
Entry TypeCorporate
Corporate NameBolsover and Staveley Methodist Circuit
Epithetreligious organisation
HistoryIn 1859, Bolsover was made the head of a branch, under the Chesterfield Primitive Methodist Circuit. In 1869, this branch became the Bolsover Circuit and then, in 1879, became known as the Staveley Circuit. In 1899, Bolsover became the head of a Circuit bearing its own name, alongside Staveley Circuit, which still covered the old ground.

In 1888, Chesterfield Primitive Methodist Circuit split into three. One of these was the Chesterfield 1st Circuit, later known as the Holywell Cross and Staveley Circuit, based on Holywell Cross Church, Chesterfield. In 1956, Holywell Cross, Stonegravels, Wellington Street and Cross London Street in New Whittington were transferred to the Saltergate Circuit and St Paul's Church, Clowne was transferred to Staveley from the Worksop Circuit. Following this, the Holywell Cross and Staveley Circuit became known as the Staveley Circuit.

A united Bolsover and Staveley Circuit was formed in September 1972 from the amalgamation of the Staveley Circuit (known as Holywell Cross and Staveley Circuit until 1956) and the Bolsover Circuit (1899-1972), both formerly Primitive circuits. The Chesterfield churches from the Staveley Circuit were incorporated into the Chesterfield Saltergate Circuit. The Bolsover and Staveley Circuit was amalgamated with part of the Ashfield, Clay Cross and Ripley Methodist Circuits in September 2010 to form the Borders Mission Methodist Circuit.

Circuit service locations, 1976: Staveley, Barrow Hill, Inkersall, Clowne, Mastin Moor, Poolsbrook, Barlborough, Hillstown, Shuttlewood, Bolsover Hill Top, Doe Lea, New Bolsover, Scarcliffe, Glapwell, Brimington, New Brimington, Brimington Common, Duckmanton
Authorised Form of NameBolsover; Bolsover and Staveley Methodist Circuit; 1972-2010; religious organisation

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