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14490 - Lease for 21 years from Michaelmas last past by Eleanor, dowager countess of Rutland to Thomas Tabaram of Warsop gent. of a cottage and croft adjoining the George in Netherthorpe (rent 2s.); a toftstead, croft, half an oxgang, a long dole and a short dole in Downe meadow (rent 4s.); a croft, half an oxgang, and a piece of a croft in Appleton (rent 4s 6d); two wasted tofts against the George (rent 4s 8d); 2 acres called Cote Buttes (rent 20d); a toft wasted with fire (rent 11d); 2 acres in Appleton (rent 8d); 1 acre 1 rood in Cokmerbreke (rent 5d); a croft called Burned Grene (1 rood), rent 8d; a close in the Railes (rent 8d); ½ acre next to Burned Grene (rent 12d); a piece of ground called Burned Grene (rent 12d). Consideration of £10 paid by lessor to release her from any future injurious claims. Dated 19 November (Formerly FW47) - 1543
14491 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March last past by Rawff Denman of Drayton (co. Nottingham) and Elizabeth his wife to Eleanor, dowager countess of Rutland, of the sheep walk in Warsop, namely a dwellinghouse, a sheepcote, a great close, a small close; and all closes adjoining within a ring or pale, late in the tenure of Francis Leek kt. Rent £4. Consideration £11. Bond in £20 by Denman in further assurance. Dated 12 April (Formerly FW48) - 1546
14492 - Lease for 60 years from Michaelmas last past by Eleanor dowager countess of Rutland, and her son Henry, earl of Rutland, to John Leeke esq., servant to the earl, and Margaret Paston his wife, natural sister of the countess, of the manor of Warsop. Timber rights reserved. Rent £17 16s 1½d, to countess for life, then to the earl. Dated 22 December - 1551
14493 - Lease for 19 years from Michaelmas last past by Edward earl of Rutland to John Sydnam of Warsop esq. and Matthew Chambers of Mansfield haberdasher of the timber in Warsop Hay. Lessees to leave standing double the number of samplers and standards required. Rent £13 6s 8d. Dated 13 December - 1583
14494 - Surrender of lease as in D239/M/E/14492 by Henry Leeke of Warsop esq. to Roger earl of Rutland and Thomas Screven, servant of the earl. Warranty to exclude those leases made by Leeke. Consideration £480. Dated 15 June - 1597
14495 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March last past by Roger earl of Rutland to Edward Parker of Scarcliffe (co. Derby) yeoman of that part of a parcel of woodland called Burnedale. Rent 18s - 20 Mar [1605]
14496 - Lease for 6 years from Michaelmas last past by William Kitchen of Warsop yeoman to Thomas Meakyn of Bilsthorpe husbandman of a cottage and croft in Warsop. Rent 30s. After the end of the term, William Kitchen and Joan his wife shall enjoy for their natural lives the hall and parlour in the cottage, and housing for one cow, and as much corn as shall grow on 3 roods at a rent of 13s. 4d, while Thomas Meakyn and Margery his wife have the use of the remainder of the premises, and failing issue, then to the use of Francis son of William Kitchen for ever. Consideration £45. Dated 28 October - 1613
14497 - Lease for 3 years from 25 March last past by Francis earl of Rutland to John Jepson of Warsop yeoman of fishing rights in Warsop. Rent 10s. Lessee to deliver yearly two dozen trout. Dated 14 July - 1624
14498 - Lease for three natural lives by George earl of Rutland to John Cooke of Warsop yeoman of two messuages and two oxgangs of land in Warsop. Timber rights reserved. To hold for life of lessee and his sons John and Francis. Rent £14 13s 4d and two hens and two capons when demanded. Consideration £60. Dated 29 June - 1638
14499 - Lease for three natural lives by George earl of Rutland to John Deverell of Warsop gent. of a farm etc. in Warsop; timber rights reserved. To hold for lives of lessee, Jane Deverell and Roger Wood, both grandchildren of the lessee. Rent £2 3s. Consideration £160. Dated 29 June - 1638
