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Collapse D2035 - Parish of Bamford and Derwent St John the Baptist - 1861-2003D2035 - Parish of Bamford and Derwent St John the Baptist - 1861-2003
Collapse A - Parish of Bamford - 1927-1975A - Parish of Bamford - 1927-1975
Expand PD - Parochial Church Council - 1927-2013PD - Parochial Church Council - 1927-2013
Expand PF - Charities - 1865-1965PF - Charities - 1865-1965
Collapse PI - Records of the Parish Incumbent - 1860-2013PI - Records of the Parish Incumbent - 1860-2013
Collapse 1 - Baptism registers - 1860-19751 - Baptism registers - 1860-1975
Expand 2 - Marriage registers - 1861-20132 - Marriage registers - 1861-2013
Expand 3 - Banns registers - 1861-19913 - Banns registers - 1861-1991
Expand 4 - Burial registers - 1861-19934 - Burial registers - 1861-1993
Expand 5 - Confirmation registers - 1924-19575 - Confirmation registers - 1924-1957
Expand 6 - Service registers - 1889-19766 - Service registers - 1889-1976
Expand 7 - Administration: Forms of Service - 1959-19757 - Administration: Forms of Service - 1959-1975
Expand 8 - Members Rolls - 19548 - Members Rolls - 1954
9-31 - [Numbers not used]
32 - London Gazette - assignment of district chapelry to Bamford - 16 Apr 1861
33 - London Gazette - notice of annual grant by Ecclesiastical Commissioners - 15 Oct 1861
34 - London Gazette - capital sum appropriated from common fund - 12 Jul 1864
35 - London Gazette - additional benefaction - 3 Jul 1866
36 - Writ of sequestration - 16 Jan 1967
37 - Returns of parochial statistics - 1923
38 - Returns of parochial statistics - 1924
39 - Returns of parochial statistics - 1928
40 - Returns of parochial statistics - 1937
41 - Returns of parochial statistics - 1938
42 - Returns of parochial statistics - 1939
43 - Returns of parochial statistics - 1940
44-45 - Returns of parochial statistics - 1960
46 - Returns of parochial statistics - 1962
47 - Returns of parochial statistics - 1964
48 - Notes on proposals to redeploy the clergy in Bakewell and Eyam Deanery
53 - Letter from John Smith and Sons re proposed new church clock - 1918
54 - Folder relating to church decorations - 1928
55 - Folder relating to lightning conductors - 1927-1928
56 - Full size detail of processional cross - Jones and Willis, Birmingham [Warwickshire]
57 - Letter accompanying organ tuning contract - 1941
58-85 - Correspondence and plans relating to the drainage of the north side of the church and churchyard - 1951-1952
86-91 - Drawings of choir stalls, and bill - 1954-1955
92-93 - Correspondence re lighting the church clock - 1958-1959
94-97 - Letter re lopping trees in front of the church rectory - 1959
98 - Letter re repairs to stained glass windows - 1959
99 - Letter re organ tuning contract - 1959
100-104 - Correspondence re stainless steel cross - 1962
105-140 - Specification, bill of quantities and correspondence relating to drainage scheme for boiler house and lower churchyard - 1962-1963
141 - Letter re rebate on supply of fuel oil for church heating - 1962
142-151 - Correspondence re gilding church clock - 1962-1963
152-169 - Correspondence re fire extinguishers - 1963
170 - Circular letter re insurance of churches and church halls - 1963
171-173 - Letter re off-peak electricity tariffs - 1964
174 - Brochure issued by the Midland Vacuum Cleaning Service (vacuum cleaning of church interiors)
175 - Drawing of part of churchyard wall - 1922
176-177 - Correspondence re Bamford churchyard extension - 1938
178-179 - Glebe terrier - 1908
180 - Glebe terrier - 1923
181-189 - Correspondence re possible building development on Bamford glebe - 1975
190-191 - London Gazette - stipend of £3 12s 8d to meet benefaction - Apr 1886
192 - London Gazette - stipend of £15 - May 1886
