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D239 - FitzHerbert family of Tissington - [16th-20th cent]
BOX - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: box-listed records - [18th-20th cent]
E - Estate records - 1380-1940
A - Derbyshire Estates
B - Surrey and Kent Estates
1 - Tanhurst: Tidy estate (Wotton, co. Surrey)
2 - Wicklands or Weeklands (Ockley, co. Surrey)
3 - Burkets or Burchets (Abinger, co. Surrey)
4 - Tanhurst (Wotton, co. Surrey)
5 - High Ashurst (Abinger, co. Surrey)
6 - Leith Hill Place (Ockley, co. Surrey)
7 - Surrey abstracts (Perrin)
8 - Surrey Abstracts (FitzHerbert)
9 - Abstracts etc relating to the sale of the Surrey estate by Sir Henry FitzHerbert
10 - Sir Henry FitzHerbert's mortgage of his estate in Kent on his sale of the Surrey estate
11 - Annuities
12 - Schedules of Deeds etc., Surrey (Perrin)
13 - Kent Abstracts of Title
14 - Leases: Surrey
15 - Leases: Kent
16 - Rentals: Kent
17 - Estate and household bills and receipts (Perrin)
18 - Household and estate account books (Perrin)
19 - Miscellaneous bills and receipts (Perrin)
20 - Surrey estate bills and receipts (FitzHerbert)
21 - Surrey estate account books (FitzHerbert)
22 - Kent estate bills and receipts (FitzHerbert)
23 - Estate correspondence and associated papers: Kent (1773-1810)
24 - Estate Correspondence and associated papers: Surrey (1773-1809)
25 - Correspondence of Thomas Bunnett (ironmonger, Borough, London)
12275-12276 - To William Philp Perrin: will bring up Davidson & Graham's Jamaica accounts; recommends speedy attention to the business of the rent at Maidstone - a day or two's delay may make some hundred pounds of difference. 10/18 November - 1797
12277 - To William Philp Perrin: has received safely the bill for £150. The weather has been exceptionally mild. 8 December - 1800
12278-12279 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: reports on the conditions of sale of Mr. Sheppard's farm. 11/14 April - 1801
12280 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst with order for groceries. 22 April - 1801
12281 - To William Philp Perrin at Cheltenham: has sent a garden engine to Leith Hill; it cost 7 gns. and has only one wheel because the ground there is so uneven. Has written the last part of his letter with a silver pen fixed in a pencil case - "it is very handy and saves mending". 11 May - 1801
12282 - To William Philp Perrin at Cheltenham: reports on letters received from West Farleigh and Tanhurst. Also a note to her "cousin" from L. Bunnett, hoping that Perrin is better for taking the waters. 19 May - 1801
12283-12284 - To William Philp Perrin at Cheltenham: has received £300 on account from Davidson and Graham; reports on how he proposes to divide this between West Farleigh and Surrey. 25/6 May - 1801
12285 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader (co. Radnor): met with Mr. Driver at Lenham on 5th June; have left orders at West Farleigh for no beer to go out of the house without the knowledge of Thomas Jones or his wife: "we found that the key of the celler was free to Groombridge as well as Jones"; Groombridge is to sleep at his own house but may keep his bed over the stable; work at Parkhurst is requiring £20 a week. 15 June - 1801
12286 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader: Mr. Sheppard is now ready to negotiate with Perrin for the sale of his Surrey property; the value is about £2400 exclusive of the life interest which is worth £200-300, has heard that West Farleigh has a good crop of grass. 20 June - 1801
12287 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader: is forwarding Perrin £100 in cash and notes, and has sent a similar sum to Tanhurst; no ship has arrived from Jamaica, the markets are very dull; hopes that Lord St. Helens' favourable reception means peace may soon materialize. 24 June - 1801
12288 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader: reports on progress of the building works in Surrey; fears a poor corn harvest; will try his luck in the Irish Lottery, and will buy tickets for Perrin as directed. 29 June - 1801
12289 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader: is glad that the £100 and the lottery tickets arrived safely; his own building goes on - "as is always the case when you get into the hands of carpenters and bricklayers". 4 July - 1801
12290 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader: six out of 40 hogsheads of sugar have been sold so far; is glad to hear that Perrin intends to take the land at [West Farleigh] back into his own hands; advises him to do this at Michaelmas so as to leave the tenants little chance to misuse the land; when Mr. Driver last went into Surrey he found Coleman's daughter in a very bad way, either from the dropsey or something else - "in plain English he thought she was big with child. Perhaps you may have heard she is and wish for her to be marry'd before the child is born"; Bunnett has been approached by his partner who wishes to take £5000 out of the trade to go into banking. 9 July - 1801