14500 - Lease for three natural lives by George earl of Rutland to Thomas Byron of Warsop gent. of a messuage and an oxgang of land; timber rights reserved. Rent £5. Consideration £20. Dated 29 August - 1638
14501 - Lease for three natural lives by George earl of Rutland to Ralph Dabney of Warsop labourer of a cottage and 3 acres of land. Timber rights reserved. Rent £1 6s 8d. Consideration £5. Dated 29 August - 1638
14502 - Lease for three natural lives by George earl of Rutland to Ann Jepson of Warsop widow of a messuage and oxgang of land in Warsop. Timber rights reserved. Rent 21s 4d. Consideration £55. Dated 29 August - 1638
14503 - Lease for 21 years by William Willoughby of Hunsdon (co. Hertford) esq. to John Foxe of Warsop gent. of several parcels of land in the Hough Field, Church Field, Neather Field, together with the Brecks in the town fields, an acre of meadow, and a messuage in Market Warsop. Rent £37 6s 8d. - 24 Mar [1657]
14504 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March last past by William Willoughby to Ann Hearinge of Warsop widow of a cottage and croft in Warsop, 3 acres in Hough Field, 1 acre in Church Field, 1 acre in Neather Field, 1 acre in the Moore, ½ acre in the Hagg, and two cowgates in Burndale Leas. Rent 29s. - 18 Feb [1660]
14505 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March last past by William Willoughby to Samuel Hearinge jun. of Warsop of a messuage, Meadow Close (4 acres), the Far Hough Close (1 acre 3 roods), the Moore Close (3 acres). Timber and mineral rights reserved. Rent £10. - 18 Feb [1660]
14506 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March last past by William Willoughby to Richard Pease of Warsop husbandman of a messuage in Warsop and the More Close (6 acres). Timber and mineral rights reserved. Rent £11. Lessee to grind corn at Warsop mill. - 18 Feb [1660]
14507-14508 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March next by William Willoughby to Cornelius Clarke of Chalthorne gent. of the manor house of Warsop, Hall Orchard, the Pickhills, Sower Meadow, and the herbage only of a piece of wood called Colliers Spring. Rent £30. (and copy). Dated 19 October - 1664
14509 - Lease for 99 years from Michaelmas last past by William Willoughby to John Hall of Knaith (co. Lincoln), servant to William, and Ann his wife, of a messuage, half an oxgang of land, the Carr Ground, and Hopp Yard both containing 25 acres. Rent 14s - 13 Jan [1665]
14510 - Agreement by George Fothergill of Warsop clerk to pay to Roger Wood or Jane Deverell for life or for a term of 99 years, 1d a year and the taxes of a pound rate if demanded, as set out in a lease of the New Close in the Hough. (Formerly FW50) - 23 Mar [1670]
14511 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March last past by William Lord Willoughby to Samuel Herring of Warsop yeoman, John Normanton of Warsop yeoman, and Elizabeth Gilby of Warsop widow of all that parcel of ground in Warsop called Highwoods. Timber rights reserved. Rent £18. Dated 2 August - 1670
14512 - Assignment of a lease(D239/M/E/14503) for residue of term of 21 years from Michaelmas last past by John Fox of Warsop gent. to John Cooper of Mansfield Woodhouse yeoman. Dated 13 December - 1671
14513-14514 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March last past by William Lord Willoughby to Francis Walker of Warsop innholder of the Broad Croft (5 acres). Rent £5. Dated 4 May - 1672
14515 - Grant for life by William Lord Willoughby to John Hall his servant of an annuity of £20 issuing from a farm in Warsop now in the tenure of Francis Cooke. Consideration £60. Dated 5 December - 1672
