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Collapse D1131 - Derbyshire County Council - 1728-1890D1131 - Derbyshire County Council - 1728-1890
Expand E - Estate papers - 1885E - Estate papers - 1885
Collapse T - Deeds - 1728-1890T - Deeds - 1728-1890
1 - Feoffment by John Woolley of Matlock, yeoman, and Anne his wife, to George Bradley of Matlock, miner, in consideration of £10, of a house wherein Henry Bradley lately lived, consisting of 2 bays of building, with a small garden - subject to a chief rent of 1d p.a. and liable for all parish assessments at the rate of ½d. 4 October - 1728
2 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years by George Bradley to John Wall of Stanton Hall, Parish of Youlgreave, yeoman, for £20, of a cottage at Matlock, inhabited by Bradley, with the garden, croft or backside. 24 June - 1737
3 - Assignment of mortgage by Ellen Wall of Bonsall widow and devisee of John Wall of Tankersley, Parish of Darley, yeoman, John Wall and Joseph Wall, her sons, to Samuel Watts of Matlock, breech-maker, in consideration of £20 paid by Lydia Bradley, widow of George Bradley, or premises as T2, for the remainder of the term, in trust for Lydia Bradley. 6 April - 1754
4 - Copy will of Lydia Bradley of Matlock, widow to her son George Bradley, 20s - to her daughter Sarah Bradley, the bed and bedding standing over the parlour, one pewter dish and two plates, to her son Henry Bradley, all her house, late in in the possession of Jack Flint, with the garden - to her son James Bradley, the house at Matlock, wherein she now dwells, with the garden - James to be sole executor - her seats in Matlock Church to be divided between James and Henry. 16 April - 1754
5 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years by Henry Bradley of Matlock, miner (eldest son of Henry Bradley of Matlock, miner, deceased) and Hannah Bradley, widow of Henry, to Thomas Mather of Matlock, miner, for £18 of a messuage of Matlock with all outhouses etc. 9 December - 1793
6 - Feoffment by James Wright of Matlock and Anthony Alsop of Wensley, gents (devisees in trust under the will of Henry Bradley, deceased) and Hannah Bradley, widow, to Adam Knowles of Matlock Bank, miner, in consideration of £18 13s paid to John Beastall of Warslow (St), shopkeeper (executor of the will of Thomas Mather, deceased) and £27 7s paid to Wright and Alsop, of premises as T5 - with assignment by Beastall to George Knowles the younger of Matlock Bank, miner of the remainder of the mortgage term, in trust for Adam Knowles to attend the inheritance. 28 July - 1797
7 - Conveyance by John Hawley of Matlock, blacksmith to Job Knowles of Matlock, yeoman and George Nuttall of Matlock, gent (trustee), in consideration of £12 10s, of a cowhouse at Matlock Bank bounded by a garden in the occupation of George Ludlam on the north and the road from Matlock Bank to the Chesterfield Turnpike on the south, measuring 5½ yards by 6½ yds. 6 February - 1855
8 - Mortgage in fee by Hannah Ludlam of Matlock, widow, to Joseph Boden of Matlock, yeoman reciting that Hannah is entitled under the will of Adam Knowles, to the premises first described, in fee simple - and reciting the Hannah is entitled under the will of James Ludlam, deceased, her husband, to the premises secondly described, for life and that George Ludlam of Staveley Woodthorpe, yeoman, Henry Ludlam of Wolverhampton, publican, Anthony Ludlam of Wilden (Worcester), engineer Luke Ludlam of Brierley Hill (Worcester), plumber and glazier, Martha Ludlam of Matlock, spinster, Mary Ann Milner, spinster and entitled to the reversion seven eighth parts of the said premises after the death of Hannah - for £100 paid to Henry Ludlam, on the direction of Hannah, George, Anthony, Luke, Martha Mary Ann and Eliza, of a cottage and garden at Matlock and a close in the occupation of Samuel Fox, formerly known as Thistle Close but now as Bottom Bit (3 roods 7 perches) (no 2217 on the Tithe Map) - with assurance by Hannah to Boden of seven eighth parts of a parcel of land (1a) now laid to Little Maidens Croft, and of allotment 210 under the Matlock Inclosure Award, now divided into two closes known as Middle Piece (1 roods 26 perches) and Top Piece (3 roods 9 perches). 27 April - 1855
9 - Assignment of Mortgage by Joseph Boden, at the direction of Adam Knowles Ludlam of Coatbridge near Glasgow, tinman, to Anna Coultis of Wolverhampton, spinster, in consideration of £109 14s 5d, or premises as D1131/T/8. 15 June - 1864
10 - Copy probate of Adam Knowles Ludlam of Wolverhampton, tinman - to his brothers, George Henry Ludlam and Isaac Summerhill Ludlam, of Wolverhampton, all his real and personal estates, upon trust to sell the same and pay one half to his mother Phoebe Ludlam of Wolverhampton, widow and the other half (or if his mother predeceases him, the whole) to be divided between his brothers and sisters, Hannah Maria Ludlam, George Henry Ludlam, Charles James Ludlam, Isaac Summerhill Ludlam, Henry Alfred Ludlam, Mary Jane Ludlam and Phoebe Elizabeth Ludlam - George and Isaac to be executors (will dated 16 November 1867). Proved at Lichfield, 17 January - 1883
11 - Disclaimer by George Henry Ludlam of 11 Wednesfield Road, Wolverhampton, tinplate worker, of all devises, bequests, offices and trusts under the will of Adam Knowles Ludlam, but without prejudice to his share of the residuary money. 15 February - 1883
12 - Re-conveyance by Emma Coultis of Wolverhampton spinster, to Isaac Summerhill Ludlam of 11 Wednesfield Road, Wolverhampton varnish manufacturer's clerk, all principal and interest having been paid of the cottage known as Dimple Cottage and the Bottom Pit with all other the mortgaged premises now vested in Ludlam. 16 February - 1883
13 - Conveyance by Isaac Summerhill Ludlam to Edward Slack of Allen Hill, Matlock Bridge, butcher, in consideration of £80, of a cottage known as Dimple Cottage, with the garden, at Matlock Bank. 10 February - 1885
14 - Copy mortgage by Edward Slack of Matlock, butcher, to Crompton and Evans Union Bank Ltd, for £2899 6d, of a cottage known as Dimple Cottage, at Matlock Bank, a parcel of land at Matlock Bank, formerly part of a close called Hustler, fronting on Smedley Street (576 square yards), a plot of land at Matlock Bank, being another part of the said close (1123 square yards) with the two messuages recently erected on the said plots (tenants Miss Wigston and Joseph Fearn, a plot of land at Matlock Bank, formerly part of Cothowkey Close, bounded on the south east of New Street with 2 messuages recently erected thereon, a building, formerly a cowhouse, now a shop, at Matlock Bank, fronting south on the road from Matlock Bank to the Chesterfield Road and a parcel of land at Wirksworth known as Wetherwicks (14a). 1 January endorsed with memorandum of conveyance of the shop to the Local Board, 3 January 1894 endorsed with memorandum of conveyance of the plot on New Street to Frank Hopkinson of New Street, 27 March, 1907 endorsed with memorandum of conveyance of the land at Wirksworth to Joseph Samuel Fritchley of Wirksworth, plumber and farmer, 22 April, 1907 - 1890