12291 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader: has now discovered that Coleman's daughter has been married two months, and is pregnant; reports on the progress of work at Parkhurst and Tanhurst; "Mrs. B. Says you are a pretty set of folke in Surry. She desires you will ask Molly if children come so soon after marriage in Wales". 14 July - 1801
12292 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader: reports on roofing work at Parkhurst; all is well at West Farleigh, most of the cows have calved. 21 July - 1801
12293 - To William Philp Perrin at Hotwells, nr. Bristol: Coleman's daughter has been delivered of a girl; Bunnett's house has so far cost £885; 2 acres of land will be prepared for Perrin's experiment, but the oats must be ploughed deep or the frost will kill them. 10 August - 1801
12294 - To William Philp Perrin at Bristol: 22 August - 1801
12295 - To William Philp Perrin at Bath: is sure that Perrin would save a large sum by taking all the land at Farleigh into his own hands; Bunnett would happily manage such a concern. 1 September - 1801
12296 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst (co. Surrey): 9 September - 1801
12297 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: asks about the valuation of fixtures at West Farleigh, will forward Perrin the books as requested. 21 October - 1801
12298 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: a bill drawn on a man called Lawrence has not been honoured; Groombridge has sold some horses at Maidstone; advises selling the old hay at West Farleigh; hops fetched £3 18s 0d. a cwt. 11 November - 1801
12299 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: another bill has not been honoured. 14 November - 1801
12300 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: is glad to hear that Perrin is improving the access roads around Tanhurst and Leith Hill; has managed to find the £5000 for his partner. 1 December - 1801
12301-12303 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: someone has killed one of his ewes in cruel circumstances; has posted a reward to no avail. Two bills attached. 8 December - 1801
12304 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: Mr. Driver has bought the Farless Green estate for 2000 gns. Frances Bunnett to William Philp Perrin: reports on the flowers to be seen in bloom along the Kings Road; intends reading "The Arabian Knights". 20 Feb - 1802
12305 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: will visit West Farleigh and endeavour to settle the exchange of land with the Amhursts. 27 Feb - 1802
12306 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: the final arrangements over Farless Green have been settled; has informed Mr. Graham [Perrin's West India Merchant] of the 50 hogsheads of sugar being made on the Blue Mountain plantation - 5 Mar 1802
12307 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: Clement Taylor and Stephen Amhurst intend to settle their rent account for West Farleigh; wants to know how much rent they have paid since 1793 when Clement Taylor last paid any rent. 23 April - 1802
12308 - To William Philp Perrin at Overton (co. Hants.): Taylor has paid £100 on account, Amhurst nothing, though he hopes to pay interest next week; Taylor does not want to yield up possession of all his land, but Bunnett feels that Perrin should insist on his so doing. 1 May - 1802
12309 - To William Philp Perrin at Cheltenham: 15 May - 1802
12310 - To William Philp Perrin at Cheltenham: repairs on Clement Taylor's farm in West Farleigh should not be much more than £400; gave Thomas Jones a lecture about the beer "for on looking at his account [we] found there was nearly as much ale as table beer and he says the reason is people will not be satisfy'd without ale. The master workman, he says, never will come without they both eat and drink"; too much wine is being drunk there too. 4 June - 1802
12311 - To William Philp Perrin at Bristol: 11 June - 1802
12312 - Letter to William Philp Perrin at Rhayader (co. Radnor) - 19 Jun 1802
12313 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader: 9 July 1802. A note from Frances Bunnett: "our house [at Lewisham] looks prettier and prettier every day; the garden is to be called Little Parkhurst, the house Little Tanhurst..." - 1802
12314 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader: is glad that William Sutherland [Perrin's plantation overseer at Blue Mountain] has arrived safely; hopes Perrin will see both him and Mr. Laing before they return to the West Indies; hopes Perrin will not be the loser on his 12 hogsheads of sugar being washed overboard. 16 July - 1802
12315 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: considers himself badly used by Mr. Graham who has refused to forward him £100 for Perrin. 29 July - 1802
12316 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: incloses the numbers of the lottery tickets his family has bought with Perrin. 31 July - 1802
12317 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 5 August - 1802
