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D2375 - Harpur Crewe family of Calke Abbey - [12th-20th cent]
A - Manorial records
B - Ecclesiastical records
C - Charity records
D - Deeds of title and related documents
E - Estate management
A - Estate accounts
B - Estate industry records
C - Correspondence and other estate business records of agents
D - Records relating to inclosure of common lands
E - Estate employee records
F - Estate farming records
G - Records relating to gardens and gardening
H - Records relating to hunting, fishing, game and sporting rights
J - Taxation records
K - Rating records
L - Leases and tenancy records
M - Maps and plans
P - Estate fabric, property and building records, including architectural drawings
1 - Records related to the buildings of Calke Abbey and its immediate environs
2 - Records related to properties of the Derbyshire estates
1 - Black pocket order book of agent concerning possible building work, etc, on South Derbyshire estate - 1841
2 - Specifications and estimates for contract work to be done on various cottages and other buildings on the Derbyshire estates - 1844
3 - Volume containing account of charges in Mr Millward's weekly sheets to be charged to the executors of the late Sir John Harpur Crewe - Apr 1886 - May 1887
4 - Ground plan of additional farm buildings to farm occupied by Mr Mee, with two estimates by George Bridgart, 13 and 26 April 1859 - 1859
5 - Plans and agreements for buildings mostly at Boulton - 1842
6 - Plans, sections, elevations and ground plans of intended alterations for properties at Breadsall and Little Eaton, with specification - 1845
7 - Ground, basement and one pair of plans with elevation and section of house and outbuilding of Mr Forman, Breadsall - 1857
8 - Ground plan of stableyard, cowsbeds, pigstyes, etc Mr Forman, Breadsall. No 2, 1": 16'. With estimate by George Bridgart, July. - 1857
9 - Estimate by George Bridgart for rebuilding chimney and gable at Blacksmiths' Cottage, Breadsall - 9 Mar 1860
10 - Ground plan, chamber plan and plan of attics for alterations and additions at Mr Meakin's farm, Chellaston, property of Sir John Harpur Crewe - mid 19th cent
11 - Specification and estimate for work to be done at Mr Meakin's farm at Chellaston - May 1871
12 - Proposed plan for wagon hovel, with elevation, section and plan, for Mr Foreman, Chellaston, with specification by Peter Marriott, 18 April 1871 - 1871
13 - Ground plan and cross section of proposed cowhouse at Egginton - 27 Jun 1935
14 - Report on condition of roofs at Foremarke Hall, with estimates for repairs and disinfestation treatment - Jul 1961
15 - Plans for new buildings for J.S. Sale at Potlock , with specification for work proposed at Mr Sale's farm, Potlock, by Peter Marriott, 10 August 1871 - 1871
16 - Ground plan of proposed new outbuildings and rooms on Mr Redfern's Farm at the Potlocks - 19th cent
17 - Ground plan of proposed buildings to farmhouse and outbuildings, Potlock, property of Sir John Harpur Crewe - mid 19th cent
18 - Ground and chamber plan of Repton Park Lodge with alterations and additions - early 19th cent
19 - Ground plan for conversion of a joiner's shop into three cottages, with additional buildings to the house occupied by William Smithard at Repton, property of Sir George Crewe - c.1830
20 - Plan of proposed alterations to farm buildings for Mr Barrs, Repton Park, for cowshed, piggery and hackney stable, with specification and estimate for the work by Peter Marriott, 5 May 1863 - 1863
21 - Plan for Keeper's Cottage near Repton, with specification - 1870
22 - Engineering plan including sections for new cowshead floors and ventilators, from County Medical Officer's Department, Derby - Oct 1930
23 - Plan of new buildings, etc, with speficiation for Sinfin House Farm - 1869
24 - Ground and floor plan for Widow Spencer's cottage at Smisby - mid 19th cent
25 - Ground plan and elevation for Reuben Taylor's cottage at Smisby - mid 19th cent
