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Collapse D239 - FitzHerbert family of Tissington - [16th-20th cent]D239 - FitzHerbert family of Tissington - [16th-20th cent]
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Expand B - Surrey and Kent EstatesB - Surrey and Kent Estates
Collapse C - Caribbean Estates - 1683-1898C - Caribbean Estates - 1683-1898
Expand 1 - Correspondence of the attornies, James Laing and George Hamilton - 1820-18271 - Correspondence of the attornies, James Laing and George Hamilton - 1820-1827
Expand 2 - Accounts of the attornies Laing & Hamilton - 1821-18272 - Accounts of the attornies Laing & Hamilton - 1821-1827
Expand 3 - Correspondence of plantation overseers - 1825-18563 - Correspondence of plantation overseers - 1825-1856
Expand 4 - Other West Indian correspondence - 1825-18454 - Other West Indian correspondence - 1825-1845
Expand 5 - Correspondence and accounts primarily of the English merchants - 1753-18775 - Correspondence and accounts primarily of the English merchants - 1753-1877
Expand 6 - General Estate Records - [c1800-late 19th cent]6 - General Estate Records - [c1800-late 19th cent]
Expand 7 - Re-deposited items - 1790-18497 - Re-deposited items - 1790-1849
Expand B - Turners Hall Sugar Plantation, Barbados - 1721-1889B - Turners Hall Sugar Plantation, Barbados - 1721-1889
Collapse J - Jamaican Plantations - 1683-1878J - Jamaican Plantations - 1683-1878
Expand 1 - Wills of William Perrin and associated papers - 1748-18201 - Wills of William Perrin and associated papers - 1748-1820
Expand 2 - Executorship of William Perrin's will - 1759-[c1777]2 - Executorship of William Perrin's will - 1759-[c1777]
Expand 3 - Correspondence of William Perrin - 1750-17583 - Correspondence of William Perrin - 1750-1758
Expand 4 - Case papers: Blechynden v Perrin - 1752-17974 - Case papers: Blechynden v Perrin - 1752-1797
Expand 5 - Case Papers: Beckford v Perrin - 1753-17565 - Case Papers: Beckford v Perrin - 1753-1756
Expand 6 - Case Papers: Philp and Perrin v Harris - (1731)-17666 - Case Papers: Philp and Perrin v Harris - (1731)-1766
Expand 7 - Case Papers: Chriton v Perrin - 1753-17607 - Case Papers: Chriton v Perrin - 1753-1760
Expand 8 - Case Papers: Malcher v Perrin - 1756-17828 - Case Papers: Malcher v Perrin - 1756-1782
Expand 9 - Case Papers: Wilkins v Perrin, and the executors of Mathias Philp - 1769-17729 - Case Papers: Wilkins v Perrin, and the executors of Mathias Philp - 1769-1772
Expand 10 - Case Papers: executors of Philp and of Perrin v. Anderson - 1765-177310 - Case Papers: executors of Philp and of Perrin v. Anderson - 1765-1773
Expand 11 - Case Papers: Mrs. Spencer v Perrin - 1731-175811 - Case Papers: Mrs. Spencer v Perrin - 1731-1758
Expand 12 - James Fraunces of London, plantation owner - 1756-176012 - James Fraunces of London, plantation owner - 1756-1760
Expand 13 - Account with Joshua Sharpe, Solicitor - 1756-179013 - Account with Joshua Sharpe, Solicitor - 1756-1790
Expand 14 - Miscellaneous partnership and case papers - 1730-175914 - Miscellaneous partnership and case papers - 1730-1759
Collapse 15 - Correspondence of the Jamaican attornies - 1759-180415 - Correspondence of the Jamaican attornies - 1759-1804
16578 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin - 10 Mar 1759
16579 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: her husband died at Grange Hill on 21 Feb; gives detailed reports on Blue Mountain and Grange Hill; the Elizabeth Fickle to whom Perrin made bequests is a supposed daughter of Varney Philp; reviews the state of the various suits; Mrs. Spencer's claim on the estate is clear and should be met: Perrin was not tactful with his lawyers; many of the best taking fees against him; has engaged Frederick Lovibond to bring order to Perrin's business papers. - 29 Mar 1759
16580 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: her husband died at Grange Hill on 21 Feb; : gives detailed report on the Vere and Forest plantations; the library at Vere has been totally destroyed by wood ants, and most of Perrin's papers eaten away; Laing has caught John Gordon, overseer of Blue Mountain, defrauding Perrin; has ordered various shipments of sugar and coffee. - 11 May 1759
16581 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: instructions for shipping goods to the West Indies; will proceed with the erection of a new mill house at Blue Mountain; heavy rains reported there, at Grange Hill, and Forest; but Vere is affected by drought. - 22 May 1759
16582 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: encloses copy of Perrin's will, with inventories of the plantations; reports on the various suits; if they can arrange a lease of James Fraunces' negroes suggests moving them from Vere, which is susceptible to drought, to Blue Mountain; gives details of bills he has drawn on her. - 4 Jun 1759
16583 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: the continuous rain has retarded the crops at Blue Mountain and Grange Hill; Vere is so parched that hardly a hogshead will be produced in nthe parish; has removed Mr. Hodgson, Perrin's kinsman, from Retrieve and put him in charge of Vere; is surprised to find that Perrin had allowed his estate expenses for 1758 amount to £11,000; suggests procuring a mill-wright for the plantations. - 19 Jul/7 Aug 1759
16584 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: her husband died at Grange Hill on 21 Feb; the continuous rain has retarded the crops at Blue Mountain and Grange Hill; Vere is so parched that hardly a hogshead will be produced in nthe parish; has removed Mr. Hodgson, Perrin's kinsman, from Retrieve and put him in charge of Vere; is surprised to find that Perrin had allowed his estate expenses for 1758 amount to £11,000; suggests procuring a mill-wright for the plantations. - 20 Jul 1759
16585 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: hopes she can use her influence to help Laing's nephew find a place in a suitable business - 28 Aug 1759
16586 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: Blue Mountain's present force of 60 negroes ought really to be increased to 150 to get the best out of the plantation; is paying Perrin's small creditors as fast as possible; Perrin's law suits cost him dear - the Provost Marshall's office alone complains of being £1000 a year down by his death! Comments on the suit with Chriton; Elizabeth Fickle's legacy "was too large for one of her colour in this country - I make no doubt that she served him faithfully...", Suggests William Philp Perrin's education should include Jamaican law "to prevent designing people taking the advantage of him". - 28 Aug 1759
16587 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: the negroes at Forest have run away, probably urged on by Denstone, a neighbouring planter as well as former overseer; encloses a list of ironmongery required - Jamaican prices are exorbitant. - 9 Sep 1759
16588 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: the poor crop from Vere is a reflection of the drought; not of poor management; comments on John Denstone's time as overseer of Forest plantation. - 28 Sep 1759
16589 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: Mr. Chetwood, a lawyer who proposes coming to Jamaica, is a man of good character and would be of use in Mrs. Perrin's affairs. - 1 Nov 1759
16590 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: "we have had the greatest rains here for three weeks past that ever was known in the memory of man ..."; reports on the state of various suits; has delivered up the Fickles' negroes; requests a shipment of bricks. - 3/11 Nov 1759
16591 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: reports the need for more negroes and stock. - 9 Dec 1759
16592 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: has purchased a half-share in 85 mules at £20 a head; hopes she will purchase the whole of Mr. Fraunces' interest at Vere; the negroes alone might fetch £3000; reminds her of the need for a good millwright and mason. - 22 Jan/16 Feb 1760
16593 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: replying to Perrin's first letter to Laing. - 22 Mar 1760
16594 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: has visited Vere and Forest; the latter has produced 35 hogsteads - the amount could be 100 with more negroes; believes Vere should be made into a pen for stock and the negroes transferred to Blue Mountain; was surprised to discover what was though to be an error in Perrin's title to Blue Mountain, but the purchase of the equity of redemption from Thomas Stoakes Harris has now been found and acknowledged by Harris before a judge of the grand court "without giving him time to recollect himself or to take any bad advice"; will have all Perrin's title deeds transcribed in a book. - 22 Mar 1760
16595 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: martial law is proclaimed following a revolt of negroes in the parish of St. Mary. - 12 Apr 1760
16596 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: the revolt has been crushed; John Denstone has died; suggests trying to purchase his negroes; returns thanks for introducing his nephew, Ned Becher, to Mr. Chandler. - 26 Apr 1760
16597 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: reports on Mark Hall's mortgage, Chriton's suit, and the sugars to be shipped. - 21 May 1760
16598 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: incloses invoices and bills of lading for 70 hogsheads of sugar and 17 puncheons of rum from Forest; the negroes at Forest, Vere, and Blue Mountain "have behaved very well in these troublesome times"; those at Grange Hill are greatly suspected of being under engagements to join the negroes who rebelled at Manchioneal"; "I have taken the liberty of sending you a turtle ... and a box containing six jars of preserved ginger ...". - 11 Jun 1760
16599 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: a revolt of negroes in St. Thomas's has been nipped in the bud; martial law still prevails which means the whites are off the plantations, to their great neglect. - Jul 1760
16600 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: reports on the latest developments over the late James Fraunce's negroes; Charles Price has bought them on Mrs. Perrin's behalf, the money to be paid when Mr. Perrin comes of age. The overseer of Blue Mountain intends making 300 hogsheads of sugar in 1762; he asks for 100 more negroes. - 21/26 Aug 1760
16601 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: the negroes at Blue Mountain and Grange Hill have not been well, and those moved from Vere to Blue Mountain have proved troublesome; has received a letter from William Philp Perrin who informs him that he will be going to Christ Church, Oxford; Mr. Price advizes him rather to go to Trinity or Queen's where he will the more easily avoid bad company, and so apply himself to learning. - 2 Nov 1760
16602 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: repeats his advice about Oxford colleges as above; believes it a mistake not to purchase the late James Fraunces's 60 acres at Vere. - 2 Nov 1760
16603 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: it would be an advantage to have a dormant power of attorney in Jamaica in case of Laing's death; however, the estates require a full-time attorney, the more especially as they are so scattered, 150 miles separating Grange Hill and Forest; unfortunately two ships bringing supplies from England have been taken by French privateers - "we never had an accident of this kind happen while Admiral Coles had the command". - 23 Dec 1760
16604 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: duplicate of D239/M/E/16603. Reports on the continuing saga of the Vere negroes, late of James Fraunces. - 4 Feb 1761
16605 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: - 8 Feb 1761
16606 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: reports on the various suits pending and on sugars and rums to be shipped. - 16 Mar 1761
16607 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: the loss of James Fraunces' negroes has hit the plantations hard; expects about 100 casks of sugar from Vere, each cask or tierce will fetch about £20 Jamaican currency (it not being the custom to ship in hogsheads from that estate). - 15 Apr 1761
16608 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: - 15 Apr 1761
16609 - Letter from Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin - 3 May 1761
16610 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: - 23 May 1761
16611 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: details of sugars to be shipped; has leased 68 acres of land at Vere from Mr. Ambler, heir of James Fraunces. - 25 May 1761
