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Collapse D161 - Andrew MacBeth Cash & Company of Wirksworth, solicitors - 17th-20th centD161 - Andrew MacBeth Cash & Company of Wirksworth, solicitors - 17th-20th cent
Collapse BOX - Andrew MacBeth, Cash & Company: box-listed records - 1623-20th centBOX - Andrew MacBeth, Cash & Company: box-listed records - 1623-20th cent
Expand 1 - Property records - 18th-20th cent1 - Property records - 18th-20th cent
Expand 2 - Records re mining and quarrying - 18th-20th cent2 - Records re mining and quarrying - 18th-20th cent
Collapse 3 - Deeds and related papers - 18th-19th cent3 - Deeds and related papers - 18th-19th cent
1 - Feoffment by Sir Philip Gell, bart of Hopton to Nicholas Thackar, yeoman of Wirksworth of the?West and East peeces near Sir Philip Gell's upper smelting mill to be held from Sir Philip and the Manor of Holland for an annual rent of 6d. - 1717
2-3 - Lease and release by Frances Ridgeway, spinster of Nottingham, John Goodwin, gentleman of Ashbourne and John Alsopp, gentleman of Ashbourne to Catherine Thacker, spinster of Wirksworth of ½a in the smelting Mill Close. - 1761
4 - Mortgage by Catherine Thacker, widow of John Thacker, husbandman, of Wirksworth and Benjamin Frost, woolcomber of Wirksworth and his wife Catherine, only daughter of John Thacker, to Joseph Bradshaw, baker of Wirksworth of a dwelling house in Warmbrook, Hanging Acre or Smelting Mill Close near the Middle Smelting Mill and the property at 1, to secure £80. - 1762
5-6 - Two final concords above, 4 November. - 1762
7 - Final concord between John Cantrell, plaintiff and 1764 Catherine Thacker and Benjamin and, Catherine Frost, deforciants, property in Wirksworth. - 1764
8 - Assignment of mortgage at 4 by Joseph Bradshaw to Thomas Johnson, gentleman of Derby, the sum to be?secured being £180. - 1764
9 - Feoffment by Samuel Buxton, gentleman of Wirksworth 1769 to Anthony Poyser, currier of Wirksworth of a stable?with chamber over it in Nether Street, Wirksworth and?a small parcel of land to the north. - 1769
10 - Legal case and opinion: Catherine Thacker and Benjamin 1767 and Catherine Frost vs Joseph Bradshaw, 23 May. - 1767
11 - Assignment of mortgage at 4 by Thomas Johnson to Anthony Poyser, currier of Wirksworth to secure?£278. - 1771
12 - Conveyance by Catherine Frost, widow of Wirksworth to Anthony Poyser of the property mortgaged at 4?for the sum of £300, £21.10s being paid, the remaining amount being the total sum lent originally. - 1772
13 - Mortgage by Anthony Poyser, currier of Wirksworth, to Edward Wragg, butcher of Wirksworth of a dwelling house built on the site of the stable at 9 in Nether Street to secure £80. - 1782
14-15 - Copy will and probate of Anthony Poyzer, currier of Wirksworth, 15 May and 21 June. - 1799
16 - Number not used - early 19th cent
17 - Release by Edward Bodell Newbold, gentleman of Breedon on the Hill, co Leics, his trustee William Wheatcroft, writing clerk of Derby and Kitty Taylor, widow of Wirksworth to John Udale, gentleman of Wirksworth of 2 roods 4 perches of Meadow on Brassington Lane on West side of Brassington Lane Close. - 1822
18 - Release by John Poyzer, currier of Wirksworth to Phineas Peat, cordwainer of Wirksworth of all his real and personal estate to be held in trust for his children. - 1844
19 - Assignment of mortgage by the Rt Hon Ann, Countess Dowager of Massereene of Antrim, Ireland, only child, devisee and executrix of the late Henry Eyre, esquire of Rowter, Derbyshire to Robert Higgs, miner of Winster, of the mortgage by Jacob Hall, inn holder of Winster, and his wife Mary, the widow of the?late Edward Wells, clockmaker of Winster, and Stephen Wells, clockmaker of Winster and Edward Wells, joiner of Winster, two of the sons of the late Edward Wells of a dwelling house in a back street north from Winster Town Street partly used as a shop with adjoining stable and garden to secure £30. - 1766