26 - Specification and estimate by George Bridgart for retiling the roof and building a new barn, etc, at Mr Page's Farm, Smisby Common - 18 Apr 1855
27 - Ground plan, section and elevation of proposed new farm buildings at Mr Page's, Smisby Common by George Bridgart - 1855
28 - Ground plan of proposed alteration to barn, etc, Mr Newbold's, Pistern Hill [Smisby], with specification and receipt for payment to George Bridgart, made 20 June - 1857
29 - Plan for alterations to Mr Newbold's, Pistern Hill, with specification [Smisby] - 1857
30 - Ground plan, bedroom plan, elevations and sections of the new rooms proposed to be built at Mr Tomlinson's, Smisby Common by George Bridgart of Derby, with four letters from George Bridgart, 27 January - 28 June 1859 - 1859
31 - Plans, sections and elevations of proposed new wagon hovel and open shed at late R. Tomlinson's farm [at Smisby] - c.1870
32 - Specification and estimate for proposed work on the house and farm premises of the late Robert Tomlinson of Smisby and to the late Mrs Shevyn's adjoining farm by Peter Marriott - 20 Dec 1871
33 - Specification for three cottages proposed to be built at Stanton by George Leverette - 24 Sep 1844
34 - Specification for three cottages proposed to be built at Stanton by Thomas Marriott - 25 Sep 1844
35 - Receipt for pulling down three cottages at Stanton - 24 Sep 1844
36 - Ground plan and elevation for proposed back kitchen at the "Dog and Duck", Stanton, with a specification for carpentry work by Thomas Marriott of Ticknall, carpenter - 20 Oct 1846
37 - Plan of new barn for Mr Asher at Stanton Common, with specification - May 1851
38 - Ground plan of outbuildings and stable [possibly at Stanton] - 1852
39 - Ground plan and elevation of two cottages, with ground plan and elevation of a single cottage and outbuildings [probably for Stanton] - mid 19th cent
40 - Assorted estate vouchers and accounts of Rev. E. W. Whittaker on building of new cottage at Stanton by Bridge - 1873-1874
41 - Plan and elevation of farm house and outbuildings proposed to be built at Mr Redfern's farm in Stenson Fields - 1841
42 - Section of proposed new drain with sketch of brook course through lands belonging to Sir George Harpur Crewe, 13 September, with specification of work to be done in excavating a brook course, Stenson, and accompanying letter, 4 October - 1848
43 - Plans for farm buildings and cottages for Stenson House, property of Sir John Harpur Crewe - mid 19th cent
44 - Ground plan and elevation of proposed new cowsheds at Mr Styche's Farm, Stenson, with estimate by George Bridgart - 10 Mar 1855
45 - Elevation, ground and chamber plans for double cottages at Stenson for J. Wood - 18 Aug 1866
46 - Elevation, section, ground and chamber plans for cottage at Stenson House, with specification and estimate, signed Peter Marriott, 4 June 1870 - 1870
47 - Ground plan and elevation (incomplete), endorsed "Adams Swarkestone", with rough sketch, estimate of Robert Bentley and account of material for Mr Adams' building - c.1843
48 - Elevation and ground plan of the Banqueting or Bowling Green House, Swarkestone - 1844
49 - Block plan of present and proposed buildings for 'The Old Farm' Swarkestone, with elevations and sections - 4 Jul 1862
50 - Plan of Keeper's Lodge, Swarkestone, with specification - 1870
51 - Ground plan, elevation, chamber plan and section of roof for cottage for Joseph Riggin, Southwood - 20 Aug 1841
52 - Accounts and specifications for carpenters work by Thomas Marriott, carpenter and joiner of Ticknall, at Southwood, Swarkestone Lowes Farm and Ticknall - 1846-1847
53 - File of plan of proposed residence for C.H. Crewe, esq, Ticknall - mid 19th cent
54 - Elevation, ground plan, for 3 cottages at Ticknall - mid 19th cent
55 - Ground plan and front elevation of cottage to be built at Ticknall by Thomas Marriott - 6 May 1851