16612 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: has got a good planter for Grange Hill, one William Swymmer, and hopes for a good crop next year; details of sugar to be shipped. - 14/19 Jul 1761
16613 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: it will be worthwhile cultivating the friendship of young Charles Arcedeckne. - 24 Aug 1761
16614 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: Retrieve has been rented out for 2 years; drought again threatens Vere. - 24 Aug 1761
16615 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: reports on proceedings in a suit brought by the executor of Rigby. - 1 Oct 1761
16616 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: Blue Mountain is in great need of negroes; although Mark Hall unjustly detains upwards of £6000 Jamaican currency of Perrin's, Laing dare not quarrel with him as he is the only surviving acting executor of Mathias Philp; hopes Perrin will visit Jamaica soon. - 2 Nov 1761
16617 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: with note to Frances Perrin. - 26 Jan/2 Feb 1762
16618 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: will set about purchasing negroes; fears of a Spanish invasion have receded although there is still an embargo on shipping which detains supplies badly needed by the plantations. - 24 Feb 1762
16619 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: martial law and the embargo on shipping were not lifted until 12 April; the plantations have been badly affected; however crops promise well. - 30 Apr 1762
16620 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: memorandum of requirements for Forest. - 17 May 1762
16621 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: has bought 28 negroes for Blue Mountain. - 24 May 1762
16622 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: has bought 28 negroes for Blue Mountain. - 18 Jun 1762
16623 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: hopes to make a total of 250 hogsheads from Blue Mountain "which is doing a great deal with our small strength"; hopes he has thought seriously of visiting Jamaica. - 16 Jul 1762
16624 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: details of sugar to be shipped. - 16/20 Jul 1762
16625 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: if none of Mathias Philp's debts are met, which Perrin is not obliged to do, they will eventually die away; is pleased that his management gives satisfaction despite all the difficulties - "at times I was obliged to put the best face on affairs to your mother to keep up her spirits"
16626 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: details of sugars to be shipped. - 15 Aug 1762
16627 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: has at last given orders to file a bill in Chancery against Mark Hall to foreclose his mortgage. - 28 Oct 1762
16628 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: to William Philp Perrin: reports on various suits; has been approached by someone interested in purchasing Blue Mountain; Laing believes the plantation to be worth £40,000 Jamaican currency, Retrieve Mountain was the site of Philp's copper mine which cost him £15-20,000 for negroes, tools, and workmen from England, and made nothing. - 12 Jan 1763
16629 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: - 27 Feb 1763
16630-16631 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: encloses a copy of a letter from Mark Hall; hopes to see Mr. Perrin soon in Jamaica; details of sugar shipped. - 16 Apr 1763
16632 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: letter of introduction for Thomas Dolman, his former clerk, now leaving the West Indies because of poor health. - 1 May 1763
16633 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: as above. - 1 May 1763
16634 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: - 8 May 1763
16635 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: presses him to visit Jamaica. - 8 May 1763
16636-16637 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: details of shipments; is glad to learn of Mr. Perrin's intention to visit Jamaica. - 3 Jun/12 Jun 1763
16638 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: if Perrin does not visit Jamaica, he must give Laing full power to push ahead with the development of the plantations; now that he is of age, he must buy the land at Vere presently rented. - 19 Jun 1763
16639 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: - 21 Jul 1763
16640 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin. - 15 Jul 1763
16641 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: Mark Hall is prevaricating over his mortgage. - 6 Aug 1763
16642 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: is now about to sell Mark Hall's mortgage; Laing proposes paying Messrs. Barclay and Fuller's account (£2629 sterling). - 20 Nov 1763
16643 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: has finally settled the business with Mark Hall; emphasises that Perrin must buy the land at Vere formerly the property of James Fraunces; proposes erecting a water mill at Grange Hill. - 28 Jan 1764
16644 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: encloses Anderson case papers; all the estates are producing good sugar. - 1 Mar 1764
16645 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: is glad the turtle arrived safely; has heard of Dolman's death. - 6 Apr 1764
16646 - Letter from Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: has bought some young 'negro' women [Black peoples] for Blue Mountain and Grange Hill with strict orders to use them gently for the first year - 7 Apr 1764
16647 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: details of shipments, and of expected crops. - 6 May 1764
16648 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: - 19 Jun 1764
16649 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin. - 3 Jul 1764
16650 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin. - 13/20 Jul 1764
16651 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: has rented out Retrieve for 10 years at £140 a year. - 16 Nov 1764
16652 - Letter from Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - Feb 1765
16653 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 17 Apr 1765
16654 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: provides a brief report on Perrin's four plantations in hand; as to barring the entail created by his father's will. Mrs. Perrin must join in any settlement; hopes to ship nearly 500 hogsheads and puncheons this year, which should produce £9000 sterling; gives details of shipments. - 8 May 1765
16655 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 5 Jul 1765
16656 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugar and rum. - 12 Jul 1765
16657 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: asks for power of attorney to sell Belinda and her two children to Elizabeth Fickle, and to manumit Peter; is sending Perrin a turtle. - 23 Jul 1765-28 Aug 1765
16658 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: all goes well at Vere; the land purchased there from the heirs of James Fraunces will produce more sugar and rum this year than it cost; while the good seasons last, Perrin must not think of selling the plantation; at Blue Mountain, they expect the largest crop ever; encloses Elizabeth Fickle's receipt for the 10 negroes left her in William Perrin's will; "before I signed the deed [of sale] for Belinda, Adam, and Lucy, Belinda the mother was brought to bed of a boy but as your power of attorney to me was dated before the birth of that child I could not charge anything for it" Advises against selling Forest at the present. Reports on the suit v. Harris. - 20 Feb 1766
16659 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: hopes the estates will produce 900 hogsheads of sugar and rum in the coming year; Perrin would do better than to sell his sugar at once but to wait for a sellers' market. Looks forward to seeing Perrin in Kingston in May. - 5 Dec 1765
16660-16661 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: has offered Mrs. Bennett £4000 to discharge her claim on Blue Mountain. - 2 Apr - 5 Apr 1766
16662 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: details of shipments. - 4 May 1766
16663 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: will hope to purchase 50-60 negroes for Blue Mountain and Grange Hill; the plantations promise good crops. - 27 May 1766
16664 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: asks for various medicines for the negroes venereal disorders and for their ulcers. - 31 May 1766
16665-16666 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: enclosing list of sundries wanted for 1767. - 16 Jun 1766
16667-16668 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: will settle with Mrs. Bennett and the others as suggested, encloses notes on other suits. - 7 Jul 1766
16669 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: has put Dr. James Blaw on Blue Mountain to care for the negroes. - 21 Jul 1766
16670 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: details of shipments. - 14 Jul 1766
16671-16672 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: in Mr. Laing's absence; and an account current between the estate of William Perrin deceased and Thomas and Stephen Fuller Both with D239/M/E/16670
16673 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: reports on prospects for a water mill at Blue Mountain and comments on Perrin's scheme to send out white craftsmen. Again advises against selling off any part of the estate; if Forest were to be restocked it could be given to Sarah Perrin in place of her legacy; it will bring her an interest above what £10,000 sterling will in England laid out in the funds. Approves of Perrin's plan of a continental tour, but hopes he will then visit Jamaica. Suggests sending out a dormant power of attorney in case of Laing's death; Charles Price jun. would make an excellent attorney, as would Edward Bullock, and John Jaques, Laing's assistant; Dr. James Blaw would be another reliable person; Charles Hodgson, overseer at Vere, is altogether trustworthy. Laing has named Perrin as one of his executors. - 30 Aug 1766
16674-16675 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugar. - 8 Sep - 18 Sep 1766
16676 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: matters have finally been settled with Mrs. Bennett; the medicines have arrived safely; Perrin's house in Jew Alley has been recovered. - 15 Jan 1767
16677 - Letter from Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 20 Mar 1767
16678 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: crops are down on last year. - 7 Apr 1767
16679 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugar; has received the lease and release between Perrin and Mrs. Perrin. - 10/15 May 1767
16680 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: to Frances Perrin: repeats information in D239/M/E/16679; now that Mr. Perrin is on the continent; Laing will send letters etc. to her. - 16 May 1767
16681 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugar. - 2 Jun 1767
16682 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: heavy rains have damaged the roads at Blue Mountain, and it will be 3 weeks before the sugars can be moved. - 13 Jun 1767
16683 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 28 Jun 1767
16684 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugars. - 25 Jul 1767
16685-16686 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 6 Aug/15 Aug 1767
16687 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin. - 18 Aug 1767
16688 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: has made arrangements for supplies of water for a new water mill at Blue Mountain; has bought 12 young Gold Coast negroes for Blue Mountain; if he can get 200 negroes there, Blue Mountain could well produce 500 hogsheads a year; has set in train repairs at Grange Hill. - 18 Sep 1767
16689 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: encloses a copy of articles of agreement entered into with Mr. Kinnion for bringing water to Blue Mountain. - 28 Sep 1767
16690 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin. - 20 Nov 1767
16691 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: shipments of sugar. - 26 Mar 1768
16692 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: shipments of sugar, Francis Boswell, overseer of Blue Mountain, is taking passage for England. - 16 Apr 1768
16693-16694 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: shipments of sugar. - 25 Apr -10 May 1768
16695 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin. - 26 Jun 1768
