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Collapse D1251 - Parish of Sudbury All Saints - 1673-2001D1251 - Parish of Sudbury All Saints - 1673-2001
Collapse A - Parish archives - 1673-2001A - Parish archives - 1673-2001
Expand PD - Parochial Church Council - 1920-2000PD - Parochial Church Council - 1920-2000
Expand PF - Sudbury charities - 17th-20th centPF - Sudbury charities - 17th-20th cent
Collapse PI - Records of the parish incumbent - 1673-2001PI - Records of the parish incumbent - 1673-2001
Expand 1 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1673-18121 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1673-1812
Expand 2 - Baptism registers - 1813-19682 - Baptism registers - 1813-1968
Collapse 3 - Marriage registers - 1754-20013 - Marriage registers - 1754-2001
Expand 4 - Banns registers - 1824-19724 - Banns registers - 1824-1972
Expand 5 - Burial registers - 1813-19005 - Burial registers - 1813-1900
Expand 6 - Service registers - 1880-20056 - Service registers - 1880-2005
Expand 7 - Sudbury sermons - 18417 - Sudbury sermons - 1841
Expand 8 - Incumbent records - 1878-19038 - Incumbent records - 1878-1903
9-15 - Numbers not used
16 - Restoration - 1873
17 - Alterations - 1874
18 - Removal of unnecessary buildings on the glebe - 1878
19 - Adding inscription to Violet Clay’s memorial tablet - 1941
20 - Screen and memorial tablet - 1953
21 - Summary church restoration account - 1873-1886
22 - Letter from F S Ogden, Chartered Surveyor, regarding repairs to the roof of the Vernon Chapel, 10 Aug - 1957
23 - Elevation and details of chancel roof
24 - Ground plan of Sudbury church
25 - Drawings of windows
26-27 - Two letters regarding burial ground for visitors to the parish - 1942
28-30 - Glebe terriers - 1685-1698
31-35 - Deed of exchange by which the Rector of Sudbury, Samuel Sturges, conveyed to George Vernon the Parsonage House, 3a 2r 36p, and part of Holliwell Close 1a 2r 25p, in exchange for part of the Greatricks Crofts at Townsend, 1a 0r 00p, and a little meadow of Joseph Presbury’s by the Dove 4a 2r 08p, with covenant that Vernon should build a new parsonage house of not less than four bays on the new site, 26 Apr 1687: also survey of the land being exchanged by John Orme 17 March 1686/7, notes on the exchange by William Leeke, 30 March 1687, and decretal order by the Master of the Rolls, 23 Jun 1697 - 1687-1697
36-37 - George Fletcher, Rector of Sudbury, to exchange 37a 2r 25p, of glebe land, required by Lord Vernon to improve his Park and pleasure grounds, for 69a 0r 24p of Vernon’s freehold land, with two plans and terriers, giving close names, acreage and annual value, 13 May - 1780
38 - Draft proposals for the 1780 exchange - 1780
39 - William Kenderdine of Sudbury, yeoman, of half a messuage in Myll Lane, Sudbury, where Marie Kenderdine, William’s mother, lives, half a close called Brooke Close, and 16 arable lands, 9 in the Crosse Field, 2 in the Hill Field, 2 in the Church Field on a flatt called the Parke Flatt, 3 in the Windmill Field, and one ley of meadow ground in a meadow called the Millstones, for 99 years at an annual rent of 5s, 23 Mar - 1634-1635
40 - Lease by Nathaniel Sturges, Rector of Sudbury, to William Kenderdine of West Bramidge (Bromwich), husbandman, in consideration of £5, of a tenement in Sudbury formerly in the occupation by William Kenderdine the elder, with all land etc belonging, for the life of Nathaniel Sturges or so long as he shall continue Rector of Sudbury, at an annual rent of 5s, 25 Mar - 1671
41 - Assignment by William Kenderdine of West Bramidge (Bromwich), husbandman, to James Stubbs, servant of George Vernon, in consideration of £35, of the tenement and land in D1251/A/PI/40, 26 Mar - 1671
42 - Lease by Samuel Sturgess, Rector of Sudbury, to George Vernon of Sudbury, esq, of that part of the tenement belonging to the parsonage in Sudbury now or late in the occupation of Joseph Presbury, with all land etc belonging, for 99 years or for the life of Samuel Sturges, at an annual rent of 5s, 25 Jul - 1684
43 - Lease by Samuel Sturges, Rector of Sudbury, to William Hurd of Eddleston, Derbyshire, yeoman, in consideration of £5, of a close of arable or pasture land in Rodsley in the parish of Longford called Dickfield in the occupation of William Hurd, for 80 years or for the life of Samuel Sturges, at annual rent of £7, 31 Dec - 1684
