogued or dissolved it must publish a remonstrance "touching the great and iminent danger the kingdome and religion is in ..." (2) to pass no bills sent down by the lords or the court until the question of succession is settled (3) a curb on the powers of the bishops (4) a close association with the City of London for the defence of the realm, if it is impossible to barr the duke of York from the succession, then to pass a bill to set up a "strikt leage and association against poperie and papists as was in the raigne of Q. Elizabeth (5) the securing of protestant leadership in the militia 22 Nov - 1680
1121 - Samuel Carter from Penryn to George Treby; congratulates Treby on his appointment as recorder of the City of London 13 Dec - 1680
1122 - John Serle from Plympton to George Treby; godley exhortations - 14 Jan [1681]
1123 - Dr N Cary to George Treby; congragulates Treby on [his knighthood] - 22 Jan [1681]
1124 - Philip Lloyd to Sir Patience Ward, lord mayor of London; the mayor and court of aldermen are requested to wait attendance on the king tomorrow - 3 Mar [1681]
1125 - M Waddon to Sir George Treby asks for Treby to intervene with the earl of Shaftesbury in a quarrel between the earl and Waddon's master - 19 Mar [1681]
1126 - Lord Chief Justice, Sir Francis North to Sir George Treby, recorder of London; will meet with Treby together with the attorney-general or solicitor-general to discuss the removal of an indictment of recusancy preferred against the duke of York 8 Apr - 1681
1127 - Sir Robert Sawyer, attorney-general to Sir George Treby: Samuel Harris is to stand accused of high treason 21 May - 1681
1128 - Sir Robert Sawyer, attorney-general to Sir George Treby: 21 May - 1681
1129 - Sir Robert Sawyer, attorney-general to Sir George Treby: comments on the case of Samuel Smith 31 May - 1681
1130 - Sir John Berry to Sir George Treby: seeks intervention on behalf of Mr Wynell convicted of murder - 19 Oct 1681
1131 - Duke of Albemarle to Sir Edward Seymour: seeks assistance for Col. Thomas Monke who is raising a regiment for service in Flanders under the prince of Orange - 13 Mar [1682]
1132 - Rachel Treby to her husband Sir George - 29 Jul 1682
1133 - William Lewis to Sir George Treby: asks for Treby's help in procuring bail - 20 Dec 1682
1134 - Note concerning William Lewis - "I think I sufficiently discouraged this fellow now" - 30 Dec 1682
1135 - William Lewis to Sir George Treby - 30 Dec 1682
1136 - Samuel Carter from Penryn to Sir George Treby: seeks Treby's advice in a quarrel with a local attorney - 9 Jan [1683]
1137 - Duke of Albemarle to a kinsman "cosen Monke" 2 May - 1683
1138 - Thomas Bampfield to Sir George Treby - 3 Mar [1684]
1139 - Paul Jodrell to Sir George Treby: 29 Aug - 1684
1140 - James Cardrow to Sir George Treby: on Treby's 3rd marriage 22 Dec - 1684
1141 - John Pollexfen from Croydon to Sir George Treby in London 6 Jun - 1685
1142 - Ralph Grange [father-in-law to Treby] to Sir George Treby: reports on Treby's petition to the house of commons 7 Jun - 1685
1143 - Charles Fortescue from Plymouth to Sir George Treby at Exeter: estate matters 3 Aug - 1686
1144-1145 - Duke of Albemarle to Col. Monck - 3-11 Jan [1687]
1146 - Sir Walter Clarges to [the Duke of Albemarle]: reports the death of Thomas Monck - 11 Feb [1688]
1147 - Duke of Albemarle to Sir Thomas Stringer: 14 Apr - 1688
1148-1149 - Letters from trustees of the duke of Albemarle following the death of Col. Thomas Monck 27 Apr - 16 Jul - 1688
1150 - Sir Walter Clarges to the Duke of Albemarle 10 Sep - 1688
1151 - George Spry to Sir George Treby: 24 Dec