12318-12320 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: encloses papers on assessed taxes; imagines that Clement Taylor may not be so unwilling to give up his farm at West Farleigh now that the hops are likely to be so poor. 7 August - 1802
12321 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 18 August - 1802
12322 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: land at West and East Farleigh is to be let by auction. Perrin may be interested. 7 September - 1802
12323 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: has visited West Farleigh to investigate the land which is to be let. 25 September - 1802
12324 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 30 September - 1802
12325 - Richard Groombridge sen. from West Farleigh to Thomas Bunnett: 14 Feb - 1803
12326 - Thomas Bunnett to William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 8 Mar - 1803
12327 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: Stephen Amhurst has offered Perrin first refusal of his house and land at West Farleigh; the wood would be a useful purchase. 18 April - 1803
12328 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 16 July - 1803
12329 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 20 July - 1803
12330 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: reports a coaching accident involving his wife but fortunately no injury was done; he himself has decided to give up keeping a carriage. 5 August - 1803
12331 - Frances Bunnett to William Philp Perrin at Bristol: is glad to hear a favourable report of his Jamaican concerns; "Unkle is now a downright farmer and we like farmers' wives; to be shure, we are rather a little humdrum but Aunt says when you come to town she intends to shake it off and be as gay as ever". 26 August - 1803
12332 - Sir John Shaw to Thomas Bunnett would be grateful for the loan of Mr. Perrin's small house at West Farleigh for his adjutant. 4 September - 1803
12333 - Thomas Bunnett to William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: passes on Sir John Shaw's request for a house. A note from Frances Bunnett: "we are almost burned up with drought but comfort ourselves it cannot last long as they say all the low countrys are to be inundated to keep out the French ...". 10 September - 1803
12334 - Sir John Shaw to Thomas Bunnett; returns thanks to Mr. Perrin for the loan of a house at West Farleigh. 27 September - 1803
12335 - Richard Groombridge to Thomas Bunnett: the purchase of Taylor's effects will cost about £350, chiefly for hop-poles. 13 October - 1803
12336 - Richard Groombridge to Thomas Bunnett: Stephen Amhurst's estate at West Farleigh is to be sold. 26 November - 1803
12337 - Thomas Bunnett to William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: is not able to give any satisfactory account of Stephen Amhurst's affairs at West Farleigh. 17 December - 1803
12338 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: Perrin is to have first refusal of the Amhurst estate which consists of some 300 acres plus timber. 19 December - 1803
12339 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 10 May - 1804
12340 - To William Philp Perrin at Langold near Worksop (co. Nottingham): suggests a plan to deal with Oakley who claims his demand against Perrin is nearly £2000. 9 August - 1804
12341 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader (co. Radnor): 23 September - 1804
12342 - To William Philp Perrin at Cheltenham: 3 November - 1804
12343 - To William Philp Perrin at Cheltenham: 29 December - 1804
12344 - To William Philp Perrin at West Farleigh: thinks that Oakley should become tenant of the whole of High Ashes Farm, though the farm house and buildings require more attention; if he does have it all, it will reduce Perrin's debt to him very quickly; makes suggestions for leasing Leith Hill and Parkhurst. 13 December - 1805
12345 - To William Philp Perrin at West Farleigh: 21 December - 1805
12346 - To William Philp Perrin at West Farleigh: 22 Feb - 1806
12347 - To William Philp Perrin at West Farleigh: has been summoned to the assizes at Maidstone as a juror, "but you know I am not a fit person being totally deaf in one ear and I hope this will excuse me" - 7 Mar 1806
12348 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: hopes Perrin's face is better, is glad to hear his sugars sell well at Bristol. 30 August - 1806
12349 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader (co. Radnor): 5 September - 1806
12350 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader: has received a bill from Ballachey (solicitor) for £481 which is far too extravagant: £300 will be nearer the mark. 13 September - 1806
12351 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader: 23 September - 1806
12352 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader: 13 October - 1806
12353 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader: is happy to find that the hurricane did not touch Perrin's Jamaican plantations; Groombridge is going to Tanhurst to see how the hops fare; would have gone too but was delayed by receiving not £3000 as expected from the Ordnance but only about £300. 20 October - 1806
