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Collapse D1533 - Hope Church of England School - 1863-1916D1533 - Hope Church of England School - 1863-1916
Expand 1 - Log books - 1863-18931 - Log books - 1863-1893
Expand 2 - Attendance records - 18882 - Attendance records - 1888
Expand 3 - Summary attendance registers - 1880-19043 - Summary attendance registers - 1880-1904
Expand 4 - Class attendance registers: Boys - 1881-18984 - Class attendance registers: Boys - 1881-1898
Expand 5 - Class attendance registers: Girls - 1888-18985 - Class attendance registers: Girls - 1888-1898
Expand 6 - Class attendance registers: Infants - 1888-18986 - Class attendance registers: Infants - 1888-1898
Collapse 7 - Cash books - 1870-19047 - Cash books - 1870-1904
8 - Yorkshire Penny Bank, Hope Branch: notice of withdrawals book - 1910-1916
9 - School managers' annual returns (/1-5) - 1899-1903
10 - Inspectors' reports, including reports on religious instruction, 1898-1901 (/1-29) - 1870-1901
11 - Papers (/1-7) re Pupil Teachers including: memos re appointments; exam dates, 1900 & 1903; exam results, 1897, 1899, 1900-1902; notices of failed candidates, 1899-1900; articles of agreement for employment, 1881, 1884, 1886, 1892, 1893, 1900, 1902, 1904 - 1881-1904
12 - Exam schedules: Drawing (/1-5) - 1888-1894
13 - Exam schedules (/1-7) - 1882-1890
14 - Voluntary School's annual accounts, 1897, 1899-1902 (/1-5) - 1897-1902
15 - Papers (/1-6) relating to grant aid: aid received and expended, 1899-1900; schedules of aid due, 1885-1903; teachers' contributions to Deferred Annuity Fund, 1901-1902; notices of omission of inspection of Hope School, 1896-1900 - 1885-1903
16 - Central government circulars (/1-16) including: caution re stone throwing at trains by children, 1898 (D1533/16/8); advice on curriculum in rural schools including observation of nature, 1900 (D1533/16/16) - 1891-1900
17 - Correspondence (/1-8) to and from Derbyshire Education Committee, especially re effects of 1902 Education Act, with returns - 1903
18 - Miscellaneous - 1890-c1915
19 - Derwent Valley Rainfall: Observations at Station No 56 Hope School (damaged) - 1900-1908
20 - Pupil's writing exercise book (damaged) - late 19th cent