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Collapse D239 - FitzHerbert family of Tissington - [16th-20th cent]D239 - FitzHerbert family of Tissington - [16th-20th cent]
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8382 - Draft letter from John Beresford on the subject of Sir Henry's marriage settlement - 26 Sep 1805
8383 - Sir Henry FitzHerbert to John Beresford: the master in Chancery has now set a value upon James FitzHerbert's annuity. 12 November - 1805
8384 - From Jones and Green, solicitors: the fund for purchasing land established under Sir William's will will amount to same £1700 once all charges have been met. 21 May - 1806
8385 - From John Bell Crompton: provides character reference for servant. 29 Jan. - 1807
8386 - From Mr. Abraham: character reference for servant. 2 [May] - 1807
8387 - From Jones and Green, solicitors: if Sir Henry is determined upon buying the land adjoining his own estate, though the price is very dear, he must apply by petition to the Chancellor who will direct the master in Chancery to make appropriate enquiries. 22 September - 1807
8388 - From Robert H. Wyatt: seeks an introduction to Henry Gally Knight in order to secure appointment as commissioner for Warsop enclosure. 16 December - 1811
8389 - From Thomas Denman. 9 January - 1815
8390-8393 - Correspondence relating to Sir Henry's enquiries concerning people in the army and navy - 1815-1816
8394 - From Daniel Parker Coke: monumental inscription to Francis Noel Mundy. 7 September - 1816
8395 - Rev. William Alderson: "I fear this winter will produce disturbances thro' out the country; for trade being bad, the minds of the people much unsettled, and I fear provisions too high to be easily obtained by the lower orders, who will immediately without any sense of shame or feeling throw themselves upon the parish foe relief. This in many places cannot possibly be borne, and the result must necessarily be attended with no small degree of danger"; has managed to get in a fair amount of corn despite the weather, but the potato crop is very bad; the coming session of parliament should be eventful; has been asked to become a magistrate. 24 October - 1816
8396 - R. Beresford: congratulates Sir Henry on the addition to his family; is glad to hear his cousin, Lady Agnes FitzHerbert is well. Also letter from Hannah Wheler to Sir Henry. 5 November - 1816
8397 - Harriet Alderson: congratulations on the birth of a daughter; is very pleased to be godmother. 6 November - 1816
8398 - Edward Cludde: congratulations on the safe birth; in Shropshire, the coal and ironworks are at a standstill, and some thousands are thrown upon the parishes, some of the poor and employed in road-making - a new road is being built between Wellington and Coalbrookdale. The grain harvest has been disappointing. 12 November. From Orleton (co. Salop) - 1816
8399 - William J. Lockett from Derby: reports the elopement of Miss M. Coke and John Greensmith and subsequent developments. 24 December - 1816
8400 - Rev. William Alderson from Aston (co. York): had fully intended writing earlier to congratulate Sir Henry on the birth of his daughter; is now without a curate: "it makes me labour much more in my vocation than I have ever been accustomed to do ... the year 1816 has added above thirty sermons to my stock ..."; gives an account of the accident in which he was shot by Henry Gally Knight; the Sheffield riots have ended less seriously than those in London. 27 December - 1816
8401 - Preston F. Packer, for Messrs. Pickford, to same: London-Derby freight rates. 21 March - 1817
8402 - Rev. William Alderson: reports the death of his mother. 26 March - 1817
8403 - Philip Gell from London: provides a description of the dress he has ordered following their appointments in the militia. 4 June - 1817
8404 - Sir Henry FitzHerbert to Richard Arkwright: asks for assistance in securing payment of prize money due to the mother of the late Lieut. James Ensor, and to others: "I have myself frequently experienced much buffeting from the blustering bullies of the offices. If, however, you will only hint that you are a member of parliament, every difficulty will instantly vanish, and the most servile civility ensues. Such is their dread of the house of commons"; despite the rising in the east of Derbyshire; the west has been as quiet as ever. 15 June - 1817
8405 - Philip Gell from London: is glad to hear of the progress of Sir Henry's squadron; the recent rebellion should prove a useful spur to enlistment; provides more details of the uniform (see D239 M/F 8403). 16 June - 1817
8406 - Rev. William Alderson: recommends a coachman to Sir Henry, the corn harvest is very late because of the rain; Henry Gally Knight has had one of his sketches painted by R. A. Turner. 19 August - 1817
8407 - Same: has engaged the coachman for Sir Henry. 27 August - 1817
8408 - William Greaves from Mayfield Hall: condolences on the death of Sir Henry's child. 14 September - 1817
8409 - Sir George Shee from Broadlands (Hampshire): letter of condolence. 17 September - 1817
8410 - Laurence Sulivan from Broadlands: 17 September - 1817
8411 - Same: has returned from a visit to France and the Netherlands; saw a magnificent army review involving some 34,000 men; also saw the Russian army; hopes the execution of "your Derbyshire delinquents will tend to tranquilize that part of England ...". 11 November - 1817
8412 - Hans Mortimer from London: acknowledges the gift "of a most excellent cheese from your dairy". 18 November - 1817
8413 - Rev. William Alderson from Aston (co. York): reports an accident to Henry Gally Knight, thrown out of his gig. 1 December - 1817
8414 - Philip Gell from Hopton: recommends a servant. 29 January - 1818
8415 - George Shee from London: 12 February - 1818
8416 - Philip Gell from Hopton: is happy to become a trustee of the Ashbourne Savings Bank. 14 February - 1818
8417 - Rev. William Alderson: "... one of our constables shewed me a letter on Tuesday which he had received from the govenor of the House of Correction at Chesterfield to inform him that the goose stealers ... would not be prosecuted although the clearest evidence of their guilt could have been produced ... such a proceeding may indeed shew the lenity of your county towards thieves, but not justice towards the public. It may indeed be of service to our part of Yorkshire, for I think all the rogues will discover that thefts may be committed in Derbyshire with impunity; consequently they will have a decided preference to proceed there for the purpose of committing their depredations ...". 28 March - 1818
8418 - Printed circular from the S.P.C.K. (Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge) 10 July - 1818
8419 - Mr. Cavendish, from London. 17 August - 1818
8420 - George Greaves from Ashbourne: the Earl of Shrewsbury would like to remove a small quantity of loose stones from Dovedale to be placed in the garden at Alton. 17 September - 1818
8421 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): agrees with Sir Henry that every respect is due to the memory of the late queen; is sorry that duties as a magistrate occupy so much of Sir Henry's energies; here, in Shropshire, the colliers have plenty of work - "happily they have never tasted the passion that has infected your county; they have become a very degraded people from having been so long accustomed to have recourse to their parish for relief; I am in great hopes that by means of friendly societies and having banks we shall live to see them in a much better state. The fashionable spirit of rebellion has pervaded Shrewsbury school. Previous to the Xmas holidays, the young gentlemen chose to take affront at the master for making a certain boy propostor. After using a variety of methods to annoy Dr. Butler, they proceded to break the school windows ...". 2 January - 1819
8422 - Mr. Chapman from Charterhouse School: school fees should Sir Henry send his sons to the school. 22 January - 1819
8423 - S. Jacson to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: 10 February - 1819
8424 - R. Beresford: will be delighted to stand as sponsor for Sir Henry's son. 24 Feb. - 1819
8425 - S. Jacson - 8 March - 1819
8426 - George Shee from Mudiford (Hants.): "... but you, atrocious fellow what a production you have sent me! you leave my last letter unanswered for about 4 months. You then write me two pages in reply, which two pages you quietly lock up in your drawer for above 4 months more; tack on a short note of apology like a monkey riding upon a bear, and then modestly desire me to consider this hashed performance as two regular epistles" - 4 Apr 1819
8427-8428 - Rev. William Alderson from Aston (co. York): encloses a letter about his marriage settlement. 15 July - 1819
8429 - Duke of Devonshire from Chatsworth: thanks Sir Henry for his present of a portrait of the duke's father. 29 October - 1819
