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Collapse D1374 - Shardlow/South East Derbyshire Rural District Council, formerly Rural Sanitary Authority - 1872-1974D1374 - Shardlow/South East Derbyshire Rural District Council, formerly Rural Sanitary Authority - 1872-1974
Expand 1 - Rural Sanitary Authority/District Council minutes - 1872-19561 - Rural Sanitary Authority/District Council minutes - 1872-1956
Expand 2 - Civil Defence Committee Minutes - 1954-19672 - Civil Defence Committee Minutes - 1954-1967
Expand 3 - Direct Labour Committee Minutes - 1955-19603 - Direct Labour Committee Minutes - 1955-1960
Expand 4 - Draycott and Breaston Joint Sewage Farm Committee Minutes - 1915- 19304 - Draycott and Breaston Joint Sewage Farm Committee Minutes - 1915- 1930
Expand 5 - Finance Committee Minutes - 1926-19745 - Finance Committee Minutes - 1926-1974
Expand 6 - Highways Committee Minutes - 1911-19146 - Highways Committee Minutes - 1911-1914
Expand 7 - Housing Committee Minutes - 1919-19747 - Housing Committee Minutes - 1919-1974
Expand 8 - Joint Committee for Proposed District No. 8 - 1972-19738 - Joint Committee for Proposed District No. 8 - 1972-1973
Expand 9 - Lighting Committee (Breadsall and Littleover) - 1963-19689 - Lighting Committee (Breadsall and Littleover) - 1963-1968
Expand 10 - Minutes of assorted meetings - 1931-197310 - Minutes of assorted meetings - 1931-1973
Expand 11 - Public Works Committee minutes - 1919-197411 - Public Works Committee minutes - 1919-1974
Expand 12 - Minutes of Sanitary Committee meetings - 1908-191212 - Minutes of Sanitary Committee meetings - 1908-1912
Expand 13 - Minutes of Sanitary Committee meetings - Parochial - 1873-193713 - Minutes of Sanitary Committee meetings - Parochial - 1873-1937
Expand 14 - Minutes of, and reports to, the Special Purposes and Establishment Committee meetings - 1958-196814 - Minutes of, and reports to, the Special Purposes and Establishment Committee meetings - 1958-1968
Expand 15 - Minutes of South East Derbyshire Assessment Committee meetings - 1926-194015 - Minutes of South East Derbyshire Assessment Committee meetings - 1926-1940
Expand 16 - Minutes of South East Derbyshire Assessment Committee meetings - 1927-194016 - Minutes of South East Derbyshire Assessment Committee meetings - 1927-1940
Expand 17 - Minutes of Rating and Valuation Committee meetings - 1927-194417 - Minutes of Rating and Valuation Committee meetings - 1927-1944
Expand 18 - Reports to Financial Committee  - 1958-196318 - Reports to Financial Committee - 1958-1963
Expand 19 - Housing Committee papers - 1939-196219 - Housing Committee papers - 1939-1962
Expand 20 - Public Works Committee papers - 1952-196320 - Public Works Committee papers - 1952-1963
Expand 21 - Senior Sanitary Inspector - 1944-196021 - Senior Sanitary Inspector - 1944-1960
Expand 22 - Senior Public Health Inspector - 1956-196022 - Senior Public Health Inspector - 1956-1960
Expand 23 - Medical Officer of Health  - 1895-196023 - Medical Officer of Health - 1895-1960
Expand 24 - Waterworks manager - 1942-196124 - Waterworks manager - 1942-1961
Expand 25 - Special and General Purposes Committee - 1952-196025 - Special and General Purposes Committee - 1952-1960
Expand 26 - Rural District Councils Association - Derbyshire Branch - 1958-196226 - Rural District Councils Association - Derbyshire Branch - 1958-1962
Expand 27 - Emergency Committee - 193927 - Emergency Committee - 1939
Expand 28 - Fire Officer - 1941-195628 - Fire Officer - 1941-1956
Expand 29 - Vehicles Sub-Committee - 1946-195629 - Vehicles Sub-Committee - 1946-1956
Expand 30 - Cultural Committee - 195430 - Cultural Committee - 1954
Expand 31 - Establishment Committee - 195431 - Establishment Committee - 1954
Expand 32 - South Derbyshire Water Board - 1964-196532 - South Derbyshire Water Board - 1964-1965
Expand 33 - Meetings of, and reports to, various committees and sub-committees - 1954-195833 - Meetings of, and reports to, various committees and sub-committees - 1954-1958
Expand 34 - Clerks' Department - 1954-196134 - Clerks' Department - 1954-1961
Expand 35 - Maps - 193235 - Maps - 1932
Expand 36 - Reports from other District Councils - 1960-197136 - Reports from other District Councils - 1960-1971
Expand 37 - Treasurer's reports to the Direct Labour Committee - 1955-196037 - Treasurer's reports to the Direct Labour Committee - 1955-1960
Expand 38 - Finance Committee papers - 1954-196338 - Finance Committee papers - 1954-1963
Expand 39 - Treasurer's Account - 1923-196639 - Treasurer's Account - 1923-1966
Expand 40 - Health Reports - 1916-194240 - Health Reports - 1916-1942
Expand 41 - South-East Derbyshire RDC Annual Budgets - 1963-197341 - South-East Derbyshire RDC Annual Budgets - 1963-1973
Collapse 42 - Applications in respect of milk licenses - 195842 - Applications in respect of milk licenses - 1958
Expand 43 - Rights of way - 1934-193543 - Rights of way - 1934-1935
Expand UL - Shardlow/SE Derbyshire RDC: Unlisted recordsUL - Shardlow/SE Derbyshire RDC: Unlisted records