193-194 - London Gazette - stipend of £15 - May 1906
195 - Letter re the will of Mrs Sophia Smith - bequeathed the sum of £67 upon trust to invest the same in securities to keep the graves and tombstone of her late husband and herself in good condition - 15 Nov 1917
196 - Moore's trust bank book - 1939-1965
197-208 - Schedule of repairs required to make good dilapidations and other papers re dilapidations - 1951-1952
209-210 - Dilapidations assessment and related papers - 1956
211-223 - Correspondence re repairs to rectory wall - 1957
224-240 - Papers re remission of rates for Bamford Rectory - 1957-1963
241-242 - Dilapidations assessment - 1961
243-245 - Letters accompanying tenders for repairs to Bamford rectory - 1963
246-252 - Papers relating to decoration of rectory - 1967
253-258 - Dilapidations assessment and related papers - 1967
259-263 - Papers relating to installation of central heating at Bamford rectory - 1968
264 - Moore Memorial Hall - list of subscriptions and accounts - 1929-1940
265-266 - Plans of proposed Memorial Hall - 1931-1932
267 - Copy conveyance - Henry Tomlinson Ltd to the Derby Diocesan Board of Finance - piece of land in Bamford between New Road and the drive to the Rectory - 1 Aug 1934
268 - Moody and Woolley's bill of costs - 1934
269-290 - Bills relating to building the hall - 1935-1936
295 - Summary of Moore Memorial Hall costs - 1941
296-318 - Papers re war-time use of the church hall - Ministry of Labour, Home Guard (derequisitioned 1947) - 1939-1947
319-326 - Correspondence with valuation officer re assessment for Church Hall - 1955-1956
327-331 - Papers re painting Church Hall - 1957
332 - Correspondence re installation of fluorescent lighting - 1957
333 - Letter re fitting of air brick in the outer wall of the kitchen - 1958
334-341 - Papers re costs of lettings, notes re to use etc - 1948-1965
342-343 - Papers re exterior redecoration - 1961
344-381 - Papers re proposed garages: block of seven to raise money - 1964-1966
382 - Estimate for repairing Rectory Garden gate - 1966
383 - Report by Woodworm Eradication Ltd on roof timbers of Moore Memorial Hall - 1968
384-385 - Correspondence re use of land at the rear of the church hall for a scout hut - 1970-1976
386 - Papers re renewal of planning permissions for garages at Bamford - 1975-1976
387 - School
387 - Statement of accounts for the New Class Room for the Schools in the south district of Bamford, Thornhill, Brough and Shatton, 1876-1877 - 1876-1888
388-390 - Papers relating to Christian Stewardship Campaign - booklet, visiting list, notes on survey of opinion - 1974
391-395 - Pamphlet on Christian Stewardship renewal, with accompanying papers - 1977
396 - Bamford War Memorial - minutes of meetings - 1919-1923
397 - Resolution of PCC thanking church workers for their efforts - 1932
398 - List of papers handed over by Brigadier T Hart-Dyke to Mrs Winston - 1969
399-401 - Three views of Ashopton - [1930s]
402 - Bamford parish magazine - Jan 1939
403-423 - Papers re Derby Diocesan Jubilee celebrations - 1977
424 - Bamford Tithe Map - 1842
425 - Quinquennial Inspection Report for Bamford church - 1959
426 - Quinquennial Inspection Reports for Bamford church - 1959-1976
427 - Quinquennial Inspection Report for Bamford church - Oct 1990
428 - Quinquennial Inspection Report for Bamford church - Oct 1995
429 - Quinquennial Inspection Report for Bamford church - Aug 2001
430 - Quinquennial Inspection Report for Bamford church - Oct 2007
Expand PW - Churchwardens - 1937PW - Churchwardens - 1937
Expand PZ - MiscellaneousPZ - Miscellaneous
Expand UL - Parish of Bamford and Derwent St John the Baptist: unlisted records - 1860-2003UL - Parish of Bamford and Derwent St John the Baptist: unlisted records - 1860-2003