8430 - Philip Gell from Hopton: would like to recommend Sir Henry as a field officer in the newly formed cavalry troop attached to the militia corps under Gell's command. 6 December - 1819
8431 - Rev. William Alderson: the deep snow kept them from visiting Tissington earlier. "I am so dreadfully alarmed at having once stirred up that irascible temper of my Lady FitzHerbert that it would be much less painful for wife, self, and all the living creatures I possess to die 10,000 deaths in a snow drift rather than again endure the stings of her insupportable anathemas"; is worn out by magisterial duties which have involved 6 out of the last 8 days; acted as vice-chairman of the bench at Doncaster. 26 January - 1820
8432 - From the same: 3 February - 1820
8433 - Laurence Sulivan: his wife has given birth to a daughter. 9 February - 1820
8434 - H. Ackroyd to Sir Henry FitzHerbert. 2 March - 1820
8435 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): explains the reason for the arbitration by magistrates in the wage dispute between the iron masters and their workers. 9 September - 1820
8436 - George Shee from Broadlands (Hants.). 30 September - 1820
8437 - Same: from Mudiford (Hants.): is planning a trip abroad too ... "only with this difference that I am going to a Christian country, not to such a band of heathens as Barbadoes, and into the bargain am decently taking my wife with me instead of running away, and leaving her, like some folks ..."; does not approve of Sir Henry's intention to visit the West Indies. 24 October - 1820
8438 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): 18 November - 1820
8439 - Harriet Barker. 13 December - 1820
8440 - Rev. William Alderson: is glad to hear that the children have recovered from illness. 10 January - 1821
8441 - Harriet Barker. 12 January - 1821
8442 - Rev. William Alderson: is relieved to learn that all fear of typhus has gone; "Well, your lord lieutenant with all his weakness and apparent indolence has at last made a stir amongst you. I saw him at Renshaw where he was scarcely cooled although he was suffering from a violent head ache occasioned by his being so long unaccustomed to cheering and hurrahing". 18 January - 1821
8443 - Edward Cludde - 1821
8444 - Rev. William Alderson: is sending a donkey and foal to Tissington. 4 March - 1821
8445 - Edward Cludde: is alarmed at not hearing from Sir Henry for so long. 26 April - 1821
8446 - Rev. William Alderson: sends congratulations on the safe birth of another child - "a momentary recollection calls to my mind that this is the ninth time I have offered my congratulations ...". 7 June - 1821
8447 - Laurence Sulivan: his father has died. 10 June - 1821
8448 - Rev. William Alderson: has found a groom for Sir Henry; the weather continues miserably cold. 16 June - 1821
8449 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): 19 June - 1821
8450 - Rev. William Alderson from Aston (co. York): "would it not be as wise for you and Mr. Arkwright to postpone your journey to the Derbyshire Sessions until the Lord Mayor and Mr. Ex-Sheriff Parkins shall in their wisdom have determined the punishment due to the High Crimes and misdemeanors of the Constitutional Associations? For if you are so unfortunate as to escape with your lives; which I very much doubt, as the sins of loyalty to your God and your king are considered in these days to be so heinious and dark a complection; still, it is morally certain that imprisonment for the remaining part of your existence will necessarily ensue". 27 June - 1821
8451 - Charles Hurt jun. from Wirksworth: thanks Sir Henry for the gift of a gold coronation medal - 4 Aug 1821
8452 - Mr. Wellesley from Tunbridge Wells. 14 August - 1821
8453 - H. Ackroyd from Mayfield: recommends to Sir Henry a nephew now living in Barbados who seeks employment on a plantation. 21 August - 1821
8454 - Copy of a letter from Mr. Buxton in Tasmania to his family in Tissington. 14 September - 1821
8455 - William Johnson from Tissington ... 19 September - 1821
8456 - Rev. William Alderson: 25 October - 1821
8457 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): 19 November - 1821
8458 - George Shee from Mudiford (Hants.): "What shall I say for not having written you a single line since ...? In vain, I rummage all your multifarious excuses for epistolary silence. Even that volume of precedents furnishes nothing to my satisfaction ..."; has had a successful European tour. 25 November - 1821
8459 - Keirs and co., wine merchants. 18 January - 1822
8460-8462 - Edward Cludde: a riding accident has delayed his visit to Tissington (19 Feb.); his leg is still uncomfortable (22 Feb.); is still confined to home. 28 February - 1822
8463 - Rev. William Alderson: expresses a strong opinion on Sir Henry's plan not to stand for parliament - "... were it possible for you to have done anything to have raised my choler, you have certainly hit upon the only expedient. You have destroyed in a moment the only fabric that I have been ambitious to build and probably thrown your native county into the hands of some foolish Tory or, still worse, some insolent Whig. I am well aware that your decisions are never rashly or even hastily formed. But when once formed, I also know they are as difficult to be changed as the laws of the Medes and the Persians of old.... I shall patiently await the day when it will be my good fortune to meet with you, when I shall come charged with the wishes of the majority of the freeholders in Scarsdale, and overwhelm all those pigmy reasons with which you are or can be armed ...". 2 March - 1822
8464 - Edward Cludde from Shrewsbury: "... our assizes punished on Saturday might, I never remember so many prisoners condemned. There are nine now lying under sentence of death ...". 26 March - 1822
8465 - Same from Orleton (co. Salop): 22 April - 1822
8466 - Hannah Lambourn from London: acknowledges receipt of her allowance from Sir Henry. 16 May - 1822
8467 - Rev. William Alderson: 20 May - 1822
8468 - Laurence Sulivan from London: 21 May - 1822
8469 - Edward Cludde: 11 June - 1822
8470 - George Shee from Mudiford (Hants.): hopes Sir Henry will visit him. 14 June - 1822
8471 - From same: "in addition to the mass of letters that I have for the last two years been addressing to you from different parts of the globe, I sent you the other day an earnest, pressing, praying, and intreating invitation to Mudiford, and to none of all these interesting communications have you vouchsafed to reply. Now sir, unless you wish to be absolutely excommunicated, and the whole of your family at Tissington and elsewhere laid under an interdict, you had better write to me copiously and satisfactorily without delay ...". 7 July - 1822
8472 - H. Ackroyd from London: thanks Sir Henry for arranging a visit to the House of Lords. 12 July - 1822
8473 - Laurence Sulivan: 20 July - 1822
8474 - Rev. William Alderson: thanks Sir Henry for the kind gift of a turtle - "too magnificent a gift for a rector"; on Wednesday next, "my birthday ... the whiskers of all my friends and neighbours will be moistened in the soup ...". 27 July - 1822
8475 - H. Ackroyd from London: 20 August - 1822
8476 - Rev. William Alderson from Sheffield town hall. 3 September - 1822
8477 - Letter from John Borough Goldsmith from Atlow: hopes Sir Henry will approach Sir Henry's uncle, Lord St. Helens, as to the best means of presenting a petition to the king - 14 Sep 1822
8478 - Mrs. M. Brace, Wirksworth post office: returning and improvement of postal services. 29 November - 1822
8479 - Rev. William Alderson: 22 October - 1822
8480 - Mrs. Eliza Bateman: asks that Sir Henry's name maybe inserted in a mortgage of the Shipley estate as receiver, a purely nominal position. 24 Oct. - 1822
8481 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): was sorry to hear such a dismal report of West Indian property but believes the situation is improving; has heard that Sir Henry may stand as a parliamentary candidate; William Childe [Cludde's brother-in-law] is being encouraged to stand for Salop. 25 October - 1822
8482-8483 - Same: reports on electionering in Shropshire: 1-11 November - 1822
8484 - H. Ackroyd from London: sends him a quartet dedicated to one of Sir Henry's daughters; reports the panic on the Stock Exchange over the Columbia loan; has heard a sermon at the Spanish chapel on the doctrine of the real presence; believes that the lord chancellor and Lord Liverpool are correct in their opposition to the Catholic question. 10 November - 1822
8485 - J. Nelson (of Nelson and Adam, West India merchants): enjoyed his visit to Tissington very much; on his return to London, the only fellow companion was "a speculative Manchester trader who, in an ill-fated hour, had been induced to quit fustians for Chile or Columbian, or some of the hocus pocus securities of the day ...". 29 November - 1822
8486-8487 - George Shee from Mudiford (Hants.): 1 December-3 December - 1822
8488 - Mr. Baillie from Hampstead: 3 December - 1822