56 - Ground plan and front elevation of proposed shedding for Mr Flint, Ticknall - c.1855
57 - Specification and estimate for building a new cowshed and other work at Mr Flint's Farm, Ticknall by George Bridgart - 18 Apr 1855
58 - Ground and chamber plans with section of proposed new water closet, Mrs Drewry's, Ticknall by George Bridgart? Scale 1/2": 1' with estimate 18 March. - 1857
59 - Estimate by George Bridgart for retiling malthouse at Ticknall and works to furnace house, - 10 Aug 1857
60 - Ground plan and elevations of proposed new cottage at Ticknall Potteries, with estimate by George Bridgart, 27 April - 1859
61 - Elevation, ground and chamber plans for Thomas Bosworth, Scaddow [Scaddows], by W R Dick, architect ,with specification and estimate for new house at the Scaddows on a farm occupied by Thomas Bosworth by Thomas Marriott, and bill for sinking a new well - 1861
62 - Plan, elevation and section for cowshed, stable and pighouse, premises of Mr Dick at Ticknall, with specification and estimate by Peter Marriott - 1861
63 - Specification and estimate with plans for work to be done at the premises of William Wilkinson at White Hollow [Ticknall] - Mar 1869
64 - Specifications and estimates for work to be done at the house of the late Frederick Hutchinson at Ticknall - Apr 1871
65 - Specification and estimate for work to be done at the farm of Thomas Dumelow at Southwood - May 1871
66 - Specification and estimate for work to be done at the property of Mrs Tomlinson at Southwood - May 1871
67 - Plans, elevations and specification of five cottages, late the property of James Richdale, then of Sir John Harpur Crewe, at Ticknall - 1871
68 - George Bridgart's account for work at Mr Hickling's, Twyford - Sep 1856
69 - Ground plan and elevation of proposed new barn, Mr Hickling's, Twyford - 1856
70 - Ground and. chamber plans with elevations for proposed additions to Mr Hickling's Farmhouse and outbuildings at Twyford, with estimate of George Bridgart, 16 April 1856 - 1856
71 - Estimate and specification for repair of stables, cowsheads, piggeries, etc at Twyford Hall, by George Bridgart - 25 May 1857
72 - Ground plan showing new kitchen and old house with specification by Thomas Marriott, for work at house at Twyford - 5 Oct 1860
73 - Specification of works to be done by John Wood at Twyford Hall for Sir John Harpur Crewe - 23 Mar 1863
74 - Two plans, comprising ground and chamber plans (one with attics also) for alterations at Twyford Old Hall Farm - 1863
75 - Plans of cowsheds and outbuildings at Twyford, with specifications - 1869
76 - Ground plan, elevation and section of proposed wagon hovel to Mr Smith’s Farm, Twyford, with specification and estimate by Peter Marriott, 22 February 1871 - 1871
77 - Ground plan, sections and elevations of proposed alterations at Twyford School - 1892
78 - Plans of proposed new farm buildings at Mr Froggat's farm at Twyford - 19th cent
79 - Accounts for drainage by George Buckley and Co. at farms of George Edge and Mr Tomlinson at Stenson Fields, part of the Derbyshire estates - Jan - Dec 1873
80 - Estimate and account of John Shaw for Sir Vauncey Harpur Crewe relating to Stenson House Farm - 1907
81 - Loose account of Peter Marriott of Ticknall for carpentry and building repairs on behalf of Sir John Harpur Crewe - Jul 1882 - Dec 1883
3 - Records for properties in Leicestershire
4 - Records for properties in Staffordshire
5 - Records for properties elsewhere in England
6 - Records for unidentified properties
Q - Rent accounts
R - Rentals
S - Surveys, terriers and particulars
T - Tithe records
U - Estate infrastructure records
V - Mosley family estate records
W - Records on the estate in World War II
F - Family and personal papers
H - Household records
J - Illustrative material
K - School records
L - Legal case papers
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Harpur Crewe family of Calke
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