12354 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader: has examined Mrs. Simmonds cash book at Tanhurst from beginning to end - it is substantially correct. 7 November - 1806
12355 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader: mooring claims and buoys are now laid down at Falmouth but it is doubted if Falmouth will become a favourite port; Miss Matilda Manning's brother-in-law is under arrest in the King's Bench for debt; Bunnett's new farm bailiff is doing well. 22 November - 1806
12356 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader: 5 December - 1806
12357 - To William Philp Perrin at Overton (co. Hampshire): 23 December - 1806
12358 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: [27] Jan - 1807
12359 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: hopes to visit Perrin shortly. 19 Jan - 1807
12360 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 6 Feb - 1807
12361 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: has sent off the tooth-powder, Mr. J. Tyrrell, a Maidstone ironmonger, has gone bankrupt, owing Bunnett's firm over £2000. 16 Feb - 1807
12362 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: Bunnett's neighbour, Mr. Young, would like to view Perrin's timber with a view to purchasing. 21 Feb - 1807
12363 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 3 Mar - 1807
12364 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 7 Mar - 1807
12365 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 17 Mar - 1807
12366 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 31 Mar - 1807
12367 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 14 April - 1807
12368 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: has not sent any cucumbers or asparagus as the former are 2s. each, and the latter 24s. a hundred. 20 April - 1807
12369 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 25 April - 1807
12370 - Thomas Bunnett to William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: the crops look well; hears a good account of the hops in Kent. 6 May - 1807
12371 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 13 May - 1807
12372 - T. Carr, solicitor, to Thomas Bunnett: neither he nor Perrin should delay further in putting in an answer to the bill filed by Mr. Willey. 25 May - 1807
12373 - Thomas Bunnett to William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: encloses D239/M/E/12372 for immediate attention. 26 May - 1807
12374 - Richard Groombridge from Tanhurst to Thomas Bunnett: Mr. Coleman at Leith Hill has used Groombridge very badly, suspecting him of prying; Coleman is angry with Mr. Perrin for letting Groombridge manage the hops. 29 May - 1807
12375 - T. Carr from London to William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: begs him to return his answer to Willey's bill. 1 June - 1807
12376 - T. Carr from London to William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 8 June - 1807
12377 - Thomas Bunnett to William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 13 June - 1807
12378 - Richard Groombridge from West Farleigh to Thomas Bunnett: complains of Jones' unhelpful attitude. 24 June - 1807
12379 - Thomas Bunnett to William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: the dry weather has greatly damaged the crops. 11 July - 1807
12380 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 18 July - 1807
12381 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: is glad to hear such favourable reports of West Indian affairs, the house in Dorset St. [London] has dry rot; hopes he will give it up and live with them when in town. Such an arrangement would save Perrin £300-£400 a year. 18 July - 1807
12382 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 3 August - 1807
12383 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 15 August - 1807
12384 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 22 August - 1807
12385 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 24 August - 1807
12386 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 4 September - 1807
12387-12388 - To William Philp Perrin at Aberystwyth: encloses a letter from Richard Van Heythuysen, solicitor. 29 September - 1807
12389 - To William Philp Perrin at Aberystwyth: 10 October - 1807
12390 - To William Philp Perrin at Rhayader (co. Radnor): 17 October - 1807
12391 - To William Philp Perrin at Overton (co. Hants): 24 October - 1807
12392-12393 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 4 November - 1807
12394 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 4 November - 1807
12395 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 10 November - 1807
12396-12401 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 14 November - 19 December - 1807
12402 - Lydia Bunnett to her cousin, William Philp Perrin, and a note from Thomas Bunnett. 21-22 December - 1807
