Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse D1251 - Parish of Sudbury All Saints - 1673-2001D1251 - Parish of Sudbury All Saints - 1673-2001
Collapse A - Parish archives - 1673-2001A - Parish archives - 1673-2001
Expand PD - Parochial Church Council - 1920-2000PD - Parochial Church Council - 1920-2000
Expand PF - Sudbury charities - 17th-20th centPF - Sudbury charities - 17th-20th cent
Expand PI - Records of the parish incumbent - 1673-2001PI - Records of the parish incumbent - 1673-2001
Expand PO - Overseers of the poor - 1661-1892PO - Overseers of the poor - 1661-1892
Expand PS - Surveyors/Overseers of Highways - 1767-1885PS - Surveyors/Overseers of Highways - 1767-1885
Expand PV - Vestry - 1712-1947PV - Vestry - 1712-1947
Expand PW - Churchwardens - 17th-20th centPW - Churchwardens - 17th-20th cent
Collapse PZ - Miscellaneous - 1780-1948PZ - Miscellaneous - 1780-1948
1 - Account book of Sudbury Girls School endorsed “Lady Vernon’s School Account” - 1845-1877
2 - Agreement by the Trustees of Lord Vernon to let to the Managers of Lord Vernon’s Subury Schools Sudbury Boys and Girls Schools from year to year at a peppercorn rent: school to be conducted on the principles of the National Society: plan inset. (The schools were transferred to Derbyshire County Council in 1925) 1 Jan - 1903
3 - Draft letter to Mr Shearman, Headmaster of Sudbury School, on his retirement - 1943
4 - Testimonial to H W Fearnehough, Headmaster of Sudbury School, by the Rector of Sudbury, Chairman of the Managers - 1945
5 - National Society pamphlet on the Church and schools - 1944
6 - Derbyshire Education Committee - Schools Circular No 154, Mar - 1948
7 - OS 1st edition 6" Staffordshire sheet XL NW - 1891
8 - Engraving of Edward Venables Vernon, Archbishop of York
9 - Outline of the career of Archbishop Vernon Harcourt by C E Bowles - 1900
10 - Engraving of Augustus 6th Baron Vernon - 1869
11 - Photograph of unidentified church
12 - Photograph of altar at Sudbury church
13 - Photograph of interior of church with photograph of ? incumbent at the time
14 - Photograph of church exterior from the east
15 - Draft letter to Mr Howard, sub-postmaster at Sudbury, accompanying a presentation to him - 1946
Collapse 16 - Acts of Parliament - 1780-183516 - Acts of Parliament - 1780-1835
Expand 17 - Sudbury drawings - 187417 - Sudbury drawings - 1874