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Collapse D1847 - Parish of Matlock St Giles - 1637-1996D1847 - Parish of Matlock St Giles - 1637-1996
Collapse A - Parish archives - 1637-20th centA - Parish archives - 1637-20th cent
Expand PD - Parish Meeting and Parochial Church Council - 1920-1986PD - Parish Meeting and Parochial Church Council - 1920-1986
Expand PF - Charities - 18th-20th centPF - Charities - 18th-20th cent
Collapse PI - Parish incumbent records - 1637-20th centPI - Parish incumbent records - 1637-20th cent
Expand 1 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1637-18121 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1637-1812
Expand 2 - Baptism registers - 1813-19692 - Baptism registers - 1813-1969
Expand 3 - Marriage registers - 1754-19933 - Marriage registers - 1754-1993
Expand 4 - Banns registers - 1823-19864 - Banns registers - 1823-1986
Expand 5 - Burial registers - 1813-19965 - Burial registers - 1813-1996
Expand 6 - Clerk’s rough note books - 1743-18516 - Clerk’s rough note books - 1743-1851
Expand 7 - Service registers - 1887-19947 - Service registers - 1887-1994
Expand 8 - Cremations - 1971-19968 - Cremations - 1971-1996
Expand 9 - Forms of service - 1753-19559 - Forms of service - 1753-1955
10-23 - not used
24 - Form of service for Cessation of cattle plague - 1866
25 - Consecration of Matlock St Giles church, leaflet - 1871
26 - Form of service for Golden jubilee of Queen Victoria - 1887
27 - Form of service for Dedication of church bells - 1904
28 - Form of service for Coronation of George V - 1911
29 - Form of service for Industrial strife - 1912
30 - Form of service for War - 1914
31-32 - Form of service for Anniversary of declaration of war - 1917
33 - Form of service for Anniversary of declaration of war - 1918
34-36 - Form of service for Peace - 1919
37 - Form of service for War memorial - 1919
38 - Form of service - 1932
39-40 - Form of service for Silver jubilee - 1935
41 - Form of service for Death of George V - 1936
42-43 - Form of service for Dedication of sanctuary lamp - 1951
44 - Form of service for Institution of Rev James Armitage - 1957
45 - Form of service for Institution of Rt Rev Thomas Parfitt - 1962
46 - Form of service for Confirmation - 1964
47 - Form of service for Dedication of the east window - 1969
48-49 - Faculty for restoration - 1870
50 - Faculty for bells - 1904
51 - Faculty for memorial slabs - 1920
52-55 - Faculty for alterations - 1923
56-57 - Faculty for alterations - 1924
58-59 - Faculty for reserving graves - 1926
60-64 - Faculty for oak panelling, table - 1930
65 - Faculty for oak crucifix - 1932
65a-66 - Faculty for reserving grave - 1933
67-81 - Faculty for churchyard, - 1935
82-93 - Faculty for rehanging bells - 1936
94-111 - Faculty for exhumation - 1946
112 - Faculty for memorial - 1946
113 - Faculty for east Window - 1968
114 - Faculty for re-allocation of pews - 1812
115-125 - Subscription list, bank book, plans, licence to hold divine service in school re restoration of church - 1870-1872
126-127 - Subscription list, and plan of proposed alteration of position of organ chamber, showing east end of church - 1873
128 - Pulpit; elevations
129 - List of gifts to church by Miss Harrison, 1898-1908 - 1908
130 - War memorial subscription book - 1919-1920
131-155 - Alterations and additions; schedule of alterations, bills etc - 1931-1932
156-162 - Memorial to Canon Kewley - 1936
163-166 - Specification of improvements, plan for new drainage, etc - 1922-1927
163-175 - Rectory - 1922-1936
167-175 - Possible damage from quarrying - 1929-1936
176-178 - Office for the consecration of churchyards, plan for extension of graveyard, Matlock St Giles - 1918
179 - Benefice Inland Revenue papers - 1913-1914
180 - Benefice Sequestration orders - 1922-1948
181 - Ordnance Survey sheet: scale 6 inches: 1 mile 1899 edition marked up with Matlock St Giles parish boundary. 100 x 100 cm - 1899
182 - Ordnance Survey sheet: scale 6 inches:1 mile 1923 edition marked up with Matlock Bank All Saints parish boundary. 100 x 70 cm - 1923
183 - Ordnance Survey sheet: scale 6 inches: 1 mile 1923 edition marked up with Matlock Bath Holy Trinity parish boundary. 100 x 70 cm - 1923
184 - Matlock tithe map - 1848-1849
185 - Bundle of tithe redemption certificates and papers Parish of Matlock St Giles - 1891-1936
186 - Royal proclamation for the encouragement of piety and Virtue (printed) - 1830
187 - An act for registering births, deaths, and marriages in England (printed) - 1836
188-190 - Correspondence about marriage ceremony - 1863
191-192 - Agreement with Ernest Bailey, landlord, for letting the Institute at Matlock Green to the Church Army - 1920
193 - Archbishop’s pastoral letter - 1928
194 - Stipendiary curate’s licence - 1968
195 - Newspaper cutting-‘The poetry of the belfry’
Expand 196 - Plans of the graveyard extensions - 1899-[1970s]196 - Plans of the graveyard extensions - 1899-[1970s]
197 - Extracts from the parish magazine appertaining to alterations etc. - 1888-1983
198 - Two photographs from the film “Woman in Love”, taken in Matlock, - 1970
199 - Papers re. the church tower repairs - 1933
200 - Terrier of glebe land belonging to Matlock St Giles rector, 28 Apr - 1869
201 - Bishops Primary Visitation - 1937
202 - Bundle of church rolls - 1980-1996
Expand 203 - Parish magazines - 1935-1945203 - Parish magazines - 1935-1945
204 - Restoration Appeal donations leaflet - 20th cent
205 - Parish Year Book - 1954
Expand PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1776-1827PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1776-1827
Expand PV - Vestry - 1845-1923PV - Vestry - 1845-1923
Expand PW - Churchwardens - 1812-1957PW - Churchwardens - 1812-1957