
Entry TypeCorporate
Corporate NameChesterfield 2nd Primitive Methodist Circuit
Epithetreligious organisation
HistoryThe first Primitive Methodist Church in Chesterfield opened in 1827 at Brampton, when Methodism was already well established in the area. In 1888, the Chesterfield Primitive Methodist Circuit split into three: Chesterfield 1st, 2nd and 3rd Circuits.
The Chesterfield 2nd Circuit became known as the Mount Zion Circuit.

Churches in the 2nd Circuit: Mount Zion, Hasland, Brampton, Holymoorside, Cutthorpe, Wadshelf, Calow Green, Barlow and Newbold. This later became

Predecessor: Chesterfield Primitive Methodist Circuit (1827-1888)
Successor: Chesterfield Mount Zion Methodist Circuit (1932-1950)
Authorised Form of NameChesterfield; Chesterfield 2nd Primitive Methodist Circuit; 1888-1932; religious organisation

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