20-21 - Assignment by way of mortgage by George Blackwell, miner of Winster to Josiah Banks, yeoman of Mouldrige Grange, parish of Bradbourne of several closes of land in Winster, leased for the remainder of a period of 21 years, to secure £47 with bond of George Blackwell. - 1774
22 - Feoffment by Francis Hudson, yeoman, formerly of Winster and now of Thickwithens, Staffs to Robert Blackwell, miner of Winster of a messuage in Winster occupied by Elizabeth Hall with adjoining coal house and stable, two gardens and part of a garden. - 1702
23-24 - Feoffment by Thomas Blore, yeoman of Upper Haddon, parish of Bakewell to Richard Blackwell, miner of Winster of a close of 4 acres 2 roods 16 perches on the Winster-Newhaven turnpike at Winster. - 1789
25-26 - Lease and release by William Smith, miner of Aldwark,?p Bradbourne (eldest son and heir at law of the late John Smith, miner of Winster by his wife Jane,?daughter of the late William Gregory of Hill House, Youlgrave) to James Boam, inn keeper of Winster of a?messuage in Winster occupied previously by William?and Thomas Smith and since by John Smith but now by James Boam with adjoining building and garden. - 1795
27 - Feoffment by George Goodwin, gentleman of Winster and bargain and sale by Joseph Roberts, barmaster of?Stoney Middleton to Joseph Blackwall, cooper of?Winster of a beastgate for one cow in Bank Pasture, Winster, previously the estate of the late John Johnson, yeoman of Winster who devised it inter alia to his daughters Dorothy and Ellen and then to their younger children. - 1795
28 - Assignment of mortgage by Robert Higgs, mine-agent late of Winster but now of Kettlewell, co Yorks to?Joseph Blackwall, cooper and Richard Blackwall, gentleman, both of Winster. - 1796
29 - Feoffment by Thomas Blore, yeoman, late of Callenge Low, Youlgrave but now of Upper Haddon and his wife Jane to Richard Blackwall, yeoman of Winster of a?plot of land of 2 acres in Winster, late occupied by Thomas Blore but now by John Wagstaffe [details of location and descent of title given] and agreement with Daniel Prime, yeoman of Stanton Hillside, Youlgrave concerning the repair of a boundary wall or fence. - 1797
30 - Feoffment by the Rt Hon Anne, Countess Dowager Massereene of Ireland, only child and heir at law?and devisee of the late Henry Eyre, esquire of Rowter?to George Blackwell, yeoman of Winster of a messuage of two bays divided into two buildings on Wooda Lane, Winster now occupied by Thomas Bromwell and Anthony Charlesworth. - 1798
31 - Probate and copy of will of Richard Blackwell, yeoman of Winster. - 1803
32-33 - Conveyance and appointment by the Rt Hon Nathaniel Lord Scarsdale, Baron of Scarsdale and the Hon Nathaniel Curzon of Kedleston to Joseph Blackwell, cooper of Winster of a parcel of lalr6p in the Upper Field, Winster now or lately occupied by George Boam. - 1806
34-35 - Lease (no release) by Thomas White, gentleman of Winster (eldest brother and heir at law of George?White who was first son of George White, nephew and?devisee of the late George Norman, lead merchant formerly of Winster, to Joseph Blackwell, inn keeper of Winster, of a third share in Barn Close or Upper Shirley or Sharley Furlong, Winster (2 acres 2 roods 22 perches)?28 February, with covenant for production of the title deeds, 29 February. - 1812
36-37 - Feoffment by Francis Boam, druggist of Winster to Joseph Blackwell, innkeeper of Winster of property as?at Nos 25-26. - 1812
38 - Copy of will of Joseph Blackwell, farmer of Winster, 14 June 1835.
