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D1883 - Eyre family of Hassop Hall - mid 19th-early 20th cent
1 - Hassop Hall Estate and Farm - 1838-1904
1 - Matthew Frost's letter book and day book, marked "Letters and Memorandums" on the front cover. Inscribed "received this letter book of Francis, 8th Earl of Newburgh of Hassop Hall from the hands of Dr [William] Cantrell, Winster, County of Derby, in the presence of Thomas Daubney, farmer, Great Longstone on the 18th day of April 1887 by the undersigned - Gladwin Cloves Cave". - 1838-1848
2 - Hassop Hall Farm accounts - 1843
3 - Hassop Hall Farm and house cash book - 1853-1872
4 - Hassop Hall estate repairs and improvements cash book - 1854-1872
5 - Hassop Hall Estate accounts - 1860-1872
6 - Hassop Hall Home Farm accounts - 1868-1871
7 - Hassop Hall Farm day book - 1869-1883
8 - Hassop Hall Estate cash book - 1870-1872
9 - Hassop Hall Estate cash book - 1872-1885
10 - Hassop Hall Estate cash book - 1885-1892
11 - Hassop Hall Estate cash book - 1893-1898
12 - Hassop Hall Estate cash book - 1900-1904
2 - Eyre family estate surveys and rentals - 1840-1858
3 - Cave v Leslie - 1934
4 - Volume containing pedigrees of the Eyre and Gladwin families; deed poll granting Gladwin Cloves Cave his mother’s interest in the Newburgh estate; the Hassop Estate settlement of Francis Eyre, esq, afterwards Sixth Earl of Newburgh,1812, Printed; press cuttings and other papers - 1884-1891
5 - Scrapbooks containing newspaper cuttings relating to various court cases - 1884-1892
6 - File of papers relating to the case, including copies of appeal notices, press cuttings etc - 1888-1891
7 - Series of papers, originally numbered 1-510 including counsels opinions, judgements, pedigrees, copies of deeds, wills, letters, rough notes etc. - c1884-1905
8 - Further legal papers: Draft index and register of documents re Slindon estates, abstracts of title to Slindon estates - 1885
9 - Further legal papers: Colclough v Leslie papers (/1-9) - 19th cent
10 - Further legal papers: Leslie v Cave papers (/1-19) - 1885-1890
11 - Further legal papers (/1-2): The Hassop Estates Settlement of Francis Eyre esq, afterwards Sixth Earl of Newburgh, 1812, printed, 1890; and High Court of Justice. Queen’s Bench Division. Cave v Leslie and others. Statement of claim, printed, 1890. - 1890
12 - Further legal papers (/1-3): Letter, G C Cave to Brighton Herald, 1884 re case against Leslie (includes references to mutilation of various Derbyshire parish registers) printed; extract from a newspaper re Cave v Leslie, printed 1909; and "Newburgh Estates", reprinted from the Sussex Daily News, 30 Sep 1884. - 1884-1909
13 - Further legal papers (/1-9): Legal papers, press cuttings and correspondence in envelope marked "miscellaneous papers". - 1873-1904
14 - Notebook containing presscuttings re Kynnaird v Leslie, notes on Eyre and Dudding families etc - c1860-1880
15 - Further legal papers (/1-4): Letters to Kate (Edwards) from Anne Smith - 1849-1850
16 - Further legal papers (/1-20): Papers re various cases, Shanks v welch, Johnson v Hammersley etc - 1886-1905
17 - Further legal papers (/1-36): Telegrams and correspondence - 1883-1885
18 - Further legal papers (/1-15): Copies of legal documents re Cadman v Stonor and others, 1834 - 1903
19 - "The Hassop Estates" - index to documents and private notes as to abstract of title and principle events, 1773-1870" - 1903
20 - "A collection in chronological order of rough notes and evidence of missing settlements made by the late Earls of Newburgh……." - 1905
21 - Further legal papers (/1-12): Papers re appeal Leslie v Cave - 1888-1889
22 - Further legal papers (/1-9): Legal papers and index to documents - 1880s
23 - Further legal papers (/1-11): List of correspondence in the hands of G C Cave,1884; correspondence, 1898 and 1905 to G C Cave and papers re probate of will and testament of Elizabeth Cloves of Barnes, Surrey proved Prerogative Court of York 16 Jan 1841 - 1884-1905
24 - Further legal papers (/1-12): Correspondence to Cave re Newburgh estates - c1885
25 - Notebook containing notes on Sing v Countess of Newburgh - 19th cent
26 - Further legal papers (/1-12): Papers re mines in East and West Carbery, Co Cork, including rental and particulars of sale, printed, 1867, with section. On linen, scale 4 fathoms : I inch, 1862. - 1852-1911
27 - Bargain and sale (/1-2) of land in Earl Sterndale in Hartington. Thomas Rogers of Tamworth, Staffs, gent, William Smal(e)wood of Middle Temple, London, gent, Rowland Eyre of Hassop, esq, and Thomas Eyre (his son) of Hassop, gent, to William Buxton of Earl Sterndale in Hartington, yeoman, with bond. Both dated 30 Nov. Bargain and sale endorsed No. 505, bond endorsed No. 350. - 1653
28 - Release and covenant for indemnity (/1-2) on the distribution of a legacy (part of the residuary estate of the late Lady Mary Eyre). Hon Francis Eyre and others to William Wakeman, esq. 15 Dec 1825, Rt Hon Francis, Earl of Newburgh and others to William Wakeman, esq. 9 Apr 1840 - 1825
29 - Maps. Plan of sewers in Holymoorside. Scale 1: 2500. John Gould, Civil engineer, Chesterfield - 1880
30 - Lead mining - Eyre family - 1857-1901
31 - Acts of Parliament - 1788-1851
32 - Summons to occupiers of lands in Derbyshire to appear before the Barons of the Exchequer to pay what is owing "of new and old farms". 6 Nov 3 William lV - 1832
33 - Miscellaneous Eyre family papers - c18th cent
34 - "The case about Wigwall tithes": notes beginning with the grant of estate to the church of St Mary, Darley by Earl Ferrars, pre- 13th cent. - 1721
35 - Fragments of documents from Eyre family papers. Three items, numbered D1883/35/1-3 - [14th cent]-18th cent
36 - Lady Radcliffe Eyre - 1840
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