8489 - Hans Mortimer from Faversham: 16 December - 1822
8490 - George Shee from Mudiford (Hants.): sympathises with Sir Henry on the death of his aunt, Selina Gally Knight. 10 January - 1823
8491 - Laurence Sulivan from Mudiford: similar letter of sympathy. 10 January - 1823
8492 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): similar letter of sympathy. 11 January - 1823
8493 - J. D. Bland: is happy to act as Anthony's god-father. 22 February - 1823
8494 - Rev. William Alderson from Aston (co. York): has managed to purchase oats for Sir Henry at Mansfield and they are now en route for Cromford; has not yet written to the boys, "and when I begin to think upon what I shall say the conclusion is that they would probably cry out what is the old fellow bothering us for with his advice and recommendations etc. etc. ...". 13 March - 1823
8495 - George Shee: 3 April - 1823
8496 - Letter from John Garton Howard writing from Derby on behalf of the association formed there for the gradual abolition of slavery in the British dominions - 23 Apr 1823
8497 - Edward Cludde: 13 May - 1823
8498 - Rev. William Alderson: his mother-in-law, Mrs. Walker, has died. 28 May - 1823
8499 - Laurence Sulivan: chastises Sir Henry for failing to meet him in London, "pray desire Lady F. to let me know who she means to marry Cludde to". 24 June - 1823
8500 - Edward Cludde: 12 August - 1823
8501 - George Whaldon: magisterial business. 10 September - 1823
8502 - Edward Cludde: "you never gave me so much reason to complain of you as you have done of late. I have not heard anything of you since we parted in London and I think myself very ill used ...". 2 October - 1823
8503 - Rev. William Alderson: has dispatched a flitch of bacon and a ham to London for the family; is looking forward to receiving the Piccotees from West Farleigh for his garden 3 October - 1823
8504 - From same: has received the piccotees, the turbot, and the lobsters safely. 10 November - 1823
8505 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): 10 November - 1823
8506 - George Jacson from Preston: would like Sir Henry to act as sponsor for his son. 13 November - 1823
8507 - William Childe [brother-in-law to Edward Cludde] from Hastings, is anxious to learn of Lady FitzHerbert's confinement; is delighted to learn of Sir Henry's proposed visit to Hastings which "for mildness of climate and picturesque scenery is preferable to any I have seen upon the coast. The best houses are the seven which constitute the row in which we are living but I believe they are all taken for the winter. The present rent of them is 8 guineas a week. ... There are three other situations which I think would suit you and which I consider to be desirable in the order in which I name them: the Marina Parade, Wellington Place, and the Croft. At present there is but one house vacant in any of them, and that is in the Croft, which is the most sheltered, but the dullest of them all ...". 23 November - 1823
8508 - Rev. William Alderson: wishes to hear of Lady FitzHerbert's condition. 25 November - 1823
8509 - Isabella Atherton: congratulates Sir Henry on the birth of his new child. November - 1823
8510 - Philip Gell from Hopton: is sending him a brace of game; congratulations on the birth of his new child. 28 November - 1823
8511 - George Shee from Mudiford (Hants.): 11 December - 1823
8512 - Rev. William Alderson: congratulations on the birth of Sir Henry's daughter; his wife Harriet has suffered a severe pain in the bilary duct, but bleeding, castor oil, calomel, "and other medicines thrown into the stomach" have proved effective. 12 December - 1823
8513 - Laurence Sulivan: 16 December - 1823
8514 - George Shee from Broadlands (Hants.): 25 January - 1824
8515 - J. D. Bland from Kippax Park: 29 January - 1824
8516 - Harriet Alderson: encloses two cuttings from a Liverpool newspaper advertising the start of a line of packets between Liverpool and the West Indies - 1824
8517 - J. P. Neale: encloses particulars of his "Views of the seats of noblemen and gentlemen ...". March - 1824
8518 - Rev. William Alderson from Aston (co. York): "... I am disgusted with the affected humanity of such persons who by their petitions endeavour to blaze abroad their humane feelings towards the negroes at the ruinous expence to the proprietor ...". 15 March - 1824
8519 - Edward Cludde from London: 7 April - 1824
8520 - George Shee from Mudiford (Hants.): enquires after a horse which Sir Henry mentioned to him. 12 April - 1824
8521 - From same: "in general, in mercantile transactions, the buyer hangs back and the vendor pushes forwards, but with you and me the reverse appears to be the case. Now do, like a good man, rummage into your left hand coat pocket, and you will there find a letter from me written a long time ago asking you if you still wish to part with a grey horse ...". 23 April - 1824
8522 - Rev. William Alderson: is glad to hear of the family's safe return to Tissington. 17 May - 1824
8523 - From same: is glad to hear of Alleyne's safe recovery from a fever. 5 July - 1824
8524 - From same: urges the family to break their journey en route for Harrogate. 19 July - 1824
8525 - Edward Cludde from Orleton: 4 August - 1824
8526 - Charles Boothby: urges Sir Henry to abandon his visit to the West Indies. 9 August - 1824
8527 - Rev. Robert Stevens from West Farleigh (co. Kent): is glad Sir Henry approves the plan to establish a parochial library, which will be under the auspices of the Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge. 17 August - 1824
8528 - Edward Cludde: thinks that Sir Henry's visit to the West Indies would be better entrusted to an agent. 1 October - 1824
8529 - From same: the chairman of the Shropshire sessions, anxious to economise, would like to procure a printed copy of the annual disbursements of the county rates in Derbyshire. 5 October - 1824
8530 - Eliza Cruso: hopes Sir Henry may abandon his plans to visit the West Indies. 10 October - 1824
8531 - Rev. S. Beresford: has discovered which boat will convey the bishops of Barbados and Jamaica to the West Indies and imagines Sir Henry will have little difficulty in securing a passage on it. 15 October - 1824
8532 - Edward Cludde: has received the printed copy of the county rate; regrets that Sir Henry adheres to his plan to visit the West Indies. 18 October - 1824
8533 - Godfrey Meynell from Meynell Langley: thinks Sir Henry's visit to the West Indies will have its advantages; believes that Barbados is a fine country - "but no champagne, barsac, etc."; land has been purchased in Derby for the new county hall; reports on the progress of the new gaol. 22 October - 1824
8534 - Jedediah Strutt from Belper: 25 October - 1824
8535 - Edward Cludde from Orleton: 3 December - 1824
8536 - Laurence Sulivan: 27 December - 1824
8537 - Rev. William Alderson: has been sorry to hear of the adverse winds which have delayed Sir Henry's departure. The family at Tissington bear up tolerably well. William and he have nearly finished the first book of the odes of Horace; "I was surprised how well he construed them; he is indeed greatly improved in his classes, and I think he will become a tolerable good scholar, and I am greatly mistaken if he does not become a good and useful man"; trade in Sheffield has improved greatly - "workmen cannot be had to execute the necessary orders". 17 January - 1825
8538 - Edward Cludde: is very glad to hear of good news from Barbados. 16 April - 1825
8539 - George Shee: has a cousin living in Jamaica and wonders if some employment can be found for him. 3 May - 1825
8540 - Kenneth MacPherson - 31 May 1825
8541 - John Sims to Lady FitzHerbert: recommends for her daughter's blisters a poultice of bread and milk "made very smooth", with a little laudanum and goulard added; failing this, the sores may be dabbed with muslin and ceruss powder; if there is a great discharge, "nothing answers so well as giving bark in substance". 8 June - 1825
8542 - George Shee: is delighted at Sir Henry's safe return. 28 July - 1825
8543 - Rev. William Alderson: congratulates Sir Henry on his safe return. 28 July - 1825
8544 - Edward Cludde: similar letter of congratulation. 30 July - 1825
8545 - Rev. William Alderson: 2 September - 1825
8546 - Laurence Sulivan: thanks Sir Henry for the gift of a turtle. 29 September - 1825
8547 - Henry Owen from Worksop: 8 October - 1825
8548 - Rev. William Alderson from Aston (co. York): has not yet had an answer to his enquiry on Sir Henry's behalf about clothing for negroes; is glad to see the gradual improvement in West Indian business. 10 October - 1825
8549 - Edward Chorley from Doncaster: 15 October - 1825
8550 - Letter form Edward Cludde at Orleton (county of Salop - [Shropshire]) - 19 Nov 1825
8551 - Lord Palmerston: discusses the question of catholic disabilities in the light of the parliamentary election at Cambridge University. 13 December - 1825