16696 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: has hired a white mason to train up some negroes; a good boiling house has been erected at Grange Hill; has put some of Perrin's young creoles to learning carpentry; suggests repairs at Blue Mountain - "it is too much the custom of this country to run into great expence of building sumptuous works when works of a less expence answers the purpose...". Repairs of buildings at Grange Hill have been completed; there is an excellent boiler there now and a good, careful planter; Blue Mountain should produce 200 large hogsheads; Vere, 120 hogshead of very good quality; has been careful for the welfare of the negroes thereby avoiding the trouble which hits other estates; "I have given orders to the doctors of the different estates to prepare such of them for inoculation for the smalpox as have not had them". - 26 Jun 1768
16697 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin. - 30 Jun 1768
16698 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: shipments of sugars, is erecting a water mill at Grange Hill; have had dry weather and violent breezes. - 22 Jul 1768
16699 - John Jaques to Frances Perrin. - 1Sep 1768
16700 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: "I have at last sold your Forest estate for eleven thousand pounds this currency ... I flatter myself it is well sold and for £2000 more than I expected. The purchaser, David Fyffe, has a pen in the neighbourhood; other offers did not exceed £8000. - 19 Feb 1769
16701-16702 - Financial details of the sale of Forest plantation (with D239/M/E/16700) - 1769
16703 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: shipments of sugar; "we are making very good sugars at all the estates and our crops will turn out better than I expected". Charles Hodgson died on 26 Feb; Laing suggests buying his 18 negroes from Vere, expects 150 hogsheads from Vere. - 1-3 Apr 1769
16704-16706 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: shipments of sugars - 14 Apr-2 Jun 1769
16707 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: Vere has had 7 months drought, and the crop will fall short of expectations; as it will at Blue Mountain; however, much more rum has been made at the latter this year; had hopes at the beginning of the season of netting £10,000 sterling from Blue Mountain, Grange Hill and Vere, comments on Chriton's continuing suit. - 13 Jun 1769
16708 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: has purchased 59 negroes for £3100. - 25 Jul 1769
16709 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin. - 18 Sep 1769
16710 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: the drought at Vere has now lasted 12 months, the canes all burnt up, wells dry, cattle starving - "in short the parish is in a miserable condition and has not been known in the memory of man so long without rain". Blue Mountain should yield 300 hogshead of good sugar, notwithstanding the dry weather; Grange Hill should produce more than last year; the Forest estate sold to Mr. Fyffe is ruined with the drought; is in dispute with a plantation bordering on Blue Mountain over some of Perrin's land. - 25 Feb 1770
16711 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: shipments of sugar; Vere has yielded only 13 hogsheads of bad sugar - no rum has fallen for 18 months. - 16 Apr 1770
16712 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: the still-house at Grange Hill has been burned down together with all the rum and stores. - 3 May 1770
16713 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: is sorry to hear of Perrin's continued ill-health ... "I am afraid you have used yourself to a studious and sedantary life too much for one of your years; try what exercise and regular diet will do; reports on the misfortunes of Vere and Grange Hill; Blue Mountain may yield 300 hogsheads. - 5 May 1770
16714 - Duplicate of D239/M/E/16713
16715-16717 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: shipments of sugar. - 6-18 Jul 1770
16718 - Malcom Laing to Frances Perrin: The Caesar has been sunk due to the carelessness of the pilot; hopes Mr. Perrin was insured; Grange Hill and Blue Mountain are thriving. - 25 Aug 1770
16719 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 6 Nov 1770
16720-16721 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: building work at Grange Hill continues; does not advize selling Vere; given good weather "that little estate is a gold mine"; has purchased negroes for Blue Mountain for £770 (list attached); proposes to have Grange Hill replanted over the next 3 years. - 17 Dec 1770
16722 - John Jaques to to William Philp Perrin. - 14 Jan 1771
16723 - Malcom Laing to to William Philp Perrin: Perrin will have heard of the loss of the `Earl of Halifax'; to prevent future problems "you may insure 300 hogsheads of sugar from Blue Mountain this year on any ships loading at Morant Bay or Port Morant, more or less"; Blue Mountain is thriving, its negroes happy and contented; the plantation could produce 400 hogsheads in 1773, but more negroes will be required, as they will at Grange Hill, has not liked to move any negroes from Vere. - 25 Mar 1771
16724 - Malcom Laing to to William Philp Perrin: reports on two suits pending, again advizes against moving negroes from Vere - they are creoles and all the families are connected; has removed the overseer from Grange Hill for incompetence in weighing sugars, asks Perrin to send out a beam scales and weights; Blue Mountain has doubled in value since 1759. - 14 May 1771
16725 - Malcom Laing to to William Philp Perrin. - 18 Jun 1771
16726 - Malcom Laing to to William Philp Perrin: Vere has now had some fine rains and its prospects improve; the lack of negroes is a great disadvantage; "I am afraid the planters will be obliged to become adventurers themselves in the Guinea trade to supply their estates". - 22 Jul 1771
16727 - Malcom Laing to to William Philp Perrin. - 2 Aug 1771
16728 - Malcom Laing to to William Philp Perrin: repeats his observations on the dearth of negroes. - 17 Sep 1771
16729 - Malcom Laing to to William Philp Perrin: has bought ten negroes and 24 mules for Blue Mountain; proposes buying 20 more negroes. - 11 Oct 1771
16730 - Malcom Laing to to William Philp Perrin: is still trying to settle the dispute over some Blue Mountain land claimed by a neighbouring planter; advizes against making Retrieve a coffee plantation, but will see that land is cleared at Grange Hill and some coffee planted; feels it is better to buy young negroes rather than children; has given overseers strict instructions about keeping plantation books. - 27 Nov 1771
16731 - Malcom Laing to to William Philp Perrin: Mr. Bullock, one of Perrin's standing council in Jamaica, has died; suggests Perrin recommends someone to come out; a good barrister can make a fortune. - 6 Dec 1771
16732 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: Vere should produce 50-60 hogsheads this year; Blue Mountain promises well; Theophilact Blechynden's sons promise trouble. - 25 Jan 1772
16733 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: reports on matters on Blue Mountain, Grange Hill, and Vere. - 24 Mar 1772
16734 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: has seen Fulton Blechynden and persuaded him not to enter a bill of revivor; has also pointed out that if he does claim anything from Perrin, it will be exceeded by the costs involved. 27 Mar - 27 Mar 1772
16735 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin. - 9 Apr 1772
16736 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: Vere will now produce at least 120 hogsheads. The scales sent to Grange Hill broke on weighing the first hogshead; the total yield from all estates this year should exceed 500 hogsheads. Clothing for the 'Negroes'. - 18 Apr 1772
16737 - Letter from Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin reporting at length on Blechynden's threatened suit - 20 Apr 1772
16738 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 28 Apr 1772
16739 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: a letter written in response to one from Perrin suggesting a new attorney. - 27 Apr 1772
16740 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: Blue Mountain has already produced 250 hogsheads this year. - 2 May 1772
16741 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugar; requirements to be sent from England. - 10 May 1772
16742 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: is concerned that Perrin's objections spring from misinformation supplied by malevolent or self-interested people; urges him to visit Jamaica in person. - 21 May 1772
16743-16744 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin - 28 May-5 Jul 1772
16745 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: has had to hire a ship to get sugar away from Vere. - 18 Jul 1772
16746 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 24 Jul 1772
16747 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: reports on the suit against Wilkins. - 10 Aug 1772
16748 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: shipping is so scarce it is reckoned that 15,000 hogshead await passage from Jamaica; the sugar at Vere has suffered from the wet; at Grange Hill the negroes are generally in poor health; Blechynden still threatens to prosecute; Laing suggests buying him off. - 21 Sep 1772
16749 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: no negroes in Jamaica are better used than Perrin's; Laing is employing Dr. James Blaw as one of Perrin's attorneys for Blue Mountain and Grange Hill, suggests sending Blaw an official power; Blechyndon makes an exorbitant demand of £8000; has offered him £800. - 31 Oct 1772
16750 - An account of the produce of the estates of William Philp Perrin. (with D239/M/E/16749) - 1771
16751 - David Fyffe in account with Malcom Laing attorney to William Philp Perrin. (with D239/M/E/16749) - 1771-1772
16752 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: reports on the Blechynden suit. - 16 Nov 1772
16753-16754 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: all suits in Chancery are at a standstill following the illness and death of the governor, Sir William Trelawney; will buy negroes as and when possible; "the new negroes that have been imported lately are what we call Windward Negros ... the worst kind ... imported here for labour except the Angolas ... to buy such negros for sugar works is throwing away money"; will try to buy Gold Coast men and Ibo women - 10 Jan 1773
16755-16756 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: with bill of lading - 27 Jan 1773
16757 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: crop prospects are good; has been obliged to put 21 of his own negroes on to Vere. - 19 Feb 1773
16758-16761 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): encloses bill for negroes purchased. Elizabeth Fickle often asks about the house plot bequeathed her in William Perrin's will - 23 Mar 1773
16762 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 2 Apr 1773
16763 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugars. - 23 Apr 1773
16764-16765 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: comments on Blechynden's position; whoever advizes Perrin to put 150 negroes on to his estates in one year plainly has little idea of the seasoning of negroes. Encloses bill for negroes purchased. - 26 Apr 1773
16766 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: it would be a great addition to Blue Mountain if Perrin could buy the neighbouring plantation of Hall Head. - 12 Jun 1773
16767-16768 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: Blue Mountain should produce 360 hogsheads of 16 cwt. each this year; has not shipped the hundred puncheons of rum as its present low price would probably make Perrin the loser; the estate as a whole should yield 600 hogsheads of middling good sugars; encloses a list of requirements for Blue Mountain (D239/M/E/16769); particularly wants coals for the still house. - 17/18 Jun 1773
16769 - List of supplies wanted for Blue Mountain. (with D239/M/E/16768) - 1773-1774
16770 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugar; Blechynden has filed a bill of revivor. - 12 Jul 1773
16771 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 17 Jul 1773
16772 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: Perrin has now been served with a subpoena in Chancery on Blechynden's bill; gives details of shipments of sugar. - 24 Jul 1773
16773 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: explains various items in his accounts; 16 hogsheads of Grange Hill sugars were lost when a lighter sank; advizes against putting new negroes on Retrieve; Elizabeth Fickle is willing to leave the settlement of her legacy to Perrin: "she has lived with me as a housekeeper since your father's death and always beheaved well and been very servicable in your father's affairs from her knowledge of all your negroes and estates ..."
