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Collapse D160 - Parish of Bonsall St James the Apostle - 1634-20th centD160 - Parish of Bonsall St James the Apostle - 1634-20th cent
Collapse A - Parish archives - 1634-20th centA - Parish archives - 1634-20th cent
Expand PC - Parochial Church CouncilPC - Parochial Church Council
Expand PI - Registers/IncumbentPI - Registers/Incumbent
Collapse PO - Overseers of the PoorPO - Overseers of the Poor
1 - Overseers Account Book - 1788-1789
2 - Overseers Account Book - 1793-1794
3 - Overseers Account Book - 1804-1805
4-69 - Overseers' accounts (loose sheets) - 1759-1811
70-91 - Receipts for payment of house rents - 1760-1789
92-117 - Bills and receipts for payment of maintenance and provision of meat and drink to the poor - 1771-1811
118-224 - Bills and receipts for purchase of clothing, shoes, coal etc for the poor - 1773-1811
225 - Bill of J Dally for medicine provided for William Bunting - 1781-1782
226 - Bill of Thomas Southern for medicine for Redfern's wife - 1782
227-232 - Bills for legal expenses re settlement etc - 1783-1810
233-249 - Accounts for overseers' expenses - 1773-1811
250 - Account of "the Hirdin Clott got" - 1782
251 - Account of "Vide Houses and Short Payments" - 1811
252-253 - Receipts for payment of fire insurance premiums to the Manchester Fire Office - 1781-1782
254-257 - Receipts for payments for catching moles - 1788-1810
258 - List of money to be collected - [18th cent]
259-266 - Bills for work done on parish property - 1783-1810
267-282 - Miscellaneous bills and receipts - 1773-1810
283 - Ester Wright at Derby to Mr Mapple, overseer of Bonsall - asks him for relief as she is in poor health - set out to see him in person last week but was unable to proceed far, 29 May - 1799
284 - R Thompson, General Hospital, Nottingham to Charles Kirkland, overseer of Bonsall - John Wood who was admitted as an in-patient, has been discharged "cured by an amputation" and should be sent for as soon as possible - 22 May 1810
285 - Messrs Atkinson and Gillatt at Eckington to the overseers of Bonsall re the relief of Widow Haslam who has received no pay since 14 December - she is supporting herself by baking cakes for neighbours or making pies for sale - 19 Jan 1811
286 - Peter Marslom, overseer of Brimington to the overseer of Bonsall, saying it is twelve months since he relieved John Bunting's family on orders from Bonsall but he has not yet been reimbursed - 13 Apr 1811
287 - First page of poor rate assessment for Bonsall - 1851
288 - Order for the removal of Hannah Younge, widow, and Jacob her son (aged 4) from Manchester (Lancashire) to Bonsall Endorsed with suspension on account of sickness and later reimposition - 1810
289 - Account of money received from putative fathers - c1810
290-309 - Bonds for maintenance of bastard children - 1746-1817
310 - Bond for the maintenance of Thomas Eytton, "unhappily disordered in his senses" aged 25 - 1784
311 - Certificate by Thomas Lomas, surgeon, Belper, that Francis Redfern's wife is in need of medical attention - 2 Oct 1810
312 - Certificate by William Mould, curate of Sutton Lound, Nottinghamshire, that Eliza Frost, daughter of Mary Frost is residing at Spital Hill, Clarborough, Nottinghamshire and should receive more pay in regard of a recent severe illness - 1810
313-327 - Monthly accounts of contributions to the poor house(?) - 1782-1789
328-340 - Monthly receipts for contributions due to Ashover Poor House - 1810-1811
341 - Table of monthly disbursements at Ashover Poor House - 1809-1810
Expand PP - ConstablePP - Constable
Expand PV - VestryPV - Vestry
Expand PW - ChurchwardensPW - Churchwardens
Expand PZ - MiscellaneousPZ - Miscellaneous