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Collapse D239 - FitzHerbert family of Tissington - [16th-20th cent]D239 - FitzHerbert family of Tissington - [16th-20th cent]
Expand BOX - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: box-listed records - [18th-20th cent]BOX - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: box-listed records - [18th-20th cent]
Collapse E - Estate records - 1380-1940E - Estate records - 1380-1940
Expand A - Derbyshire EstatesA - Derbyshire Estates
Collapse B - Surrey and Kent EstatesB - Surrey and Kent Estates
Expand 1 - Tanhurst: Tidy estate (Wotton, co. Surrey)1 - Tanhurst: Tidy estate (Wotton, co. Surrey)
Expand 2 - Wicklands or Weeklands (Ockley, co. Surrey)2 - Wicklands or Weeklands (Ockley, co. Surrey)
Expand 3 - Burkets or Burchets (Abinger, co. Surrey)3 - Burkets or Burchets (Abinger, co. Surrey)
Expand 4 - Tanhurst (Wotton, co. Surrey)4 - Tanhurst (Wotton, co. Surrey)
Expand 5 - High Ashurst (Abinger, co. Surrey)5 - High Ashurst (Abinger, co. Surrey)
Expand 6 - Leith Hill Place (Ockley, co. Surrey)6 - Leith Hill Place (Ockley, co. Surrey)
Expand 7 - Surrey abstracts (Perrin)7 - Surrey abstracts (Perrin)
Expand 8 - Surrey Abstracts (FitzHerbert)8 - Surrey Abstracts (FitzHerbert)
Expand 9 - Abstracts etc relating to the sale of the Surrey estate by Sir Henry FitzHerbert9 - Abstracts etc relating to the sale of the Surrey estate by Sir Henry FitzHerbert
Expand 10 - Sir Henry FitzHerbert's mortgage of his estate in Kent on his sale of the Surrey estate10 - Sir Henry FitzHerbert's mortgage of his estate in Kent on his sale of the Surrey estate
Expand 11 - Annuities11 - Annuities
Expand 12 - Schedules of Deeds etc., Surrey (Perrin)12 - Schedules of Deeds etc., Surrey (Perrin)
Expand 13 - Kent Abstracts of Title13 - Kent Abstracts of Title
Expand 14 - Leases: Surrey14 - Leases: Surrey
Expand 15 - Leases: Kent15 - Leases: Kent
Expand 16 - Rentals: Kent16 - Rentals: Kent
Expand 17 - Estate and household bills and receipts (Perrin)17 - Estate and household bills and receipts (Perrin)
Expand 18 - Household and estate account books (Perrin)18 - Household and estate account books (Perrin)
Expand 19 - Miscellaneous bills and receipts (Perrin)19 - Miscellaneous bills and receipts (Perrin)
Expand 20 - Surrey estate bills and receipts (FitzHerbert)20 - Surrey estate bills and receipts (FitzHerbert)
Expand 21 - Surrey estate account books (FitzHerbert)21 - Surrey estate account books (FitzHerbert)
Expand 22 - Kent estate bills and receipts (FitzHerbert)22 - Kent estate bills and receipts (FitzHerbert)
Collapse 23 - Estate correspondence and associated papers: Kent (1773-1810)23 - Estate correspondence and associated papers: Kent (1773-1810)
11963-11967 - Samuel Driver from Southwark to William Philp Perrin with lists of shrubs and flowers for the gardens at West Farleigh, and with recommendations for their planting and lay out - 1773-1774
11968-11976 - Correspondence from solicitor (T. D. Punnett of Maidstone) and counsel (Mr Sharpe of Lincoln's Inn) to William Philp Perrin on Perrin's purchase of land in West Farleigh - 1778
11977-11993 - Henry Miller from West Farleigh to William Philp Perrin, reporting on West Farleigh affairs - 1778
11994-12010 - Miscellaneous correspondence, including correspondence relating to the bankruptcy of Elizabeth Hammond, one of Perrin's tenants (1794) - 1783-1794
12011-12020 - Correspondence mainly from Thomas Jones at West Farleigh to William Philp Perrin in London reporting on household and estate matters, and enclosing lists of bills paid and to be paid - 1795-1796
12021 - A. H. Dyne from Town Malling to William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst (co. Surrey), with a proposal made to Clement Taylor's creditors. Taylor had run up debts exceeding £25,000. (For Taylor, see further below: ) 11 November - 1796
12022-12036 - Thomas Jones from West Farleigh to William Philp Perrin: household and estate matters, including elevations for a new hay barn (D239/M/E/12024-25) and correspondence on West Farleigh assessed taxes - 1797-1798
12037 - George Burr, solicitor, from Maidstone to William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst (co. Surrey) on [Richard Groombridge's intended sale of land. 9 October - 1798
12038 - A. P. Driver to William Philp Perrin at Tanhurst; has just heard that Mr Groombridge has sold his Mount Castle estate for £800 exclusive of timber; expects to set out for Ireland shortly to look over an estate of Lord Courtney in co. Limerick which measures about 100,000 English acres, but a great deal is mountain. - 9 Oct 1798
12039-12047 - Thomas Jones from West Farleigh to William Philp Perrin, reporting on household and estate matters - 1798-1799
12048 - Edward Charlton from West Farleigh to William Philp Perrin, enquiring about the land tax assessments on Perrin's property. 24 August - 1799