16774 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: the master of the ship on which the lost Grange Hill sugars were to have been loaded has died; and so it is now impossible to recover any insurance. - 4 Oct 1773
16775-16776 - Ralph Fisher to William Philp Perrin. - 26 Oct - 22 Nov 1773
16777-16778 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: Perrin's settlement with Elizabeth Fickle is very generous, as his concern for her son's education. - 10 Jan 1774
16779-16780 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate) - 25 Jan 1774
16781-16782 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): Grange Hill and Blue Mountain are in good shape; has had all Perrin's negroes innoculated against small pox, will try to rent out Retrieve - 24 Mar 1774
16783 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate). - 26 Apr 1774
16784 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): shipments of sugar; Blechynden will not settle for less than £10,000. - 27 May 1774
16785 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): is now much better following convalescence in North America. - 1 Jun 1774
16786-16787 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate). - 10 Jun 1774
16788 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): shipments of sugars. - 25 Jul 1774
16789-16790 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): is still endeavouring to recoup the loss of sugars from Grange Hill; "I am greatly obliged to you for the generous and humane manner you have behaved towards Nancy" - 22 Aug 1774
16791 - Ralph Fisher to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate). - 27 Aug 1774
16792 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): [Daniel Lopez] Riz, brother of Aaron who was clerk to Mathias Philp, and who has been employed by Theophilact and Fulton Blechynden in their suits, has approached Laing offering his assistance and complaining that Fulton Blechynden is not complying with his engagements; Riz has given Laing various papers to examine, and Laing is now more confident of concluding the whole affair. - 14 Nov 1774
16792-16793 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): encloses articles agreed with Dr. Blaw for the purchase of negroes; Nelson, the overseer of Blue Mountain, has been lured away by an offer of £100 a year more salary - 13 Jan 1775
16794 - Corrections to Malcom Laing's account (with D239/M/E/16792)
16795 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 16 Jan 1775
16796-16797 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: a master in Chancery has ordered Laing to draw up a fuller answer to Blechynden's bill. - 23 Jan 1775
16798 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugars. - 25 Mar 1775
16799-16800 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): Blue Mountain must be supplied with coals from Newcastle; the new water mill there is coming along; Grange Hill needs more negroes; gives details of shipments of sugars; John Jaques and Ralph Fisher have entered into partnership on their own. - 17 Apr 1775
16801-16802 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): encloses a list of bills drawn on Perrin in 1773 and 1774 - 6 May 1775
16803 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): the attorney-general is of opinion that it will be impossible to recover the loss of the Grange Hill sugars; Blechynden is at a stop for money to pay his lawyers, the Guinea factors are tightening the screw on those planters who have purchased large quantities of negroes in the past two years. - 22 May 1775
16804 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate). - 31 May 1775
16805-16806 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): encloses a letter from James Blaw (D239/M/E/16806); he has written immediately to Blaw to continue the negroes on Blue Mountain - 11 Jul 1775
16807 - James Blaw from Blue Mountain to Malcom Laing: discusses terms on which Perrin may hire Blaw's negroes. - 2 Jul 1775
16808-16809 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): White, the new overseer at Blue Mountain, is a good replacement for Nelson - 12 Jul 1775
16810-16811 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): has asked for saltpetre to be sent out, along with ploughs for Vere and a good plantation. - 8 Sep 1775
16812-16813 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): has written to Perrin's London merchants suggesting they procure herrings in Hamburgh and enter them in Orkney and Shetland which would be cheaper than buying them in Ireland; is engaged in tracing the title to the Mount Pleasant estate bordering on Blue Mountain - Perrin might consider being a purchaser; there is 4 year's rent due from Retrieve, and nothing much can be done with the estate at present. - 1 Feb 1776
16814-16815 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): has sent 24 of his own negroes to Retrieve to clean the plantation walks. - 17 Feb 1776
16816 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: reports on the suits pending; advises against setting up pans and a boiler at Blue Mountain. - 24 Apr 1776
16817-16818 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: "the troubles in North America has been of service to this country and made us more industrious then formerly ...". - 3 May/5 May 1776
16819 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin. - 14 May 1776
16820 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugar. - 7 Jun 1776
16821 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: letter of introduction for Ralph Fisher. - 7 Jun 1776
16822-16823 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugars. - 14 Jun - 1 Jul 1776
16824 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 25 Jul 1776
16825 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: none of Perrin's negroes are involved in the intended insurrection. - 5 Aug 1776
16826 - Note of purchase of 25 negroes for £1567 10s. (with D239/M/E/16825) - 1776
16827 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: will have Vere valued for possible sale, Retrieve is too mountainous for a stock pen; land at Grange Hill could be used, but the expense would be considerable. - 4 Nov 1776
16828-16829 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): now that Elizabeth Fickle is dead, hopes Perrin will help her son. - 18 Mar 1777
16830-16831 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): the new negroes were prime ones from the Gold Coast; Vere is again badly hit by drought, and Laing has deferred a valuation. - 18 Mar 1777
16832 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 26 Mar 1777
16833 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugars; most of the American pirates have been destroyed now - 2 May 1777
16834 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 9 Jun 1777
16835 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (duplicate, the original having been captured by a Boston privateer): the death of the governor is widely lamented. - 23 Jun 1777
16836-16837 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): shipments of sugars; recommends Perrin to obtain herrings in Glasgow rather than Cork. - 23 Jul 1777
16838 - Ralph Fisher to William Philp Perrin: returns thanks for Perrin's kindness to him; the voyage went well; "within ten leagues of Barbados we fell in with one privateer, a fine sloop indeed, mounting fourteen guns ... she chased us for near two hours in which time we had got everything in order and expected to come to action. When they came, however, almost within reach of our guns (for she had much the advantage in point of sailing), and perceiving the packet's trim, they thought proper to sheer off, at which our people seemed greatly mortified - though I confess for my own part it was to me no disappointment". The attorney of Mount Pleasant appears to have learned of Perrin's intentions as a possible purchaser; this may well mean he tries to get the price raised. - 6 Sep 1777
16839-16842 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: reports on gloomily on the economy of the island. Encloses bill of lading, invoice of sugars shipped. - 15 Oct 1777
16843 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: reports on the capture of a privateer. - 23 Oct 1777
16844 - Ralph Fisher to William Philp Perrin: reporting as above. - 23 Oct 1777
16845-16846 - Ralph Fisher to William Philp Perrin: and to Frances Perrin. - 25/26 Oct 1777
16847-16848 - Malcom Laing to William Philp (with duplicate); the crops promise well; shipping is scarce, with some 10,000 hogsheads lain up. - 24 Dec 1777
16849-16850 - Ralph Fisher to William Philp (with duplicate). - 28 Feb 1778
16851-16852 - Malcom Laing to William Philp (with duplicate). - 2 Mar 1778
16853-16854 - Ralph Fisher to William Philp (with duplicate): the attorney of Mt Pleasant has told Fisher "in his rough and uncouth manner `that that estate should not be sold for a song'"; Mr. Laing has made a complete recovery from a serious illness. - 7 Apr 1778
16855-16856 - Malcom Laing to William Philp: Vere should produce 140-150 hogsheads - prospects are very good; the estates as a whole should produce 600 hogsheads; but shipping them away is the problem; unfortunately, the wrong sort of hoops have been sent out. - 13 Apr 1778
16857-16858 - Malcom Laing to William Philp: (with duplicate): encloses a page of memoranda about his account; again, writes in favour of Glasgow herrings; the law suits lie dormant. - 15 Apr 1778
16859-16860 - Malcom Laing to William Philp: has purchased ten seasoned creole field negroes for Vere. Encloses a copy of the bill of sale. - 24 Apr 1778
16861 - Ralph Fisher to William Philp Perrin: suggests buying negroes for Vere from those Barbadian planters who are forced to sell. - 24 Apr 1778
16862-16863 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): has received the power of attorney for the sale of Retrieve; finding a purchaser will be difficult. - 17 Jun 1778
16864-16865 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): shipments of sugars. - 18 Jun 1778
16866-16868 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 3 Jul - 11 Aug 1778
16869-16870 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: the ship masters have raised their freightage on sugar and rum; "we are in the greatest distress throughout the whole island. Martial law has been in force for some time - no protection or advice from England-our frigates taken by the French who have declared war a month ago in their islands, and we dreading an invasion from them and the Americans - our taxes heavier then ever they were known to be, and next year £200,000 must be laid on the inhabitants to defray the expenses incurred from Marshall Law and building of useless fortifications ..."; currency and shipping are both in short supply. - 22 Sep 1778
16871 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 8 Oct 1778
16872-16875 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): shipments of sugar - two bills of lading. - 23 Oct 1778
16876 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 21 May 1779
16877 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 27 Jul 1779
16878 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: the critical situation continues; martial law is in force again. - 11 Sep 1779
16879-16880 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): is sorry to learn of the death of Mr. Chandler; has at last managed to ship 92 hogsheads of Grange Hill sugars. - 18 Nov 1779
16881-16884 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): "I could not withstand the temptation of running you in debt for nineteen seasoned negroes ..."; encloses list and valuation. - 21 Jul 1780
16885-16893 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: (in triplicate): shipments of sugar; bills of lading. - 29 Jul 1780
16894 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin. - 22 Sep 1780
16895 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: the great hurricane barely affected Perrin's estates; has had to buy 16 mules (£35 each) for Blue Mountain. - 2 Nov 1780
16896 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: the effect of the hurricane and then the excessive dry weather at Vere has destroyed the negroes' ground provisions, requests foodstuffs from England. - 29 Sep 1780
16897 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: must leave the care of Robert [Fickle] to Perrin's judgement; Jamaican law forbids Laing leaving him more than £2000 Jamaican currency in his will; this on account of his birth and skin colour. - 1 Jan 1781
16898 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: excessive drought has hit the plantations badly. - 18 Jun 1781
16899 - Malcom Laing to William Philp Perrin: badly eaten away.