1152 - Anon to Sir George Treby: unless measures are taken against ministers who will not recognize the new order, the people may be stirred up to rebellion, reports outcome of a meeting of clergy near Bridgwater (co. Somerset) - 18 Mar [1689]
1153 - [ ] to Sir George Treby, attorney-general: summary of informations lodged against persons accused of seditious libel 11 Jun - 1689
1154 - William Powlett to Sir George Treby: reports on his gaol delivery at Bristol - 5 Sep 1689
1155 - Thomas Cole and George White to Sir George Treby: asks for decision on whether to proceed with execution of prisoners sentenced at the Bristol gaol delivery - 16 Sep 1689
1156 - Jonathan bishop of Exeter to Sir George Treby: concerning his claim to sea-treasure - 14 Jan [1690]
1157 - H Jephson from Treasurer Chambers to Sir George Treby: requires legal opinion - 23 Jan [1690]
1158 - James Vernon to Sir George Treby - 14 Feb [1690]
1159 - Courtenay [ ] to Sir George Treby: reports the posturings of certain Jacobites - 1 Jun 1690
1160 - Philip Bearcroft from Worcester to their majesties' agents at Westminster 16 Jun - 1690
1161 - Jo Tillotson: to Sir George Treby recommends Mr Hooke son of a former vicar of Halifax 3 Jul - 1680
1162 - Anon to Sir George Treby in London: 21 Jul - 1690
1163 - Anon [J.E. = John Elwill] to Sir George Treby, the F[rench] F[leet] has appeared off the Devon coast and the county militia raised 23 Jul - 1690
1164 - Anon [J.E. = John Elwill] to Sir George Treby: the French have attacked Teignmouth 28 Jul - 1690
1165 - Bishop of Salisbury to Sir George Treby: "... there is one Dr Beach that has a living within six mile of Salisbury and in my diocese. He not only has not taken the oaths but did with a high hand ride about the country and dispute against the taking of them ..." 6 Apr - 1691
1166 - John Pulleney to Sir George Treby: desires the warrants for the pardon of Mrs Parson 10 Apr - 1691
1167 - Lord Sydney to Sir George Treby: Major Robert Parsons is to stand trial for murder 29 Apr - 1691
1168 - John Forster, clerk of the peace for Staffordshire to Sir George Treby: requires directions on how to proceed against Roman Catholics 29 Apr - 1691
1169 - Ralph Grainge to Sir George Treby at Tunbridge Wells: as evidence is required in preparation for the trial of Lord Preston, Grainge and the solicitor-general have, in the absence of Treby, entered his study to find the relevant examinations 31 Jul - 1691
1170 - Anthony Bowyer: declaration that Nathaniel Lane, constable of Croydon has been diligent in the apprehension of persons disaffected to the government 12 Aug - 1691
1171 - Anthony Bowyer to Sir George Treby: in favour of Nathaniel Lane 17 Aug - 1691
1172 - Sir John Somers to Sir George Treby: 22 Aug - 1691
1173 - John Moore to Sir George Treby: 28 Oct - 1691
1174 - Duke of Marlborough to Sir George Treby: - Nov - 1691
1175 - John Combes to Sir George Treby: 26 Nov - 1691
1176 - Lord Nottingham to Sir George Treby: [Date uncertain] - 1691
1177-1178 - Lord Nottingham to Sir George Treby - 15-25 Feb [1692]
1179 - Lord Nottingham to Sir George Treby - 27 Feb [1692]
1180 - Samuel Eyre to Sir George Treby: 30 Mar - 1692
1181 - Samuel Eyre to Sir George Treby: 5 Apr - 1692
1182 - John Combes to Sir George Treby, chief justice of the common pleas c.11 May - 1692
1183 - John Pollexfen to Sir George Treby: 17 May - 1692
1184 - Thomas Taylor from Maidstone to Sir George Treby: hopes Treby will consent to hold the next Kentish assizes at Maidstone 5 Jun - 1692
1185 - Lord Nottingham to Sir George Treby: requires an opinion as to whether Daniel Scola is a fit object for the queens mercy having been found guilty of murder 16 Jul - 1692
1186 - Ralph Grainge to Sir George Treby: 28 Jul - 1692
