
Entry TypeCorporate
Corporate NameJohn Smedley Ltd
PlaceLea Mills
Epithetspinning and hosiery manufacturers
HistoryThe company was founded in 1784, at Lea Mills, Matlock, Derbyshire, by Peter Nightingale and John Smedley. The mill specialised in the production of muslin and spinning cotton to send out to local cottages with hand frame looms, before expanding its activities to include knitting and hosiery manufacture. ¶ ¶John Smedley, son of the founder, took over the firm in 1825 at the age of 24. Along with modernising and expanding the company, he also took an interest in philanthropy, including hydrotherapy, which saw him establish the Smedley Hydro in Matlock. He built Riber Castle, the family home which overlooks the town, in 1862. ¶ ¶The firm became a limited company in 1893 and during the following 50 years it extended its production to include swimwear and lingerie. The company remains a going concern and still has its base at Lea Mills, exporting its products to over 35 countries worldwide.
Authorised Form of NameLea Mills; John Smedley Ltd; spinning and hosiery manufacturers

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