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Collapse D239 - FitzHerbert family of Tissington - [16th-20th cent]D239 - FitzHerbert family of Tissington - [16th-20th cent]
Expand BOX - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: box-listed records - [18th-20th cent]BOX - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: box-listed records - [18th-20th cent]
Collapse E - Estate records - 1380-1940E - Estate records - 1380-1940
Expand A - Derbyshire EstatesA - Derbyshire Estates
Expand B - Surrey and Kent EstatesB - Surrey and Kent Estates
Collapse C - Caribbean Estates - 1683-1898C - Caribbean Estates - 1683-1898
Expand 1 - Correspondence of the attornies, James Laing and George Hamilton - 1820-18271 - Correspondence of the attornies, James Laing and George Hamilton - 1820-1827
Expand 2 - Accounts of the attornies Laing & Hamilton - 1821-18272 - Accounts of the attornies Laing & Hamilton - 1821-1827
Expand 3 - Correspondence of plantation overseers - 1825-18563 - Correspondence of plantation overseers - 1825-1856
Expand 4 - Other West Indian correspondence - 1825-18454 - Other West Indian correspondence - 1825-1845
Expand 5 - Correspondence and accounts primarily of the English merchants - 1753-18775 - Correspondence and accounts primarily of the English merchants - 1753-1877
Collapse 6 - General Estate Records - [c1800-late 19th cent]6 - General Estate Records - [c1800-late 19th cent]
Expand 1 - Jamaica - 1820-18781 - Jamaica - 1820-1878
Expand 2 - The Ship 'Lady Fitzherbert' - 1829-18342 - The Ship 'Lady Fitzherbert' - 1829-1834
Expand 3 - Emigration - 1834-18973 - Emigration - 1834-1897
Collapse 4 - General Correspondence - 1815-18664 - General Correspondence - 1815-1866
23929 - Dr. H. E. Holder to Sir Henry FitzHerbert, enclosing copy of instructions to his attorney for the care of 'negroes' - 26 Oct 1815
23930 - Robert Ackroyd from Barbados to his uncle Thomas Ackroyd at Mayfield, near Ashbourne - 29 Jun 1821
23931 - Robert Ackroyd from Barbados to Sir Henry FitzHerbert, thanking him for the offer of a position at Turners Hall - 8 Jan 1822
23932 - John Shaw to Sir Henry FitzHerbert, offering to purchase Sir Henry's land in Carpenters Mountains, Jamaica. 16 December - 1822
23933 - Sir Neil Menzies to Sir Henry FitzHerbert, enquiring after John Livingstone, the son of one of Sir Neil's tenants, now dead, and believed to have been employed by Sir Henry in Jamaica. 10 Jan - 1825
23934 - John Ellis to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: will meet Sir Henry at Perrin's. 14 May - 1825
23935 - Lewis Harly to anon: has booked the best birth for Sir Henry FitzHerbert. 20 May - 1825
23936 - Rev. J. M. Trew to Charles Lewsey: as rector of St. Thomas in the East, welcomes the opportunity to work among the negroes on Blue Mountain; broaches the question of erecting a chapel on the estate - 7 Nov 1825
23937 - Printed copy of "resolutions passed by proprietors and other interested persons, for the promotion of the moral well-being of the slave population [of Jamaica]". - 6 Feb 1826
23938 - Rev. J. M. Trew to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: announces formation of local branch of the "Incorporated Society for the Conversion and Religious Instruction of Negro Slaves." - 14 Feb 1826
23939 - William Bell from Blue Mountain to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: seeks re-employment, believing his dismissal from the plantation to be unjust. 6 May - 1826
23940 - Letter from J. C. Barker from Grenada to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: - 2 Aug 1826
23941 - Edward C. Cumberbatch from Barbados to Sir Henry FitzHerbert. 27 August - 1826
23942 - Edward C. Cumberbatch from Barbados to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: 10 October - 1826
23943 - William Lugg from Falmouth to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: will take any messages etc. when he sails for Barbados and Jamaica. 18 October - 1826
23944 - Note of last wishes of Charles Lewsey - 15 Jan 1828
23945 - M. Cromartie from Barbados to Sir Henry FitzHerbert. 23 May - 1828
23946-23947 - John H. Dickson from Perrins to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: seeks the position of overseer on the plantation - 7 Jul 1828
23948 - J. Raworth to Sir Henry FitzHerbert, defending his conduct on Blue Mountain. 11 November - 1828
23949 - Request for Sir Henry to contribute towards a new chapel in Kingston. 5 June - 1829
23950 - Rev. J. C. Barker from Grenada to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: thanks him for condolences on death of his wife dated 5 Dec [no year given] - [1820s]
23951 - Edward C. Cumberbatch to Sir Henry FitzHerbert - 26 Feb 1830
23952 - John Smith from London to Sir Henry FitzHerbert - 23 Mar 1830
23953 - Dr. Robert Downer from Jamaica to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: 7 October - 1830
23954 - Dr. Robert Downer from Jamaica to Sir Henry FitzHerbert. 6 Apr - 1831
23955 - Rev. J. C. Barker from Grenada to Sir Henry FitzHerbert; has married again; hopes to return to England. 4 May - 1831
23956 - J. S. G. Harrison from Snelston Hall to Sir Henry FitzHerbert, asking for enquiries to be made about a relation in Jamaica. 13 October - 1832
23957 - Charles Boothby from Ashbourne Hall to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: soliciting help in Jamaica for a friend. 23 October - 1832