12403-12404 - Thomas Bunnett to her cousin, William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 24 December - 1 Jan - 1807-1808
12405 - To her cousin, William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: hopes the bad weather has given Perrin time to go through all the household and estate accounts; should receive his wine soon; "Mrs B desires me to say that in future she will not agree to my drinking more than a pint at dinner and two or three glasses at supper and that you must follow the example ...". 16 Feb - 1808
12406-12407 - To her cousin, William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: has spent the money doing Perrin's accounts; has tackled Driver about his "enormous" commission of 5 per cent, but had the door shut in his face for his pains. 22 Feb - 1808
12408 - To her cousin, William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: will send Perrin the post - "you will recollect it is madeira and sherry mix'd as you desired"; cannot do anything about Driver's commission until he receives specific instructions. 5 Mar - 1808
12409-12410 - To her cousin, William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 12/19 Mar - 1808
12411 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: the Marlborough packet has arrived at Falmouth with mail from the West Indies; a French privateer has been captured, but London knows nothing of the 98-gun "London" being beached or wrecked; hopes Perrin has now received his spectacles; everywhere is covered with snow - cannot recollect it being colder all winter. - 25 Mar 1808
12412 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: is sending Perrin mourning clothes - on the death of Henry Gally [Knight]. 13 April - 1808
12413-12416 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 21 April - 24 May - 1808
12417 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: the house in which Perrin is interested at Parsons Green will cost £350 - 350 gns. a year to rent; the inventory includes everything save linen; Perrin could always let the land. 31 May - 1808
12418 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: the proprietor of Parsons Green wants a premium of 1500 gns in place of rent in advance; Bunnett has offered £1300 but has received no answer; "I am sure I don't know where the money is to come from should my terms be accepted but as you seemed so desirous of having the house, I will do my utmost to procure it". 7 June - 1808
12419 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: some one has got the house at Parsons Green. 9 June - 1808
12420 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 13 June - 1808
12421 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: has heard that the Spanish admiral at Cadiz has invited the English to take possession of the French fleet, and that the southern provinces of Spain have declared war on France; arrangements are now in hand to close down Perrin's house in Dorset Street once a new tenant is found. 1 July - 1808
12422 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: encloses a note on building a new oasthouse; the weather is unseasonable for Brighton; whence he and his wife are bound. 28 July - 1808
12423-12425 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 30 July - 6 September - 1808
12426 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: "I am sorry to hear you are likely to want more money because I am fearfull unless you put some of my plans in execution that you will call on me for assistance and I really don't know how to spare any money ...". 7 September - 1808
12427 - To William Philp Perrin at Godstone (co. Surrey): "I am sorry you should think either Mrs. B or myself deprived you of the house at Parsins Green; as for my part I never in my life try'd to obtain anything more than I did that". 10 September - 1808
12428-12429 - To William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst: 14-16 September - 1808
12430 - Henry Davidson from Bank, London, to Thomas Bunnett
26 - Correspondence from John and Mary Jones at Rhayader (co. Radnor) to William Philp Perrin
27 - The trusteeship of the estate of William Philp Perrin
28 - Surrey estate correspondence, continued
29 - Correspondence and other papers relating to the sale of the Surrey estate in 1827
30 - Surrey estate correspondence continued
31 - Kent estate correspondence continued
32 - Estate papers and memoranda (Perrin): Kent
33 - Records of the Groombridge family
34 - Kent estate papers etc (trustees of William Philp Perrin; and FitzHerbert)
35 - Miscellaneous
36 - Yalding School
37 - West Farleigh National School
38 - Estate papers and memoranda (Perrin): Surrey
40 - Surrey estate papers (trustees of William Philp Perrin; and FitzHerbert)
C - Caribbean Estates - 1683-1898
D - Warsop
E - Kirton, Boughton, Walesby, & Willoughby
F - Family records
M - Manorial records - 1606-1911
O - Public office - 1626-1942
T - Title deeds
UL - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: unlisted records
Z - Miscellaneous
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