39-45 - Papers re settlement of the estate of Joseph Blackwell. - 1874-1897
46 - Grant by Adam Simpson, miner of Bonsall (son and heir 1746 of the late Peter Simpson, miner of Bonsall) and his?wife Elizabeth (one of the three daughters of John?Johnson, yeoman of Winster) to John Johnson aforesaid and George Norman, lead merchant of Winster, of his share of the Manor of Bonsall (previously purchased by the late Peter Simpson from Tristram Ridgeway), all pews in Bonsall Church belonging to these copy hold lands?and any freehold lands which were the estate of Peter Simpson, to be held in trust for Adam Simpson and subject to an annuity of £10 to Elizabeth Johnson after the death of her husband Adam. - 1746
47 - Copy Court Roll, Manor of Bonsall: surrender by Adam Simpson and admission of John Johnson and George?Norman as above at No 46 of a messuage called the?Study (previously the Green), a barn, cowhouse and stable all under one roof, another cowhouse, stable, coalhouse with cheese chamber over it, three gardens and one orchard; the Green Close (3 acres), the pyehathorne (1 acre), the Great Close (4 acres), the Holt (2 acres) and the two beastgates according to the new stinting on Bonsall Leys and Bonsall Green. - 1746
48 - Copy mortgage by Adam Simpson, gentleman of Bonsall and Charles Upton, gentleman of Derby to Thomas Evans, esquire of Derby of inclosure allotments in Bonsall. - 1776
49 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: surrender by?Adam Simpson the elder and Adam Simpson the younger of the property at No 47 above but with an Inclosure allotment in lieu of the two beastgates (2 acres 1 rood 12 perches) and common recovery whereby the property is conveyed to Adam Simpson the elder for life and then to John Oldham, gentleman of Hallfield Gate, parish of Shirland in trust to secure the sum of £227 which Adam Simpson the younger owes to Adam Simpson the elder and then to the uses as at nos 46-47. - 1780
50 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: Conditional surrender by John Oldham, gentleman of Hallfield Gate to Thomas Walker the younger, esquire, of Manchester?to secure £227. - 1781
51 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: Admission of Adam Simpson, son of Adam and Elizabeth Simpson. - 1784
52 - Copy conveyance by Charles Upton, gentleman of Derby, a trustee for the late Adam Simpson, Richard Arkwright, junior, esquire of Bakewell and his wife Mary, Peter Simpson, distiller of St George's parish, Bloomsbury, Middlesex, John Simpson, cotton manufacturer of Manchester and Samuel Simpson, also a cotton manufacturer of Manchester (the last four persons being the children and devisees of the late Adam Simpson, gentleman of Bonsall) in trust to Anthony?Lax Maynard, esquire of Chesterfield and Isaac Wilkinson, merchant of Chesterfield. - 1785
53 - Deed of covenant for conditional surrender by Adam Simpson, barmaster of Bonsall (son of Adam and?Elizabeth Simpson) to William Harding, gentleman of Chesterfield to secure £300 on the property as at No 49. - 1785
54 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: Conditional surrender, including common recovery as above at No 53. - 1785
55 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: Admission of Stephen Hall, gentleman of Middleton and Charles Potter, mercer of Wigwell, parish of Wirksworth to the property at No 49 under the will of the late Adam Simpson, in trust until the testator's godson, John Bateman (son of John Bateman, innholder of Middleton, should attain the age of 21 years. - 1790
56 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: surrender by William Harding, gentleman of Chesterfield and Stephen Hall, gentleman of Middleton by Wirksworth?and Charles Potter, mercer of Wigwell, parish of Wirksworth (the latter two being devisees of the late Adam Simpson, gentleman of Middleton by Wirksworth) of the property as at 49 and conditional surrender to Ralph Toplis, grocer of Wirksworth to secure £300. - 1790
57 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: Transfer of 1792 mortgage (conditional surrender) by Ralph Toplis as?at 56 to Henry Flint, yeoman of Bonsall. - 1792
58 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: Admission of Henry Flint, son of Henry Flint who was uncle of the late Adam Simpson, gentleman of Middleton by Wirksworth to the property at No 49. - 1792
59 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: surrender by Henry Flint for the uses of his own will. - 1792
60 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: surrender by Peter Simpson, distiller of St George's parish, Bloomsbury, Middlesex and Bernard Lucas, merchant of Chesterfield?of the copyhold close in Bonsall called Cooper Croft (3 acres 10 perches) now occupied by Joseph Simpson and the close?in Bonsall Leys called the Green or Homepasture (9a10p) also occupied by Joseph Simpson (part of an inclosure allotment to Adam Simpson) to Henry Flint, black-smith of Bonsall and the uses of his will. - 1793