1187 - Ralph Grainge to Sir George Treby: 2 Aug - 1692
1188 - Ralph Grainge to Sir George Treby: 20 Aug - 1692
1189 - Lawrence Hatsell to Sir George Treby at Tunbridge Wells 22 Aug - 1692
1190 - Ralph Grainge to Sir George Treby: some of the officers at Portsmouth have been indicted for embezelling stores 23 Aug - 1692
1191 - Edward Cooke to Sir George Treby: hopes Treby might be able to assist in writing an answer to Andersons paper now circulating freely 18 Aug - 1693
1192 - Sir Francis Drake at Buckland to Sir George Treby: seeks Treby's advice about a fit person to succeed Drake as MP for Tavistock 31 Aug - 1693
1193 - Sir Francis Drake at Buckland to Sir George Treby: Mr Abraham Trout has been placed in the commission of the peace [for Devon] he is a good man but for some reason his inclusion is "greivously stomacked by many of the gentry" Date uncertain - 1693
1194 - Sir Edward Balsh to Sir George Treby: 26 Mar - 1694
1195 - Lord Herbert and Cherbury to Sir George Treby: asks for mercy for William Catrol, that he be transported rather than hung 25 May - 1694
1196 - Sir Miles Cooke in London to Chief Justice Treby at York: thanks Treby for his kindnesses; "I shall presente your Lordship with what (I presume) may be muche more acceptable than complementes (alt which I know I am the worste in Englande) which is a true state off the affaires off christendome ..." Jul - 1694
1197 - Lord Bolton to Chief Justice Treby at York: 22 Dec - 1694
1198 - [ ] to Chief Justice Treby at York: intelligence from London and elsewhere 14 Apr - 1694
1199 - George Bradbury from the Middle Temple to Chief Justice Treby at York at Appleby (co. Westmorland): Sir Thomas Stanley has been arrested on a charge of high treason; Col. Parker has escaped from the tower 14 Aug - 1694
1200 - Sir John Lowther to Chief Justice Treby at York: 16 Aug - 1694
1201 - Earl of Salisbury to Chief Justice Treby at York: 18 Aug - 1694
1202 - Earl of Salisbury to Chief Justice Treby at York: "while your Lordship was on your circuit a friend of mine recommended to my acquaintance a very honest and learned gentleman, doctor St Clair, who for many years till Mr Boyles death had assisted that great man not onely in all his philosophical and mathematical experiments, but in preparing what he published on those subjects Whereupon I resolved to set aside an hour a day for two months to rub up my old notions and see them reduced into practice by a course of chymistry"; has been surprised to hear that Treby disapproves of such experiments - but perhaps "your Lordships name is onely made use of by peevish humorists to divert me from my purpose"; "... tis hard that the Temple which allows free egress and regress to all the dregs of Mankind ... should make difficulty of suffering a member of the society to receive visits from one of the most learned and ingenious mathematicians and philosophers in England ..." 12 Sep - 1694
1203 - William Painter to Chief Justice Treby at York reports the judgment of the Lord Chief Justice in the Exeter College Case who decided positively for the college visitor 18 Oct - 1694
1204 - Lord Keeper Somers to Chief Justice Treby at York: has mentioned to the King "your lordships notion how very seasonable as well as useful it would be to get an act for dissolving the county palatine of Lancaster. He is altogether of yor opinion and desires you not to fail to draw a short bill for that purpose ..." - 1 Mar [1695]
1205 - Lord Lucas to Chief Justice Treby at York - 13 Mar [1695]
1206 - George Bradbury to Chief Justice Treby at York; the commons have elected a new speaker, Paul Foley, and there is talk of committing the ex-speaker to the Tower - 14 Mar [1695]