16900-16901 - Letter from John Jaques and Ralph Fisher to William Philp Perrin. - 18 Mar 1782
16902-16905 - Letter from John Jaques and Ralph Fisher to William Philp Perrin enclosing list of supplies for Grange Hill (D239/M/E/16905) and details of shipments and insurances. - 18 Apr 1782
16906-16907 - Letter from Ralph Fisher to William Philp Perrin recommending to Perrin, Fisher's brother-in-law in Glasgow, who ships to the West Indies (with duplicate) - 18 Apr 1782
16908 - Ralph Fisher to William Philp Perrin: "I am so overjoyed, my dear sir, that I feel myself altogether at a loss how to express my sentiments. What a glorious sight for the island of Jamaica now presents itself - Rodney! the immortal Rodney! just have in sight with some of the disabled ships of his own and all the captured ships of the French fleet". l - 28 Apr 1782
16909-16918 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: the crops promise well; fuel is very short at Blue Mountain; shipments of sugars. Together with duplicates, bills of lading, and an account of the produce of William Philp Perrin in 1781. - 15/16 May 1782
16919-16921 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: with invoice and bill of lading. - 21 May 1782
16922 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: although £900 had to be spent last year at Blue Mountain, especially on caring for the negroes, the expenditure will save several thousand pounds more now, as neighbouring planters are finding to their cost; the crop this year will exceed Hallhead plantation by 100 hogsheads, with rum in proportion; the jobbing expenses at Grange Hill arise from the condition of the negroes, many of whom are old, infirm, or ill, Vere promises well - 120 hogsheads. - 15 Jun 1782
16923 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugars. - 18 Jun 1782
16924-16925 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: bill of lading. - 21/22 Jun 1782
16926-16927 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): shipments of sugar. - 25 Jun 1782
16928-16938 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicates): shipments of sugar; bills of lading enclosed; drought is taking its toll. - 8 -27 Jul 1782
16939-16940 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): Blechynden now seeks an amicable settlement; rain has now fallen at Blue Mountain and Grange Hill; Vere remains badly hit; request food supplies from England; shipping is proving a problem to London; a large proportion will have to go to Bristol.
16941 - Copy of a letter from William Sutherland, overseer of Blue Mountain, to Jaques and Fisher, forwarded to Perrin with D239/M/E/16939-40: the drought has lasted from the beginning of Mar; this may necessitate buying provisions. - 8 Aug 1782
16942 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: rain has now fallen at Vere. - 12 Sep 1782
16943-16944 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): arrangements for the next convoy. - 20 Sep 1782
16945-16948 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicates): Mr. Jaques is now going through Blechynden's papers; more rains have fallen. - 12- 14 Oct 1782
16949-16954 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): the chance has arisen to lease woodland near Blue Mountain which would save importing coal, and would provide a ready supply of timber for incidental purposes; bill of lading. - 30/31 Oct 1782
16955-16957 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): propose shipping Grange Hill sugars from Morant Bay. - 8 Nov 1782
16958-16959 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): shipments of sugars. - 15 Nov 1782
16960-16962 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin. - 10 Dec 1782
16963-16964 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: plans for new pasturage at Blue Mountain. - 5 Feb 1783
16965-16966 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: London is preferable to Bristol as a port from which to ship supplies; the overseer of Grange Hill "complains much of many of the last year's supplies ... in particular of a crate of earthen ware, in place of an assortment of plates and dishes and so forth, the contents were 12 chamber potts" Blechynden now tells them he has received word from Mrs. Malcher, offering to join him in the prosecution; there is reason to believe that this claim is fabricated. - 27 Feb 1783
16967 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: letter of introduction for Captain Thomas Gordon of the Guards, proprietor of a moiety of Hallhead estate; Gordon may well suggest to Perrin a scheme to lease jointly the Mount Pleasant estate which also adjoins Blue Mountain. - 26 Mar 1783
16968 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: with duplicate of D239/M/E/16967. - 28 Mar 1783
16969-16970 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): the negotiations for the lease of woodland at Blue Mountain have been completed. American negroes will not be a profitable purchase - 1 Apr 1783
16971 - Note of requirements for Vere, 1784 (with D239/M/E/16970) - 1783
16972-16973 - Note of requirements for Vere (with duplicate): again, advize strongly against hiring American negroes; details of shipments of sugar; Robert Laing [born Robert Fickle] will find that colour prejudice will be more marked in Jamaica than in England. - 24 Apr 1783
16974 - Note of requirements for Vere (with duplicate). - 28 Apr 1783
16975-16979 - Note of requirements for Vere (with duplicate): bills of lading. - 8 May 1783
16980-16982 - Note of requirements for Vere (with duplicate): enclose list of supplies wanted for Blue Mountain in 1784 (D239/M/E/16982); details of shipments of sugar. - 19 May 1783
16983-16984 - Note of requirements for Vere bill of lading. - 24 May 1783
16985-16986 - Note of requirements for Vere: (without duplicate): report good weather on all the plantations, there will be no need in future to send out flour or other dry provisions, as the trade with America is now picking up. - 4 Jun 1783
16987-16988 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugar. - 14 Jun 1783
16989-16990 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin. - 10 Jul - 13 Aug 1783
16991-16994 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): an opportunity has arisen of purchasing a penn adjoining Blue Mountain; advize against purchasing a jobbing gang of negroes; the best method is to add to the strength of a plantation piecemeal over the years, things go on well at Vere - "the whole of the negroes upon your estate came in a body beseeching and praying for some additional help, which we have promised them as they are really weak-handed". - 25 Aug 1783
16995-16997 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin. - 30 Aug 1783
16998-16999 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): recommend erecting a windmill at Blue Mountain, the more especially as a Mr. Shirley is disputing the water supply to the present mill; have agreed with Sutherland for the hire of 40 of his negroes at £360 a year; the supply of flour from America has been hit by the trade being confined solely to British bottoms. - 7 Oct 1783
17000 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin. - 20 Nov 1783
17001-17002 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): Vere is badly hit by drought; have heard nothing from Blechynden. - 1 Dec 1783
17003 - Jaques and Fisher to Robert Laing. - 2 Dec 1783
17004-17005 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin. - 12 Dec 1783
17006-17007 - Letter from Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: details of the new mill at Blue Mountain; a runaway 'slave' [enslaved person] from Grange Hill has been arrested and deported. - 10 Jan 1784
17008-17009 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: details of negroes purchased or hired for Blue Mountain and for Grange Hill; Cambell, the overseer at Grange Hill, has been discharged and replaced by William Munro. - 27 Jan 1784
17010-17011 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate). - 11 Feb 1784
17012-17013 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): the mill at Blue Mountain will be much more expensive if constructed entirely of stone; wooden mills have withstood the hurricanes before now, and they may well be better able to withstand earthquakes; report on the soils and crops of Blue Mountain; a plough would be an advantage if there was room to fatten the cattle; they have made an offer for the neighbouring pen; a number of Perrin's negroes have been christened - they consider it protects them from magic and charms. - 17 Feb 1784
17014-17015 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): report on a visit to Grange Hill where the change of overseer is already having its effect; the soils there could support a very fine penn. - 23 Feb 1784
17016-17017 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: report on an improved means of clarifying sugars, advize buying various items of equipment to assist in the process; give directions for shipping the same; the Vere crop promises well in quality if not in quantity. - 18 Mar 1784
17018-17019 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: a further report on clarifying sugars. - 29 Mar 1784
17020-17021 - Letter from Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin. - 1780s
17022-17023 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin. - 6-8 Apr 1784
17024-17025 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: have partly concluded the purchase of 95 acres adjoining Blue Mountain together with the negroes thereon. - 15 Apr 1784
17026-17028 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (in triplicate): letter of introduction for Mr. Cammac, from whom the land at Blue Mountain has just been bought. - 17 Apr 1784
17029-17032 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (in quartuplicate): experiments show that copper boiling pans are superior to those made of iron. - 3 May 1784
17033 - Explanation with diagram of St. Hill's clarifier. (with D239/M/E/17032) - 1784
17034-17036 - Letter from Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin. - 11 May 1784
17037-17039 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: apologize for the smaller size of the Blue Mountain hogsheads; details of shipments of sugars; are very satisfied with the purchase from Cammac. - 18 May 1784
17040 - Copy letter from Thomas Clarke to Ralph Fisher; commenting on Perrin's kind gift of the work of Aublet, "so invaluable to a West Indian Botanist". (enclosed with D239/M/E/17037) - 12 May 1784
17041-17043 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: very heavy rains have fallen at Vere. - 20 May 1784
17044 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin. - 25 May 1784
17046-17048 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate). - 28 May 1784
17049-17051 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: Munro at Grange Hill has forestalled the plan of a neighbouring planter, Jacob Neufville, to deprive Perrin of water; very severe weather has been felt all over the island. - 21 Jul 1784
