Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse D1462 - Parish of Elmton St Peter - 1598-1987D1462 - Parish of Elmton St Peter - 1598-1987
Collapse A - Parish records - 1969-1973A - Parish records - 1969-1973
Expand PD - Parochial Church Council - 1969-1973PD - Parochial Church Council - 1969-1973
Expand PF - Charities - 1894PF - Charities - 1894
Expand PI - Records of the parish incumbent - 1598-1987PI - Records of the parish incumbent - 1598-1987
Collapse PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1679-1890PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1679-1890
Expand 1 - Account books - 1679-18901 - Account books - 1679-1890
2 - Weekly pay accounts and general Overseers’ accounts (/1-25) - 1775-1821
3 - Overseers bills and receipts (/1-130) - 1762-1866
4 - Receipts from Ashover Poor House for Elmton’s contribution towards its upkeep (/1-23) - 1823-1837
5 - Bills from other parishes for the maintenance of Elmton paupers (/1-5) - 1832-1833
6 - List of assessed values for rating purposes - 1831
7 - Settlement certificates - 1700-1807
8 - Settlement examinations - 1753-1836
9 - Removal orders (/1-13) - 1706-1857
10 - Notices of removal (/1-3) - 1836-1857
Expand 11 - Bastardy: bonds - 1746-183611 - Bastardy: bonds - 1746-1836
Expand 12 - Bastardy: certificate/order - 1763-183612 - Bastardy: certificate/order - 1763-1836
13 - Register of parish apprentices - 1804
Collapse 14 - Elmton apprenticeship records - 1801-180414 - Elmton apprenticeship records - 1801-1804
15 - Agreement to pay £2 to overseers of the poor of Elmton should Mary Smith become chargeable on Elmton during apprenticeship - 1797
Expand 16 - Other Records - 1780-184016 - Other Records - 1780-1840
Expand PP - Constable - 1736-1845PP - Constable - 1736-1845
Expand PS - Surveyor of the Highways - 1771-1892PS - Surveyor of the Highways - 1771-1892
Expand PV - Vestry - 1843-1860PV - Vestry - 1843-1860
Expand PW - Churchwardens - 1734-1971PW - Churchwardens - 1734-1971
Expand PZ - Miscellaneous - 1773-1833PZ - Miscellaneous - 1773-1833