8552 - Edward Cludde: as his first hamper failed to reach Tissington, he has sent off another, together with a Shropshire simnel, is glad to find they are in agreement over the Cambridge election; "tho' I am not an advocate for Catholic emancipation, I should be sorry to see Palmerston thrown out after the support he has experienced from Johnians for so many years. I prefer Goulburn to the attorney general as I consider him a more consistent politician" - 27 Dec 1825
8553 - George Shee: "Pray, pray do not hesitate about promising Palmerston your support ...". 2 January - 1826
8554 - Edward Cludde: recommends a school-tutor. 20 March - 1826
8555 - Mary Alderson: 26 March - 1826
8556 - Letter from Rev. William Alderson at Aston (county of Yorkshire) to Sir Henry FitzHerbert - 29 Mar 1826
8557 - Thomas Buxton from Tasmania: none of the oats which Sir Henry sent out have grown; is beginning to surmount the difficulties of starting a new farm; they live on the coast, 80 miles from Hobart by road, and 120 miles by water; all supplies have to be brought by sea; cultivation is carried out with the assistance of convicts; he is compelled to take one man for every 100 acres; comments on his crops, yields, prices, and stock; lists items he would like sent out. 10 April - 1826
8558 - Harriet alderson from Mansfield Woodhouse: thanks Sir Henry for his kindness towards her cousin who has now sailed for the West Indies; the Yorkshire magistrates are to build a new gaol at York which is to cost £150,000. 13 April - 1826
8559 - Henry Atlay from Wakerley: quotes his terms for acting as tutor to one of Sir Henry's sons. 19 April - 1826
8560-8561 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): 27 April-27 May - 1826
8562 - R. Tatham from Cambridge: encloses copies of the poll book of the university election; will take the necessary steps to secure the admission of Richard to St. John's. June - 1826
8563 - Dinner invitation. 3 June - 1826
8564 - Laurence Sulivan. 7 June - 1826
8565 - George Carrington: would Sir Henry contribute towards a presentation to Sir Henry Warde; governor of Barbados? 16 June - 1826
8566 - C. H. R. Rhodes from Barlborough: now that work on the hall has been completed, hopes Sir Henry and Lady FitzHerbert will stay with him. 20 June - 1826
8567 - R. Tatham from Cambridge: July - 1826
8568 - Sir William Boothby: 3 July - 1826
8569 - George Munro from Grenada: 1 August - 1826
8570 - Rev. William Alderson from Sheffield town hall: 1 August - 1826
8571-8572 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): 2-9 August - 1826
8573 - Laurence Sulivan: has been promoted deputy secretary at the War Office. 27 September - 1826
8574 - Rev. Hans Mortimer: 27 September - 1826
8575 - Edward Cludde: after visiting Tissington, went into Cardiganshire; did not extend his tour beyond Aberystwyth "which is much improved in its accommodation and possesses many advantages as a bathing place ... notwithstanding the beauties of mountain scenery, I confess I should not like to reside much in Wales". 2 October - 1826
8576 - Carbonell and son: will forward Sir Henry's corks as soon as possible. 24 October - 1826
8577 - Rev. William Alderson: 24 October - 1826
8578 - From same: "I am now sitting in High State as Chairman of the second court at the Sheffield sessions and having obtained a frank from John Wood, counsillor and member of parliament ... a good natured man tho' a Radical ... I am afraid that were you to know the aforesaid John Wood had franked this letter, before opening it you would throw into the fire and my labour would be lost ...". 27 October - 1826
8579 - From same: 3 November - 1826
8580 - James Bagshawe: terms for delivery of floor tiles. 7 November - 1826
8581 - B. Port from Colwich: his uncle, Rev. John Granville, has died. 13 November - 1826
8582 - Edward Cludde: "I have ordered a collar of brawn to be sent to you ...". 22 November - 1826
8583 - W. H. Chapman: offers himself as candidate for the headship of Charter House. 24 November - 1826
8584 - Rev. William Alderson: discusses the plans for a shipping partnership to ship West Indian produce. 28 November - 1826
8585 - W. H. Chapman: having discovered that the pupils of Charter House have raised money for a presentation to him, has stopped it, and returned to Sir Henry's sons their subscription. 9 December - 1826
8586 - William Greaves from Mayfield: congratulates Sir Henry on his escape from a dangerous accident. 10 December - 1826
8587 - W. H. Chapman: 18 December - 1826
8588 - Rev. William Alderson: is thankful for Sir Henry's escape from an accident involving the carriage horses in Ashbourne market place. 13 December - 1826
8589 - George Shee: "If a computation were to be formed of our correspondence during the last twelve months, what a ponderous volume it would make! The excellent plan to which we have so steadily adhered of writing to each other without reference to the state of our epistolary account has effectually guarded us from those long intervals of silence to which other correspondences are subject - so that ours exhibits a picture of most pleasing uniformity! Why, you laziest and most punctillious of all possible Derbyshire baronets, does not the above imaginary description cover you with confusion? 18 December - 1826
8590 - J. Newton Lane from King's Bromley: 8 January - 1827
8591 - Gibbs, Sons, and Bright from Bristol: 2 February - 1827
8592 - Richard Arkwright jun. from Willersley: his father is as well as can be expected. 27 February - 1827
8593 - Mr. Neale from Ashbourne: hastens to disclaim having written to Lord St. Helen's. 17 January - 1827
8594 - Philip Gell from Hopton: hopes Sir Henry will continue to captain his militia troop for another year. 30 March - 1827
8595 - William Greaves: April - 1827
8596 - Rev. William Alderson: Canning's unexpected defeat on the catholic division must have annoyed Sir Henry - "I cannot consider him as a proper man to fill the situation of prime minister, he appears to be not much better than a quack in politics; and his friend, Huskisson is much worse"; - Henry Gally Knight is with them - "he seems to have forgot his wife and laughs and talks as in olden times" - 2 Apr 1827
8597 - Note to Lady FitzHerbert: May - 1827
8599 - S. Beresford to Lady FitzHerbert: 4 May - 1827
8600 - Laurence Sulivan: 6 May - 1827
8601 - Mrs. Beresford to Lady FitzHerbert: 7 May - 1827
8602 - Mr. Mundy: 14 May - 1827
8603 - Ann Johnson from West Farleigh to Lady FitzHerbert: 16 May - 1827
8604-8612 - Letters from Samuel Martin, Thomas Jones, Philip Gell, Henry Atlay, Thomas Archer, Philip Gell, Laurence Sulivan, Mr. Bland, C. Leeds. 19 May-19 June - 1827
8613 - Lord Balham: will be happy to subscribe to a new organ at Farleigh church. 27 June - 1827
8614 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): his home neighbourhood is in great distress, with some 3000 people out of work. 20 July - 1827
8615 - Thomas Richardson: Sir Henry has been elected a member of the Derbyshire Archery Club. 5 August - 1827
8616 - Henrietta Geary from Dublin to Lady FitzHerbert: makes various suggestions for her projected visit to Ireland - 6 Aug 1827
8617 - Edward Cludde: is looking forward to receiving Sir Henry and family under his roof. 8 August - 1827
8618 - Marcus Martin: requests permission for friends to fish in the river Dove. 16 August - 1827
8619 - F. E. Gibson: 16 August - 1827
8620 - Major Ecles from Drogheda Barracks: 23 August - 1827
8621 - Ann Alberton from Somersal Herbert - 27 Aug 1827
8622 - Edward Cludde: 29 August - 1827
8623 - Francis Mundy from Markeaton: thanks Sir Henry for the gift of a turtle; offers him accomodation for the next gaol committee meeting. 27 September - 1827
8624 - From same: 14 October - 1827
8625 - George Arkwright: thanks Sir Henry for permission to shoot over his land. 17 October - 1827
8626 - Mary Lambert to Lady FitzHerbert: 26 October - 1827
8627 - Laurence Sulivan: 30 October - 1827
8628 - F. S. Stevens from West Farleigh (co. Kent): the new organ has been installed in the parish church. 31 October - 1827
8629 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): thanks Sir Henry for the invitation to Tissington. 3 November - 1827
8630 - Philip Gell from Hopton: proposes to turn out deer at Hognaston. 5 November - 1827
8631 - Letter from Laurence Sulivan - 6 Nov 1827
8632 - Rev. William Alderson: 8 November - 1827
8633 - Ann Alherton: 11 November - 1827
8634 - Rev. William Alderson: has found the very horse for Selina: 16 November - 1827
8635 - Godfrey Meynell from Meynell Langley: 24 November - 1827
8636 - Rev. William Alderson: a query has arisen over his marriage settlement. 30 November - 1827
8637 - Edward Cludde: 10 December - 1827
8638 - Charles John Lewsey: 19 December - 1827
8639 - Laurence Sulivan from the War Office: "I hope you are not ... huffy at my having omitted to answer some enquiries of yours ...". 25 January - 1828
