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D239 - FitzHerbert family of Tissington - [16th-20th cent]
BOX - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: box-listed records - [18th-20th cent]
E - Estate records - 1380-1940
F - Family records
A - Wills and settlements
B - Financial
C - Family correspondence
D - General correspondence
E - Solicitor/Lawyer correspondence and bills
F - Diaries and commonplace books
G - Legal Manuscripts
H - Trusteeship and Executorship
I - Miscellaneous Family Papers
J - Alleyne FitzHerbert, first Lord St Helens - 1753-1839
K - Perrin Family
L - Gally Knight Family
1 - Settlements and associated papers
2 - Wills
3 - Ecclesfield rectory
4 - General George Monck (later duke of Albemarle) - 1659-1667
16117 - "In pursuance of an order of the Councell of State dated the seaventh instant, these are to authorize and require you to give orders to the officers comanding the severall troopes of my owne regiment of horse to recruit to eighty in each troope (officers included) and to take care that such as you entertaine bee well-affected persons, well mounted and arm'd, and (as neare as you can) old soldiers, and this to bee done with as much speed as may bee. And the deputy Commissaries of Musters are hereby required to passe such men as you shall entertaine by vertue of this order upon the Musters as they shall appeare ..."; to Major Ralph Knight - 13 Aug 1659
16118 - To Col. Knight: "I ... am glad you are gott safe into Newcastle. Wee shall bee att Morpeth to morrow night and the next night at Newcastle. I shall desire you if you heare of my Lord Lambert's advancing twards Newcastle againe to give mee notice of itt, and send out some men for that purpose ..." PS "Lett mee know whether the Lord Lambert's forces bee broken or nott or what other intelligence you have". Dated at Whittingham - 3 Jan 1659/1660
16119 - To Col. Knight: "I ... am glad that Tinmouth Castle hath declared for the Parliament butt I would have you deal with them befor I come to march out of the Castle, and I shall appoint quarters for them in the country, and to that purpose I would have you write to them. For the officers that were going for Scotland, I would have [you] stay them till I come to morrow ...". Dated at Morpeth - 5 Jan 1659/1660
16120 - To Col. Knight: "I desire you forthwith to give orders to the officers of the respective troopes of yor regiment to call together the non comission officers and soldiers under their respective commands, and then to tender them the address lately subscribed by the officers of the army for their subscriptions, and to discharge out of their troopes respectively any non comission officer or soldier who shall refuse to joine in those subscriptions. And you are to direct the officers not to lett them knowe the end for which they are come together untill their meeteing and the tendring of the said address unto them". Dated at St. James. - 17 Apr 1660
16121 - To Col. Knight: encloses copies of the king(s declaration [? of Breda] and of an address from the officers at HQ to be communicated to the officers of Knight's regiment. Dated at St. James. - 3 May 1660
16122 - To Col. Knight: "I desire you will nott faile, with you owne, Colonell Cloberie's, and my regiment of horse; to bee att Blackheath uppon Tuesday morning next to bee drawne uppe against his Majesty comes by according to you former orders, wherof I desire you nott to faile, and to order them nott to fire till the kinge bee passed by". Dated at Canterbury. - 16 May 1660
16123 - To Col. Knight: similar to D239/M/F/16122 - 23 May 1660
16124 - To Col. Knight: orders for drawing up regiments. Dated at Canterbury. - 26 May 1660
16125 - To Col. Knight: will do what he can to procure payment of Knight's pension. - 8 Jun 1661
16126 - Letter of safe conduct for Sir Ralph Knight - 18 Jan [1662]
16127 - To Sir Ralph Knight: thanks Knight for his assistance in raising a troop for Portugal - 29 Mar 1662
16128 - Authority for Sir Ralph Knight to remain within the cities of London and Westminster unmolested, notwithstanding a general order to former parliamentary soldiers to quit the same. - 25 Jun 1662
16129 - To Sir Ralph Knight: "... Sir Stephen Fox has money in a readines to paye yor troope. But as to yor pension, money is soe scarce that I would not have you come upp about it because I would bee loath you should loose yor labour". - 31 Jul 1667
16130 - To Sir Ralph Knight: order to disband his troop at Yarmouth and to give up all arms to the mayor - 13 Aug 1667
5 - "The Seventeen-Forty-Five", chiefly correspondence concerning the Jacobite forces - 1744-1746
6 - The Gally family
7 - Rev. Henry Gally D.D.
8 - Henry Gally Knight
9 - Family Miscellaneous
10 - Miscellaneous
11 - Clerkson Family
M - Manorial records - 1606-1911
O - Public office - 1626-1942
T - Title deeds
UL - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: unlisted records
Z - Miscellaneous
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