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Collapse D1847 - Parish of Matlock St Giles - 1637-1996D1847 - Parish of Matlock St Giles - 1637-1996
Collapse A - Parish archives - 1637-20th centA - Parish archives - 1637-20th cent
Expand PD - Parish Meeting and Parochial Church Council - 1920-1986PD - Parish Meeting and Parochial Church Council - 1920-1986
Collapse PF - Charities - 18th-20th centPF - Charities - 18th-20th cent
1 - Copy deed dated 15 Sep 1676 whereby John Statham of Trusley, gent, (surviving executor of the last will and testament of William Woolley of Riber, esq), Thomas Evans of Nottingham, framework knitter (surviving executor of the last will and testament of Anthony Woolley of Riber, gent, nephew of William), Arthur Dakeyne of Stubbing Edge and Frances his wife Michael Buxton of Farnfield (Nottinghamshire), clerk, and Elizabeth his wife, and Joseph Marshall of Kings Newton, framework knitter, and Mary his wife (which Frances, Elizabeth, and Mary were sisters and co-heirs of Anthony Woolley) convey to Thomas Statham of Clements Inn, gent, certain lands within the lordship and manor of Matlock, which lands are held at present on trust by William Bache of Stanton, esq, and Walter Whalley of Nottingham, gent, to the uses expressed in indentures of 4 Jan 1629/30; Thomas Statham to be seised to the same uses - 1728
2-17 - Copies of case papers, depositions etc arising out of a decree made by the commissioners of charitable uses, 1728, and a decree of the high court of Chancery, 1731 - 1728-1732
18-27 - Correspondence and papers - 1728-1732
28-36 - Solicitors’ fees - 1728-1732
37 - Agreement by Matlock freeholders and copyholders to oppose the appointment of Anthony Hill as schoolmaster in succession to Thomas Denham deceased, Hill having been appointed unilaterally by the rector. 4 Jul - 1741
38 - Distraint by Anthony Hill schoolmaster on Mary Johnson for arrears of rent - 1741
39 - Extracts from parish register - 1742-1750
40-44 - Miscellaneous papers
45-59 - Draft deeds of exchange and draft leases of school lands, notices of school lands to be let, conditions of letting - 1785-1832
60-79 - Correspondence: lettings, redemption of land tax, school lands - 1786-1835
80-95 - Loose papers Including: D1847/A/PF/80 draft school rules,1808, part written on back of report of annual meeting of Ashover, Bonsall, Darley, and Matlock Association for the Prosecution of Felons, 1799; D1847/A/PF/81-89 land tax papers, 1806-1817; D1847/A/PF/90 Notice inviting applications for free places at school, 1814; D1847/A/PF/91-92 list of applicants, c.1814; D1847/A/PF/93 Petition on behalf of Thomas Bunting, applicant for the post of master, nd - 1808-1817
96-126 - Bills and receipts, mainly building repairs, including agreements and estimates (Matlock school) - 1767-1835
127 - Agreement, specification, plan and elevations, for alterations (Matlock school) - 1870
128 - Parish Charities: General account book - 1853-1895
128-155 - Parish Charities - 1842-1965
129 - Parish Charities: List of persons in receipt of coals, meal, flannel, cash etc - 1842
130-134 - Robert Clay bequest-correspondence and papers - 1880
135-140 - Catherine Leacroft-correspondence and papers - 1907
141-146 - Margaret Harrison bequest-correspondence and papers - 1925-1935
147-148 - Jason Thompson bequest: letter and extract of will - 1940
149-152 - Miscellaneous papers Matlock St Giles Parish Charities - 20th cent
153 - Henry Knowles’ Charity minute book - 1906-1946
154 - Henry Knowles’ Charity minute book - 1946-1998
155 - Henry Knowles’ Charity bequest book - 1934-1965
Expand PI - Parish incumbent records - 1637-20th centPI - Parish incumbent records - 1637-20th cent
Expand PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1776-1827PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1776-1827
Expand PV - Vestry - 1845-1923PV - Vestry - 1845-1923
Expand PW - Churchwardens - 1812-1957PW - Churchwardens - 1812-1957