61 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: Conditional surrender by Henry Flint of the property at No 49 to Stephen Hall, yeoman of Middleton by Wirksworth to secure £360. - 1793
62 - Copy of release of equity of redemption (Transfer of mortgage) by Anthony Lax Maynard, esquire of?Chesterfield and Isaac Wilkinson, merchant of?Chesterfield to Thomas Evans, esquire of Derby. - 1795
63 - Copy of conveyance by lease and release by Thomas Evans, esquire of Derby to Henry Flint, miner of Bonsall and his trustee, Joseph Simpson, the younger, miner of Bonsall of the property at No 48. - 1795
64 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: Surrender by Stephen Hall as at 61 to Henry Flint, gentleman of Bonsall of the property at 61 on payment of £360. - 1814
65 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: Presentment of the 1816 death of Henry Flint and admission of his son and heir?by his will, Thomas Flint to two messuages with gardens?on Greenhill, Bonsall (to be sold) and the property at 49. - 1816
66 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: Conditional surrender by Thomas Flint, warehouseman of Manchester and his wife Mary, and Betty Flint, widow of Manchester (mother of Thomas and widow of the late Henry and an annuitant in his will) to William Brittlebank the younger, gentleman of Oddo, co Derbyshire of the property at 49, to secure £1000. - 1817
67 - Copy lease and release as above, No 66, but also the property at No 48 to secure £1000. - 1817
68 - Copy conveyance by Thomas Brundritt, nursery man of Stretford, Co Lancs (heir at law of the late Charles?Upton, esquire of Derby) and Sarah Upton, widow of?Charles Upton of Derby to Samuel Evans, esquire of Derby of the estates of which he died seized in trust. - 1818
69 - Copy of further charge of £250 by Thomas Flint and Betty Flint to William Brittlebank. - 1820
70 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: Admission of Mary Flint, widow of Thomas Flint, yeoman of Bonsall?to the property at 49. - 1824
71 - Bond in £4800 by George Else, shopkeeper of Lea, parish of Ashover and his wife Mary, formerly Mary Flint, widow of Bonsall and William Brittlebank the elder, gentleman of Oddo to indemnify John Prince, gentleman of Manchester against eviction, 24 July. - 1826
72-73 - Lease and release between the parties above at 71 of the Inclosure Allotment, No 36 in Bonsall (2 acres 14 perches) and the property at No 49 above. - 1826
74 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: Surrender by William Brittlebank, the younger, gentleman now or late of Oddo, parish of Winster (Consideration £1486. 15s 6d) and George Else, shopkeeeper of Lea and his wife Mary and Betty Flint, widow of Henry Flint of Bonsall (Consideration £617.4s 6d) of the property at No 49 to John Prince as at No 71. - 1826
75 - Copy of No 74, 11 September. - 1826
76 - Transfer of mortgages by John Walker, butcher of Kimberley, parish of Greasley, co Notts to William Thickett, gentleman of Nottingham and John George Skipwith,?wine merchant of Nottingham. The property concerned is a dwelling house at Kimberley, formerly occupied?by Thomas Bostock, then by John Walker and Priscilla Walker, an adjoining shop occupied by John Walker, a garden in front of these two properties and a house adjoining the abovementioned house then occupied by Samuel Chambers. - 1857
77 - Transfer of mortgage by John Walker from John George Skipwith and William Thickett as at No 76 to Elizabeth Jane Hunt, spinster of Bolehill, parish of Wirksworth and a further charge of £50. - 1859
78 - Transfer of mortgage by Jane Elizabeth Hunt as above to Thomas William Hunt, gentleman of the same place 12 March. - 1864
79 - Further charge by John Walker to Thomas William Hunt of £74, 27 September. - 1866
80 - Feoffment by the Duke of Rutland to John Walker, collier of Kimberley, co Notts for his life and then to his executor Joshua Beardmore, tallow chandler of Radford, Nottingham of the three closes at 76 above, with the right to carry out works for the mining of coal. - 1817
81 - Deed of convenant by Duke of Rutland, see 80, to produce title deeds. - 1817
82 - Mortgage by John Walker, of the property as at 80 to Constant Kitchen, widow of Nottingham to secure £90. - 1831
83 - Probate copy of will of John Walker, gentleman of Kimberley, parish of Greasley, co Notts. - 1843
84 - Transfer of mortgage (No 80) by Priscilla Walker, spinster of Kimberley and John Walker, butcher of Kimberley to William Burton, lace manufacturer of?Woodville, parish of Basford, Nottingham. - 1850
85 - Conveyance by Priscilla Walker as above and John Walker, cordwainer of Bobbers Mill, parish of Basford, Nottingham (devisees of the late John Walker, gentle- man of Kimberley) to John Walker, butcher of Kimberley of the property at 80. - 1853