8640 - Edward Cludde: welcomes the advent of the new government; "the duke of Wellington is a great man and his influence will do much in controlling the rage for new experiments and he will be particularly useful in conducting our foreign policy ..." 25 January - 1828
8641 - Nathaniel Palmer Johnson: requests Sir Henry's patronage for the Derby Music Festival. 26 January - 1828
8642 - J. B. Goldsmith from Wirksworth post office: thanks Sir Henry for his interest and offer of assistance in seeking promotion. 29 January - 1828
8643 - John Bateman from Darley Abbey: thanks Sir Henry for his good wishes on Bateman's marriage. 30 January - 1828
8644 - J. B. Goldsmith: forwards commission for William in North Derbyshire yeomanry. 2 February - 1828
8645-8646 - Charles Lewsey and William Lewsey from Compton: thanks Sir Henry for the ticket for the play. 4 March - 1828
8647 - Rev. William Alderson from Sheffield: looks forward to visiting Tissington - "will you have the kindness to send Tom Marsh or some idle villager to Bradbourne Mill to carry my baggage?" 18 March - 1828
8648 - Edward Cludde from Bath: is going to marry a Miss Cockburn, daughter of Sir William Cockburn. 19 March - 1828
8649 - Mr. Leacroft from Southwell: solicits a position in Jamaica for his brother. 27 March - 1828
8650 - William Evans from Allestree: offers accomodation if Sir Henry visits Derby on magisterial duties. 29 March - 1828
8651 - Rev. William Alderson: has learned that Henry Knight is standing for parliament, does not altogether approve; "George Foljambe, Lord Newark, and last of all that proud disagreeable ass Granville Vernon are mentioned as candidates ...". 1 April - 1828
8652 - Edward Cludde: thanks Sir Henry for his kind congratulations. 5 April - 1828
8653 - Bernard Port from Ilam: 6 April - 1828
8654 - Rev. William Alderson: 7 April 1828; Harriet Alderson to Lady FitzHerbert: "thanks ... for Mr. Knight's speech which is sickening bombast ...". 7 April - 1828
8655 - G. Meynell: 8 April - 1828
8656 - Rev. William Alderson: thanks Sir Henry for the rum and malmsey. 19 April - 1828
8657 - From same: his wife has received a legacy of £10,000; Henry Knight has been busy assuring the electors that he is not actually a Roman Catholic ... what can possess him to issue out such nonsense?" 1 May - 1828
8658 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): 14 June - 1828
8659 - Rev. William Alderson: 10 July - 1828
8660 - Elizabeth Sulivan: 15 July - 1828
8661 - Edward Cludde: is anxious to hear of Lady FitzHerbert's safe confinement. 13 August - 1828
8662 - J. Dadington: requests copy of Lord St. Helen's seal to add to his collection. 15 August - 1828
8663 - Elizabeth Sulivan to Lady FitzHerbert: 20 August - 1828
8664 - J. Beresford from Ashbourne: is very pleased to hear of Lady FitzHerbert's safe delivery. 4 September - 1828
8665 - A. L. Vothman to Lady FitzHerbert: congratulations on the safe birth. 5 September - 1828
8666 - Frances Jacson from Somersal Herbert: "... we do not think it is a matter indifferent to the good of the world in general that here is another FitzHerbert boss ..." - 5 Sep 1828
8667 - Rev. William Alderson: "I do most sincerely congratulate you upon the birth of a daughter ... this day at dinner Harriet and I shall carouse over a pint of sparkling champagne in drinking health and prosperity to the little stranger and a speedy recovery to mamma ..."; is riding over to view an estate for sale near Tideswell. 6 September - 1828
8668 - Edward Cludde: 6 September - 1828
8669 - Rosela Boothby from Edwinstowe: congratulations on safe birth: 8 September - 1828
8670 - Mme D'Illens: congratulations on Augusta' safe birth: 8 September - 1828
8671 - Frances Jacson: 9 September - 1828
8672 - Charles Boothby from Edwinstowe: 16 September - 1828
8673 - William Greaves from Mayfield: 1 November - 1828
8674 - William Alderson: thanks Sir Henry for his gifts; has been very glad to have William staying with him. 6 November - 1828
8675 - Sarah Lewsey: 8 November - 1828
8676 - William Greaves from Mayfield: 13 November - 1828
8677 - ? W. Beechey: has dispatched the portraits. 13 November - 1828
8678 - J. G. Cromartie: thanks Sir Henry for the gift of a tankard. 17 November - 1828
8679 - Thomas Archer from Chatham: will be happy to undertake any commissions for Sir Henry in the West Indies. 18 November - 1828
8680 - Sarah Lewsey: 1 December - 1828
8681 - Bernard Port from Aston-on-Trent: 11 December - 1828
8682 - Mrs. Burns to Lady FitzHerbert: 13 December - 1828
8683 - Rev. William Alderson from Aston (co. York): "so at length we are become ship owners and may our undertaking be successful"! 17 December - 1828
8684 - Sarah Lewsey from London: 22 December - 1828
8685 - Thomas Botson from Falmouth: 23 December - 1828
8686 - Bernard Port from Ilam: 25 December - 1828
8687 - J. Johnson: expressing anti-Catholic sentiments. 26 December - 1828
8688 - Edward and Elizabeth Rowe from Baddesley (Hants.): thank Sir Henry for informing them of the death of their son, Sir Henry's servant. 26 December - 1828
8689-8690 - Francis Mundy from Markeaton: discusses the vacancy at Ashbourne post office. 26 December-29 December - 1828
8691 - Sir George Shee from Doncaster: "I got on very well today except the first stage. The Derby horses were infamous and I told the postboy that his master ought to be sent to the treadmill". 1 January - 1829
8692 - Letter forwarded by Lord St. Helens to Sir Henry FitzHerbert about employment for Mr. Goldsmith. 2 January - 1829
8693 - Thomas Gadd from Parkhurst (co. Surrey): 4 January - 1829
8694 - William Boothby: 4 January - 1829
8695 - Sarah Lewsey from London: 7 January - 1829
8696 - G. Meynell: 14 January - 1829
8697 - Francis Goodwin from London: having been responsible for the new gaol at Derby, seeks Sir Henry's support for his application for a district surveyorship in London - 15 Jan 1829
8698 - Charles Lewsey: 16 January - 1829
8698 - Thomas Archer from Ashbourne: would Sir Henry intercede with Lord St. Helen's for Archer's promotion? 2 May - 1827
8699 - Sir George Shee: thanks Sir Henry for forwarding "my stray sleeve button". 26 January - 1829
8700 - William Evans from Allestree: offer of hospitality. 26 January - 1829
8701 - Thomas Wise from Ashbourne: 30 January - 1829
8702 - Rev. William Alderson from Aston (co. York): 7 February - 1829
8703 - Francis Mundy from London: 9 February - 1829
8704 - [ ] to Sir Henry: anti-Catholic sentiments. 11 February - 1829
8705 - George Jacson from London: looks forward to visiting Tissington. 16 Feb. - 1829
8706 - William Greaves from Mayfield: 22 February - 1829
8707 - Sir George Shee from Mudiford (co. Hants.): has taken steps to expedite William's commission into the army. 23 February - 1829
8708 - G. Wallis secretary of Derbyshire Loyal True Blue Club: 23 February - 1829
8709 - Edward Cludde: his wife is pregnant. 25 February - 1829
8710 - Francis Mundy from the House of Commons: 2 March - 1829
8711 - William Greaves from Mayfield: recommends a medicine for Maria. 3 March - 1829
8712 - Godfrey Meynell from Meynell Langley: nearly all eligible have signed the [anti-Catholic] petition; the Strutts have organized a counter petition; hopes the king will refuse to sanction the bill. 3 March - 1829
8713 - Henry Ingles from Chesterfield: hopes Sir Henry will attend the Protestant meeting in Chesterfield. 3 March - 1829
8714 - W. Beechey: explains the delay in forwarding the picture frames. 6 March - 1829
8715 - William Ackroyd from London: 7 March - 1829
8716 - Thomas Williamson, mayor of Chesterfield: hopes Sir Henry will support the Protestant meeting in Chesterfield. 3 March - 1829
8717 - Rev. William Alderson: "pray inform my Lady that a whole salt pig will soon be at her disposal ... I fear the Catholic question will be forced actually down the throats of an immense majority of the English nation ...". 4 March - 1829
8718 - Edward Cludde from Bath: hopes to hear of an improvement in Lady FitzHerbert's health. 16 March - 1829
8719 - Trevor Wheler from Christchurch: on the possibility of a commission from William. 17 March - 1829
8720 - [ ] to Sir Henry seeking information about the anti-Catholic meetings in the county. 17 March - 1829
8721 - Rev. William Alderson: will visit Tissington shortly. 31 March - 1829
8722 - Sir George Crewe from Calke Abbey: is happy to let Sir Henry have the use of his bull. 4 April - 1829
8723 - Thomas Jones from Compton: 7 April - 1829
8724 - Benjamin Belk: thanks Sir Henry for his kind gift of a mare. 7 April - 1829
8725 - William Ackroyd from London: 13 April - 1829
8726 - William Boothby: is glad that Sir Henry wishes to attend the funeral of his mother. 19 April - 1829
8727 - Sir George Crewe: 21 April - 1829
8728 - Rev. William Alderson: is very glad to hear of William's appointment in the army, will do all he can with his contacts to further William's career; 20 April - 1829
8729 - Richard Arkwright jun: 29 April - 1829
8730 - Bernard Port from Ilam: 7 May - 1829
8731 - Sir George Shee: is gratified that Selina is to be bridesmaid to Shee's daughter. 8 May - 1829