12049 - John Barnes from Old Broad St., London, to William Philp Perrin: Perrin's certificate and contract for the redemption of land tax has not been left at the appropriate office in Lincolns Inn Fields. 21 September - 1799
12050 - Thomas Jones from West Farleigh to William Philp Perrin. 30 December - 1799
12051 - Francis ? Briddleton to A. P. Driver: has decided not to proceed with a proposed exchange of land with Mr. Perrin. 31 Mar - 1800
12052 - Mrs. Priscilla Style to William Philp Perrin offering herself as a tenant for West Farleigh: "as I have but a very small income and a very large family, I shall be particularly obliged to you to let me have it upon as easy terms as you possibly can ...". 14 July - 1800
12053 - A. P. Driver to William Philp Perrin: Mr. Boyce and the Groombridges have agreed with Perrin for the purchase of their estate, including timber, for £4300. 6 November - 1800
12054-12055 - Thomas Jones from West Farleigh to William Philp Perrin - 1800-1801
12056 - Richard Groombridge to William Philp Perrin, with an account of hop-poles sold. Jan - 1801
12057 - Request for payment of arrears of quit-rent owed to the duke of Leeds. 3 Feb - 1801
12058 - Thomas Gregory from Clifford's Inn to William Philp Perrin: he and Mr. Bunnett have finished the purchase from the Groombridges; has received a letter from Mr. Widden's attorney about a supposed mistake in the purchase money to be paid for Widden's Farm. 24 Feb - 1801
12059-12063 - Thomas Jones from West Farleigh to William Philp Perrin, reporting on household and estate matters - 1801-1802
12064-12066 - General correspondence - 1802-1803
12067-12069 - Thomas Hart from Dorking (co. Surrey) to William Philp Perrin: property tax at West Farleigh. 8 December - 1803
12070 - William Round to William Philp Perrin: has learnt from his uncle, John Amhurst, that Perrin is desirous of purchasing the West Farleigh estate of his late uncle, Stephen Amhurst; suggests Perrin contacts his uncle's solicitor; cannot foresee any difficulties. 23 December - 1803
12071-12075 - Richard Groombridge to Thomas Bunnett and William Philp Perrin, reporting on West Farleigh estate matters - 1803-1804
12076-12088 - Correspondence from Thomas Jones and Richard Groombridge at West Farleigh to William Philp Perrin on estate and household matters - 1803-1806
12089-12103 - General estate correspondence, including letters from Clement Taylor to Thomas Bunnett about the proposed sale of the Amhurst estate (see D239/M/E/12070), and about Taylor's accounts with Perrin - 1807-1810
Expand 24 - Estate Correspondence and associated papers: Surrey (1773-1809)24 - Estate Correspondence and associated papers: Surrey (1773-1809)
Expand 25 - Correspondence of Thomas Bunnett (ironmonger, Borough, London)25 - Correspondence of Thomas Bunnett (ironmonger, Borough, London)
Expand 26 - Correspondence from John and Mary Jones at Rhayader (co. Radnor) to William Philp Perrin26 - Correspondence from John and Mary Jones at Rhayader (co. Radnor) to William Philp Perrin
Expand 27 - The trusteeship of the estate of William Philp Perrin27 - The trusteeship of the estate of William Philp Perrin
Expand 28 - Surrey estate correspondence, continued28 - Surrey estate correspondence, continued
Expand 29 - Correspondence and other papers relating to the sale of the Surrey estate in 182729 - Correspondence and other papers relating to the sale of the Surrey estate in 1827
Expand 30 - Surrey estate correspondence continued30 - Surrey estate correspondence continued
Expand 31 - Kent estate correspondence continued31 - Kent estate correspondence continued
Expand 32 - Estate papers and memoranda (Perrin): Kent32 - Estate papers and memoranda (Perrin): Kent
Expand 33 - Records of the Groombridge family33 - Records of the Groombridge family
Expand 34 - Kent estate papers etc (trustees of William Philp Perrin; and FitzHerbert)34 - Kent estate papers etc (trustees of William Philp Perrin; and FitzHerbert)
Expand 35 - Miscellaneous35 - Miscellaneous
Expand 36 - Yalding School36 - Yalding School
Expand 37 - West Farleigh National School37 - West Farleigh National School
Expand 38 - Estate papers and memoranda (Perrin): Surrey38 - Estate papers and memoranda (Perrin): Surrey
Expand 40 - Surrey estate papers (trustees of William Philp Perrin; and FitzHerbert)40 - Surrey estate papers (trustees of William Philp Perrin; and FitzHerbert)
Expand C - Caribbean Estates - 1683-1898C - Caribbean Estates - 1683-1898
Expand D - WarsopD - Warsop
Expand E - Kirton, Boughton, Walesby, & WilloughbyE - Kirton, Boughton, Walesby, & Willoughby
Expand F - Family recordsF - Family records
Expand M - Manorial records - 1606-1911M - Manorial records - 1606-1911
Expand O - Public office - 1626-1942O - Public office - 1626-1942
Expand T - Title deedsT - Title deeds
Expand UL - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: unlisted recordsUL - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: unlisted records
Expand Z - MiscellaneousZ - Miscellaneous