
Entry TypePerson
Epithetofficer of the Royal Marines, political economist and prolific writer
Cultural HeritageWhite British
BiographyTorrens was a correspondent of Sir Robert John Wilmot Horton between at least March 1826 and Feb 1831, after sending Wilmot Horton a copy of his newly published third edition of his essay on the External Corn Trade. A month later Torrens wrote supporting Wilmot Horton’s view that an organised scheme of emigration would offer a solution to the problems of poverty and unemployment with the consequent strain upon poor rates. Torrens asserted that objectors to such a scheme were misguided in their understanding of how wage levels are determined, and provided a thirty-page theoretical exposition. He subsequently included this text in several publications: first as an appendix in 'On the Means of Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes' to the 1829 edition of 'Essay on the External Corn Trade'.

Subsequent letters show the extent of a co-operative relationship between Wilmot Horton and Torrens in their shared enthusiasm to promote the notion of organised emigration through publications and through advocacy within Government debates.

Torrens was a part-owner of The Globe newspaper. He was elected MP for Ipswich in 1826, but unseated in 1827 following objections to the validity of the election. Later Torrens asked for Wilmot Horton’s assistance in achieving a Parliamentary seat and admission to the Colonial Board, in order that he might be able to participate in debates about emigration.
Authorised Form of NameTorrens; Robert (1780-1864); Mr; officer of the Royal Marines, political economist and prolific writer

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