1207 - Francis Wyatt to Lord Chief Justice Treby: hopes Treby can be dissuaded from holding the assizes at Horsham (co. Sussex) because of an outbreak of smallpox there 3 Jun - 1695
1208 - Anon to Lord Chief Justice Treby: weighing advice 24 Jun - 1695
1209 - William Trumbull to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 2 Jul - 1695
1210 - Lord Keeper Somers to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 13 Nov - 1695
1211 - William Sherlock to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 14 Nov - 1695
1212 - Lord Keeper Somers to Lord Chief Justice Treby - 25 Jan [1696]
1213 - Lyttleton Powys from Exeter to Lord Chief Justice Treby: reports on his gaol delivery in Devon 5 Apr - 1696
1214 - Sir Francis Drake from Exeter to Lord Chief Justice Treby: reports on Powy's assizes and associated events 6 Apr - 1696
1215 - Archbishop Tenison to Lord Chief Justice Treby: -Apr - 1696
1216 - Jer White to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 17 Apr - 1696
1217 - Lord Chief Justice Holt to Lord Chief Justice Treby: Apr/May - 1696
1218 - James Vernon to Lord Chief Justice Treby: the Lords Justices require Treby's opinion of a clause in the late act for the better security of his majesty's person and government 16 May - 1696
1219 - James Vernon to Lord Chief Justice Treby: the Lord Justices wish for one day's postponement in the proceedings against Sir John Fenwick 21 Jul - 1696
1220 - Sir John Elwill from Exeter to Lord Chief Justice Treby: "a great deal of sournesse was shewne by some of our neighbours the last sessions week on th' occasion of leaving out of the Lieutenancy some of their friends. Sir P Px, Sir J Ple, Sir Wm Dke and Sir A Ackl were the murmurers ..."; a letter of protest was then sent to the Lord Lieutenant stating that "unless these be put into the commission ... their would be fewds and animositys abounding amongst us"; the reply was to this effct; "... if any were left out it was their own fault in omitting voluntarily to associate at the assizes" 22 Jul - 1696
1221 - Sir John Elwill from Exeter to Lord Chief Justice Treby; "I thank your Lordship for the hint in your postscript. God in mercy preserved his majesty ..."; French vessels still harrass the coast despite the presence of the fleet at Torbay - 29 Jul 1696
1222 - Admiral Russell to Lord Chief Justice Treby: hopes to wait upon Treby at the assizes at Cambridge. From Chippenham (co. Cambridge) 3 Aug - 1696
1223 - Sir John Elwill to Lord Chief Justice Treby: has delivered Treby's packet as desired to Sir William Courtenay; those left out of the commission of lieutenancy have now assented voluntarily to the association 3 Aug - 1696
1224 - Sir Miles Cooke from London to Lord Chief Justice Treby at Cambridge: discusses affairs on the continent 4 Aug - 1696
1225 - Sir Miles Cooke from London to Lord Chief Justice Treby at Norwich: 13 Aug - 1696
1226 - Thomas Blofeld from Norwich to Lord Chief Justice Treby in London 25 Aug - 1696
1227 - Littleton Powys from Henley (co. Salop) to Lord Chief Justice Treby: reports on the progress of his assize circuit 25 Aug - 1696
1228 - St John Somers to Lord Chief Justice Treby: the Lords Justices wish to confer with Treby over the case of Sir John Fenwick 2 Sep - 1696
1229 - Lord Chief Justice Holt to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 7 Sep - 1696
1230 - Sir Miles Cooke from London to Lord Chief Justice Treby at Turnbridge Wells: continental news 8 Sep - 1696
1231 - Littleton Powys from Henley (co. Salop) to Lord Chief Justice Treby: hopes he may move from the Exchequer to Common Pleas 16 Sep - 1696
1232 - R Holt to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 16 Sep - 1696