8732 - Richard Arkwright jun: 28 May - 1829
8733 - Note from the Goodwin Johnson family. 1 June - 1829
8734 - Note from Mr. Gibbs accepting a dinner invitation. 2 June - 1829
8735 - Richard Arkwright jun. from London: 2 June - 1829
8736 - Thomas Jones: 2 June - 1829
8737 - Note from Lord and Lady Exeter to Lady FitzHerbert: pre 19 June - 1829
8738 - Laurence Sulivan: a dinner invitation. 30 June - 1829
8739 - Thomas Buxton from Liverpool: a begging letter. July - 1829
8740 - Theresa Dashwood: 6 July - 1829
8741 - Rev. William Alderson from Rotherham: is glad to hear of the safe arrival in London of "The Lady FitzHerbert". 23 July - 1829
8742 - Richard Arkwright: 28 July - 1829
8743 - A. Beresford from Halifax, Nova Scotia: 20 August - 1829
8744 - Laurence Sulivan from the War Office: is sorry to have missed Sir Henry in London. 22 August - 1829
8745 - William Greaves: 22 August - 1829
8746 - Edward Cludde from Orleton: reports the death of his father. 27 August - 1829
8747 - Samuel Walker from Lockington, near Kegworth: begs a favour for his son who is going to Barbados. 3 September - 1829
8748 - A. Beresford from Halifax, Nova Scotia: Sir Henry's son, Richard, is recovering well from an accident. 4 September - 1829
8749 - Harriet Alderson to Lady FitzHerbert: 5 September - 1829
8750 - M. Leigh from Compton to same: 7 September - 1829
8751 - Samuel Walker from Lockington: 7 September - 1829
8752 - Henry Hensley from London: has delivered Sir Henry's coals. 8 September - 1829
8753 - Miss M. Leigh to Lady FitzHerbert: "you tempt me, dear friend, and I yield for my own gratification" - is delighted to accept an invitation to Tissington. 9 September - 1829
8754 - William Greaves from Mayfield: reports an accident on the Derby-Ashbourne Road. 12 September - 1829
8755 - Laurence Sulivan from the War Office: reports Richard's recovery from illness. 15 September - 1829
8756 - J. B. Goldsmith from Wirksworth: "... my hopes are entirely built on your patronage and influence ...". 20 September - 1829
8757 - Rev. William Alderson: is sorry to learn of Richard's accident; has heard from William who appears pleased with his new life in the army - "he speaks well of his brother officers and that bard drinking and gambling is not in fashion among them ...". 21 September - 1829
8758 - Captain J. Kineard: reports Richard's continued recovery. 29 September - 1829
8759 - J. B. Goldsmith from Wirksworth: has been disappointed in his hopes of promotion. 29 September - 1829
8760 - Pencil note from Richard Arkwright: September - 1829
8761 - H. Smart: 1 October - 1829
8762 - Elizabeth Mercer from West Farleigh (co. Kent): 1 October - 1829
8763 - Isabella Ross from Denbigh: enquiries after Lord St. Henebs. 6 October - 1829
8764 - Francis Hurt from Alderwasley: 12 October - 1829
8765 - Francis Mundy from Markeaton: 13 October - 1829
8766 - Rev. William Alderson from Aston (co. York): 22 October - 1829
8767 - Godfrey Meynell from Meynell Langley: 28 October - 1829
8768 - Harriet Alderson to Lady FitzHerbert: November - 1829
8769 - Rev. William Alderson: rejoices at Richard's safe arrival home; "we are full and I can safely say tired of our grandee company [Duke of Leeds and party] ... what is most tiresome and annoying of all, I fear we shall be compelled to give you up at Christmas and go to Hornby for the duke seems to make a point of our doing so ... I am afraid our refusal would give offence". November - 1829
8770 - John Barber from Derby: 7 November - 1829
8771-8772 - Bernard Port from Ilam: 9-11 November - 1829
8773 - John Beresford: has heard of Richard's safe arrival from Nova Scotia - 22 Nov 1829
8774 - Laurence Sulivan: "I have been rather following your old bad example lately - about writing - and you, on the contrary, have been behaving better; is glad to hear of Richard's arrival. 23 November - 1829
8775 - Ann Atherton from Somersall Herbert - 30 Nov 1829
8776 - L. H. Boothby from Sudbury Hall: 2 December - 1829
8777 - Mr. Chandos-Pole: invites Sir Henry to a meeting to discuss the present depressed state of the agricultural interest. 12 December - 1829
8778 - William Greaves: 12 December - 1829
8779 - F. Holland: requests favour of a day's coursing in Tissington. 14 December - 1829
8780 - Mr. Chandos-Pole: 16 December - 1829
8781 - Mr. Lister: gift of a brace of birds. 22 December - 1829
8782 - Bernard Port from Ilam: 5 January - 1830
8783 - Edward Cludde from Bath: 1 February - 1830
8784 - Rev. William Alderson: reports trouble with his domestic staff; "What think you of the king's speech? to me a more meagre, unsatisfactory production never issued from the throne. Nay, I think it is an insult upon the nation ... give my best love to my dear friend Alleyne and tell him I entirely agree with him as to the prospect of the episcopal bench being broken down before he is old enough to take a seat ...". 13 February - 1830
8785 - Sir George Shee: "you are a shabby fellow. I came to town for eight and forty hours; it was impossible for me, full of business as I was, to call upon you and you have not come to see me ...". 20 February - 1830
8786 - James Atkins from Ashbourne: applies for position of groom at Tissington. 13 May - 1830
8787 - Edward Cludde: replies on hearing of Selina's engagement to Frank Wright. 18 May - 1830
8788 - G. S. Hope from Derby: hopes Sir Henry will take the chair at the next meeting of the Loyal True Blue Club. 23 July - 1830
8789-8793 - Letters of congratulations on Selina's marriage. August - 1830
8794-8795 - Mr. Hodgson from Bakewell: school arrangements for Sir Henry's son. 29 August-4 September - 1830
8796 - Rev. William Alderson: 7 September - 1830
8797 - Edward Cludde: his wife has not been too well since giving birth to a child. 12 September - 1830
8798 - Mr. Chandos-Pole: plans for a meeting of agricultural proprietors. 13 September - 1830
8799 - Rev. F. Hodgson from Bakewell Vicarage: "I have been intending to write to you for several days past to express the pleasure I have had in finding your son so well grounded in the principles of Latin Grammar ..." 8 October - 1830
8800 - Rev. William Alderson: looks forward to the visit of Sir Henry and family, "what think you of the president of the Derby True Blue giving the duke of Devonshire [dinner] and the whigs of Derbyshire and making a long speech upon their virtues ... upon my word, if he is not turned out; the club will become a laughing stock among the liberals ...". 20 October - 1830
8801 - From same: "we have a bench filled with magistrates who are come to take new oaths ... in favour of the church and establishment, and it surprises me to hear people declare who I well know would willingly destroy it". 27 October - 1830
8802 - Sir George Shee from London: "Palmerston has appointed me under secretary of state for foreign affairs ..." 24 November - 1830
8803 - Rev. William Alderson from Aston (co. York): 6 December - 1830
8804-8844 - Miscellaneous correspondence - 1830
8845 - Rev. William Alderston: reports the funeral of Lord Conyers Osborne. 28 Feb. - 1831
8846 - John Bateman from Mickleover Vicarage: offer of hospitality at the next assizes. 5 March - 1831
8847 - S. Chandos-Pole: "understanding ... that the other party wish to take the popular side in the reform question; I have taken the liberty of advertizing bread and cheese ... to take into consideration the propriety of stealing a march upon them ...". 8 March - 1831
8848 - Godfrey Meynell from Meynell Langley: thinks same reform is necessary. 12 March - 1831
8849 - William Boothby from London: election prospects; hopes the Derbyshire tories will oppose the reform bill
8850 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): wants to hear what Sir Henry plans to do with his Cambridge vote at the election; "I feel that I cannot support Palmerston again ... When will you come and see us here? My wife says that it is a hard case that she should have been married nearly three years without having been introduced to her husband's most valued friends!" 26 April - 1831
8851-8852 - John Beresford to Sir Henry: reports the death of his sister. 27-29 April - 1831
8853 - Mrs. Hodgson from Bakewell to Lady FitzHerbert: "I send you one line by Anthony to tell you I have not been able to allow him to leave off his flannel waistcoat yet (tho' he is very eager to do so) nor to begin his lighter clothes". 7 May - 1831
8854 - Oliver Hargreave: solicits Sir Henry's aid in petitioning against the reform bill. 20 May - 1831
8855 - Roger Cox from Spondon: believes that Sir Roger Greisley's candidature for the county is part of a plot by the radicals and whigs to divide theTtory interest. 11 June - 1831
8856 - Edward Miller Mundy from Shipley: hopes Sir Roger Greisley can be induced to stand down, and that the Tory interest can thereby achieve unanimity. 19 June - 1831
8857 - Rev. William Alderson from Aston (co. York): 20 June - 1831
8858 - From same: congratulates Sir Henry on the birth of his first grandchild. 25 June - 1831