86 - Transfer of Mortgage from William Burton, see 84, to Richard Ibberson, gentleman of Nottingham with further charge of £150. - 1853
87 - Further charge of £50, property etc as at 86. - 1856
88 - "Hopton Valuation for the Poor Rate" with list of tenants' names, acreage and value for Hopton, Griffe and Griffe Grange. - Early 19th cent
89 - "Survay of a Farme" with field names, acreages, value value and poor rate assessment. - Early 19th cent
90 - Unexecuted mortgage by James Banks Hodgkinson, auctioneer of Brassington to George Colledge, stone merchant, George Watterson, licensed victualler, both of Wirksworth and Thomas Walker, plumber of Matlock Bath (Trustees of the Wirksworth District of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Manchester Unity Friendly Society) of two closes known as the Middlehills in Brassington (7a3r5p) and the Wall Lands Closes (6a6p) with plan. - 1898
91 - Extracts Brassington from book of reference, London and North Western Railway. - mid 19th cent
92 - Copy court roll, Manor of Bonsall: Licence to Isaac Doxey, innkeeper of Bonsall to demise or lease the Queens Head Inn, Bonsall for not more than 3 years from 24 June 1899 at annual rent of £65. - 1899
93 - Valuation for duty of the estate of Isaac Doxey of 1901 the Cross, Bonsall. - 1901
94 - Bundle of funeral expenses bills etc, late Mr Doxey. - 1901
95 - Account of timber sold and expenses for cutting the Cromford Estate, signed by William Banks. - 1895-1906
96 - Schedule of title deeds relating to property at Doveridge, handed to Lord Waterpark on reconveyance, 25 February. - 1896
97 - Schedule of title?deeds relating to an estate at Brockhurst, parish of Ashover, bought of Mrs and Miss Harriet Gladwin by William Robinson and the Trustees of William Hopkinson's will, 11 June. - 1806
98 - Four letters re topping a tree in St John St, 1924-1925 Wirksworth. - 1924-1925
99-100 - List of chief rents due from Sir Brook Boothby to the Crown for estates in Offcote and Underwood, Mich.? - 1810
101 - Letter re Butler's enfranchisement deed, Wirksworth Manor. - 1922
102-103 - Draft petition by inhabitants of Middleton by Wirksworth to the trustees of the Cromford road and of the Nottingham-Newhaven turnpike. - 19th cent
104 - List of JPs, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. - 19th cent
105 - Notes erection of tollgates for turnpike roads. - 19th cent
106-114 - Bundle of correspondence and papers re the water supply at Winfield Manor Fann, including list of tenants on the estate. - 1891-1895
Expand 4 - Ephemera and War charities - 19th-20th cent4 - Ephemera and War charities - 19th-20th cent
Expand 5 - Deeds and related papers - 18th-19th cent5 - Deeds and related papers - 18th-19th cent
Expand 6 - Deeds and related papers - 18th-19th cent6 - Deeds and related papers - 18th-19th cent
Expand 7 - Wills - 18th-20th cent7 - Wills - 18th-20th cent
Expand 8 - Accounts - 19th-20th cent8 - Accounts - 19th-20th cent
Expand 9 - Personal papers, acts of parliament, business records - 18th-20th cent9 - Personal papers, acts of parliament, business records - 18th-20th cent
Expand 10 - Records of Alsop and Eley Ltd, Sanitary Pipe Manufacturers - 19th-20th cent10 - Records of Alsop and Eley Ltd, Sanitary Pipe Manufacturers - 19th-20th cent
Expand 11 - Records including re education - 19th-20th cent11 - Records including re education - 19th-20th cent
Expand 12 - Records including local administration and justice - 19th-20th cent12 - Records including local administration and justice - 19th-20th cent
Expand 13 - Business records - 19th cent13 - Business records - 19th cent
Expand 14 - Business records - 19th cent14 - Business records - 19th cent
Expand 15 - Wirksworth Cottage Hospital - 1880-192315 - Wirksworth Cottage Hospital - 1880-1923
Expand 16 - Records of the Manor of Loddon Ingloss, Norfolk - 1623-190316 - Records of the Manor of Loddon Ingloss, Norfolk - 1623-1903
Expand 17 - Abstracts of title, mostly drafts - 19th-20th cent17 - Abstracts of title, mostly drafts - 19th-20th cent
Expand 18 - Abstracts of title - 19th-20th cent18 - Abstracts of title - 19th-20th cent
19 - Andrew MacBeth, Cash & Co: unlisted records Box 19 (inspected by volunteer Celia Renshaw 18 May 2016)
20 - Andrew MacBeth, Cash & Co: unlisted records Box 20 (inspected by volunteer Celia Renshaw 18 May 2016)
Bonsall - Bonsall tithe award (copy) - 1846
Expand ES - Sale catalogues - 19th-20th centES - Sale catalogues - 19th-20th cent
Lincoln - 19th Century tracing of Dean of Lincoln’s property at Wirksworth - (18th cent) 19th cent
Meerbrook - Plan of Meerbrough Sough - 1835
Expand UL - Andrew MacBeth Cash & Co, Solicitors, Wirksworth: unlisted records - 18th-20th centUL - Andrew MacBeth Cash & Co, Solicitors, Wirksworth: unlisted records - 18th-20th cent
Wirksworth - Volume re Wirksworth small tithes - 1715