44 - Lease by Samuel Sturges, Rector of Sudbury, to George Vernon of Sudbury esq, in consideration of £5, of a tenement in Sudbury in the occupation of John Banister, with all lands etc belonging, for 99 years or for the life of Samuel Sturges, at annual rent of 13s 4d, 25 Jul - 1684
45 - Lease by Samuel Sturges, Rector of Sudbury, to James Stubbs of Sudbury, husbandman, in consideration of £13, of a messuage or tenementin Sudbury now in the occupation of James Stubbs, with all lands etc belonging, for 99 years or for the life of Samuel Sturges, at an annual rent of 11s, 7 Nov - 1691
46 - Lease by John Addenbrooke, Rector of Sudbury, to Richard Peacock of Rodsley, gent, in consideration of £20, of closes of arable or pasture land in Rodsley called the Dickfields,18a by estimation, for 99 years or for the life of John Addenbrooke, at an annual rent of £7, 7 Apr - 1737
47 - Lease by John Addenbrooke, Rector of Sudbury, to George Venables Vernon of Sudbury esq, - 22 feb [1737]
48-49 - 3 tracings of Sudbury glebe land taken from OS 25" map of 1881 - Rector, Broughton Farm and Aston Heath Farm - 1908
50 - Agreement between John Waterhouse, Rector of Sudbury, and Mary Vernon, widow of John Vernon of Sudbury, esq, deceased, by which (a) Mary Vernon, in consideration of £25, £40 at the feast of the Annunciation next ensuing, and £25 13s 4d at the feast of St Michael the Archangel next ensuing, is to receive until Ascension Day 1613, all obligations, tithes and other emoluments belonging to the parsonage of Sudbury (b) Mary Vernon is to take into her hands a field or pasture called Over Eyes until St Thomas’ Day 1612, and from thence forward until the Rector shall need it, at an annual rent of 20s. c) Mary Vernon is appointed to demand tithes from parishioners refusing to pay. (d) Mary Vernon is to have use of half of the barn at Sudbury Rectory for the tithes.29 Dec - 1609
51 - Lease by Edward Peers, Rector of Sudbury, to James Stubs the elder, Mary his wife and James Stubs the younger, in consideration of 50s of a moiety of a messuage and small tenement or cottage in Mill Lane, Sudbury, for the lives of the three members of the Stubs family, at an annual rent of 6s, 22 Nov - 1642
52 - Lease by Samuel Sturges, Rector of Sudbury, to George Vernon of Sudbury, esq, of all tithes, oblations and other emoluments arising from the demesne lands of George Vernon in Sudbury, for 60 years or for the life of Samuel Sturges, at an annual rent of £15, 25 Jul - 1684
53 - As D1251/A/PI/52 but part missing - 1684
54 - Agreement by Nathaniel Sturges, Rector of Sudbury, to let to William Harrison all tithes in Sudbury, for 60 years, apart from the tithes on part of the Vernon estate and also reserving to Sturges the customary Easter dues, 1 Jun - 1658
55 - Depositions by John Plymer and John Bowler regarding payment of tithe hen in Sudbury - 17th cent
56 - Memorandum of tithe composition money received by Samuel Sturges, Rector of Sudbury, from the Trustees of the late Henry Vernon - 1729
57 - Statement by Rev Frederick Anson regarding proposals for the commutation of tithes in Sudbury 5 May - 1838
58 - Letter from Rev Frederick Anson to George(?Vernon) refusing his proposal to commute the tithes of Sudbury for £550 - c1838
59 - Certificate of redemption of tithe rent-charge - 1930
60-76 - Papers relating to benefice income - 1909-1958
77-84 - Papers relating to dilapidations survey with surveyor’s report, correspondence and small plan of rectory - 1940
85-106 - Papers relating to fourth dilapidations survey, with detailed surveyor’s report, plan and correspondence - 1945-1946
107-115 - Papers relating to fifth delapidations survey with detailed surveyor’s report and correspondence - 1950
116-124 - Dilapidations assessment and further correspondence relating to fifth survey - 1951
125-132 - Correspondence with Church Commissioners regarding dilapidations - 1954
133-147 - Proposals and correspondence regarding the dis-union of the united benefice of Sudbury, Somersal Herbert, Boyleston and Scropton, and the purchase of Kelmscott House, Scropton, as a parsonage house for the new united benefice of Boyleston and Scropton - 1956
148-158 - Further papers relating to the purchase of Kelmscott - 1956
159-160 - Letter from Boylestone PCC to the Archdeacon of Derby regarding the proposed dis-union - 1956
161-163 - Correspondence regarding the insurance Kelmscott - 1956
164-177 - Correspondence regarding the extension of the churchyard at Boylestone to take in part of the garden of the former rectory - 1956