23958 - Miss MacKenzie from Morant Bay to Sir Henry FitzHerbert at Blue Mountain, Jamaica. 23 December - 1832
23959 - Patrick Hegerty to Sir Henry FitzHerbert at Blue Mountain: `my grievances are too great and my complaints are innumerable against Mr. Mahon to be committed to paper, not to say accord against Mr. Lucy who turned me adrift without a friend after bringing me 1100 miles from Barbados...' - 26 Dec 1832
23960 - Kenneth Macpherson to Sir Henry FitzHerbert at Blue Mountain [Jamaica] - 28 Dec 1832
23961 - Sarah Sutherland to Sir Henry FitzHerbert at Blue Mountain. 1 Jan - 1833
23962 - Kenneth Macpherson to Sir Henry FitzHerbert - 5 Jan 1833
23963-23964 - Letter of introduction for Sir Henry FitzHerbert from Mr. J. Grosett - 7 Jan 1833
23965 - Charles Scott to Dr. Andrew Cooke: letter of introduction for William Sproat [later overseer of Blue Mountain]. 11 Jan - 1833
23966 - James Johnson from Morant Bay to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: wishes to rent part of Grange Hill. 12 Jan - 1833
23967 - Philip Brown from Morant Bay to Sir Henry FitzHerbert at Blue Mountain: 16 Jan - 1833
23968-23973 - Correspondence to Sir Henry FitzHerbert - Jan-Mar 1833
23974 - Alexander Bravo to Sir Henry FitzHerbert, proposing terms for purchase of Sir Henry's steam engine at Grange Hill. 28 Mar - 1833
23975 - Edward Leacroft to Sir Henry FitzHerbert. 3 Apr - 1833
23976 - Edward B. Blackburn from Mauritius to Sir Henry FitzHerbert. 28 December - 1833
23977 - Mr. MacAndrew to Sir Henry FitzHerbert, reporting arrival of the ship `Lady FitzHerbert' off Liverpool. 2 May - 1834
23978 - Mr. Marshall from Morant Bay to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: thanks Sir Henry for his help in settling him at Blue Mountain; the negroes are working better under the new system than under the old; Dr. Cooke is an ardent supporter of emigration and the introduction of European labour. 8 June - 1835
23979 - Letters from Robert G. Bruce and his brother from Vere to Sir Henry FitzHerbert. August - 1835
23980 - Elizabeth Robertson from Morant Bay to Sir Henry FitzHerbert, complaining of damage to road leading from Blue Mountain to her pen. 10 Mar - 1837
23981 - Mr. Hendy from Jamaica to Sir Henry FitzHerbert, offering his services as attorney in place of Dr. Cooke. 12 Mar - 1837
23982 - S. H. Cooke from the Rectory, Morant Bay, to the Sir Henry FitzHerbert. 29 July - 1837
23983 - H. Lewsey to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: has returned to England from Barbados; seeks employment. 16 October - 1837
23984 - G. Codrington to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: repeating a desire first expressed in 1836, to rent part of Grange Hill. 19 Mar - 1838
23985 - Letter from London Missionary Society requesting facilities for a school at Blue Mountain - 29 Apr 1839
23986-23988 - Announcement of formation of Jamaican Association by proprietors - [c1838]
23989 - Letter from the Association of Jamaica Proprietors urging payment of any quitrents in arrears. 4 July - 1839
23990 - H. G. Marshall from Morant Bay to Sir Henry FitzHerbert, offering his services in place of Dr. Cooke. 9 Apr/4 May - 1842
23991 - Rev. S. W. Cooke from Morant Bay to Sir Henry FitzHerbert requesting the use of a building at Blue Mountain as a school. 30 June - 1843
23992 - Note of arrival in London of two kegs of tamarinds. 12 September - 1844
23993 - Warehouse circular - 1844
23994 - Charles Boothby to Sir Henry FitzHerbert. 14 Mar - 1844
23995 - John W. Ward from Vere to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: offering himself as attorney for Perrin's. 23 Mar - 1847
23996 - William Lewsey from Turners Hall, Barbados, to Sir Henry FitzHerbert. 13 August - 1847
23997 - Michael Corbin from Turners Hall to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: 6 September - 1847
23998 - Henry Fellowes to Sir Henry FitzHerbert. 6 November - 1847
23999 - A. Chrichton to Sir Henry FitzHerbert: as proprietor of an estate near Blue Mountain seeks Sir Henry's views on the plan for a central sugar factory. 31 Jan - 1848
24000-24009 - Miscellaneous correspondence - 1849-1866
24010-24021 - Letters from Francis Wheatley of Belper to Sir Henry FitzHerbert seeking help over property in the West Indies which he claimed to have inherited - 1845-1849
Expand 5 - Family Papers - 1825-[late 19th cent]5 - Family Papers - 1825-[late 19th cent]
Expand 6 - Miscellaneous Papers - [c1800]-18976 - Miscellaneous Papers - [c1800]-1897
Expand 7 - Boston Plantation (Jamaica) - 1777-18617 - Boston Plantation (Jamaica) - 1777-1861
8 - [Numbers not used. Originally newspapers - now withdrawn]
Expand 7 - Re-deposited items - 1790-18497 - Re-deposited items - 1790-1849
Expand B - Turners Hall Sugar Plantation, Barbados - 1721-1889B - Turners Hall Sugar Plantation, Barbados - 1721-1889
Expand J - Jamaican Plantations - 1683-1878J - Jamaican Plantations - 1683-1878
Expand D - WarsopD - Warsop
Expand E - Kirton, Boughton, Walesby, & WilloughbyE - Kirton, Boughton, Walesby, & Willoughby
Expand F - Family recordsF - Family records
Expand M - Manorial records - 1606-1911M - Manorial records - 1606-1911
Expand O - Public office - 1626-1942O - Public office - 1626-1942
Expand T - Title deedsT - Title deeds
Expand UL - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: unlisted recordsUL - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: unlisted records
Expand Z - MiscellaneousZ - Miscellaneous