14516 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March last past by John Bainbrigg of Warsop gent. and John Hall of Knaith (co. Lincoln) gent.,trustees of the manor of Warsop under the last will and testament of William Lord Willoughby, to John Foxe of Warsop gent. of the parcels of land in Warsop called the Burndalls. Lessee to prepare the land for tillage, meadow, or pasturing, but shall not keep in tillage more than 60 acres in the last 3 years of the term. Rent £30. - 6 Jan [1674]
14517 - Lease for 21 years by Sir Ralph Knight to Thomas Willey and Henry Wass both of Warsop limeburners of the Crosland Stone Quarries in Warsop. Rent £4. Dated 30 August - 1675
14518 - Lease for two lives by Sir Ralph Knight to Francis Cook of Warsop yeoman of two messuages and two oxgangs of land in Warsop. Timber rights reserved. Rent £14 13s 4d. Dated 17 December - 1675
14519 - Lease for 3 years by Sir Ralph Knight to John Cooper of Warsop husbandman of the fishing and fowling in Warsop. Rent 20s. Dated 29 September - 1675
14520 - Lease for 19 years by Sir Ralph Knight to John Fox of Warsop yeoman of two tenements and two oxgangs of land, and Pearsone Close. Rent £8. Timber rights reserved. - 14 Mar [1676]
14521 - Lease for 21 years by Sir Ralph Knight to Samuel Smith and his mother Elizabeth Smith, both of Warsop, of one cottage and three closes: Hill Close, Appleton Close, and Breck Close. Rent £5. - 17 Mar [1676]
14522 - Lease for 21 years by Sir Ralph Knight to Richard Taylor of Wallingwells of a close called Storks. Rent £7. Dated 12 December (Formerly FW51) - 1682
14523 - Lease for 21 years by Sir Ralph Knight to Henry Portwood of Warsop husbandman of a cottage and croft, ½ acre in the Hag, and Yards End Close. Timber and mineral rights reserved. Rent £1 18s 4d. Lessee to grind corn at Warsop mill. Dated 20 September - 1677
14524 - Assignment of lease (D239/M/E/14516) to secure £60 by John Fox to William Wharton of East Retford gent. Dated 29 October - 1677
14525 - Lease for 21 years by Sir Ralph Knight to John Furmey of Warsop labourer of a cottage and yard adjoining. Rent £1. - 23 Mar [1678]
14526 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March last past by Sir Ralph Knight to John Pease of Warsop husbandman of one cottage, one close adjoining, a close on the other side of the street, ½ acre in each of the four town fields, and one and a half cowgates in the Burndelayes. Rent 1s. Timber and mineral rights reserved. Lessee to grind corn at Warsop mill. - 1 Mar [1679]
14527 - Lease for 21 years by Sir Ralph Knight to John Stones of Warsop cooper of the Rayle Close, Yard End Close, Pale Close, Appleton Close, Breck Close, and the Carr Close, containing by estimation half an oxgang of land. Timber and mineral rights reserved. Lessee to grind corn at Warsop mill. Rent £4 10s. Dated 20 August - 1678
14528 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March last past by Sir Ralph Knight to Samuel Herring of Warsop husbandman of the farm in which Herring now lives, and the land which belongs to the farm of John Pease, except for the house and outbuildings, and the lands contained in D239/M/E/14526. Timber and mineral rights reserved. Lessee to grind corn at Warsop mill. Rent £20 10s. - 1 Mar [1679]
14529 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March next by Sir Ralph Knight to Richard Herring of Warsop labourer of a cottage, two beastgates in Burnedelayes, ½ acre in Hough Field, ½ acre in Church Field, ½ acre in Nether Field, ½ acre in the Hag Field, a yard adjoining the cottage, and a little close adjoining Nether Field. Timber and mineral rights reserved. Lessee to grind corn at Warsop mill. Rent £1 9s. Dated 18 December - 1680
14530 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March next by Sir Ralph Knight to John Rawson of Warsop labourer of a cottage and a yard, ½ acre in Hag Field, and ½ acre in the Moore Close. Timber and mineral rights reserved. Lessee to grind corn at Warsop mill. Rent 6s. Dated 18 December - 1680