178-181 - Correspondence regarding an easement - drainage to cesspool in a glebe field - at the former Boylestone rectory - 1956
182-189 - Copy conveyance of Kelmscott and associated papers - 1956
190 - Rector of Sudbury’s war-time file containing Derbyshire Rural Community Council’s war emergency organisation notes, Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen’s Families Association (Derbyshire Branch) correspondence and various circulars - 1939-1943
191 - Notes on the Anson family - 1899
192 - Photograph of Canon F Anson and family at Windsor
193 - Photograph of Canon F Anson and family at Sudbury Rectory
194 - Photograph of a Rector of Sudbury in the library at Sudbury Rectory
195 - Sudbury and Somersal Herbert parish magazine Jan - 1939
196 - Folder of Derby Diocesan leaflets and Derby Diocesan News - 1941-1956
197 - Work on church roof, 1968. Includes related correspondence, Feb 1964-Nov 1968 - 1968
198 - Faculty for fitting of new doors at porch entrance to church, Includes related correspondence, Nov 1982-Jan 1984 - 1984
199 - Quinquennial Surveys, Jun 1958, Feb 1978 and Apr 1984 - 1958-1984
200 - Correspondence regarding the renovation of the church bells,including estimate and plan of proposed work, Oct 1886; specifications, estimates and reports of work, Nov 1978-Mar 1980 - 1886-1980
201 - Correspondence regarding the renovation of the organ, Feb 1983-Feb 1999 - 1983-1999
202 - Correspondence regarding the design and installation of the memorial stained glass window in the Chancel, including designs submitted for consideration, photograph of window and order of service for the dedication, 3 Jun 2001 - 1996-2001
203 - Letter from the The National Trust regarding the proposed sale to Sudbury Parochial Church Council of land for use as a new burial ground, 3 Jun 1970 - 1970
204 - Correspondence regarding the creation of a Garden of Remembrance at Sudbury, May 1994-Jun 2000 - 1994-2000
205 - Papers relating to the eighth and ninth dilapidations surveys, with correspondence on maintenance and repair work carried out on the rectory, and discussion of plans for a new rectory and the sale of surplus land, Jul 1959-Mar 1975 - 1959-1975
206 - Correspondence regarding the building of a new rectory and sale of surplus land, Jun 1973-Jun 1979, including plans - 1973-1979
207 - Correspondence regarding rectory repairs, Jul 1979-Jul 1986 - 1979-1986
208 - Annual Returns to Church Assembly and Pensions Board - 1938-1954
209 - Copy of Pastoral Measure, 1983, regarding alteration of the areas of the parishes of Ashbourne with Mapleton, Atlow, Bradbourne, St Mary Cromford, Cubley, All Saints' Elton, Hulland, Kniveton, Osmaston, Snelston, Somersal Herbert, Sudbury, Winster, Wirksworth with Alderwasley and Yeaveley, 12 Oct 1987 - 1987
210 - Photograph of Frederick Tufnell, Rector of Sudbury
211 - Photographs of silver plate at Sudbury
212 - Note regarding the history of the chalice at Sudbury
213 - Correspondence relating to the proposed sale of Glebe land opposite the rectory to Lord Vernon of Sudbury, 19-20 Sep 1945 - 1945
214 - Charging Assessment under the Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Measures 1923-1951 for £245 and interest, regarding the Benefice of Sudbury and Somersall Herbert - 1960
215 - Mortgage for securing the payment of £102.15 with interest, Rev W. E. G. Fisk of the Benefice of Sudbury and Somersall Herbert to the Church Commissioners, 1 Apr 1960, as a loan for the purpose of meeting the cost of purchasing for the benefice certain removable fixtures being the personal property of the previous incumbent - 1960
216 - Plan of repairs made to Lord Vernon’s grave, May - 1882
217 - Plan of drainage at Sudbury Rectory, Dec Scale: 1/8 inch to 1 foot - 1899
218 - Letter from Sudbury Estate Office re installation of electric light at Sudbury Church, Apr Includes plan of proposed underground cable - 1932
219 - Correspondence regarding parish copies of Sudbury Tithe Apportionment and Altered Apportionments being located at Sudbury Estate Office - 1956
Expand PO - Overseers of the poor - 1661-1892PO - Overseers of the poor - 1661-1892
Expand PS - Surveyors/Overseers of Highways - 1767-1885PS - Surveyors/Overseers of Highways - 1767-1885
Expand PV - Vestry - 1712-1947PV - Vestry - 1712-1947
Expand PW - Churchwardens - 17th-20th centPW - Churchwardens - 17th-20th cent
Expand PZ - Miscellaneous - 1780-1948PZ - Miscellaneous - 1780-1948