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D2375 - Harpur Crewe family of Calke Abbey - [12th-20th cent]
A - Manorial records
B - Ecclesiastical records
C - Charity records
D - Deeds of title and related documents
E - Estate management
F - Family and personal papers
H - Household records
J - Illustrative material
A - Photographic material
1 - Photograph albums
2 - Photographs of family members and other people
1 - Photographs of the Harpur Crewe family
2 - Photographs of the Mosley family
3 - Photographs of Charles Jenney (later Harpur Crewe)
4 - Photographs of named people, often with links to the Harpur Crewe family, either as relatives, friends, employees or staff
5 - Photographs of unidentifed people
1 - Photograph of young man in army officer with sword - late 19th cent
2 - Photograph of a middle-aged lady - late 19th cent
3 - Photograph of be-spectacled old lady - late 19th cent
4 - Photograph of early bicycle, with man and two children - late 19th cent
5 - Group photograph of 30 people, comprising soldiers in camp, including some civilians - 1900
6 - Photograph of unidentified lady in fur shawl - c.1900
7 - Large photograph, with copy, of unidentified wedding group - 1911
8 - Photographs (7) of group of men with horse and cart outside house (3), parkland with people, man with bicycle, coastal scene, ship "Vindictive" leaving Ostend Harbour, 30 May 1920 - early 20th cent
9 - Photographs (4) of boy in school uniform, three with other children, in garden - early 20th cent
10 - Photographs of unidentified house, cattle, women with pigs, dog and horse, women working in the fields, and the memorial to Elizabeth Ford, wife of C M Fox [died 1910] - early 20th cent
11 - Photographs, with negatives, of a female couple, ladies haymaking and horses - early 20th cent
12 - Photographs, with negatives, of well dressings, ladies in the fields, woman and horse with trap (Airmyne Crewe), ladies disembarking from car - early 20th cent
13 - Photographs (2) of elderly ladies seated in front of hedge - early 20th cent
14 - Photographs (2) of bridal couple in Calke Abbey grounds - early 20th cent
15 - Photograph of two elderly ladies seated in front of hedge - early 20th cent
16 - Photographs (2) of two women examining camera and woman taking photograph in parkland - early 20th cent
17 - Photograph of old lady sitting by tree with dog - early 20th cent
18 - Photograph of car (with six people inside) in front of house - early 20th cent
19 - Photograph of car and chauffeur - early 20th cent
20 - Photograph of car with driver - c.1910
21 - Photograph of a young officer in uniform [Evelyn Harpur Crewe] - mid 19th cent
21 - Photographs (2) of early cars - early 20th cent
22 - Photographs (15) of boy near steps outside Calke Abbey, group of servants, group of people outside house with horse and cart (2), man on horse, deer in park, shooting party, floral tributes outside church, girl standing by wall, car with two men and chauffeur being driven away (2), ivy covered house (2), sheep in field, church, with postcards (7) of house with some colour (2), horse and carriage with lady driver, suburban house, group of three childern in garden, woman outside cottage working on treddle machine, church and houses - early 20th cent
23 - Photographs (6) of a group of c.20 performers of an open-air play in the grounds of Ticknall Vicarage - early20th cent
6 - Photographs of Richard Harpur Crewe (1836-1896)
6 - Photographs of hunting, shooting and sport activities
7 - Photographs of family portraits and artworks
3 - Photographs of Calke Abbey, Calke Park, related buildings and lands
4 - Photographs of other places in Derbyshire
5 - Photographs of places in Leicestershire
6 - Photographs of places in Staffordshire
7 - Photographs of other places
8 - Photographs of animals and livestock
9 - Negatives
B - Illustrated prints
C - Sketching and artwork
K - School records
L - Legal case papers
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