1233 - James Vernon to Lord Chief Justice Treby: the Lords Justices require Treby's attendance at the arraignment of Sir John Fenwick 18 Sep - 1696
1234 - Sir John Combes at Daventry to Lord Chief Justice Treby in London: has benefitted from the waters at Astrop "but my eyesight is so surprizingly weakened of late that I cannot reade a plain print even with the assistance of ould spectacles ..." begs a favour for Mr Wright of Oxford 6 Oct - 1696
1235 - [ ] to Lord Chief Justice Treby; the King wishes to see Treby 2 Nov - 1696
1236 - Lord Keeper Sir John Somers to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 5 Dec - 1696
1237 - Littleton Powys to Lord Chief Justice Treby - 10 Jan [1697]
1238 - John Archbishop of York to Lord Chief Justice Treby: asks for an interview for Lady Abdy who wishes to explain the circumstances of a case at the next assizes at Chelmsford (co. Essex) in which a servant of hers stands accused of arson on Abdy's estate - 20 Feb [1697]
1239 - Martin Ryder from the Middle Temple to Lord Chief Justice Treby at Maidstone: reports on the proceedings of the house of commons upon the bill against the selling of offices - 16 Mar [1697]
1240 - Duke of Norfolk to Lord Chief Justice Treby brings to Treby's attention a case of a packed jury at the Sussex assizes - 21 Mar [1697]
1241 - Lord Chancellor Sir John Somers to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 23 Apr - 1697
1242 - Viscount Lonsdale to Lord Chief Justice Treby: complains of the oppression of country people by attorneys 3 May - 1697
1243 - John, bishop of Chichester to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 11 Jun - 1697
1244-1245 - John Packer to Lord Chief Justice Treby at the Lincoln assizes 17 Jul - 1697
1246 - Martin Ryder to Lord Chief Justice Treby: hopes Treby will use his influence to procure for Ryder the office he seeks on the assize circuit
1247 - Littleton Powys to Lord Chief Justice Treby: asks again to move from the Exchequer to Common Pleas; "... I am sure no man has endeavoured the service of this government with more heartiness so that I have angered the Jacobites in all the circuits I have gone ..." 1 Oct - 1697
1248 - Samuel Rolle to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 9 Oct - 1697
1249 - Francis Cater, mayor of Coventry to Lord Chief Justice Treby: as Treby was pleased to comment favourably on the new town hall and suggested a rate on both city and county to defray expenses, asks for advice on how to proceed because a faction is resisting the idea - 8 Nov 1697
1250 - Sir Francis Drake to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 11 Nov - 1697
1251 - William Penn to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 22 Nov - 1697
1252 - Ralph Grainge to Lord Chief Justice Treby - 22 Mar [1698]
1253 - C Lawton to Lord Chief Justice Treby: Holy Thursday - 1698
1254 - Lord Halton to Lord Chief Justice Treby: concerning a case over the creditors of a certain Mrs Ann Jeffreys 26 Apr - 1698
1255 - C Lawton to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 5 May - 1698
1256 - John Locke to Lord Chief Justice Treby: thanks Treby for helping Locke's cousin, a student of the Middle Temple 17 May - 1698
1257 - Robert Berry from Plymouth to Lord Chief Justice Treby: hopes Treby can expedite the passing of the patent creating Captain John Rogers a baronet 18 Jun - 1698
1258 - Lord Chancellor Sir John Somers [13 Jul] - 1698
1259 - [ ] to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 23 Jul - 1698
1260 - Edmund Waller to Lord Chief Justice Treby: seeks legal opinion 24 Jul - 1698
1261 - Sir Miles Cooke from London to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 8 Aug - 1698