14531 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March next by Sir Ralph Knight to Frances Cartwrite of Warsop widow of a messuage and half an oxgang of land. Timber and mineral rights reserved. Lessee to grind corn at Warsop mill and to keep a hound or spaniel if required. Rent £5. - 27 Jan [1681]
14532 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March last past by Sir Ralph Knight to George Milnes of Warsop labourer of land as in D239/M/E/14529. Timber and mineral rights reserved etc. Rent £1 10s. Dated 20 September - 1682
14533 - Lease for 21 years by John Knight esq. to William Wass of Warsop cordwainer of a feoffer of land (3 acres lying in several fields); two little crofts containing ½ acre; ½ acre in Ridgway Field; 1 rood in the same, being a butt, ½ acre in Neare Oak Field; 1 acre 1 rood in Stonebridge Field. Lessee to grind corn at Warsop mill and to keep a hound if required. Rent £2 3s 4d. - 10 Mar [1684]
14534 - Lease for 21 years by John Knight esq. to Francis Jepson of Warsop husbandman of a half-oxgang of land. Lessee to grind corn at Warsop mill, to provide a draft horse if required, and to keep a hound if required. Rent £8. - 3 Feb [1685]
14535 - Lease for 21 years by John Knight esq. to Thomas Taylor of Warsop miller of a feoffer of land and a little cottage. Rent 20s. - 20 Mar [1685]
14536 - Lease for 21 years by John Knight esq. to Daniel Houldsworth of Warsop weaver of a feoffer of land and a cottage. Rent 20s. - 20 Mar [1685]
14537 - Counterpart of D239/M/E/14536
14538 - Lease for 21 years by John Knight esq. to Richard Taylor of Wallingwells esq. of those parcels of land called Collyars Spring and the Lords Stubbing together with sporting rights. Rent 40s. Dated 15 November - 1688
14539 - Lease for 7 years by Sir Ralph Knight to Richard Taylor of Wallingwells of a close called the Storks. Rent £7. Dated 12 December (Formerly FW52) - 1682
14540 - Lease for 12 years from 25 March last past by John Knight esq. to Joseph Dickinson, Samuel Herring, Daniel Newton, and Thomas Justice all of Warsop husbandmen of the farm called Burns. Timber rights reserved. Rent £35. Dated 1 April - 1686
14541 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March last past by John Knight esq. to William Rollin of Sookholme blacksmith of the messuage called Burndalls. Lessee to build two new bays on to the building in the first 4 years; to convert to grass any meadow ploughed within 4 years of the end of the term, or to pay 40s. a year for each acre ploughed; to sink a new well; and to provide a stone for the new building; to pay poor and church rates; and to keep a hound as required. Rent £30 for first four years; £35 thereafter. Dated 2 April - 1690
14542 - Lease for 6 years by John Knight esq. to Patrick Brady of Warsop yeoman of the piece of ground in Warsop called the High Wood. Rent £15. Dated 20 September - 1692
14543 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March last past by Isaac Knight to Henry Davy of Church Warsop husbandman of a messuage and 19½ acres in the town fields; Rough Close; Hough Close; one gate in Burndaleyes, one other messuage and 23 acres; Burndaleys Close; Cartar Lane Close; Robinson Parke; the Little Rough Close; Sower Meadow Close; and the Moare Close. Rent £12 15s 4d of which an annuity of £1 15s 4d is to be paid to James Watkinson. Dated 1 September (Formerly FW53) - 1702
14544 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March next by Isaac Knight esq. to Elizabeth Cartwright of Warsop widow of a messuage in which Elizabeth now lives, and two little crofts abutting on the Carr Lane; one close called Butt Lane Close; Soulkholme Bridge Close; Calfe Close; Stone Bridge Close; Nettleworth Close; Yard End Close; and 33 acres 1½ roods of arable; and two doles of meadow in Sower Meadow. Rent £10. - 1 Feb [1706]