17052 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: heavy rain continues. - 3 Jul 1784
17053 - Copy letter from William Sutherland at Blue Mt. to Jaques and Fisher: the recent rains have made so much more work, it would be an advantage if Sutherland's negroes, on hire to Perrin, might remain on the estate. (with D239/M/E/17052) - 24 Jun 1784
17054 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: details of the bills to be drawn on Perrin for his Blue Mountain purchase. - 7 Jul 1784
17055-17056 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin. - 10 Jul 1784
17057-17058 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin. - 15/23 Jul 1784
17059-17060 - Letter from Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin - 12 Aug 1784
17061-17062 - Copy letter from Joseph Tabbernour at Vere, describing the impact of the hurricane; similar letter from William Munro at Grange Hill. - 1/4 Aug 1784
17063-17065 - Newspaper accounts of hurricane damage. - 1784
17066-17067 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: "our expectations for the present year have not only been blasted, but everything likewise for the next turned topsy-turvy"; Munro at Grange Hill intends to move the site of the works. - 28/30 Sep 1784
17068-17069 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: report on the dispute over water supply at Grange Hill; it is intended to start using ploughs at Blue Mountain - they need a ploughman to come out; the ploughs at Vere are proving their worth; Tabbernour's flood control at Vere is very satisfactory, and he is deserving of some acknowledgment, enclose a copy of a letter sent to Jacob Neufville about the water at Grange Hill. - 2 Nov 1784
17070-17071 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: for the time being Sutherland's negroes had better remain at Blue Mountain to help out; the iron work for the new mill was lost in the hurricane - more parts need to be sent out. - 5 Nov 1784
17072-17073 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: answering a point raised by Perrin, and one common among absentee planters, that plantations are often overstocked with negroes. - 4 Dec 1784
17074 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: require a bull and cow for the new penn at Grange Hill for cross-breeding - 8 Dec 1784
17075 - Jaques and Fisher to William Philp Perrin: report purchase of negroes for Grange Hill, and for Vere. - 1785
17076-17077 - Valuation of negroes purchased for Vere estate (with D239/M/E/17075) - 1785
17078-17079 - Valuation of negroes purchased for Vere estate (with duplicate): report on Blechynden's position; had they known Perrin's feelings at the time, they would not have proceded to purchase the negroes for Vere, despite the advantages accruing to the estate, some of the negroes could be sold. - 2 Feb 1785
17080 - Valuation of negroes purchased for Vere estate (with duplicate): Blue Mountain is producing sugar of very high quality; report on the potential of the plantation once all is in order. - 28 Feb 1785
17081 - Valuation of negroes purchased for Vere estate to Messrs. Davidson and Graham, London merchants: reporting on the fine quality of sugars. Also, a copy of a memorandum of requirements for Vere, and a copy of a letter from Jaques and Fisher to Davidson and Graham. - 28 Feb , 22 Mar 1785
17082 - Valuation of negroes purchased for Vere estate to William Philp Perrin: plans for a new water mill in place of a wind mill at Blue Mountain. - 1 Mar 1785
17083 - Valuation of negroes purchased for Vere estate to Sir William FitzHerbert: hope Perrin's health will improve, the crop from Vere is very good; the new negroes have made a difference of some 50 hogsheads. - 21 Mar 1785
17084 - Jaques and Fisher to Sir William FitzHerbert: at Grange Hill, Munro has made a singular improvement in the health of the negroes; there are in all 203 on the estate, 20 of whom are too old and infirm for work. Munro will eventually have the estate new-planted; however, Grange Hill has been beset with boundary disputes, and surveyors have laid down the lines; the new settlement planned for Grange Hill promises well; it would be a pity not to proceed with a penn - much of the land has been cleared. The mason and carpenter from Glasgow have arrived at Grange Hill and appear sober and industrious, the crop from Vere promises to be one of the best ever. - 12 Apr 1785
17085 - Jaques and Fisher to Sir William FitzHerbert: the yield of Blue Mountain will not reach 200 hogsheads. - 16 Apr 1785
17086 - Jaques and Fisher to Sir William FitzHerbert: new buildings are badly needed at Grange Hill. - 13 May 1785
17087 - Jaques and Fisher to Sir William FitzHerbert: Vere should produce 220 heavy hogsheads this crop; "as potash has lately been much adopted in the tempering of sugar we could wish you would enquire whether there is any difference in the quality of the two hogsheads boiled in that manner [at Blue Mountain]. - 26 May 1785
17088 - Jaques and Fisher to Sir William FitzHerbert: despite the setbacks, this year's crop from the three estates will exceed that of last year's by at least 50-60 hogsheads. - 7 Jun 1785
17089-17090 - Jaques and Fisher to Sir William FitzHerbert: (with duplicate): to reduce the acreage under canes at Vere would be no saving to Mr. Perrin; and it would be no advantage either for Jaques and Fisher to consider the purchase of the negroes for Vere as theirs and to hire them to the estate. Retrieve consists of 490 acres - it might sell for £1000 sterling. - 10 Jun 1785
17091 - Jaques and Fisher to Sir William FitzHerbert: the Vere crop has totalled 219 hogsheads. - 22 Jul 1785
17092 - Jaques and Fisher to Sir William FitzHerbert. - 5 Aug 1785
17093 - Jaques and Fisher to Sir William FitzHerbert. - 13 Aug 1785
17094-17095 - Jaques and Fisher to Sir William FitzHerbert: another violent storm has hit the northern part of the island; damage was worst at Grange Hill; the new buildings at Blue Mountain stood up very well; Vere escaped very lightly; a price has been agreed for Retrieve: £3 an acre, £1470 Jamaican currency in all. - 8 Sep 1785
17096 - Jaques and Fisher to Sir William FitzHerbert. - 10 Sep 1785
17097-17098 - Jaques and Fisher to Sir William FitzHerbert: (with duplicate): repairs to Grange Hill and Blue Mountain have been very largely dealt with by the plantation hands; Grange Hill boundary disputes have been settled; a nook of land across the boundary river, belonging to Grange Hill, will be sold, thereby removing a bone of contention. - 6 Oct 1785
17099 - Jaques and Fisher to Mrs. Frances Perrin: cannot account for the apparent loss in transit of the Blue Mountain journal; while rum can sometimes pay the contingencies, it is not to be relied upon. - 30 Nov 1785
17100-17101 - Jaques and Fisher to Mrs. Frances Perrin: the effects of the hurricane on Blue Mountain's crop is now being felt. - 11 Feb 1786
17102 - Draft of a letter from Sir William FitzHerbert and Frances Perrin to Jaques and Fisher. (found with D239/M/E/17100) - 7 Sep 1785
17103 - Jaques and Fisher to Frances Perrin: reporting on prospects for the sugars from the three estates. 11 Mar - 1786
17104 - Jaques and Fisher to Mrs. Frances Perrin. - 10 Aug 1786
17105-17106 - Jaques and Fisher to Mrs. Frances Perrin: cropping has begun or is about to begin on all three estates; prospects are fair. - 15 Feb 1787
17107 - Extract of a letter from Jaques and Fisher. - 24 Mar 1787
17108-17109 - Extract of a letter from Jaques and Fisher the present crop should be the largest ever made from the three estates. - 4 May 1787
17110-17111 - Extract of a letter from Jaques and Fisher so far Blue Mountain has yielded 340 hogsheads, with perhaps 10-15 more to come; Vere should total 200 hogsheads; but Grange Hill will not exceed 70 hogsheads. - 15/16 Jun 1787
17112 - Extract of a letter from Jaques and Fisher prospects are good for the next crop; have removed Munro from Grange Hill. - 7 Nov 1787
17113 - Extract of a letter from Jaques and Fisher. - 13 Feb 1788
17114-17115 - Extract of a letter from Jaques and Fisher (with duplicate): the total crop this year will fall short of last year's by 80-90 hogsheads; will probably have heard of the loss of the Amity Hall with 40 hogsheads of Grange Hill sugars; a drogger taking cargo out to the ship Rio Nova has been lost with 8 hogsheads of Grange Hill sugars. - 2 Jul 1788
17116-17117 - Extract of a letter from Jaques and Fisher (with duplicate): rain has now set in at Vere; Blue Mountain and Grange Hill promise well. - 10 Oct 1788
17118-17119 - Extract of a letter from Jaques and Fisher (with duplicate): explaining why the new water mill at Blue Mountain has been so long in construction. 12 Feb 1789 Copy letter from William Sutherland at Blue Mountain to Jaques and Fisher: the first hogsheads have been poor in quality, but there is an improvement. - 12 Feb 1789
17120 - Jaques and Fisher to Frances Perrin. - 18 May 1790
17121-17122 - Jaques and Fisher to Frances Perrin: (with duplicate). - 20 May 1791
17123 - Jaques and Fisher to Frances Perrin. - 28 May 1791
17124-17125 - Jaques and Fisher to Frances Perrin: (with duplicate): cannot yet comment on the effect of the plough at Blue Mountain; so far Blue Mountain has produced 260 hogsheads of sugar; several hogsheads weighing over 20 cwt; Grange Hill has made over 100 hogsheads; Vere expects to make 130. - 8 Jun 1791
17126 - Jaques and Fisher to Frances Perrin: and Lady FitzHerbert: reporting on the gradual rehousing of negroes at Blue Mountain. - 23 Jun 1791
17127 - Jaques and Fisher to Frances Perrin: Blue Mountain has produced now 281 hogsheads which in weight is the same as last year; no stock has been lost at Blue Mountain although neighbouring estates have lost animals; Grange Hill made 124 hogsheads; Vere has sustained a loss in the death of the overseer, Tabbernour; his place is taken by one of the book-keepers, John Roberts. - 16 Jul 1791
17128-17129 - Jaques and Fisher to Lady FitzHerbert (with duplicate). - 28 Nov 1791
17130 - Jaques and Fisher to Frances Perrin and Lady FitzHerbert: reporting on prospects. - 6 Apr 1792
17131 - Jaques and Fisher to Frances Perrin and Lady FitzHerbert. - 12 May 1792
17132 - Jaques and Fisher to Frances Perrin and Lady FitzHerbert: the "hurricane season" has passed quietly. - 17 Nov 1792
17133 - Jaques and Fisher to Lady FitzHerbert: shipments of sugar. - 12 Apr 1793
17134 - Jaques and Fisher to Lady FitzHerbert: shipments of sugar. - 5 Aug 1793
17135-17138 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: expressing regret at the death of Mrs. Frances Perrin but pleasure now that Perrin has resumed responsibility for his own affairs; expresses the advantages of a 2000-gallon still. Details of shipments. - 7 Sep - 23 Nov 1793
17139-17140 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: has removed Lang, the overseer of Grange Hill and replaced him by John Carruthers; Sutherland has left Blue Mountain on the occasion of his marriage, and has been replaced by Lewis Grant. - 18 Jan 1794