8859 - Mme D'Ilens: is very happy to hear of Selina's child. 27 June - 1831
8860 - Edward Cludde from Orleton: "many thanks to you for a letter just received announcing to me your new dignity of grandpapa. I heartily hope you may live to attain ... the additional honour of being a great grandpapa". 29 June - 1831
8861 - Rev. William Alderson: returns thanks for the gift of a turtle. 14 July - 1831
8862 - Sir Roger Greisley: would be much obliged if Sir Henry would join a committee to promote his candidature. 16 July - 1831
8863-8864 - Godfrey Meynell: has also been approached by Sir Roger. 19-29 July - 1831
8865 - Mrs. Hodgson from Bakewell vicarage to Lady FitzHerbert: gives a good account of Anthony and John at school. 27 August - 1831
8866 - Rev. William Alderson: comments on the forwardness of the harvest; has heard a rumour that the government will soon fall - God grant that they may all sink never to rise again. Amen!" 5 September - 1831
8867 - From same: 4 October - 1831
8868-8869 - Frederick Curzon: hopes Sir Henry will consent to become president of the Derbyshire General Infirmary. 13 October - 1831
8870 - Rev. William Alderson: 29 October - 1831
8871 - H. Ackroyd: 6 November - 1831
8872 - Laurence Sulivan: is sorry that their attitudes divulerge over reform. 18 Nov. - 1831
8873 - Godfrey Meynell: 21 November - 1831
8874-8929 - Miscellaneous correspondence - 1831
8930 - J. D. Bland: reports the death of his son Henry: 13 January - 1832
8931 - John Harrison from Snelston Hall: invitation to Sir Henry's sons. 21 January - 1832
8932 - G. Sims to Lady FitzHerbert: thanks her for her assistance in the election for organist at Ashbourne. 24 January - 1832
8933 - Rev. William Alderson from Hornby Castle: reports on his visit to the duke and duchess of Leeds, and the change in the duke following the death of his son - "... he is greatly softened in his manner to all around him". 1 February - 1832
8934 - Same: and letter from Mrs. Alderson: 20 February - 1832
8935 - From same: thanks Sir Henry for the rum and brandy ... "as to the boar's head Mrs. Mills is quite in ecstasies ...". 6 March - 1832
8936 - Letter from Godfrey Meynell at Meynell Langley: he and his tory neighbours have not received summonses to the grand jury at the assizes; wonders if this is an insult or an attempt to secure a jury who will "ignore the bills against the rioters [at Derby] ..." - 10 Mar 1832
8937 - Mrs. Hodgson from Bakewell vicarage to Lady FitzHerbert: John and Anthony are both well at school. 13 March - 1832
8938 - Mr. Hodgson from same: 22 March - 1832
8939 - Sir William Boothby: is saddened to hear of the death of Richard Arkwright, Lady FitzHerbert's brother-in-law. 2 April - 1832
8940-8941 - Charles Arkwright: reports on Richard Arkwright's illness. 26 March - 1832
8942 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): laments the death of Richard Arkwright. 17 May - 1832
8943 - Laurence Sulivan: 23 June - 1832
8944 - Rev. Charles Arnold from Tinwell rectory (co. Rutland): Alleyne is making good progress in his studies and should do well at university. 25 June - 1832
8945 - J. B. Goldsmith from Wirksworth: seeks Sir Henry's support for his candidature for the position of county gaoler. 9 July - 1832
8946 - Thomas Borough: similar letter. 18 July - 1832
8947 - Rev. William Alderson: recommends a man as a candidate for county gaoler. 4 August - 1832
8948 - Sir George Shee from the Foreign Office: 18 August - 1832
8949 - Robert Stevens from West Farleigh (co. Kent): reports the death of Mrs. Tollhurst, wife of Sir Henry's bailiff. 19 August - 1832
8950 - E. S. Chandos-Pole from Radbourne: on the new gaoler. 20 August - 1832
8951 - J. B. Goldsmith: on his candidature for post of county gaoler. 24 August - 1832
8952 - Rev. William Alderson from Aston (co. York): sympathises with Lady FitzHerbert on entertaining Sir Roger and Lady Sophia Greisley when the kitchen at Tissington was at sixes and sevens; ... "the cholera is still raging in Sheffield ...". 25 August - 1832
8953 - Laurence Sulivan: chides Sir Henry for failing to visit him - "I shall punish you some day by arriving at Tissington with five children and as many servants and staying a month". 29 August - 1832
8954 - J. B. Goldsmith: 31 August - 1832
8955 - Rev. Charles Arnold: on Alleyne's progress. 7 September - 1832
8956 - William Greaves from Mayfield: wishes Sir Henry a safe journey to the West Indies. 15 October - 1832
8957 - Mary Ann Arkwright: 19 December - 1832
8958-8988 - Miscellaneous correspondence - 1832
8989 - Harriet Alderson: 1 January - 1833
8990 - Eliza Cruso: 1 January - 1833
8991 - Rev. William Alderson from Tissington: "... Alleyne fills the chair as your representative in the most kind and decorous manner"; the elections have gone badly for the Tories. 1 January - 1833
8992 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): his wife has given birth to a stillborn child. 5 January - 1833
8993 - Sir George Shee: is very pleased to learn of Sir Henry's safe arrival home. 5 July - 1833
8994-8996 - Letters of congratulation from Godfrey Meynell, Sir William Boothby, and Edward Cludde. 9-11 July - 1833
8997 - Rev. William Alderson: 9 October - 1833
8998 - From same: they have managed to survive another visit from the duke of Leeds. 1 November - 1833
8999 - Mary Ann Arkwright: sends Sir Henry a present of a purse 7 November - 1833
9000-9035 - Miscellaneous correspondence - 1833
9036 - Mr. Stayner from Nottingham: "I am afraid the Trades Unions will be a bad concern for the country. They are increasing every day very fast ...". Jan. - 1834
9037 - Godfrey Meynell: "I have sent you a few tracts published in Oxford ... they are upon subjects connected with this important crisis in the church ...". 7 January - 1834
9038-9040 - Sir George Shee from the Foreign Office: 9 January-15 January - 1834
9041 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): 22 January - 1834
9042 - Harriet Alderson from Aston (co. York): her husband has gout. 1 February - 1834
9043 - Rev. William Alderson: "Is it not strange that I should be laid up with a gouty toe? I fancy, I hear you exclaim, it is not at all strange, for after the eating of fish, the wallowing in ox cheek soup, and consuming a thousand other delicacies prepared by Mrs. Mills for nearly sixty years with impunity; it cannot be strange that the gout should pounce upon him at last .."; he is now getting better; "I suspect your letter of kind advice will be read to me every Monday morning ... but I rather think I must wait until fit the second assails me, before I can bring myself to abstain from all those good things with that firmness and resolution which is so peculiar to yourself ...". 11 Feb. - 1834
9044 - E. S. Chandos-Pole: requests Sir Henry's attendance at a meeting to discuss agricultural distress. 24 February - 1834
9045 - Robert Stevens, dean of Rochester: 25 February - 1834
9046 - Harriet Alderson: her husband continues to improve. 13 March - 1834
9047 - From same: her husband has had a relapse. 31 March - 1834
9048-9049 - Hans Mortimer from Preston (co. Kent): looks forward to visiting Tissington. 2 May-9 June - 1834
9050 - Philip Gell from Hopton: quashes a rumour that he is relinquishing the chair of the Quarter Sessions. 15 May - 1834
9051 - Edward Miller Mundy: thanks Sir Henry for his sympathies on the death of Mundy's father. 24 June - 1834
9052 - Rev. William Alderson: is feeling better; "I greatly lament the premature death of poor John Beresford ...". 28 June - 1834
9053 - Rev. Hans Mortimer: advises Sir Henry against investing in the Loughborough Canal. 2 July - 1834
9054 - Sir George Shee: events have again conspired against him visiting Tissington. 24 July - 1834
9055 - Rev. William Alderson: has enjoyed his visit to Selina where he was able to see William. 26 July - 1834
9056-9057 - Thomas Bunnett: seeks payment of the annuity given him by William Philp Perrin. 11-19 August - 1834
9058 - Laurence Sulivan: reports on his continental holiday. 25 August - 1834
9059 - Sir George Shee: 29 August - 1834
9060 - Thomas Bunnett: pursues the matter of his annuity. 1 September - 1834
9061 - John Arkwright from Hereford: seeks a position in the West Indies for a kinsman. 13 September - 1834
9062 - Mrs. G. Mundy from Shipley: her niece, Sir Henry's god-child, had died. 19 Sept. - 1834
9063 - Rev. William Alderson from Aston (co. York): matters concerning his marriage settlement of which Sir Henry is a trustee. 22 September - 1834
9064 - Sir George Shee: has been appointed to a diplomatic post in Berlin. 25 September - 1834
9065-9066 - Rev. William Alderson from Buxton: is taking the waters. 7 October-12 October - 1834
9067 - From same: 22 October - 1834
9068 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): 2 December - 1834
9069-9147 - Miscellaneous correspondence - 1834
9148 - Edward Cludde: his mother is gravely ill; is pleased to see that two conservatives have been returned for Derbyshire. 24 January - 1835