14545 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March next by Isaac Knight to Daniel Houldsworth of Warsop weaver of one feofer of land and a little cottage. Rent 20s. (Formerly FW54) - 20 Mar [1706]
14546 - Lease for 21 years from 25 March last past by Isaac Knight to William Hurst of Eakring husbandman of a messuage in Warsop and lands as in D239/M/E/14544. Rent £10. Dated 10 June (Formerly FW55) - 1708
14547 - Leave for 3 years from 25 March next by Elizabeth Knight of Langold (co. York) widow to William Shipman of Warsop gent. of the house in which Shipman now lives together with the Near, Middle, and Farr Pickles; Aple Orchard; Hall Orchard; Flatt Meadow; and the Three Pingles (now two). Rent £30. Dated 17 March (Formerly FW56) - 17 Mar [1722]
14548 - Lease for 21 years from 2 Feb next by Faith Clerkson of Mansfield spinster to John Hall of Mansfield maltster of a messuage and appurtenances in Mansfield Woodhouse. Rent £28 - 1 Dec 1723
14549-14550 - Lease for 11 years by Elizabeth Knight widow of Isaac Knight, and Ralph Knight her son (an infant) to Nathan Newton of Warsop yeoman of a messuage, various closes, and parcels of open field arable. Rent £102 18s. - 20 Feb [1732]
14551 - Lease for 10 years from 25 March next by Joseph Taylor of Dore (co. Derby) to Nathan Newton of Warsop yeoman of a messuage in Warsop, the Home Yard, Carr Meadow, Butt Lane Close, Little Appleton, Breck Close, and 1 rood in West Croft. Rent £5. Dated 9 November - 1736
14552 - Lease by Hercules Clay of Sookholme to Hugh Herringshaw of Castor (co. Lincoln) of a water corn mill in Warsop; Little Carr; Mawking Yard; a kitchen and room over; and a cowhouse. Rent £10 10s. Dated 4 July (Freehold belongs to the duke of Portland) - 1777
14553 - Lease for life by Henry Gally Knight to Edward Greaves of Nettleworth esq. of the manor of Nettleworth (parcels given). Rent £465 16s 7d. Dated 25 Mar - 1819
Expand 15 - Leases: miscellaneous15 - Leases: miscellaneous
Expand 16 - Leases: terriers of farms16 - Leases: terriers of farms
Expand 17 - Rentals and surveys17 - Rentals and surveys
Expand 18 - Hodsock18 - Hodsock
Expand 19 - Accounts19 - Accounts
Expand 20 - Disputes over the sheepwalk and assarts in Sherwood Forest20 - Disputes over the sheepwalk and assarts in Sherwood Forest
Expand 21 - Chief Rents21 - Chief Rents
Expand 22 - Warsop Hall22 - Warsop Hall
Expand 23 - Seventeenth and eighteenth century papers23 - Seventeenth and eighteenth century papers
Expand 24 - Undated seventeenth and eighteenth century papers24 - Undated seventeenth and eighteenth century papers
Expand 25 - Gamekeepers' deputations25 - Gamekeepers' deputations
Expand 26 - The Burndelays26 - The Burndelays
Expand 27 - Rents27 - Rents
Expand 28 - Knight v Whitehead28 - Knight v Whitehead
Expand 29 - Southwell Chapter Lands29 - Southwell Chapter Lands
Expand 30 - Land tax and other assessments30 - Land tax and other assessments
Expand 31 - Warsop Inclosure31 - Warsop Inclosure
Expand 32 - Warsop Glebe32 - Warsop Glebe
Expand 33 - Warsop Mill33 - Warsop Mill
Expand 34 - Warsop Rate34 - Warsop Rate
Expand 35 - Warsop school35 - Warsop school
Expand 36 - Exchanges36 - Exchanges
Expand 37 - Farm valuations (Warsop and Kirton)37 - Farm valuations (Warsop and Kirton)
Expand 38 - Nettleworth38 - Nettleworth
Expand 39 - Miscellaneous estate papers39 - Miscellaneous estate papers
Expand 40 - Estate correspondence40 - Estate correspondence
Expand E - Kirton, Boughton, Walesby, & WilloughbyE - Kirton, Boughton, Walesby, & Willoughby
Expand F - Family recordsF - Family records
Expand M - Manorial records - 1606-1911M - Manorial records - 1606-1911
Expand O - Public office - 1626-1942O - Public office - 1626-1942
Expand T - Title deedsT - Title deeds
Expand UL - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: unlisted recordsUL - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: unlisted records
Expand Z - MiscellaneousZ - Miscellaneous