1262 - Edward Cooke from London to Lord Chief Justice Treby at Shrewsbury assizes 13 Aug - 1698
1263 - Sir Miles Cooke from London to Lord Chief Justice Treby at Hereford: continental news 20 Aug - 1698
1264 - William Atwood to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 12 Dec - 1698
1265 - John Pollexfen from Bridgwater (co. Somerset) to Lord Chief Justice Treby: Mr Lutterell, sheriff of Devon is complained of as unsuited to office, a charge probably founded on malice - 13 Jan [1699]
1266 - D Pead to Lord Chief Justice Treby - 19 Mar [1699]
1267 - Baron Lechmere to Lord Chief Justice Treby on the vacant see of Worcester 31 Mar - 1699
1268-1270 - R Yard to Lord Chief Justice Treby: Treby is required as speaker of the house of Lords 18-21 Aug - 1699
1271 - Lord Glanvill to Lord Chief Justice Treby: a complimentary letter 4 Sep - 1699
1272 - Robert Tracy from Dublin to Lord Chief Justice Treby - 7 Oct 1699
1273 - Sir Robert Kemp to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 28 Oct - 1699
1274 - Duke of Norfolk to Lord Chief Justice Treby: hopes Treby may be able to help Norfolk's uncle, Mr Esme Howard now in the Fleet, a debtor 14 Nov - 1699
1275 - William Penn to Lord Chief Justice Treby - 20 Feb 1699/1700
1276 - Lord Chancellor, Sir John Somers to Lord Chief Justice Treby: the life of the recorder [of London] hangs in the balance; no one will have more influence on the new appointment than Treby 5 Feb - 1699/1700
1277 - Lord Chancellor, Sir John Somers to Lord Chief Justice Treby - 22 Feb 1699/1700
1278 - Lord Chief Justice Holt to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 23 Feb - 1699/1700
1279 - Lord Chancellor, Sir John Somers to Lord Chief Justice Treby - 10 Mar 1699/1700
1280 - J Caversham to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 31 May - 1700
1281 - Martin Ryder to Lord Chief Justice Treby: reports on a trial at Dartmouth 23 Aug - 1700
1282 - Martin Ryder from Tavistock to Lord Chief Justice Treby: reports on his dinner party for the aldermen of Plympton at which the question of the next mayor was discussed 6 Sep - 1700
1283 - Thomas Gibbon from Exeter to Lord Chief Justice Treby - 25 Sep 1700
1284 - Martin Ryder from Devon to Lord Chief Justice Treby: 27 Sep - 1700
1285 - Thomas Gibbon from Exeter to Lord Chief Justice Treby - 9 Oct 1700
1286 - Col. Humphrey Pery to Lady Treby - 13 Jul 1715
1287 - Arthur Branthwayte to Mr Chambers Slaughter - 2 Feb [1717]
1288 - Anon to anon - 8 Feb [1717]
1289 - George Treby to Mr Chambers Slaughter at Preston (co. Lancaster) - 19 Feb [1717]
1290 - George Treby to Mr Elstob at Preston - 13 Apr 1717
1291-1297 - Letters to Mr Chambers Slaughter - 1717-1718
1298 - Elizabeth Addis from Plymouth to John Elford - 2 Apr 1723
1299 - W Pollexfen from London to William Creed at Kingsbridge (co. Devon) - 27 Mar 1736
1300 - Unsigned letter beginning "Dear Brother the exceptions which I conceive I may justly take to your account are these following ..."
1301 - H Sydney to George Treby esq - pre 1680
1302 - John Pollexfen to George Treby esq
1303 - [ ] to George Treby esq - pre 1680
1304 - Anon to George Treby esq - pre 1680
1305 - Lord Stamford to Sir George Treby, attorney-general - 1690-1692
1306 - J Granville to Sir George Treby, attorney-general - 1690-1692
1307 - Samuel Carter to Sir George Treby, attorney-general - 1690-1692
1308 - Martin Ryder from Plympton to Lord Chief Justice Treby - 14 Feb [1693]
1309-1310 - Sir John Somers to Lord Chief Justice Treby - 1692-1700
1311 - George Bradbury to Lord Chief Justice Treby - 1692-1700
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