9149 - Henry Wilmot from Chaddesden: "I hope we succeeded in forming an association yesterday which will quite meet your views ... It is called the South Derbyshire Conservative Association for promoting and protecting the Conservative and Independent Interest ...". 14 February - 1835
9150 - Rev. William Alderson from Aston (co. York): "...Henry Knight has become quite conservative and will certainly be returned for North Notts.". 15 March - 1835
9151-9152 - Godfrey Meynell from Meynell Langley: asks Sir Henry's opinion on a proposed Conservative Club for the county of Stafford. 25 March-31 March - 1835
9153 - E. Chandos-Pole from London: asks for Sir Henry's help in getting two candidates nominated in the northern division rather than one. 15 April - 1835
9154-9162 - Correspondence from Godfrey Meynell and Sir Henry's London solicitor, Edward Leigh Pemberton, concerning a fund of which Sir Henry was a trustee. 1 July-31 August - 1835
9163-9164 - Thomas Bunnett from Hanworth (co. Middx.): enquires again after his annuity. 1-21 September - 1835
9165-9166 - Sir George Shee: encloses information about Durham University. 27 November - 1835
9167 - Charles Thorp from Durham: gives Sir Henry information about the university. 5 December - 1835
9168 - Laurence Sulivan: is very glad to hear of William's intended marriage. 16 December - 1835
9169-9206 - Miscellaneous correspondence - 1835
9207 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): congratulations on William's engagement. 25 January - 1836
9208 - Thomas Bunnett: is very grateful to Sir Henry for the annuity of £300. 18 February - 1836
9209 - Laurence Sulivan to Lady FitzHerbert: "as one cannot use such strong language to a lady as to a gentleman, I write to you instead of giving the Baronet himself the dressing he desires ...". 19 February - 1836
9210-9211 - Rev. Robert Stevens, dean of Rochester: a new curate is to be licensed to West Farleigh, hopes he may have the tenancy of the cottage vacated by the outgoing curate. 25 February-6 March - 1836
9212 - James Cleaver from Holme Pierrepont (co. Nottingham): advice on growing pear trees. 9 March - 1836
9213 - Rev. William Alderson: "William, his bride, and Maria reached Aston in safety on Thursday evening, tho' Annie's introduction into Yorkshire was not quite so flattering or agreable as that which she experienced on her entry to Tissington. Instead of flags and hurrahs, she was brought into Aston by my cart horses ...". 7 November - 1836
9214 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop). 16 December - 1836
9215-9289 - Miscellaneous correspondence, 1836, including three undated letters, one from Edward Cludde - [1830s]
9290-9291 - John Cruso jun. from Leek (co. Stafford): results of the poll, North Staffs. 31 July-1 August - 1837
9292-9295 - Correspondence concerning investment in the Funds by Sir Henry for Francoise Alrie. March-August - 1837
9296 - Headmaster of Harrow school: has been obliged to punish Sir Henry's son for "outrageous conduct". 11 December - 1837
9297 - Edward Cludde from Orleton (co. Salop): hopes Sir Henry will soon fulfill his promise to visit Orleton; was very shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Sulivan. 20 December - 1837
9298 - Rev. William Alderson: 28 December - 1837
9299 - Rev. W. Butler from West Farleigh (co. Kent): owing to the harsh weather, a subscription has been started to help the poor of the parish. 20 January - 1838
9300 - Harriet Alderson from Aston (co. York) to Lady FitzHerbert: 25 September - 1838
9301 - Rev. W. Butler from West Farleigh (co. Kent): thanks Sir Henry for the cheque for £21, is very glad to act as tutor to Sir Henry's son. 8 October - 1838
9302 - "My dear Tissington Hall, if any body in you likes to turn out from such a comfortable fireside on Wednesday the 26th to tea at me, some most delicious music and singing will have arrived from London by the railway to waste its sweetness on almost a family party, unless you rescue it from such an affront. No answer is requested from your affectionate neighbour, Ilam Hall". 19 December - 1838
9303-9370 - Miscellaneous correspondence - 1837-1838
9371 - W. H. Payne from Derby: Mr. Fayrer, curate of Parwich, is interested in the curacy of Tissington which he gathers will soon be vacant. 4 March - 1839
9372 - Robert Fayrer, curate of Parwich: is very pleased to be nominated to the curacy of Tissington. 23 March - 1839
9373 - Rev. William Alderson and Harriet Alderson: 7 April - 1839
9374 - Lord Exeter: thanks Sir Henry for the picture from Lord St. Helen's collection. 12 April - 1839
9375 - Henry Meynell from London: thanks Sir Henry for the print of Lord St. Helens. 4 May - 1839
9376 - Similar letter from E. Colchester. 6 May - 1839
9377-9378 - Request for Sir Henry to become president of the Ashbourne Floral and Horticultural Society. 15 May-23 May - 1839
9379 - Rev. Charles Arnold from Tinwell (co. Rutland): hopes John will do well at Cambridge - if he can throw off his idleness. 5 December - 1839
9380-9410 - Miscellaneous correspondence - 1839
9411 - Rev. F. Crick from St. John's College, Cambridge: is pleased with John's progress. Dated 7 January - 1840
9412 - Rev. William Alderson from Sheffield town hall: "we have been engaged all yesterday in unravelling the most diabolical conspiracy of the Chartists you can possibly conceive ... We have seized an immense quantity of ... swords, guns, daggers, pikes, hand grenades, and combustibles of all kinds. We had some information on Friday that a rising was intended to take place on Saturday or Sunday even ..."; the town was patrolled by troops which frightened off any insurgents; 14 January - 1840
9413 - Same: Sheffield is now quiet, two men stand accused of High Treason. 29 February - 1840
9414 - Rev. W. Butler from West Farleigh (co. Kent): hopes Sir Henry will act as his character referee. 7 March - 1840
9415 - William Greaves: laments the death of Miss Judith Beresford. 15 March - 1840
9416 - Rev. William Alderson from Aston (co. York): 16 April - 1840
9417 - Mary Grace Bradley: trusts Sir Henry will accept some verse she has written - "I must admit my talent is too small to describe your worth ...". 7 November - 1840
9418-9456 - Miscellaneous correspondence - 1840
9457-9479 - Miscellaneous correspondence - 1841-1843
9480 - Harriet Alderson: thanks Sir Henry for the seed potatoes. 9 April - 1844
9481 - John Masson from London: reports the death of his cousin, Captain Ferrier. 11 April - 1844
9482 - Laurence Sulivan: 10 May - 1844
9483 - Rev. William Alderson: is sorry to hear that Lady FitzHerbert is unwell. 1 August - 1844
9484-9487 - Letters from Dr. Mayo on attendance to Lady FitzHerbert. August - 1844
9488-9559 - Miscellaneous correspondence - 1844
9560 - Rev. William Alderson: "So all is over and we have lost an old and valued friend [Henry Gally Knight] ... his death is most grievously lamented by all ranks of people ... you may imagine how anxious I am to learn the contents of the will; for when I saw him for the last time on the Monday he told me he had finished his will ... and was beginning to tell me what he had done when unfortunately Mrs. Knight came into the room and she never left us alone ...". 12 February - 1846
9561-9628 - Miscellaneous correspondence - 1845-1848
9629-9695 - Miscellaneous correspondence - 1849
9696-9722 - Correspondence between Granville Vernon, executor of the will of Henry Gally Knight, and Sir Henry FitzHerbert - 1846-1849
9723-9838 - Miscellaneous correspondence - 1850-1858
9839-9852 - Undated correspondence - pre-1858
9853-9864 - Correspondence from John Webster to Sir Henry - 1849-1850
9865-9868 - Correspondence from and about Avice Gorman with will of same - 1840-1856
Expand 5 - Correspondence of William, later Sir William FitzHerbert5 - Correspondence of William, later Sir William FitzHerbert
Expand 6 - Richard, later Sir Richard FitzHerbert6 - Richard, later Sir Richard FitzHerbert
Expand 7 - Other7 - Other
Expand E - Solicitor/Lawyer correspondence and billsE - Solicitor/Lawyer correspondence and bills
Expand F - Diaries and commonplace booksF - Diaries and commonplace books
Expand G - Legal ManuscriptsG - Legal Manuscripts
Expand H - Trusteeship and ExecutorshipH - Trusteeship and Executorship
Expand I - Miscellaneous Family PapersI - Miscellaneous Family Papers
Expand J - Alleyne FitzHerbert, first Lord St Helens - 1753-1839J - Alleyne FitzHerbert, first Lord St Helens - 1753-1839
Expand K - Perrin FamilyK - Perrin Family
Expand L - Gally Knight FamilyL - Gally Knight Family
Expand M - Manorial records - 1606-1911M - Manorial records - 1606-1911
Expand O - Public office - 1626-1942O - Public office - 1626-1942
Expand T - Title deedsT - Title deeds
Expand UL - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: unlisted recordsUL - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: unlisted records
Expand Z - MiscellaneousZ - Miscellaneous