17141-17142 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: will purchase negroes as directed; Gold Coast negroes are by far the best, especially males aged 18 and females. - 8 Feb 1794
17143 - Letter from John Jaques to William Philp Perrin - 28 Feb 1794
17144-17145 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugar; incessant rain has affected the crop at Blue Mountain and Grange Hill. (with duplicate). - 24 May 1794
17146-17147 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): uncultivated land at Grange Hill should make a good sugar estate; the weather still continues unfavourably. - 14 Jun 1794
17148-17149 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): reports the loss of the Amity Hall; having arrived late, she ran on to the rocks when leaving harbour. - 19 Jul 1794
17150-17151 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): on Perrin's intended sale of Retrieve and of 35 acres of land from Grange Hill. - 9 Aug 1794
17152 - Copy power of attorney from William Philp Perrin to Malcom Laing for the sale of Retrieve plantation, 1778 (with D239/M/E/17150-51) - 1794
17153-17154 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin. - 15 Sep 1794
17155 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (duplicate on D239/M/E/17154). - 11 Oct 1794
17156-17157 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): quotes a letter from Sutherland reporting on Grange Hill. - 27 Oct 1794
17158-17159 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): notes Perrin's wish to have one third of the crop shipped to Bristol; has returned from a visit to Vere which promises to yield 140-150 hogsheads. - 15 Nov 1794
17160-17161 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate). - 13/19 Dec 1794
17162-17163 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): Fulton Blechynden has been to see him and is desirous of bringing matters to a close. - 13 Dec 1794
17164-17165 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): reports an epidemic of yellow fever. - 17 Jan 1795
17166 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: an epidemic of measles has hit the negroes at Blue Mountain and Grange Hill. - 7 Mar 1795
17167 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: notes Perrin's wish that the purchase of new negroes be suspended; Blue Mountain has so far produced 190 hogsheads of sugar, Grange Hill 90; Vere has made 160 hogsheads and may well reach 200. - 2 May 1795
17168-17169 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugars; has put more on board the first convoy than Perrin directed but is anxious to get the crop away in view of the state of the roads. - 29 May 1795
17170-17171 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): has informed Dr. William Coakley that Perrin does not now wish to sell Retrieve, but has offered him a lease; yellow fever has broken out in Vere parish; the house has been fumigated and some bedding burned, the overseer of Vere has requested and been granted leave of absence on account of his health; Sutherland has purchased 31 field 'negroes' for £2800 Jamaican currency. - 4 Jul 1795
17172-17173 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: encloses a list of the negroes purchased (D239/M/E/17173); the Vere crop finally totalled 204 shipping hogsheads. - 18 Jul 1795
17174 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin. - 22 Jul 1795
17175-17176 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): martial law has been proclaimed following unrest in the Maroon town of Trelawney. John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (D239/M/E/17176): Grant, overseer of Blue Mountain, has been dismissed, following a loss of confidence in him by the 'negroes' [Black peoples]; he has been replaced by one George Sands; martial law continues. - 24 Aug, 7 Sep 1795
17177 - Original letter - 7 Sep 1795
17178 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: the Maroon war still continues - reports on developments - 27 Sep 1795
17179 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: martial law has drawn overseers, book-keepers, and other whites off the plantations; and is causing considerable disruption to life in general. - 6 Oct 1795
17180 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: mentions the difficulties of contacts with the Windward Islands on account of the trade winds; a fast packet may take 7 weeks beating up to Barbados. - 8 Oct 1795
17181-17182 - Copy letter from William Sutherland to John Jaques (enclosed with D239/M/E/17180): answers Perrin's queries; firstly, Grange Hill is much better suited to be a penn than a sugar estate; secondly, there is plenty of land to maintain cattle for Blue Mountain and Vere; thirdly, a new settlement at Grange Hill should be capable of 300 hogsheads of sugar as an annual average; comments on a proposed trial of Othaheite canes from Barbados or Martinique; suggests procuring 200-300 plants; will comply with Perrin's desire to have his sugars shipped before 25 July; the negroes at Blue Mountain and Grange Hill have behaved very well under martial law. - 7 Oct 1795
17183-17184 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: the Maroon war drags on; Vere has had several weeks dry weather - 25 Oct 1795
17185-17186 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: the convoy planned for 16/19 December will not now sail until 12 Jan; freebooters are plaguing coastal shipping. Perrin has unfortunately lost 4 puncheons of rum and 2000 staves. - 29 Nov 1795
17187-17188 - Letter from John Jaques to William Philp Perrin - 5 Jan 1796
17189-17190 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): the Maroons are now surrendering; the crop at Vere should be quite good, perhaps 30-40 hogsheads below last year. (D239/M/E/17190 contains a copy of D239/M/E/17187-88). - 11 Jan 1796
17191-17192 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): a few maroons and perhaps 200 runaway negroes are still holding out; French privateers still harrass the coasts and there is no naval protection. - 30 Jan 1796
17193-17194 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): the crop of guinea corn at Vere has exceeded all expectations; rum has now reached 7s. a gallon - the privateers make marketing it difficult or impossible. - 16 Feb 1796
17195-17196 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): encloses a copy of the lease of Retrieve (D239/M/E/17197); martial law has now ended; the convoy from England is late in arriving. - 16 Apr 1796
17197 - Copy lease for 10 years by William Philp Perrin to William Coakley of St. Andrew, Jamaica, surgeon, of Retrieve Plantation. Rent £140. - 1 Jan 1796
17198-17199 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin - 19 Apr 1796
17200-17201 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: reports on a proposed purchase of negroes from Dr. Affleck; a cattle mill at Blue Mountain is necessary, especially when dry weather, as at present, affects the water mill; Vere has now made 180 hogsheads of sugar with a few canes left to cut; the convoy has arrived at last. - 7 May 1796
17202-17203 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugars. - 20 May 1796
17204 - List of negroes belonging to James McVicar Affleck - 1796
17205 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin: the convoy leaving on 5 June carries 220 hogsheads of Perrin's sugars. - 4 Jun 1796
17206-17207 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate) - 16 Jul 1796
17208-17209 - Valuation of 'negroes', the property of James McVicar Affleck - 1796
17210 - Valuation of negroes, the property of James McVicar Affleck - 22 Jul 1796
17211 - Valuation of negroes, the property of James McVicar Affleck: negotiations with Affleck have broken down - 26 Aug 1796
17212-17213 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: fine rains have fallen. - 1 Oct 1796
17214-17215 - Letter from Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin - 15 Oct 1796
17216 - Letter from Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: Blue Mountain rum for 1796 sold for over £4500, more than double last year's amount - 24 Dec 1796
17217-17218 - Letter from Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin enclosing valuation of Mr. Bromfield's 'negroes' [Black peoples] which they have agreed to purchase for £5100 Jamaican currency - 21 Feb 1797
17219 - List and valuation of 'negroes' {balck peoples], the property of John Broomfield - 1797
17220 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin - 5 Mar 1797
17221 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugars; the crops at Blue Mountain and Grange Hill promise better than last year. - 9 Apr 1797
17222 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin - 27 May 1797
17223 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing: to William Philp Perrin: have remonstrated with the overseers over the weights of hogsheads; on no account will they be less than 18 cwt; this year Vere has only managed 35 hogsheads. Also, duplicates of D239/M/E/17222, and of a letter with details of sugars shipped - 21 May, 10 Jun 1797
17224 - Note on payment for Bromfield's negroes (with D239/M/E/17223) - 1797
17225 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing: to William Philp Perrin: have remonstrated with the overseers over the weights of hogsheads; on no account will they be less than 18 cwt; this year Vere has only managed 35 hogsheads 10 June. Also, duplicates of D239/M/E/17222, and of a letter of 21 May with details of sugars shipped
17226-17236 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing: to William Philp Perrin: with bills of lading. - 15 Jun 1797
17237-17239 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing: to William Philp Perrin: with bills of lading, the Blue Mountain crop is 245 hogsheads, Grange Hill, a minimum of 130 hogsheads. - 19 Aug 1797
17240-17241 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing: to William Philp Perrin: (with duplicate): better weather has at last set in. D239/M/E/17241 contains a duplicate letter - 23 Sep, 5 Oct 1797
17242 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing: to William Philp Perrin - 20 Oct 1797
17243 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing: to William Philp Perrin: a scarcity of shipping has made it impossible to get sugars away; the fine weather continues. - 8 Dec 1797
17244-17245 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing: to William Philp Perrin. D239/M/E/17245 contains duplicates of letters. - 30 Dec 1797-24-Jan 1798
17246 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing: to William Philp Perrin. - 23 Jan 1798
17247-17248 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing: to William Philp Perrin. - 28 Feb 1798
17249 - John Roberts from Vere to Jaques, Laing, and Ewing: reports a good yield of corn (inclosed with D239/M/E/17247). - 23 Feb 1798
17250-17251 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugar (with duplicate) - 31 Mar 1798
