Place Name | Hope Woodlands |
Parish | Hope Woodlands |
Hundred | Europe |
County | Derbyshire |
Electoral Division | North (1832-1885) |
High Peak (1885-) |
Local Authority | Chapel-en-le-Frith Rural District Council |
Registration District | High Peak (1837-1838) |
Chapel-en-le-Frith (1838-1974) |
High Peak (1974-) |
Petty Sessional Division | Chapel en le Frith |
County Court Division | Chapel en le Frith |
UK GSS Code | E04002853 - High Peak Borough (2016) |
Country | United Kingdom, England |
Notes | Township in parish of Hope Most of it included in new parish of Derwent Woodlands 1871, and united with parish of Bamford 1943 |
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