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Collapse D161 - Andrew MacBeth Cash & Company of Wirksworth, solicitors - 17th-20th centD161 - Andrew MacBeth Cash & Company of Wirksworth, solicitors - 17th-20th cent
Collapse BOX - Andrew MacBeth, Cash & Company: box-listed records - 1623-20th centBOX - Andrew MacBeth, Cash & Company: box-listed records - 1623-20th cent
Expand 1 - Property records - 18th-20th cent1 - Property records - 18th-20th cent
Expand 2 - Records re mining and quarrying - 18th-20th cent2 - Records re mining and quarrying - 18th-20th cent
Expand 3 - Deeds and related papers - 18th-19th cent3 - Deeds and related papers - 18th-19th cent
Expand 4 - Ephemera and War charities - 19th-20th cent4 - Ephemera and War charities - 19th-20th cent
Expand 5 - Deeds and related papers - 18th-19th cent5 - Deeds and related papers - 18th-19th cent
Expand 6 - Deeds and related papers - 18th-19th cent6 - Deeds and related papers - 18th-19th cent
Expand 7 - Wills - 18th-20th cent7 - Wills - 18th-20th cent
Expand 8 - Accounts - 19th-20th cent8 - Accounts - 19th-20th cent
Expand 9 - Personal papers, acts of parliament, business records - 18th-20th cent9 - Personal papers, acts of parliament, business records - 18th-20th cent
Expand 10 - Records of Alsop and Eley Ltd, Sanitary Pipe Manufacturers - 19th-20th cent10 - Records of Alsop and Eley Ltd, Sanitary Pipe Manufacturers - 19th-20th cent
Expand 11 - Records including re education - 19th-20th cent11 - Records including re education - 19th-20th cent
Collapse 12 - Records including local administration and justice - 19th-20th cent12 - Records including local administration and justice - 19th-20th cent
1 - Register of alehouse licences and lists of Overseers of the Poor for the Wirksworth Division. - 1855-1867
2 - Rough minute book for Petty Sessions at Wirksworth. - 1946-1949
3 - Minute book of the meetings of the Justices of the Wirksworth Division with reference to the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 and the Juvenile Courts (Constitution) Rules, 1933. - 1933-1936
4 - Counterfoil book for licences issued under the Cinematograph Act 1909 and related papers. - 1937-1942
5 - Counterfoil book for licences as at No 4. - 1910-1937
6 - Bye-laws of Wirksworth Local Board. - 1879
7 - Copy of the conveyance of sites for the church, burial ground and parsonage at Stanton-in-the-Peak. - 1875
7a-9 - Wirksworth Sewerage and Sewage disposal: memorials from Gorsey Bank and Wirksworth and copy letters?to the Local Government Board. - 1895
10-11 - Manuscript sale notice with plan of the house of George Marcellus Peal in Cdldwell Street, Wirksworth. - 1881
12-20 - Papers including an agreement between Alfreton Waterworks and Joseph Wheatcroft, esquire of Wirksworth for purchase of land in Ashover. - 1877-1878
21-26 - Case notes for Petty Sessions cases with note of fine or result of case. - 1877-1887
27-31 - Corrrespondence from the Home Office and Orders in Council on the keeping of explosives. - 1883-1886
32-40 - Notices for election of Wirksworth Local Board and application of John James for the post of clerk, including his testimonials. - 1877
41 - Rules of Wirksworth Book Society for regulation of the Subscription to Mudie's Library. - 1860
42-43 - Orders for Quarter Sessions: - 1934-1935
44-47 - Depositions and copies of Justices' certificates concerning the diversion of footpaths in the area west of Cromford Road to the arch under the Cromford and High Peak Railway, with plan. - 1947- 1952
48 - Copy of a petition against roundabouts in Wirksworth Market Place. - 1896
49-50 - Application forms for certificates to store gunpowder.
Expand 13 - Business records - 19th cent13 - Business records - 19th cent
Expand 14 - Business records - 19th cent14 - Business records - 19th cent
Expand 15 - Wirksworth Cottage Hospital - 1880-192315 - Wirksworth Cottage Hospital - 1880-1923
Expand 16 - Records of the Manor of Loddon Ingloss, Norfolk - 1623-190316 - Records of the Manor of Loddon Ingloss, Norfolk - 1623-1903
Expand 17 - Abstracts of title, mostly drafts - 19th-20th cent17 - Abstracts of title, mostly drafts - 19th-20th cent
Expand 18 - Abstracts of title - 19th-20th cent18 - Abstracts of title - 19th-20th cent
19 - Andrew MacBeth, Cash & Co: unlisted records Box 19 (inspected by volunteer Celia Renshaw 18 May 2016)
20 - Andrew MacBeth, Cash & Co: unlisted records Box 20 (inspected by volunteer Celia Renshaw 18 May 2016)
Bonsall - Bonsall tithe award (copy) - 1846
Expand ES - Sale catalogues - 19th-20th centES - Sale catalogues - 19th-20th cent
Lincoln - 19th Century tracing of Dean of Lincoln’s property at Wirksworth - (18th cent) 19th cent
Meerbrook - Plan of Meerbrough Sough - 1835
Expand UL - Andrew MacBeth Cash & Co, Solicitors, Wirksworth: unlisted records - 18th-20th centUL - Andrew MacBeth Cash & Co, Solicitors, Wirksworth: unlisted records - 18th-20th cent
Wirksworth - Volume re Wirksworth small tithes - 1715