17252-17253 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: enclose a triplicate of D239/M/E/17243, having just heard of the capture of the Portland Packet. - 25 Apr 1798
17254 - Copy of D239/M/E/17243 (with D239/M/E/17252)
17255 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin. Duplicate on D239/M/E/17257 - 16 Jun 1798
17256-17265 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): bills of lading. - 23 Jun 1798
17266-17267 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin. - 10 Aug - 20 Sep 1798
17268-17269 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): 70 acres of the new Otaheite cane have been plated at Grange Hill. - 30 Oct 1798
17270-17272 - Accounts of cattle, steers, and mules sold from the estates of William Philp Perrin from 1 Jan 1759 to 31 December 1797; and a statement of the balances of Grange Hill Plantation, 1759-1797. (with D239/M/E/17268) - 1 Jan 1759 - 31 Dec 1797
17273-17274 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): with printed notice of future convoys (D239/M/E/17274). - 6 Feb 1799
17275 - Duplicate of D239/M/E/17273, with letter from Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to Perrin. - 28 Feb 1799
17276-17277 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): shipments of sugar from Blue Mountain; the scarcity of shipping has rendered impossible shipments of sugars from Vere or Blue Mountain. D239/M/E/17276 contains a duplicate of 28 Feb. - 15 Apr 1799
17278-17281 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): shipping has now arrived with supplies for the estates and cattle for the penn at Grange Hill; enclose list of balances for and against Vere and Blue Mountain, 1759-1797. - 29 Apr 1799
17282-17287 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): shipments of sugars; enclose bills of lading; have made a large plant of Otaheite canes at Blue Mountain and anticipate a good crop, similarly at Grange Hill; the new canes will be introduced gradually at Vere. - 18 May 1799
17288-17289 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): shipments of sugar; 137 hogsheads have now been made at Vere; the 200 acres under grass at Blue Mountain is vital for the stock and for the manure produced. - 3 Jun 1799
17290-17294 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: the overseer at Blue Mountain complains of the size of the hogsheads, which are damaged on account of their great size. Enclose lists of requirements for the three estates in 1800. - 15 Jun 1799
17295-17296 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): report the loss of the Albion by fire, carrying 30 hogsheads of Vere sugars. - 24 Jun 1799
17297-17298 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): have managed to arrange shipping for the remaining Blue Mountain sugars. - 13 Jul 1799
17299-17303 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicates): two letters. - 22 Jul 1799
17304 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin. - 2 Aug 1799
17305 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin. - 8 Oct 1799
17306-17307 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: to avoid damage to the casks and consequent loss, they will make sure that a hogshead contains about 17 cwt. Rain has now fallen. Enclose note of purchase of land and negroes. - 20 Oct 1799
17308-17309 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): hope that the depressed state of the European market will be temporary only. 7 December - 1799
17310 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: martial law has been proclaimed "to enable us to get rid of a swarm of worthless French people that have been poured in upon us in consequence of the evacuation of St. Domingo"; a spy from St. Domingo, sent to ferment unrest, has been arrested. 23 December - 1799
17311 - Humphrey Ewing in London to Perrin: 25 Feb - 1800
17312-17314 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to Perrin: shipments of sugars; bills of lading. 22 Mar - 1800
17315 - Duplicate of D239/M/E/17312
17316-17319 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to Perrin: explain items in the annual accounts queried by Perrin. 20 May (with duplicate) - 1800
17320 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to Perrin: shipments of sugar; heavy rains have rendered roads impassable. 22 June - 1800
17321-17322 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to Perrin (with duplicate): 16 July - 1800
17323-17324 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to Perrin (with duplicate): shipments of sugar; continued rain at Blue Mountain and Grange Hill is delaying the crop; but has meant an extra large quantity of rum; the overseer of Blue Mountain has been dismissed following his harsh treatment of the negroes. He is replaced by Mr. Hayne from Grange Hill. 26 July - 1800
17325 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to Perrin: 16 August - 1800
17326 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to Perrin: Blue Mountain should total 300 hogsheads of sugars, perhaps 100 less than would have been expected if the rains had not been so great. 8 September - 1800
17327-17328 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to Perrin (with duplicate): fine weather has improved prospects for next year. Duplicate of D239/M/E/17326. 18 October - 1800
17329 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: the late storm did very little damage on Perrin's estates. 24 November - 1800
17330-17332 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: enclose memorandum of iron work required for Blue Mountain and Grange Hill (with duplicate). 5 December - 1800
17333-17334 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): 19 December - 1800
17335-17336 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): shipments of sugars. 29 Jan - 1801
17337 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin (duplicate on D239/M/E/17336 - 1801
17338 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugars; Blue Mountain has now produced about 200 hogsheads, and there will again be a large amount of rum. 13 Mar - 1801
17339 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: 18 April - 1801
17340-17341 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): Blue Mountain's crop totals 280 hogsheads of sugar; Vere should exceed 200 hogsheads; privateers still threaten coastal shipping. 16 May - 1801
17342-17353 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin, with bills of lading. 20 June - 1801
17354-17357 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin, with bills of lading. 18 July - 1801
17358-17359 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): 15 August - 1801
17360 - John Laing from Edinburgh to William Philp Perrin: it would be useful if Mr. Graham could begin the oversight of the plantations immediately so as to gain the benefit of Sutherland's experience. 17 October - 1801
17361-17365 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugars; bills of lading. Enclose letter from John Haighle, overseer of Vere. 31 October - 1801
17366 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: 27 November - 1801
17367 - John Laing from Edinburgh to William Philp Perrin: has arranged for white tradesmen to go out to Jamaica. 28 November - 1801
17368-17369 - John Jaques to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): Sutherland is accompanying his children to England, but plans to return to Jamaica in 6-7 months, recommends Francis Graham as a capable planter. 2 Jan - 1802
17370 - John Laing from Edinburgh to William Philp Perrin: comments on the effect of the cessation of hostilities on West Indian trade. 6 Jan - 1802
17371-17374 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: bills of lading. 10 Feb - 1802
17375-17377 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: shipments of sugar. 6 Mar - 1802
17378-17389 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: bills of lading. 5 June - 1802
17390-17402 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin: 10 July-20 November (mostly details of shipments) - 1802
17403-17434 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin - mostly details of shipments - 1803-1804
17435-17509 - Jaques, Laing, and Ewing to William Philp Perrin - [early 19th cent]
Expand 16 - Accounts of the Jamaican attornies - 1759-179116 - Accounts of the Jamaican attornies - 1759-1791
Expand 17 - Correspondence of plantation overseers - 1770-181917 - Correspondence of plantation overseers - 1770-1819
Expand 18 - Journals - 1795-180118 - Journals - 1795-1801
Expand 19 - Inventories and Appraisements - 1765-181419 - Inventories and Appraisements - 1765-1814
Expand 20 - Blue Mountain Plantation Records - 1771-181420 - Blue Mountain Plantation Records - 1771-1814
Expand 21 - Grange Hill Plantation Records - 1771-181521 - Grange Hill Plantation Records - 1771-1815
Expand 22 - Vere [or Perrin's] Plantation Records - 1771-181422 - Vere [or Perrin's] Plantation Records - 1771-1814
Expand 23 - Produce Records - 1759-178323 - Produce Records - 1759-1783
Expand 24 - Supplies - 1769-180624 - Supplies - 1769-1806
Expand 25 - William Philp Perrin - 1783-179925 - William Philp Perrin - 1783-1799
Expand 26 - Bills of Lading - 1770-180826 - Bills of Lading - 1770-1808
Expand 27 - Powers of Attorney - 1744-178327 - Powers of Attorney - 1744-1783
Expand 28 - Copy deeds, bonds etc. including purchases of enslaved people - 1769-179728 - Copy deeds, bonds etc. including purchases of enslaved people - 1769-1797
Expand 29 - General correspondence - [1741]-180429 - General correspondence - [1741]-1804
Expand 30 - Family Correspondence - 1763-178430 - Family Correspondence - 1763-1784
Expand 31 - Correspondence of London merchants - 1765-182031 - Correspondence of London merchants - 1765-1820
Expand 32 - Accounts of the London merchants - 1747-181932 - Accounts of the London merchants - 1747-1819
Expand 33 - Correspondence and accounts of Bristol merchants - 1771-181933 - Correspondence and accounts of Bristol merchants - 1771-1819
Expand 34 - Miscellaneous - 1683-[c1808]34 - Miscellaneous - 1683-[c1808]
Expand BM - Blue Mountain Plantation Records - 1827-1857BM - Blue Mountain Plantation Records - 1827-1857
Expand GH - Grange Hill Pen Plantation Records - 1820-1849GH - Grange Hill Pen Plantation Records - 1820-1849
Expand PSH - Perrins and St. Helens Pen (formerly Bog Pen) Plantation Records - 1803-1878PSH - Perrins and St. Helens Pen (formerly Bog Pen) Plantation Records - 1803-1878
Expand D - WarsopD - Warsop
Expand E - Kirton, Boughton, Walesby, & WilloughbyE - Kirton, Boughton, Walesby, & Willoughby
Expand F - Family recordsF - Family records
Expand M - Manorial records - 1606-1911M - Manorial records - 1606-1911
Expand O - Public office - 1626-1942O - Public office - 1626-1942
Expand T - Title deedsT - Title deeds
Expand UL - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: unlisted recordsUL - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: unlisted records
Expand Z - MiscellaneousZ - Miscellaneous